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May 02, 1958 • Page Image 1

…HE JEWISH NEWS t $3 000 000 Loan Authori By Allied Campaign to Aid Is. 'Shikker I z a Goy, Nichter I z a Yid': On the Question of Alcohol and the Jews' Commentary, Page 2 Historic Link Between Israel and the United States A Weekly Review ' of Jewish Events Story and Editorial on Pages 4 and 40 \nide Michigan's Only English-Jewish Newspaper—Incorporating The Detroit Jewi' -tD o VOLUME XXXI I I — No. 9 loo -<• - 'ear; Single _Copy ...…

May 02, 1958 • Page Image 2

…Purely Commentary 1958-THE By PHILIP SLOMOVITZ 'Shikker Iz a Goy—Nichter lz a Yid' Your Commentator knows many non-Jews who are tee- totalers and quite a few Jews who, contrary to traditions, can gulp down more liquor than an entire squad of men of another faith. Yet, there is validity to the old song "Shikker Iz a Goy, Nichter Iz a Yid"—provided it is viewed in its proper setting. A Yale Center of Alcohol Studies publication, "Alcohol and ...…

May 02, 1958 • Page Image 3

…3-THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS—Friday, May $5.000,000 Year Certain at End of '58 Allied Jewish Campaign (Continued from Page 1) were several score such "old timers," many of them still active in Jewish communal affairs. Also present were many close relatives of some 50 board members of 20 years ago no longer living. A moving me- morial tribute was paid to them and to the newer genera- tion now carrying on as a "fitting mark of respect." Isidore S...…

May 02, 1958 • Page Image 4

…The Tenth Anniversary THE JEWISH NEWS Incorporating the Detroit Jewish Chronicle commencing with issue of ---July 20, 1951 Member American Association of English-Jewish ivewspapers, Michigan Press Association. National Editorial Association. Published every Friday by The Jewish News Publishing Co., 17100 .• West Seven Mile Road, Detroit 35, VE 8-9364. Subscription $5 a year. Foreign $6. Entered as second class matter Aug. 6, 1942 at Post- O...…

May 02, 1958 • Page Image 5

…Family Agencies Plan Annual Meet AJ Committee Hails Israel; Rosin Pregerson The annual meeting of the Jewish Family and Children's Service and Resettlement Serv- ice will be held at 2 p.m., May 18, in the Esther Berman Bldg., 18977 Schaefer, it was an- nounced this week by Milford Pregerson and David I. Rosin, presidents of the respective or- ganizations. "What Is Happening to the Family Today," the theme of the annual meeting, will be the...…

May 02, 1958 • Page Image 6

…Friday, May 2, 1958—THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS-6 Moscow Radio Says Khrushchev's Remarks in Le Figaro Are 'Forgery' NEW YORK, (JTA) — Mos- cow Radio, -broadcasting in the Hungarian language on its European service, accused the French newspaper Le Figaro of "manufacturing a provoca- tive forgery" in quoting anti- Jewish remarks by Soviet Premier Nikita Khrushchev in the course of an interview with that newpaper, it was reported by Radio Liberatio...…

May 02, 1958 • Page Image 7

…Over 3,000 Detroiters Join Salute to Israel WASHINGTON (JTA)—Max- well Rabb, a Jewish attorney who has served on the White Over 3,000 Detroiters last House staff Sunday helped light the first since the start candle on Israel's 10th anniver- of the Eisen- sary cake, overflowing Ford hower Admin- Auditorium's 2,926 seats to pay istration, h a s tribute to the phenomenal resigned. He progress of the Jewish state in will leave his its uphill stru...…

May 02, 1958 • Page Image 8

…AJ Congress Parley Draws World Leaders Friday, M ay 1958—THE O U THANT, Burmese Ambas- sador to the United States (left), and Rev. MARTIN LUTHER KING, leader of the Montgomery, Ala., bus boy- cott, will be two of the prin- cipal speakers at the national biennial convention of the American Jewish Congress, May 14 to 18, in Miami Beach, Fla. Other personalities who will address the sessions in- clude Michigan's Gov. G. Men- nen Williams, Isr...…

May 02, 1958 • Page Image 9

…Official dedication of Beth Abraham Synagogue will be fes- tively celebrated with a week- end program of events from May 16 to 18, it was announced Kukes Farber this week by Harold Kukes and Leonard Farber, co-chairmen of the synagogue dedication com- mittee. Special religious, social and eommunity-wide events are scheduled, beginning with sab- bath evening services on May 16. . -- Following the services, a ded- ication lecture will be deli...…

