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September 19, 1930 • Page Image 17

…Amato Avisk PerWical Carter CLIFTON ATIINDI • =cumin 20, OHIO • rffinfif;TROCE iiiii5f1tAROIVICLE — - _ YOUNGEST MEMBER OF BOARD OF NATIONAL SISTERHOOD IS DEAD at ith Ile the The her SPORT SHOES Are the Vogue for School SEASON ABLE C(M31NATIONS •‘, in lei. .pt. nk- MRS. J. SHERLINE—First-class ' FOR RENT—A nicely furnished catering for weddings and par- room with a small family, also ties. 15850 Linwood. Univer- garage if desi...…

September 19, 1930 • Page Image 18

…• • • Dentorr/EnsnaRoxias N EW Home Relief Society. M. Al Weisman, 2241 Taylor I laver ue, wd, se hostess to the Home R, , f ss:sety on Monday, Sept. 129 at which time the bridge-lunch- eon to e held on Wednesday, Oct. SS, at the Book-Cadillac, will be discussed. I Important Notice to Publicity Writers of Jewish Organizations I Phi Kappa Epsilon Fraternity, Holiday Greetings Morris Lupiloff 3294 Cortland Longfellow 3497 Phi Kappa ...…

September 19, 1930 • Page Image 19


September 19, 1930 • Page Image 20

…PAGE TWO G i)untorr,/osisit AIMOM ■ Mli Pontiac Merchants Extend Their Best Wishes to All for a Happy New Year III Vllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllfll ~ " HOLIDAY GREETINGS We Wish All Our Jewish Friends a Very Happy and Prosperous New Year 2- = - Best Wishes For a Happy New Year W. H. Currier CHIROPRACTOR Liii 1011/2 N. Saginaw St. Dial 2-5...…

September 19, 1930 • Page Image 21

…7hEln.-ntordonsn reetings of the Season from the Merchants of Flint PAGE THREE MCWICIE influences. lhabito which in time become hal- folks who recognize no Jewish! FUNDAMENTAL • I will now depict what I re- lowed traditions, have failed Amer- 1 .Fer.0.1Z,,ciaornnrithm,,caocnctoeunndtst hoar the outstanding assimilatory ican Jewry in this respect. They ASSIMILATION gard r forces. are in fact the standard bearers the Jewish problem. Let the ...…

September 19, 1930 • Page Image 22

…PE &TROT EWISA ROPIlair SWEDEN, A NORDIC COUNTRY WHERE THE JEWS ARE AS GOOD NORDICS AS THE SWEDES THEMSELVES The Merchants of Flint greet You With a Happy and Prosperous New Year who were not included in this cen- I the Jewish youth with a love for sus. Some of the leading Jews in Zionism. I got a peculiar thrill, Sweden today trace their ancestry almost a shock, when I walked to the Jews who were enrolled in through the halls of the Hebrew...…

September 19, 1930 • Page Image 23

…A merica Avisk Pc&lical Coda CLIFTON AVINU1 CINCINNATI 30, OM PAGE FIVE ritei)grion, LVIS►ORONICLIE EI alb Flint Merchants Extend the Best It'll Be a Sad Awakening! Wishes of the New Year a ANNUAL REPORT OF B'NAI ISRAEL LADIES' AUXILIARY OF SAGINAW , • By ROSE !MERMAN, Secretary. It gives me much pleasure to convey to you a summary of the work that we have accomplished during the past year. We have a membership of 66 Our average atte...…

September 19, 1930 • Page Image 24

…PAGE SIX ritE9entorriEwisnaliroNictr, L eading Saginaw Merchants THE HONOR ROLL OF AMERICAN JEWRY IN 5690 Jews Glee $32,201,610 to Various Jewish and Non-Jewish Came. in Gift. of $50,000 or More. THE YEAR'S ROSTER OF JEWISH HONORS, DEATHS 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 11111 1 1 1 1 111111L The huge sum of $32,201,610 of bequests, while only 17 per can g...…

