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November 01, 1935 • Page Image 5

… returned the country's finan- featured by the following speak- cial position to normalcy. era: Dr. Alexander Ruthven, presi- dent of the University of Michigan; Dr. William W. Bishop, University Can use…

… Temple Forum Tuesday night. Nov. 6. at 8:30, on the subJett: The Adven- Sisterhood attended the Ilth annual con• turn of a Nofellet." Tuesday night. Nov. vention of the Michigan State Federation of Temple…

… (WNS) - A plan to make Hadassah the American arm of the youth immigration Visitors from many communities movement to Palestine, which is in Michigan and from other states directed by the Central…

…, has been Hillel Foundation at Ann Arbor approved by the national board of this Sunday, The entire Jewish Hadase,ah and will be laid before the organization's 21st annual con- vention at Cleveland from…

… three real ealesmen who are interested in building director of the Hillel Foundation; Librarian; Rabbi Bernard Heller, for themselves a personal life- Rabbi Leo M. Franklin and Rabbi time business without…

…. KANER be under the charge of a library SHOE REPAIR, only true shoe board consisting of Dr. Iteller, as refitter in State of Michigan, director of the Foundation; Dr. 1617 Broadway, 12916 Jeffer- William W…

… Dexter, Hogarth 6639. Sigma Sigma, Sylvia Zeidman; Hillel Independents, Marion San- ders, Miriam Newman, Rena Ru- COMPANION HOUSEEEPER- under 50, intelligent, cheerful. benstein; Sam Aines, president of To…

University has aroused ization is mainly for taking care at the home of Min Pearl Eirenner of of widows and orphans. North Sheridan St., Thursday evening, to in the council and is a member much interest. These…

October 11, 1935 • Page Image 12

… Mill Mrs AA 1111.1 Sternberg, Sid- Mrs. Meyer Stone. Mr. and president of the University of the arch of the salvation and the and ney Stone, Mr. George Slum Mr. end Mr. and Mrs. Harry Michigan, writes…

… faculty of the University sation with this as its main pur- to a Jewish education. In no other of Michigan, on "Medicine Among pose leads us to regard it as our way can it be prepared for the the Jews…

…: salvaging of the Jewish people Mrs. L. Touts Mr end Sirs Ralph Weis- "I consider the Hillel Found- everywhere in the world. Every Weltibsum, man, Mr, and Mrs. Frank Weft/maw Mr. ation and similar…

…, our aspire- of the etc. • lication of Hillel News, Lions for the future—all this is committee of the United Hebrew Beginning with 1936 the Hillel taught in such a school. At Schools, headed by Rudolph…

…,sta unduf cou fr h a egeo cu u m week; another Mr and Mrs. Irvins of , Brown, Miss Emma Butzel, League of Nations, that Palestine l AIM DluNteln Eastern affairs, university profes- las F. than than $2 a $6 a…

… Bleve, Mr. anal to the university. In stressing perpetual possession of the Jewish Mrs. Harry Zolkower. Mr. and Mrs 1. L. knowledge of and loyalty to the people saves actual life, saves the Zuleba, 5, Mr…

… department of romantic Ian- cial heritage. This means that provides understanding of the gusges et the University of Mich- Jewish culture must be tradsmitted forces at work in Jewish life. A igan, 'Jewish…

… disappointment and despair. Had they the department of Oriental lan- 'Such a modern school is not the movement for Jewish educa- guages at the University of Mich- tion, as it has progressed in Amer- place where…

April 05, 1935 • Page Image 7

… Vehon, of Byron Ave., and Ha- rold Ehrlich, son of Mr. and Mrs. The presentation of the Hillel Moe Ehrlich of Collingwood Ave., 'layers of the University of took place in the Statler Hotel, , Michigan at…

… the Chicago Hebrew April 28, as previously announced tribute to the Hillel Players and The ceremony was attended by College. in the Hadassah News Bulletin.' the author of the play, Theodore 35 members…

….; Wednesday Eve till $i30 . Hillel Play and Marriages Author Praised - EHRLICH-VEHON i Theodore Cohen's "Unfinished The marriage of Goldye Vehon, Picture" Lauded in daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Ann Arbor…

… Baths.. ions, telephone Mt. Clemens or write us. OLYMPIA HOTEL & MINERAL BATHS 68 CASS AVE Mt. Clemens, Michigan a to $24.95 BLOUSE & SKIRTS I $1.59 to S3.95 00 toe of MIA crepe or t•ff•i• "obi…

… mother and daughter $ Plain, Ruffled and 0 i banquet, to be held the second The Michigan Daily reviewer, Fringed Curtains commenting on the production week in May Th.. next social meeting of the and its…

… Homo Charles the S M i th make an al)- and the Allied Jewish Appeal- peal for It is hoped that Dr. Bernard Mo'os Chaim fund Tbere will be Heller, director of the Hillel over Altman's Jewish Hour, on I…

… Concert Progra -- Mr. and Mrs. Herman B. Goldstein of Tuxedo Ave. announce the engagement of their daughter, Irene Doris, to Judah Ellis Auster, son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Auster of Baltimore, Md. Mr. and…

… Mrs. A. Greene of 3796 Humphrey Ave. announce the engagement of their daughter, Betty, to Sam Berger, son of Mr. and Mrs. Berger of Denver, Colo. 3.00 Wedding Calendar ..• In fetching colors, these…

… perfect suit have that April 7-Miss Bess Zuker, daughter of Mrs. Sara Zuker of Chicago, Ill., to Harry Weingarden, eon of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Wein- garden of 2949 Elmhurst Ave. The wedding will take place…

… Schechter is president of the Mr. and Mrs. S. LeVine of 2969 Fullerton Ave. announce the engagement of their daughter, Mollie, to Herman Kazdon, son of Mr. and Mrs. I. Kazdon of 2919 Fullerton Ave. , Mr. and…

October 25, 1935 • Page Image 3

… program and at less than 30 cents the American sense of justice and of the University of Michigan. an evening. fair play will influence our fellow "As one glances at the program "Single admissions will be…

…. A method of cooperation between the University Library is being worked out by the respective boards and in all like- lihood the books of the Hillel Li- brary will find a place in the Uni- versity…

… dedication of the Louis Weiss Memorial Library at the Hillel Foundation at Ann Arbor, E. Uni- versity and Oakland Aces., on Sun- day afternoon, Nov. 3. The reception and tea which will Serving hundreds of

… 'feller, director of the Hillel Foun- (CONCLUDED FROM PAGE ONE) To the Jewish population of dation; Rabbi Leo M. Franklin and Rabbi Leon Fram of Detroit. interest. I refer to it but briefly Detroit this…

… the library at the Hillel Foundation, Mrs. Weiss presented the foundation with a Louis Weiss Library Memorial Fund of $2,000, one half of which is to be spent im- mediately for the purchase of books in…

… catalogue so that all stu- dents will be apprised of the exist- ence of these books and of their availability. The Hillel Foundation will be open for inspection the entire day, and there will be a reception…

… Cbunicle. The dedication program will be featured by the following speak- ers: Dr. Alexander Ruthven, pres- ident of the University of Michi- gan; Dr. William W. Bishop, Uni- versity Librarian; Rabbi Bernard…

…- jects. The purchase of the books will be under the charge of a library board consisting of Dr. Heller, as director of the Foundation; Dr. William W. Bishop, the University Librarian, Prof. Raphael Isaacs…

…, which has a greater percentage of Jewish students than any univer- sity in the world, except the Heb- rew University in Jerusalem. Dr. Robinson believes It is better to send a team, which should include…

… show themselves la public on Sunday un- der pain of arrest In order further to aid German refugees, a nation-wide campaign will be conducted by the University in Exile to raise $260,000. Friends of Dr…

October 11, 1935 • Page Image 1


…, you can't at the Hillel Foundation at Ann out on my search of new land," Spanish province of Galicia where announces the appointment of Radio Addresses cash In on it, I don't bother my s direr- The fact…

… for many The following are scheduled to thing, but we haven't the time for All courses, as well as other Hillel America—has been cited as the openly professing Judaism; when years. He Is a graduate of

… the Uni- give radio addresses during the re- activities, will take place in the most convincing proof that he was asked where his father was really versity of Michigan and Hebrew maining weeks of

… worked tirelessly, have In a preface to the 'Billet pros- wardly clung steadfastly to his fact that he was a Jew and since University of Wisconsin in sociol- 7:30 p. m.; M. H. Zackheim, chair- built…


… Community In Behalf of Drive Made by Kurt Peiser MEETINGS SCHEDULED FOR MONDAY, TUESDAY List of Jewish Workers in Men's and Women's Divisions Jewish men and women have rallied to the call of the Detroit…

… Community Fund, pledging their services in the special gifts divi- sion of the 18th Community Fund Campaign which will be held this year from Oct. 28 to Nov. 8. Kurt Peiser, executive director of the Jewish…

… Welfare Federation, urges liberal contributions on the part of the Jewish community to the Detroit Community Fund. "Not only because six im• portant Jewish agencies are in- cluded in the Community Fund…

… Campaign, but as an expres- sion of community loyalty, Jews must do their share in the coming drive," states Mr. Pei- ser. "We must be givers as well as receivers. Our six most im- portant relief, healing…

April 05, 1935 • Page Image 1

… DONATIONS REPORTED START DISTRIBUTION s impotent t ,o b tiot, those OF RELIEF THIS WEEK of the Ilillel Foundation of the BY MANY SOCIETIES help students. ri be University of :Michigan, fore' li, Passover…

… eight days (three meals daily) to the University. Of course, this en- ril 7, at 8 p. at the Stotler there is a dire need for funds Hillel members; $10.25 for non - tails quite an expense to the Hotel…

… to Be Treasurers of Drive; Ten Campaign Vice-Chairmen Selected Arrangements are being made I it i e t a r y practices can eat. by Dr. Bernard Heller, directer 1 Throughout the year the Hillel

…, however, the Ilillel Detroit Jews Urged to Make cie l Passover services Campaign Among Organiza- ' Foundation has in the last three Their Contributions versify of Michigan students. years managed to rent a…

… checks to families on reach these studeTs. Marwil. to the cause of establishing an in- drive as an element of strength in the forthcoming fund- not number more t h do no "This year the Hillel Founds-1 tion…

… ; strictly Orthodox homes. Harry S. Grant, Dr. A. M. Hersh- cultural settlement and urban ac- "Passover always presents has served the Hillel Foundation director of the Jewish Welfare are not yet in sight…

… Executive that there would from the University of Maryland be a determined c mpaign to con- her of the Reform Jewish a rabbin- of the Constitutional Grand elements in the community. The Campaign Quota in 1924…

March 01, 1935 • Page Image 16

…- terest Is being made by the Hillel Players have always maintained inent citizens of Detroit. He is a Players of the University of Mich- a reputation of contributing posi- candidate for the short term to…

… Circuit Judge The election of Lewis J. Weitz- man to the office of Common Pleas Judge is being strongly A dramatic offering of unique in- theater-going public. The Hillel urged, by some of the most prom…

…- Detroit people sending mail orders most popular young men in the are cautioned to specify which man, acting president of the Hillel community and the wide experi ence he has received both as a I Players…

… Madison on Roman law and the Code Na- a re attending the Michigan of Lori Angeles, Calif. regular meeting, which will be WALTER I. 2 1 poleon. Ile was admitted ,to the Clothiers' Convention in, Detroit From…

… will entertain for the Auditors whkh is the governing There will also be a guest speak- attorney in Michigan for 16 years.' man. guests. body of the County. of the evening. ier— WJR radio star, M arc h 2…

… study past 36 years. Graduating from ways cooperates with the Tuxedo committee. Eltanor Kirschbaum group and announced the subject the University of Detroit Law school in all its enterprises, espe- will…

… igan with the production of "Un- tive pieces of artistic merit, to the finished Picture," a three-act so- theater. cial drama by Theodore Kane "Unfinished Picture" is a frank, Cohen, '35, which will be…

… pre- honest story of "Youth in Tur- sented at the Lydia Mendelssohn moil." Every parent, Jewish or Theater in Ann Arbor on March gentile, must see this fine social 16 and 16. drama. Written by a…

of medievail released for notion-wide produc- Hebrew beliefs and superstitions, tion in the near future. Robert K. Adams, former di- thrilled the theater-going public of Ann Arbor in the spring of

… rector of Comedy Club, has been chosen to direct the play. Mr. 1993. Mr. Cohen is well-known in Adams has had considerable ex- literary circles at Ann Arbor and perience and is at present a mem- his latest…