May 02, 1958 • Page Image 10

…JNF Certificates to Honor Mother 1958-THE DETROIT SYNAGOGUE SERVICES TEMPLE ISRAEL: At 8:30 p.m. services today, Rabbi M. Robert Syme will preach on "The Allied Jewish Campaign — What Has It Done to Us?" The Bar Mitzvah of Steven Edward Newman will be observed. At 11 a.m. services Saturday, the Bar Mitzvah of David Miles Solovich will be observed. YOUNG ISRAEL • OF NORTHWEST DETROIT: Sabbath eve services at '7:15 p.m., today. At 9 a.m. ser...…

May 02, 1958 • Page Image 11

…D OM BY HENRY LEONARD MISHNAH ..... FOND Z - 1!•' k°1 i" ADVANCED FUND RAISING .; Copy , ift, rOCt• tro , o•1 Beth Aaron Religious School Slates Brunch A special graduation brunch will be given at 9:30 a.m., Sunday, at the Beth Aaron Re- ligious School, in honor of the 35 girls Who have completed the prescribed eight-year course of study, including three years of Hebrew. • Dr. Marvin Last, chairman of the school educational commit- t...…

May 02, 1958 • Page Image 12

…Friday, May 2, 1958—THE DETROIT JEWISH The Suburban Community Pound, Sobell Cases Offer Two Viewpoints on Treason By the Oak-Woodser Last week, the press was filled with the news that Ezra Pound, whose controversial poe- try apparently is regarded more highly than his indictment for treason against the United States, was released from 12 years in a mental institution. Pound is the notorious anti- Semite. who during World War II, broadcast p...…

May 02, 1958 • Page Image 13

…Stress Education Effort as Major Goal of Zionist Movement in West When Dr. Nelson Glueck stands up before a Detroit audi- ence at 8 p.m., Tuesday, in Room 101 of Wayne State University's State Hall, he will have been just a few weeks returned from an extremely important archeo- logical expedition to the Negev of Israel. His topic is "In the Footsteps of Abraham." His findings—the discovery of a 150-mile stretch of what is positively the route...…

May 02, 1958 • Page Image 14

…1958-THE DETROIT JEWISH Dr. Levine to Speak at JNF Foundation's Dinner on Thursday News Brevities NASER BODIYA will moder- ate a panel on the "New Arab Republic," at the Parkman branch library, 1766 Oakaian Blvd., on Monday. All students may attend this free discussion group. Panel members will be Judy Dann, Peter Toren and Philip Rosenbloom from Mum- ford and Iris Goren and Cher- ney Bodzin from Central. • * * * KEIL FAMILY CLUB recent- ly...…

May 02, 1958 • Page Image 15

…Histadrut Plaques Honor Veteran Workers Broadway Boombahs Israel's Anniversary By DAVID SCHWARTZ (Copyright, 1958, JTA, Inc.) At a program officially closing the annual Histadrut campaign, NORMAN COTTLER (right), campaign treasurer, presents plaques to veteran drive work- ers, shown, from left to right, MAU- RICE BAKER, MORRIS HAYET, BEN- JAMIN LAIKIN, NATHAN ROSE and JACK MALAMUD. Elect Seven Jews UAHC Leader Predicts Decrease S. Africa...…

May 02, 1958 • Page Image 16

…Fri day, May 2, 1958—THE DETROIT JEWIS H NEWS-1 4 Du'mow History, Nationalism Essays in New M'S Book On the eve of its 70th anni- versary, the Jewish Publication Society of America has issued a very important book — Na- tionalism and History," by Si- mon Dubnow, edited, with an introductory essay, by Koppel S. Pinson. It is a major work and is certain to be rated for many years to come as one of JPS's outstanding publications. Few men had su...…

May 02, 1958 • Page Image 17

…LADIES AUXILIARY of the FIRST GALICIAN SOCIETY announces that its annual mother and daughter dinner Will be held at 6:30 p.m., Thurs- day, in the Mayfair Room, 19161 Schaefer. Tickets and reserva- tions are available by calling Dora Adler, DI. 1-4529. * * * RADOMER LADIES AUXIL- IARY will hold a board meet- ing at 8:30 p.m., Wednesday, in the home of Mrs. B. Hal- pern, 20213 Strathmoor, when final arrangementS- will be made for a mother and da...…

