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December 02, 1966 • Page Image 1

…Neo-Nazis Ask 12-point manifesto issued by the extremist National Democratic Party disclosed Tuesday that the party wants an end to the Nazi war crimes trials and to West German compensation payments to victims of the Nazi period. NDP, which shocked world opinion by winning parliamentary seats for the first time in elections in Hesse and Bavaria, has never issued a detailed program, only the manifesto. Point 9 of the manifesto reads: "Twenty ...…

December 02, 1966 • Page Image 2

…Purely Commentary Hanuka's Eternal Lesson As we prepare to usher in the Hanuka festival, toward the end of the coming week, we should keep in view a number of basic facts. Hanuka's eternal lesson is that men have a right to battle for their faith, for their basic rights as human beings. The Maccabees fought for the right to worship. They also struggled against dictators who aimed to undermine the very existence of the Jews of old as an entity...…

December 02, 1966 • Page Image 3

…National Committee for Labor Israel Pledges at Parley to Raise $5,000,000 for Histadrut to Help in Emergency NEW YORK (JTA) — The Na- tional Committee for Labor Israel adopted Sunday, at the closing session of its 43rd annual conven- tion here, a quota of $5,000,000 for its 1967 campaign for Histradrut, Israel's labor federation. In response to an emergency ap- peal for cash for immediate trans- mittal to Israel to implement the Histadrut's p...…

December 02, 1966 • Page Image 4

…THE JEWISH NEWS Incorporating The Detroit Jewish Chronicle commencing with issue of July 20, 1951 Member American Association of English—Jewish Newspapers, Michigan Press Association, National Editorial Association. Published every Friday by The Jewish News Publishing Co., 17100 West Seven Mile Road, Detroit, Mich. 48235. VE 8-9364. Subscription $6 a year. Foreign $7. Second Class Postage Paid at Detroit, Michigan PHILIP SLOMOVITZ Editor a...…

December 02, 1966 • Page Image 5

…Comay to Address Borman Dinner Dec. 13 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Ambassador Michael Comay, per- Manent representative of Israel to the United Nations, will represent Prime Minister Levi Eshkol in pre- senting the Israel Prime Minis- Amendment to British BillCovers Religious Bias MICHAEL COMAY ter's Medal to Abraham Borman at the Israel Bond Award Dinner, Tuesday evening, Dec. 13, at Cobo Hall, it was announced by Max M. Fisher, general chai...…

December 02, 1966 • Page Image 6

…6—Friday, December 2, 1966 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Orthodox Leaders Accept Invitation to World Conference in Romania; Defeat Bid to Quit Synagogue Council WASHINGTON (JTA) — Dr. ence "could help ease the tensions Moses Rosen, chief rabbi of Ro- of the cold war. In this way, Jews mania, invited leaders of the in different parts of the world Union of Orthodox Congregations might well be instrumental in car- of America and of the Rabbinical ry...…

December 02, 1966 • Page Image 7

…THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Friday, December 2, 1966-7 HISTADRUT'S 42nd YEAR of dynamic growth and service to the people of Israel A Message from Morris Lieberman, Chairman I congratulate and commend all our volunteers, committees and contribu- tors who have made the Detroit Israel Histadrut Campaign a model for all America. May this year's Campaign distinguish itself by adding another chapter in Detroit's outstanding effort over the years to...…

December 02, 1966 • Page Image 8

…Euromart Council Ready to Consider Request by Israel 8—Friday, December 2, 1966 BRUSSELS (JTA)—The Council duphenyl for another six months decision. Without the use of some of the European Economic Com- until June 1967 when the council such preservative, Israeli citrus munity reiterated here its inten- will, it was hoped, make a final would spoil before arrival. tion to consider on Dec. 6 pro- cedures for handling Israel's re- Boris Smolar's...…

December 02, 1966 • Page Image 9

…Dayan Opposes Buffer Jordan, Israel Troops NEW YORK (JTA) — General Moshe Dayan, former commander- in-chief of the Israel Defense Forces, spoke Sunday night against the stationing of United Nations troops as a buffer between Israel and the Arab states. "We should aim towards normalization of rela- tions with neighbors; the buffer of foreign troops merely creates a fiction in neighbor-relations, and ,ereby defers the peace," he id. Gen. Dayan'...…