September 19, 1930 • Page Image 25

…777 7-7,f77 oittalre I f/8M 611010 4111111111110161111111111 . S PAGE SEVEN Mr.1)urRogintisn 61RON ICU the Bay City Firms Extend New Year's Wishing the Entire Jewish Community of Bay City a Happy and Prosperous New Year Greetings to the Jewish Community J. HARRY NELSON THE HONOR ROLL OF AMERICAN JEWRY IN 5690 MAYOR (Continued from Preceding Page.) with 1, Boston, Pittsburgh, Phila- delphia each have three, and Los Angeles has two....…

September 19, 1930 • Page Image 26

…PAGE EIGHT TilEDETROFI'lL111811 AROPIICIL New Year's Greetings THE HONOR ROLL OF AMERICAN JEWRY IN 5690 cisco merchant and social work- phis merchant, 85. 66. M. Samuel Stern, vice-president Abraham I. Erlanger, New York of N. Y. C. board of education, 64. theatrical magnate, 70. Henrietta Straus, New York Abraham Erl anger, ger, N ew or Yk i , pioneer for woman suffrage, 62. (Continued from Preceding Page.) I 13 in their seventies, nine i...…

September 19, 1930 • Page Image 27

…Awir Iambi P4**1 ONO name • ento ear ea ass 711E9)LTKOITILWISt1 State Section I Season's Greetings New Year Greetings from State Capital Eat at CASE'S CAFETERIA LANSING, MICH. rats PAGE NINE, RON 1CL£ Open II A. M. to 2 P. M. 5:00 to 7:30 P. M. GEO. C. CASE, Proprietor SEASON'S GREETINGS LANSING'S PIONEER LUMBER COMPANY 60 Years of Dependability i ing in Kobe were ninny orthodox Hews — Rusian, Arabian HMI . Egy ptian - who desir...…

September 19, 1930 • Page Image 28

…PAGE TEN Thcf)erRor rinvisn (km icui Greetings of the Season from thel A SOVIET BARRAGE ON JUDAISM RAISE $342,317 FOR Greetings of the Season from the N. F. IN 10 MONTHS Merchants of Port Huron Merchants of Port Huron American Zionists have raised an amount of close to $350,000 dur- ing the past 10 months for the benefit of the Jewish National Fund, the Zionist agency for the acquisition of land in Palestine as the property of the Jewish pe...…

September 19, 1930 • Page Image 29

…A merica Apish Prrialical Cotter macs - CLIFTON CINCINNATI 30, OHIO PAGE ELEVEN MEDLTROIT EMSRPIRDNICLE THE OLD GUARD Wasn't Russia as great and glorl camel was still the motive power YEVSECTSIA LEADERS Hous a country as any defiled, for their wells, because to keep a LOSE RUSSIAN POSTS Christ-hating Jews wanted? Was camel was cheaper than to run new By JULIAN L. AVI•SIGLA not the great Nicola', the Little tangled motors and pumps. The ...…

September 19, 1930 • Page Image 30

…PAGE TWELVE TifEWRIDrr YOUNG ISRAEL CONTRIBUTORS New Year's greetings from Mt. Clemens Merchants' Season's Greetings to All Miller Brothers Creamery Co. PASTEURIZED MILK Cream—Butter—Cheese—Buttermilk Prompt Service to Any Jart of the City Once Tried, Always Used 310 Euclid Avenue MT. CLEMENS, MICH. Phone 521 Holiday Greetings to Our Jewish Friends and Patrons Kendrick & Bruel BUILDERS' SUPPLIES COKE COAL Phone 529 Mt. Clemens, ...…

September 19, 1930 • Page Image 31

…4/4/111VeriCaff 9avisk Periodical Cada CLIFTON ATINUll - CINCINNATI 20, OHIO PAGE THIRTEEN TfttikeRorrlarisnet RON ICU i s years the Jewish soccer followers realized that there was an empti-, ness in their sports life. No one was more actually aware of this than Dr. Max Krauss, who was at the time president of the Ilakoah Athletic Club of New York. "Ile scoured the wealth of Jew- ish players, imported stars from • the Vienna Ilakoah tea...…