May 02, 1958 • Page Image 18

…so To Wed in uly Bar Mitzvahs 1 Friday, May 2, 1958—THE DETROIT JEWISH z MISS PASCELLE HOROWITZ A July wedding is being planned by Pascelle Horowitz and Perry Shulman. The bride- elect is the daughter of Mrs. Ada Horowitz, of Cheyenne Ave., and the late Mr. George Horowitz. Mr. Shulman is the son of Mrs. Bella Shulman and the late Mr. Shulman. Dr. and Mrs. Max Karl New- man, of 19171 Woodston, an- nounce the Bar Mitzvah of their son, Ste...…

May 02, 1958 • Page Image 19

…MISS JUDITH RICHMAN Mr. and Mrs. Paul J. Rich- man, of 17592 Woodingham, an- nounce the engagement of their daughter, Judith Paula, to Rob- ert Sherwin Zager, son of Mr. and Mrs. Sydney Zager, of 18240 Marlowe. A Sept. 1 wedding is planned. ■■•■ •• 0 OM* 0 MIMPIt ) 411 ■ 414111•43.0•••01 ■ 1.4r, g eiA)ry a the Air This Week's Radio and Television Programs of Jewish Interest TEMPLE HOUR Time: 7:30 a.m.. Sunday. Station: WBRB (1430) Mt. ...…

May 02, 1958 • Page Image 20

…Fri day, May 2, 1958—THE • ‘00;# kr*- 41 C-tvikAfftft.L. Will Put Allure in Your Now is the time to plan your With the very latest col "UMPF" to your sales story. into "black and white" is terrific In a nationwide survey color "black and white." That's w as 17100 WEST SEVEN MILE ROAD AT BILTMC …

May 02, 1958 • Page Image 21

…,,,,1~M** T `Arpiad—sitiaN Hsimar awr. T4r,k7.• HOT Avg • . . \ , . . ............................ „ . • ... Advertising . • • Jvertising campaign in The Jewish News ... )1- facilities available you can put added The same amount of effort that goes lily productive by adding one additional color. produced 30 to 50 per cent more results than thy The Jewish News recommends color to you. R E ••••••• ■ • • VERMONT …

May 02, 1958 • Page Image 22

…DETR OIT JEWI SH NE WS-22 Friday, May 2, Women Honored for Volunteer Hours Hilda Rosenberg Sets Aug. 31 Date Music Study Club Responds to Plea from Slavic Jews Upon the recommendation of Mrs. Marguerite Kozenn Chajes, the Music Study Club of Detroit has forwarded to the Yugoslav Choral Society choral works for their use. The Yugoslav Choral Society is made up of members of the decimated Yugoslavian Jewish community. From an original 80,00...…

May 02, 1958 • Page Image 23

…Women s MISS BETSY WILSON Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Wil- son, of Fullerton Ave., an- nounce the engagement of their daughter, Betsy Gail, to Myron David Winkelman, son of Mr. and Mrs. Irving Winkelman, of Ilene Ave. Both young people are stu- dents at Wayne State Univer- sity, where Miss Wilson is a junior in the college of educa- tion and Mr. Winkelman, a jun- ior in the college of pharmacy, is affiliated with Alpha Zeta Omega fraternity. No we...…

May 02, 1958 • Page Image 24

…Fri day, May 2, 1958—THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS-24 Memorial Home Slates Parley; Present Portrait SeiDec.14 Date Central His-Ii Activities The annual convention of the Memorial Home Association of the Jewish War Veterans will be held this Sunday, beginning at 10 a.m., in the Silverman Room of the Home, states Wal- ter E. Klein, MHA president. The organization operates and administrates the building that was erected and dedicated to the 300 Jewi...…

May 02, 1958 • Page Image 25

…activities in Society Mr. and Mrs. Ben Tomarin, of Sturtevant Ave., have re- turned from Miami Beach, Fla., where they have been since going there for the Passover holidays. Mr. and Mrs. R. Dashow, of 335 Atkins. Brooklyn, N.Y., are currently in Detroit to celebrate their 50th wedding anniversary with their family. Helping them to mark the occasion will be their sons, Sam, of Huntington Woods; David, of Lesure Ave., with whom they are staying...…

