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August 26, 1955 • Page Image 1

…AR' Conflicting Reports From Morocco E JEWISH NE Our Weakness in Public Relations A Weekly Review Accents and Names Commentary, Page 2 Our 'Bill of Rights' Under Scrutiny: Senatorial of Jewish Events Religious Study Michigan's Only Englisl-i- Jewish Newspaper—Incorporating The Detroit Jewish Chronicle VOLUME 27, No. 25 27 17100 W. 7 MILE RD., Detroit 35—VErmont 8-9364—August 26„1955 Editorial, Page .4 $4.00 Per Year, Single C...…

August 26, 1955 • Page Image 2

…Purely Corn mentary By PHILIP SLOMOVITZ Jewish Agency Plans Increased Flow of Immigrants From North Africa to Israel cision reached by the plenary session. The decision of the Agen- cy plenum must be approved by the Actions Committee of the Zionist bodies, which began its meeting here. The session heard a proposal 000 new immigrants, mainly North Africa, and to plan for from an by Dr. Abraham Granott, head of the Jewish National Fund, that ...…

August 26, 1955 • Page Image 3

…Incidence of Plundering Increases Despite Moroccan Assurances (Continued from Page 1) ment issued by the World Jewish Congress welcoming the assur- ance given in New York by Mo- roccan nationalist leaders that Jews need not fear that in an in- dependent Morocco they will suf- fer from discrimination in any form and that "Jewish Moroccans will be citizens equal both in law and in fact with Moslems." The press also published a statement from th...…

August 26, 1955 • Page Image 4

…The DO 6i - to a Better World THE JEWISH' NEWS Incorporating the Detroit Jewish - Chronicle commencing with issue of July 20, 1951 Member American Association of English-Jewish Newspapers, Michigan Press Association, National Editorial Asso- . *tailor' Published every Friday by The Jewish News Publishing Co., 17100 West Seven Mile Road, Detroit 35, Mich., VE. 8-9364. Subscription $4 a year Foreign $5. Entered as second class matter Aug. 6, ...…

August 26, 1955 • Page Image 5

…New Rash of Violence Breaks Still Of Israel-Egyptian Border Calm JERUSALEM, (JTA)—The rel- ative relaxation of Egyptian-Is- rael tension in the Gaza area was suddenly broken by an unpro- voked Egyptian attack on an Israeli patrol, leading to serious border clashes. The Israel government com- plained to the Mixed Armistice Commission and requested a meeting of the commission. In anger over the latest occur- rence, Egypt withdrew from. the ,tal...…

August 26, 1955 • Page Image 6

…SYNAGOGUE SERVICES 0-W Young Israel Starts Day Nursery Try-Outs for Temple Players Aug. 29, 30 The comedy, "Two Blind Mice," will be the fall production of the Temple Beth El Players which will be presented in Oc- TEMPLE ISRAEL: Sabbath services at 8:30 p.m., today. At Satur- tober. day services, the Bar Mitzvah of Ronald Gary Brenner will be Herbert A. Aronsson, president observed. of the "Players," announces the CONG. EMANU-EL: Sabbath s...…

August 26, 1955 • Page Image 7

…Shevitz Named on Americans Urged to Participate In FEP Commission Congressional Poll on Religion WASHINGTON, (JTA) — Any citizen of the United States who cares to state his opinion of whether his religious rights, guaranteed by the Constitution, are being properly interpreted and adequately protected, will. be able to do so in a survey on this subject now to be undertaken by Two Jews Slated For Tunis Cabinet SIDNEY SHEVITZ, former president...…

August 26, 1955 • Page Image 8

…Presence of Water Detected In Sodom JERUSALEM (JTA)—Geologi- tal research recently carried out in Sodom points to the presence there of considerable quantities of deep subterranean waters, it was reported here.. The report said that the drilling of artesian wells will soon be started in the Sodom area.. • resources, it was indicated: Dead Sea resources, potash- and bro- mides; copper, and phosphates and the production of phosphoric salt and ...…

August 26, 1955 • Page Image 9

…Ordaining Women as Rabbis Opposed At Convention of Bnai Brith Girls STARLIGHT, Pa. (JTA) — Teen-age delegates to the 11th annual convention of Bnai Brith Girls here have rejected by a 2 to 1 margin, the role of women serving as ordained rabbis. The tally was a result of an informal survey among some 160 delegates from all parts of the United States, and Canada, representing a cross-section of congregational affiliation. The convention, in its...…

