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June 02, 1989 • Page Image 6

… 19100 W. Seven Mile Road Detroit, MI 48219 JEWISH HOME FOR AGED Prentis Manor 26051 Lahser Road Southfield, Michigan 48034 For Respite Care Program information and fee schedule, call the Jewish Home…

… Evangelical Associa- tion for Christian churches to emphasize pro- selytizing among Jews has been denounced by Jews and Christians dedicated to im- proving relations between the two religions. In New York…

… of the National Conference of Catholic Bishops said the evangelicals' assertion that God had abrogated his cove- nant with the Jews was theologically incorrect. The Catholic church's 1965 en- cyclical…

…, Vatican II, said Fisher, specifically stated that God does not renege on his promises. The call for renewing Chris- tians' efforts to convert Jews emerged from a four-day con- ference that the evangelical…

… organization held in Ber- muda in April. The conferees' statement described Jews as "branches of God's olive tree" that have "broken off." It denied that contemporary Judaism "contains within itself true…

… committed by individuals and governments. Yet they also asserted that to refrain from proselytizing among Jews would be "a form of anti- Semitism." Attending the meeting were 15 theologians from the United…

… church's position toward Jews that it had held since its earliest days: Jews, "like everyone else, can be ob- jects of grace" by accepting the messianism of Jesus. He hoped that Jewish- Christian dialogue…

… received two reactions The call for renewing Christians' efforts to convert Jews emerged from a four-day conference. since the Bermuda declara- tion was released on April 29. One was a letter from Donald…

… McGavrain, the former dean of the Fuller Theological Seminary, who said the Ber- muda statement "makes perfectly clear what the Christian position is" regar- ding proselytizing among Jews. The Denver…

… be tantamount to a post-Holocaust victory by Hitler to eradicate the Jews. Dr. Grounds rejected the equation of conversion with a posthumous Nazi victory. Conversions, he said, must be done "with love…

June 02, 1989 • Page Image 8

… or legs or outright kill- ings, whether it be by the Israeli Army or Israeli settlers. The message of Arab and Jew was that armed force will not end the in- tifada. It will merely force the…

… Palestinians to find a new and, perhaps a more violent outlet for their frustrations — and their hate. Shipler's Arab and Jew was PBS at its best. It presented a long, sober and balanced look at a difficult…

… an extraordinary two-hour documentary Monday evening. An adaptation of David Shipler's book, Arab and Jew: Wounded Spirits in a Promised Land, the film explored the guts of the tensions between Jews

… Arab and Jew, the fears, the stereotypes, and the hate. For hate abounds in the region. And, unfortunately, it is getting worse. To many Israeli Jews who appeared on "Arab and Jew," Arabs are cunning…

…- vide you with some additional information: Machon L' Torah, The Jewish Learning Network of Michigan, under the direction of Rabbi Avraham Jacobovitz, spends a great deal of time, energy and money every…

June 02, 1989 • Page Image 35

…to create an exemption in U.S. immigration law to allow in- to the country Soviet Jews who cannot prove they had a "well-founded fear of persecu- tion" in the USSR. "Neither governmental nor communal…

… budgets can long withstand the onslaught of so many emigres," said the Jewish Week. The editorial also wondered whether, "sooner or later, people will begin to wonder if American Jews do not want other Jews

… Moses 5075 West Maple There is no charge * W • 28366 Franklin Road Southfield, Michigan 48034 352-5272 SPRING SALE 30% Off All SAMSONITE FURNITURE (Assorted colors, immediate delivery) Sitting…

June 02, 1989 • Page Image 41

… Cousens, board member of the Society for Humanistic Judaism and former presi- dent of the Birmingham Thrn- ple, and Julius Harwood, chairman of the Michigan Coalition of Secular and Humanistic Jews. M…

… need to belong is of special concern to us as Jews — one of the oldest peoples on God's earth— because we taught the world the meaning of having roots, of being part of a historic nation. When we enter…

… life is to ab- sorb Israel's strength, courage and faith. The great task of the Jewish community today is to respond to the challenge of this sidrah — to help each Jew realize that he .counts because he…

… is a member of a family; he has a distinctive lineage and a shared history with Jews all over the world. We need to strengthen and support the institutions where we rediscover our roots — the home, the…

… family, the synagogue, the school, the community — for they alone shape and fashion an authen- tic and fulfilling Jewish iden- tity. 0 I SYNAGOGUES I Humanistic Jews Elect Detroiters The Society for…

