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August 19, 1955 - Image 9

Resource type:
The Detroit Jewish News, 1955-08-19

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. Parade Marks 'Mogen

David' Anniversary

1 0i

of :Torahs Highlights Movin
Beth Abraham to New Quarters

TEL AVIV, (JTA) — Israel's
Mogen Dovid Adorn—the Israel ' ' • ''''
equivalent of the Red Cross So-
ciety—celebrated its 25th anni-
versary with the opening of a
national conference here. Among
the guests at the convention were
?"-Mogen Dovid Adorn representa-
tives from many countries abroad,
the president of the Red Cross
League at Geneva and Dr: Emil
Sandstroem, chairman of the
Swedish Red Cross.
Dr. Sandstroem, in an address
to the convention, expressed the
hope that Israel would soon be
accepted as a member by the In-
ternational Red Cross. It was re-
ported at the meeting that the
Cong. Beth Abraham officially
organization had opened a Mogen
will move into its new synago-
Dovid Adom station in Jerusalem
gue on West 7 Mile Rd. and
named for Judge Sandstroem,
Greenlawn on Sept. 4.
A parade of Mogen Dovid mem-
A special program has been
bers and equipment took place
here after which the David Mar- planned, highlight of which will
cus blood.fractionating plant was be ceremonies surrounding the
opened in the presence of hun- transfer of the Torahs from the
dreds of American, South Ameri- present building to the new struc-
can and South - African guests, ture.
many of whom had contributed or
Morris Davis and Julius
raised funds for the building of
Perry, arrangements co-chair-
the blood plasma processing cen-
men, announce that the pro-
ten Five ambulances were for-
gram will begin at 11:30 a.m.
mally handed over to represen-
at the Linwood and Sturtevant
tatives of settlements in the Ne-
building, with a parade of cars.
gev and in the Jerusalem corri-
Police will escort the celebrants
along a designated route to the
Municipal Parking Lot, at Stoe-
Hearings on
pel and 7 Mile. From there, the
Torah procession will proceed on
Church-State Issue
Participating in the service of
ings on constitutional rights will
be begun by a Senate subcom- admitting the scrolls will be Rab-
mittee October 3 when the unit bis Joseph Thumim and Israel I.
starts taking testimony on free- Halpern, spiritual leaders of the
dom of religion and separation congregation.
Beth Abraham, the fourth old-
of church and state, Sen. Thomas
C. Hennings, Jr., of Missouri, est congregation . in Michigan,
has announced. will be moving into its fourth
He revealed that the subcom_ structure since its formation in
mittee will also devote two May, 1892. Its growth has been
weeks — beginning October 17 steady since that time.
Meanwhile, the synagogue's
— to hearings on freedom of
speech and the press. Four seating - committee is meeting
at 7 p.m., each evening, ex-
weeks' worth of hearings on the
cept Friday, and at 10 a.m.,
right of assembly will begin
Sundays, to distribute tickets
November 14, Sen. Hennings
for the High Holy Days to
said._ He revealed that the sub-
members and non-members.
committee will review the Bill
of Rights "amendment by
Louis Ellenbogen, president,
amendment a n d clause by stated that simultaneous services
will be held in the main sanctu-:

Mrs. Oren to Go to Europe to Seek Husband's Release

LONDON (JTA) — New ef- mouthpiece of the Poale Zion
forts are being made to secure organization in this country.
The publication reported that
the freedom of Mordecai Oren,
Israel Mapam leader who was Mrs. Oren. will shortly leave Is-
implicated in the SlanskY' trial rg,e1 for Europe in an attempt
in Prague and sentenced to a to enlist the support • of left
'long prison term, it was report- Socialist parties in a campaign
ed by the "Jewish Vanguard," to secure her husband's release.







ary and in the main floor social
Rabbi Halpern will officiate at
all services and Cantors Itschak
Katz and Eugene Greenfield, as-
sisted by the holiday choir, will
chant the services.