December 02, 1966 • Page Image 10

…ADL Requests Rusk Act to End Arab Boycott of American Firms NEW YORK — The Anti-Defama- sponsibility" of the U. S. govern- tion League of Bnai Brith on Thurs- ment to defend the economic sys- day revealed that it has asked the tem under which we operate and United States government to take to protect the right of American "prompt and forceful action" in businessmen to engage in free support of American firms "faced trade within the limits of ...…

December 02, 1966 • Page Image 11

…On Fulfilling Commandments Rabbi Abbahu said, "My son Abimi fulfilled the command, `Honor thy father and mother.' " Abimi had five sons ordained as rabbis in his father's lifetime, but whenever his father came and called out at his gate, Abimi would run to open the door, and call, "Yes, yes, I am coming to you." One day his father asked him for some water. When he brought it, his father had fallen asleep. Abimi bent over him, and stood there ...…

December 02, 1966 • Page Image 12

…2—Friday, December 2, 1966 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Dr. Nahum Goldmann Advises Jews 'Not to Get Panicky' at Reports of Growing Neo-Nazism in Germany LONDON (JTA) — Dr. Nahum the growth of the National Demo- Goldmann, president of the World cratic Party and all other extreme- Jewish Congress, said here that rightist elements are carefully ob- the growth of neo-Nazis in Ger- served, using the schools, the many was "not too dangerous." churches...…

December 02, 1966 • Page Image 13

…THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Friday, December 2, 1966-73 goo food good coffee good Yomtov! ‘-‘ Treat your holiday guests and family to plenty of Maxwell House. So rich and mel- low in flavor, so constant and unchanging in quality...this matchless coffee is a tradition in itself, as cheering as the glow of the Hanuka candles. Certified Kosher and Parve. MAXWELL HOUSE COFFEE— Always... Good to the last dropr • …

December 02, 1966 • Page Image 14

…Asungt 14—Friday, December 2, 1966 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Canadian Folk Singers Malka and Jos() Cong. Bnai David to Be Dedicated to Perform at Shaarey Zedek Dance will be honored for his 26 years of service to Shaarey Zedek. Participants in the program will include Rabbi Irwin Groner, Can- tor Jacob H. Sonenklar and Asso- ciate Cantor Reuven Frankel. Co- chairmen of the dinner committee are Leonard E. Baron, Mrs. Peter A. Martin and Seth ...…

December 02, 1966 • Page Image 15

…•ot SYNAGOGUE SERVICES YOUNG ISRAEL OF NORTHWEST DETROIT: Services 4:45 p.m. today and 9 am. Saturday. Rabbi Prero will speak on "The Joy That Children Bring." TEMPLE EMANU-EL: Services 8:30 p.m. today. Rabbi Rosenbaum will speak on "The Dreame rs." Larry Stark, Bar Mitzva. THE NEW TEMPLE: Services 8:30 p.m. today. Rev. Hubert G. Locke will speak eak on "Is Religion Really a Force in Solving Social Prob- lems?" (See story). TEMPLE BETH AM...…

December 02, 1966 • Page Image 16

…UN Watches Reaction to Censure as 'New Incidents Crop Up Jordanian part of Jerusalem. The approach to help obtain Arab re- (Continued from page 1) situation was peaceful on the Jor- spect for the integrity of Israel's Israel's declared stand in such an event is based on the an- danian-Israeli frontier, but not so ► ,orders, it could not remain idle on the Syrian-Israeli border where in the hope of such help from the nouncement by then Premier...…

December 02, 1966 • Page Image 17

…The Purpose of Jewish Community Service By ISIDORE SOBELOFF Executive Director, Jewish Federation— Council of Los Angeles (Copyright, 1966, JTA, Inc.) The purpose of Jewish commu- nal service is to discharge col- lectively those personal obligations which can best be met through organized endeavor—and more par- ticularly, those obligations which can be discharged effectively only through collective instruments of social service. Social resp...…

December 02, 1966 • Page Image 18

…18—Friday, December 2, 1966 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Debt-Ridden Ship of Somerfin Co. Kein Miami by Israel JERUSALEM (JTA) — Israel Treasury officials decided Sunday (Direct JTA Teletype Wire tive. This arrangement was to keep the "Nili," the biggest ship to The Jewish News) created to insure swifter action in the debt-ridden Somerfin ship- BUENOS AIRES — A plenary ping company, in Miami until it when needed. session of the DAIA, the central...…

