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May 29, 2014 • Page Image 1

… conceived by a Jewish Detroiter, David Heineman, and designed by anoth- Aquarium designed by Albert Kahn er, Albert Kahn. Now a suburban Jewish woman has spearheaded a volunteer effort to revitalize the…

September 27, 1963 • Page Image 1

…. Butzel, Mrs. Sarah Berger,- Rabbi Franklin, Bernard' Ginsburg, Albert Kahn, Mrs. Sarah Ewell Krolik, Seligman Schloss, David W. Simmons, and Mrs. Leopold Wineman. The officers- of the -UJC in 1903 were…

…- from 1900 to 1911), reports of the United Jewish Charities, a history of Jewish - charities in Detroit, a list of contributors to the building fund, photographs of Hannah Schloss and Ida Ginsburg. Albert

Kahn offered his services gratuitously as the architect of the two-story and basement, pressed red brick building. The plans included klassrooms, quarters for the Hebrew Ladies' Sewing Society, kitchen…

March 28, 1941 • Page Image 1

…, Harry A. Hyman, Harry E. Jacobson, Albert Kahn, Walter Laib, Meyer L. Prentis, Nate Shapero, Judge Charles C. Simons, Joseph M. Welt, Andrew Wineman, Henry Wineman, Julian G. Wolfner, Max Zivian. Co…

…. David J. Levy, Mrs. Albert Kahn, Mrs. John 30, at the Scottish Rite Cathedral C. Hopp. of the Masonic Temple. Finance: Sidney J. Allen. Admissioh of this event, which Hospitality: Mrs. Isaac Gil- bert…

December 11, 1942 • Page Image 1

…, DECEMBER II, 1942 World Famous Detroit Architect Dies Unexpectedly at Age of 13 Albert Kahn, the world-famous architect whose industrial monuments dot the whole world, died Tuesday morning at his home, 208…

… THE LATE ALBERT KAHN See J. D. C.—Page 16 through action by the United Na- tions; and that the aims embodied The man whose brilliant mind directed the plans in the Balfour Declaration be for an…

December 17, 1948 • Page Image 1

… Osnos, president of the Jewish Hospital Association, that Albert Kahn Associated Architects, Inc., have been authorized to proceed at once to secure bids so that contracts may be awarded and actual…

November 26, 1954 • Page Image 1

… Egyptians. Arabs Defy U. S. Warning on Refugees A Pottioaa2Lid:_:.Proposed Shapero School of Nursing, Designed by Albert Kahn Associates A gift of approximately $500,000 to Sinai Hospital, Detroit, by the…

April 14, 1922 • Page Image 1

… in this city. The meeting was held at the Phoenix Club and was attended by some of the most prom-- rent Jews in the city, among them Albert Kahn, the architect of the new building; David A. Brown, who…

…. Fin- sterwald, vice-president; Louis Si- mon, treasurer; Magnus Iiirshfeld, secretary; Milton M. Alexander, Leo M. Butzel, Albert Kahn, Louis Welt, David A. Brown, Day Krolik, Israel Cohen, Samuel…

December 17, 1948 • Page Image 1

… followed by official word from Max Osnos, president of the Jewish Hospital Association, that Albert Kahn, Associated Architects, Inc., have been auth- orized to proceed promptly with the securing of bids so…

November 07, 1947 • Page Image 1

… also re- leased a statement by George If. Miehls, president of Albert Kahn Associated Architects and Engi- neers, Inc., who said that the hospital plans are "in such state of completion that you could…

December 04, 1942 • Page Image 1

… the New York Herald Tribune as among the best sellers in the non-fiction class. Co-author Albert E. Kahn is the son of the late Moritz Kahn, and a nephew of Albert Kahn, the Detroit architect. He is…

November 17, 1922 • Page Image 1

… stone, announcement is made by the AND TO DESIGNER OF BUILDING, ALBERT KAHN young women, sponsored by the that Palestine now offers 801111,1 in- committee in charge of preparations TABLES SHOW STATISTIC…

… days, tributes were , ing ladies will be entertained at a The "Y" of which governing board Dearborn Publishing company was paid Albert Kahn, architect; Adolph luncheon at the Hotel Statler at 1 Mrs…

