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April 19, 1940 • Page Image 23

…20 DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE and The Legal Chronicle Irving Davidson, nationally known authority on Jewish hu- mor, will appear on Tuesday, April 30, in the Center's Jewish Lecture-Concert series. Mr. Da- vidson, who comes from New York, will deliver an illustrated lecture on "Jewish Wit and Humor." Possessor of one of the larg- est collections of Jewish stories and anecdotes, Mr. Davidson has contributed articles on Jewish humor to various p...…

April 19, 1940 • Page Image 24

…Americam Apish Palatal Ceder CLIFTON AVENUE - CINCINNATI 20, OHIO • 21 April 19, 1940 The Legal Chronicle DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE and MORAL JEWS ROUNDED UP ON THE STREET IN WARSAW EMBARGO DRIVE Americans Oppose Aid to Aggressors, Boycott Leaders Declare LAUNCH GREETINGS . . . In the spirit of the occasion I extend to you all the best wishes for a joyous Pesach! Plans for a campaign to im- pose a Moral Embargo against the sale of Ame...…

April 19, 1940 • Page Image 25

…DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE end The Legal Chronicle 22 Passover Seder by A. Z. A. Wednesday evening, April 24, at Congregation Be th Tikvah Hall, Chanter No. 93 at Cong. 9746 Petoskey Ave. Beth Tikvah The Seder is sponsored by the The A. Z. A. Jr. Bnai Brith religious committee of the club Chapter 93 will conduct a Pass- under the leadership of Nathan over Seder which will be held Saginaw and George Terebelo. April 19, 1940 Ap ri HEADS OF L...…

April 19, 1940 • Page Image 26

…A merica 'elvish Periodical Carter Pl■ Apr il 19, 1940 CUPTON AVENUE - CINCINNATI 20, OHIO 23 DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE and The Legal Chronicle "One Should Not Frighten Jews" Dr. Solomon Goldman . Gives Brilliant Exposi- tion of Anti-Semitism; Makes Stirring Appeal for Palestine Zedakah Jrs. Show, Symposium at Bnai David on April 28 Musicale on April 30 FOR SALE—APARTMENTS: Rich in Real Estate The Zedakah Juniors are mak- Prof. M. Ra...…

April 19, 1940 • Page Image 27

…DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE and The Legal Chronicle 24 April 19, 1940 I T PAYS TO PA 12" STREET RUFFLED CURTAINS L EN G THIES It in Solid Colors 50 INCHES WIDE 2 T/2 Yards Long • • • • Special Pre-Holiday Offer Peach Ecru Ivory Blue • Dusty Rosc • Turquoise $11 619 PAIR 1•0.1 Regular $1.95 , 1 A. PUPKO 9030 TWELFTH STREET For the convenience of our patrons we are open on Sundays till Passover AN RAALTE Girdle lanyh STOC...…

April 19, 1940 • Page Image 28

…A mericam ffewish Periodical &ter CLIFTON AVENUE • CINCINNATI 20, OHIO 25 The Legal Chronicle DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE and IONIZE THESE MERCHANTS Style Exclusive Patterns to attend our Seder. Special Passovi. r food served at all meals. With an invitation • at CM HALPERIN'S e Largest Men's Wear on 12th. A Great Variety of Better Custom Tailored I- AND 2-PANT SUITS $3500 32so $3750 ECIAL 2-PANT SUITS 18" SPRING TOPCOATS $ 215...…

April 19, 1940 • Page Image 29

…26 DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE and The Legal Chronicle April 19, 1940 IN THE REALM OF LOCAL SOCIETY . Mrs. Ivor Kahn and Mrs. Harry Winkelman will be at home on Wednesday, April 24, afternoon and evening in honor of the 70th birthday of their mother, Mrs. Zenno Marx, at 9301 Wildemere. Mrs. D. S. Diamond will enter- Mr, and Mrs. Norman Thal of tain Miss Bertha Spaber, whose Wildemere Ave. returned from a marriage will be an event of May few...…