August 26, 1955 • Page Image 10

…Hadassah 'Open House' Fetes Opening of New Headquarters Earlier Deadline for Sept. 2 Issue CARD OF THANKS Due to Labor Day, there will be an earlier deadline for our issue of Sept. 9. All news copy for that issue, including photographs, An open house program, de- of the building." Mrs. Isenberg must be in our hands by noon on Friday, Sept. 2. Deadline for Classified Advertising copy will remain the signed to celebrate the official concluded...…

August 26, 1955 • Page Image 11

…1111 1 June Nuptials Planned By Miss Naomi Moore A2at OritA Activities Engagement Told GREATER DETROIT BNAI B R I T H WOMEN'S COUNCIL will take a group of patients from Dearborn Veterans Hc7spital to the Detroit Tiger baseball game Wednesday, at Briggs Stadium. The CounCil also has introduced a rehabilitation ther- apy program at' the hospital; con - . sisting of films, educational pro- grams, quiz parties and musicals. These events are un...…

August 26, 1955 • Page Image 12

…12—DETROIT JEWISH NEWS -Afeitzer-L a - ki;t Rites Friday, August 26, 1955 amages Set for November Womens Outs ANS KLEIN BUSINESS & PROFESSIONAL SMALL - SISKIND. Speaking Phyllis Rosenberg, the bride's GIRLS, Pioneer Women, will hold Music of Distinction their nuptial vows by candlelight sister, was • junior bridesmaid, a beach party on Sunday. For in- on Apg. 7, in the Garden Room and Ellen Glanz, the bridegroom's formation, call Henrie...…

August 26, 1955 • Page Image 13

…Quebec Girl to Wed josepf:. David Brody Dean Chessler to TIT ed Dr. Leo/lard Fox Bar Mitzvahs Mr. and Mrs. Sanford J. Rope, of 19790 Sorrento, announce the Bar Mitzvah of their son, Barry Stuart, on Saturday, at Cong. Ahavas Achim. A dinner in his honor will be held that evening, at Holiday Manor. * * • Mr. and Mrs. Henry Elkowitz, Northwest Israel Opens Registration for School DETROIT JEWISH NEWS-13 Friday, August 26, 1955 c-7 Registr...…

August 26, 1955 • Page Image 14

…ctivities in Society Detroit Dentist to Wed In Tulsa This Sunday Dr. and Mrs. Melvin Platt and daughters, Bonita and Claudia, of Oak Park, have returned home after a six weeks stay in Florida during which they visited with Mrs. Platt's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Katz, former Detroiters now residing in Miami Beach. Mr.' and Mrs. Sam Klein and daughter Marilyn, formerly of Monterey Ave., have moved to their new residence, at 17534 Stoepel. F...…

August 26, 1955 • Page Image 15

…Announce Betrothal Of Dolores Sloan Orthodox Wedding Sharon Lapides Wed At Berchtesgaden To Ronald Herman MUNICH (JTA) — Miss Felice Jacobs flew 8,000 miles from Phoenix, Ariz., to be married to Pvt. Morley Alan Feldstein in the first Orthodox Jewish wed- ding ever celebrated in the town of Berchtesgaden, Hitler's moun- tain retreat and to this clay a hotbed of Nazism. A traditional chuppah was erected in the "Alpine Inn," Nazi field marshal...…

August 26, 1955 • Page Image 16

…What Is a Jew? By DAVID SCHWARTZ Noodle Pudding Recipe Wins Heinz Co. Prize (Copyright 1955, JTA, Inc.) All peoples, it seems, are created equal, but at the same time they are all a little differ- ent, for which we may be thank- ful. What's different about Jews? Jewish sayings give us many insights. There is one which sayS, Jews always say the opposite thing. If one Jew says "Shalom Aleichem," the other replies "Aleichem Shalom." That 'rec...…

August 26, 1955 • Page Image 17

…• People Make News FRANK WINN, public relations director of the UAW-CIO, Detroit, is a member of the AFL-CIO delegation currently in Israel for a 12-day visit as guests of the Israel Histadrut Organization. * * * LEVI ESHKOL, Minister of Finance of the State of Israel, will discuss his country's eco- nomic program at the National MobilizatiOn Conference for Is- rael Bonds, in Washington during the weekend of Sept. g. * * * Mrs. J. GILBERT...…

