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September 30, 1927 • Page Image 1


September 30, 1927 • Page Image 2

…PIEVErRcny,/Ewisii C RONICLE PAGE TWO ■■■ w .1 ob.■.■■■■■■■■■•■■■■■■■■■■■ Dependable Schedule of Courses Furs The Jewish Centers Ioe You can depend cn H eyn's for both quality and low price, as well as for style and service. II•c=x01 Before you buy a fur coat at any price — let us show you our selections and then you can make comparisons. You are Invited to Open a Charge Account at Heyn's. 1241 WOODWARD Between State and Grand...…

September 30, 1927 • Page Image 3

…S ;5 A merica tfeuisk Periodical &liter CLIFTON AVENUE • CINCINNATI 20, OHIO 7lI GiITRO11;AWISIt ASK THE RABBI ' ELIMINATE SUPERFLUOUS HAIR 1. WII0 Was the first president of Temple Beth El, Detroit? 2. Where was the first house used as a place of worship by Con- gregation Beth El? 3. Who Will: the first Rabbi of Temple Beth El? .1. What world-famous Jewish scholar NV:IS brought to America to Leconte the Rabbi of Temple Beth El? 5. Wha...…

September 30, 1927 • Page Image 4

…:.:5)erRorriEwtsn ORM ICUS tsZtaW4514.yttlAyetr,VVIV ,,f worship than ever before there are, at the same more forms, or rather degrees, of faith than ever .i. In the palmy days of statehood in Palestine, freren•es between one sect and another often in- I not only the forms of worship but even the very pt of the Godhead. The concept of God was often in each locality by religious notions taken over the former inhabitants of the locality. There...…

September 30, 1927 • Page Image 5

…it t A merica Avish Periodcal eater CLIFTON AVINUI • CINCINNATI 20, OHIO ilENTItOrl'A i6lt7M1 The Mystery of Kol Aidre (Continued from preceding page.) the seheme of God's judgment of men there was some provision for their awful plight. The Vindication. Desperately and eagerly, they searched the Torah of Moses and the Talmud of the Rabbis for sone- intlication that their situation had been provided for and that their in was foririveabl...…

September 30, 1927 • Page Image 6

…PAGE SIX ThE&NROITAWISflORONICLE ofe al i.at1 Qrsonal LENOX Aristocrat of Chinas Autumn crowns all seasons with the gor- geous colorings of hriliant reds, rich yel- lows and deep bronzy greens. Beautifully have the Artists .f Lenox conceived this motif and evolved the Autumn pattern, above. The dinner plates on , $50 the dozen. Other polio( in proportion. KING'S SALON DES BEAUX ARTS Second Floor L. B. KING & CO. East Grand River and ...…

September 30, 1927 • Page Image 7

…A merican tfewish Periodical Center CLIFTON AVENUE • CINCINNATI 20, OHIO S , USSEK R 77,,,$).„ cro,,,„./ - K.,..i--.1 rd HOSPITAL WANTS AID OF U. S. JEWS P, Shaare Zedek Hospital in Jerusalem Makes Appeal for Funds. 1448 ISIsslwaat Awn)). Velvet Hats Rhinestone Trimmed $15.00 Specially Priced IT Millinery Salon — Entire Fourth Floor 's ‘3 \ SSSSSSNNS % \N S \SS ,.\ \S ‘ Shhs, S NSSW . The Best Suit in the World-- Looks shabby...…

September 30, 1927 • Page Image 8

…PAGE EIGHT piEvErpAk wisn ef RON ICU ;REVIEWS RECORD OF MAYOR SMITH Shows Administration Saved RUNS SHALT SlEOLS Small Householder From Unfair Taxes. FOE CC-FES When Stayor John W. Smith threw down the gauntlet to the board of education and demanded siihools for the children before money was spent in colleges, he did what no Other mayor of Detroit ever had shown courage to do, ac- cording to the men in charge of Mr. Smith's campaign. T...…