April 19, 1940 • Page Image 30

…5 cwish Periodical Coder CLIFTON AVENUE - CINCINNATI 20, OHIO 27 DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE and The 6119, 1940 AFFIANCED ENGAGEMENTS Gordon announces the engagement of her daughter, Mrs. B Samuel Palley, son of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Palley of Shirley, to rand Ave. the 2434 Mr. G and Mrs. Arthur M. Brown of Cortland Ave. announce o f ent of their daughter , Marj orie, to Mac Fagelman, son engaged ur and Mrs. Harry Fagelman of Davison Ave. eng...…

April 19, 1940 • Page Image 31

…DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE and The Legal Chronicle 28 Earlier Deadline for The Next Week's Issue On account of Passover oc- curring on Tuesday and Wed- nesday, April 23 and 24, the deadline for the issue of April 26 has been advanced to Mon- day, April 22, at 12 noon. Copy received after that hour will be retained for the fol- lowing week's issue. SUB-JUNIOR HOME RELIEF The Sub-Junior Home Relief Society will have a wienie roast at the summ...…

April 19, 1940 • Page Image 32

…A mami lavish Palatka! eafter April 19, 1940 CLIFTON AVENUE - CINCINNATI 20, OHIO 29 DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE and The Legal Chronicle PASSOVER AT EMANUEL SYNAGOGUE ROAD LEADING TO HAPPINESS YOUNG ISRAEL . Rabbi. M. J. Wohlgelernter born male members of congre- ACTIVITIES refugees in various parts of the country. The National Refugee Service which is engaged in the integra- tion of refugees in the United States handles thousands of in- q...…

April 19, 1940 • Page Image 33

…DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE and The Legal Chronicle 30 Let us decide honestly what we can do, and then do it with all our might.—Amelia D. Barr. New Veterans' Post Bernstein Program Received Favorably Is Installed in A favorable reception has been given the radio program broad- cast by Mandell and David Bern- stein over Station WMBC. This program is now broad- cast from 10 to 10:15 p. rn. on PASSOVER GREETINGS To All Our Jewish Friends and...…

April 19, 1940 • Page Image 34

…America ens* Periodical Cotter CLIFTON AVENUE - CINCINNATI 20, OHIO 31 DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE and The Legal Chronicle April 19, 1940 British To Pass $250,00u g h . S. Hitler's Travelling Salesman Re Relief Cargo Throu established Headquarters in Blockage to Poland New York LONDON (WNS)) — Though epressing fear that . the relief shxipment would b. e seized by the Nazis and used in Germany, the British Government agreed to assage through...…

April 19, 1940 • Page Image 35

…DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE end The Legal Chronicle 32 We can only have the highest happiness by having wide thoughts and much feeling for the rest of the world. — George Eliot. DR. ALEXANDER MARX APPRAISES RASHI AT EXHIBITION OPENING April 19, 1940 KOVOD DINNER-DANCE 1939 Year Book of the Jewish Welfare AT CENTER ON SUNDAY Federation Is Ready for Distribution Under the sponsorship of the The analysis of pledges in the Senior Council of the...…

April 19, 1940 • Page Image 36

…2 DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE and The Legal Chronicle PASSOVER 5700 Israel in Egypt. When we con- sider that since the celebration of Passover a year ago, the rav- By MICHAEL FREEMAN ages of war and oppression have dismembered the Jewish com- Passover has taken on tragic munity of Poland and deepened timeliness for the Jewish peo- the tragedy of Jews in other ple in a year in which war has parts of Europe, we shall realize come upon the face o...…

April 19, 1940 • Page Image 37

…A merica lavish Periodical Cotter. CLIPTON AVENUE - CINCINNATI 20, OHIO 3 DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE end The legal Chronicle raham, Isaac and Jacob, they Earlier Deadline for Canaan, are hated by our peo- said, "No, Joseph, the time has The Next Week's Issue ple because of the superiority not yet come because we are On account of Passover oc- of intelligence and wisdom. informed that our children have By RABBI JOSEPH THUMIM Come, let us dea...…

April 19, 1940 • Page Image 38

…4 DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE end The Legal Chronicle FIRST AMORTIZATION PAYMENT ON Downtown Synagogue JEWISH NATIONAL FUND LOAN MADE Will Have Special Holders of the Jewish National All Jewish National Fund Passover Services Passover Greetings Fund 4% Notes issued in '1939 when the Jewish National Fund of America floated its one mil- lion dollar loan, received on April 1 one-fifth of the amount they invested, Jacob Sincoff, chairman of the J...…