August 26, 1955 • Page Image 18

…Send Printing Press to Boys Town Witnessing the load- ing of a printing press aboard the SS Ex- cellency at Jersey City for shipment -to Boys Town, Jerusalem, are MICHAEL MARGO- LIN, 16, of Boys Town who is here on an ex- change student fel- lowship, and ALBERT L. KANTER, publish- er of Classics Illus- trated, chairman of the Graphic Arts Committee which fi- nanced and purchased the press. The four- color press is part of a complete plant bei...…

August 26, 1955 • Page Image 19

…17-HOUSES FOR SALE CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS Liners accepted from responsible firms or individuals by telephone up to 11 a.m., Wednesday. Deadline for dis- play classified ads is 4:30 p.m., Tuesday. Rates 10c a word, minimum charge $1.00, or $2.80 per column inch. CALL VErmont 8-9364 10--ROOMS FOR RENT 12 PLEASANT ROOM for rent with best home meals for gentleman or lady. All privileges, 2 adults only. Near Dexter and Sturtevant. TO 5-661...…

August 26, 1955 • Page Image 20

…Bagley School District ARDMORE BY OWNER Available October. Near Vernor school, 3 bdrms., enclosed porch, face brick ranch type. Asphalt ti- ed basement. Fenced. Landscaped. alum. storms and screens. Conven- built-ins and cupboards. 13 ft. mir- rored liv. nn. wall, other custom features. By app't only. DI 1-0068. $20,750. BETW. CURTIS and ML Cust. bit. brick Eng. Col. with gas AC ht., spacious 24' liv. rm., front rm., break. rm., 1st fl. lay...…

August 26, 1955 • Page Image 21

…• 17--HOUSES FOR SALE 17—HOUSES FOR SALE . HUNTINGTON WOODS BY OWNER Beautiful brk. Colonial. 3 lge. bdrms., grade lay., 4 yrs. old. Car- pets and drapes. Storms and scr., 2 car garage ,ige. rear terr., rum- pus rm., garbage dis., gas ht., nicely landscaped. Priced way be- low market. $22,900. 13105 Wales. LI 3-0710. . MEYERS, 19341 OUTSTANDING! Modern, custom built. half duplex. 2 bdrms., tile bath, tiled kit., attic fan. AC ht.. 1 1,',...…

August 26, 1955 • Page Image 22


August 26, 1955 • Page Image 23

…Soviet Stat e ment Disputed by AJC NEW YORK, (JTA) — The American Jewish Committee is- sued an analysis of the statement on Jewish religion in the Soviet Union made public here laSt month by the Soviet delegation to the United Nations. "Analysis by AJC specialists showed that references to the Soviet law in this document were' carefully culled from a few per- missive sections of a sweeping anti-religious decree issued by the Soviets twenty-si...…

August 26, 1955 • Page Image 24

…Citation from 'Message of Israel' RABBI BER- NARD N. COHN, of Temple Em- anu-El, Utica, N.Y. (left), pre- sents "Message of Israel" 20th Anniversary Ci- tation to RICH- A R D CLARK, manager of Sta- tion WRUN, Utica. "Message of Israel" is sponsored by the Union of American H e - brew Congrega- tions, parent body of the na- tion's Reform temples. Israel Asks UN Air Safety Study; Hear Report on Bu lgarian Disaster UNITED NATIONS, N. Y. '(JTA)...…

August 19, 1955 • Page Image 1

…E JEWISH NE Whitman's Rough Hebraic Music Maurice Samuel's Exciting 'Certain People of the Book' Feature Articles on Page 24 A Weekly Review `If They Will It, There Will Be Peace' `White Council' Expose Editorials, Page 4 of Jewish Events Ruth Gruber and Michigan's Only English-Jewish • Newspaper—Incorporating The Detroit Jewish Chronicle - ,-. 27 VOLUME 27, No. 24c€7m B-G : Interesting Reports from Israel Commentary, Page 2 $4.0...…

August 19, 1955 • Page Image 2

…Purely Commentary Israel to Build Its First Atomic Pile in 4 Years GENEVA (JTA) — Israel will build its first atomic pile within By PHILIP SLOMOVITZ the next four years, Dr. Walter Eytan, director general of the Ruth Gruber Interviews Ben-Gurion Israel Foreign Ministry and Ruth Gruber, one of the best informed American correspond- head of the Israel delegation to ents, who has made periodic trips to pre-Israel Palestine and to the Internatio...…