Abelard-Schuman Launch
New Jewish Book Program

Announcing the establishment
of a Jewish book department,
Lew Schwartz, president of Abel-
ard-Schuman, Inc., New York,
expressed the belief that there
was "a real need for developing
on a long-range basis a library of
Jewish books to illuminate the
3,000-year-old tradition of the
Jewish. people."
The new Abelard-Schuman de-
partment plans titles covering
both fiction and non-fiction, as
well as both popular and schol-
arly works in the latter cate-
As part of the program, Mr.
Schwartz announced that Ben
Gallob, of Flushing, N. Y., and
Marc H. Tanenbaum, of Elm-
hurst, N. Y., had been retained
as editorial and publicity con-.
Abelard-Schuman, Ltd., of Lon-
don, British branch of the pub-
lisher, will participate in the
overseas sales program for the
new Jev.rish list, Mr. Schwartz


I will appreciate the further continuance in patron-
age of all my many satisfied friends and cus-
tomers. They have my steadfast promise that I
will serve them honestly and faithfully, as I have
in the past. In my new station I am able to
give them the best possible, deals . . • and I.
+hope it will prove of mutual interest to contact me.

BUS. TO 8-0577

RES. DI 1-1369-


17376 Wyoming Avenue

(Between Santa Clara and Santa Maria

Announce the remodeling and air conditioning of the auditorium for
the convenience of the worshippers and invites the community to
join in
Will officiate at All Services

Cantor Henry Baum will Chant the Liturgy

Tickets are now available at the Synagogue office, Monday thru Thurs-
day, 7 to 10 p.m. Sundays 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. and- 7 to 10 p.m.

Congregation Khal Charedim of Detroit

is pleased to announce that again this year we have secured the large
airy hall of the Tuxedo Hebrew School, 4000 Tuxedo at Holmur for

Our Honored Rabbi Chaim Meisels, The Sarv-asher Rebe

will personally lead in the Musaf Services and deliver the sermons on
Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur. Also RABBI MEISELS WILL SPEAK
ON SHABOS SHUVO at 5:00 o'clock in the afternoon. The ticket
committee will be daily at the Synagogue from 3 to 9. On Slichot
days from 10 in the morning to 9. Saturday nights from after marriv
to 10.

N.IRAMOVITZ, President M. M. MERZON, Vice-Pres.
P. HAUSMAN, Secretary — TO. 7-2184

Please note that the hall is air-conditioned

Friday, August 19, 1955

is pleased to announce the completion of its new

Cambridge Synagogue at Cambridge and Schaefer

(Near West 7 Mile Road)

The new Synagogue is now available to new members and
High Holyday worshippers. The new sanctuary seats 800 people,
is air-conditioned, and is equipped with modern comfortable seats
and_ an efficient public address system.

Members of the Community who are interested in making
arrangements for the High Holydays or in permanent affiliation
with our congregation, are advised to visit or call our office during
this month of August and the first week in September.


Daily services
Bar Mitzvahs
Sunday_ SChool -
Hebrew School
Junior Congregation
Bar Mitzvah Club
Adult Classes
Men's Cub - -
Youth Group --
Boy Scouts_
Late Friday Evening
Kaddish, Yartzeit,

Congregation Ahavas Achim now offers a full Synagogue
program. in the religious, educational, social and cultural fields
of -Jewish activity: Our present membership is 300 families; our -
Sunday School has 400 pupils; the principal of the School is Rabbi
Joseph Hirsch ; our newest project is our own Hebrew School for
boys and girls under the supervision of Rabbi Jacob Chinitz.

Make your reservations now for weddings, Bar Mitzvahs
and other rentals. A kosher kitchen will soon be installed with
complete modern equipment.

Dr. Israel Wiener, President



Rabbi Jacob Chinitz

Cantor Jacob Tambor

Sexton Mordecai Elk

Choir under supervi-
sion of Morris Skol-

Rosh Hashonoh
Sept. 17-18

Yom Kippur

Sept. 26

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