… community in Nazi-occupied France, where 5,000 Christians took in and saved 5,000 Jews during the Holocaust. Born and sheltered in Le Chambon, Sauvage himself was among those Jews whose families were tortured…

June 02, 1989 • Page Image 44

… Vocational Ser- vice and Community Work- shop in Detroit and Professor Armand Lauffer of the University of Michigan will attend the Fifth World Con- ference of Jewish Communal Service in July. Professionals…

… from the Soviet Union, Bulgaria and Romania will join Jewish col- leagues from throughout the world at the conference in Jerusalem. Ethiopian Jews Hillel Subject The board of governors of the B'nai B…

…. Loeffler, who will speak on "The Jews Moses Left Behind," an account of the current situation of the Jews waiting in Ethiopia to be reunited with their family members now in Israel. Dr. Loeffler and his wife…

…, Sandy, have been activists in the cause of the rescue and resettlement of Ethiopian Jews since 1981 and are in- volved with the American Association of Ethiopian Jews and the North American Con- ference…

… on Ethiopian Jewry. While residing in Ithaca, N.Y., Dr. Loeffler chaired the United Jewish Appeal cam- paign and helped to raise funds for the rescue of Ethio- pian Jews during the time of Operation…

… Moses. In 1985, he was in Ethiopia on a medical and fact-finding mission. He is a member of the Subcom- mittee for Oppressed Jews of the International Concerns Committee of the Jewish Community Council. …

June 02, 1989 • Page Image 129

… TREES 18877 W. Ten Mile Road Suite 104 Southfield, Michigan 48075 Phone: (313) 557-6644 Monday thru Thursday 9 A.M. to 5 P.M. Friday 9 to 2 hrs. before Sabbath I Sheltering Touvier Angers French Jews


… Broadway, too. For Jews, at least, there is one city that is the exception. It is not well-lit. Its most basic parts, the sewers and streets, are in need of repairs that are long overdue; its benefactors…

… stones go against nature and have a life of their own. It was not nostalgia that made Jews weep for Jerusalem by the rivers of Babylon. The city and the people were inex- tricably fused, and although they…

… had been ripped asunder, neither ever abandoned the other. Now the time is fast ap- proaching when Jews must confront a question to which many may never have given thought: Which Jerusalem? There are…

… prayers, the city of David and Solomon and Ezra and the Temple, the city for which Jews for 2,000 years vowed to forgo their right arms rather than forget. That is the Jerusalem whose return to the Jewish…

… timeworn real estate, with its seemingly endless collection of alley-like streets and haggling shopkeepers, had been what it was all about for two millennia. And we cried, too. "We," the Jews of Israel and…

… DETAILS CONTACT Accepted by representatives of the Orthodox, Conservative and Reform communities 851-4803 WE CAN'T RUN ON EMPTY. ir the actions of priests who hid Jews during the war. "This comparison…

… Council II. French Jews are shocked by the attitude of some Catholics, who justify the haven given Ibuvier by citing $39 5 00 American Red Cross * *attS• 2:te . - tEkk8 "4 Our c9 sea:, greatest C…

June 02, 1989 • Page Image 26

… last November, a young Latin America and Canada. The national office, head- Orthodox Jew walked out quartered in New York, is divided in- of his synagogue. His prayer book in hand, he to many different…

… voice from a passing car filled with • The Intergroup Relations divi- youths. sion works toward achieving greater Was it a harmless prank or just a understanding of Jews, Judaism and case of boys being…

… boys? Jewish concerns. "Absolutely not," says Laura • The Community Service divi- Smith, assistant director, Michigan sion supervises and coordinates the regional office of the Anti-Defamation ADL…

… and anything could be done. But according trends affecting Jews abroad. to Smith, any case of vicious bigotry • The Development division is a cause for concern. mobilizes financial support for the…

…. "Victimized people tend to feel basis they make their own decisions better knowing that it wasn't just and handle their own complaints. In them?' the Michigan regional office, for in- The ADL was founded in…

… 1913 to stance, three employees — Lobenthal, secure justice for all people and to Smith and Carla Newman, assistant combat defamation of Jews and other director — run the whole department. minorities…

… ADL. 24 FRIDAY, JUNE 2, 1989 make contributions and have enough flexibility to attend monthly meetings. There are 165 board members in Michigan, says Robert Gordon, president of the Michigan Regional…