May 02, 1958 • Page Image 26

…Friday, May X, 1958—THE Miss Meyers Plans December 14 Rites Kottler Pleases Overflow Crowd MISS HARRIETT MEYERS The engagement of Harriett Meyers, daughter of Mrs. So- phie Meyers, of Greenlawn Ave., and the late Mr. Jack Meyers, to Morton L. Wallach, son of Mr. and Mrs. Herman Wallach, of Oak Park, Mich., was recently announced. Mr. Wallach, a graduate stu- dent at- Wayne State University, is employed there as a research associate. He is a...…

May 02, 1958 • Page Image 27

…The first lecturer presented by the department of Near Eastern studies at the Univer- sity of Michigan, under the endowment of the Zwerdling Fund for Old Testament Studies, will be Prof. George Ernest Wright, of McCormick Theological Seminary, Chicago, who has recently accepted an appointment for next year at Harvard University. The lectures will take place at 4:15 p.m., Tuesday and Wed- nesday afternoon, in Audito- rium A of Angell Hall on th...…

May 02, 1958 • Page Image 28

…Friday, May M, 1958—TH E DETRO IT JEWISH NEW S-28 Jewish Communists Seek to Halt Jews' . Repatriation to Poland; Prof. Levy Expelled from Party Prayer Cards Urged in Says UN Secretary General Hammarskjold Rabbi's Revised Volume Assures Equitable Peace for State of Israel NEW YORK, (JTA)—Jewish cause rejected and spurned by Communist leaders in Poland the remnants of the Jews in were charged with seeking to Poland, are determined to crush p...…

May 02, 1958 • Page Image 29

…CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS CALL VErmont 8-9364 10-ROOMS FOR RENT LARGE BEDROOM for woman, kitchen privileges, near 7. UN. 1-8724. NICE FURNISHED room, kitchen privileges, N.W. section, small family. UN. 2-0834. NICE FURNISHED room, woman, gentleman or couple, kitchen privileges. TO. 8-7749. LARGE, BRIGHT room for gentle- man, or student, good transpor- tation, privileges. UN. 4-0424. 13-FOR RENT: FLATS, INCOMES & APTS. 8500 Wyoming Mod...…

May 02, 1958 • Page Image 30

…JEWISH NEWS- 30 17—HOUSES FOP SALE OAK PARK ONLY $1950 DWN. SELLING FAST: Drop in and see why everyone GROSS REALTY is raving about this home sensation. UN 4-3100 .. . . Fr i day, May 2, 1958—THE Take over 3 bdrm Ranch. Lge. kit; carpt; drapes; Nr. Syna- gogues, trans. 3 yrs. old. Immed. poss. Miss Weitzman/Mr. Shlom. . .. *5:,•• Gas furnace, lovely knotty pine rec. rm. extra closet space, side drive, 2 cr. gar. reas. price. UN 2...…

May 02, 1958 • Page Image 31

…HUNTINGTON WOODS 13341 VICTORIA BY OWNER 7 rm. col., 414 yrs. old, pass hall, wool carpeting thru-out, drapes, Alum S & S, patio. Pan. den and brkfst room, pan. basem't, maids quarters, grade lay., newly decorated in and out. Near synagogues and shop- ping. CALL LI 6 6769 - CHERRYLAWN 17345 AND 17354 Open Sun. 2-5 2 all brick 4 bedrm. dining & break. room homes. Complete with many extras priced below market at terms to suit buyer. 17...…

May 02, 1958 • Page Image 32

…17—HOUSES FOR SALE 17—HOUSES FOR SALE OAK PK. - RANCHES ATTENTION 3 bedrm. and den custom blt. 2 baths, pass hall, huge kit. & brkfst. rm.; closets galore; gor- . geous yard; gas ht. Exclusive loc. nr. transp., schools & Syna- gogue. Must see. Miss Sherman. 3-Bedrm. F. brk. ranch. 1 1;.! baths, pass hall, enclosed knotty pine terr.; fabulous rec. rm.; 214-car gar.; loaded with extras; nr. everything. Priced low. Miss Sherman. GROSS REALTY...…

