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October 18, 1985 • Page Image 4


… ONLY VIDEO PLUS • VIDEO PLUS AUDIO • VIDEO PLUS • 355-2300 O The New York Diamond Cutting Co. TABLE PADS "The Diamond Cutters" 3000 Town Center, Southfield, Michigan CUSTOM MADE TO YOUR SIZE AND…

….M. RUTHI NAVON One of Israel's Top Singing Stars FORD AUDITORIUM RESERVATIONS 569.1515 Defining Jew And Jewish Unity I feel. compelled to respond tc the letter from Alfred J Fleischer of St. Louis…

… in the majority, and he gives som( examples o2 "granite-like atti• tudes of Orthodox leadership." One of the primary corn. mandments of the Torah it ahcwas Yisroel, our love of our fellow Jews. The…

… Torah stresses the urgency of brotherly love be tween Jews, that we should al. ways seek to love, comfort, sup• port, and respect every singh Jew in the world, be he rich or poor, black or white…

… and the Edomite. I can therefore assure Mr Fleischer that every Orthodw Jew who lives by the Laws o the Torah loves him dearly an( has for him the deepest respect And that goes for every Reform and…

… Conservative Jew, an every assimilated Jew, an every intermarried Jew, as well. However, we are not so per verse that we can respect flag rant violation of Jewish Law While we respect the Reforn Jew, as a person…

October 18, 1996 • Page Image 26

…American Jews And Politics LEONARD FEIN SPECIAL TO THE JEWISH NEWS Now and then we encounter illu- minating data on just where America's Jews locate themselves politically as compared to the rest…

… still more recent poll by the New York Times and "CBS News." Specifically, the IPF poll, based on an unusually large sample of American Jews, asks people their political affiliation, and offers them al…

… percent of Jew- ish women, a 14 point difference; in the,nation at large, the gender gap is 13 points. The gender gap on the Republican dimension is six points among the Jews, and eight points among the…

… general population. These numbers mirror the ac- tual voting behavior of Jews, al- though they fail to capture the generally Democratic bias of those who describe themselves as Inde- pendents. By and large…

…- dents vote, at least in presidential elections, for the Democrat. Across denominational lines. 65 percent of Reform Jews, 57 per- cent of Conservative Jews, and 50 percent of Orthodox Jews are De- mocrats…

… Automotive Group Ltd. Gratiot Ave. at 12 Mile Road, Roseville, Michigan Just 25 minutes from the Birmingham/Bloomfield area off of 1-696" ■ MERCURY LINCOLN 445-6000 …

July 18, 1986 • Page Image 70

… things. Not only ii you socialize with othei Jews." According to Rudolph who was, for many years, Hillel Director at the University of Michigan, this dilemma of young Jews stems from openness of Western…

… Weiner Make your check payable to: NA'AMAT USA 25900 Greenfield Rd. Suite 205-D Oak Park, MI 48237 967-4750 ANALYSIS Difference Continued from Page 67 ish. "The average Jew from the Diaspora is…

… society Jews' response to the lure of total assimilation has been, at best, half-hearted. "The typical Jewish home" said Rudolph, "isn't infused with Jewish content. Parents/ send their kids to Hebrew…

… strong Jewish feel- ings. He is spending a year in Israel before returning to his native California to begin his graduate studies. "It definitely takes extra effort to be a Jew in the Galut," he said…

… upbringing or from his own self-identity. "When I'm asked accusingly by Ortho- dox Jews, 'What makes you a Jew when you're Reform and can choose what you want?" my. answer is that I feel Jewish." This feeling…

…, not easy to qualify, is common among Diaspora Jews with a strong • A light unto the Jews Jewish identity, but without The religious Israeli is con- \ an equally strong Jewish fident, even arrogant…

…; about education. his Jewishness. He treats More concretely, though Shabbat, the holidays, the Glen sees Judaism as more Torah with an easy familiar- than just a religion. "I see my ity. self as a Jew in a…

…, "Juda- Their patents and grand- ism is terribly interesting. parents pioneered and built But growing up in America, the country, many out of the I found that the vast major- ideal of creating a new Jew

…. ity of people my age saw be- The Founding Generation ing a Jew as, at best ana- succeeded beyond its wildest chronistic and, at worst a hopes, so much so that the burden." new Jews don't see them- Why…

…? selves as Jews at all. "The goal, the payoff in Many concerned Jews see America is material. The Israel's task not as a light payoff in Judaism is spirit- unto the Gentiles, but as a ual." much needed…

July 18, 2003 • Page Image 22

…-rated for eight months) Take advantage of our LIMITED summer leasing special Call Linda Lambert NOW (248) 352-0208 Be in the swim at WIAGSL, TFQ:n I Michigan's LifeCare Community with Providence Hospital…

….A.G. MAGASCHONI CASHMERE CENTRAL PARK WEST CASHMERE RAMOSPORT OUTERWEAR Thursday, Aug. 24th • 10am-8pm Friday, Aug. 25th • 10am-6pm Saturday, Aug. 26th • 10am-5pm :14 7/18 2003 22 BAGHDAD JEWS from page 21…

… itself, Zelon said, seems to have suffered as much damage at the hands of Iraqis as at the hands of American soldiers, and gunfire is corn- mon. The chaos in Baghdad has been worrisome for the city's Jews

…, the post-war instability could lead to serious ques- tions regarding their safety." For many families, only their closest neighbors know they're Jews, Zelon said. Some of those neighbors are Muslim or…

… Christian friends who for years have helped the community's older members survive. A few, but not all, of Iraq's Jews plan to leave to join relatives in England, Holland or Israel. But it could be a while…