August 19, 1955 • Page Image 3

…Claims 'Jewish Moroccans' Enjoyed Equality with Moslems Since 1400's. (Continued from Page 1) Simultaneously, the Moroccan Office of Information and Docu- mentation issued another state- ment reviewing the rights of the Jews in Morocco. The statement, issued under the title - "Back- ground on the Situation of Jewish Moroccans," reads: "The Jews, who found refuge in Morocco from Spanish perse- cution in the fifteenth century, have never lived...…

August 19, 1955 • Page Image 4

…THE JEWISH NEWS Caught in the Middle Incorporating the Detroit Jewish Chronicle commencing with issue of July 20• 1951 Member American Association of English-Jewish Newspapers, Michigan Press Association, National Editorial ,Asso- ciation. Published every Friday by The Jewish News Publishing Co., 17100 West Seven Mile Road, Detroit 35, Mich., VE. 8-9364. Subscription $4 a year, Foreign $5. Entered as second class matter Aug. 6. 1942, at Pos...…

August 19, 1955 • Page Image 5

…Camp Tamarack Gifts to Be Dedicated Service Group's At Fresh Air Camp's Annual Meeting Biennial -- Rally Fresh Air. Society will mark its man Village was made possible Set for Sept. 13 by a $50;000 gift from. the • Fish- 53rd year of continuous service to the Jewish community in the field of summer camping when. it holds its annual meeting next Wednes- day, at 3 p.m., at Carrip Tam- arack, in conjunction with • the dedication ceremonies of se...…

August 19, 1955 • Page Image 6

…Moscow Publication Warns Against Anti-Semitism; Lenin's Views Cited NEW YORK (JTA) — For the first time in many years an of- ficial organ of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union ap- peared with an article sharply warning against anti-Semitism, the New York Times reports. The report emphasizes that "explicit attacks on anti-Semi- tism have been absent from in- ternal propaganda themes" in Moscow for quite a time. It then quotes an article w...…

August 19, 1955 • Page Image 7

…The Great Fair' Sholom Aleichem Autobiography Sholom Aleichem will remain one of the great classicists in world literature, thanks, in great measure, to his granddaughter, Tamara Kahana, whose transla- tions of the world famous humor- ist's works from Yiddish into English are captivating those who have been deprived of the earlier privileges of reading his works in the original. _ Miss Kahana is the daughter of Sholom Aleichem's son-in-law, ...…

August 19, 1955 • Page Image 8

…SYNAGOGUE SERVICES NORTHWEST ISRAEL SYNAGOGUE: Sabbath services at 7 p.m., today. At 9 a.m. services Saturday, Rabbi Leo Goldman will speak on "The Month of Elul." The Bar Mitzvah of Hyman Isaac Ash will be observed. CONG. SHAAREY ZEDEK: Sabbath services at 6 p.m., today; at 8:45 a.m., Saturday. The Bar Mitzvah of Stuart Goldstein will be observed. TEMPLE BETH EL: Sabbath services at 11:15 a.m., Saturday. CONG. BNAI MOSHE: Sabbath services a...…

August 19, 1955 • Page Image 9

…. Parade Marks 'Mogen David.' David' Anniversary 1 0i Moving of :Torahs Highlights Movin Beth Abraham to New Quarters TEL AVIV, (JTA) — Israel's ' Mogen Dovid Adorn—the Israel ' ' • '''' equivalent of the Red Cross So- ciety—celebrated its 25th anni- versary with the opening of a national conference here. Among the guests at the convention were ?"-Mogen Dovid Adorn representa- tives from many countries abroad, the president of the Red Cros...…

August 19, 1955 • Page Image 10

…Aef Committee Proposes Program To End Social Anti-Semitism NEW YORK (JTA)—Develiip- ment of a program to remove barriers to the entry of Jews into the upper echelons of American industry and finance—particular- ly to the top managerial cate- gories—is urged by Dr. John Slawson, executive vice-presi- dent of the American Jewish Committee, in a report to the AJC executive board. Dr. Slawson is of the opinion that industrial and business lead- ...…

