1zt ian
..r. ... +,- -
larristers Take
10 Junior Laws
Barristers, Senior law honorary so-
ciety, initiated the following ien yes-
terday: Willis Blakeslee, '21L, Alan
W. Boyd, '21L, Thurman 'B. Doyle,
'21L, Jean P. Freeman, '21L, Walter
0. Johnson, '21L, Raymond M. Lewis,
'21L, Robert Mathews, 121L, Gerald F.
Nye, '21L, John D. Watts, '21L, and
Arthur E. Zigler, '21L. The initiation
was followed by a.. banquet at the
Union last night.
Forbes, '22L, Boyd, '21L; Cook, '20E,
Appointed to Athletic Board.
at Meeting
L open
., Highland Park, A new system was adopted regard-
d Masten Park, of ing the intramural department and
idrawn from the David A.. Forbes, '22L, A. W. Boyd,
es remained un- '21L, and Robert Cook, '20E, were ap-
pointed as student members to the
all track and field board in control of athletics at the last
mile, will be run meeting of the board of directors.
n, starting at 2 Beginning next year there will be
in these events, five sports managers, each of the five
be held tomorrow to hold a separate position in itself.
clock. The offices held by these sports man-
A-'Enid, Okla.,,.and agers will be as follows: intramural'
on the scene of ac- football manager, basketball manager,'
t. baseball manager, track manager,
Is on Field and minor sports manager, who will
icials in charge of have charge of such sports as golf and
lowed on the field tennis. The intramural manager will
while the events as at present be over the five sports
The officials in managers. The following men were
are: refereeSteve elected to hold these new positions:
re: Geree A.tevy F. M. Smith, '22, football manager,
d Mard; assist' Earl Nicholson, '22, basketball mana-
rd Fisher '21E ger, James A. Redner, '23, baseball
James Savage, manager, Marvin DeVries, '22, track
land, '22L; track manager, and 'Wallace Elliott, '22,
'ofield,'20,Lawminor sports manager. Lees !Burrows,
Robert Cook, '2 '21, was made intramural manager.
Lb H. C. Carve; These sports managers .will be ap-
r Heath, Joe Bak- pointed by the intramural director, the
'20, Abe Cohnintramural manager, and the sports
oss, , A n manager of that particular sport dur-
hier, '22D, Waiterg the previous year. Prof. C. T.
Johnston will replace Prof. C. S. Ber-
sons, "20E assist ry on the board next year.
[c1iani?, '21; Rich- Awards for the sports managers
1 Wetzel, '21E., Ray will be white jerseys with blue mono-
Angell, '21; mar- grams. The intramural manager will
'22M; inspectors, receive a sweater with a plain "M".
Haynes Edison, A motion was carried to the effect that
or, '22E, George all informal teams be given white jer-'
Burkholder, '21; seys with blue numerals. The mem-
n, '20, Steve Far- bers of the freshman swimming team
Howard Donnelly, will be awarded blue jerseys with red
Dp. W. E. Forsyth, numerals. The following men will re-
Fraternities ceive the varsity swimming award:
ms will be quarter- Robertson, Gilmore, Babcock, Kock,
hile in Ann Arbor, Adams, Porter, White, Brooks, Dru-
follows: Battle lard, Elliott. Freshman to win jerseys
h, Phi Sigma Kap- are: Hyde, Valentine, Dunlop, Ran-
A Lafayette high, dall, Levy, Greyson, Parker.
University high, The Board went on record as dis-
Delta; Cass City, -approving swimming as a varsity
1, Page Eight) sport at this time.
he Tribune " Ryan's Topic;
rer Is Northwestern Alumnus
umn has been an- a year aoing general reportorial
e of the illustrated work.