September 19, 1930 • Page Image 32

…PAGE FOURTEEN 7I1E VETRaff JUDAISM IN HONOLULU Greetings rom Jackson ELECTROPURE Buttermilk, Cottage Cheese JACKSON ELECTRO- PURE DAIRY 2014 Tyson Dial 2.6927 JACKSON, MICII. Greetings from Kalamazoo By DAVID H. WHITE EnnorzrassommonmommEamn-mnnn,, ,v KinnnmunnTtnmnwinnmnnnEETInnonn=4 Thi+ is the first of •',riot of articles , surveying the Jewish condition* in the Orient, including the mode of living, and worshin the inter:relein...…

September 19, 1930 • Page Image 33

…rt „. fArkir 144141111 PAGE FIFTEEN 7itEi)f:TROVEIVIS/1 !IRON IOW Greetings from the Celery City (LMODERN STATESMANSHIP l, Cjreet1ngS from Battle Creek r- I '\A A Happy New Year to You Rosh Ilashonah Greetings Title, Bond & Mortgage Co. M.& T. BATTERY & ELECTRIC CO. OF KALAMAZOO I IF YOU DON'T FEED TRE 13EANT, -JEWS ././ Wall Paper, Paints, Win- dow Shades, DeVoe Artist Materials Picture Framing Battery and Electric Service ...…

September 19, 1930 • Page Image 34

…PAGE SIXTEEN MEM,TRonl iwisnat Roxicu ■■ ••11, WOMMMIMMWM. The Following Firms Extend Heartiest Greetings to Ally Detroit Jewry On the Occasion of the New Year ? HARRISON RADIATOR CORP. JOHN L. FULLER CO. 4444 Second Avenue Boilers and Radiation JOHN I. FULLER, Pres. Columbia 4444 cl 0 ,41 sa JOHNSON OPTICAL CO. HOME LIFE INSURANCE CO. OF N. Y. GEORGE 0. JOHNSTON, Pros. VA M. VAN SICKLE, Gen. Mgr. Cadillac 2030 1712 Union Tr...…

September 19, 1930 • Page Image 35

…Alllaia7/1 lavisk Periodical Carter CUITOM AVINIJI CINCINNATI 20, OHIO (:13a {rat tpar errrting to &moue 11- Eb ETROITI HRONICL - first iiiiotpo of t1 Oration THE ONLY ANGLO-JEWISH NEWSPAPER PRINTED IN MICHIGAN DETROIT, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 19, 1930 The Year In Sports- Rosh Hashonah Greetings to our Many Jewish Friends The past year in sport was an unusually active one for Jews. In every field of sport, performers of the fait...…

September 19, 1930 • Page Image 36

…TIE ikrilonjEwisti tARONICI13 PAGE TWO tzMilstIV $997,000 of Assets Thirteen Years Completed State- Wide Organization 101 The company has had an impor- tant growth and has increased its business and assets each year and has paid out over $5,500,000 in claims. If not insured, it will pay you to write WM. E. ROBB, Secretary of the Citizens Mutual SINCLAIR LEWIS GIVES TWO HOURS i TO A DISCUSSION OF THE CURRENT s I JEWISH SCENE. I By RA...…

September 19, 1930 • Page Image 37

…A NICtiallt letrisk Paiodical eater CLIFTON ATINLII • CINCINNATI 20, MO RE PAGE THREE EWISII_OROMICLE 4 H. U. C. LIBRARY BUILDING Rosh Hashonah Greetings to All My Jewish Friends and Customers Q/1.1 ) % ■ GYM,. r ___ es " r.7) ) Vl.) t -0')A1 Murza Munn Lauder of We Wish All Our Jewish Friends and Patrons a Happy and Prosperous New Year Tested Toys Complete analysis of your child's play materi- als and expert advice for their...…

September 19, 1930 • Page Image 38

…TitelkntorVansnaRONIGI HOPE ETERNAL 1 Wishing All Our Jewish Friends and Patrons a Happy and Prosperous New Year Auto Radiator Repair All Makes of Automobiles, Trucks and Tractors Repaired and Rebuilt CIRCULATION IN RADIATOR RESTORED Pickup and Delivery Service Whittier 5548 Wishing All Our Jewish Friends and Patrons a Happy and Prosperous New Year Holznagle's Flowers Established 1886 Member Florists' Telegraph Delivery Associatiee ...…