April 19, 1940 • Page Image 39

…Americam lavish Periodical Carter CLIFTON AVENUE - CINCINNATI 20, 01110 5 The Legal Chronicle DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE and April 19, 1, 4 0 25, at the Jewish Center, Wood- "TEVYA", GREAT FILM BASED ON STORY BY SHOLEM ALEICHEM, AT CINEMA STARTING THURSDAY Relatives Sought Here Dr. Otto A. Hirsch to Ad- ward and Holbrook, at 8:30 dress Detroit Youth Chap- p. in., instead of its regular meeting date, Monday, April 22. of L.A.S. on Thursda...…

April 19, 1940 • Page Image 40

…6 DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE 200 Children in Isolated Com• munities Obtain Jewish Educa- tion Through Bnai Brith Cor- respondence School SAN FRANCISCO. — An en- rollment of 200 children between the ages of 5 and 16 in the Bnai Brith Correspondence School for GREETINGS . . . STANDARD STANCHION MFG. CO 8053 MILITARY AVE. TYler 5-5758 and The Legal Chronicle Jewish Studies, an instrumental- ity by means of which District Grand Lodge No. 4...…

April 19, 1940 • Page Image 41

…IWO Periodical Cotter 11; CLIFTON AVENUE - CINCINNATI 20, OHIO 7 DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE end The Legal Chronicle April 19, 1940 NOTED SCHOLARS TO BE JUDGES IN HILLEL ESSAY CONTEST ON RASHI Estonia Retains Status Quo on Minorities; Jews Relieved TALLINN, Estonia (WNS)— Je\Nish community was re- The lieved (onsiderably at the news that the government will not sup- the bill providing for a port At present Jews of Estonia have full cultur...…

April 19, 1940 • Page Image 42

…DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE end The Legal Chronicle 8 Aril 19 l THE LAND EDICT WILL NOT ENDURE affected by its measures. Step plc's being, it gains stro n th , by step, in fulfillment of a sys- struggle and resist. and "1- 'c' tematic design, the Administra- Jewish people will not rest the n or Analysis of Recently Promulgated Regulations tion proceeded along this path be silent as long a s • , this leist law of violating its obligations to ...…

April 19, 1940 • Page Image 43

…A merican Awisit periodical Curter CLIFTON AVENUE • CINCINNATI 20, OHIO 9 DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE end The Legal Chronicle April 19, 1940 RONSHEIM PHOTOS ILLUSTRATE NEW N. F. T. S. ART CALENDAR suable it for cu ltiva tion, la zone anirs1 innd the prohibited part, down to only the (Continued from Page 8) 00,000 dunams dunams of des- Akaba, 6,800,000 of about 600,000 in ert comes within the regulated World's largest Jewish wom- Nelson Rons...…

April 19, 1940 • Page Image 44

…DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE and The Legal Chronicle 10 French Government Thanks Hias for Aiding Refugees to Reach Destination in Countries Overseas PARIS, France.—The appreci- ation of the French government to the HIAS-ICA Emigration As- sociation for its cooperation and aid in facilitating the emigration of refugees from France to countries overseas was expressed by Lieut. Durand, commanding the Center of Embarkment of Aliens at Ilazre. Apr...…

April 19, 1940 • Page Image 45

…A merica ,ewish Periodical Cotter II DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE end The Legal Chronicle April 19, MO MISS CLIFTON AVENUE - CINCINNATI 20, OHIO grown in the United States, with SZOLD (Contirued from Page 6) Surrvised "History" She sift crvised the publication of the la few volumes of Prof. Heinrich raetz11istory of the Jews" aliil compiled the excel- lent !lido: to that outstanding history. Volume 2 of the American Pc.,:sover Greetings...…

April 19, 1940 • Page Image 46

…April DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE end The Legal Chronicle 12 FUGITIVE FEAR PASSOVER GREETINGS The Story of a German Jew Driven by Despair To Our Many Jewish Friends and Patrons Ap•i1 19, 1940 Golden Rule Foundation Ex- tends Passover Greetings to Jews of America Passover Creel ; "8 Richardson' s Drug Store Editor, Detroit Jewish Chronicle: A voluminous library has been The Golden Rule Foundation written on the question of the extends s...…

