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March 31, 1978 • Page Image 1

…Students in Poll Happy as Jews, Israeli Citizens Right to Differ, Israel's Latest Confrontations and the Issues Over Security JERUSALEM (ZINS) — If it were possible for you to be born again, would you want to be born a Jew? If it were possible for you to be born again, would you want to be born an Israeli? These questions were posed to 1,875 eleventh graders in 35 high schools in Israel, by a team of investigators headed by Prof. Simon Her- ...…

March 31, 1978 • Page Image 2

…2 Friday, March 31, 1918 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Purely Commentary Israel and Her Leader and the U. S. Relationship Presently in Suspense ... When Facts Are So Vital to the Issue of Security and Arab Vow is Suspect By Philip Slomovitz Needed: Dispassionate But Justice-Motivated Approach to M.E. Issues What a pity that the Israel-Arab conflict should have developed into an exchange of vituperation, that it should have become necessary to ...…

March 31, 1978 • Page Image 3


March 31, 1978 • Page Image 4

…THE JEWISH NEWS lncorpora0M: The Detroit Jewish Chronicle commencing with the issue of •July 20. 1951 Menil•r \ merle:in of Engl,h-Jewt , h New , gatx.r, Michigan A,,OC1.1[111n. NatIonal Editorml .\-metallun Published every Friday by The Jewish News Publishing Co., 17515 W. Nine Mile. Suite 865, Southfield, Mich. 48075 Po-aage Paid :it Southfield. Michigan :Ind Additional Marline Office , Sub-eripfion $11 a year PHILIP SLOMOVITZ Editor and...…

March 31, 1978 • Page Image 5

…Friday, March 31, 1918 5 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS EDITORIAL 'Traps for Diplomats Jewish Constituents f (Continued from Page 1) to challenge the challengers of their just rights. And just rights as so stipulated are the rights of all citizens on all issues involving American policies, foreign and domestic. The role of the American Jewish community in the issues 1 involving the American-Israel friendship and the Carter Administration's posit...…

March 31, 1978 • Page Image 6

…6 Friday, March 31, 1918 DRIVE A CAR or SEND YOUR CAR TO ANY STATE !.C.C. License MC125985 DRIVEAWAY SERVICE 4713 Horsier at Michigan Ave. P.O. BOX 1264 Dearborn, Mich. 48126 T.I. • 584-5000 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Begin's Policies Win Knesset's Confidence Vote (Continued from Page 1) between Israel and its neighbors. They agreed that there should not be a Pales- tinian state on the West Bank and Gaza Strip: that THIS ENTIRE WEEK!!! S...…

March 31, 1978 • Page Image 7

…THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Friday, March 31, 1918 1 Osmuns 7-Day "Springthing" You've had a long, hard winter. You're ready for something exciting. You're ready for something bright... light...and dazzling. O You're ready for "Spring- thing':.. Osmuns celebration of the newest Spring fashions by the great names: Geoffrey Beene, Adolfo, Eagle, Stanley Blacker, Phoenix, Freeman shoes, French Shriner, Haggar, Hardy Amies, Damon, Europecraft,...…

March 31, 1978 • Page Image 8

…THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS 8 Friday, March 31, 1918 Purim Should Go World-Wide REMEMBER By DAVID SCHWARTZ (Copyright 1978, JTA, Inc.) THE BLUE BOX AND EVERYTHING IT STANDS POD ON EVERY 'MPORTANT OCCASION When the -outside world first became acquainted with the Jew, the thing which especially drew its interest was the Jewish Sabbath. Imagine a people stopping all work one day a week. No one had ever heard of such a thing. The Jews spend one-...…

March 31, 1978 • Page Image 9

…Friday, Maul 31, 1918 9 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Jewish Fur Trader Active in Wartime, Jewish Affairs By IRVING I. RATZ Executive Secretary Temple Beth El Levy Solomons, reputed to be the largest fur trader in British Colonial times, was heavily engaged in the fur trade in Michilimac- kinac (Mackinac), a strategic fur trading center. .Born in England in 1730, Solomons came to New York City no later than 1755 and was naturalized there. He mo...…