September 30, 1927 • Page Image 9

…America Autisk Periodical Cotter CLIFTON AVENUE • CINCINNATI 20, 01110 PAGE NINE HEVETKOIT11;111S11 ef RON ICU CLASSIFIED:: ASK THE RABBI Answers. d 8 d Year. adran, and Year, ' Infant L,m a I 'Oft Elect red P. J. WHALING and for COUNCILMAN A successful downtown Woodward Avenue business man. Resident of Detroit for 26 years. Tax payer, honest, fearless and a proven execu- tive, opposed to frills, for essentials. One cap- able ...…

September 30, 1927 • Page Image 10

…PLEETRORAW1511 itRONICLB To the old cat, says the proverb, give a tender mouse. Men turn ever to the rising sun because the setting sun in soon • lost. HEAR SENSATIONAL REPORTS ON CAUSE OF RABBI'S ARREST IC. taunt from First Page.) Short is the road that teals from molt that some steps are necessary for consolidating the Jewish reli- fear to hate. gious activities in Soviet Russia and trying to widen their scope as much as possible, and a...…

September 23, 1927 • Page Image 1

…MI crica H V V AWL* Periodical eater CLIFTON MMUS - CINCINNATI 20, OHIO 11- EbETROIT ,WISH RRONICLE I f All Jewish News All Jewish Views WITHOUT BIAS OLDEST AND MOST INFLUENTIAL JEWISH NEWSPAPER IN MICHIGAN DETROIT, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 23, 1927 VOL. XXXII. NO. 17 'CITY'S SYNAGOGUES 'EXPECT UNUSUALLY' LARGE ATTENDANCE 768.91 ENTS 764.27 Hias Subject of Holiday Sermons In more than 100 synagogues throughout the country the ...…

September 23, 1927 • Page Image 2

…THEVerRorrionsfieutomichE AGE TWO ose. ■•■■■■■■•■■■■■■•■■■■■■■ .1.1. ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ve U. P. A. TO RAISE $350,000 IN CASH BEFORE OCT. 1 Featuring the (Contiued from page 1.) AGUDAH LEADERS MEET IN CRACOW JEWISH CALENDAR (Contined from page 1.) 5688 -1927 Rosh liashonah (New Year's Eve) ...Monday, Sept. 26 Tuesday, Sept. 27 Rosh Ilashonah (first day) Rosh Hashonah (second day)....Wednesday, Sept. 28 Thursday, Oct. 6 Yom Kippur Tuesday...…

September 23, 1927 • Page Image 3

…American ,fewish Periodicalenter CLIFTON AVINUI • CINCINNATI 20, OHIO PAGE THREE 111EPEIKOITILN ISI1 OHMIC 01g % 1 111(1( i n rota I •• ■ •• ■ IIMINNKIMINNIMILIIIME=.. ■ - f or Economical Transportation The Coach $595 The Touring $ or Roadster . The Coupe . The 4-Door Sedan . 525 '625 '695 -an outstanding feature of the most azing Quality in Chevrolet History Power ... snap ... speed .. . smoothness ... comfort • • . roadabilit...…

September 23, 1927 • Page Image 4

…GE FOUR FlEurtNi1 ARO/416LE ea. If the dovecote lacks not food it Neither great poverty nor :Jew, who loves you will make you will lack not doves. , and who hates you may rii•hes will hear reason. - -- -- you laugh. light o f another will never Though the vixen change her pid •olutions ore t he safes. -kin sow cannot by aside her na- light you, if you have none .0 f your I/W a. I Ili V. ny can he soon undone. WHAT WILL THE NEW YEAR Helped...…