May 31, 1918 • Page Image 1

… Lon- the grateful shade which protected Stand at Ease 2.075 Seder Kid Employes Albert Kahn and possibly $5,000000. And it can- Julian H. Krolik 2.0tat don. who had completed nine months the water…

… purposes and no young trees were ways of Palestine: but the true value \ le, the work of the past year and to the Michigan "Gargoyle" and a fre- Mrs Albert Kahn planted in their place. so the hill, of of the…

June 23, 1933 • Page Image 1

… reel- Cocciany ((In. Nelel'e they had bun • - ppihling 1,1. li r. chain] •' ,„ ,,,, ALBERT KAHN GETS HONORARY DEGREE I I, the Victory Dinner of t h e drive. A total of $112,000, or • an o1…

…)! and elet•tio ❑ ALBERT' KAHN The Re of berg and S. Brooks Barron; Divis- •, .14 f11111/Wed, but he ignored II,. Resolutions. against [hi Jew's taken from factor. This is espettially the at- ollicers was…

April 01, 1932 • Page Image 1

… from work and other ac- tims of persecution; providing for, — and benediction were given by tivities in memory of the man who protecting and assisting the widow Albert Kahn, of Detroit, inter- Rabbi Leon…

… calls you," Dr. Middle East and to secure to Pal- Chief Rabbi Kook as beneath his Harry S. Grant, Israel Ilimelhoch, Clinic, a Palestine house building ALBERT KAHN Franklin concluded, "not for more estine…

January 17, 1930 • Page Image 1

… lands, conquered trade ment of Vocational Guidance and tor; Nathan Rosin, warden; C. S. ALBERT KAHN meeting of practical business men in New York were Jewish. In the cal organizations, the Union of Or…

… The co-operation of existing which aims to procure and educate of Albert Kahn, Inc., negotiated FRANKLIN TO DISCUSS is the new president or Aleph Go- Jewish women's organizations, sis- dogs as blind…

… industry. juvenile delinquency rate has bee Dec. 23 that the London office im- Sheik El Farouki is also dissatis- and installation of officers is to decreasing more rapidly than tha 0 appointment of Albert

January 12, 1951 • Page Image 1

… Jewish hospital is to receive from the latter an allocation of $2,500,000. Designed by Albert Kahn Associates, with the early consulta- tion of Dr. J. J. Golub, superintendent of the Hospital for Joint…

January 12, 1951 • Page Image 1

… Lauder avenues. Designed by Albert Kahn As- sociates, the Jewish hospital will have facilities for 200 beds and 48 bassinets. Other officers in the Jewish Hospital Association are Sidney J. Allen, Maurice…

November 06, 1942 • Page Image 1

… Center On Nov. 10 Congress Women Armistice Meeting At Statler, Nov. 11 Israel Sisterhood Will Hear Rabbi Fram Nov. 9 "Sabotage" by Albert Kahn To Be Reviewed Week-End Activity Marks Young Israel 20th…

August 28, 1942 • Page Image 1

… Fund Initiated Temple Israel anounces that the Moritz Kahn Memorial Li- brary has been established at Temple Israel as a tribute to the memory of their departed brother Moritz, by Albert Kahn of De…

December 05, 1941 • Page Image 1

… w ith their evening, Dec. 17, in the ballroom the pioneer Company which I. STIMULATE SALE OF NA and future le-employment of men of Hotel Statler. Albert Kahn is women and children arriving in France…

May 16, 1941 • Page Image 1

… entire give it wider circulation. Timings are so terrible in the world and community when, at the closing division, and Mrs. Albert Kahn, Ceremonies for Class one can't say too much about kind- rally of…

April 04, 1941 • Page Image 1

…. Irma Lindheim, world- Hugo A. Freund, Albert Kahn, to have given assurances to Jew- famous Zionist personage, and Julian H. Krolik, Meyer L. Pren- of all Jewish communities in Previously Bnai Brith…

May 17, 1940 • Page Image 1

….—The announcement by Dr. Israel Himelhoch, Albert Kahn, meeting, at which Abe Srere pre- Samuel H. Church, president of Dr. Herbert I. Kallett, Judge sided, that a total of $608,042 the Carnegie…