April 19, 1940 • Page Image 47

…A merica frwish Periodical Cotter CLIFTON AVENUI - CINCINNATI 20, OHIO 13 DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE and The Legal Chronicle passueer Greetings Passover Greetings • • A:tention Home Owners On the succeeding pages of this section, merchants from the most pros- perous and thriving communities of lower Michigan extend sincerest Passover greetings to all Jewry on this memorable occasion. Have thi. beautiful chrome- finished Electrovent Kitc...…

April 19, 1940 • Page Image 48

…DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE and The Legal Chronicle 14 Dvora Lapson Invited by Mexican Govern- ment to Teach MEXICO CITY. — Dvora Lap- son, American Jewish dancer and mime, now on her second Cen- tral American concert tour, is engaged in fulfilling the most phenomenal task ever offered a Jewish dancer. The Ministry of Fine Arts of the Mexican Gov- ernment has invited Miss Lap- son to give a series of courses in Hebraic ritual and folkloric (la...…

April 19, 1940 • Page Image 49

…A merico' 'apish Periodical Carter CLIFTON AVENUE - CINCINNATI 30, OHIO 15 DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE and The Legal Chronicle April 19, 1940 GREETINGS FROM MIDLAND , MICH. Hassover Greetings Arthur C. Baker GROCERIES—COAL —C OKE PHONE 71 Link-Belt Stokers 801 ASHMAN STREET Midland, Mich. Passover Greetings PASSOVER 5700 Badges of Shame (Continued from Page 2) sistance to the 170,000 refugees in their midst. In both neutral and be...…

April 19, 1940 • Page Image 50

…DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE I6 HILLEL (Continued from Page 13) versities and colleges. This is the so-called Oxford plan of higher education; its American counter- part is the Honors Course in various branches of science and the arts. For the student, it means simply that he reads in the field of his interest under the guidance of an experienced tutor. hence, our Honors Course in Judaism consists of Jewish students reading in the Jewish field...…

January 19, 1940 • Page Image 1

…A lmeria% leg*k Periodiail Cato CLIFTON AVENUE • CINCINNATI 20, OHIO 12, 940 Detroit Jewish Chronicle 1--- and The Legal Chronicle YOL. 42, No. 3 DETROIT, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, JANUARY 19, 1940 Editors, Noted Leaders, Dr. We Vandenberg, Congressmen Will Address Laud Chronicle's Form Federations CEAh .FTH NTH T • Consider Fund-Raising Plans • R T At a working session of the Assembly on Monday, Jan. 29, representatives of local welfar...…

January 19, 1940 • Page Image 2

…2 DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE SIMON SHETZER HONORED BY HIS Noted Poet to Speak PARENTS ON 40th BIRTHDAY WITH At Sholom Aleichem INSCRIPTION IN THE GOLDEN BOOK Dinner This Sunday SHIRTS No matter what you pay, no laundry can launder a finer shirt eac h Simon Shetzer, president of the prominent of the younger Jew- Jewish Community Council of ish leaders in this country, was Detroit and one of the most honored by his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Isaa...…

January 19, 1940 • Page Image 3

…A merica ffavisk Periodical Carter 19. 1940 I peak 'hem iday chairman the She, announm leon corn, onor din. Eike plan, :LSTEIN Totel on o. m. :he fam. ish poet, iew book 11 be the Teal pro. by the hoshane" ivied by Winekur he latter est, will igs. The Frances e of this Finkel- da Kom. ; Sarah ecretary; Sarah etary. I means, )renbein, , Jenn't T, Dora by Anna •utnmage iairman; mded to ;uropean it coop- the Sho- no• din- dinner Finke...…

January 19, 1940 • Page Image 4

…4 DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE Detroit Jewish Chronicle and THE LEGAL CHRONICLE The Bomb Plot January 19 . • STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL 1 J. Edgar Hoover and the Federal Bu- Tidbits from Everywhere Published Weekly by The Jewish Chronicle Publishing Co., Inc., reau of Investigation are to be congratu- By PHINEAS J. BIRON Entered as Second-class matter March 3, 1916, at the Post- lated on the prompt action they have taken to prevent outrages in ...…