September 23, 1927 • Page Image 5

…America lavish Perin cal Carter • CLIFTON MMUS - CINCINNATI 20, 0810 PAGE FIVE ef RON IICLE rii91:11tOrri A NEW YEAR'S MESSAGE Wil001CSICIMMIMIIVAWSWOVAIMA.WIMS,W(SWAWAVOMMXII ROBERT ROSENBLOOM'S By DR. STEPHEN S. WISE Campu s Floral Shop He then conceived the idea of as- !Spirit), II am i II Chri S t 0 Don Custo ' several ceirtaining the number and status , Suza, Rodrigues, etc. In Rosh Hashonah Greetings. of the 111arrano families...…

September 23, 1927 • Page Image 6

…Tit cfrutorr, pion ORM !CIA b' ' rc CJr 1 ' ' WIEVETROITIEWISit Published Weekly by The Jewish Chronicle Publishing Co., Inc. .President Secretary and Treasurer JOSEPH J. CUMMINS JACOB H. SCHAKNE Entered a. Second-elm.. matter March 1, Ma at the Postolfice at Detroit. Mich., under the Act of March 3. 1`, 79. General Offices and Publication Building 525 Woodward Avenue Telephone: Cadillac 1040 Cable Address: Chronicle London Off...…

September 23, 1927 • Page Image 7

…A merica 5CWIsk periodical &ter CLIFTON AMU* - CINCINNATI 20, OHIO PIENTROITJEW1811 Center, Hamilton ave- CITY'S SYNAGOGUES I ronimunity DUC 11114 Glynn Court. In accord- SUALLY mice with a decision of the board EXPECT UNU trustees, cards of admission to LARGE ATTENDANCE or the services at the Westminster I continued from first pave.) Center will be limited to members of the congregation. Non-members will be cheerfully accommodated at the...…

September 23, 1927 • Page Image 8

…-• Tnt9erRorr,frwun &RON ICU PAGE EIGHT THE SHOFAR BLOWS By RABBI JOSEPH THUMIN. IB "America's Best" Season's Greetings Yours for Service Where else in Detroit can you get furniture of absolute quality at such prices and such terms ? Now Featuring Schor's New Autumn Display of Fine Furniture Including the pick of the market in Living Room Suites :: Dining Suites Bedroom Suites 111111111111111 11111111111111112111111111111111 1111...…

September 23, 1927 • Page Image 9

…America Palish Periodical Carter CLIFTON MINUS • CINCINNATI 20, OHIO PAGE NINE PuypitorrfaistiefRONICLE are holds in the educational level opnient of a city like Detroit, an attentive attendance at these tures is urged. Tickets.,, ,ire now on sale at Or- chestra hill, phone Glendale $290. Prices for the series arc: $1 0 , id; and $t. Ito \es: 511111 and I $75. • START CAMPAIGN FOR NEW ORPHAN HOME 111111 0.1•11, - Holiday Greetings. SP...…

September 23, 1927 • Page Image 10

…40 TifEfrrRorriEmsn ((IKON icit PAGE TEN HEARTIEST GREETINGS Integrity Skill just obtained from a tuberculosis survey made here in Boston where we have 75 per cent of the mor- tality rate from tuberculosis for the state of Massachusetts. While By GOVERNOR FRED W. GREEN. the official figures are not yet pub- lished I am informed on high au- thority that the Jewish mortality rate in our own city is the lowest I wish to thank The Detroit Je...…

September 23, 1927 • Page Image 11

…America Palish Palatal C€wter CLIFTON AVENUE • CINCINNATI 10, OHIO PAGE ELEVEN 103 LIMP EWISII6 ROM ICU AS Unity to a certain degree also conies to the surface when a dri• is begun. F ur a number 1.1 years these drives have aciuoied toliSid- By DAVID A. BROWN enitoe success here. ROSH HASHONAH GREETINGS • LISPS THIL W1111 El) IN MOTOR ILAR VALUE 1es, the drives are not purely Another year has passed and once again we are North American in...…