December 02, 1966 • Page Image 19

…omen's DETROIT CANCER FIGHTERS, City of Hope, will hold its annual New Year's Eve party Dec. 31 at Raleigh House under the co-chair- manship of Mrs. Louis Alpert and Mrs. Louis Starr. Proceeds will help support patient care, research and education at the free and nonsec- tarian pilot medical center in Duarte, Calif. where a five-year $10,000,000 "New Horizons" pro- gram to expand facilities and serv- ices is now under way. For reserva- tions,...…

December 02, 1966 • Page Image 20

…20—Friday, December 2, 1966 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Haifa Mayor Presents 'Valor' Symbols Annual Balfour Concert Sunday Women's Ow& With Itzhak Perlman, widely ac- capacity audience already is as- claimed violinist, and Daniel sured, the co-chairmen said. Barenboim, accomplished violinist, both Israelis, as guest artists, the MUSIC! ENTERTAINMENT! annual Balfour Concert of the Zion- ist Organization of Detroit will be held 8:30 p.m. Sunday...…

December 02, 1966 • Page Image 21

…Lachver Auxiliary Dinner Lachver Ladies Auxiliary will hold its annual donor dinner 6:30 p.m. Wednesday at Holiday Manor. Mrs. Ida Chafetz is chairman of the evening. Mrs. Goldie Elkiss will be toastmistress. There will be prizes. Invitations 1 00 for 59 . 50 a u n p d Weddings, Showers, Bar Mitzvahs Anniversaries-25th, 50th And Accessories . . . Shown In Your Home! Mrs. Masserman 646-6 I 38 !Branch Two to Celebra to at Hanuka Gatherin...…

December 02, 1966 • Page Image 22

…U • 22—Friday, December 2, 1966 Jewish Meals Our mothers and grandmothers brought with them recipes for essig fleish, but it was here, in America, that they learned about Sauer- braten from their German neigh- bors and proceeded to adapt this succulent dish to their kosher cuisine. This dish may be served with stewed red cabbage and potato latkes or potato pudding or noodle kugel. Sauerbraten 4 lbs. brisket or chuck 1 teaspoon salt 1 cup ...…

December 02, 1966 • Page Image 23

…Drjack Jackson to Take juliellagidsohilaS Bride • • • i activ ities n Society Mr. and Mrs. Harry Kraft, their sons and their families have re- turned from a trip to Israel, where they participated in the observance of the 94th birthday of Mrs. Kraft's father, Rabbi Joseph Eisenman of Jerusalem. Saul Aronson, Manuel Katzmann, S. V. Lichterman, and Max M. Wayburn attended a business life insurance seminar in Elkhart, Ind., Nov. 21-22. Allan J...…

December 02, 1966 • Page Image 24

…24—Friday, December 2, 1966 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Hold Breakfast Meeting for Histadrut 1 gewry Rita Sloan Betrothed to Mr. Purvin of NYC On the „A-ir This Week's Radio and Television Programs Representatives of 65 Detroit organizations and landsman- shaften who attended a recent pre-campaign Histadrut breakfast meeting pledged an average 25 per cent more than last year. Principal speaker was Israel Stolarsky, associate director of the ...…

December 02, 1966 • Page Image 25

…Sandra Moscoqb . Bride of Alan H. Eidelman MRS. ALAN EIDELMAN Sandra Ruth Moscow, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Solomon Moscow, 19939 Lesure, and Alan Howard Eidelman, son of Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Eidelman, 19955 Lesure, were married recently at Cong. Ahavas Achim. Rabbi Milton Arm and Cantor Simon Bermanis officiated at the candlelight ceremony. The bride wore a gown of crepe with an Empire waist, kabuki sleeves and skirt covered with lace. Her il...…

December 02, 1966 • Page Image 26

…26—Friday, December 2, 1966 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Cohl-0011071 Delegate Assembly Rescheduled to Avoid a Conflict Betrothal Is Announced Here In a bulletin to affiliated or- ganizations, Dr. Samuel Krohn, president of the Jewish Commun- ity Council, announced the coun- cil's next delegate assembly at the Jewish Center will be convened Jan. 5 instead of the previously scheduled date. The change, Dr. Krohn stated, was made on the recommend...…