August 19, 1955 • Page Image 11

…New York Girl to Wed Charles N. Schwartz omens Uluhs Hannah Lazarus Wed To James F. TVilkus Board members of AVODAH CHAPTER, Pioneer Women, met recently at the Cass Lake sum- mer home of president Minna Herman to plan activities for the coming season. . * * *. PRIMEROSE BENEVOLENT CLUB, at a special board meet- ing, adopted plans for its Nov. 1 donor luncheon, in Masonic Tem- ple. The first group meeting is planned for Sept. 7, at Cong. Be...…

August 19, 1955 • Page Image 12

…Beverly Goldstein Wed To Robert Rosenfeld 4**********************T Roberta Rosenbe . rg Music by ... To Wed M. Woronoff * DICK STEIN activities in Society And His Orchestra Dr. and Mrs. Leo Orecklin have returned to their home on Oak Dr. after a month's vacation in Europe. *TY 5-2445 UN 4-3018 .********t**************-k Mrs. Edythe Cugell and Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Philipp, of this city, have returned home after touring Europe. PHOTOGRAPHS ...…

August 19, 1955 • Page Image 13

…Levine-Wenarroff Rites Observed In New York Bar Mitzvahs Mr. and Mrs. Sanford J. Rope, of 19790 Sorrento, announce the Bar • Mitzvah of their son, Barry Stuart, on Aug. 27, at Cong. Ahavas Achim. A dinner in his honor will be held that evening, at Holiday Manor. * * * Mr. and Mrs. Marcus Schein- ker, of Asbury Park Ave., an- nounce the Bar Mitzvah of their son, Mitchell Paul, on Saturday, • at Beth Aaron Synagogue. A dinner party in Mitchell...…

August 19, 1955 • Page Image 14

…- , Ork*T.Tat Ruth Keller.Engaged Hospitals Criticized for Failure • To Wed Morton Cash To Identify Thems elves as Jewish MISS RUTH LEE KELLER Mr. and Mrs. Jules Keller, of Monica Ave., announce the en- gagement of their daughter, Ruth Lee, to Morton Cash, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Cash, of Frank- lin Fairway. Mr. Cash attends the Universi- ty of Michigan Medical School. Miss Keller is, enrolled at Wayne University. No wedding date has bee...…

August 19, 1955 • Page Image 15

…Honeymoon in Bermuda Following Rites Here Our Letter Box Why the Fuss Over The Right to Petition? Editor, The Jewish News: As a regular reader of your weekly column in The Jewish News, I could not overlook your item in the Aug. 5 issue, dealing with the petition addressed to the judiciary committees of the U.S. Senate and House of Representa- tives. The petition asked for "public hearings to be held on all bills pending before the 84th Cong...…

August 19, 1955 • Page Image 16

…My Quest After a Good Shylock By DR. LEON .FRAM All my life I have been hear- ing about various great actors who enacted the role of Shylock in the "Merchant of Venice" with such skill as to bring out the alleged original intention of Shakespeare — namely, a depic- tion of the passion of the perse- cuted Jew against the back- ground of a profligate and brutal Christian society. . Having studied the text of the "Merchant of Venice". minutely,...…

August 19, 1955 • Page Image 17

…People Make News .• Rabbi DAVID C. KOGEN, spiritual leader of Congregation Beth Israel, Vancouver, B. C., Canada, has been named director of community activities of the United Synagogue, effective Sept. 1, it was announced by Dr. Ber- nard Segal, executive director. His responsibility .will be to acti- vate existing regions and to or- ganize new regions of the United Synagogue in the United States and Canada. * * ABRAHAM GOODMAN, of New Y...…

August 19, 1955 • Page Image 18

…7 Air-Minded Israeli Youth in U. S. Five air minded Israeli youths arrived in the United States this week in the same U.S. Air Force Skymaster which brought their American counter-parts to Israel. The youths are partici- pating in the International Air Exchange Program which provides for the exchange of young people interested in aviation and en- ables them to study conditions in the field in various countries. Twenty-two nations are affilia...…

August 19, 1955 • Page Image 19

…CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS Liners accepted from responsible firms or individuals by telephone up to 11 a.m., Wednesday. Deadline for dis- play classified ads is 4:30 p.m., Tuesday. Rates 10c a word, minimum charge $1.00, or $2.80 per column inch. CALL VErmont 8-9364 14-WANTED, FLATS-INCOME & 17-HOUSES FOR SALE APTS. - - HOUSES FOR RENT GREENFIELD-8 MILE SECTION. Room for business girl. New ranch home. Privileges optional. BR 3-1311. LOW...…