September 23, 1927 • Page Image 12

…PAGE TWELVE fitEl)LTROIT,IEWINIOR074 ME THE DETROIT LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY Extends to the Jewish People of Detroit and Michigan Through Detroit Jewish Chronicle Sincere Wishes For a Happy and Prosperous New Year M. E. O'BRIEN, President. We appreciate the confidence you have manifested in our institution by your continued support and hope that our future relationships may be even more pleasant and mutually satisfactory. :•: Members ...…

September 23, 1927 • Page Image 13

…America"' Arish periodical Carter (=PION AVINUL • CINCINNATI 20, OHIO PAGE THIRTEEN E &THOM AlYkSit ef RON ICU eim MOURNERS' SERVICE Editor's Note:—For the benefit of those who desire a trans- literation of the prayer recited by mourners and who are not familiar with Ilebrew, The Detroit Jewish Chronicle publishes the prayer in English terms arranged according to syllables. Paragraph four is recited in Reform synagogues only, and not in ...…

September 23, 1927 • Page Image 14

…) PAGE FOURTEEN 7;":: 6 )LTKOIP10.4$R (11Roir [at aft a go it I t iI her numerus clausus regulations, hundred Rumanian atudenta re- quick denials of any anti-Semitism , though Jewish students in the Hun- turning from an anti-Semitic con-, from Rumanian officials every-' garian universities still have no where, and from Queen Marie in s in Germany. ference of studen Paradise. The unwillingness of rho attacking of the Jewish guar- partic...…

September 23, 1927 • Page Image 15

…Piti9cruorrir,wisn eiROPIICLE • Greetings -- from R. S. KNAPP COMPANY GENERAL CONTRACTORS music and musicians CAN'T MAKE HIM PRACTICE. By Saul Abramoyitch, Mu•. Bac. Fountaine Fox, creator of the "roonerville Folks" in the comic section of the Detroit Times, re- •ently showed an amusing cartoon ,f how a little girl fooled her mother by buying her freedom from he gigantic task of an hour's prac- ( ice on the piano by paying another ittl...…

September 23, 1927 • Page Image 16

…TiOmprrit_xisagoracm PAGE SIXTEEN GENERAL MOTORS TO CONDUCT FALL SHOWING 011tikifoo JAIL RABBI FOR TEACHING FAITH Sentence Later Commuted to Fine in Soviet Russia The Officers Town. 1400 WASHINGTON BLVD. 1110SCOW.--(J. T. A.) - A sen- tence of six months' imprisonment was imposed and later commuted to a tine of 50 roubles on the local rabbi of the tovo• of Romni, district of Poltava. The rabbi was charged Nall teaching religion to Jew...…

September 23, 1927 • Page Image 17

…A merico ,fewish Periodical eater CLIPTON AVINUI - CINCINNATI 20, OHIO PAGE SEVENTEEN Veraori;ini ,ISII CIRONICLE Teatn, will hold its first reorgan- ization meeting at 8 o'clock Thurs- day, Sept. 29, at the Y. W. IL A., 89 Rowena street. An interesting Los Amigos Club. program of speakers has been ar- The first meeting of the season ranged and all plans for the com- of Los Amigos was held Sept. 18. ing year will be discussed. All in- B. A...…

September 23, 1927 • Page Image 18

…7itEIATRonjonsfi(ARoracte PAGE EIGHTEEN • INElitlfill313101111311:111iiNtgramcgrawmataggrafirmatiralzar lansinZrafts161E671100113afigraleranalisaillefinowlu : ., ASK THE RABBI 1 u LOUIS DANTO A Sheaf of Sheilas Representing the By RABBI LEON FRAM, Director of Religious Education, Temple Beth El. 12. Who was the founder of the Yiddish art theater? 13. Why were the expelled Jews of Spain attracted by Holland? 14. What Swiss Jew is one o...…