June 07, 1935 • Page Image 1

… and Fez"; Evelyn munity Fund at ■ meeting of ties on the part of Jewish gro- of the University of Michigan. they are ■ minority be justified. cers." Clarence H. Enggass, Dr. David June Ross…

Michigan campus and in th e kin, international president of POLISH CONSUL LAUDS the Jewish National Fund, the COMMITTEE'S EFFORTS press that Jews are responsibl e land-purchasing PRIVATE CAPITAL IN Only 450…

… the Communist vote standing Jewish leader, wasgranted I to Great Britain as the forth no more expulsion of Jewish in Michigan, New Jersey and awarded the honorary degree of ish parent but who were con…

… Chief Rabbi Berman to nist vote in Michigan out of a Agency, in which he declares lead the cases of the affd as Christians of converted Jew- ecte total population of 4,842,325, of that "the introduction…

… the war per- New Jersey than in Michigan, admissible size of Jewish immi- prestige in the Western world, had interview that I had with him During his stay in Lille, Mr. The Jewish population of New ceed…

… times that and economic distress from which the HIAS intervention because he, of Michigan, but the percentage however, the process of Jewish tacks upon the Jews in various place to place and in collecting…

… phenome- Michigan, that many of them are lic and to explain away the eruption to power. The children produced Jewish outrages might have been non. A far-reaching change in HE CONVERSATION took below the…

… Significance of Tracing the history of minor- of Michigan. those thieves. I defy you to ice Freud and Rose Buchhalter. thal, Isaac Shetzer, Harry M. Shul- Consecration." The play "Unfinished Picture" Mr…

… Bourassa, Spiritual Leader of The Canadian Anti-Semites, Recants AUTHOR OF HILLEL PLAY WINS PRIZE Physicians Group Elects Dr. Kohn …

…, University for His Hu- interviews with the French min- these are Christians, since the for their June session, by the ister of the interior and other secured from foremen of auto- mane Services figures do not…

April 19, 1935 • Page Image 1


… substitute for morphine in relieving pain without exerting the narcotic and habit-forming effects of the latter. Dr. S. I.. Cohen of the University of Toronto, working with Dr. G. G. Mar- tian and Dr. M…

… philosophy at th national secretary of the Keren for eral of Palestine, and associate of others to give, than he ment, radio and household appli- University of Jena; Dr. Harr Hayesod (Palestine Foundation…

… take sal estate, bank employees. opposition to the persecutions o f I The sum of £242,860 was raised permanently in Palestine. the Hebrew University of Jerusa- the place of apathy I Let gen- of the B…

… maintains. university. of refugees, and $321,000 for preserve spiritual values and de- at the Future." Dr. Leo M. Frank- A scene whose bri liance and tin, Rabbi of l Temple Beth El, will of the world…

…. committee are requested to come words of being an anti-Semite, as University two years later. Sub- flouts to work are being harried on time, in order that the meeting the result of the publication in…

… sequently he received his M. D. ; the police. A means must be be over by 3:30,P. M., at which The Nation of an exchange of from New York University and found, he said, somewhere in the , time a meeting of the…

… PRINTED THE LEGAL CHRONICLE DETROIT, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, APRIL 19, 1935 Jews Credited With Medical Discoveries Among the Campaign Leaders Two revolutionary medical discoveries were reported to the annual…

… convention of the Federation of American Sock- ties for Experimental Biology held here by two Jewish physi- cians. Dr. David I. Mocha of Baltimore described his dis- covery that cobra venom can be used as a…

…. Watson dis- covered the mechanism which causes labor in childbirth. They reported that labor re- sults from changes in the chemical condition of a hor- mone in the blood of a preg- nant woman. This hormone…

November 15, 1935 • Page Image 4

… burial grounds. ratter in State of Michigan, ian press disclose that the chief II. Roth, Mrs B. Morants. Mrs. N. MI- Mrs. John Adler, Harry Meer, Ed- initiative more than two years the past year. Through…

…, Is the Princll'al cure financial support for the of America. Defamation League, Hillel Foun- dence today. means I , y NVIII ■ •h this society raise. its Louis P. Rocker, newly-elected dale. mondo…

… Italian war office has assigned of Dropole College. other lands of oppression, who that the Eva Premlauer Maternity Ald "Jewish Art" by Rabbi Efrolm Michael B'rith Hillel Foundation Commis- offered advice…

… Jewish ref- discovered and treated sad all duplita- Edward M. M. Warburg is treas- which all Jewish groups, regard- named to the staff of Ecole des A tenth Hillel Foundation has screen offerings. a ugees…

… $20,000 down. Rabbi Leon Fram; a short talk by Some Never Licensed members of the order resolved to courses were instituted by the ' 171110'651 Foundation at the University of OTHERS Sl.l(iitTLl Dr. II…

… preservation of an impor- interest to the Jewish university world-renowned Orientalist and from Germany. A considerable ranged with the Jewish ...I Pemba tant group of motion picture films student. The material…

…PIEVLTROITAWIS/ 1 CIRONICL41 and THE LEGAL CHRONICLE PAGE FOUR A Sntart Setting .. . B'nai Moshe Bazaar Prenzlauer Group Luncheon Tuesday Opens On Saturday B'NAI B'RITH SERVES JEWRY A Review of

… the International Order's Program During the Past Year HALL FOR RENT Pur MEETINGS, WEDDINGS, LEC- TL ION, HANQUFFS. U1101(119 and BINGO PARTIES. Acoornollate 200 Persons Kitchen Utensils Plenty of

… Parking Space Rents very Reasonable History Repeats t New crop real estate millionaires n o w in The annual luncheon of the Eva Annual Event Is to Continue Through Tuesday, Nov. 19 the making Prenzlauer…

….. 3-1361I0 Nov. 19, at the Statler Hotel. (Formerly the Phoenix Club) More than 200 women are expect- nounces its fifth annual carnival The past year has been one of been established at Pennsylvania…

February 01, 1935 • Page Image 10

of Detroit. At a seedon of maid Cou or „ L o he . ldrt a,t, Tenth Hillel Foundation at In the paid County. on the 17th day of the County Building in the City of Dm luncheon was largely due to this…

… was ar- date. Altman Recommends Black, in the Legal Chronicle, a news- eppointed general Administrator of the Hillel Foundation Commission Pernick, worthy assistant advisor; • publiehed in the Count…

… District urer; Rosalind Arfa, musician; made him well informed with the nave. Join lira bale Jug I11Ag. "As you all know, there is a school system in Michigan not as one of the founders of the Asso- V…

….r":::: Itltill ment of a •Hillel Foundation in FLtlID,. },1. 1 .1CIti l Ai[D , bR b . t .. ,1 ,, :tu ht ,, It .. Y,,, f:u lar yi n ,r , y istrator, and Charles Rubiner, who as superintendent of school in…

… Jackson, and Mrs. Steinman's p... Judge. ROBERT J. SNYDER STEIN. MRS HARRY LEWIS HARTtY IA true copy) a0Ing .11 mantle" title to, Lot NW, ing Jan. of Michigan State College One M. RAPAP011T. IVIA RINEWALT…

May 31, 1935 • Page Image 8

…9erworrjEwisn ffiRONICLE PAGE EIGHT ZWERDLING WINS HILLEL TROPHY Abe Zwerdling, senior at the University of Michigan, has just returned from Chicago where he won the trophy of the Covenant Club of

… Illinois as the Michigan representative in the mid-western IliIlel Foundation Oratorical Con- test. The title of his oration was "Communism and the Jew." Con- testants representing the Hillel Foundations…

… from Ohio, Wiscon- sin, Illinois and Northwestern also competed. Mr. Zwerdling has been a mem- ber of the University of Michigan varsity debating team for three years, recently returning from winning the…

… conference champion- ship and second place in the na- tional tournament as a member of the Michigan team. Ile is a member of Delta Sigma Rho, national speech fraternity; Ade1phi House of Representatives…

… brothers, Julius P., Isaac, Joe and 4:00 P. M Lincoln.; V. Train. - was necessary to conduct our No. 4 91, 1926. refitter in State of Michigan, of the farnIly. Abe, and four sisters, Mrs. Minnie Club…

… College, Cincinnati, Brooklyn Jewish Center, will be by the League of Jewish Women's daughters, son and grandson. 61 years ago and had lived here went I. 0. 0. F. of Michigan for the main speakers at the…

…, received State of Michigan at Lansing, is Pittsburgh, a graduate of the sem- of 2932 Leslie Ave., 73 years old, field. the presentation of the "Student the same honor, but in absentia. In a member of Jericho…

…. tial parcel of land to an Arab. Ireland. GENERAL 6 ELECTRIC RADIO S. C. Meyers Co. 12046 Dexter Boulevard Bordelove Heads Michigan I. 0. 0. F. CLASSIFIED IN MEMORIAM LANSING NOTES OBITUARY e W…

…-around girl student. The award tee are Sirs, Burton Clamage and was based on the excellent scholar- University of Detroit, Monday Goutman's "Blond Head" a Pastel, Mrs. A. Joe. Seltzer. A mid-summer election of

…, campus public-speaking society, was on the executive committee of the spring parley, an annual event, which was held on the campus a few weeks ago. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. 0. Zwerdling of 638 Church…

March 29, 1935 • Page Image 14

… from the University of Michigan in 1913 with scholarship years ago may be repeated with American Legion and Veterans of Pltl• far be • Jewlak TrImal groups were attracted. In return greeted emphasis…

… witnesses and liti- Mrs. Arthur S. Purdy is pro- the hundreds MICHIGAN DISTRIBUTORS ined a year . gants recognize his fairness, im- ma He left Berlin at the invitation gram chairman. and Mrs. David of

… peculiar niche of his own to fill in dance, which wil be held on Sunday Maurice Sugar, well known De- CIRCUIT COURT Detroit and throughout Michigan, this court; that his training in so- evening, April 7, at…

…) general Michigan chairman in in handling cases involving MI. Max Somberg• chairman of the charge of arrangements. The gen- manity should give the court what dance committee, announces that Court. , pleadid…

… this the outstanding affair 1931 he led the fight against the of arrangements for the obsery -1 i l fe's expe bill passed by the Michigan Legis- once in Detroit and Wayne Coun• logical choice to succeed…

….Elect Youth of Detroit i1 a member. The Officers' Reserve, Naval Reserve. Torah arodsh movement sup- date in the April 1 elections who Michigan National Guard, regular A board of directors meeting ports many…

… JOSEPH A. (Not as Republican—Not as Democrat) but as an ABLE AND EXCELLENT Moynihan PUBLIC SERVANT Circuit Judge To Take Charge of Vital Recovery Activities (X) JOSEPH A. MOYNIHAN (X) JOSEPH A…

…. MOYNIHAN NEI KEIDAN TERMED AN IDEAL JUDGE LETTER Hirsch to Address ES 0;11 Charsa Club Monday' ELECT In existence just a short time, Mrs. Sulzberger Endorses but by virtue of their charitable Judge…

… Thomas M. Cotter work which is being done effective- Record of Wayne Jurist Is Editor, Detroit Jewish Chronicle: ly and without ostentation, the Approved by All De- It is seldom that one can speak Charsa…

… Club, is attracting wide troit Groups a word of recommendation for a interest and favorable comment in friend, and at the same time feel that this is a favor to ourself and an act of good citizenship…

July 19, 1935 • Page Image 6

… Cohen, president Louis Gordon, is attending the summer session of the University zlauer Maternity Aid, P the . and fam- Mr. and Mrs. L. Asher of Michigan. Her brother, Ja- has arranged plans for the next…

…. there for the summer. Among the men who will preside over the discussions will be Dr. Mr. and Mrs. henry Wineman Maurice Pekarsky, director of the visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Hillel Foundation at Cornell…

… Many Added Improvements Have Made Baron's at Belle sly of Los Angeles are the guests cob David, is sLencling the sum- meeting, which will be held the Most Modern Resort in Michigan Isle in the main…

…, of the Semitics department Mrs. Rosalie Gates and daugh- ter of Webb Ave. and Adele tion laws. It provides for discre- the University of Pennsylvania, tionary power not to deport aliens ter, Ilelen…

… berlain of Columbia University, the refugees as he had observed who was designated by the Amer. it during visits to Europe, and can government as this country's expressed the hope that the ef…

… *01-,1[201f CLEANERS 4 DYERS 533447 EAST FOREST Following the success of simi- lar undertakings in the east, De- , troit Municipal Chapter of Avu- kah has announced the convening of a summer…

… Buchholter, are ram the Institute, while planned enjoying a week's stay at Battle argsly as an attraction to young Creek, Mich. men and women of college age, is open to all who wish to attend. A Mr. and Mrs…

