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May 21, 1921 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1921-05-21

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Lverything Ready
For i-Lit Dance

400 Youngsters Render Earl Moore's
Cantata Well; Miss Struble's-
Violin Popular
(By L. A. K.)
Before an exceptionally enthusias-
tic audience, and displaying marked"
dramatic and vocal ability, Mme. Lu-
cretia Bori brought the fourth con-
cert of the' May festival series to a
fitting climax last night with -her
wonderfully fine ' rendition of the
Aria, "Mi chiamano Mimi", from "La
Mme. Bori is the possessor ,of a
charming personality and sings, not
only with great clearness of tone, but
with perfect control, and with a
technique of such high development
that her work is made well nigh
without fault.
The Chicago Symphony orchestra
seemed in last night's concert to be{
at its best.
Prof. Albert A. Stanley's sym-
phonic poem "Attis", Opus 16, also
was rendered by special request un-
der Professor Stanley's own direc-
tion, and, met with an excellent re-
ception, the composer responding to
his enthusiastic encores and receiv-
ing gifts of flowers with his usual,
(By S.B. C.)
With their' small voices blending in
th'e quaint skrains of three old folkf
songs, the Ann Arbor school children,
led by George Oscar Bowen, began'
their program yesterday afternoon in
a manner that won the enthusiasm ofw
all those present.
Sikes' Voice Pleases
The chorus gave the first perform-1
ance of Earl V. Moore's cantata, "The
Voyage of Arion", for children's chor-
us and baritone solo. 'Dhe work is3
particularly adapted to children's
voices, and the 400 who sang in it
told the story with a sincerity and ex-
pressiveness that insured its suc-
Chase Sikes, baritone, took the solo
part in the cantata and also sang;
three songs: a recitative and, aria
from Handel's "From the Rage of the,
Tempest"; an old Scotch folk song,
"The Praise of Islay";'and Dens,
more's "Roadways". He sings with
a frankness which makes his work ex-
tremely popular. His voice is rich,
clear, and powerful, and he uses it toa
Violinist Scores Success
Another factor which made this
program especially popUiar was the
playing of Marian Struble, violinist.
Her work is full of vitality and ex-
cellent in interpretation and tech-t
nique. In the romance and allegrof
movements pf the Wieniawski con-
certo she carried her audience first tol
dreamy reverie and then to restless-
ness in the last movement,

Sings the Title Role in "Aida," at
the May Festival Concert Tonight.
Baptist Representative Will Speak on
Evolution from Christian k
William Jennings Bryan 'and his at-
titude on Darwinism will come in for
some more attention tomorrow eve-
ning when Allyn K. Foster, special
university representative of the
Northern Baptist convention, will con-
duct an open forum in Lane hall upon
the subject, "The Christian Attitude'
Toward Evolution -- An Answer to
William Jennings Bryan on Darwin-
ism." Sherwood Eddy will join in.
conducting the forum, which will
start after the services in Hill audi-
Mr. Foster will also speak at 10:30
o'clock in the morning in the Baptist
church on "The Scientific' Nature of
.Religion". At 6:30 o'clock he will
talk to the union young people's meet-
ing at the Methodist church on "Chris-
tians as Propagandists".
Fosterhas been touring the country
visiting various universities where he
has conducted forum discussions for
faculty, members and students. It is
said that the outstandin'g feature of
his meetings has been the modern at-'
titude in which he considers religious
Tomorrow's discussions are open to
students and faculty members.
Featuring editorials concerning the
money needed for the new hospital
building, the choosing of a college or
university, and'sothers of equal inter-
est in the Event and Comment depart-l
ment, the May issue of the Michigan
Alumnus has made its appearance.
One of the articles extends thanks
to the Hon. A. M. Todd of Kalamazoo
for the exhibit of modern paintingsf
now in Alumni Memorial hall which,
he sent to the University. An exten-
sive story regarding Reunion day and
(Continuea on Page Six)