September 23, 1927 • Page Image 19

…11 A meriam ,Newish periodical eater CLIPTON AVINUI • CINCINNATI 20, OHIO PAGE TWENTY-ON, B ikfROHJEN1Sit ORM ICII. •••• ■ •• 10/2.74 414 ‘92-0 t re"J 3J54 ara t 0_11 0lff...041."•-.) 4 octa l an d PISGAH PRESENTS 3fratrrual zta arsonett UNUSUAL PROGRAM 1 Q:11111 Notrti s S USEK "-nu, Uty, of Orwmal_Aoci, 1 Rev. C. B. Emerson Spealtal on "English Literature Miss Esther Abrotrovitz of and Drama." Cameron avenue has returne d zmeMo...…

September 23, 1927 • Page Image 20

…Vernorrlansn aiRONIC143 PAGE TWENTY-TWO New Year Greetings The names listed below arrived too late to be classified in the regular Greeting Section Six. — A — New Showings of Distinguished Dr aperies! Mr. and Mrs. Roy Abramaohn and Son 2200 Wightman St., Pittsburgh, Pa. Extend their best wishes to their relatives and friends for a Happy and Prosperous New Year. Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Adler and Family 1676 Chicago Blvd. Extend their best wis...…

September 23, 1927 • Page Image 21

…America lavish Periodical Cotter CLIFTON AYINUR - CINCINNATI 20, OHIO PAGE TWENTY-THREE PIEY)LTRonAwisriefitorng,E first run screen attraction !tures Raymond K•ane and Barbara Ponselle Will Open Season. I for The the week in "The Lone Eagle." !Kent. New York critics called it "WHAT PRICE GLORY" CIASSIFIEtl NEW THEATER OPENS ,SATURDAY nraittate soprano! picture yet a thrilling tale of ru le r war eagles. , the great, at air of the Metro...…

September 23, 1927 • Page Image 22

…America lavish periodical Cotter CLIFTON Alf2NUII - CINCINNATI 30, OHIO )27 ati 5688-1927 THEkT11.01 C 7 5688-19? -1 THE OLDEST JEWISH NEWSPAPER PRINTED IN MICHIGAN DETROIT, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 23, 1927 Section Two HOW MILADY DRESSED IN ANCIENT ISRAEL Hebrews, barring always the Arabian women when they are be- atic taste, but whether quite large' this part of the dress was lavished cries, and for other advantages enough to a...…

September 23, 1927 • Page Image 23

…- itEni,MOIT EWISIt PAGE TWO ROM IVAL t n ded Vi;iVi' a se S .:;' vsy.4:,;,:i:7::::::7;i:?:i:-,s:1:,:::,,*,s1:1471:*:::?:i--17VV111:7:t5i:1:7MMY11.74:5K ., .s. of r— 2 " 5 4 Alhambra THEATRE _..._ s Extends Greetings of the their Season to friends and patrons " A • ",-E",4X-fe l-fl."-.Wz4-ifaif4t3=44-igazi-Xffat.- N presenting pictures, we do our utmost to get what we think our patrons want; however, if at any time you h...…

September 23, 1927 • Page Image 24


September 23, 1927 • Page Image 25

…THEYwritorr, /Ems,' PAGE FOUR •; 91,16111001111=1111M4.AdAMIDDNap 10' E0 MULTIGRAPHING The Season's Greetings. f i r- l It F IT-4 Beattie Machinery I Company -4 -SO I • Construction Equipment, Rentals, Sales and Service. The Season's Greetings. SOUTHERS CUT STONE CO. Air Compressors, Tools, Hoists. Boilers, Concrete 4 CUT STONE WORK NATURAL INDIANA LIME STONE Arlington 4567 '0' ■■ • :1100101.110 ■•■■■•■■ and Four-Family H...…

September 23, 1927 • Page Image 26

…alaiaN !Nisi Periodical ado GLOM MIMI 011101101/311 110. agro fIE CARTAGE COMPANY BIG GEORGE A. HARRIS, Prop, Dump Trucks, 7-Ton Macks, Stake Trucks, 1-7 Tons Let us tiglire on your coal and cement hauling con- tracts. We are fully covered by liability, property damage and compensation insurance. Office and Garage: 718 Twenty-fifth Street, at West Fort Street Residence, 1167 Clark Avenue Lafayette 3755-3747; Night, Sunday, Lafayette ...…