June 02, 1989 • Page Image 54

… FRIDAY, JUNE 2, 1989 ROOT FOR THE UNDERDOG Hurt. alone, unwanted. They are the victims of tragic accidents or intentional cruelty. Unfortunately. the Michigan Humane Society handles scores of these sad…

… efforts and medical attention take money. More than we have. Wont you please help these underdogs? They deserve a fighting chance. Give to the Michigan Humane Socie fy 7401Chtyster Dr..Detruit.M14VII…

… the number of Soviet Jews going to Israel is to be sure that they have good jobs waiting for them, a senior State Department official said last week. Richard Schifter, assistant secretary of state for…

… be jobs; and number 2, there has to be housing." Winter said Americans Jews can help this situation by increasing imports from Israel and investments in Israel, which would raise the number of job…

… opportunities. Schifter noted that between Jan. 1 and April 30, more than 14,000 Jews left the Soviet Union, which is three times the number in for the same period last year. About 10 percent of them went to…

… Israel. Soviet Jews have been ad- mitted to the United States as refugees, even though they hold visas for Israel, Schifter pointed out. He said this is an exception from the rule that those who have…

June 02, 1989 • Page Image 60

…I NEWS I As Seen in The Detroit News "What's New in Michigan" Section \\:-. 1k* 3 whole chicken breasts. 2 tablespoons chopped bonedd ( 1/2 cup EGG BEA pounds boneless) Y3 cup FLEISCHMANN…

… JEWISH NEWS Mitterand Hits Back At Jews Paris (JTA) — President Francois Mitterrand vented his indignation last week over the attacks on him by French Jews and Israeli leaders before and after his…

Jews on the way it handles its rela- tions with the PLO. The official Jewish com- munity initiated a testy ex- change of letters with Mitter- rand after the invitation to Arafat was announced last month…

…. Jews demonstrated in the streets when the PLO chief arrived, and many branded Mitterrand a "traitor" for receiving him. Mitterrand indicated he was skeptical of Israel's plan to hold Palestinian…

June 02, 1989 • Page Image 38

… accumulated here are valuable for the history of developing educational tasks in this country. This is a record for an important chapter in Michigan Jewish history. There is an enhancement in the saluting of…

…. Jews thus distinguished the earthly Messiah from a heaven- ly Messiah: the earthly Messiah, Deliverer of the Jews, would be a man born of the line of David; but the heavenly Messiah lives in Heaven…

… "under the wiings of the Lord" (Enoch, 39) and ex- isted before even the sun and the stars were created. The idea of a divine "Son of Man" was not understood by Jews in the later Christian sense…

… that in order to avoid despairing and in the determina- tion to acquire faith, the Zionist emerg- ed as the creator of a new destiny for Jews who suffered much from oppression. An especially scholarly…

… May 10 is treated in Jewry and it can arouse only a sense of shame by non- Jews who read it. The messiah idea is a nobility. Its abuse by those who are showing disrespect to it merits the condemna- tion…

… the tourist who exchanges the messages between the fellow Jews. Max Gill An accomplishing shaliach service was evidenced by the Technion representative here for nearly a decade. He accomplished much…

… a convent. But some Jews, I believe, have misconstrued the stubborn Carmelite issue. The removal of the convent to other quarters — which has been .greed upon by all parties — is over- whelmingly an…

June 02, 1989 • Page Image 2

… additional supplements the fourth week of March, the fourth week of August and the second week of November at 20300 Civic Center Drive, Southfield, Michigan. Second class postage paid at Southfield, Michigan

… and additional mailing offices. Postmaster: Send changes to: DETROIT JEWISH NEWS, 20300 Civic Center Drive, Suite 240, Southfield, Michigan 48076 $26 per year $33 per year out of state 60' single copy…

… they went to such extremes as to send telegrams to King Hussein and the Jor- danian government, inviting them to come to the Israel they reject and to rescue them from such Jews as the Zionists and…

… York Times (May 10) in which they appealed to all peoples of all faiths to multiply hatred for Israel and Zionism. Their hatemongering stated: Peace for Jews cannot be realized until the Zionist state…

… resorts to an appeal awaiting the Messiah, the mean- ing of messianism is important in judg- ing the hatred of Jews for Jews. Zionism and Israel. There is a very valuable definition of Messiah in Leo…

…, or anyone with a special mission from God. Then meshiah came to mean the awaited Deliverer of the Jews from their bondage and oppression, who will restore the kingdom of Israel. Continued on Page 36 …

