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May 21, 1922 - Image 6

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MESRS:ANTPHIOSh~ii~ht[, HlIe iasily dpdolbyit Bite r ig-
W o sAN) WIFFLE ou sect, which duirsit o ot ofat
oo s and A uthors Aauoo hrwt aigf ison h ex o t andl~t aeohi
(A IReiew by I I. .) with the mins'or l'-,over on eueiiseta-
'l'HIs IcN(,lNIcII .,ANI) JIll PRICE Sstemo" reprsents a well-warranted' feminine comelises anl an averoooi society, practically penniles While
SYsIIP' criticismt of crtain weak spots Ili the to pithforks, makes a sojourn in mod-hiwfeadclreaeamotsrv
JBg Thorteio Veben. modeern indstrial sytenm. Ut-inene civilizaion and, finding it not alto- ingt, he spendshioitttine trying to m'-
(A.Rew- bye I. fL. [. 1loX sent of "industrial plant and gether to his liking, retrno to ancient {t~ralize the fancies o his crcked
Durig te pst wo r treeyea s w himn, failre to correlatefuy; Greece. Suhi the "stnc of "Mr. brain. Ile tries to maske soap ot o
ththriibengrt eatel' l astld theprdcto of gososs with the needs Antiphilo, Satyr" (Lieber and Lewis),jelfihadmicnouofcrot
si ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ h aomniy thsesaetae'e oepsatstly tsrrtc'dtyl'1 translated by Jon IHowasrdutadsasn. ItHisagu asapios-
thes lousd issuvery siomuse p i'itca i -suusustg leeaeossas-rcnyee i ob er iustussue
pbavs ta ros isesustis' eis. ',,e setarationi of owser-;from the french of Reny de Gour- etris o '' arevrutitulu-s tetor-
standpoint -sult is ot suite ri'iht ushillr of ihsus acies i h isscnnot.st sisivetions ansiits testire toss
tlse wo'urdtst. tuiruusuuir rcondtionss, Coro iistisus is tug 50oimeans ass unix- M'. Antipilos is a lustful uit gesisl ui s eei yrttisg tts5s
abrusoadt aidst hotms'huse-boen 2arpaing.Ists-lsg ass-latgd ttly unsmoral and pleasure- 5 tapter, upeialy, r a.5suslert pce
edfo is rrth b rIsEsueo in. lutist- '-5 ftisitshsissttes'swith stri~ing tloing in te usrest raisedtpaanans-susi- oy
impiendisng colpiseofs Isis 5., of ipsirsies, te autoriis udoing no snall ner His nobservations and relctinsios Crt Van ss t'ult'ss'Pe'tterWh'iffle"'
treli, o tIii pusIsi Iuis sst ss, t iiss.thrfthaityhe deeis isfres- 5U i s otlasiusaea ssrI(Kioui) isevnsmosre ususausthtass
ours whet'ecosnosirc organsizasto si"nt, rto e htli leo i ee-cosbination of wollisess assdlnus- 'tt'otss" ai 'Vechtet hs uuit'ut-
hasesit larcukedsticrrophets. the tuo s drive iss thuse observatiosns by vets. Te story soneshat resemsles duste imsel: in uriting sis, isse of
thin hasbeenalmst aggt'rsutn- issg their geserltiy, Iy "A Nigt iithe Luxnnstisrg" iitsO the st ragst asuit sia-tuisg
see, orethr"etsr-ntso :bussstl rnttgtus'- hisIssargument to ujsifiitedt clt emsotisnal qualities asd its impier- eombintuisiosc itfictiossansufct yuetyc
sernst tsa lstdasgr iuss i o: is rsccusioss, luy blurring the force of sresiltinteletasappel. ocueirust tug an Assriass urits. It