… before they get there: Iraq's Jews don't even have passports. For now, Zelon said, Jewish organi- zations will focus on helping the com- munity survive. Zelon was scheduled to meet Kaye in Israel to…

… discuss next steps. The Jewish Agency and HIAS say they are working together on the project. World Jewry largely has been power- less to help Iraqi Jews over the past half-century. Though Baghdad's lone…

… synagogue, Meir Tweig, today counts less than three dozen Jews, the city has a rich Jewish history. About 90 percent of the country's Jews were expelled or fled in the wake of Israel's founding in 1948. Those…

… who remained in Iraq — once the thriving center of diaspora Jewry — were subjected to regular harassment. During the Saddam era, many local Jews saw their property confiscated and community heirlooms…

… of the artifacts, like that of Iraq's Jews, remains unclear. ❑ …

April 18, 1997 • Page Image 104

… zippered pocket, perfectly sized for your passport or plane ticket One Community, Different Paths SUE STETTNER SPECIAL TO THE APPLETREE Let all who are hungry come and eat! Every Jew and youmust come to…

… bunch has many brarzche but it is one bunch. So, too, you, the People of Israe4 must be one group before we arefired! (Midrash). TO DO: Unscramble the words below to learn how all Jews are "one bunch" and…

Michigan's largest selection of Patagonia apparel. 4316 N. Woodward Ave • South of 14 Mile Road (810) 549-5070 The STRATTON Collection by Vermont-Precision Woodworks Feed the hungry.- Share this mitzvah…

…, a Jew- ish responsibility, which unites all Jewish people with God. Any Jew at any time can be- come poor and hungry TO DO: Ask each seder guest to bring a can or box of food which can then be donated…

… to Yad Ezra Kosher Food Pantry or a homeless shelter. Decorate a box or basket to hold this food as a centerpiece on your seder table. "Love Your Neighbor as Your- self" (Leviticus 19:18) Every Jew

… should work to- ward peace: Peace with your neighbor, and peace with your fellow Jew. Begp at your seder! TO DO: Pass an Elijah's Cup around to every guest at your table. Have each pour a little of his or…

… memories. All Jews are responsible for one another Passover is the holiday of freedom. Share your gift t of freedom with others and pass it on... TO Do: Write a family let- ter, in support of all people…

…. Make and take a new charoset taste from Jews of a different coun- try. Share in the specialness of this group of Jews. TO Do: Charoset from Turkey 1 /2 cup pitted dates 2 cups chopped apples 1/2 cup…

… can take a different path to his or her Jewishness. TO DO: Find the pathways for each kind of Jew. Orthodox Reform YOUNG FURNITURE 17027 Kercheval • Grosse Pointe • (313) 881-7227 Prepared by Sue…

February 18, 1994 • Page Image 12

… plus rebate deducted includes destination. PURIM page 10 a Jew by not bowing to Haman, Esther was forced to deny her Jewishness — or publicly affirm it. But Haman was finally re- vealed as an anti…

…-Semite, and his doom is sealed. Today, too, we wonder about our Jewishness. Is it religious, cultural, ethnic? Is it various combinations of these? Who is a Jew? What is a Jew? From the Middle Ages on- ward…

…, Purim celebrations seem to rival our unconscious desires and libidos. Why on Purim in Tel Aviv do Orthodox Jews dress up like cowboys? Why do secular Jews in Haifa dress up as Chasidic Jews? Why did Ted…

… here? Or is it just the Jew- ish silly season? Doesn't every- one need a time to blow off steam? Isn't imagination a wholesome exercise? As one child wrote: I'm happy, I'm happy, I'm happy as can be, For…

… presence of God is more important than God's name. The megillah deals with one of the oldest games in history: "Blame It On The Jews." Purim is annual, but it reminds us that anti-Semitism is perennial…

…: Russia just officially announced that the vicious The Protocols of the Elders of Zion was a forgery._The Lutheran church recently announced that the works of Martin Luther contain elements of Jew

…-11:30 a.m. Call Ruth Beresh, 681-5353, to reserve a place. There is a fee. Bach Festival Adds Trio The Michigan Bach Festival will add the St. Clair Trio to the season's roster. The group is composed of…

… Detroit Symphony concertmaster Emmanuelle Boisvert, assistant principal cel- list Marcy Chateaux and pi- anist Pauline Martin. The opening Michigan Bach Festival concert is slated Feb. 20, at 7:00 p.m. at…

April 18, 1997 • Page Image 10

…'re saying a Jew- ish inmate can't get a piece of matzah even if we provide it for free and send it through a chap- lain," he said. "We've had a few problems with Michigan in the past. It ap- pears the prison…

… local syn- agogues, buys Passover provi- sions for the inmates. "We don't use Aleph directly. Michigan, having a small Jew- ish population, doesn't have a lot of procedures to help Jews like they do in…

…Passed Over An advocacy group says Michigan makes it difficult for Jewish prisoners to observe Passover. JULIE EDGAR SENIOR WRITER ew of Michigan's Jewish prison inmates will be able to properly…

… still coming in. But in Michigan, a state which the Aleph Institute says is historically indifferent to the needs of Jewish prisoners, only two state facilities and one fed- eral facility requested…

… security) inmates can't get outside food at all. We're talking about the eight days of Passover Jews need matzah, and I told him if we can't ship in matzah for free, will he provide the matzah? They…

… system pays lip service to religious freedom, but, in the meantime, institutes poli- cies that basically punish Jews for trying to practice religion." Over a year ago, Aleph battled with the state over its…

September 18, 1936 • Page Image 23

… that spread of prejudice which has found its vilest expres- sion in the proposal to kill the Jews of Detroit, Michigan, by putting typhoid germs in their milk, the ATRONIZE PONTIAC condition has become…