May 02, 1958 • Page Image 33

…17—HOUSES FOR SALE Open Sun. 2-5 17—HOUSES FOR SALE Northlawn 17521 Oak Pk.-2930 Oak Pk. Blvd. 3 bedrms, br. ranch, 6 yrs. old, pan. kitch. & break. rm. scr. terr carpets, drapes, $83 mo. paymts. incl. all. 5 & 5 with break. rm. a. e. heat. Upper has small front den, lower vacant. Don't miss this bargain. Jim O'Donnell. Oak Pk.-13631 Pearson 3 bedrm. br . ranch 4 yrs. old, drapes, carpets, stove, refrig. nr. schls. & shopp. $106 mo. paym...…

May 02, 1958 • Page Image 34

…IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY MODELS FROM 99,750 • 1 & 11/2 Baths • Low Dn. Paymt's. • Near Schools and Synagogues • Custom Kitchens GAS HEAT Greenfield Model 0 0 For App't. Call a LI 3-1317 C M. & K. BLDG. CO . Call Heugh That's Who LI. 8-0400 For the House Gourmet 7 rm. ranch in ideal location of Bloomfield Tnship, 2 blks. to Birmingham High School. 3 Mast. bedrms. fully carpeted & den, or 4th bedrm. 2 fire- places, 2 cr. attach. gar....…

May 02, 1958 • Page Image 35

…▪ 17—HOUSES FOR SALE ALL OPEN SUN. 2-5 WOODINGHAM, 19434 Huntington Woods Fa. brk. bung. nr . synagogue. 25540 DUNDEE 2 bdrms., plus fin. knotty pine room up, Ige. kit., for- One of the newest & most beautiful center ent. 3 bedrm. Col. in Huntington Woods. Huge family room, 14x24 liv. rm. full din. rm. scr. terr. stall shower, carpets, drapes. 2 cr. br. gar. blt. '51. Owner leaving tn. must have deal. $39,500. mica top sink and back ...…

May 02, 1958 • Page Image 36

…17 - H OU S ES FOR SAiLE BRICK COLONIAL 18629 PINEHURST 6396 W. Outer Dr. Corner Strathmoor OPEN SUN. 1-4 OPEN EVERY SUNDAY 1-8 P.M. DAILY BY APP'T Friday, May 1, 1958—THE Bea. 3 bdrm. fa. brk. din. rm. tiled kit. and bath, extra tiled lay. auto. ht , rec rm. 2 car brk. gar. rear porch, sprink. sys. OR BY APP'T. Beautiful tree lined street, gra- cious 3 bdrm. Col., passhall, breakfast room, screened terr., carpeting, draperies. $19,500...…

May 02, 1958 • Page Image 37

…News from Around the World at a Glance NEW YORK (JTA)—A Dean of Yeshiva University defended the' action of the Orthodox-ori- ented institution in suspending the campus newspaper whose student editors demanded the right to discuss the issue of compulsory attendance at morn- ing religious services. The student governing board of The Commentator suspended publication April 2 rather than comply with an order from Dr. Samuel Belkin, University pre...…

May 02, 1958 • Page Image 38

…Friday, May 2, 1958—THE DETROIT JEWISH Harvard Changes Chapel Policy After Controversy Centering on Jewish Couple Wed by Minister CAMBRIDGE, Mass. (JTA)— Harvard University backed down this week on their stand against permitting Rabbis to perform religious ceremonies in the university's Memorial Church. At the recommendation of Dr. George A. Buttrick, chair- man of the chapel's board of preachers, the University an- nounced that hereafter, "...…

May 02, 1958 • Page Image 39

…Monument Unveilings (Unveiling announcements may be inserted by mailing or by call- ing The Jewish News office, VE 8-9364. Written announcements must be accompanied by the name and address of the person making the insertion. There is a standard charge of $2.00 for an unveiling notice, measuring an inch in depth.) • * * Nathan (Naphtali) Korn, of ZERLINA KLEIN, 18110 ETHEL GAINES, 3380 Mon- Muirland, died April 28. She terey, died April 22. S...…

May 02, 1958 • Page Image 40

…Friday, May 2, 1958—T HE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS-40 Major Diaspora Israel Anniversary Celebration, at Liberty Bell, Helps Strengthen Israeli-U. S. Friendship States joined in the action of the United Nations to bring Israel's rebirth to By PHILIP SLOMOVITZ its recognized consummation. Today Israel is firmly established in the life PHILADELPHIA, Pa.—The planners of American celebrations of Israel's and law of nations." tenth anniversary—the Ameri...…

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