Finesse of Presentation Manifest
Throughout Entire Program
of Evening
(By Marguerite A. Clark)
Sweetly solemn thoughts held sway;
over the entire audience during the,
program of Verdi's "Manzoni" Re-
iquiem, which was given last evening
in -Hill auditorium as the second May
festival concert. The soloists were
Miss Lenora Sparkes, Miss Carolina
Lazzari, Mr. William Wheler, and
Mr. Leon Rothier. They were accom-
panied by the University Choral union
of ,00 voices, and the Chicago Sym-
phony orchestra, Dr. Albert A. Stanley
Effect Solemn
The stupendous and solemn consum-
mAte effect of the whole program was
shown by'the reaction of the audience
at the close. Everybody sat mute for
an interval of many minutes, and few
words were spoken as they left the
uditorium, so profound was the spell
c st upon them. When words at last
broke forth, they were on every hand
to the effect that it was the most re-
markable and beautiful concert yet
given in which the Choral Union had
There was such a marked unity to
the program that it is hard to say
*hat portion was the best. The fi-
nesse of preparation and presentation
for the concert on the part of each
performer was shown by the transition
from one voit to another, and frorh
orchestra to chorus. Transition was
seldom apparent at the instant of
change, it always being so natural and
perfectly shaded.
Miss Lazzari Here Before '
Miss Sparkes and Mr. Wheeler have
never before ,appeared in Festival
Q oncert program. This was Mr. Roth-
ier's initial appearance here. N ss
Lazzari was already safely placed in
high favor with the Ann Arbor peo-
ple, having appeared last fall on the
pre-festival program.
Mr. Wheeler's lyric tenor voice ex-
actly suited the part he carried, which
included some exceedingly high tones.
Miss Sparkes has a clear and beauti-
ful soprano voice with bell-like quali-
ties. Miss Lazzari has a contralto
voice having the unuual and beauti-
ful ringing note. Mr. Rothier's big,
resonant 'bass gave a fine background
for the quartet.
Voices True
The perfect attack of the chorus and
trueness to score of every voice,
though due in large measure to the, in-
dividuals, should be greatly accredited
to the long work and able direction of
Dr. Stanley, who is in general charge
of the May Festival concerts.
Afternoon Concert
Edwin Arthur Kraft, a Fellow of the
American Guild of'Organists, a former
.student at Yale and a pupil of Gull-
mant and Widor, has .arrived from
Cleveland to play a group of organ
works at the first matinee concert of
the May festiyal at 2:30 o'clock this
afternoon in HiU auditorium.
James Hamilton of the faculty of
the University School of Music 'will
sing a group, of songs and the Chil-
dren's -chorus including 500 voices
Court Stars ie
In Ithaca Match
(Special to The Daily)
Ithaca, N. Y., May 20. - Michigan
and Cornell tied in the tennis match-
es held here today, each side winning
two singles. It was necessary to call
the doubles on account of rain. Cor-
nell showed up well in the singles,
taking the count on Munz and Rein-
del and playing a close game with
Wesbrook and Angell., Reid, Cornelfs
star player, was unable to participate
on account of a broken arm.
Wesbrook and Angell were Michi-
gan's point winners. Wesbrook beat
Holt 6-2, 7-5, while Angell took two
sets from Cassidy, 6-3, 12-10. Munz
lost two out of three times to Mal-
lory 3-6, 7-5, 4-6, and Pennock defeat-
ed Reindel, 64, 6-1.
The uncompleted scores -in the dou-
bles were as follows: Munz and Wes-
brook against Holt and Mallory, 6-4,
4-5; Angell and Reiidel against Pen-
nock and Cassidy, 5-7, 10 all.
6. 0,PPD EA S
Un]nstructed and "Favorite . Son"
Representatives in Majority
For Convention
Chicago, May 20.-Uninstructed dt-
egations and the delegates who cast
the first ballot for "favorite sons" will
be in the majority at the Republican
national convention opening here
June 8.
The primary system, although in
effect in many states, has failed to de-
velop any outstanding candidate for
party's nomination, for of 913 dele-
gates already chosen less than 400
have been instructed and their votes
is divided among several candidates.
The successful candidate must have
at least 493 votes.
Forty-three votes and five districts
and territories have elected the 913
delegates already chosen. The remain-
ing 71 of the 984 who will sit in the
convention are to be chosen by Ore-
gon, Texas, Vermont, Washington, and
West Virginia.
Major General Wood is leading the
field with 145 delegates instructed for
him. The credentials committee which
meets here May 31 to decide contests
and prepare the temporary roll of the
convention may make some changes in
the list of instructed delegates, how-
ever, as there are 104 contests pend-
Sen. Hiram Johnson of California,
has 'an even''100 delegates and Gov.