…-Known Author Points Out That Jews Are in the Red Throughout the World By RABBI MOSES FISCHER By JACOB DE HAAS I ROSH HASHONAH GREETINGS There can be little doubt that smaller islands as free from the the…

… average Jew is in some way epidemic, total-3,016. In South gripped by the seriousness of the and Central America I have noted Jewish condition thrcughout the nothing in the past year or two Yet on the other…

… hand that affects the Jews of Guiana, world. organizations which presume to Panama, Peru, Surinam, Uruguay grapple with the problem betray or Venezuela—total-9,958. So on so parochial an attitude, demon…

…- the American continent from the strate so little insight into the Bering Straits to Cape Horn, we e 0 t r eh i fit e a e fin thousand a fi d a Jews interlocking influence of a wide- have il than four…

… spread evil, that I have ven- of tured to set up the dimensions lionn free from contamination. Taking all of Europe, into re- of :Actions in statistical form. The total number of Jews in the view, 9…

…,494,363 Jews, we can ex- world has been estimated at 15,- tract the following countries and possessions as either wholly un- 300,000 divided as follows: contaminated, or to free from it Nutt!, User Ira and the…

… estimates. The figure for lions. This figure, however, in- Central Europe should be reduced eludes the two and a half million by a quarter of a million and Jews in the Soviet system who, added to Palestine…

… and adjacent whatever else has happened to countries. One can add a little them, have been reduced to "statis- here and substract a little there, tical Jews" because they have no add about 150,000 to…

… the grand contact or association with Jews total and seater them over many elsewhere. countries. On the other hand the The situation in the Arabic part figure includes a wide scattering of North Africa…

September 18, 1925 • Page Image 69

… CUISINE 8221 TWELFTH STREET Jews in Colonial Days Between Seward end Virginia Park. Phone Garfield 7903 WE DELIVER — JUST CALL US . A, Shown in a field which she planted and developed herself in…

… scientific resume of the history of the Jew in colonial times. bent upon conveying the spirit which pervaded the Colonial Jews; he shows how firmly attached those pioneers were to Judaism. He brings out a…

… hitherto unknown or unstressed fact that when the Jews first came here they were firmly intent upon establishing a Jewish nation in this country. With a (left touch he brings out interesting early American…

…, they would he allowed the fullest religiou s self-expression. It is unfortunate that the colonia l Jew has not been given a proper plat in the history of this country. Per haps, sonic historian in…

… Locking Pins Plain Oil Seal Rings 1226 - 1234 MICHIGAN AVENUE Cadillac 0342 - 0343 BRANCIIES: 5959 Woodward Avenue. Northway 6459 2925 Gratiot. Melrose 0373 CHARLES S. KLEIN sS IAII.4% A:AC*000M…

… this momentous occasion we desire to extend our sincere wishes to the Jew- ish people of Detroit for a Happy and Prosperous New Year. General Custom Paint Shop C. B. MYERS, Prop. 435 AMSTERDAM AVENUE…

… Northway 3600 Fender and Authorized du Pont Duco Service. Body Repairing. Glass Enclosures. Slip Cov- en and Trimming. I nists. ' In all the communications that passed between the officials and the Jews

…, the latter were always referred to as the Jewish Nation. Despite the formidable attacks that were con- stantly made upon them, the Jews would never consider compromising their convictions in an effort…

September 18, 1942 • Page Image 1

…. 7956 Detroit, Michigan, September 18, 1942 34 (4416. 22 $3.00 Per Year; Single Copy 10c Hull Bares Treachery of Lay s I Against Jews, War-Saddened Jewry Awaits Yom Kippur Detroit synagogues ready…

… Holydays All Jewish religious groups concur in ruling of Synagogue Council of America, approving ob- servance of sacred days by Jews in defense plants, but ask no preference over other denom- inations…

… 13 — Nazis Deny Jews Solace of Holydays Vic:tiris of Ilitlerite rule in occupied Europe for- bidden to observe Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kip- pur, climaxing barbarous campaign to extermin- ate religion…

… as a whole and the Jewish religion in particular. Page 2 Avenge Nazi Murderers of Kinsmen, Jews Urged by Soviet General age 2 An Early 18th Century Yom Kippur Knollwood Launches Record Bond Drive…

… and again has the Sabbath achieved the same magic task. Who Dr. A. M. shall adequately estimate the role Hershman that this day has played in the maintenance of the Jews? Recall his tragic status…

…, even in the days when the Ghetto walls separ- ated Jews from the rest of the world, the synagogue was the sacred tower of Israel. Above we reproduce an engraving from Picart, made in 1723, depicting a…

… European synagogue scene on Yom Kippur. Contrasted with the position of Jews under Nazi role today, this illustra- tion emphasizes the eternity of Israel and stands as a challenge to all the forces of…

… brutality in the world. * IN THIS ISSUE Page Bible in Comics 6 Children's Corner 11 Deutsch's Column —10 Editorials 4 Humor Column 11 Jews in U. S. Service 5 Music News Brevities Purely Commentary Recipes…

December 18, 1987 • Page Image 30

… rings. Personal and perfect gifts to set a heart on fire. On sale. 30 to 40% OFF ENTIRE STOCK CUSTOM JEWELRY YOU HAVE IT MADE 26325 -TWELVE MILE ROAD, SOUTHFIELD, MICHIGAN IN NE MAYFAIR SHOPS AT…

…. "Therefore it is very impor- tant to take into careful con- sideration black attitudes toward Jews," he stressed. The 48-year-old Johan- nesburg native was in the United States and Canada to seek support for…

… an organiza- tion he founded in 1984, Jews for Justice, which he said is part of the movement for a democratic, non-racist society in South Africa. Franklin said that while he and other Jews were…