March 31, 1978 • Page Image 10

…THE DETROI•EWISH NEWS 10 Friday, March 31, 1918 Unbelievable TRANS-PANAMA AIR-SEA 14 or 11 Night CRUISE on the "the Fun Ship" istMardtGrk$ " COMPLETE From DETROIT SIU lit N{8111 ,..$995 mem 111 !Milli III 111 III OA . FOR TWO WEEKS CRUISING INCLUDING ROUND TRIP AIR FROM DETROIT on Scheduled AIRLINES (Not a misprint) The CRUISE you've been waiting and dreaming about .. . TWO WEEKS VACATION for the price of ONE! Call today! 14 o...…

March 31, 1978 • Page Image 11

…THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS FIRST TIME OFFERED From Detroit Fly to San Juan and Cruise for 7 Days to the Unbelievable Travel Values... 2 WEEK PROGRAMS . . . COMPLETE FROM DETROIT! Caribbean and South America HONG KONG Visiting 6 Ports: San Juan, Curacao, Caracas (Venezuela), Trinidad, Martinique, & St. Thomas. Beginning December 2 Italian Registry Visiting 7 Ports: an Juan, St. Maarten, Martinique, Barabados, St. Lucia, Antigua, & St. Thoma...…

March 31, 1978 • Page Image 12

…THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS 12 Friday, March 31, 1978 Jet Sale Fight 4 Weeks Off WIT LS PASSOVER WASHINGTON (JTA) — President Carter's proposed aircraft sales package to Saudi Arabia, Israel and Egypt will not be presented to Congress formally before the end of April. AT THE SAXONY DIFFERENT THAI AZT OTHER KOSHER HOTEL? New questions have de- veloped among lawmakers over Saudi Arabia's need for sophisticated offensive warplanes and the Ad- ...…

March 31, 1978 • Page Image 13

…THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Friday, March 31, 1978 13 GREEN WOODS CAMP FOR BOYS LAKE OF THE WOODS CAMP FOR GIRLS located on the shores of beautiful Lake of the Woods at DECATUR, MICHIGAN * 4 & 8 Week sessions for boys and girls ages 8 to 15 * Elective program allowing each child to choose the activities in which he or she is interested including: WATER SKIING HORSEBACK RIDING ARTS & CRAFTS CAMPCRAFT SPORTS GUITAR SAILING SWIMMING ARCHERY...…

March 31, 1978 • Page Image 14

…14 Friday, March 31, 19/1 Brinuir onsit EMS PERN1ANENT 11. ■ 11? HE11()V.\ I, Consultation Licensed Electrologist private and confidential by appointment 358-5493 Ill i f if Conservatives Hit Lack of Religious Liberty KIAMESHA LAKE, N.Y. (JTA) — The lack of "religi- ous freedom in Israel" with its refusal to recognize the Conservative and Reform movements was assailed by Rabbi Stanley S. Rabinowitz in his presiden- tial address to ...…

March 31, 1978 • Page Image 15

…THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Friday, Mara 31, 1978 15 Plant Protection Granted to Israel by U.S. Ruling WASHINGTON — Is- raeli plant breeders have been granted the right to apply for U.S. certificates of protection for new varieties of field crops and flowers that they develop. An amendment to regula- tions under the Plant Vari- ety Protection (PVP) Act grants Israeli citizens the right to apply, for U.S. De- partment of Agriculture (USDA) certi...…

March 31, 1978 • Page Image 16

…16 Friday, March 31, 1918 IBM THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Job for Peled Tnie•riters Marie sk. WASHINGTON — Gen Benjamin Peled, comman- der of the Israeli air force who is retiring next month, will join Elbit Computers Ltd., in Haifa. French Jewry Has Grown in Size, Stature Their wish to preserve By ADAM LOSS (Editor's note: Adam this heritage was often Loss, of Paris, is the editor expressed in their impas- and publisher of the sioned defen...…

March 31, 1978 • Page Image 17

…THE DETROIT JEWISH JEWS FACT: Nearly 2,000 youngsters enjoyed vacations at the Fresh Air Society's Camp Tamarack last summer --- 681 of them on full or partial camperships. FACT: The number of clients served annually by the Jewish Vocational Service - Community Workshop has risen from 1,000 to 2,800 in the past five years. Friday, March 31, 1978 17 FACT: The Jewish Family Service provided counseling or other type of assistance to 3,100 per...…