June 02, 1989 • Page Image 34

… 5:00 p.m United Hebrew Schools 21550 W. Twelve Mile Road, Southfield, Michigan You are cordially invited Light refreshments will be served 32 FRIDAY, JUNE 2, 1989 ARTHUR J. MAGIDA Special to The…

… unrealistic; but in the long run both need most to know where Washington stands." Brouhaha Over Editorial About Soviet Jews A strong editorial in the New York Jewish Week call- ing for all Soviet Jewish…

… emigres to settle in Israel has been criticized by the heads of two major Jewish agencies who help Soviet Jews enter America. The editorial, which ap- peared two weeks ago, label- ed as "misguided" the cur…

…- rent efforts by American Jews

June 02, 1989 • Page Image 69

… at the Birnbaum began to use the name of their house as a surname. Dr. Wolf Amschel Buchsbaum was the great-great-grandson of Beer Buchsbaum. In honor of his Later still, some Galician Jews who used…

… in Landau in the 13th Century. In 1329 there surname. was a Judengasse (Jews Street). In the 15th Century, the main source profession of medical doctor, he changed his name to Doktor/Doctor. of income…

… Starkman is the past president and founder of the genealogical branch of the Jewish Historical Society of Michigan. Answers To Shavuot Questions 1 Shavuot, Chag Habikkurim, Chag Hakatzir and Zman Matan…

…. dairy foods 17. The Torah is compared to milk and honey. When the Jews received the Torah and the laws of keeping kosher, they were not equipped to perform the necessary procedures for kosher meat. They…

June 02, 1989 • Page Image 139

… family trees and histories for all of these families. Later still, some Galician Jews who used boxwood in their occupation of woodworking and carving also used Buchsbaum as a family name. Landau was used…

… people lived in Landau in the 13th Century. In 1329 there was a Judengasse (Jews Street). In the 15th Century, the main source of income for Jews was manufacturing playing cards and moneylending. The…

… Starkman is the past president and founder of the genealogical branch of the Jewish Historical Society of Michigan. Answers To Shavuot Questions 1. Shavuot, Chag Habikkurim, Chag Hakatzir and Zman Matan…

…. dairy foods 17. The Torah is compared to milk and honey. When the Jews received the Torah and the laws of keeping kosher, they were not equipped to perform the necessary procedures for kosher meat. They…

June 02, 1989 • Page Image 18

… TODAY! Shhh . . . You will be surprised by the classical and elegant copies of Car- tier, Harry Winston, Bulgari and more. Earrings, rings, necklaces and bracelets. Michigan's LARGEST Selection of…

… Holocaust and the historic and continuing anti-Jewish attitudes in the Eurocentric world require that we make a special commitment to the principle of a secure and free homeland for those Jews who elect to…

…- ticular change of language by a leader of the PLO? I believe the process of trying to find I thought the Naylor article made scapegoats of Jews for aspects of recent American history that Jews cannot…

June 02, 1989 • Page Image 80

… perform- ing arts department and the Friends of the Library, in cooperation with the Lyric Chamber Ensemble will pre- sent their third annual Michigan Composers Con- cert, showcasing the work of Michigan

… parks and recreation department, 354-9603. American Red Cross Blood Services Southeastern Michigan Region Wiz. Sheri Nichols and Barbara Bredius, along with pianist Richard Berent will also be on hand…

… Arts Festival. Ex-Mannheimers Plan Reunion Monticello, N.Y. — A reu- nion of all Jews from Man- nheim, Germany, is schedul- ed for June 14-17 at Kutscher's Country Club. The reunion, an outgrowth of…

June 02, 1989 • Page Image 91

… cen- Rabbi Rod Glogower tury responsa literature. (RET), also is chairman of the Michigan Committee for Employer Support of the Guard and Reserve, Business Consortium for the Arts and of the Cotillion…

… Club, and im- mediate past president of Detroit Area Council, Boy Scouts of America and Con- cerned Citizens for the Arts in Michigan. Founding president of the Latin American Jewish Studies Association…

… the main sanc- tuary of the Adat Shalom Synagogue. There will be a special pro- gram presented by all the graduates entitled: "Ameri- can Jew/Jewish America — What Does Being Jewish Mean To Me?" The…

…: $45 English Lecturer, University of Michigan SIGMUND & SOPHIE ROHLIK BUILDING UNITED HEBREW SCHOOLS 21550 West Twelve Mile Road Southfield For Information Regarding College Credit and Further…