September 19, 1930 • Page Image 39

…MR, e laterkair Yeirt'sk Periodical &ter CLIFTON ORNATE • CINCINNATI 20, OHIO PAGE FIVE IIEVETROITA1VISRORDNICLE . •,.4; it• `. .ut KEEPING UP A FRONT A Short Story. By NINA KAYE Orectitqls CLYDE M. FORD Authorized Dealer. SALES AND SERVICE Dearborn, Mich. .• Phone Dearborn 500 „ •t•-•-t-'• ties at a quaint English restaur- I subway, which she would be doing mother, Ilarry Samuels was seated ant on Madison Avenue and taxi-e...…

September 19, 1930 • Page Image 40

…fiEDEITWITILIVISfl PAGE SIX I RCM IDLE "IN WHAT LAND OF GHOSTS . . .?" THEY MUST BE FED Rosh Hashonah Greetings to All My Jewish Friends and Patients In what land of ghosts am 1?Ibreadwinner is a book binder. In What sort of creatures are these, good times he earns 15 kronen— who hide their hands in the sleeves that is, 12 francs a month." of those long, black garments? I What are they doing, these wraiths 'I A conversation in the synag...…

September 19, 1930 • Page Image 41

…▪ • Maar iambi RIMINI Cada CLIFTON ATINUI CINCINNATI 20, OHIO PAGE SEVEN THE DerRorthinsit ORONICLE .v.s.v..w000i,ssw000Awoo,...v000eoo.wo.,voo . 0 0 0 e e 0 Rosh Hashonah Greetings A A I A I A I I A 0 I 0 I I A it e e e e e e • Greetings to our patrons, friends and neighbors. We trust that with the ushering in of the New Year, our brethren will have a full measure of h e a 1 t h, happiness and prosperity. 0 . . . . . . . Sati...…

September 19, 1930 • Page Image 42

…PAGE EIGHT PIEDernonlEwisnaiROXICIAE — • NalloIllailalmanimininoluannuma,N1YRm sanaIhICI IIIdJ'.ai1iU',u11NI1atlaVntallai We Wish You All a Happy and Prosperous New Year VO/ I 559 MICHIGAN AVE. Day and Evening Classes Established 32 Years. 30 Branches Largest and Best Equipped Barber College in the World PHONE CADILLAC 2914 FOR INFORMATION 4111111111'111111111111 ,1,11INIL111111:1111 ,11!IIIIRIMIMI1111:1111111111111111111111111111...…

September 19, 1930 • Page Image 43

…dear. aim anu s • suorm wows Iiirokir PAGE NINE TIE Y")erRon;/Eingi 01, 10141cm My Sincere Wishes to All My Jewish Friends and Neighbors for a Happy and Prosperous New Year Harry A. McDonald PRESIDENT and GENERAL MANAGER Arctic Dairy Products Co. Rosh Hashonah Greetings to All Ripley Drug Stores Where Service Counts Drugs, Prescriptions, Candies, Cigars and Sodas 2864 Fourteenth, at Temple Glendale 1413 2903 National at Temple G...…

September 19, 1930 • Page Image 44

…PAGE TEN ikl'ROITI DOS A RONIGUi We Wish Everyone A Happy New Year LENNANE & McILVENNA Jews everywhere. But in Austria I was received at court; everybody accepted me. I brought letters of introduction to the leading fam- ilies in New York. The looked on me as if I were some strange freak; t hey all but told their butlers t show me the Bair. My friendship with my emperor and his family means nothing here. I am a Jew. Rather than break my he...…

September 19, 1930 • Page Image 45

…v ittericam Apia Periodical Cotter. OWTON MMUS claioNNATt 7i1 E /ATROIVEWISR ei ROM IGUE , VsItstaSil•IsIMWM•laSAIASAIS'ISIMNSAWV~ssAWIsIslAW SET FOR A TOUCHDOWN e e – _ - Yearbook, Vol. 39, Central' Conference of American Rabbis. Season's Greetings and Best Wishes The thirty-ninth volume of the' yearbook of the Central Confer- ence of American Rabbis has just appeared. It contains the reports of the fortieth annual convention held i...…