Freshmen Told University is Measured
Not by Buildings but Fibre of
"Where, oh where are the verdant
Safe now in the sophomore class."
True. Michigan spirit filled Sleepy
Hollow last night as the freshmen of
1924 -doffed their yearling headgear.
for the last time and cast the worn
gray caps to the flames in celebra-
tion of the' fifteenth annual Cap night
ceremony. A crowd estimated at ap-
proximately 10,000 people packed thej
hollow and overflowed into every
point of vantage in the vicinity to wit-
ness the event.1
Band Leads Procession
Marching to "The Victors", the pro-
cession of -students, led by the Var-
sity band, entered Sleepy Hollow and
took their places shortly before 8t
Flames froze the bonfire to the rear
of the speakers' stand 'leaped up as
the student body took its place and
furnished a curtain of light against1
which the speakers stood out in dark
relief. Weather conditions were nev-
er more favorable to add impressive-1
ness to the scene. -
LeGrand A. Gaines, '21E, master of
ceremonies, in a short introductory
speech explained the significance oft
Cap night and asked that the class of
'24, the first freshman class under the
administration of President Marion L.1
'Burton, do its part in carrying on the
work for a greater Michigan.1
Speaking as a faculty representa-
tive -and 'also as a private in the I
ranks of the vast army of Michigan
alumni, Prof. Lewis M. Gram said itf
was up to all who have the interest
of the University at heart to be
worthy of the confidence placed int
the University by the recent legisl -

l tive appropriations. A university is
measured, not by its buildings, but by
the fibre and integrity of the finished
product, Professor Gram said. "What-
ever you get while at Michigan, get
the inspiration of loyalty," he urged.
Ten Get Blankets
Professor Gram told the purpose of
awarding the M blankets, and at the
close of his address blankets were
presented to 10 men who had won an
M in one sport for two years. Those
receiving blankets were: E. E. Wei-
man, '21, three years in football;
Ralph 0. Rychener,-.'22M, three years
in basketball; Jack G. Williams, '21,
three years in basketball; Benjamin
Weiss, '21D, two years in basketball;
Wiliam P. Fortune, '24L, three years
in football; Lawrence Butler, '21,
three years in track; Peter Van Bov-
en, '21, two years in baseball; James
I. McClintock, '21L, two years in bas-
ketball; Alan Boyd, '21L, two years in
footfall; John S. Perrin, '21, two y'ears
in football and two years in base-
ball; Harold Rye, '21, two years in
football. Other blankets .will beI
awarded at a later date to men who
were not able to be present at the
presentation last night.
The freshmen were welcomed into
the fellowship of Michigan men by
Albert C. Jacobs, '21, speaking for the
student body. He warned the fresh-
men that, while they are to reap the
benefits of the labors of all who have
preceded them in the University, they
are obligated to prove themselves
wofthy of the privileegs open to
them by fair play and unselfish serv-
ice to the University.
Heston, '04L, Speaks
William M. Heston, '04L, all-time
All=American football star, 'repre-
senting the alumni, gave the reasonsj
why all ,should be proud of their re-
lation to' the University, and pre-
dicted that within 15 years. it will,
have an enrollment of 20,000. He urg-
ed all to remember that they are here
primarily for academic purposes.
"Next to the Stars and Stripes every
Michigan man should love the Yellow1
and Blue," was one of his remarks.
which brfaght applause from th'e au-I