… program will de- 1 volve upon a study of Zionism. daughters Maxine and Silka, of Longfellow Ave. are guests at the Special emphasis will be laid on the significance of recent development Inn. at Charlevoix…

…. in the movement. This study will s. Morris 11. Blumberg take the Mr form of open discussion, /dr and to be presided over by men who and daughter, Aileen, and Su- sanne Holtzman, left Wednesday are…

… order; Mr. and Mrs. Harry L. Newman the place of Zionism in the Dias- - Of Lawrence Ave. left Thursday forth siificance of the thegn pora; for Charlevoix and will remain coming World Zionist Congress…

November 29, 1935 • Page Image 5

… 5 p. m. of these boys are one-time college Dec. 29—Yeshitah Beth Yehudah Banquet at Beth Tephila players. Solomon played at Emanuel Synagogue. Michigan, McGammon at Ball Dec. 29—Shaarey Zedek children…

… Shaarey Additional pledges for this Zedek, on the subject "Factors of Survival in Jewish Life." luncheon have been made by the following: Honor A. A. Lawton On His Bar Mitzvah Hillel Foundation Opens…

… Room 123 of Northern High School. Dan Frohman. musical director, will resume his leader- I Next Tuesday, Detroit Lodge New Industry for Michigan Feinberg Jewelry to Enlarge ship of the organization. No…

… Democratic ballot when there Was very slight chance of election. When William A. Comstock be-; came governor of Michigan, Jo-I seph Sanders was appointed Judge of the Common Pleas Court, where he served for…

… Council of Jewish ball players ever developed at Women. Regular-monthly meeting at Jewish Community Center, Purdue University, Johnny Wood- 2:30 p. m. Dr. Solomon Lowenstein, speaker, on subject, "Jewish en…

… be for Jewish Children at Denver, brief business meeting which will written and delivered by a Jewish be followed by a social period, in- student of the University of Mich- cluding bridge and…

… shape of • horn, • problem which has puzzled mathematicians since the days of Greeks, has been found by Dr. Edward Kasner, professor of research mathematics at Co- lumbia University, he told the National…

… been a Democrat all his life. Judge Sanders was educated at St. Lawrence University, receive ing his LL. B. there, and later studied engineering at the De- troit Institute of Technology. He also studied…

… Woodrow Wilson, Mrs. Warren Sissman of Wayne University will lead a discussion on "How to Make Our Homes More Livable, Socially and Ar- tistically" at the West Warren Club meeting on Wednesday, Dec. 4, at 2…

… the PHALANX CLUB (Formerly the Phoenix Club) JOHN R AT ERSKINE (The new home of Detroit Lodge No. 55, Knights of Pythias- Now Available for Weddings, Dances, Lodge Meetings, etc. RENTALS REASONABLE…

November 29, 1935 • Page Image 3

… New York, in an addreas before Men's Club of Shaarey Zedek, on the subject "Factors of Survival in Jewish Life." Honor A. A. Lawton On His Bar Mitzvah Hillel Foundation Opens Metzger Fund Young Judaea…

…, center, and Crowe and Carl Gussin, guards. Just as the Indianapolis team, all of these boys are one-time college players. Solomon played at Michigan, McGammon at Ball State Teachers, Chestnut also at Ball…

…, musical Next Tuesday, Detroit Lodge New Industry for Michigan director, will resume his leader- No. 55, Knights of Pythias, will Feinberg Jewelry to Enlarge ship of the organization. The Federal Asphalt…

… schedules are the 'icing Planed on chart. The rim. and I When William A. Comstock be- intermediate and sub-senior bas- day of nest ro und must also he written rears. governor of Michigan, Jo- Young Men…

… to establish a prize for the best oration which will be written and delivered by a Jewish student of the University of Mich- igan, received the following con- tributions last week: $5 from Rabbi…

… imbued with the true spirit of Tuesday home. r.— Three of the greatest basket- ball players ever developed at Purdue University, Johnny Wood- en, Eddie Shaver and Norm Cot- tom, will be in the…

… committee In charge of the The study course will bold a of research mathematics at Co- Broadway stage producers and ra- affair includes Mae Okrent, Rose regular session on Thursday, Dec. lumbia University, he…

… PHALANX CLUB (Formerly the Phoenix Club) JOHN R AT ERSKINE (The new home of Detroit Lodge No. 55, Knights of Pythias. Now Available for Weddings, Dances, Lodge Meetings, etc, RENTALS REASONABLE Apply on…

… premises or phone Clifford 2469 VICTOR LIM takes extreme pleasure in announcing the opening of the ORIENT CAFE Acme of Perfectietn in Oriental and American Cuisine • FAMOUS FAMILY RESTAURANT DINE AND…

… DANCE — FINE LIQUORS • DON ZELL and His Music with DON RAYMOND star of WXYZ • Beginning the week of Saturday, November 30th *BABE KANE* Bing Crosby's first leading lady IN PERSON • 7:30 • 11…

November 08, 1935 • Page Image 3

… presence of in the Berlin Olympics continued from their anti-Nazi activity, were also the subject of a new with it And I think that it is im- the grand chancellor of Michigan, during the past week to stir up…

… bereaved family. A donation was their point of view with the ad- prejudices and Hitlerized view- means of speeding up the elimina- as such. At the same time, the voted by the lodge to the Hillel vocates of

… THREATS SENT TO PROFESSORS AT UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA case before the World Court an d also informed inquirers that waiting for "time and the more I foreign Jews are subject to all judgment of mankind" to…

…-creation of a Ger- was Harry Hillman, track coach American, I contest and deny the Still another blow was dealt to the man Jewish culture, we will turn Big old property 3 to 7 at Dartmouth University, associa…

…Americam lavish Pedalled! eater - e • CLIFTON AVENUE - CINCINNATI 30, OHIO EDErRorr,kwun Knights of Pythias Fall Fes- tival Dance on Satur- day, Nov. 9 RDPI ICLE POSTAL OFFICIALS PROBE NAZI…

… giv e other anti-Jewish laws. them justice. The entertainment committee of A concrete step toward the estab- Detroit Lodge No. 55, Knights of lishment of the ghetto was taken (CONCLUDED FROM PAGE I) New…

… Batch of Anti-Jewish Mess when the new Jewish Intellectual Pythias, completed all arrange- which seize upon every opportun- tires Decreed in Germaaty ments for the fall festival dance, Institute, created…

… by Propaganda ity to make capital of anti-Sem- to be held on Saturday evening, official poll of faculty membe rs BERLIN (WNS)—On the aler Minister Goebbels, was officially by The Miscellany News, at U…

…. Nov. 9, at Castle Hall at John R t opened under the direction of Dr , to discover new avenues into whic While General Sherrill was and Erskine Sts. Novel decorations dent newspaper, showed a majo r- ing…

… new fuel to fires of the 01 add- to extend the anti-Jewish crusade h Joachim I'rinz, Zionist leader. The pm- will adorn the hall. Music will be ity of professors inclined to fav or pie debate, Jereh…

July 12, 1935 • Page Image 5

… great Sala Pool, long actively engaged MICHIGAN say) in love with Dora Oppen- Hillel Silver came to the conven- appeal in the movements for the in the work of Hadassah, the heimer. tion with a voting…

… Jewish estine . . . Rest oratory was by periods s n the lives of Jews when The American Jewish Commit- girl!" Rabbi Abbe Hillel Silver, vocifer- there was marked persecution, CHARLEVOIX, "Yes," I answered…

… System. ping the car as the V-8 motor is for starting and operating it. FORD DEALERS OF MICHIGAN rI …

… Plans of the Universal Credit Co. TUNE IN H Besides, you can't beat the Ford all-steel body, to say nothing of FREDWARING AND IS PENNSYL. VANIANS and STOOPNAGLE AND BUDD. A All hoar o/ music and…

… made more (CONCLUDED from EDITORIAL PA GE , f Polish-Jewish masses that led ocre writer, in such a mar- merit y betting on Joe Louis against Will present a series of Liographict itsmrin,,eyr amt,hlaan, n…

… o nn h.i s la lint clii gehnt tlivliityh, pique will nations learn to use I' them toward Chassidism; whose of nose. 31y manuscripts had Jewish women in Biblical history on peace-ways instead of war…

…, 10:30 a. m. to money is being spent on the Peace and the Jews lishers; I was quick to see what I ney's heart is beatin or Mar on 12 noon, under sponsorship of Gunsberg . lbuilding of a synagogue for…

… portant decisions--important sly directly to ourselves but net ism; who dwell with sympathy Barney s Irish Marion . . . Col. to on Menasseh Ben Israel's patient, the household of Baron Kuno USE GUNSPERG…

…'S PRODUCTS M. Robert Guggenheim, the horse the very existence of this C °I - von Rindfleisch. I courageaus negotiations for the FOR PICNIC BASKETS lective System. At present, fancier, wears an African sun hel…

…- we; readmission of Jews into Crom- Delivered Fresh Daily to the Stores But no sooner were Jews met even when he goes to the the- have not yet agreed even to t he 1 well's England; who are moved by br…

April 12, 1935 • Page Image 12

… Statler Ho- tel, April 15, at 8:15. A fine pro- gram is planned for members and their friends. Miss Marian Sanders, a student at the University of Michigan and a regular attendant of the Hillel Foundation…

… FOUR plant employees of the Michigan But Telephone Corn- M. Ferar, president of the Aux11 - piny are cited for outstanding acts of public service, Involving acts that hay, will hold open house in her…

… Fisher bodies. All have Chevrolet's DETROIT, MICHIGAN new and improved Master Blue-Flame Chevrolets ever produced, GimplavOmodeesisrehismodprion an.. A Garet lfssors .of eaftC.Af.A.C. I otos *Me Ur…

…America PIEVErRonleasnalRomicul :'AGE TEN L and THE LEGAL Community Center News SUB-SENIOR TRACK RESULTS The results of the sub-senior' track meet which was sponsored by the athletic committee…

of the sub-senior council of the Jewish Community Center, and was held at Northern High School, Tues- day, April 2. are as follows: The Ilakoahs placed first with 211/2 points, Lincolns next with 17…

… points, Tartans, 11 points, Stags %, Ohioles 3, and Com- modores 2. The 25 yard dash -- I. Sam Schwartz of Ilakoahs, 2. Dave Frank of Lincolns, 3. Louis El- kind of Stags. Time, 3.3. The 220 Yard Dash - 1…

…. Sam Schwartz of Ilakoahs, 2. Sey moor Beneson of Lincolns, 3. Herbert Shell of Ilakoahs. Time, .26. The Potato Race-Julius Drap-1 kin of Stags 1st, Jake Bialick of , Moles 2nd, Abe Weisman of Ha- koaha…

… and Louis Elkind of Stags tied for 3rd place. Time, 18.3. Running High Jump - 1. Sey- moor Beneson of Lincolns, 2. Sam Goldstein of Lincolns. Height, 6'3". Standing Hop, Step, Jump - 1. Nate Krentzin of

… Tartans, 2. Martin Sherman of Lincolns, 3. A. Broat of Commodores. Dis- tance, 27'4". Standing Broad Jump-I. Sam j Schwartz of Ilakoahs, 2. Nate Krentzin of Tartans, 3. Bernard Canner of Stags. Distance, 9…

…'10". Mile Run - 1. Ed Ravitz of Tartans, 2. Joe Schreiber of Pilots and Louis Averback of Vikings, 3rd. Time, 5.05. PAASOVER OBSERVANCE OF MOTHERS CLUB APRIL 21. The Council of Mothers' Clubs of the Jewish…

October 25, 1935 • Page Image 9

… Children's Home of State Normal and the University master of the state of Michigan, received contributions from the and Mrs. Sweeny. oetafaftorg eth•itiet. TOM' tale following: Detroit wishes to acknowledge…

… Rabbi Leon Sr.,,, whose , evening of Oct. 21. sermall subject will be Garden of Dr. Heller covered the field of Eden". eFacto and F ons About the Jew." I Hillel Foundation Work. The proc- will toe the…

… interest was dimplayed or the type. Both Goldman and Willis Hebrew and history to send their member. In the national convention of are holders of Michigan oratorical children to the school for registra…

… Jewish Frank Ware, Michigan State Nor- T hompson, past president of the Mrs. Joe Magidsohn, chairman sound und.stu.bod association of Rebecca Assemblies, sal College; Ed Wisbar, from Du- of the infant…

… welfare fund of the Children's Home T. sleep all e,gM long. quesne; Harry Solomon, Michigan Judge Henry S. Sweeny, past grand Detroit chapter of Hadassah, has le rho eery tenter el Ili. 49'll men The Jewish…