… facts." Jews for Justice has about 1,000 members, evenly divid- ed between Johannesburg and Cape 'Ibwn, Franklin said. But he added that it is gaining wider support in the Jewish community. Franklin said…

… certainly from the cause of Israel." This is happening even though all black leaders know that South African Jews have been active in op- posing apartheid from the beginning. Israel has always publicly…

… apartheid." He said that Nobel peace laureate Archbishop Des- mond Tutu appeared at the Jews for Justice's freedom seder in Cape lbwia this year. Tutu said that while he recognizes Israel's need to preserve…

… government misinformation, Jews are afraid. Jewish press that Tutu had made anti-Semitic remarks. He said Tutu denied this and he knows Tutu is not anti- Semitic. Like all South African whites, Jews are…

… said that because of misinformation by the government, Jews are afraid, and a community which was once solidly for the liberal Progressive Party is giving in- creasing support to the Afrikaner…

…-dominated pro- apartheid National Party. Before 1948, the party barred Jews from membership, but a Jew was recently elected to parliament as a represen- tative of the National Party for the first time. Jews, like…

… most South African whites, have almost no contacts with blacks, ex- cept as domestics, Franklin said. He said he hears from people at Jews for Justice meetings that they are lear- ning for the first time…

November 18, 2010 • Page Image 60

Michigan cer- tification agency. He is also the rabbi of Tamarack Camps and Congregation T'chiyah in Oak Park. Conversations Do your interactions and relationships with non-Jews differ from those of your…


… the rest of the nations. Some liberal Jews, uneasy with that statement, have erased it from the blessing altogether. Is the official Jewish ide- ology regarding our relationship with non-Jews at odds…

… with our social and ethical beliefs? Do we maintain one viewpoint regarding non-Jews in our liturgy, laws and lore, but actually fol- low another viewpoint in reality? This week's Torah portion…

…, we can look at the reunion of these two brothers as an allegory for the relationship between Jews and non-Jews with Jacob serving as the archetypal Jew and Esau as the "other." The way we interact with…

… non-Jews on a daily basis is much different than the way our Jewish tradition understands that interaction. From the Torah's first introduction of these quarreling broth- ers in the womb, we are told…

…. Jews were instructed to keep specific foods, like wine, milk and bread, from ever being touched by "gentile hands" Because of intermarriage, some of the most dedicated leaders in our synagogues and…

… community organiza- tions are Jews by choice. The divide between Jew and gentile has abated. Some Jews will see this as problem- atic, while others will embrace the changing outlook. Let us all remember that…

December 18, 1992 • Page Image 43

… \ /aqappini Los Angeles (JTA) — Ad- dressing a Jewish audience here, the Rev. Jesse Jackson congratulated blacks and Jews this week for "sending (President) Bush back to pri- vate life." And while…

… acknowledging differences between blacks and Jews, he urged a sympa- thetic crowd on Wednesday to "turn pain into partner- ship, not polarization." Obviously eager to heal past rifts, which have been exacerbated…

… alleviate poverty in America's ex- plosive inner cities. The Rev. Jackson's ap- pearance was sponsored by the Jewish Urban Affairs Center of the American Jew- ish Congress. It followed a conference two weeks…

… past presidential candidate gave a spirited defense of his pro-Jewish stands in response to a ques- tioner's comment that while many Jews liked his mes- sage, they mistrusted the messenger. Likening…

Jews against neo-Nazis in Skokie, Ill., confronting former Soviet President Mikhail Gorbachev on emigration of Jews, pro- " testing President Reagan's visit to the Bitburg military cemetery in Germany…

… Cincinnati Reds baseball team. \ I STOCKS TAX-FREE BONDS MUTUAL FUNDS A X E X M P T T First of Michigan Corporation Members New York Stock Exchange, Inc FoM DON'T LET HOUSEHOLD PESTS HOLD YOU HOSTAGE…

…) 358-3290 G T Michigan Toll-Free 1-800-826-2039 S TAX DEFERRED ANNUITIES IRA's MONEY MANAGEMENT 4 Cockroaches • Ants • Fleas • Bees • Hornets • Wasps • Rats • Mice and any other pests. For a FREE…

… inspection and estimate, Call Today! = NM Milk NIL. IMMO tom. 41.1 ■ MIMI MI UMW- arm' or — IWIIM ALM /1111111111.- MAN I WAIN./ MI Mop ■ Eir CONTROL Erwilcat• With &wilco Michigan's Largest…

… Independent Pest Control Company For Service Throughout Southeastern Michigan Call: (313) 546-6200 43 …

October 18, 2002 • Page Image 17

… 20th century magic of his own. Dean Bell Edelstein told how in 1999, a gun- man randomly shot Bell five times at close range as he walked home from synagogue. Five other Jews also were shot. All of…

… about 100, is not so much about magic itself, but what magical practices can teach us about Jewish culture and the interaction between Christians and Jews during the Middle Ages. Bell acknowledged that…

April 18, 1975 • Page Image 13

… reater restriction and stepped-up harassment of Jews who wish to immi- grate to Israel. Addressing a press con- ference at the American Jewish Committee, spon- sored by the National Con- ference on Soviet…

… Jewry, the 45-year-old physicist who struggled for six years be- fore he, his wife and daugh- ter were permitted to leave for Israel, said that the trend toward. greater re- strictions on Jews by the So…

… Prof. Benjamin Levich, have arrived in Israel with a group of immigrants from the USSR. In Michigan, Attorney General Frank J. Kelley sent a telegram to Soviet Ambassador Anatoly Dob- rynin calling for…

… an end to the harassment of Soviet Jews. The telegram reads: "The arrest of. Soviet Jews, in camera trials, inordinately harsh sent- ences, are clear indica- tions that the Soviet Union is treating…