December 02, 1966 • Page Image 27

…Happy Hanuka Promised at Hebrew Schools THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS The graduating classes of Adas Shalom-Beth Aaron and Southfield branches of the United Hebrew Schools will hear Rabbi Leonard Cahan speak on "Hanuka in Japan" at a latke party 6:30 p.m. Thursday at Adas Shalom Syna- gogue. Rabbi Cahan, assistant rabbi at Adas Shalom, spent several years as a chaplain in Japan. The pro- gram also will include a play writ- ten and presented by Nat...…

December 02, 1966 • Page Image 28

…28—Friday, December 2, 1966 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Czech Stamps Honor Jewish History 2 0 Ili 0 Honoring the 1,000th year of the Jewish community of Prague, the Czechoslovakian postal authority will issue a series of six stamps featuring Jewish scenes and personalities Dec. 28. Included are (from left, top) objects in the State-Jewish Museum in Prague: a 30-heller stamp showing details of Tora adornments; 60 heller, the coat of arms of ...…

December 02, 1966 • Page Image 29

…France Buys Heine Papers From Israel On the Record Bernstein Receives By NATHAN ZIPRIN (A Seven Arts Feature) Roosevelt Award THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Friday, December 2, 1966-29 Music Study Club Picks 2 Winners They Will Never Forget . . . Two young musicians with soul in their fingers climbed one rung The story of the Nazi annihila- of the symbolic success ladder tion of six million Jews has been Sunday night with their perform- told ...…

December 02, 1966 • Page Image 30

…THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS 30—Friday, December 2, 1966 DIRECTLY ON THE OCEAN NEAR LINCOLN MALL ON TAKING OF CHARITY — WISDOM FROM THE GEMARA Akiba said: Rather make your Sabbath a workday than need the America. The community at large, charity of your fellowman. — Pesahim, 112a. rallied to our aid magnificently * * S when calamity struck. It was the He who eats of another's bread swift and spontaneous action of those countless men and women of f...…

December 02, 1966 • Page Image 31

…THE JEWISH NEWS THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Friday, December 2, 1966-31 BARBEOUE CHECKER 8AR-13-0 RIBS • CHICKEN • SHRIMP Delivered "HOT" — UN 4.7700 20050 Livernois, Just South of 8 Mile ENTERTAINMENT NIGHTLY AFTER 2 A.M. -:CHINESE- FOODS LARCO'S Fine Italian-American Cuisine Deliciously Prepared for the Discerning Taste • BANQUET FACILITIES Now: Open Sunday 12 Noon 7525 W. McNichols Rd., UN 2.6455 ROCKY'S RESTAURANT & PIZZERIA Serv...…

December 02, 1966 • Page Image 32

…1E ADAMS Grand Circus Park OPEN 11:00 A.M. WO 1-8525 "FANTASTIC VOYAGE" "FANTASTIC VOYAGE" takes you where no other film has been before. MON. THRU FRI. AND 11:40, 1:45, 3:50, 5:55, 8:00, 10:05. SAT. 11:45, 2:06, 4:14, 6:22, 8:30, 10:38 Wed.—Ladies' Day, 50c; till 6 CAMELO`f W. Warren at Miller Road 581-5040 "WHO'S AFRAID OF VIRGINIA WOOLF" Ul GRAND CIRCUS Danny Raskin's At Grand Circus Park. WO 1-3240 Dean Martin and Joey Bishop...…

December 02, 1966 • Page Image 33

…Friday, December 2, 1966-33 13—FOR RENT APARTMENTS THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS 13--FOR RENT APARTMENTS 11-C—WANTED LIVING QTRS. FLORIDA WANTED Middle-aged couple wish to rent apartment in the Miami area for the months of Feb., March and April. CALL 358-0274 PALMER PARK. Cozy 1 bedroom fur- nished. Pullman kitchen. Heated. 6 months. References. Call evenings and all day Sunday. 861-0957. COLLINGWOOD, 3380 2-bedroom apartments. All utilitie...…