September 23, 1927 • Page Image 27

…TnefiernonjElyssmffiRomaL PAGE SIX mon people, led usually by a Chris- most corner of the European TIT000041-10VITVITITIO051,_ tian priest or monk, have been the world. It became a part of the iniators of anti-Semitic manifes- cultural inheritance of all the womisemommonvommoo.swoomoomw000. tations, the more customary races of Europe, imparted equally r 4 source has been some disturbed or to peer and to peasant. Nowhere By HORACE M. KALLEN. ...…

September 23, 1927 • Page Image 28

…A merican i fewish Periodical Carter CLIPTON AMU' - CINCINNATI 30, OHIO PAGE SEVEN MEDentordEmsn CIRONICLE U 80ol=toicio,==o3=soelo=oci: REMEMBRANCES o:1 0===o1::to=un=locio===s0=0 other is social. The first is organ- about the classroom; the sec- II "And God remembered Rachel," O and is organized about the under- AttalaW4WilaVaIM.WislaW4VAVIAWa. etc. (Gen. xxx, 22). What did He graduate dub or fraternity. The remember unto her? /le re...…

September 23, 1927 • Page Image 29

…HE PAGE EIGHT EMMY EWISil I and the ranking Spanish and Hal-I the greatest American newspaper publisher. But while there are not ion statesmen. Ile was once called upon to me: too malty Jewish publishers of gnat newspapers in America, diate between Hungary and Aus- arc any number of famous 'trio when both parts of the em-.there Aire were engaged in political con-lJeweIh journalists in this country. troversy. His international c on- I have a...…

September 23, 1927 • Page Image 30

…PAGE NINE SPETRINIEIVISR ffiRamaki TE_ Actively Interested in Israel's Problems BUILDING PLANS 6tErtaup Sicklesteel Lumber Co. 1 11111li v iiii M1111111 121 11 -1 4 "114'.1,111 u 220 , II p;lii Houses, Flats and Bungalows DrChairoWeizmann ' 211111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 11 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111101 r ; = k Two Sets for $5.00. SPECIAL PLANS Of Sto...…

September 23, 1927 • Page Image 31

…• . . PAGE TEN PLE9LROtTIEWISIlaIRONICIA1 ■•■■■■■■■ ••11.11 Hebretv School Kindergarten trlulith• 21111111111111111111111111111111111111111 1111111111111111111111111111111111111 111101111111 11:: runt n his n kst human » I ha ce rleriothily affected the reli- beauty, justice in its organized life, = Rosh Hashonah Greetings. A Comprehensive Study in Successful Hebrew Education •us attitude of the individual. testify to the glory of . God. s...…

September 23, 1927 • Page Image 32

…Americo 'elvish periodical Carter ▪ CLIPTON AVINUS • CINCINNATI 20, OHIO PAGE ELEVEN ifIBI)Entorr,infisii(eiRoxicit , stripes with a scourge. Then he which the rabbis had in the course "to be an ape among apes." Ile was obliged to sit on the ground, after which the ban of excommu- A Happy New Year. nication was removed. Not yet having satisfied the authorities, he haul to stretch himself out on the threshold of the synagogue that those pr...…

September 23, 1927 • Page Image 33

…PIEVenton;jovisn[llt0241Cill PAGE T'WE'LVE strange prophets of religious free-1 of the Jew. He says that the only dom in their day and burned them people who possess a natural love to the stake. The American busi- of music are Jews and gypsies. ness man doesn't care to be both- Though this may be sweeping, when ered by the vagaries and whims one remembers the negro and all ROSH HASHONAH GREETINGS Being a Survey of the Jew In Music. of genius...…