September 18, 1987 • Page Image 44

…= IN Mina- W_M 11111P • MEM 1111/- 1■••■ MI MMIN NEW CANVASSES 1 DAILY Sck1C.06 lOGE1-0 1'0 SERVE. '0.3 USER PEST CONTROL Eradicate With Eradico Michigan's Largest Independent Pest Control Company…

… For Service Throughout Southeastern Michigan Call: (313) 546 6200 iQ - ORC1-1/\RO l\AP\1_1_ ...0 131:VP Stop in and CELEBRATE our 40% A TH MPAN N IVE RSARY 50% OFF Thanks to all of our valued…

…-1424 42 FRIDAY, SEPT. 18, 1987 Israelis Polled On Judaism New York — The vast ma- jority of Israeli Jews view American Jews as ardent sup- porters of Israel, and believe that a strong, committed Jewish…

… community in America benefits Israel and all Jews. Nonetheless, the same majority expresses con- cern that assimilation in the United States poses a serious threat to American Jewish survival. These trends…

… are revealed in a recent survey of Israeli Jews, released by the American Jewish Committee simultaneously in New York and Jerusalem. On the issue of "Who is a Jew," while 55 percent oppose amending the…

… law, only one- third of those questioned said that American Jews would be justified in reassessing their attitudes about Israel if the law was amended to exclude conversions by non-Orthodox Diaspora…

… Israelis rather than to Jews and Judaism." More than half believe that "American Jews can lead a fuller Jewish life in Israel than in the United States." (54 percent). Fewer said that "Israelis can learn a…

… great deal from American Jewish life." (37 percent). Reagan Pledges Pressure Washington (JTA) — President Reagan pledged last Monday to continue pressing the "plight of Soviet Jews" in his meeting with…

… Soviet Jews (UCSJ) to the UCSJ's annual meeting here, Reagan also said. "Let me assure you that I and the whole of my Administration support the continuation of the Jackson- Vanik and Stevenson Amend…

December 18, 1942 • Page Image 11

…Fridet . December • ts, P142 . THE JEWISH MEWS U. S., Britain, Russia Back Plan To Stop Nazi Massacres of Jews Governments in Exile to Issue Joint Statement on Practical Plan to Halt Atrocities…

…; Brodetsky Presents Authent- icated Report to Bristish M. P.'s LONDON, (JTA)—Foreign ministers of the exiled governments in London this week met to discuss measures to halt the Nazi massacres of Jews in…

… "Jewish passports" for the Jew- ish population of France has been announced over the' Vichy radio by Darquier de Pellepoix, Com- missioner for Jewish Affairs of the Laval Government. Reliable reports of the…

… mass- murder of thirteen Dutch Jew- ish physicians in the notorious Mauthausen concentration camp in Austria were received this week by Dutch circles here. Thousands of Jews crowded the synagogues…

… throughout Britain last Sunday and most Jewish shops remained closed as British Jewry fasted and re- cited prayers of mourning for the hundreds of thousands of Jews murdered by the Nazis in Europe. Eye…

…-Witness Tells Horrors KUIBYSHEV, (JTA) — T la e Jewish • Anti-Fascist Committee this week made public an eye- witnesS account of the mass-kill- ing of 10,000 Jews in Mariupol, in the Ukraine, given by a Jewish…

… radioman, Arkadi Sorokin, who escaped the massacre and fled to the Russian lines. This is Soro- kin's story: "The Nazis ordered all Jews— about 10,000 people—into bar- racks built to hold a few hun- dred…

October 18, 2018 • Page Image 3

JEWS IN THE D 12 Top of the Ticket 72 soul Interviews with Michigan gubernatorial candidates. 77 raskin 78 looking back 16 U.S. Senate Candidates 22 Share Your Voice BLIPPAR INDEX Download the…

…-M President Mark Schlissel. 28 Michigan International Speedway Turns 50 31 All By Hand DAILY HEADLINES 32 Adat Shalom Celebrates • Sign up for JN daily headlines at 75 Years…

… according to Yeshiva Beth Yehudah calendar. 42 GI Jews ON THE COVER: 44 HFL’s “Move In Detroit” Program 36 48 Family Counseling 52 Sports 56 jewish@edu Michelle Sheridan 28 OF OL ST F/S SPIRIT…

… Goldberg. 64 celebrity jews jn October 18 • 2018 3 …

July 18, 2017 • Page Image 21


… SELECTIONS IN MICHIGAN. R SUMME SAL G E et 2nd e, Buy On 1/2 OFF Sam Michael’s 29437 W. Twelve Mile Rd. (Just W. of Middlebelt Rd.) Farmington Hills, MI 48334 248-477-4615 Sundance Shoes Wishes The…

… Coughlin, dream,” CEO Perry Ohren said. Detroit Jews had been feeling the Jeannie Weiner of West sting of bigotry for decades. It was Bloomfield, a past president of Slomovitz, a diminutive man with the…

… Jewish Community Relations Coke-bottle-thick eyeglasses and a Council (JCRC), who was very passion for Zionism, who pushed involved in the movement to free back against these demagogues via Soviet Jews

…, 75TH ANNIVERSARY OF THE DJN key community leaders backed The world was an exceedingly dan- Slomovitz as he launched the com- gerous place especially for Jews peting Jewish News. when Philip Slomovitz…

Jews continued on page 22 …

January 18, 1980 • Page Image 2

… the 1979 American Jewish Year Book lists it as 200. The Joint Distribution Committee issued a report this week stating that there are no more than 100 Jews in Afghanistan today. Thus one of the world…

… population and its bill of complaint followed: 1) The 5,000 Jews now residing in Afghanistan (many of them descen- dants of families who have lived in that country for a thousand years) are being subjected to…