"Frank O. Lowden of Illinois, 78. Sen.
Warren G. Harding of Ohio, has 39
votes pledged from his home state
and Judge Pritchard of North Caro-
lina, 17. Sen. Miles Poindexter is ex-
pected to get the 14 votes cast by
Band-In front of Hill auditor-
Seniors-East side of court be-
tween Chemistry and Natural
Science buildings.
Juniors-West side of court be-
tween Chemistry and Natural
Science buildings.
Sophomores- West of Natural
Science building in driveway.
Freshmen-Around flagpole.
Plans for the permanent establish-
ment of a campus chapter of'the Vet-
erans of Foreign Wars were made last
night, when Warren Gilbert, '22, tem-
porary chairman, announced that a'
delegation from the Detroit post of
the V. F. W. would come out to the
University to assist in initiating the
men. The date has not yet been an-
Thirty overseas men were present
last night, and all signified- their de-
sire to have as many veterans on hand
at, the next meeting of the Veterans
oof Foreign Wars, which will take
place at 7:15 next Wednesday evening
in room 306 of the Union, as possible.
Elections of officers was postponed
until the men from Detroit arrive to
take charge. some of the
aims of the club, Warren Gilbert, '22,
said: "The Veterans of Foreign Wars
will co-operate in every way with the
Overseag club, and we are anxious to
get as many members of the Overseas
club to join us. Thus, the two clubs
will have both a national and a local
backing, making these two clubs
among the strongest on the campus."
The recount which was taken yes-
terday of the votes cast for junior and
sophomore lit Student councilmen to
verify results where ties were report-
ed in the recent All-campus election
shows the election of Renaud Sher-'
wood, '22, over C. Maurice Atkinson,
'22, by a five vote lead. In the ju-
nior lit race, the second' check result-
ed the same as the initial count, Ed-
ward S. Kingsford, '21, and Donald J.
Thorp, '21, being tied. A class elec-
tion will decide this contest.
Frank Murphy, '14L, Prof. Frayer, Ca
Hogan,'20E, to Deliver Talks
ti at Gathering
Assembling at 7 o'clock tonight (
the campus, the entire student bo
will march to Sleepy Hollow whe:
the famous old traditions of Cap Nig
will be celebrated. Special effgr
have been made by the committee
eliminate all roughness.
Following the Varsity band and l
by the seniors in caps and gowns, t
classes will fall in the line of inar
according to their seniority on t
campus. The procession. will we
its way west on North University av
nue to State .street, north on Sta
street to Ann street, and thence
the hollow. Red lights will be placl
all along the line of march and the
will be burned as the procession.'pas
Arriving at Sleepy Hollow, the se
dors will' take their places at the e
treme northern portion of the field a
the other classes will be seated aroui
the hollow to the right of them, ti
freshmen occupying the extreme ea
ern section. All persons other the
students are asked to wait until a
classes are seated when they may f
in anywhere.
Johnson to Introduce Speakers
After several selections by the ba
Carl E. Johnson, '20, master of cer
monies, will introduce the speakers
regular order. Frank W. Murpl
'14L, will deliver the alumni addre
Prof. William A. Frayer will repr
sent the faculty ad Carl T. Hog
'20E, will' give the oration for t'
student body. At the conclusidn of t
last of the speeches everyone will jo
in singing "The Yellow and Blu
and the program will then be broul
to a close to the tune of '"Where
Where," as the class of '23 forms t
snake dance and circles around t
fire casting off the yearling headge
Free Movies Conclude Evening
Continuing the snake dance t
freshmen will fall in to the rear
the '23 band and journey back to ty
where free movies are to be offer
to the students by the local pctu
theaters. Members of the other cla
es are to break ranks at Sleepy H
low. The committee in chhrge of t
ceremonies desires that all rushi
and crowding of shows be avoided
enough seats have been provided
care for everyone.