s'ulistg the vswurning:, seiously enoiugh. caionssther eit ie sthestfaule nslt-e "Eglolm and His God" (Kopf, Isturs 55iiius stsus5 isv'
Btitu'sen in the smidat :si iso ucshriinsnu letefsil ftewritten by Johnnes fuebolt and "(Csnftessions os atlusn"ants" lusts-
soheweuusdotoero. h transslatedl froms the Danish by W. NW. ters "Isitedi Veils" Wlts "osrian
latet cntrbuton,"'I T~ nerrs A. inge eampe wll aveto uf-Worster, is as unusual and entertain-;tGry" tuabell's "eyondst it," suit
ansI te l'rice System."''(1lhi h'it I) tugfise wl-c. arly its thebook Mr. eblen sing a btok as one will rust across in itprsbabls t a t hu suuless. The trus-
til, elen, pe'rhassuthtteusols disover- uswcili: "Ii the recent lpast icororate nsang a mionh. Egholm is an eraic, !,purisuss ses ll jus tiis-Iin(sut et
cc at thet alsl. Four, usite tresentut 'sings hasvt' been large; these large fansatical old chap who is firnlg run- '''str 'stifttls'' iters rusts 'iyt e
busut (a Iis sitsts'ee mssurts ssteasrsings (frees'iu-uusssathave been rust- vste la oIhsesosu smatstei.t tssbu ti tssuus-it
"with arrows-like' th55sits uofeisu,;mjst iou-uttheir ecaitaized valie hasaone htCdhsedwdhmwt te.Otnil ti suob
lion Mr hestsn girsii hus li- sta as aussi o tse orprat ca itte toer rf a geius. sgrupiy sit:asstipulst ie yo tg s stsete
presenst-dintdust-ir," r mandcvered sith securities bearing a 11
P Jst but i ittha MrN utus tixed cit omrsse-charge; this inconme-
tos hea-cung wsiththiis semptortant or- hage rrs'cening free inomie, has
ga? 1tlsafirsttuaetht ist ny Inaug thersby bscomse siliability on the earn-
,iamssustnttgthat is iorguized-tnsitthu r aof the coposration;t this libiity,
pinc- sysitem,swiths itnvestsmesnt tislustcansnost hesmet in ase the concern's
I~n nsts,'enstserprise, thabituttit tnu'u- et aggregate earnings fatlhoffitmuany
plomet:fteaasiablet issuhis riust digree; therefosre pricessmusst le kep
' uplan ih tis'tssi t sad okmn, ihole sr ini up to su-hfius ire s aill tbing the AIII& VM E :
turit, aptstulus' t he stu- isiihisii-s~ trast et taggregate return, sintdltheE 11,
condisitsnis itissssu uswIiscIstolerablsuteesn!it- meantss-otissithuclig tin prises Is aI51W3
ditin sit: life'ci-tt his'mainitttaied."; °-assscssntims wsihdrai'wl of eticincy
tConsequenitlyttiIts,- chte-ffInisiosn sit ti thesi' stplttu'induhstries'sontwhich
tsssitss'ss man alit Ihis moder fls auvsnu-;thiseiistismsit~-sdepeindshsfor atitppy
ttssn of--or- tfnac)iss not- - 5 ast fte li's'sssssais ot' life.'',
uses lh-v's ls-sui brstu tIrt e b , i-I'is-u Bust ishis-si''esrintgs art- cpitulie"
lbhe produelssg5of' sit:u-si dtul- ?ftustetit is nraii lyshe tttitse they have beast
rsr t io ofthelirs ttt etisi su u Iit . iiia v test I 'sui u'iue plan, whileL
thesciefi' u55s; iisafulne i'u-sssssvo h croat sn te issuetif sit:sirsiies uaginist them(
as a uformnis insistt-siatorgaisiations is' bearing a fixed icsomue-charge (e. g.