January 19, 1940 • Page Image 5

…A merica ffaisk Periodical Cotter 19, 1940 January 19, 1940 L • Purely Contmentary sptimis- ar over seteri Pre,q. bonged ee that :petting sal bat- sve the missed eplace- er Les. blooded Le 17th s mem- crowd you of the of his ha was ndicate [amber- al cen- pers. eld are th pa- cessary carried not so Gabby is to war front know is like broad- r' their believe nk on :hurch- tte the empire k the my of rmany most :s who at up 1zecho- MOUS, c...…

January 19, 1940 • Page Image 6

…6 DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE January 19, 1941 IN THE REALM OF LOCAL SOCIETY Miss Dorothy Brown of Cleve- land was a recent guest of her brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Brown of Longfellow Ave. Mr. and Mrs. William Field of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob H. Schakne Glynn Court and their daughter, of LaSalle Blvd. left Friday, Jan. Joan, will leave the middle of 19, for an extended visit in Miami next week for a six weeks' stay Beach. in ...…

January 19, 1940 • Page Image 7

…L. 9, 1940 • rs. Jo- t Mon- lunch- m and A. Sid. road, e Mrs. Jack .e and ontiac, m Ma- Ildfarb s. Sam nk of e, Sid- f Pon- ' Mrs. 'Sidney ois of h Bar- grand- nd of their Brown here ;cheon )f the I chil- ft for was Ruby as re- f. Op- ilman, trsday astein from eport, ; with Mr. alvert nfield mid- each. in of Jan. no is Con- ,nuel, mem- ifter- 'hila- shkin fam- Mrs. scuss Osor be Feiss Mon- Flor- A larm "mak Periodical Carter CLIF...…

January 19, 1940 • Page Image 8

…8 DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE January January 19. TESTIMONIALS the change in style, size and fu , - mat of The Detroit Jewish Chron- icle. While our library subscril:, to English, Hebrew and Yiddi- periodicals the world over you:. Chronicle has been the in o t widely used newspaper among put of them. At times, however, b._ Continued from Page 1 nical advances is the evidence of a continuing desire to pro- vide, both in form and in con- tent...…

January 19, 1940 • Page Image 9

…64/11 1eriegAr Vary ATIOdied ealter CLIFTON ATINUI - CINCINNATI 20, OHIO 19, 1940 HOME RELIEF SOCIETY INSTALLATION MONDAY On Monday, Jan. 22, the Home Relief Society will hold its annual installation of officers at the De- troit Leland Hotel. A subscrip- tion luncheon at 12:30 a. m., which is optional, will precede the installation ceremony. Reser- vations are being taken by Mrs. Sam Mitchell of Lakewood Ave., Lenox 5805, and Mrs. Willia...…

January 19, 1940 • Page Image 10

…DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE I0 Young Women's Bicur Cholem Luncheon Jan. 24 DR. SZOSZKES Continued from The donor luncheon of the Young Women's Bicur Cholem Organization will be held next Wednesday, Jan. 24, at the Phoe- nix Club, John R and Erskine St. Reservations may be made by calling the chairman, Mrs. Wil- liam Steiner, Townsend 6-0440. Page 1 the next few days. Detroit Jews are urged to send clothes to be included in the shipment to ...…

January 19, 1940 • Page Image 11

…A mer ic at r cwis Jan,ory Peritiall eater CLIFTON Continued from Page 1 II DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE 19, 1940 RASHI MIMI CINCINNATI 20, OHIO bic; and his knowledge of Hebrew largest Sources of the medieval las de Lyra, who in turn pro- Jr. Congregation of Shaarey foundly influenced Luther. But Zedek to Sponsor Cham- grammar was therefore not to be French language. Rashi's influence, if felt somewhat compared with that of the Bible ish...…

January 19, 1940 • Page Image 12

…12 January 19, 1940 DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE Jar Psychologist Views the Problems of the Jew Member of Faculty of Wayne University Sum- marizes Symposium on "Jewish Youth Faces the Future" By S. C. GROSSMAN, M. D. Of the Psychology Department of Wayne University Young Jewry has become very apprehensive. Opportunities in business and in the professions have become extremely limited for all but particularly so for the young Jew who consequ...…