March 31, 1978 • Page Image 18

…18 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Friday, March 31, 1918 JEWELRY SUITE 318 ADVANCE BLDG. 23077 Greenfield at 9 Mile (313) 557-1860 AA MufflerEtBrakes ARMDI Will Honor Emanuel Celler FIRESTONE NEW YORK — Emanuel Celler, former member of Congress for 50 consecutive years, will be hailed on his 90th birthday at a testimo- flawletattuutla Clothier 647-8054 126 S. Woodward, Birmingham Mon., Tues., Wed., Sot. 10-6 Thurs. & Fri. 10-9 FOR THE U...…

March 31, 1978 • Page Image 19

…THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Friday, March 31, 1978 19 JDL, Pro-Palestinian Groups May Clash on Redgrave Issue -NEW YORK (JTA) — A different kind of excitement may be injected into the Oscar ceremonies in Los Angeles next Monday if the Jewish Defense League and pro-Palestinian groups have their way. • The JDL has announced that it will stage a demonst- ration at the internation- ally televised motion pic- ture Academy Awards ceremony to protest ...…

March 31, 1978 • Page Image 20

…20 Friday, March 31, 1978 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS First Campaign Report Meeting on Sunday Caricatures Workers for the Allied Ari, a leading authority on Jewish Campaign-Israel mass communications and a for your party Emergency Fund will hear consultant to various Israel an up-to-date report on the government ministries and By progress of the 1978 fund institutions. Ben-Ari has raising effort at the first of served as adviser in inter- two ...…

March 31, 1978 • Page Image 21


March 31, 1978 • Page Image 22

…22 Friday, March 31, 1918 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Jewish Spy Network Revealed an Arab Plot During Mandate Period to Kill Jews By BORIS SMOLAR had sent agitators to Jordan be on the street at any hour. ernment. He keeps himself to arouse and inflame Jor- He nevertheless asked me remote from the Jewish danian Arabs to carry out to come over right away. I Agency, however," I replied. chapter from Boris Smo- the pogrom in the streets of sensd ...…

March 31, 1978 • Page Image 23

…THE DETROIT BOSH NEYIS Handler's Erudite Account of Hungarian Jewish Writing By ALLEN A. WARSEN resolved to fight. He told "Ararat," published by his father, "I'd be Fairleigh Dickinson Uni- ashamed for the rest of versity Press, is a colleciton my life if I succeeded at of Jewish-Hungarian short that price." stories, translated with an "The Story of a Nose" by introduction and notes by Erno Ballagi and Jeno Andrew Handler. Nador is a satiri...…

March 31, 1978 • Page Image 24

…THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS 24 Friday, March 31, 1918 METROPOLITAN DETROIT CHAPTER OF HADASSAH PRESENTS . Education -Evening "TO MOSCOW AND BACK" with ROBERT C. TOTH Los Angeles Times Correspondent Mr. Toth returned to the United States after three years as the Moscow bureau chief of the Los Angeles Times. Prior to his leaving he was questioned for 14 hours by the KGB on charges of collecting secret political and military infor- mation. ...…

March 31, 1978 • Page Image 25

…THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Weigh thy words before thou hast uttered them. —The Talmud DRAPERY CLEANING DRAPERY CLEANERS All That The Name Implies We Remove & Rehang FREE ESTIMATE 891-1818 Trade Member American Society of Interior Designers (A.S.I.D.) March of Dimes Cuts Worries Tay-Sachs PHILADELPHIA (JTA) — Considerable national concern was expressed re- cently when the March of Dimes announced it is cut- ting funds for genetic ser- vi...…

March 31, 1978 • Page Image 26

…26 Friday, March 31, 1918 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS `Anything Goes' Production Due Danny Raskin's Berkley High School will present the Cole Porter musical, "Anything Goes," 8 p.m. April 7 and 8 at Oak Park High School. LISTENING POST GENT CLIPPED coupon from an ad in a re- cent Jewish News to get a free plant at Mother Na- ture's Plants & Produce, Woodward and 11 1/2 Mile in Royal Oak ... Fellow behind him in cashier line asked how he coul...…