… with of Michigan; "'Whitey" Miller, Among the past grands, in addi- Wittie S iaeviet . et tettaf y. In memory of Mr. Louis Oppen- thanks the receipt of the follow- Hank Moeller, Sam Askowitz and tion to…

… fouldeet of lir Franklin's I ess acclimatizing Jewish university mei- aloe SlillolaV morning, Nov. 3. Istudents to surroundings away It5th Annual Meeting and Congregational Dinner: i from their homes while…

… • • • • • ONE CO-HONER • STOCKS AND 80509 • AUTOMOBILES • REAL ESTATE I If eater importance to menthe. of Cambridge University and • MODERNIZATION WASHINGTON 110111-1VAAD AT LAND RIM litulawah at till, time Is…

… interesting report this week. Dur- and frequent intervals l>etwee ing the month of September, the working periods, and are seekin organization loaned out more to enter other avenues of support money than it has…

… at any time in or take u some supplementary the past five years. And better work. This is only one type of as- still, it made more loans-served sistance which is within the pro- more people-than at any…

July 19, 1935 • Page Image 3

… uniform , outnumbered. sketches, and there will be selec- lovers of Chinese food to avail ent man and the second for kno w-' ern of Michigan. This show is of the Atlantic City police ... So tions by an…

… instrumental trio. themselves of the cafe's delivery ugly acquitting a guilty one. Zo la I sanctioned by the Michigan A. he got dressed in his conception of DR. LEE J. LEVINGER as co nvicted of libel because o f…

… matter and referred the case Rabbis Fine, Kleinplatz, Schech- nut a knowledge of English, he ter and Zager. the Bureau that they came from sacrificed by the powerful military the Ohio State Hillel

… world today is Aryeh Berman to the thus share in the profits of the Star is famous for its chop suey a he "campaign against the army, " be obtained, either at the box- at Ohio State University for the…

… termed by the Nationalists ,jcalling Mr. Beck at Ca. 5200, or attended the Universities of Chi- and Get It" . . . Max Meth, con- Sheltering and Immigrant rations can be made by calling odefroi Cavaignac…

… happy Harbin wrote to New York giv- these days and wagon, acquires a bank ac- ing the information furnished by staff with the rank of captain, was of its products. University Religious Council. j because…

… the University of Chicago., and found Blonder asleep. They membership on a corn- heaccepted m it dential Assurance Company to Gogh, has just finished a play delegates do not represent Ger-1 cause my…

…A merica nigh Periodical eater CARTON AMUR a CINCINNATI 20, OHIO lisEYkritorrfisinsn Imo N wt.*, _ LEASE OF PHOENIX TED WEEMS CLUB IS APPROVED * TONIGHT * and Hi. Celebrated Orchestra 1 I…

… Another Excellent Bill at! -- the Center Theater Prominent artists will partici- Knights of Pythias Lodge pate in the concert arranged by The Center Theater of 6540 No. 55 to Occupy Build- the Detroit…

… Auxiliary of the Los ing on Aug. 15 Angeles Sanatorium, to be held Woodward Ave., near Grand in the Mt. Clemens High School Auditorium on Sunday evening, July 21. Among those who will partici- ' pate will be…

December 06, 1935 • Page Image 3

… repre- rage of stone. Still patient, the Lemberg. The violence at Opoczno of the situation as it relates to B'rith Hillel Foundation at the ,. Rebirth—A Book of Modern Jew- fort to finance the work of the…

…. Hester estimated that at OPPOSITE EDITORIAL (PLEASE TURN TO LAST PAGE) the Jewish Education Association nomic Recov- least 50 per cent of the Jews who y?" T h e at e r of Ohio, Michigan and Indiana, were…

… Pales- has had its repercussions through- sports. senting all Zionist groups in the University of Illinois. The key- ish Thought." tine Foundation Fund and the out the Radom district where the city will…

… countries where we are don't want the colleges and universities which Senators Carter Glass of Virginia, Tuesday L of Vienna (Ph. D., 1922). Holy Land and pleaded for unity from the Hebrew Schools and vari…

… symposium were Prof. Paul Doug- ing week-end. promise of support from Felix M. Rabbi Frani won this honor in las of the University of Chicago Warburg. recognition of his achievement in and Dr. Wm. Ogburn…


… CONCLAVE [Will Address Mizrachi 1 Banquet Next Tuesday HOPE OF PERSECUTED PLAN IS PRESENTED BY JEWISH AGENCY . OTE:fo liir ol,nr::iit .kulidt Chronicle. la pleuned to ,wraent to He HINTIL‘ ,...N ,;1"I…

…'A A"r'',7: I ' Or.,r lc ". latVni .1 71:e' i:u1II Z cashes alni' S hui .. . i:ill,t, Mitr'. r) l of "toe o , th7bigin h brine crlebruted. air. Orme. multi, eloquent reel) lo Nark. ---- 'Henrietta…

… Szold Honored by Convention on Her 75th Birthday 200,000 EXPECTED Delegates Gather For Convention TO LEAVE GERMANY OF A. A. U. to Decide on Question IN A SHORT TIME OF U. S. Entry in Berlin Olympics…

… Jewish Refugees' Delega- tion at Geneva Reports on Outlook — SEE PALESTINE ONLY Per Year, $3.00; Per Copy, 10 Cents , Cyril Clemens Politely Informs a German Professor of the Attitude of His Cousin…

February 08, 1935 • Page Image 6

… dinner on at the University of Michigan. Sunday, Feb. 3, in honor of her Robert Spiegel spent a few 16th birthday. days with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Spiegel in Chicago, DRY CLEANED Itranetl, a…

… 111:6WW ris p ZILWI h.■ .\\; ■■ 1.\ Litman Gould. The guest speaker at the donor luncheon of Zedakah will be Dr. TRINITY 2.3488 A A. L. Sachar, executive director 12TH AT SEWARD of the Hillel

…. Ave., graduated from the Uni- 2953 Cortland. versity of Michigan on Feb. 5. Mrs. Louis Fiske of Eason Ave. Mr. and Mrs. Maurice H. Eng- accompanied her house guest, gess of Longfellow Ave. were Mrs…

…- fraternity, announces the initia- ' roan of Hamilton Drive spent a tion and formal induction of three pledges at the University of few days i Chicago. Detroit to be held Sunday, Feb. . Philip Kravetz 10, at…

…... presented as the afternoon's enter- tainment. Characters were: Mrs. Ann Arta, Baby Arfa, Mrs. Rose Wisper, Gerald Silberblatt and Mrs. Charlotte represented the spirit of Zedakah. The staging was directed by…

… were present, urging all to rally to the support of Zedakah's third donor luncheon, which is to be held ...says Robert Roat in Wednesday, Feb. 27, at the Ma- ' sonic Temple. Jewish Daily Bulletin: A play…

… entitled, "The Man on the Curb," written and enacted by "One of the most stirring, and to Jewish readers, Wynn Wright, will be presented at the donor luncheon. one of the most interesting novels from a…

… German Zedakah Club urges all interested pen since the advent of Hitler . , a hard terse to hand in their pledges, no that panoramic novel of great scope." the donors names can appear in the program. For…

… Women's Mr. and Mrs. Harry Winston' The legislative committee of of Birmingham, Mich., left Thurs- the Detroit section, National day for Palm Beach, Fla., where Council of Jewish Women, with they will…

… remain until spring. Miss Ida Lippman, chairman, is sponsoring the third trip of the Mr. and Mrs. Meyer L. Prentla season through interesting local of Balmoral Drive entertained 30 institutions. On Monday…

July 12, 1935 • Page Image 1


… Trading Co. IN MICHIGAN By PIERRE VAN PAASSEN (Wien AG, 1111.1) Kuropsan Correxpontlent) EDITOR'S NOTE: Campaign Encouraged by Inflammatory Utterances of Reich Leaders Pierre Van Paassen's article…

… Chancellor Commander Bernard to the delegation of British vet- Law entrants, there were 4,924 capi- Pekarsky, director of the Hillel in Europe is dependent upon the srices of tee more closely to the organize…

… Boston, Rabbi Abba Hillel Sit- I to investigate the trade between ewish Appeal for the relief of arose from a discussion of the end of this time they attempted P of Cleveland and Nathan Paestine and…

… basis. Laws, skeptical of these universal skep- lis Mankiver, of the Virginia Su - in Germany in preparation of the yet he made to appear as the sav- avowal of impotence in the face of utterances of

… address will be delivered I Simon M. Goldsmith, grand mas- Erskine St. The lease drawn up go od will trip because of the comprised miscellaneous rate- the University of Pennsylvania, Rabbi Jonah B. Wise and…

… RABBI JOSHUA S. SPERKA FIGURES SHOW RECENT TYPES OF IMMIGRANTS ORTHODOX COMMUNITY o r 1."".' 111. N ;r1il F Lonttlt krYlt i%r"t " i„illn "t r 71:; . 1, "f or 'r 4:::::111!{11„7; WINS IN BURIAL SUIT 1…

…,000,000 ill.toirred I., Rabbi ` perk. in 1 ;1 ' In Detroit 6111 11 ntiorl time, hating itonie Lrre ul Die troll of (i irtreaution 11;tini 1.111, %11Io, ”11/111 he I. non II % ..1.11M111 f 1011 Sprrku 'mule…

… an hoportont place for iiiniwelf an the Jruklt I llllll /1111. nit,. Lamt peek lie nit. eleiled pn,idlent of the Jeui.11 Notional Unnil Council of Detroit. Per Year, $3.00; Per Copy, 10 Cents…

… . REICH SWEPT BY NEW ANTI-JEWISH NAZI MOB RIOTING Brown War Clouds Over Europe The Nazi Hysteria Reflects Jewish Danger Made Jews of Many Countries Urge His Return to Lead- arship in Zionism Oil…

February 15, 1935 • Page Image 1

… remarked, "Obviously it is The following directors were held on Wednesday, Feb. 20, at tional director of the Hillel Americans who, on Jan. 16, 1921, a religious work. It is one of the the North End Clinic…

… is a member BUTZEL AND SNETZER audience than reached by last Campaign Which Is To Be a Combination of the representatives of the local of the faculty of the University year's observance. Jewish and…


… Committee and American Palestine Renews His Attacks as Campaign Again Unite to Aid European Jewry Hunts for $1,500 to Pay ' and to Help Palestine Settlement 's Fine The United Jewish Appeal of the American…

… Jewish Joint Distribution Committee and the American Palestine ANTI-SEMITE REVEALS COLLAPSE OF COTTON PLEASURE IN BIGOTRY DEAL PAINS GERMANY Campaign has launched a nationwide effort to raise, dur- ing the…

… current year, $3,250,000 for the relief of the Jews in Agony Because He Cardinal Faulhaber Threat- of Germany and other European countries and for the Is Must Withhold Attack for, settlement of Jews in…

… Palestine. ens Nazi Leaders With Lack of Resources Excommunication a a il O a a a First Palestinian Ships on High Seas HAIFA, Palestine. — The first Palestine-owned ships of modern times started…

… service here Tuesday, restoring to the Jewish people a profession in which they have had little part since the days of the ancient Phoenicians. Two new ships called Mount Zion and Tel Aviv are the first to…

… fly the Palestine maritime flag. It is the British naval de- sign with the inscription "Pal- estine" in • circle. Captain and crew of both ships are Jewish. The ships ply between Pales- tine, Constantza…

… and Trieste. l'alestine's freight and passen- ger business is one of the most coveted prizes of the shipping world. While passenger service to all other countries is virtually at a standstill, Palestine…

June 07, 1935 • Page Image 10

of Michigan, devoted ists; and, more important than most of his life to social service, all, perhaps, are the mediating primarily in the Jewish field. lie factors, represented by the Cen- has served as…

… racial portant and ultimately the most tine." The letter also contains purity poison the minds of men effective assurance of universal criticism of "the unlawful influx" against their fellow-men. The exig…

…, through • moral and ethical moti- wartime slogan, the right of self- vation. Universal peace is one of determination of nations,' are now upon the traditional guaranties of man's highest spiritul…

… the life of the cy, serving human needs. This people, and are known as Mix- university acknowledges with rachis; others, the Histadroth, gratitude the faithful services press the social economic element…

…; others, impatient with the slow- of • distinguished citizen." At attorney by profession, Mr. ness of the colonizing and other Butzel, who is a graduate of the efforts, insist on being Revision- University

…,000 PALESTINE EFFORT (CONCLUDED TROY PAGE 1) (CONCLUDED TROY PAGE 11 (CONCLUDED CRON PAGE ONE) aces CoNCLUDED PALE 1 I character and extent of the muni- tions industry and of the interlock- ing relations…