September 23, 1927 • Page Image 34

…THEY)entorrikwun A SPIRIT OF GOOD WILL Rosh Ilashonah Greetings. Install your "Silent" now! WINDER BATH HOUSE RUSSIAN AND TURKISH BATAS • By SAMUEL STERNBERG, President, Pisgah Lodge No. 34. I. 0. B. B. 632 WINDER STREET Clifford 5484. May the coming year be for all a year of life over- flowing with the honey of health—abounding in prosperity and success in all our endeavors—the charm of sweet contentment. May the unity in Israel grow...…

September 23, 1927 • Page Image 35

…America ,fewish Pedalled eater CLIFTON AVENUE • CINCINNATI 30, OHIO •••••ss 11-EVETROIX JEWISH 6-1RONICL- 56ss--19'7 THE OLDEST JEWISH NEWSPAPER PRINTED IN MICHIGAN Section Three DETROIT, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 23, 1927 • measure of Gentiles. Raleigh. as Karesh instituted in the front room inevitably you must know, is the. of her home a school for juvenile home of Josephus Daniels, secre- religious education. In the begin- morning...…

September 23, 1927 • Page Image 36

…LH£ 1)EI'RonjEwisn (/tRor tat LINCOLN •11 11 sS-1 1 1 SEVEN PASSENGER SEDAN Designed by DIETRICH The interior of this seven. passenger sedmt is very spacious. The two auxiliary seats, facing fone. , rd, are unusually comfortable, and ample noon is afforded for the comfort of all passengers. Broadcloth or mohair upholstery material is optional in thus sedan, as with all Lincoln enclosed cars. HE man or woman who purchases We meet this ...…

September 23, 1927 • Page Image 37

…A merica swish Periodical Cotter PAGE THREE LIKOIT 0111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111116 PLAN NETWORK OF NEW ROADS iiashanalt (fireetinils galliZat11111, 110WeVI.1 - May the Coming Year be filled with Health, Contentment and Prosperity for All. Fenton & Smith INVESTMENT BANKERS Specializing in Land Contracts 24th Floor, First National ...…

September 23, 1927 • Page Image 38

…PAGE FOUR litEM,TRorkl pion LIIROMICLE ' ■■■■.W■1 ■■■ ■ A Dreamer Collects His Bill ■'\7 .I .7 Z111011111,1111111111,1,101.1111!rilki.'ILW1.11 ,,i111', ,,, ,11 ,11,11, , ' Ihilly1111111 111d116:,11,,,,011.1tAP111,11110,,I ,111,1,11, , h1 ..1:, ■ 11111111111 1111111111 1111111111111111 11111111111111111111111111111 11111111111 111111111111 111111111111 1111111111111111 By ANNE HARD. .%%7 5utit i Felicitations 1't! 0t Back in the c...…

September 23, 1927 • Page Image 39

…4ml= *with Palatial e geitr. 0 CLIPTMI omens • C1111011111All SIND PAGE FIVE IIEVLIRDIT DtISROIRONICIE "Thy People Shall Be My People TIMMMMMMMMKMM,M,MMMME-le , SMMEMMEMM -,TEMMESPAMMMERSHEMM A Happy and Prosperous New Year to Everybody. A New Year's Message. Hr '1 2' 1 HOLIDAY GREETINGS R,9 [LI 2 FYI E Nr9 R-. ] 7 y' ' h1i.l. history, says that the histoi y Continental Life Insurance Company of St. Louis, Mo. flies sent...…

September 23, 1927 • Page Image 40

…ThE VI,TitonjEwisn (rotor icu PAUN SIX WEN mg the land and preparing it for military training camps through- good returns. But Mr. Levin, as out the country. The success and enthusiasm representative of his township, pro- eceds on a scientific basis for se- which has marked the organization curing the loan. He has the figures of the Jewish Brotherhood has necessary at his finger tips. He aroused a spirit of emulation on can tell you just ex...…

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