Everything is in readiness for the
opening strains of "Nobe" Wetherbee's
eight piece two-piano orchestra which
will start the junior lit dance prompt-
ly at 8 o'clock this evening in Barbour
gymnasium. A special decorative ef-
feet has been worked out and a sys-
tem of lighting installed which is de-
clared unique. Refreshments will be
served throughout the course of the
The Spotlight quartette composed
of Kemp Keena, School of Music, Tom
Underwood, '23L, Paul Wilson, '23L,
and Albert Schirmer, '22E, will give
a novelty act in addition to the fea-
ture entertainers of the orchestra.
There will be programs for the list
of 12 dances.
The chaperones are to be Prof. W.
R. Humphreys and Mrs. Itumphreys,
Prof. J. W. Bradshaw and Mrs. Brad-'
shaw, and George A. Kuyper, instruct-
or in English. The affair is to be
summer formal, the attire being either
white trousers or tuxedos.
Tickets are $2 a couple and may be
secured at both of Graham's book-
stores, Wahr's bookstore, and a lim-
ited number at the door. The dance
is open to the campus.
Wesbrook's Playing Feature; Oppon-
ent Downed in 12 Consecntive
(By a Special Correspondent)
Amherst,. Mass., May 20.-Michigan
scored a 6 to 0 victory over Amherst
in tennis .today, the Wolverines easily
copping all the matches. Only in the
match between Merkel and Brickett
was it necessary to play the ull three
sets, the Easterner taking the second
set with a score of 8 to 10. '
The Michigan team played as good
a brand of tennis as they have shown
this year, as the scores indicate. The
Amherst team fought a losing contest,
all the way through, but put up a con-
tinuous battle nevertheless.
A feature of the contest was the
match between Wesbrook and Titus in
which the Michigan captain downed
his opponent in 12 consecutive games.
The Wolverines are now on their
way to Ithaca "where they are sched-
uled to take on the Cornell team to-
morrow. The men are all in excel-
lent shape and are looking forward to
a good battle with the Ithacans.
The scores of today's games were as
follows: Singles, Wesbrook vs. Tit-
us, 6-0, 6-0; Munz vs. Snider, 6-3, 6-4;
Angell vs. Plimpton, 6-2, 6-4; Merkel
vs. Brickett, 6-4, 8-10, 7-5. Doubles,
Munz and Angell vs. Titus and Snider,
6-2, 9-7; Wesbrook and Reindel vs.
Arnold and Plimpton, 6-2, 6-1.
flinois Beats Wisconsin
Urbana, May 20. - Illinois won ai
5 to 0 victory over Wisconsin in a
tight Western Conference baseball
game today. Home runs by Voegel
and Hellstrom and the pitching of1
Jackson kept the Illini out of danger.

Intercollegiate News Service N
Come Up for Discussion
This Morning
Plans for the formation of
Western Conference Editorial as
ciation were launched yesterday
ernoon at the first meeting of
prospective organization, which w
held at the Union. Representati
from six different Conference univ
sities are here, two from Minnes
and Ohio State, respectively, and o
from each of the following insti
tions: Iowa, Indiana, Illinois, a

To Elect Officers
The second part of the first meet
ing of the association will be held a
9 o'clock this morning in the Union
The election of officers for the 192
convention will be held and the uni
versity chosen at 'which the nex
meeting will take place. A definit
policy in regard to professionalism I
Intercollegiate- baseball will also b
adopted "this morning and the forma
tion of an intercollegiate news serv
I ice and student government organi
zation will be discussed. The revise
charter will be voted upon.
After the meeting all the delegate
will take lunch at fraternity houses
meet at 1:30 o'clock at the Union, an(
attend the Michigan-Chicago tract
meet on Ferry field. They will the:
banquet at the Union and afterward
attend the Junior lit dance at Bar
bour gymnasium.
Name Changed
At the meeting yesterday after
noon, the tentative constitution of th(
organization was brought up for dis
cussion and some changes were made
The name was changed from the Co -
ference Editorial assbciation to th(
Western Conference Editorial asso
ciation. The object -of the organiza
tion was passed upon, which is ex
pressed in the constitution as fol
low: "The purpose of the organiza
tion shall be to foste a' friendship o
understanding and common aimi
amodig the universities of the Confer
ence;and to provide yearly conven
tions of representatives of all stu
dent publications,rbywhom campus
and journalistic problems may be dis-
cussed and common decisions arriv
ed at."'
It was proposed and passed tha
hereafter each university shall bE
frged tosend as many representatives
from their various publications as
jrossible, but from that number onE
official delegate must be elected, hE
having the power to give the only
vote for that university. It was rul
ed, however, that at this first meetini
each representative be given the priv
ilege of voting,
Constitution Amenided
The constitution was furthei
amended in that the president shal'
be chosen from the delegates of that
(Continued on Page Six)