… between the purvey- this, it is said, is not biological, of 300,000, which constitutes 25 per cent of the total population; ors of death provide one of the but entirely social. The Central Union of German…

… that the Palestine Government has saddest commentaries upon our highly touted civilization. Men Jews has also compiled figures _ a surplus of 14,000,000 ($20 ,- peddle the instruments of destruc- showing…

… that there are only 450, 000,000) derived from the pros- tion with the full knowledge of and 000 Jews now left in Germany ' perity brouht to the country by even with the cooperation of their who…

…, together with the 250,00 Jewish immiration; that the Jcws own governments to countries non-Aryans among ■ populatio of the world contributed for na- which tomorrow may be their ene- of .65…

February 01, 1935 • Page Image 1


…, a group of friends Dr. Felix A. Levy, Chicago; Dr. the territori , s near Brazil was planted a special Dora and Joseph Abbe Hillel Silver, Cleveland and and for ninny years a leader of the His attacks…

of America. , University fr iendliness. alent among Polish Jewry, it murder of Dr. Chaim Arlosoroff, Ra bbi ' Lodge No. 34 of B'nai B'rith at had to face in former times Mr. Nine i s At such a time we…


… PALESTINE A HOME FOR AGED On a Platform of Anti-Semitism Anti-Semi) Conference Held Sunday Goes on Record in Favor of New Building SESSION MARKED BY HEATED DISCUSSION SERVICE GROUP MEETINGS ON SUNDAY, FEB…

… bigot whose Pennsylvania LEGISLATIVE BODY OF SERVICE GROUP, (RUM vorably lerica net •• l evel "sat- U.S.A. at 1 ■ 7%.%.1• 1 1 • ay. TAE WEEK IN REVIEW 4 ■ Schurz 11, datives Protest Use of r ame…

… Congress, announced his Found guilty late last week of !bis of the Central Conference of candidacy for President of the United States in 1936. two counts i i indictment charg- ' American Rabbis in a…

… statement "Keep the Jew out of control of the Republican party!" is the ing them wit h violation of the ;made public by Rabbi Edward L. slogan under which McFadden will strive to achieve the supreme North…

… Carolir is "Blue sky" laws, ,Israel of Manure, chairman of honor open to an American citizen. a conunitte under whose auspices His organization has its headquarters here at the Mayflower William Dudl y…

…. Sumn erville, one of his said, "that the prophetic ideals I John T. McAndrews, McFad- aides, are en, t oying temporary Ii- espoused by liberal Judaism are Ilen ' s director of publicity, who berty under…

January 25, 1935 • Page Image 5

… story The Temple of Cleveland, in affili- Open Sundays P!NGREE 6400 * ' sophical way of thinking, there this dance. that thrills, holds the reader's ation with Rabbi Abbe Hillel Sil- re-elected president…

…-marriages, will continue to readers of 12 to 50 will steal a in Detroit as the concert master of marry Jewesses. And in that, in An unveiling of a monument in the Michigan Theater Orchestra, the pursuit of life as…

… make it possible for you to peel will be accompanied by Joseph on him. Five years ago, he very Gifts to Haddaaaah Fund in King, also of the Michigan Theater I the sausage just as you would • likely would…

… approximately 40% less than Day Station-o-Station rates. s_ For fastest merrier, giro the operator the tele- phone number of the person you are calling MICHIGAN BELL TELEPHONE CO. FRONI EDITORIAL I…

…. Seminary of New York. Thus, Degree in the University of Cin• flaunt it in his face, This institution aids hundreds the tale contains a number of cinnati, and continued with a post 1 , Except for his…

… admission of Jew- of destitute families when death direct quotations from the Apo- graduate course at the University - ishness, Professor Cohen's relig- t strikes, and there are no funds . of Chicago. His…

… InCURITT A.. loo I ddening one sition of the d an encour- ictivities and Scientific In- t American editor of the d member of n of the In- on his first if Jewish au- inian Repub- and Hebrew are to…

… some the govern- ' the general declared. All sitions, such try and the males to im- i disappeared Ily anti-Jew- , and until a was no social continued. y of , Jewish only formal, ct the Lithu- en…

… degraded class status. emphasized been any po- ut anti-Semi- f the pogrom mitism .onomic crisis on of power ought on the A Lithuania. crisis came her countries felt until the It found ex- ig decline of

… products like wl and hogs. true of es- hich exerts a Wee on Lith- f exports af- rst and later and artisan. of the peas- oited by anti- vially by the lion, which Semitic prop- followers of ,e responsible…

January 25, 1935 • Page Image 3

… discuss presidents, Mesdames Kaplan and dances, which will be replete with "The World Outside" by Fallada, vocal selections and was accom- I University of Michigan debating does concrete work in helping to…

… and also explained some people who care that I /1111 a non-members of Men's Club, Nazi activities in Chicago. Ile also Liebovitz and Merton Sobel. The tine) will be the principal speak- how the Hillel

…. Feinberg of Flint will !neat: on "American Youth and Zion- ism." Lectures start at 8:30 p. m.. at 8545 12th St. Alpha Omega Alumni In- stallation Jan. 21 The installation stag banquet of the Michigan

… sponsored for the Jewry." Philomathic representa- evening at the Farband Folk I is not opposed to universal educe- Auxiliary of B'nai B'rith expeditions and has explored Arc- standing to take place Thursday…

University debate All organizations r e p 0 r t e d has been content to accept the mere in progress would be a success. Sisterhood. lat 2:30, the Young People's Tem- tees in Michigan. isquad, acted as critic…

… On Friday evening, Jan. 18, Hebrew University to Build is preparing for the presentation Ave., was hostess at a board meet- Rabbi Berger chose for his Sub- of lbsen's "A Doll's Mouse" early Students…

… I Enroute they will visit with their the campus of the University. Israel Bldg., Joy Rd. near Lin- I daughter, Mildred, who is • stu- wood. dent at Ray's School of Advertis. Judge Moynihan will speak…

… d wil s Anniversary Dinner Banquet JENNIE GOLDSTEIN Of FORENSIC LEAGUE I Arrange Cong. B'nai David CASE IS TEST OF Of Gewerkshaften AROUSES INTER EST To Be Held Feb. 10! GUEST STAR HERE To Be Held…

… Feb. 10 IMMIGRATION-RULE "The Fin inge ing of the Dickstein be the subject of in E inm e r spaarvyi ddinner — The ngarec egoantdi anniversary !Baruch Zoekermon and David; an open forum address to be de…

…- • Congregati on !Appears at Littman's Yid International Lecturer and livered by Carl M. weid e man, for- First Round of Debates Re - : Pinski to Be the Speaker. hurst and 14th, is scheduled for mar United States…

December 20, 1935 • Page Image 4

… the By DR. BERN ARD HELLER subscribing large endowments will honor H o lid ay Director, Hillel Foundation of University of Michigan By "MENTOR" American principles and will not abuse the guarantees of

… official papers have already been signed, sealed and delivered. The new colonel, son of the noted Holly- wood film producer and Sally Eil- ers, Universal movie star, is 18 months old. Colonel Brown has not…

…- atrocious lie that we were threatening horted her sons to refuse. They were put to death one by one. The officers of the king de- presidents of American universities with stroyed schools and houses of worship…

… massacred a thou- sand of them. Nevertheless the people stood firm. Jew to Harvard University. On Dec. 10, Dr. James B..Conant, presi- Into every village came the king's soldiers, dent of Harvard University

of gathering news. Let us red law, and so they would fre- of the martyr or protestant, is un- be good for man, but are not for Hebrew University was provided with which purported to prove how the argue…

… Nob Ante at Detroit. NW, ■ ad., an Ant of llarib 11, 1111. General Offices and Publication Building 525 Woodward Avenue Teleeii«.., Cedilla. 1040 C.11. AAdriese: Cknimidio Lamina 011ica. 14…

…* expressed by the Wet.. — Sabbath Chanukah (Feast of Dedication) Reading of the Law Pentateuchal portion—Gen, 37 :1-40:23 ; Num. 7:1:17 Plophetiral portion—Zech. 2:14.4:7 Chanukah Reading of the Law Sunday…

…. Num. 7:18; Monday, Num. 7:24-35; Tuesday, Num. 7:30-41; Wednesday, Num. 7:36-47; Thursday, Chanukah and Rosh Chodesh Tebet readings of the Torah, Num. 28:1-15 and 7:42-47; Friday, Chanukah and Rosh…

… Chodesh Tebet read- ings of the Torah, Num. 28:1.15 and 7:48.53. December 20, 1935 ' Kislev 24, 5696 2,100 Chanukahs Much is being made of the fact that this is the 2100th anniversary of the Chanukah…

… festival. The sage steeped in Jewish law and tra- dition must smile at the sudden outburst of enthusiasm over the Jewish power to survive in spite of all obstacles. Ile who knows his history may ask: Why not…

October 11, 1935 • Page Image 2

… maintenance of the Hillel groups in Feb. 2—Marvin Loewenthal, prominent journalist, lecturer Sherman Schooler, Ann Saulson, Melbourne Sealst the nation's universities and its ac- and traveler, speaking before…

… the is subject Ontario. It is symbolic of the f ce • week, and Russian. since, only • handful of names have State of Michigan." Mr. Silber Tuxedo Talmud Torah Shul 14 m include the fol- P. m. Sunday…

…- Michigan cities: on Wednes- tat, raised in an orphanage, r. of one is a Reform Rabbi and the on birds the official translator, that Gabriel ante to the legal aspects involved spiv party to be given ur…


… Night at Jewish Community Center. Oct. 13—Installation and dance of Julius Rosenwald Post Prominent Detroiter Dies No. 218 of the American Legion, at Book Cadillac lintel. Neatly Ironed Oct. 15—Music…

… Study Club meeting. Suddenly at the Age Bath Towels and Underwear Oct. 16—Eva Prenzlauer Infant Service Group. of 57 Fluffed Dried Oct. 16—Reports of World Zionist Congress and greetings from Palestine…

… League of National Home for Jewish Chil- banking and foreign exchange dren at Denver. business here, died on Thursday Oct. 20—Grape festival of Sisterhood of Congregation morning at 10 o'clock, following B…

…'nai Moshe. a heart attack. No matter what you pay, Oct. 22—Bridge luncheon of B'nai David Sisterhood. eaca Funeral services were held on Oct. 21—"Pay-Up" tea of Women's Auxiliary of Jewish Old Friday morning…

…, at 11 o'clock , no laundry Folks' Home. from his late residence, 2497 can launder a finer shirt. Oct. 22—Ladies Auxiliary of Jewish National Fund. Ave., and interment WE HAVE THE BEST EQUIPMENT MADE…

… Oct. 23—First meeting of the year of Women's Auxiliary Gladstone was in Clover Hill Park Cemetery. of United Hebrew Schools, at Hotel Stotler at 2:15 P. M. Rabbi A. H. Ilershman and Can- Oct. 23—Fashion…

January 11, 1935 • Page Image 1

… :Streets s of the et out of ffic, you I night. UP and -water C Garden r House c ETROIT LWISII IIRONICLE THE ONLY ANGLO-JEWISH Society WI DO OUR PART and NEWSPAPER PRINTED , IN MICHIGAN V THE…

… Sermon estine. All sections of Jewry will himself to the Zion theme on that Committee B'nai B'rith formed the Hillel ■ , tensors is world-famous. Among dition to representatives of the Fed- Clarence H…

… ether phases of the Zionist move- • crushed by hatred that they mutt throughout the State of Michigan that the meeting was not for the Society; Miss Steiner, Neugarten English Engli that representative of

…. Platt. University in Exile of New York low your example. We shall go bing. Harry II. Prenzleuer, Mre. Arthur are so few chances of being eb- zation. The recurrent crises mittee data not believe, how- IS…

… Cantor J. H. Sonenklar, by ducted The University in Exile was es- that this meeting will be followed with the assistance of the Shaarey . tablished in New York by Dr. Al- Last Monday night Pisgah Lodge by…

… meeting which was at - donor luncheons given by local Chosen Chairman of Import. Jews the B'nai B'rith widened its Nazi terror. The University is a Will Discuss "De We Mod- confer on the means to be taken…

…American lavish Perioetcal cotter CuPTON AVENUE - CINCINNATI 30, OHIO special meet- al Society on n. 8, at the Center, In- s will take !lass is con- t Fried. e hz N IN GO :ET IS of the SON…

… LEGAL CHRONICLE DETROIT, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, JANUARY 11, 1935 VOL. XXXVI. No. 33 WI DO OUR PART Per Year, $3.00; Per Copy, 10 Cents Address Non-Local FORM NON-ZIONIST National Conference Emphasizes…