Ia tas-liti t i ltu- esis rviston. A -- sit ut- ttums) sioultdsbeus'ery unusuoal to say iN 11i11I11IIp l lllll[F l[1t 1fi 111iltt11t111C fliiii,1 _
inglY, teicas uainsofitndstry5 c"' s-atheisest. Mrover te proposition!? YOU AVE B TOBBEDnT'l "1x TAIR
foundtshto Ita, oisise5hisotlss -aruthr ltsisthe is' aryus corortin, in ant, IF Y h ,J 19JHA-X~~IVE iB Disee ad I) LI /'otX1I'd; nusrilsyte i hemancop=
not undesrtauldtse realito. - situ-se i(t is'-. its iii'isssu's'u's'sin psrofitbty_
filesysem f prdncuiatheyat ; itsitit g ricsusby rstristing its
tempt isrtu~ t e ,i- resic't), ss isis att rqiesi'litte- rommeasnt. Stir;p
dvtthir expesive i 5 Isis- he it spractSis-u-wul Isuissiva uasnimiitl
manssipulattssitn slit'elegal '"make-betu- lo it:ciiy sasmsongtal lusiness iconcerns 1
h's-e" soficorpvsrstesescurties. Mean-su his-h cantnot bei'realised. This naivI
while-it Cits-etechtnicians, thei-engin- explaunautin sitthin diustecof lusinsssp
eirts, who haitves-ci-icusetos ''istatitute ti'e;tde rsssitia whih lies at te rot o
vees-lrstaff sif itt: sustshci, thsos-worktht t ethole argumenst, is bthsfalsty and;
s to trolusstinests-strastgy ositrouctshsiosnmuit-sitg
it largeil thIiiIs'sp usarsoversghtl of -As assituling nit effective ero
ts' tuct-ir5siof reustisn initstail" 'sue sit:theunshie complascsencyg of thosec
Nhysg --tussstthusi-esngineers, Stx. uw-io suitsse no flaws andilno
Nt-Ilet ss s in t'irrhsii'i-i t takes waknslsess in the strrent system of pro
as-i-cthIe wolesit' sisnsigt'tiu-isositthe ttisutsin andistribulsston, M. Veblen'l
-~~~~~~~~ gab0ooIss- i-uisIiy uttii uk sisyle sarmy reommnended
tatewhuse de"Nv t-IadstT iusnowrisn"- As si dispassvionate sientifictexpdan
afters,-tisiSovsit IfIsTecsicantesow- stin of (te awokings of the "rice
ersit" sit:the iss e ;titig t-lasss tug a'a-lti' stittsieg s iihc
shpemnescs s irsrusuusiot- ses g ie-sid for it. _ You Nee'd an Electric Curler!
ofecur stities'tle.othe lel einces Acrdssing to A. I. Orage, in hi
tthis lust sqestisnhiselcf, hitwever booksti"teds-unaand NWrites," (Knopf),__________
usills t-u' iesuits- teassurascth tuatiot- thises-uledl"Irish Ltierary Renis
ing o thesortis ging t occr, stlanc" exists only in the inaginaton
get" o tiMr. ErnestBod "As the readerSE.,L.DIP A
fillet would seemso hisIts the hewg- urnsthe~s pags of Mn, Boyd's aithfu
nsssis attd the cture, as wvell sitt an 'eord," lie says, "ie cannot but be
rate sa lgusincale comprspsedl into aa-et-ositausgradtual oscuration. On
at pargraph. Theuenet is elsuh- tug one tte lamps 'lt luy Martyn, Moore
srtedstwith fts-etkeen fasestofoal- fanash sthes, Iin the erlie pages, go ot.s
senvti it adthtletplausible anatyss Thinvision sies listn to ia twilight an
tto teexpectedul inMr.ile. tilien'O uvrit- flal obatsngt"T E D T O TC
cits sahdlimpticits ttyaresar Aohlstk which its sinto c onvein-sED SO
ciicly ai woildtitharbe ns-etioasl literary esategoy is MussrinnrCR ANANe~LIMSS
vest' ~u osu aehen a-Ilostautd's first pusblished book, "TheeCR ANADWLIMSS
petei. t'rystal Coffin," which McBride's wi
But in bookts of this charste it Ns issu ins Miay. The autho, who is th ?PH ONE 2300 i*
not style or etaabiit that rmusse son of Esdmond Rostand, has ong
counthanIthe long rum, hltctnet. Atliems regsarhed sa00o0g aen of bri-=
botootteon gnersan "Theie Engineers :i1111111111ansI11111the11111Price111111111issat111111Itrfil]Jnllise.1JJI

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