March 31, 1978 • Page Image 27

…Friday, March 31, 1918 21 THE DETROIT JEWISH JEWS YOUR GUIDE TO GOOD -DINING CHINESE FOODS CHINA CITYL":-., i4.711 24535 W. 12 MILERD. AT TELEGRAPH • Private Dining Room • Businessmen's Luncheons MON .THURS II a ro .12 M.d F.I. I. SAY , 11 a m .2 p m SUNDAYS, 12 neao.10 30 pm OPEN 7 DAYS I COMPLETE CARRY - OUT 548-1544 .•, to . Contonete•Amertcon Cvos,ne * rontofiling hors d'oeuvres d entrees OUT SERVICE McNichols. Between Woodw...…

March 31, 1978 • Page Image 28

…28 Friday, Mardi 31, 1918 THE DETROIT JEWISH JEWS FIND YOUR NAME IN OUR CLASSIFIED SECTION AND WIN Ammminm> NO PURCHASE NECESSARY BRING THE PAGE WITH YOUR NAME ON IT AND PROPER IDENTIFICATION TO: THE JEWISH NEWS, 17515 W. 9 Mile, Suite 865 AND RECEIVE YOUR FREE "METRO" BOOK Danny Raskin's The Best of Everything.) Stephan Becharas and LAS VEGAS THINGS have a red, white and blue 273 WOODWARD AT 11$4 IRE . You need a program just Rolls...…

March 31, 1978 • Page Image 29

…• ••••••••••••••••••••••••• • • BUDDY'S 2ND ANNUAL • • • PIM EATING CONTEST • • • . TUES., APRIL 11; 7:30 p.m. to 10 p.m. r r THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS he Best of Everything Friday, March 31, 1978 29 Specializing in Authentic Italian-American Dining Lunches and Dinners (Continued from Page 28) waitresses . . If you have Open Sundays. 2 to 5:30 —Closed Moo. include a 500-space camper- long hair, wear it back or up EXCELLENT BANQUET • PRIZES...…

March 31, 1978 • Page Image 30

…r - 30 Friday, March 31, 1978 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS V.I.P. PALACE The Best of Everything (Continued from Page 29) ward, just south of 14 Mile . . . along with real Greek entertainment again downstairs . . as it should NOT HUNGRY? DON'T COME TO OLD TIME DELP 27701 Orchard Lake Rood Near 12 Mik OPEN 523-2191 24 HOURS be instead of the rock 'n roll stuff they tried there . . Pete went to Chicago and talked four musicians into coming t...…

March 31, 1978 • Page Image 31

…Friday, March 31, 1978 31 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Jewish Family Service Offers College Orientation Sessions The Jewish Family Ser- vice will begin an eight- week program, "College Consciousness," designed to help freshmen-to-be pre- pare themselves for the ad- justment to college life 3:30 p.m. April 18 at the South- field office, 24123 Green- field. MOVIE GUIDE Americana Complex 1, 2, 3, 4 Greenfield N. of 9 Mlle 559.2730 4 THEATERS IN ...…

March 31, 1978 • Page Image 32

…32 Friday, March 31, 1918 LENNY LIEBERMAN Orchestra 399-1301 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS WOMEN OF JEWISH NATIONAL FUND will hold a board meeting noon BABYSMING - DAYCARE LITTLE PEOPLE DAY CARE AGES 3-10 Loving Stimulating Atmosphere 559-1870 Children Are People * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ALL BUICKS IN STOCK REDUCED! SAVE $ $ $ $ BRAND NEW • • • • • • '78 BUICK REGALS Loaded with Extras Turbo-Hydramatic Power ...…

March 31, 1978 • Page Image 33

…THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Available For All Occasions 25 MIAMI (JTA) — Rabbi Arthur Hertzberg, past president of the American Jewish Congress, cautioned years experience MAGICAL MEL 547-2464 "The Best Disco In Town"' C A N KEA*, tost Disc Jockey 1 ie Parties, Dances & Special Occasions 544-0454 546-5797 against the "gloom and doom scenario" of future U.S.-Israeli relations fol- lowing the failure of Presi- dent Carter and Premier ...…

March 31, 1978 • Page Image 34

…34 Friday, March 31, 1918 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Who is a wise man? He A man cannot leave a bet- who learns of all men. ter legacy to the world than —The Talmud a well-educated family. Treat your sauce mayvin to real, Italian taste... Chef Boy-ar-dee Spaghetti Sauce. Anyone who likes Italian will love Chef Boy-ar-dee foods. So when you want a sauce with real Italian ta'am, reach for Chef Boy-ar-dee Spaghetti Sauce. Meatless. Or Mushroom. ...…