August 19, 1955 • Page Image 20

…--- 17-HOUSES 17-HOUSES FOR SALE 17-HOUSES FOR SALE FOR SALE MAGNOLIA 17559 Winora Open Sun. 2-6 Vassar Dr. near Freeland Face brick bungalow. 2 car. attach. gar., full din. rm., large kitch.. fire- place, carpeting, scr, tern, lay. in basement. Call BEN KEHOE. LI 9-4200.• KLIPFEL & CO. FRANKLIN KNOLLS COMPARE THIS LOCATION Beautiful face brick 3 bedrm. Col., break. rm., gas AC, rec. rm.. scr. porches, costly carpeting, drapes, gar...…

August 19, 1955 • Page Image 21

…•••••••••••• vb ".""'"wwwl.01,144011 • 17—HOUSES FOR SALE 17—HOUSES FOR SALE Attention Huntington Woods Colonial Buyers STOEPEL, 18433, 2 family flat, 5-5, 2 car garage, rec. room, gas heat, ex- cellent condition. Owner, UN 4-4222. We have the house to meet your requirements in your price range. 3 and 4 bedrms. with 21/2 baths and Activities Room. New and Used Colonials. From $24,500 to $43,000. For more information call BILL NORTON...…

August 19, 1955 • Page Image 22

…17-HOUSES FOR SALE 17-HOUSES FOR SALE Bagley School Woodingham Oak Park Open Sun, 1-6 Open Daily 5 8 only $17,900 for immed. sale. All wanted features, libr. brkfst. rm. 1st. lay. 3 big bedrms, 2 car gar. Mr. Deutch. - Rosewood 24100 O'Donnell-Madsen Co. Face brick 3-bedrm. 1 H., 11/2 baths, huge kitchen, table space, a.c. ht., F.H.A. terms, $3,500 dn, Call PAUL BORAKS. KE 5-5100. 18310 Livernois Basil Nr. Hudson Northland CERTIFI...…

August 19, 1955 • Page Image 23

…50—BUSINESS CARDS EXPERT painting and wall washing. References. TY 7-2501. WE DO carpenter work, porches, rec- reations. additions and utility rooms, kitchen re-model. TO 7-9755. Intermarriage Rises in Canada Baby Ordered Out as Illegal Immigrant PHILADELPHIA, (JTA) — A Obituaries Monument Unveilings MONTREAL (JTA)—The peril LINCOLN RAUH, 21920 Strat- of intermarriage to the survival Philadelphia taxi driver, Sanford ford, Oak Park, di...…

August 19, 1955 • Page Image 24

…1,Aihittinan's Rough Hebraic Musk Maurice Samuel in a New Role Anniversary Recalls Influence of Bible Upon Poet, His Association, With. Jewish Biographer, Tranbel His 'Certain People of the Book': Exciting Modern Commentary on Many Biblical Stories Joseph with Disraeli. Mr. Samuel some respect, that while Balak writes about Joseph: talks of honors and high in- fluence at court, Balaam speci- Walt Whitman's dramatic calls direction against ...…

August 12, 1955 • Page Image 1

…Infamous Forgery: Root of Anti-Semitism The Snags in THE JEWISH NE A Arab-Israel Weekly Review `A Chazente Oif Shabbos' The Late William J. Cameron of Jewish Events David A. Croll: In Canadian Senate Negotiations Editorials, Page 4 VOLUME 27. No. 23 Michigan's Only English-Jewish Newspaper—Incorporating The Detroit Jewish Chronicle or----- 1 .) 27 17100 W. 7 MILE RD., Detroit 35—VErmont 8-9364—August 12, 1955 Commentary, Page...…

August 12, 1955 • Page Image 2

…Mass Grave for 'Victims of Savage Assault' Purely Commentary Bulgaria Receives I.T. S. Protest, 'Too Hasty' Action Admitted in 'Death of Innocent People' - By PHILIP SLOMOV I TZ A Chazente oif Shabbos? TEL AVIV, (JTA)—An entire Remember the old song "A Chazendel oif Shabbos?" Now country mourned as the 58 vic- especially in Temple Avodah, the Reform congregation at Ocean- side, in Massapequa, L. I., N. Y., the tune may be the same but the...…

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