(Continued on Page Six)


Last Issue Of Chimes Called One,
Of Year's 3est; Contents Varied

(By W.B.)'

interesting things to say about Ox-I

The last number of "Chimes" for ford university, too.

Two Detroit schools, Eastern and
Northwestern, featured the prelimin-
ary heats of the Michigan interscholas-
tic track meet, held yesterday after-
noon. Northwestern placed 14 men in
the various events, Eastern 9, Grand
Rapids Central 9, and Toledo 5.
To close the meet there will be a
banquet for the contesting athletes at
12:15 o'clock in the Union. At this
time medals and cups will be present-
ed. Lawrence Butler, '21, R. J. Dunne,
'22,- Coach Farrell, and Archie Hahn'
will address the gathering.
Semi-final heats of 100 yard -dash
-First heat won by Setright, Jackson;
second, Blauman, Det. Northwestern.
Time 10 1-5. Second won by Monetta,
Toledo. Scott; second, Peel, Ann Arbor.
Time 10 3-5 seconds. Third, won by
Ozias, Highland Park; second, Crowe,
Lafayette. Time 10 2-5.,
Semi-final heats of 220 yard dash
-First heat won by Blauman, Det.
Northwestern; second, Voelker, Det.
Eastern; third, Monnetta, Toledo. TimeI
23. Second, won by Crowe, Lafayette;
second, Eason, Det. Northwestern;
third, MacDonald, Det. Northwestern.
Time 23 4-5.
Quarter mile-First heat won by
Davis, Det. Northwestern; second, Can-1
non, Lansing; third, Worden, G. R.
Central; four h, Moor, Toledo. -Time
54. Second won by Rockwell, G. R.'
Central; second, Reeder, Toledo; third,
McClausland Det. Eastern; fourth,
Cook, Muskegon. Time 54' 1-5.
Half mile, first heat won by Wan-
namaker, Highland Park; second,
Meyers, Ann Arbor; third, Walsh, G.
R. Central; fourth, Van Cleef, Tole-
do .Time 2:08 4-5. Second won by
Klein, Cass Tech; second, Hart, Sag-
inaw Hill; third, dongdon, Richmond;
fourth' Rhein. Det. Eastern. Time

120 high hurdles. First heat won
by Snider, Det. Northwestern; sec-
ond, Peel, Ann Arbor. Tire 16 4-5.
Second won by Haggerty, Ypsi; secs-
ond, Merriam, G. R. Central. Time 17
220 yard low hurdles. First heat
won by Haggerty, Ypsi; second, ley-
ers, Cass Tech. Time 26 4-5. Second
won by Snider, Det. Northwestern;
second, Merriam, G. R. Central. Time
27 2-5.
The, following qualified in the field
events: Shot put - Simpson, Det.
Northwestern, Stuart, Det. Eastern;
Steeneck, Det. Southeastern; Honde-
link, G. R. Central; Fulcher, Det.
Central; Hamilton, Det. Eastern.
Bestput by Simpson , 41 feet, 91-2
Hammer throw-Hondelink, G. R.)
Central; Stuart, Det. Eastern; Ham-
ilton, Det. Eastern; Bebean, Ann Ar-
bor; Wilcox, Lansing; Fulcher, Det.
Central. Best throw by Hondelink,
139 feet, 3 inches.
Discus-Mulder, Muskegon; Palmer,
G.'R. Central, Wilcox, Lansing; Simp-
son, Det. Northwestern; Stuart ,Det.
Eastern; Fulcher, Det. Central. Best
throw by Mulder, 103 feet, 7 inches.
Pole vault-Kiser Prout, Det. Cen-
tral; Gainder, Kalamazoo; Day, Det.
Northwestern; Baker, Jackson; Huff,
Det. Eastern; Snider, Det. Northwest-
High jump-Blalock, Det. Central;
Snider, Det. Northwestern; Haas, Det.
Eastern; Huebler, Ann Arbor; Mit-
chell, Highland Park; Jaynow, Jack-
son; Stewart, Ann Arbor. All at 5 feet,
11 1-2 inches.
Broad jump. Snider, Ozias, Day,
Lawrence, Gainder, Bohanon. Best-