March 31, 1978 • Page Image 35

…Friday, March 31, 1978 35 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Brands You like. Prices You Like. FARMER JACK SUPERMARKETS 50 YEARS OF SERVICE 8 Mile Rd. at Grand River Greenfield near 8 Mile Southfield at 13 Mile Rd. Lahser at 8 Mile Road 7 Mile Rd. at Evergreen Coolidge at 10 Mile 10 Mile Rd. at Southfield 11 Mile Rd. at Lahser Prices effective through Thursday, April 6th., only at the stores listed. Right reserved to limit quantities. EMPI...…

March 31, 1978 • Page Image 36

…36 Friday, March 31, 1918 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Oakland-Century Bond Event Center Marks Music Fete, Author Speaks In observance of the Dallag Symphony, has fre- Will Hear Comic Emil Cohen Jewish Music Festival Raconteur Emil Cohen will be guest speaker at the Oakland-Century Lodge tribute dinner on behalf of Israel Bonds. The event, to be held April 11 at the Town and Country Club, with a cocktail reception at 6:30 preceding the dinner, w...…

March 31, 1978 • Page Image 37

…• Friday, March 31, 1918 31 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Independence Day Prayer Book JERUSALEM (JTA) — The World Zionist Organi- zation Torah Education De- partment has published a new prayer book for Inde- pendence Day. The 189- page book, prepared by Rabbi Moshe Zvi Neria, will be distributed both in Heb- rew and in English. Beth El Hosts Jewish Family Topic of Talk Lipman at Beth El Women's Program Rabbi Rabbi Eugene Lipman "The Jewish F...…

March 31, 1978 • Page Image 38

…38 Friday, March 31, 1918 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Residents' Needs Discussed at Federation Apartments Children's concerns for the welfare of their aging parents was the main item of business discussed at Jewish Federation Apart- ments on March 19, at the first formal meeting bet- 1 MAN ORCHESTRA Freddy Sheyer 398-2462 ween the apartments executive director and board of directors and the sponsors of the facility's re- sidents. The apartm...…

March 31, 1978 • Page Image 39

…THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS YOUR WEDDING— BAR MITZVA ALBUM FINER WINER WILL BE WHEN PHOTOOltAPHED BY AND ASSOCIATES 357-1010 Bnai Brith Activities KEIDAN LODGE will meet 8 p.m. Tuesday at the Carlyle Towers Apts. club room. Dr. Bernard Goldman, director of Wayne State University Press, will render a slide presentation of an archeological dig which unearthed an ancient synagogue. Wives are in- DISCO DISCO IS THE POPULAR WAY TO GO -Wedding...…

March 31, 1978 • Page Image 40

…40 Friday, March 31, 1918 .THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Josef Tamir, Member of Knesset, Will Speak at Einstein Bond Dinner Dance Josef Tamir, a senior member of Israel's Knesset, where he serves on the De- fense and Foreign Affairs Committee and the Com- mittee for the Interior and Environment, will be guest speaker at the annual Eins- Hall for Rent • Meetings • Simchas • etc. Zionist Cultural Center 18451 W. 10 Mile Rd., 569.1515 tein Lod...…

March 31, 1978 • Page Image 41

…THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Lubavitch to Purchase' Hametz Homeowners may dele- gate the power of attorney to Rabbi Betzalel Gottlieb to perform the mitzva of sel- ling the Hametz — accord- ing to a legal contract drawn up for the rabbi of the Lubavitcher Center. The document, on this page, conforms with the precept that a Jew must sell all bread and leavened pro- ducts that remain in his HOME NURSING May we assist you with your home nurs- ing ...…

March 31, 1978 • Page Image 42

…42 Friday, March 31, 1918 The Finest In Musical Entertainment THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS The Music Society of De- troit will present a concert of works by Mendelssohn, Schubert, Mozart and Haydn 8:30 p.m. April 7 at Orchestra Hall. For ticket information, call the Music Society, 833-3700. ERIC ROSENOW AND HIS ONTINENTAL 398-3664 Come In For Your FREE! Hair Analysis & Consultation with no obligation For appt. call Daniel Harris at EM...…