…- cations destined for any individual Jew of Afghanistan or Jewish organiza- tion of Afghanistan is subject to discardment with the likely consequence of punitive action being taken against the individual or…

October 18, 1968 • Page Image 19

Jews of Russia, Israel Linked on Simhat Tora (Direct JTA Teletype Wire to The Jewish News) the beaches to accommodate the visitors. Prayers for rain were offered in the holiday tradition, and the…

… mingled with Hasidim, Yemenites and North African Jews dancing in the streets. In Tel Aviv, an estimated 30,000 people watched a_parade of Jews LONDON—About 12,000 Russian Jews, mostly young people, danced…

… will broadcast parts of it to Russia from Israel. According to an informed source, more than a dozen American Jew- ish youths, many from religious groups, flew to Moscow to be with Russian Jews at the…

… Simhat Tora celebration there, and would tell them of the solidarity displays in the West. The petition addressed to Thant points out that Premier Alexei Kosygin's 1966 promise to let Soviet Jews be…

… reunited with their fami- lies abroad has not been carried out; that Jews in Russia are not permitted to publish devotional' literature or manufacture religious articles; that their cultural, educa- tional…

August 18, 2016 • Page Image 18

…metro » How Jews Connect Expert to explore recent trends at Shaarey Zedek talk. Keri Guten Cohen | Contributing Editor I n today’s world, Jewish identities are more fluid, says Dr. Steven Cohen…

…, and how does our community fit in? Over the last two decades and more, we’ve seen changes and challenges to long- prevailing ideas of Jewish norms (what people should do) and boundaries (how Jews are…

… separated from others). As Arnold Eisen (now Jewish Theological Seminary chancellor) and I explored in The Jew Within: Self, Family and Community in America in 2000, Jews feel less compelled to abide by…

… inherited norms and feel more compelled to under- take Jewish engagement in ways that provide them with personal meaning in personal ways. As for boundaries, more Jews have non-Jewish social networks…

… Jewish; they feel that both Jews and non-Jews can and should participate in Jewish life in both the home and the community. How all this plays out in the Detroit area remains to be seen. What appears to be…

… working currently to strengthen Jewish identity in this and future generations? The overall answer is anything that builds Jewish social networks (brings Jews together) in a Jewishly meaningful con- text…

…, tradi- tional, Sephardi or any other “brand.” The challenging issue is not the SBNRs (spir- itual-but-not-religious). The issue is that so few Jews are raising Jewish children and, as I’ve said many…

… times, Jews join synagogues just as soon as they give birth to a 7-year-old Jewish child. We’re doing as well as ever — if not better — among in-married Jewish parents of school-age children. The…

… challenge is that so many Jews are found in other demographic categories, and our community needs to continue to educate and engage people in those alternative family situations. What impact has intermarriage…

… couples score fairly low on faith measures. As much or even more than Jews nationally, the Jewish member of such couples sees being Jewish as a matter of ancestry or culture and not as a religion or faith…

October 18, 1963 • Page Image 1

…`Zionist Leaning ' Charge Menaces 4,000 Syrian Jews PARIS, (JTA)—A number of Syrian Jews were arrested late last week while trying to flee across the Syrian-Turkish border to escape the persecu…

… . . Bias in Big Business Editorials Page 4 VOL. XLIV, No. 8 on the sufferings of Syria's 4,000 Jews. He said that a number of Jews were in the Damascus cen- tral jail, awaiting trial early in 1964 on a…

Jew- ish quarter which, for all practical purposes, has been converted into a virtual ghetto. In addition, the Jewish community has been hard hit financially. Most of the remaining Jews in Syria had…

… been peddlers, but they are barred from such activity in Damascus, where 3,000 Jews live. The restrictions on peddling do not apply to the Jews in other cities. Some 800 live in Aleppo, and the rest are…

… scattered in smaller centers. THE JEWISH NEWS DET ROIT Sensitivity and Over- Sensitivity: Chastity of Honor NII I-11GA. A Weekly Review of Jewish Events Michigan's Only English-Jewish Newspaper…

… Confer With IC on Status of USSR Jewry Bonds of Brotherhood Stressed by Pope to UJA Mission Group ROME, (JTA)—Pope Paul VI received in the throne room of the Vatican a delegation of 100 American Jews

… prayer." For that reason, he said, he felt he could call on the same God whom both Christians and Jews worship and love, to ask Him for His guidance, His revela- tions and His blessing. Rabbi Herbert A…

… personalities to Moscow to take up with Soviet Premier Nikita Khrushchev the treatment of Jews in the Soviet Union was under dis- cussion here following the appeal adopted Saturday by the all-day Con- ference on…

August 18, 2000 • Page Image 40

…"4. SPECIAL COMMENTARY 8/18 2000 40 from page 39 Is It Good For The Jews? LETTERS Jewish Community Federation said San Francisco that non-Jews in the area would resist ure enough, the first…

… person electing Jews to any high office, such to call me early about the as Congress. But at that time, as selection of Connecticut Sen. everyone knew, three out of the four Joseph Lieberman as the…

… San Francis- about the first Jew positioned co at the time of the to be a heartbeat away from Lieberman announcement, the presidency. In dangerous EARL RAAB jokingly suggested that the times, President…

… Harry Tru- Spe cial to senator's candidacy might man, without a vice presi- the Jew ish News split the vote of the reli- dent, was scheduled to be gious right. Of course, most abroad with his secretary of…

May 18, 1973 • Page Image 1

… distinguished scholars and lay leaders convening here for the first time since the AJHS was founded in 1892 also will devote their attention to the history of the Jews of Michigan. A tour today to points of…