… HUMERUS CLAUSU S OF JEWISH AGENCY GETS ENDORSEMENT Convene Jointly to Ilear Annual Reports and to Elect 'IN FORCE IN U. S ri Fund to Support Philanthrophies Sessions Call Upon N. But It Is Intelligently Ap…

…-' Directors; New Plans Made for Annual Executive Approves Action Y. at 'Annual Convention on Sunday Federation Meeting Feb. 10 The concluding of a series of meetings of Jewish Wel- OPPRESSIONS OF JEWS…

September 13, 1935 • Page Image 2

…? She would over to Dr. Weizmann, new pres- tine; Rabbi J. K. Goldbloom, Lon- cept of Rabbi Hillel, "Do not to not hear of his scruples and she ident of the Jewish Agency as well don; Dr. Ignacz…

….—London Jewish 38, Dr. Magnes called on the board estiallegoe sad gullet are cut, though STATE OP MICHIGAN, r...ts of man of God and Next Year in Jerusalem. ed, one representing the command Meetings Dictionary of

…- den was surrounded by a high wall. sight reading. All these carried along with regular work Oct. 7— The 27th annual Yom Kippur Night dance of THE BEST UNIVERSAL SERVICE mended a drastic reduction in…

… passages as rigation and of greater financial dents in German universities. One half of the first century, became I Camper .Theo N„. the above mentioned. Jewish tra- resources. In a fervent speech on third…

… ted with a gross membership of and the 15th day of the Hebrew flourished in the tenth century. As An important part of the Mussaf at Hebrew University Q. What is the process In Jew- again. 1…

University board of gov- ing of the lights obligatory on both story of the dispute between Rabbi covered a universal would not acknowledge the hum- ~ter; • special knife called ernors, recommended the creation…

… to the ani. with the blowing of the Shofar. has generally fallen to the Jewish of the new moon is clearly nar- empire of Chazars in the Far Fait. University. scholar, acclaimed should be kept…


…. WEINBERG---PIANIST GARFIELD 9089 Sept. 21—Shmarya Levin Memorial Meeting, at Shaarey A general call to all members of Offers instruction in private and clam lessons in the elemen- One day a very greedy fox…

… passed Zedek, under auspices of Zionist Organization of Detroit. Pisgah Lodge of B'nai B'rith to tary, intermediate and advanced grades. Special attention a fine garden filled with high trees Sept. 23…

July 05, 1935 • Page Image 5

… very capable eluded in the admission price. AT ANY TIME will provide the campers with a ion of the principle that the producer of the line, promises a r MICHIGAN THEATER aomplete range of activities in…

… Nahelu, Perry Lake, Orton- question of whether German pub- roe (wish I were 10 years young- ress Exposition in Chicago Jean- Rachel and Sonia and Mickey ville, Michigan. A descriptive book. lic opinion…

…' en and tolerance by conferring truth of rumors that there are agenda of the conference, de- ward Lazansky, Carl Sherman, In such times as these consider- Yiddish, from Palestine, Poland, ha Hillel

… featured the next to the closing „ AMBRIDGE, Mass. (WNS)— Drive and Willow Beach. All man of the United Jewish Ap- Daghestan. Hymn books for the Deputies of British Jews; and rvard University once more moral…

University of a schol- Campaign, told the convention that matters. Call Hogarth 9751. married an Eskimo girl. An au- oral support unparalleled among Minister of Finance from January 1 to July 1 the arship…

… National School of which 1 A. teriology at the University of„Tole. cently raided by the police. It is to a voucher, but when they ques- Lawton is principal. C. and for investments in other NEW, ENTIRELY…

… Players Theater PAGE THREE Nahelu's Expansion Program Completed "Bitter Sweet" Next Opera Presentation REICH COURT AIDS BOYCOTT OF JEWS Tonight! Appropriate ceremonies marked the completion, last week…

…, of the In Detroit's Only new structures added to Camp Na- helu for the current season. These BERLIN—The Superior Court The presentation of "After Night life in Detroit becomes This Saturday, July 6…

…, will see include a new girls' camp, a sepa - at Marienwerder, in East Prus- more and more interesting these Dark" at the Players' Theater, the opening of the week's en- days, despite the unusually warm…

March 01, 1935 • Page Image 9

… Women, will speak on the Reports Indicate High A ppree.a. merly member of the University of Worlds" and "Judgment Day," social phase, and Mrs. Joshua Michigan debating team and assist- the play abort a t…

… confirmants. eretta with numbers of music, cast forensic activity over the air", er Verein, Michigan Home Protec- The afternoon program will take of the Men's Club. H. Baruch, League tion Ass'n., Odesser…

of overthrow delegates. Isaiah, Hillel; the heirs to the Curbed the strong impulse of all Pile, on • temple lutried In the dust. ADELBERT H. LINDLEY Abmve the walla laid Islet with the snow fierce…

… Brown has been dramatic editor of the New York Evening Post since 1929. His writing career began even before he attended Harvard University. He was a reporter during the last of the Henry Watterson regime…

… on the sub- the county reflect the high appre- of the proposition, "Resolved, that ject "Judeophobia: A World Dis- ciation felt by citizens of many a Jewish University be established A specially…

…. These will be star Wayne University debater, ciety, First Galician Society, Flow- YIDDISH THEATER services will be devoted to the , included in the nominal price of and Maurice Glosier, coach of the ers…

… ADELBERT H. LINDLEY. rge asks that the electorate se- lect the best suited men and makes this statement: "I am 48 years old, a graduate us of Alma College and Columbia that University School, a taxpay…

…. History should teach us that these warnings are unwarrant- ed, and the scares into which we are in danger of being led are false spectres. The fact is that historically experience tells us to be more…

… confident and to be more at ease about the Jewish communi- ties in western countries. Where there is a tradition for liberty and justice we have less to fear. There may be an occasional outburst of hatred…

… against our people in this country and in France and in Great Britain, but it is hardly fair that we should yield to despair and to fright, when as a matter of fact we should be encouraged by experience. A…

April 05, 1935 • Page Image 4

… happy to have been honored with this difficult and im- portant task. Maimonides the Philosopher By DR. BERNARD HELLER Director of the Hillel Foundation of the University of Michigan uania as a youth of

… fertile land lies ahead. Dr. Glueck is associate profes- sor of Bible at the Hebrew Union College in Cincinnati, one of his alma maters. He has also taught at the University of Cincinnati. Jena awarded him…

…), under the leader- ship of Dr. William F. Albright, director of the School of Orien- tal Research for Jerusalem and Professor of Semitic' at Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore. On Dr. Glueck'• second…

…. naivete of spirit. He is one of the his independent film productions. universe. While he is inclined Devotion to Philosophy Mrs. Kross, an earnest, fiery- most illustrious men of the last Meanwhile his…

…TitEl)entonjEwisn °IRO/OGLE and THE LEGAL CHRONICLE rulers of Spain ill the 15th century. There-I fore the boycott is no longer valid at pres- ent, when the Jews are treated equally by GAL…

….00 Per Year Subscription, in Adva ice. vs Insure publication, al I correspond...I and news matter s of each week. anees roach this office b 1 Tumday Whoa oauing sotkes, hi t idly rum onsass f ths pope…

…. onlY. TM Detroit Jewish Chro Arlo in•ites correspondence on atils. /mu a Interest to the Jewlah people, but disclaim. responsi- bility for an Indorsement of the •Iews .:petted by 16e writers Sabbath…

… Re aiding. of the Law Pentateuchal po .tion—Lev. 12:1-13:59 Prophetical port ion—II Kings 4 :42-5 :19 , April 5, 1935 Nisan 2, 5695 Preparing or the Campaign Considering even the addit4on of a sum…

of $100,000 for the allocation of a new building for the Jewish Old Folks Home, it must be admitted that the sum of $270,- 000 is a comparatively trivial sum for a community of 75,000 Jews. The per…

… capita sum of less than $4.00 which is thus created as the obligation for every Jewish member of our community certainly is an insignificant tax in view of the various needs which must be cared for. We are…

July 05, 1935 • Page Image 3

of patronizing Jewish MICHIGAN THEATER aomplete range of activities most unique bit of work in the in all business firms deeply violates the William Powell and Virginia fields. newel stionei Tit. 1…

… other inter- berg to the presidency of the Zion- on the end of this road." keep our own community healthy to Explore Amazon ist Organization of America, the refitter in State of Michigan, president of the…

… May, Rabbi Bar- Yiddish, from Palestine, Poland, nounces as "intolerable" the ha Hillel Silver, Abe Goldberg, D ' eel Albert Einstein and Thomas Mann, ation for the preservation of Jewry general…

of British Jews; and Drive and Willow Beach. All man of the United Jewish Ap- Daghestan. Hymn books for the session of the 38th annual conven- Harvard University once more moral disintegration and…

… or business was responsible for the rejection secution as a refuge and as a peditions to the Arctic where he Greece Names Jew Vice a by ne l arvard University of • schol- Harvard Campaign, told the…

… Con- teriology at the University of„Tole- cently raided by the police. It is to • voucher, but when they ques- National School of which I. A. C. and for investments in other NEW. ENTIRELY DIFFERENT were…

… COURT AIDS "Bitter Sweet" Next BOYCOTT OF JEWS! Opera Presentation "After Dark" Goes Into 4th Week 0 Tonight! Appropriate ceremonies marked the completion, last week , of the In Detroit's Only new…

… structures added to Ca mp Na- helu for the current seaso BERLIN—The Superior Court Night life in Detroit becomes The presentation of "After This Saturday, July 6, will see include a new girls' camp, n. a These…

… ee pa _ ; at Marienwerder, in East Prus- more and more interesting these Dark" at the Players' Theater, the opening of the week's en- rate girls' dining room, a I ahas G itistrdishonorable a wi t a…

… days, despite the unusually warm 3321 East Jefferson Ave., goes gagement of "Bitter Sweet", Noel vial hall over-looking t la k7, fora German to with weather which sort of hit us all into its fourth week…

July 19, 1935 • Page Image 2

…, only true shoe refitter in State of Michigan, 1517 Broadway, 12916 Jeffer- son. . Flat Piece+ and Handkerchiefr LBS. INTERESTING DATA REVEALS STATUS OF DETROIT'S ORTHODOX SYNAGOGUES Blaine Kosher…

…. M thy progress was made Rome sad by Euclid 0127. for Jacob II. Sonenklar of Con- and Hillel Foundation work. the finest facilities available. Alvin Levin was appointed to They maintain their own…

MICHIGAN, cery. - Anna Pongr•Ir. Plaintiff. its Rayne, m-Probate Court for tr, mid Frank Pongralr. Defendant. Order of County. Nutlet Is hereby Over that I Publican. At a ...Ion of the said Illth day of

… lo axid 551I 4 of July, A. D. 1116. Present. the Honor- STATE OF MICHIGAN. In the Circuit hate Court for •n order chaos nit tO able Guy A Miller. Circuit Jude*. It appearing from the affidavit on tile…

…liicPerBorr,frIvisriffiRomicial and THE LEGAL CHROTts.:Lz. PAGE TWO ak THE BARGAINS OF ALL TIME c I DeLuxe Family Service Neatly Ironed Bath Towel. and Underwear Fluffed Dried THE BEST…

… 2-PIECE All Ironed Service per P. WEARING APPAREL FLAT PIECES 25c IOC Minimum Charge, $1.50 A MOST RELIABLE INSTITUTION We Call for and Deliver to All Parts of the City kssAcHusETTS M e…

… LAUNDRY CO. PHONE CAVIL LAC 7423 August to Speak on Picnic of Kvutzah Groups on Sunday 'The Nervous Child' To Parents' Group MEALS THAT SATISFY Served Promptly and Courteously, amid a Quiet and 12,fined…

… Atmosphere GET THE BLAINE HABIT - EAT AT THE The Kvutzah lvrith, Hebrew cultural group of Detroit, will "The Nervous Child," will be nual picnic, Sunda y, its in an Elizabeth Park, lo- the subject of an…

… synagogue. Fifty of these auxil - Ashkenaz and one Nusach Afi. cated midway between Detroit at the Jewish Community Center,' M. FEINSILBER, Prop. iary organizations are directly These synagogues engage three…

… and Toledo. This it park has been fine on Tuesday evening, July us, a t chosen because provided Established 1929 chos serving the older people of those official and one unofficial rabbis 8:30 o…

May 10, 1935 • Page Image 3

… FORMATION OF CENTRAL BOWL (CONCLUDED FROM PAGE ONE) curate first-hand information re- garding the problems facing Jew- ish students in American colleges, the convention, through its Hillel Foundation…