September 19, 1930 • Page Image 46

…Ttt DEIROIT,A1115/16.1ROZIGLE PAGE TWELVE M., ■ 1111111.1•V WILL THERE BE AN ARMISTICE HERE? Rosh Hashonah Greetings and Best Wishes Michael lay on his bed and he could not sleep. The mechanics of his brain were throbbing at full speed, revolving round the thought that as soon as he had got a jots, he must start writing seriously— no, not for mere worldly gain, but art for art's sake. Let's see, what could he write about? Ile visual- in.,...…

September 19, 1930 • Page Image 47

…America frwisk Paiodiail &mkt CLIPTON AVINUI • CINCINNATI 20, OHIO ,_ , r Crrrtingo ' a t Ur . :Not; y)ErRorolwimi CfFRON1GLE of iirot the Eivtoon THE ONLY ANGLO-JEWISH NEWSPAPER PRINTED IN MICHIGAN SECTION FOUR DETROIT, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 19, 1930 SECTION FOUR REVIEW OF THE YEAR 5690 'submitted to him a memorandum EDITOR'S NOTE: Due to the importance and un• By HARRY SCHNEIDERMAN On the Arab uprisings, concluding with an ex...…

September 19, 1930 • Page Image 48

…PAGE TWO 11 EIROfT E1115/1 AROMICUL 3 JEWS NAMED TO TAX SURVEY BODY ALBANY.—(J. T. A.)—Prof. Edwin R. A. Seligman of Columbia University, New Yorok City; Jesse Straus of New York ('ity, and Charles L. Feldman, corporation counsel of Buffalo, are among the eight members of the legislative committee which was named by Governor Roosevelt, Senator Knight and Speaker McGinnies to study the tax laws of New York state and recommend changes to the ...…

September 19, 1930 • Page Image 49

…Americo( 9en:4 Periodical Cotter CLIFTON ATINUI • CINCINNATI 30, OHIO `Nic.7771- Tf sm.% forma- ice to would of the ibtedly some :en or to in. Is Pot- living, to per. ,great tol e is 1 Rosh Hashonah Greetings 1 HUDSON Cleaners & Dyers SERVICE — QUALITY :e We Call and Deliver Anywhere 2641 Joy Road 14105 E. Jefferson Ave. ;ion North and West Sides: ing Euclid 7000 East Side: Lenox 5626 BRANCH STORES: 7903 E. Jefferson Ave....…

September 19, 1930 • Page Image 50

…PAGE FOUR TifElierRORAWISRaRONICIE Season's Greetings from Windsor Merchants -TT4f,ew„00000mwi A Happy New Year to You Sr fish, frog, chicken and Steak Dinners Tjl Tourists Served at All Hours Snappy Music Dancing Edgewater Inn Formerly Thomas Inn 1 Yi Riverside Drive RIVERSIDE, ONT. Six Miles from Windsor Ferry— Sr Phone Tecumseh 104 EMEIRSTMMMEIESSMEM Season's Greetings and Best Wishes Auto Specialties Manufacturing Com...…

September 19, 1930 • Page Image 51

…earn aim • smipm* PAGE FIVE PEDerRorrimsnetRomaz New Year's Greetings from Windsor Merchants' COMPLIMENTS OF Forge & Stamping y5 Limited p.../.::.s. f ....7.\ ) ..- 164.) •-. < .1... riq j:::'; • EAST WINDSOR : -: : -: : -: ONTARIO Greetings of the Season 1a 40 Canadian Commercial Motor Car Co. BODY BUILDERS Phone 3-1852 509 Goyeau Street WINDson,oNT. Season's Greetings Windsor Steam Laundry Our Aim is to Please Our Cust...…