…, will deliver a paper on "Chap- man Abraham, the First Jew in Michigan: His Life and Times." (Continued on Page 9) TEL AVIV (JTA) — Jewish activists in Moscow, contacted by telephone, place high hopes in…

… A Weekly Review f Jewish Events Michigan's Only English-Jewish Newspaper VOL. LXI I I, NO. 1C 17515 W. 9 Mile Rd., Southfield, Mich. May 18, 1973 Kissinger-Brezhnev Meeting Arouses Succor Hopes…

… While USSR Jews' Arrests Continue Noted Jewish Scholars at Historical Society Parley Starting Today "Men and Movements in American Jewish History" is the theme of the annual conference of the American…

Michigan. Saturday night's session at the Detroit Historical Mu- seum will include an exhibition of Michigan and American Jewish life and the screening of a film, "The History of Detroit Jewry." Members of…

… the Jewish Historical Society of Michigan, of which Dr. Irving I. Edgar is president, will serve as hosts at a reception. On Sunday afternoon, Irving I. Katz, executive sec- retary of Temple Beth El…

… over the treatment accorded to Russian Jews seeking exit visas and expressed hope that his representations would lead to the release of Jewish political prisoners, the issuance of visas to activists who…

… until now have been denied them and the suspension of arrests and other means of harassment of Jews. The activists, contacted by the newspaper Maariv, reported that Jacob Khantzis, who was sen- tenced…

… Russians expressed concern for Brezhnev's secur- ity, particularly in view of the attitude of some American Jews toward the visit. "There was no concern expressed by Brezhnev or any of his senior colleagues…

… that country restricts the emigration a mourning procession in Baghdad for of its citizens, particularly Jews. He replied that "the con- the three terrorists. The security forces gressional reluctance…

October 18, 2002 • Page Image 59

… Knollenberg should get our vote: 1. ns in the United States Congress — ever. Joe Knollenberg has simply been the greatest proponent for positive American-Israeli relations In Michigan, where a lot of folks…

… foreign aid, it's not votes on important House Resolutions, it is his vote on key issues like Jew 2. He believes in it. ortant. He is not a freshman. Congressman Knollenberg is a respected member of the…

… for us. Touchy subject? But think about it — his motives will never 4. be suspect. Knollenberg is not a Jew by birth or by choice. He is a Jew by inspiration. ou, help that person. Should a Jew help…

… anoth er Jew? Of course. ou? Most definitely, yes. y Loyalty. When a person has been good to 5. Would Knollenberg have taken the positions without our help? Of course. Should we say thank y Showing…

… appreciation for a lob well done cement a relationship. Is Knollenberg with us on all the issues? Probably not. But this concept is really a to myth. Jews are not united agree American with us on everything…

…? What on we all all social agree and on is can we expect anyone 6. we differ among ourselves, how ca a healthy Israeli-American relationship and the well-being of the American Jew, and at that, he is…

March 18, 1977 • Page Image 15

… our own. Because all Jews are guarantors for each other, it is our duty and responsi- bility to raise every Jew in peril or want from degradation to fulfillment. suppoitt and strength we can give is…

… needed wherever there are Jews. We can help .. . • Thousands of Israel's immigrants still struggling to build secure, productive lives; • Soviet Jews in modern exodus to a new life; • Oppressed Jews

… renewal which sen- sitize us as Jews, protect us from ignorance and indifference and build Jewish understanding and loyalty in our children. atiefteltOP , we, the rabbis of Detroit, affirm that it is the…

… obligation and privilege of every individual and member of a congregation to cooperate fully with the 1977 Allied Jewish Campaign-Israel Emergency Fund. To meet the needs of Jews here and everywhere, it is a…

… Allied Jewish Campaign-Israel Emergency Fund Daniel M. Honigman, General Chairman 163 Madison Avenue • Detroit Michigan 48226 • 9651-3939 …

May 18, 1962 • Page Image 1

…Oran Jews Isolated; Two Children Murdered Direct JTA Teletype Wire to The Jewish News the Jewish quarter of the Algerian town of Oran. A curfew imposed by French ALGIERS—One of the most brutal…

… murders in the Moslem outbreak of security forces has sealed off the Jews from the outside world. Commandos terrorism against Europeans in Algeria, Monday, was the slaying of two Jewish believed affiliated…

… Review Editorials Page 4 Villainous Attacks Self-Hating Movement of Jewish Events Michigan's Only English-Jewish Newspaper — Incorporating The Detroit Jewish Chronicle Vol. XLI, No. 12 Printed in a…

… 100% Union Shop 17100 W. 7 Mile Rd. — VE 8 9364 - — Detroit 35, May 18, 1962 Commentary Page 2 $5.00 Per Year; _Single Copy 1 Sc Plot to Murder Prominent Jews Involves Right-Wing Group and…

… Miami Policemen MIAMI, (JTA)—A fantastic terrorist plot involving the bomb- ing of a local editor's home, the alleged planned assassination of prominent Jews here, among them Dade County State Attorney…

… by the police undercover man, Stefan Plumacher. The latter, a trusted policeman, is 26 years of age, and was born in Germany. He had been Soviet Embassy Denies Charges of Persecution of Jews in the…

… USSR WASHINGTON, (JTA)—The Soviet Embassy here-released the text of a letter purportedly signed by "five prominent Soviet Jews," denying charges of Kremlin- inspired mistreatment of Russian Jewry. The…

… reported for many months. "We declare before all the world: The Soviet Jews need no 'protectors' or `patrons'." the letter stated, adding: "an objective observer- cannot but admit that there is no Jewish…

…,400,000 undergraduates turned out by Soviet institutions of higher learning, there were 77,177 Jews. There are currently 427,000 Jews in the Soviet Union who are "specialists with higher and secondary specialized…