"Aida,, Chicago Symphony Concert,
Pianist, Today 's Festival Prograt


the present academic year is off the.
press - it went on sale this morn-
ing - and after a thorough perusal
of it, the verdict cannot be otherwise
than that the staff has saved enough
good material until this time to make
the final issue if not the best, at least
one of the very best of the year. An
unusually large amount of excellent
stories and articles, generously in-
terspersed with enlivening cuts serv-
ed to substantiate the claims of the
first sentence and the staff of the
publication should be highly compli-
mented upon such a fitting close to
an unusually successful year.
There are two alumni articles this
month, one by Rob Wagner, author of
that extremely interesting book enti-
tled "Film Folk", who gives students
some inside information upon the

Lester E. Waterbury, editor of the
"Chimes", takes advantage of his last
opportunity to leave behind'him some
of the thoughts which he has'-accumu-
lated during his editorship. Clarence
Hatch Jr. occupies some little space
with an interesting account of base-
ball "doings" on Ferry field. George
E. Sloan continues his article begun
last month and entitled "Wanted --
a University Press", and there is al-
so an interesting personal comment
upon Prof. Albert A. Stanley. James
I. McClintock, last year's editor of
"Chimes", has some worth while
things to say upon the possibility of
student government.
The May issue contains but one bit
of fiction, a short story by Chester N.
Hess. There are several excellent
poems; however, and the usual depart-

Verdi's "Aida" at 8 o'clock this eve-
ning and a concert by the Chicago
Symphony orchestra with Fannie
Bloomfield Zeisler, pianist, as soloist
at 2:30 o'clock this afternoon will
make up the last two concerts in the
twenty-eighth annual May Festival.
Mme. Zeisler, the soloist at the aft-
ernoon concert 'is considered one of
the best 'pianists of the day. It has
been said of her that "the only pianist
with whom she can be compared in
her power to hold and move an audi-
ence is Paderewski." She will play
the maestoso, larghetto, and allegro
vivace movements of the Chopin Con-
certo No. 2 in F minor, opus 21. The
orchestra numbers on this program
are the overture to "The Magic Flute"
by Mozart and Schubert's Symphony
No. 10 in F minor, opus 21.
At the evening concert an unusual

union, and the Chicago Symphony or-
chestra will combine in a"concert per-
formance of Verdi's great opera. The
part of Aida will be sung by Lenora
Sparkes of the Metropolitan Opera
company. The part of Amneris goes
to Cyrena Van Gordon, mezzo-contral-
to of the Chicago Opera company. The
quality of her work is well known to
patrons of Ann Arbor concerts. Grace
Johnson-Konold, of the School of Mus-
ic, will sing the role of the high priest-
Charles Marshall, the sensational
tenor with the Chicago Opera com-
pany, will sing the part of Radames.
The parts of Amanasro and Ramphis
go to Arthur Middleton, bass-baritone
of the Metropolitan Opera company,
while Gustaf Holmquist, a real bass,
will take the role of the king. Robert
J. McCandliss. '21M. will annear a the

jump. Snider. 19 feet. Height.

7 12

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