Student councilmen will act as o
ficials in maintaining order and d
cipline among the underlassmen. T
ceremonies as planned this year 'w
more truly represent the real C
Night.,traditions in that the custom's
roughness willabe omittedtand an i
pressive program substituted instea
During the coming summer, n
later than August 14, the State Co
mittee of Selection will appoint
Rhodes scholar for Michigan for 19.
The University is privileged to pi
pose four candidates for appontm
and selection of these candidates
made by the University Rhodes Sch
arship committee, of which Dean
H. Lloyd is chairman. This Univ
sity committee will take action ea
in June and students wishing nomix
tion should confer with the chairm
. not la'ter than June' 7, calling at I
office of the Graduate School,. Roi
9, University Hall, for conference a
general information.
Senior society, honorary for. Sen
girls, selected the following girls
membership at a meeting held rece
ly at Martha Cook building: Car
Fairchild, Mildred Harris, Allis H'
sey, Bernice Nickels, Olga Johns
Josephine McGinnis, Lucretia Nich
son, and Lucile Rice.
e, at 8 o'clock
e Natural Sci-
as university
i "part time"
oom staff, he
iief writer of
." After some
4ing -he spent
Advertising Work
On his discharge from the service,
Mr. Ryan returned to the Tribune as'
copy writer in the department of dis-
play advertising. From here he was
transferredhto the business promotion
staff in charge of Tribune publicity
and the Tribune syndicate, including
such features as "Andy Gump" and
the Blue Ribbon stories. He was the
first editor of the newspaper's monthly
house organ.
Mr. Ryan is now in charge of the
book reviews and, in addition, contri-
butes .almost daily to B. L. T.'s Lin
o' Type column. He writes sports
stories under an assumed name.
Pack Comments
"It is because of his youth (he's not
yet 30) and also because he's a col-
lege Wan himself that he can speak
with sympathy before a college audi-
ence. In ability, at least, he is a vet-
eran," is the comment made by Philip
C. Pack,( '18, in a letter to Pi Delta
Epsilon, under whose auspices Mr.
Ryan is to talk. Pack is largely re-
sponsible for bringing the speaker to
Ann Arhr -
To the track athletes of Michigan and other states who will
compete for interscholastic honors Saturday at Ferry field, the entire
University joins in extending a hearty greeting and our hospital-
ity. No occasion of the athletic year means more to Michigan than
this opportunity to offer its cinder oval, its equipment and field
and stadium, for the deciding of this foremost of state high school
We realize that you who are to contest here will have your
thoughts and energies bent mainly on the winning of the meet;
but we hope that, as in the past, you will be able to find time for
"% accompanying your hosts on a tour of the Icampus, there to learn
some of the.reasons why Michigan means so puch to us. We hope,.
also, that your guides will not limit your impressions of the Uni-
versity by confining you to a glance at the campus and a look around
the gym.
Michigan is behind athletics, and plays the game hard. But
Michigan also stands for all the other attributes which make a
great University. The new library and the other recently completed
buildings are symbolic of that Michigan spirit which demands'
equipment worthy of a broad curriculum and good teaching. The
Union is perhaps the greatest evidence of that atmosphere of true
fellowship which you may already have noted in the houses where
you have been entertained. Alumni hall is a testimonial in stone
and garble to the ties whiclino graduate can break with such an
alma mater. We trust that your hosts will show you the working of
the many activities of campus life-the publications, the council, the
class organizations, honor societies, musical and dramatic events.
For all of these things go to make up the University, and it is only
the true and complete impression of college life that we want you to
" carry away.
As in the past,' we know that we shall find many of your num-
ber among us as fellow-students in the years to come; and for the
present we can only unite in giving you the sportsman's. hail:
"May the best man win!"
trained by Miss Lulu Allen and
Russell. Carter will give several
trasting selections constituting a
gram of wide variety.
In the Evening
A program similar in generalp
line to the first concert will be
ying high
s as their
e men, and
tive, to the
meet din-
Union Fri-
sented at 8 o'clock this evening in Hill
auditorium when Margaret Matzen-
auer will again appear in Ann Arbor.
The Chicago Symphony orchestra
will render the well-liked Schumann
B flat symphony often entitled the
"Spring Symphony," in addition to an
overture and two ' other symphonic
(See Number 2, Page Eight)