… students occupy pulpits and to encourage B'nai B'rith lodges !to cooperate in the celebration on •campuses from coast to coast. Dr. A. L. Sachar, national di- rector of the B'nai B'rith Hillel 'Foundations…

… Commission, author- ized the establishment of a bu- reau of research on a national scale to undertake a scientific study of the numbers of Jewish students in the universities, their vocational trends and their…


… status On the campus. The Commission also voted to sponsor an annual national Ilillel day throughout the country on the first Saturday or Sunday following Purim. This day will be observed by having Hillel

… to the 8,000 it serves directly through the nine foundations, Dr. Sachar also re- ported that Hillel courses in Jew- ish religion, history and philoso- phy are being granted more col- lege credit than…

… ever before, and praised the work of the woolen's auxiliaries in helping decorate, furnish and equip the foundations and provide them with loan funds, scholarships and libraries. TRY A BOTTLE TODAY…

…! DRIVE'S WORKERS TO MEET SUNDAY Aim to Speed Efforts for the Raising of the Entire $270,000 Quota Sectional meetings of various divisions in the Allied Jewish Ca,prsign have bee ncalled for Saturday and…

… at 10:30 a. m. Sun- day, at Hotel Statler in order to increase efforts in the drive for the raising of the entire $270,000 quota. Henry Wineman and Clarence Enggass, chairmen of the pre- campaign and…

August 16, 1935 • Page Image 2

…, Home "The non-Sectarian anti-Nazi carry through. unnatural hyper-intellectual- in State of Michigan, League has received the follow- refill In recent years very valuable headway in afforestation works…

… ex- who actually succeeded in creat- Rev. Cantor ago. Ile was a member of the tended every courtesy by the ing an enthusiasm for Hebrew David Golden Masonic order. Ile leaves four Hillel, the famous…

… slums Fluffed Dried fold schemes of collection—only by M. FEINSILBER, Prop. of the big cities, the fanfare of Established 1929 the organization of campaigns all THE BEST UNIVERSAL SERVICE Maccabi was…

… force and cun- of 33 Tennyson Ave., 26 years sales, card parties, savings boxes, car line. Reasonable. Euclid Art Museum and the University ning. We believe that thse sinister I Slomovitz Grove may, still…

University, of which he was the ' nished room. 2266 Pingree Ave. bear any grudge against the tery. first president near LaSalle. children of thy people, but thou Mrs. Abrams was born in Rus- Edwin A. Embree in…

… that this verse coa ld ing are three daughters, Mrs. Sam 4(411 a tl) universities," and "the dynamic $1,800, was taken in on a trade. not be accepted because of the Margolis of Los Angeles; Mrs. figure…

…maw.. ewevas ME PE FRO1TA1115/1 essewesesereass. RONIME and THE LEGAL CHRONss..t.t. PAGE TWO THE BARGAINS OF ALL TIME 1 DeLuxe Family Service C Detroiters Plant PALESTINE' LAND PROBLEM AT 19…

… Atmosphere a Quiet and The national object of the Mac- GET THE BLAINE HABIT — EAT AT THE cabi movement during its first years of existence was to fight by careful and detailed planning— Neatly Ironed…

… against degeneration of the Jewish by continued improvement and physique. In the obscure back- Bath Towels and Underwear thorough execution of the maM- 8737 TWELFTH STREET streets of the ghetto, in the…

… suddenly heard and over the world, aided by an excel- then they came up from their poor lent propaganda in all spheres of dwellings escaped from the Cheder, activity has the remarkable success the Jewish…

October 04, 1935 • Page Image 2

…:30 p. m., at Hotel Stotler. Formerly associated with Rabbi Abbe Hillel Silver in Cleveland, Rabbi Feuer is considered one of the outstanding of the younger men in the rabbinate. He will be remembered in…

…- partment of Michigan. The senior vice commander will be installed by Rex Humphrey, Detroit zone vice commander. The junior vice com- mander will be installed by Lloyd Jameson, committee man for the. Detroit…

… commander of the henry Bushway Post. The sergeant-at- arms will be installed by Daniel V. Addy, committee man for the dis- trict of Michigan. Samuel Raskin of the Julius Rosenwald Post will make the pre…

… particular interest in the in foreign inn0a. se,. (sued to brethren Michigan." ple Beth El, with interment in • A. ape.- ' and were inducted into the dpirit campaign because of the activity ,.„, Clover Hill…

… address the opening! meeting of the Detroit chapter of Neatly Ironed LBS. Bath Towels and Underwear Fluffed Dried THE BEST UNIVERSAL SERVICE SHIRTS IC No matter what you pay, no laundry can launder a…

…, a miniature of Wayne University, has resumed lie Ave., announces the tombstone mitten for the Monte Carlo night t, post office its fall meetings. "In these days it is particularly Was service for her…

…• Zit EVerRorrjorun CAROP11128 PAGE TWO I. D and THE LEGAL CHRONICLE Feuer to Address Hadassah Oct. 8 THE BARGAINS OF ALL TIME eLuxe Family Service Rabbi Leon 1. Feuer of To-1 led() will…

… CHARGE All Ironed Service 25c WEARING APPAREL FLAT PIECES Pee P•nna per pined 10C Minimum Charge, $1.50 We m A MOST RELIABLE, INSTITUTION is All Parts of the City Hadassah, Tuesday, Oct. 8, 2…

… De- troit for his inspiring address at the opening banquet of the Allied Jewish Campaign of last spring. He will address Hadassah mem- bers on the life of Nachman Bia- lik, poet laureate of Palestine…

… waging." Mr. Henson is general secretary in this country of the International Student Service. He formerly was secretary of the National Religions and Labor Foundation. Mr. Ritchie has served as a…

September 13, 1935 • Page Image 4

… City Music Hall because Tau- May, N. J., urged the American Olympic his golden attribute of brevity for all his Although he is here for a rest, by Michigan Catholics against the parochial It appears to…

… enrolled in the heunst tt hew b h e the situation of the German Jews. I have vioeie v op dnetaxe signed up by Hymie Caplin, who expressed ea st Michigan commonwealth. n dbey ar e e. u the n. less the Hitler…

… no biographical "Fifty Years of In- "Come, smear your Aryan hides with woad study the social ebb and flow of ancient world; Hillel, an intellec- tenant. Though his eyes were organization of Americans…

… posed Jewish Teachers Seminary ing a syndicate that is dickering A Contribution to the State rules of sportsmanship. He termed the and Peoples University in New disgusting conditions which rule in Europe…

…-Semitism which respondent says that neither of the things which I condemn. Because ple's University. Mr. Ehrenreich them are "unsere leite" but that Adolf Hitler seeks to crush the Jewish soul as well as the since…

… PROTEST BRINGS RESULTS To these evidences of American disap- I Confidential and THE LEGAL CHRONICLE proval of Nazi tactics in this country must be added the remarkable decision handed Tidbits from…

… Everywhere Published Weekly by Us Jewish Chronicle Publishing Ca, Imo By LOUIS PEKNISKY down by Magistrate Louis B. Brodsky of ch I, 1916. at the Pasta By PHINEAS J. BIRON Untered as Besond-class matter Mar…

… Act of March S. 1619. York i f i five men who were n freeing New Repnnlurllon In tart or whole forbid- ease .t Detroit, Mich.. under tbo Eminent Correspondent Says Christian Protest Adds Weight without…

… permission of the Seven (Copyright, 1535, by II. A. I, arrested for tearing the swastika from the den ) Arts Praline Syndliate, Cobyrightere of General Offices and Publication Building bow of the North German…

… Lloyd liner Bre- this feature. To Anti-Nazism; Will American Jewish Organi- SW 525 Woodward Avenue men on July 26. Was it injudicious for THE CAT AND THE PIANO Unwittingly tens of thousand , zations…

January 25, 1935 • Page Image 2

… the ideal, but an ideal la not a building, nor can beautiful sentiment,. be used for at the University of Michigan, Fenkell Mothers' club at Midland bricks, mount and stone. We live In Jewish…

… • • • Jewish Radio Forum • • • • Ig • • WJ BK • • • • EVERY SUNDAY • • g 5:30 P. M. to 6:00 P. M. • • • • • • • • • on A. C. LAPPIN Each week the leading editorial and news printed of Michigan on Tuesday…

… could not elicit ter, will offer a course at Wayne mare than 1140,fin0 nut of a minimum team of the Center defeated the Jacob Miller, general chairman; cation and a better understanding. University in…

of ing is extended by Mr. Miller to all R. 1.. POLK & CO., Detroit, Mick usual Father and Son night. Fur- the community should opeak nut. Let at Wayne University, Room 121, Publi.hris 10 the Wrtld Lam…

… the past two years. He is a member of the Detroit Bar association, having graduated from the Detroit college of Law and the University of De- troit. lie is a member of the Bicur Cholem Jrs. association…

…- - TfIEVETROMIEWISII PAGE TWO 15 LBS. BLUCHER TAKES IMPORTANT POST THE BARGAINS OF ALL TIME De Luxe Family Service Additional Pound. 5 Cent. per Pound Quits as City Planner to Become…

… Executive Director of National Planning Society Pieces ■ nd Handkerchiefs Neatly Ironed Bath Towels and Underwear Fluffed Dried A SPLENDID WINTER SERVICE Flat C ALL SHIRTS No matter what you pay, no…

… laundry can launder a finer shirt. 20 lbs. D AM Walter H. Blucher has resigned as city planner and secretary of the City Housing Commission and utter April 1 will become executive ear 'h P C Flat…

…. 25c 35c All Ironed Service 25c WEARING APPAREL FLAT PIECES pee gonad ► ,,, p .sed 10C Minimum Charge, $1.50 A. C. Lappin Named I Labor Commissioner' CALENDAR OF EVENTS Jan. 26—Hadassah Oneg…

… Shabbat. Jan. 27—Junior Hadassah $5 victory donor luncheon, at Statler Hotel. Jan. 27—Shaarey Zedek Y. P. S. dramatic presentation. Jan. 27—Zedakah birthday dinner dance. Jan. 27—Conference of Yiddish…

November 01, 1935 • Page Image 2

…, Knights the Michigan State Federation of of Pythias, will initiate a new class Temple Sisterhoods which con- of candidates in November to be vened in Pontiac Tuesday and known as the William Rosenberg…

…. Nov. 3—Open house at United Hebrew Schools, closing activities of Hebrew Education Month. Nov. 3—Dedication of Louis Weiss Memorial Library at Hillel Foundation at Ann Arbor. Nov. 3—Jr. Hadassah meeting…

… publication of Hebrew works; £300 for Hebrew education; 1100 each for two scholarships to the Hebrew University; 1300 for school prizes; 1100 for a scholar- ship to the Haifa Technicum, and 1100 for the…

… Palestine Society of Friends of the Hebrew University. In addition the will also provides for the establishment of other scholarships and annual gifts, WATCH The Chronicle FOR REAL ESTATE BARGAINS…

…PiEnerRorawisnalRoracia) PAGE TWO and THE LEGAL CHRONICLE RESULT OF SURVEY ON NAZI BOYCOTT MADE KNOWN HERE THE BARGAINS OF ALL TIME DeLuxe Family Service 1 ‘.. Pies•* and Handkerchiefs Neal…

… Ironed Service WEARING APPAREL FLAT PIECES her Pawl per 25c —a IOC Minimum Charge. $1.50 A MOST RELIABLE INSTITUTION We Call for and Deliver to All Parte of the City t Oi tt 51L. AU AN CDRY S Co…

… Phone HOGARTH 3042 I take this opportunity of thanking my many friends for givin me their sincere support during the Pri- mary and trust that they will remember me on Nov. 5, and vote for— Alexander…

… Gordon Candidate for Constable 12TH WARD "Clean up the Constable Racket" Mrs. P. Hyman Heads K. of P. To Honor State Sisterhoods William Rosenberg The 14th annual convention of Detroit Lodge No. 65…

… Wednesday closed Wednesday aft- class. ernoon following a luncheon at Mr. Rosenberg, a past chancel- Rotunda Inn, at which 190 dele- lor, has been a member of Detroit gates, representatives and guests Lodge…

… for 42 years, since 1893, and were present. Prior to the closing of the con- vention, announcement was made of the officers for the coming year. Those re-elected to office were Mrs. Philip Hyman of

November 29, 1935 • Page Image 2

… far as the zinski of Buffalo, N. Y., and five Hillel Silver as the principal party are requested to take ad- meeting of the executive commit- Mayer Amschel Rothschild. man, Trinity 2-7445. radical…