September 19, 1930 • Page Image 52

…PAGE SIX .". _ illEVETROIT,AW1Sit aiKON Improvement in Low Priced . puny, during a recent field survey which brought him in contact with Automotive Field. every major marketing area east REVIEW OF THE YEAR 5690 of the Mississippi. (Continued from Preceding Page.) Sales are picking up. Stocks are in satisfactory shape. And the re- anti-Jewish prayers, and on May lation of new to used car stocks is 26 the Reich brought suit in the in decide...…

September 19, 1930 • Page Image 53

…, ish , th gle Ise ott oiy PAGE SEVEN Tit E WrItOlY,frIVISR &MUGU NMI STAY IN U. S. IS GRANTED HAKOAH to this country following its return from a tour of South America. The, appeal had been originally denied because of a decision to discon- ' WASHINGTON.—(J. T. Al— . tinny the waiving of the contract The United States department of labor clause of the immigration labor granted the request of the law, which is necessary in the Ilakoah ...…

September 19, 1930 • Page Image 54

…nENTRorr PAGE EIGHT Every man takes care that hill I neighbor. Then, and only then, Boarder (several weeks in ar- neighbor shall not cheat him. But I all goes well. He has changed his rears) : "I am easily moved by a day cornea when he begins to market cart into a chariot of the the sound of music." Angry Landlady: "Quick, Mar- care that he does not cheat his sun.—Ralph Waldo Emerson. tha, bring me the piano." orF000m:Kon-o-000citi000p00000...…

September 12, 1930 • Page Image 1

…A merica ewisk Periodical Cada All Jewish News All Jewish Views WITHOUT BIAS - - IfEbETROIT LWISH utRONICLE ,asst DR. VAYDA VOEVOD ADMITS CONNECTION WITH ANTI-SEMITES ■ ille. G. D. ART IANO 1003 THE ONLY ANGLO-JEWISH NEWSPAPER PRINTED IN MICHIGAN DETROIT, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 12,, 1930 Guest Speaker of Jewish Congress Refuses to Take Severer Steps to Suppress Their Activities. AND NE O LIN LE irmony tax • for m for fen...…

September 12, 1930 • Page Image 2

…PAGE TWO f)LTROY 46141,161R0/41(2113 RABBI SCHOSTAK IN BROOKLYN HOSPITAL OF LEAGUE LEGIONNAIRES HERE COUNCIL UPHOLDS CRITICISM ACTIVE IN DRIVE OF ENGLAND'S RULE cape's adopted. was unanimously !EXPECT USSISHKIN HERE IN DECEMBER' BROM Immigration Ban Temporary. I In replying to M. Procope, Mr.1 I. Under Observation Following an Henderson emphasized that Jewis Attack by Holdup Man. immigration had not been suspen d (Continued from Page O...…

September 12, 1930 • Page Image 3

…Algeriait lavish Periodical eater O c pheonosl ile ab nrsekw y s Samvuaetle BH Pri- CLIFTON AMUR • CINCINNATI 30, OHIO lirsistrar RANI CLE ORT EXPENDITURES :.:CLASSIFIED:.: TO BE CUT IN HALF 1 - PAGE THR EE Samuel Bilansky announces the SIRS. J. SHERLI N E-First-class ' FOR RENT-A nice clean, light opening of a private Hebrew catering for weddings and par- room for a couple, with light and Yiddish school at 10304 Dix- ties 15850 Li n...…

September 12, 1930 • Page Image 4

…THE 1)erRonjEw7sn (AROMIG/3 :4===3:Miy=izttatlytrl ThEYfinuon,kwisnetkorilCLE ' ' • .666b -.•6" •Co•eb• `•! Published Weekly by The Jewish Chronicle Publishing C.. Inc Entered as Second-class matter March 8, 1916, It the Poet- °Mee at Detroit, Mich., under the Act of March 8, 1819. General Offices and Publication Building 625 Woodward Avenue Telephone: Cadillac 1040 Cable Address: Chronicle London Office 14 Stretford Place, London, W...…