June 02, 1989 • Page Image 49

… of a general reunion was also broached. Of the 6,000-member Jewish community, none re- main in Mannheim. There are some Jews now in the German town, Michel said, but "they are all from Eastern Europe…

….50 352-9350 now 17STORAGE & CLEANING-1 4)? 32730 Northwestern Hwy. Farmington Hills, Michigan 48018 737-0360 No tailor shop in West Bloomfield, Farmington Hills or any other city can offer a service…

June 02, 1989 • Page Image 90

… Immigrant Story"; Falick, "Chasidic and Conservtive Jews"; Gusman, "Albert Einstein"; Hirschman, "Jewish Sym- bols"; Kaplan, "Zionism"; Pit- coff, "Sigmund Freud"; Sills, "The Jewish State of Israel"; and…

… Automotive Sector, Allied- Signal, Inc.; and Dr. Judith Laikin Elkin, DeRoy Visiting Professor in the honors pro- gram, University of Michigan and research scientist, Frankel Center for Judaic Studies, at a…

June 02, 1989 • Page Image 96

… Calendar GREAT LAKES ADVISER ASSOCIATION — Pic- nic and elections, Sunday. Contact Jeff Adler, 661-9558, for details. GREAT LAKES AZA COUNCIL — All-star basketball game, Sunday, 4 p.m., gymriasium, Jew- ish…

… Center. MICHIGAN REGION AZA-BBG EX- ECUTIVE WEEKEND — June 16-18, Charles and Florence Milan BBYO Conference Cen- tre, Belle River, Ont. retreat weekend for newly-elected Council ex- ecutive to evaluate…

… to all members (old and new) of AZA. For infor- mation, contact Steve Weingarden, 851-1070. MICHIGAN REGION BBYO — Great Lakes Council AZA and BBG installations and Awards Night, followed by regional…

… dance, June 19, 7 p.m., the United Hebrew Schools LaMed Auditorium. Open to all members of Michigan BBYO, B'nai B'rith, BBW, and guests. For in- formation, contact Nathaniel Warshay, 788-0700. AZA, BBG…

June 02, 1989 • Page Image 42

… noon 24600 Greenfield Road, Oak Park, Michigan Eternal Light To Be Dedicated Rabbi and Mrs. Morris Esformes Honorees Mr. Jack Rajchenbach, Chairman Refreshments will be served Temple Shir Shalom…

… 40 WEST BLOOMFIELD MICHIGAN Orchard Lake Road • North of Maple The Ner Tamid Complete Line of Baby Furniture Layettes, Bedding — ALWAYS 20% OFF! TOYS: Detroit Only Little Tike Headquarters WOODEN…

… saved 5,000 Jews dur- ing the Holocaust. Sauvage was born and sheltered in Le Chambon; his parents were among the thousands saved. Sauvage is president and founder of Friends of Le Chambon, an…

June 02, 1989 • Page Image 31

… solidarity with non- Jews." According to Peleg, Cohen will also bring up the possibility of a conference of Jewish intellectuals when he reports back to the Shamir government. Peleg said that he expects Jewish…

… Training In Israel FASHION OR HAIR LOSS NEEDS! CALL FOR AN APPOINTMENT FOR YOUR FREE CONSULTATION 261-4456 32108 Plymouth Rd. Livonia, Michigan 48150 646-0002 280 N. Woodward • Great American Mall Suite…

June 02, 1989 • Page Image 46

…SPORTS SAAB CONVERTIBLES 8 TO CHOOSE FROM LEASE FOR $499.88* NANCY GORMAN ASK FOR MICHIGAN'S #1 SAAB SALESPERSON 'Based on S1000 do w/approved credit. Closed end lease to qualified customers w…

…, Farmington Hills, MI 48018 (313) 737-7122 JIM FLEISCHER 44. FRIDAY, JUNE 2, 1989 H ow does the Jew- ish Community Cen- ter spell "relief"? R-O-S-E-N-B-E-R-G. As in Rosenberg Recreational Com- plex, the…

June 02, 1989 • Page Image 50

… philosophies and techniques, yet they can be compared by one factor — each are Jewish owned. "Both Jews and Asians are two cultures that have always stressed education in the home," Katzman said. "My family has…

… from the University of Michigan, has been an instructor for two years and says it's a good way to earn money while going to school. Gusick will attend law school in the fall and plans to continue…

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