January 19, 1940 • Page Image 13

…v 4iatriewr Iewisk Periodical Carter CLIFTON ATINIT1 • CINCINNATI 10, MO 13 DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE January 19, 1940 Mt. Sinai Ass'n Impressive Ceremonies Mark Luncheon Jan. 30 3oth Anniversary of Turnover Prominent Speakers and Entertainers on Program Impressive ceremonies marked dish Folks Verein, Itzkovitz and the observance of the 30th anni- Hirsch of Chesed shel, Emes, Jaf- versary of the Turnover Aid So- fin and Epstein of Los An...…

January 19, 1940 • Page Image 14

…DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE 14 COMMITTEE' FORMED TO PLAN AN EHRLICH MEMORIAL FUND At a meeting of representatives of organiza- tions 'with which the late Joseph H. Ehrlich was affiliated and in which he was actively interested, held at noon Wednesday at Hotel Statler, an Ehrlich Memorial Committee was organized to plan a suit- hble tribute to the deceased leader. This committee is composed of presidents of organizations in which Mr, Ehrlich to...…

January 19, 1940 • Page Image 15

…_ America Prick Parodical alder CLIFTON AVMS - CINCINNATI 20, OHIO 15 DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE January 19, 1940 Dr. Franklin to Discuss "Religious Philosophy of Modern Judaism" Friday Evening, Jan. 26 CLASSIFIED AT CLUB ROYALE HOUSE HELP. On Friday evening, Jan. 26, ual, be furnished by the Temple RELIABLE Laundresses, women for house at the Sabbath Eve services of choir under the direction of cleaning, house maids, women Temple Beth E...…

January 19, 1940 • Page Image 16

…January 19, 1940 DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE 16 Gifts to Jewish Child Place- ment Bureau FEDERATION Continued from Page 1 The Jewish Child Placement Bureau acknowledges contribu- nal effort in Detroit goes back tions from Miss Edith Heaven- almost a century, when Jewish settlement began. rich and Max Blum. The first joint association of Detroit Jewish philanthropic so- cieties, the United Jewish Char- ities, was organized Nov. 7, 1899, by f...…

January 19, 1940 • Page Image 17

…A mara% ,faisk Periodical eater nrua'y 19, 1940 CLIFTON ATTNUI - CINCINNATI 20, OHIO 17 DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE cold in cattle trains and fields France." Both books are full of when the greatest exodus in the anti-Jewish villifications and are history of Czechoslovakia Jewry intended, apparently, for illegal starts. distribution in England a n d Continued from Page 1 The slavery into which the France. Czechs and the Jews will be ernor-G...…

January 19, 1940 • Page Image 18

…January 19, 1940 DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE "Youth Speaks" Programs Start At Community Center Feb. 18 For Excellent MEALS & DELICATESSEN MARS The SPOT 8701 LINWOOD AVE. CHAS. MARX, Prop. We Deliver .. TY. 4-8716 In MINIM BEM any,44 * GRACIOUS SERVICE * TRUE REEIREMERT *1116111f1f0 HOSPITALITY (11f1T1176 I MITIRI 1111 In 11111119 It A I. fileitii MIFF alit 11110(11/11VI HI II 114 MUCH MOS CIEVEIBBER The House League, the dele- ...…

January 19, 1940 • Page Image 19

…America 'Nish Periodical eafter CLIPTON ATENUI - CINCINNATI 20, OHIO L. 19 DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE January 19, 1940 OBSERVE CHAMISHO OSOR B`SHVAT BY PLANTING TREES IN PALESTINE; CHILDREN IN ALL LOCAL SCHOOLS PARTICIPATE; JAN. 20 J. N. F. SABBATH Ou 0 Tops for Quality! JEWISH ARBOR DAY t2C2 113 AND YE SHALL PLANT IttZ11 r1 5t4 0:17t:121 IT'S BETTER DRY CLEANING! Detroit's foremost name in dry cleaning is your utmost promise o...…

January 19, 1940 • Page Image 20

…WEIZMANN Continued from Page 1 the functional fields. Other speak- ers will outline the effects of pressure for non-local needs on federation programs and the re- sults of the stabilization of com- munity chest support. Elias May- er of Chicago, secretary of the Council, will preside at this ses- sion. Representatives of local com- munities and of the General Jew- ish Council will participate in a special meeting devoted to "Group Relations ...…

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