September 12, 1930 • Page Image 5

…AmericaN Jewish Periodical Carter CLIFTON AVENUE • CINCINNATI 20, OHIO MEDETR021161115RMR01'41C113 HENRY BEHRENDT DR. VAYDA VOEVOD ELECTED SHERIFF' ADMITS CONNECTION WITH ANTI-SEMITES' (Continued from Page One.) NYAFA TRADE MARK REG. U. S. ('AT. OFFICE A Kosher Vegetable Product county, I feel also that my nomi- nation for the office of sheriff is something fur more significant than a mere personal triumph. "Without money and without , ...…

September 12, 1930 • Page Image 6

…ThefientoniaisnatRoriat PAGE SIX PURITY'S BRIDGE-TEA ON TUESDAY, SEPT. 16 LARGE WOMEN 'HUDSON'S 49TH ANNIVERSARY Purity Chapter No. 359. 0. E. S., will hold its first Fall social affair, a charity bridge-tea, en Tuesday, Sept. le, at 1:30 p. m., at the Hostess Cake Shop, Oakman haute- Shopping at Heyn's Tremendous Selections of the Smartest Fashions Await Your Choice Here . . . at Prices That Will Add to Your Pleasure of Finding Just "Y...…

September 12, 1930 • Page Image 7

…Americo( gewisk Periodical Cotter • - CLIREON AYRNUI - CINCINNATI 20, OHIO 711EikTRorr/Ewisn 0RONICLE Benton's Mr. and Mr. Morris Newman have closed their summer home at Union Lake and have returned to their hone on Ilazelwood avenue. UNQUESTIONABLY THE GREATEST COAT VALUES IN DETROIT TODAY y ise Ills ocial;And; Qrsonal Mrs. A. Gelber, who, with her family, left for New York to make their perthanent home, was exten- sively entertai...…

September 12, 1930 • Page Image 8

…- 7i1EPLIROfT EIVISRON CIE ZIONIST-REVISIONIST REPORT THIS SUNDAY Flower Day for Political Fund on Saturday and Sunday. CLU Pythian Sisters. Eta Rho Sorority. A mass meeting at which a re, , O n Monday evening, Sept." 15, at The at meeting of Eta Rho So- port will be given Of the world con- , , ' 8 o'clock, clock, at Pythian Castle, 3153 rority was held at the home of the fcrence of the Zionist-Revisionists recently held in Prague, will b...…

September 05, 1930 • Page Image 1


September 05, 1930 • Page Image 2

…16WISflaRONICLE Believe JEWS REMEMBERED IN PHELAN WILL o 0 graterual feud Club Nolo E Ladies' Society. involving the building of over 10 was, branch superintenden1t7ftd Eastern Ladies' Society will have HARRY I. DINGEMAN ,irrictfiwaeloe miles of 10-foot, 6-inch to 3-foot years. Ile spent two years I its annual ball Dec. 14, at the u SEEKS RE-ELECTION diameter monolithic concrete and sales manager for the Frank It, Book-Cadillac Hotel. Othe...…

September 05, 1930 • Page Image 3

…4mericam ,fewish Periodical Cotter 0 for five oars u ank nd two , :f the 'nerican t ion 1 - - CLIFTON AVINUI - ancnoun 20, OHIO TifEbETROIF _MISR RRONICK All Jewish News All Jewish Views WITHOUT BIAS — THE ONLY ANGLO-JEWISH NEWSPAPER PRINTED IN MICHIGAN DETROIT, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 5, 1930 VOL. XXX. NO. 15 is be. la new sashes. der the regular blades. BANK IS PLANNED TO AID JEWS WHO OBSERVE SABBATH he law 're the oe hur...…

September 05, 1930 • Page Image 4

…• TIEVETROtY / Believe It or Not ' JEWS REMEMBERED IN PHELAN WILL Igraternal unit Club Nutrii etRONICIA Eastern Ladies' Society. Eastern Ladies' Society wiil hav its annual ball Dec. 14, th e Book-Cadillac Hotel. Other organ A izations are asked not to make an Y tntertainments on that date. HARRY I. DINGEMAN •involving the building of over 10 miles of 10-foot, 6-inch to 3-foot SEEKS RE-ELECTION diameter monolithic concrete and was bra...…

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