April 05, 1940 • Page Image 1

… Fischer, Dr. Leo M. Franklin, Dr. A. M. Hershman, Albert Kahn, Judge Harry B. Keidan, Judge Charles C. Simons and Andrew Wineman. "With Fred M. Butzel at the Dr. Grete Bernstein to helm," stated Mr. Srere…

January 05, 1940 • Page Image 1

… held in Detroit, on Jan. 27, 28 and 29. Mrs. Jo- seph H. Ehrlich, Mrs. Albert Kahn and Mrs. Joseph M, Welt are serving as vice-chairmen of the committee. Headquarters for the national conference will be…

October 29, 1920 • Page Image 1

… country. The building was designed the furtherance of religious educa- by Albert Kahn, noted architect and member of the Board of Directors of tion among Detroit's Jewry. An audience that taxed the capacity…

… for the physi- cal, social and intellectual welfare of the congregation. la the absence from this country of Mr. Albert Kahn, Mr. Louis Kahn, his associate, explained the drawings flashed on the screen…

June 07, 1918 • Page Image 1

…. Fried berg Finsterwald Clothing Co severe criticism in a reeent issue of Goldlcrg Bros . . tat' Albert Kahn the Berlin "Ta g t.blatt," especially the 4 I , Joseph Grosslight 1. Shiffman provision which…

…. - fisstliding the snolvahre parts " too Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hopp. of the fraternal order, the I. 1). B. A., Mrs. Albert Kahn r",- * - Idistrict cast of the Jordaot. probably Lou) Mrs. Hugo Hill held its thirty…

February 09, 1934 • Page Image 1

… of the four meet- ings, according to Mrs. Albert Kahn, general chairman of the Federation Day committee. Plans are now complete for each of the meetings. The series begins Sun- day, Feb. 11, at 4 p. m…

…,000 scudi signed by Albert Kahn and the golf Play to begin with, and there's no apiece and with the money fin- architect was Donald Ross, both use to pattern a child's mind to tithed the Sistine Hospital…

December 01, 1933 • Page Image 1

…: Albert Kahn, Architect ,„. Presentation es en Nan. S i. 111 His Assurances. Nu iiiit \l ‘y .it i t.l.sal:(1)1 1.11n1 11;1, 1 the new Center's opening will also be Building Committee Jes•e F. Hirschman…

… for the best and fourth of the series of Temple, tee and Albert Kahn, architect. save Jewish Children frommartyrdom in Party member. Sir Philip, however, a:30 o'clock, in the main auditor- supporting. l…

April 20, 1928 • Page Image 1

…-Thirds Majority is Now fect on Getting Loan. Point at Issue in Massa- WASHINGTON.—(J. T. A.)- - chusetts Controversy. Mrs. Albert Kahn Gives New Tennis Court to "Y" Camp Miss Ella Vera Feldman, executive director…

… of the Young Women's Hebrew Association, at 89 Rowena street, Wednes- day announced that Mrs. Albert Kahn presented the Y. W. If. A. camp at Jeddu, Mich., with new tennis court. PICK SLAWSON TO…

April 29, 1927 • Page Image 1

…, Albert Kahn and A. C. Lappin to Speak. COUNCIL'S PLAN FOR I.0. B. B. SYMPHONY ANNUAL MEETING PROMISES MUSICAL TREAT SUNDAY EVE. Mrs. Friend, President National Council Jewish Women, In Stirring Appeal…

…-president of the First State Bank institution for higher Jewish learning The debate between Clarence Dar. ties of the National Council of Jewish ALBERT KAHN The congregation plans to conduct of Detroit, and I…

June 17, 1921 • Page Image 1

… ' January, of naval building activities and will call to the officers and directors of Albert Kahn, architect, for which ground is to be broke yet unachieved. imment in Illinois politics, being a be opposed…

…. Freiberg was a generous The program started with a song, Temple ter failing o Albert Kahn, who was architect of f f majority donor to charitable institutions to- panied the contribution of funds to a f…

May 20, 1921 • Page Image 1

… I'is a behalf of t e city. Pisgah h a Jewish student he cannot be wholly the Council of Jewish Women does of Albert Kahn, architect and designer of the new Temple, was made by Ricci & de Lorenzo…