March 31, 1978 • Page Image 43

…Friday, March 31, 1918 43 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS BNAI DAVID Ha-or youth group invites all young people in grades 5 and 6 to a progressive din- ner Sunday, meeting 6 p.m. at the synagogue. Each OPENING SOON RHODIKA AT APPLEGATE SQUARE OPTICAL MAKE-UP ROLAND OPTICS Youth News course of the meal will be served at homes of group members. A surprise activ- ity will take place at the end. For reservations, con- tact adviser Steve Kideckel...…

March 31, 1978 • Page Image 44

…44 Friday, March 31, 1918 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS I - Israel-Expo 78 Begins May 11 at JCCenter Israel-Expo '78, a com- munal celebration marking the 30th anniversary of Is- rael's independence, will begin May 11 at the main Jewish Community Center, announced Morris Cooper, president of the Detroit Zionist Federation. Plans are to expand the program from one to four days to ac- commodate school groups. Israel-.Expo '78 is coordi- nated by ...…

March 31, 1978 • Page Image 45

…THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Joyce Keller Will Direct Group Aiding Retarded Joyce Keller, a specialist in the education of the men- tally retarded, has been ap- pointed director of the As- sociation for the Jewish Re- tarded. Miss Keller, formerly di- rector of a federally funded Developmental Disabilities C. jiwicut. CUSTOM FURNITURE & CARPET CLEANING ON LOCATION Phone 549-7170 serves on the board of di- rectors of the Metropoli- tan Age...…

March 31, 1978 • Page Image 46

…46 Friday, March 31, 1978 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS All real estate advertised in this newspaper is subject to the Federal Fair Housing Act of 1968 which makes it illegal to advertise "any prefer- ence, limitation, or discrimination based on race. color. religion. or na- tional origin, or an intention to make any such preference. limitation, or discrimination." This newspaper will not knowingly accept any advertising...…

March 31, 1978 • Page Image 47

…Friday, Mardi 31, 1978 41 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS r)ro THE DURBIN COMPANY, Realtors WE GET RESULTS LARGE SPRAWLING CONTEMPORARY RANCH BEAUTIFUL HOME, PRIME LOCATION Stainless steel beamed family room. Carpeted -walls. 41/2 baths - large sunken Roman tub. 31/2 car garage. Heated 50 ft. pool and tennis court. Finished basement. Showplace in a prestigious location. $265,000 SWT Custom built colonial offers 4 large bedrooms, 21/2 baths, for...…

March 31, 1978 • Page Image 48

…48 Friday, Abut 31, 1971 13—APARTMENTS FOR RENT THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS 13—APARTMENTS FOR RENT Chateau Riviera Apts.' Southfield Luxurious adult apart- ment living. 1-2 & 3 bed- room apts. GE appli- ances, fully carpeted, cen. air-conditioning, private balcony. spacious storage areas, swimming pool. $315 and up SOUTHFIELD SERVICE DRIVE S. 019 Mile Rd. Near Northland and expressways Daily 9-6 KNOB IN THE WOODS • 2 bedroom 2 bath upper. ...…

March 31, 1978 • Page Image 49

…THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS 16— TOWNHOUSES 16- Et—CONDOMINIUMS TO RENT FOR SALE SOUTHFIELD Now Renting! Mt. Vernon Townhouses 3 bedroom townhouse, 2 1 /2 baths, library, first floor laundry, garage and more. 352-0224 16-E—HOUSES TO RENT In a new community in Southfeild BRIGHT, attractive 3 bedroom ranch. Full base. Available May 1. 546-0376. HUNTINGTON WOODS on Mt. Vernon Blvd. (91/2 Mile) lust west of Southfield Pembroke - 7 room ...…

March 31, 1978 • Page Image 50

…50 Friday, March 31, 1918 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS REDDING Associates, Realtors SOUTHFIELD NEW OFFERING — 5 YEARS YOUNG. Sher- wood Village Sub. SPARKLING! 2000 sq. ft. 4 bedroom brick colonial. 2 1 /2 baths, cen. air, family room w/fireplace and dark pegged-oak floor. Walk to schools. $63,900. OPEN SUN. 2-5.24841 RIVER HEIGHTS. Just E. of Telegraph off 10 Mile. 4 bedroom brick ranch, huge country kitchen w/doorwall to patio, 2 baths, til...…

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