December 02, 1966 • Page Image 34

…34—Friday, December 2, 1966 17—HOUSES FOR SALE THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS OAK PK. — 25940 RAINE 17—HOUSES FOR SALE SOUTHFIELD RANCH 10130 TROY — OAK PARK 3 bedrooms, 2 full baths, pan- Sharp modern 2-bedroom ranch, no basement. Forced air heat, car-port, landscaped. Vacant. eled den, completely equipped modern kitchen with formica cabinets. Central air-condition- $12,650 — $400 DN. ing. Full basement with fin- DI 1-1100 * * 11 0 $1...…

December 02, 1966 • Page Image 35

…THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Friday, December 2, 1966-35 17—HOUSES FOR SALE HUNTINGTON WOODS PRICE REDUCED TO $37,900 24321 SENECA Ranches & Colonials 3 & 4 Bedrooms Immediate Delivery—Priced from $40,000 4 o 17304 Jeanette N. OF NORTHFIELD OPEN SUNDAY 2-5 IN THE CITY OF SOUTHFIELD 3o alys O eliverlf RANCHES AND COLONIALS Large Family Rooms, 2-car attach. garage, built-in Frigidaire, oven and range, dishwasher, disposal, insulated wood win...…

December 02, 1966 • Page Image 36

…17—HOUSES FOR SALE 17—HOUSES FOR SALE 77,7K•X:KW;;;.*:-''',K*X 17C6241 CIO. A /2. 17—HOUSES FOR SALE; t 36—Friday, December 2, 1966 OAK PARK 2 4 03 1 MORTON SHERWOOD VILLAGE Brick 3• bedroom ranch with large paneled family room. Gas heat, baths, carpeting, drapes. tiled par- titioned basement. Beautiful land- scaping. Other extras. BEDRM. COLONIAL no.appi ATE- OCiCtUIPAN CV BY OWNER In beautiful WASHINGTON HEIGHTS ...…

December 02, 1966 • Page Image 37

…SHARON MEADOWS — SOUTHFIELD 4 BEDRM. COLONIALS 3 BEDRM. RANCHES Family Room — 1st Floor Laundry Room 3-Bedrm. RANCHES with Family Rm. under construction Storting at $31,900 Open Doily from 1 p.m. — Closed Thursday 29457 Leemor, 2 Blks. N. of 12 Mi. (Between Lahser and Evergreen) SPOON . Model Phone 353-2784 BUILDERS Office 342-7575 ity I . cR t n tilt am QUICK OCCUPANCY on luxurious 4-bedrm., 4 both colonial. Family Rm. with firepl. p...…

December 02, 1966 • Page Image 38

…38—Friday, December 2, 1966 17—HOUSES FOR SALE THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS SOUTH FIELD 29630 BERMUDA LANE 2 blks. N. of 12 Mi., between Ever- green and Lahser. OPEN SUN. 2-5 SOUTHFIELD RANCH 3 years old. 2000 sq. ft., 3 bed- rooms, family room, 2 car attached garage, air-conditioned. Custom built home with the luxurious fea- tures. $46,000. 3 5 7-01 52 SOUTHFIELD — OPEN 2-5 SUN. 28860 BELL RD. DETROIT — OPEN SUN. 2-5 20236 BLACKSTONE OP...…

December 02, 1966 • Page Image 39

…THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Abraham Rosenblatt, Hebrew Teacher, Killed in Mishap Abraham Rosenblatt, a Hebrew teacher at Cong. Shaarey Zedek, was killed in a freak accident Mon- day night at the Nine Mile-South- field interchange in Southfield. Mr. Rosenblatt, 52, had recently come to Detroit from Grand Rapids, where he taught at Ahavas Israel congregation. The accident occurred, South- field police said, when Mr. Rosen- blatt got out of his car...…

December 02, 1966 • Page Image 40

…Elie Wiesel's 'The Jews of Silence' Brings Moving Report Revealing Russian Jewry's Adherence to Eternal Heritage, Proclaiming Faith in Russian Jews' Links With Their Peo le Elie Wiesel, whose interpretive works exposing the Nazi crime and revealing the sufferings that were endured during the Hitler era—all based on his personal ex- periences in concentration camps as a youth—emerges in a new role: as a pleader for Russian Jewry. ELIE WIESEL ...…

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