…-8950, or purely • race question and that troit group, which is ineligible as on the Jews, was given graphic demonstration when his weekly Mrs. Jackil, 15020 Parkaide. the Michigan Association of the dropped…

… earn a in Germany and protest against living in many of the professions the continuance of this brutal op- • and ostracizing them from the so-I pression of the small minority of THE BEST UNIVERSAL

… ball of the year. the wholehearted co-operation of meeting today, the committee, CHICAGO (NWS) - German- Catholic Club at Yale University Mrs. Harry Wine, who is in many prominent Detroiters. The Dasid…

…pEDLTRorrjEwisn aRoxiaz and THE LEGAL CHRONICLE PAGE TWO THE BARGAINS OF ALL TIME DeLuxe Fondly Service 9 0 Mayor Couzens Purchases His Tickets Unlit lien; El For Ball of Old Folks Home…

… FROM PAGE ONE/ I least we can do is to make clear from our hearts that we loathe Rubbers, Galoshes, Boots - to, depriving them of citizenship,. and detest this attitude obtaining denying them a right to…

… SERVICE vial and cultural life of the na - Jewish citizens in Germany." tion. In the realm of sport this In seconding the resolution the has resulted both in the dissolving , bishop of Southwark said he had…

…OY of Jews from membership in the ing of Germany apparently are being all Melrose the Temple Forum on Toe- No matter what you pay, mob 3 In a debate general athletic organizations forced back into…

… conditions recall- day night, Dee. 3, at 2.0. METROPOLITAN no laundry entitled: "Collective Bar gaining." Mr, all too vividly the ghetto. \Vol' vice-preeldent of the American from which the teams representing…

… in g TRAVEL SERVICE can launder a finer shirt. Federation of Labor and will pp sent the Germany in the Olympics will, for Their whole position, if it cannot labor viewpoint. Mr, Sokolsky, author linos…

November 29, 1935 • Page Image 4

… I ALL GRADES Michigan are included in the list ler's autobiography, the publishers nvitee to the Thanksgiving tea-dance of 138 who signed this appeal. of the books have agreed to de- given by the…

… great grand-nephew of the original drafted, does not goes far as the zinskl of Buffalo, N. Y., and five Hillel Silver as the principal party are requested to take ad- meeting of the executive commit…

… dictate to any the Michigan Association of the demonstration when his w Granite gad Mwhie If wawews Miss Sylvia Broody, chairman Mrs. Harry Srere, 10240 La- went bankrupt. The fortune he put ca s e d c f…

… THE BEST UNIVERSAL SERVICE Jewish citizens in Germany." cial and cultural life of the na- c tion. In the realm of sport this 1 in seconding the resolution the has resulted both in the dissolving of

… Lawrason Riggs, chaplain of the ers Protest Nazi Dumping Here the grand ball of the year. the wholehearted co-operation of the meeting today, the committee, Catholic Club at Yale University CHICAGO (NWS…

…pet PAGE TWO ETV ETROCKIEWISR ffiRONICIE ■ and THE LEGAL CHRONICLE Inel•∎ ■ •• ■ • Mayor Couzens Purchases His Tickets For Ball of Old Folks Home Auxiliary THE BARGAINS OF ALL TIME le IS di; El…

… Syringes (CoNITAIDEls FROM FAUN ONE, I least we can do is to make clear — that we lathe Rubber., Galoshes, Boots a from our herts ing i to, depriving them of citizenship,' and detest th i s attitude obtain…

… denying them a right to earn a , living in many of the professions the in Germany and of protest against continuance this brutal op- L and a ostracizing them from the so- pression of the small minority of

… Jewish athletic organizations on I bishop of Southwark he had Just Below Itayre hoped the ghetto had said passed for- The Temple Format a large scale and in the banning but ''now the Jewish people d George…

… Sokolsky Matthew Woll of Germany apparently are being Tues- of Jews from membership in the No matter what youpii, ell laddren the Temple Forum on seek day night, Dec. 3, at 1:30. In a debate general athletic…

October 18, 1935 • Page Image 3

…, extra dealings must be elim- inated and the Haavarah must be placed in charge of the Zionist Executive. Louis Oppenheim Called by Death Louis Oppenheim, well known in Detroit and northern Michigan

… Pontiac will be host on home of Mrs. J. Levine, on Monday 1 eta candler. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Can- Oct. 22 and 23 to the Michigan WESLEY E. PAYNE, Sales Represent : tire tor. Mr. and Mrs. N. Chad. Or. Daniel…

…. (iuml- nd Sirs I. E. Goodman, Mr. will not be made until the night of Hillel Foundation. 111.■11. Mr aan. and Mrs. Air Boaz dnn. Louie Gordan, Mr the dinner. The Tillie Citrin Kisseliner Aid The meeting…

… secretary of the National I mild Er and Mr• 1.1.1n• at the home of Jerome Disner, Mr an Mrs A B gtrainh. Mr. varsity of Michigan football star; Federation of Temple Sisterhoods, 3016 Cortland, followed by a…

… REAL ESTATE ( CONCLUDED FROM PAGE 1 ) have been read in all German synagogues, has created a sensa- rge Little, athletic director of . tion in Jewish circles. Dr. Baeck Rutgers University; and Edwar…

… causes as well an to funds to aid consist of Rhoda Zahavie, vocal- The University of Detroit chap- Mrs LeoM•rks. Sol Marl, Mr •nd Mrs Rudolph M•rks• Mr and Mrs Mothers Club Choral Group, di- ter of l…

… follows: N1, Itosenherg. Mr. and Mrs Ro- director of the renter; the princi- University of Detroit Law School Elegie-Massenet, by the trio. man. senthal. air •nd Mr It Rosenthal. pal speech by Joseph…

… Sales Announce A SHOWING OF THE NEW 1936 FORD V-8 • You are cordially invited to see and drive the new Ford V-8 for 1936---The finest, safest, most reliable Ford ever built .. . Now On Display…

… In Our Show Rooms GINSBERG Motor Sales Service Sales We have a selection of guaranteed used cars for sale. We will accept any make of car in trade. 12535 43 GRATIOT AVE. - Two minutes drive…

… East of City Airport PINGREE 6400 Open Sundays You Can Buy QUALITY KOSHER MEATS with Confidence from A. B. MARGOLIS • Kosher Meat & Poultry Market 11637.-41 DEXTER BLVD. 'Between Burlingame and…

May 10, 1935 • Page Image 10

…„,k,"";:a. B Zack; treasurer. Anna Itrooks. Hillel Foundations in the univer..! Jewish Old Folka home—Women's cause of his boyhood friendship e4ii...•;. — President, Mrs A. Year; the play, "The Lucky Cent…

… sacrificed their aibed the importance of Jewish M. Rosenhoot. ers in the general division portrait painted by Mr. Rader. liven to this end, but our genera. Michigan Jewish Aid Society — PreM• education…

…, Detroit. Standard accessory group Including bumpers and spare tire extra. Safety Glass throughout at no ad- ditional cost. FORD DEALERS OF MICHIGAN TUNE IN the FORD SUNDAY EVENING HOUR, Symphony…

…Mt DETRON/LIVISMefRONICLE and THE LEGAL CHRONICLE o f actors appearing in lo- Al!ied Jewish Campaign $85,000 Short cg ar r s club , a contribution of , CONFERENCE OF ORGANIZATIONS Of Quota as Drive…

… Enters Second Week $100 was received from the 1Man- CONTINUES CAMPAIGN FOR FUNDS attan Club, representing a gift Of Its City-Wide Solicitation Period h a dditional to $100 previously re- MM. H. Goose…

…," Mr. history of fund-raising efforts of I stein of the Forward. I II Lerner; recording secretary; Mrs. Om-President, Mrs. Wolf Kayla"; Sec- dent. I.. M. Panzer; dice - I...Went. Harry munal leader…

…; William J. Shroder else retary; Mrs. Jack Freedman; immure.% Bremer; secretary. Wm. Schmittel; treas- Aptekar; treasurer, Ma D. Hamm. stated. "It is the cradle the urer, Meyer Green. of Cincinnati…

…, president of the' Mrs. Geo. Roberta Allied Jewish Campaign with Organizations and their officer g First Galicia n Society oadroit Zetiakah Club — Preahlent. Mrs, J. National Council of Jewish Fed-; of our…

… birth and the land of ulti- the announcement that the mem- 1 and keymen who reported at thi a 1;res1,41:-inntr.r,lia..11.,.Arcirter,..vf United Hebrew Schools.lioimur Branch Haraith: vice-president. Mrs…

…. AM Rosen- izm !entern. —Chyme Mishnah Getnorra — President. berg: mcretery, Mrs John Kestenberg; erations; Charles Rubena, Chicago ∎ mate hope and promise," he said. berg of the Standard Club, of

December 13, 1935 • Page Image 5

… As An Able Political ready-made arches, with a money- back guarantee. W. KANER Strategist SHOE REPAIR, only true shoe refitter in State of Michigan, Dr. Charles A. Smith, well 1517 Broadway, 12916…

…- pied pulpits in New York City and Chicago from 1920 to 1931, is now director of the B'nai B'rith Hillel Foundation at the Univer- sity of Wisconsin. A profound scholar and book critic of note, Dr…

…- advertently joined a Jewish frater- nity on the University of Chicago campus, and suffered social ostrac- ism as a result, culminating in his resignation from the society. Dr. Spiegel pointed out how the Jew…

…-Amterkam yarish Palatial Cater CLIFTON AVENUE - CINCINNATI 20, OHIO Brilliant Lecture By Shalom Spiegel Given Under Auspices of Sha•rey 1 Zedek Men's Clob lJ Before an audience of 500 gath…

…- ered in the auditorium bf Shaarey Zedek Synagogue last Sunday eve- ning, Dec. 8, Dr. Shalom Spiegel, professor of Hebrew in the Jewish Institute of Religion, delivered a masterful address on the subject…

of "Jewish Self-Hate", the second lecture of the series sponsored by the Shaarey Zedek Men's Club Forum. Introduced by Nathan Milstein, chairman of the Forum Committee, as • "young man who has made his…

… scholastic mark," Dr. Spiegel del- ved into his subject in a simple, concrete manner, his presentation being poetic and human rather than remote and academic. He be- gan by citing various instances of self…

…-hate in Jewish life, prefacing them with a survey of Vincent Sheehan's recently published work, "A Personal History," in which the author as an ignorant, naive col- lege freshman, relates how he in…

… too feels he is not wanted in a hostile Gentile world and cited sev- eral instances of the psychotic ef- fects of anti-Semitism on the per- sonalities of young Jews. lie men- tioned Dr. Theodor Lensing…

…, a mar- tyr to Nazi fury, who wrote in his "Diary of a Jewess" ,"I cannot era- dicate my Jewishness, which clings to me like leprosy. I cannot rid my- self of 'Judenblut'." His heroine ends her life in…

March 08, 1935 • Page Image 10

… protect the good name of the Jews in the United States. Today, Its major interest is in education. This work is developed through the Hillel Foundations which it estab- lishes at universities for religious…

… Commerce and of the Union League Club and was also quite active In Masonic circles, being a thirty- second degree Mason and a member of the Mecca Shrine. He was chair- man for Michigan of the National Farm…


…) Of Jewish History LABOR AND JEWISH MOVEMENTS trading as before, since the Nazi On East Seaboard VERDICT AGAINST HAUPTMANN CAUSE OF WAR ON JEWRY (CONCLUDED FROM PAGE I ) CoNCLUDED ellost wine by the…

… American Jewish Congress David A. Wilentz of New Jersey repudiating the Lippert allegations. were particularly distasteful. trade as well as of German trade. Dr. Wise continued: N•eis Conduct Agitation h t…

… an to Such a statement discloses "Nothing could be falser "Ile is one of my dearest clearly the mental attitude and l' t■ l 7l oe h friends," the Reilly statement the psychology of the type of and…

… service., ofil this Dr. Lippert k n ow'. right well. If three per vent 'minted out, "and he has relatives mind which now controls the un- of the population of the Polled State, in Brooklyn who are also my…

… happy German people. The pur- which le the percentage of the Jewish population, were alone In is, otting friends. pose of the boycott cannot be Mot amide asirvices, Nazi Germany "I visited Yorkville…

… Casino with measured in marks or dollars. Its would not nodI I worths Illie pleas ion for the ...ration of the ao•called 'Jew- the sole idea of obtaining money to purpose is a protest against an ish…

… boycott ' help win the release of my client, arrogant, bigoted, cruel govern- Lipperre appeal purports to ad- Bruno Richard Hauptmann," the ment. The indignation of the iiresa 11,11 to tit. •Anierii ails…

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