… houses of worship in the Albert Kahn, noted architect and that had to be combined in one or- May scholar, the student, the mind that Gordon, Hebrew College at Jaffa and presi- stituent bodies of this…

October 31, 1919 • Page Image 1

… colleague and archi- monies', an elaborate entertainment men and women of the community. of Detroit who are my fellow-citi- tect, Mr. Albert Kahn, to postpone the for .the ladies, a receptiou, a banquet While…

January 10, 1919 • Page Image 1

…, General ! address was received with the great- zel Albert Kahn, Louis Simon. Day ganization of the institute at his own ducted in the combat of these diseases and the results are sent to the fient- Pershing…

February 24, 1939 • Page Image 1

… invite- Albert Kahn, Mrs. Julian H. stated Rabbi Fram. Although we Mr. Rublee able to in report The Jewish delegation to the tion signed by Mrs. Joseph M. Lon- The the Evian was Committee Lon- Krolik, Mrs…

January 20, 1939 • Page Image 1

… e ration of Temple Sisterhoods announced in a joint statement untary emigrants in countries ad- the minimum requirement for the Albert Kahn, Inc., died Monday Kan Al-Adl, The Lebanese Gaz- income for…

March 11, 1938 • Page Image 1

… inchelslieuwledyofroli; tohne neither party to the dispute would May 25, 1926, died in a hotel room man, Bernard Isaacs, Albert Kahn, have a chance of gaining even a here Just as he was preparing to S. L. liavanau, Samuel…

December 18, 1936 • Page Image 1

… Mrs. Albert Kahn, Abe Srere, Frankfurter in Switzerland the itely assured, forests were converted into plan- George Stutz, Rabbi Leon Fram, lawyer should have made his case The Zionist Organization of…

May 01, 1936 • Page Image 1


March 20, 1936 • Page Image 1

… the United Life" will be the topic of Rabbi Miller, Mrs. Albert Kahn and had in mind. the 1935 drive, is again being States, will give a first hand ac- Steinberg's address, in the course Rabbi Leon Fram…

November 08, 1935 • Page Image 1

…. Heavenrich, Albert Kahn, Wal- country, but is also-recognized as cla mped down a censorship on burg to deal with the hundreds be prepared to accept and to bear Scenes Mr. in Hard Washington.'[ has written the…

October 18, 1935 • Page Image 1

… Emerson Fosdick; Richard tion canvassing the industrial. day and Friday 13eamisli, counsel to the Pennsyl- ALBERT KAHN commercial a n d professional vania Public Service Commission; JULIAN H. KROLIK fields…

October 04, 1935 • Page Image 1

…: and Mrs. Albert Kahn, repre• senting the Jewish Welfare Federation, were presented with ribbons of honor for their work in the Women's Mobiliza• tion for Human Needs, at this luncheon. Mrs. Samuel Glo…

January 18, 1935 • Page Image 1

… committee. The other members evening sohn is the from Nazi rule. pression is applied. It is a vicious of the committee are Albert Kahn, building for the Jewish Old Folks' Shaarey Zedek, on Jan. 25. The Jews…

November 18, 1932 • Page Image 1

… attacked the pro - Henry M. Butzel, $3,000; Mr. and government students. The police had to be summoned Mrs. Albert Kahn, $1,500. Special Gifts Division. to restore order. Seventeen anti- The special gifts…

December 24, 1931 • Page Image 1

… friendly to lib- will hold its first general session in Warsaw carry prominent signs architects, Albert Kahn, Inc., and God, and not us man. In London Loan Association; Max Lieberman 40,000 Jewish settlers…

October 31, 1930 • Page Image 1

…. and Mre. Albert Kahn. in all human history who have I'alestine, released last week by the Labor government of Palestine. A speaker' . committee to enlist the 10,600-111, and Mrs. Andrew Wine. . "created…

October 24, 1930 • Page Image 1

… lege to provide, and that is train- posed legislative council. The (Turn to Page Opposite Editorial) (Turn to Page Opposite Editorial.) ing in the psychology of creating "IC. and Mrs. Albert Kahn, $8…

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