August 18, 1916 • Page Image 6

…America lavish Periodh 6 THE JEWISH CHRONICLE THE JEWISH CHRONICLE Issued Every Friday by the Jewish Chronicle Publishing Company. ANTON KAUFMAN - - - - General Manager Michigan's Only Jewish…

… Tuesday morning of each week. Entered as second-class matter March 3, 1916, at the Post Office at Detroit, Mich., under the Act of March 3, 1879 FRIDAY, AUGUST 18, 1916. The Soul of a Jew . In these…

… days of the high cost of living, when every commodity has advanced to almost unthinkable prices, the soul of the Jew still retains its place of supremacy as the most valuable of all precious things to be…

… other for the privilege of saving the benighted Jew from eternal damnation. No other goal is so dear to them. Even their own fellow-Christians may languish in the foulest moral filth—but the Jew must be…

… saved. Christians who fall from the heights of righteous living may perish in their sins—but heaven forefend that the Jew should die uncleansed of the foul influence of his Judaism. This is the only…

… logical conclusion that can be reached from an unprejudiced study of the frantic efforts that the missionary agents to the Jews put forth in season and out of season. These agents are frequently those who…

… a Jewish soul is . better than a month's salary. They have not read the hook recently published by the Rev. Samuel Freuder, for two decades a missionary to the Jews, but whose soul at length re…

… of the "Friends of Israel" Society that has opened "a mission to the Jews" in the heart of the Hastings Street district, where Jews of all grades of manners and morals may, by a simple confession of…

… ?—even the least worthy of them all may himself, in a few months or even weeks, if luck be with him, be a "missionary to the Jews" with a pretty com- fortable salary paid by the "Friends of Israel" in…

… addition to good pickings at the meetings and such "gifts" as friends of the cause may be inspired to contribute to the great and holy work. Verily this is a great day for the Jews of Detroit. Now that a…

April 18, 1958 • Page Image 8

…ISH NEWS-8 1958—THE DETRO IT Friday, Ap ril having remarked in a barber- shop that it was "too bad that in the Third Reich all the Jews were not gassed." He has already been sus- pended by the…

… years. A court, which found him guilty of endorsing tive severity" by the German Nazi methods of exterminating Jews, sentenced him to a courts. year in prison at Offenburg. The Bonn correspondent quoted…

… he granted every man might again find favor among Jews and voicing threats of vio- S 99 living rooms, gal. hallways the right to a mistake, he said certain groups in Germany, lence against a Jew. Sen…

… half-Jew, Kurt Leiser, that expel him if the verdict is al- "not enough Jews had been gassed" by the Nazis, first ad- lowed to stand. mitted his remarks, but later The verdict of guilty came chahged his…

… townspeople was with the number of Jews killed by the defendant. the Nazis were incorrect. One witness for Zind was The presiding Judge, Dr. H. rebuked by the court for stat- Eckert, told the attorney Zind…

… the physical mis- of Germany from teachings by treatment of Jews during the Nazi-minded teachers. Nazi regime. Heinz Galinski, chairman of Angered at cross-questioning, the Jewish community of Ber- Zind…

… shouted out that he had lin had joined the prosecu- "bashed in the skulls" of hun- tion under a recent German dreds of Jews. court ruling that the Jewish The suspended high school community was entitled to…

… en- teacher also said the Nazis were ter into cases of anti-Semitism justified in imprisoning Jews because of the unique position "to keep them from betraying of the Jews as the first and Germany." He…

February 18, 1994 • Page Image 145

…HE $TO MLLE P A M.B. JEWELRY DESIGN & MFG. LTD. Applegate Square • 29847 Northwestern Hwy,. Southfield, Michigan 48034. • (313) 356-7007 Storyteller Changing lives "N 0 one surpasses Aharon…

…, considers the emotional and psychic af- tereffects of the Holocaust and its implication for assimilated Jews in Beyond Despair: Three Lectures and a Con- versation with Philip Roth (Fromm International). "Who…

… and what is a Jew?" Mr. Appelfeld asks in Beyond Despair. Through the Holo- caust, he says, Jews were con- fronted with the disintegration of their belief systems and the near-extinction of the Jewish…

…-5990 Orchard Mall /1111111.111a 1(1 Di)lyw iNg.S 120 B. West Maple • Birmingham 810-540-1977 F EB RU AR Y Another Ann Arbor resident, Professor Teshome Wagaw of the University of Michigan's African and…

… African American studies department, also has a new book, For Our Soul: Ethiopian Jews in Israel (Wayne State University Press). For Our Soul describes the challenges Ethiopian Jews face — including…

… such issues as fami- ly formation and dealing with modernity. Professor Wagaw is a native of Ethiopia who has studied Ethiopian Jews for the past nine years. His other books in- clude Ethiopia: Prospect…

September 18, 1925 • Page Image 27

… the Jew stil lived. But the more "civilized" methods involve NELL McKNIGHT 201 BOOK BUILDING Cadillac 4757 1. B H Wishing Everybody in the Communities of Detroit and Michigan a happy and…

… prosperous New Year ALEX J. GROESBECK Governor of Michigan soother contridition. A people which wants to live is asked to commit sui- cide voluntarily—as a gift to human- The "mongrel" Jew becomes a…

… for me; I have a ed out that uncontrolled group be- tary transmission. Now Under New Management. wife and Ifi children, and only one E-7 havior, mass psychology, resembles! The chief reasons for the Jew

… with Jews has been made on a very large later come back to the rabbi crying I him, and the frequency with which scale in Spain before and during the that conditions were still worse, as they repudiate…

… him. History offers Inquisition, without apparent brilliant now he had no place whereon to lay enough instances where the leader results. Supposing the Jews could his head. But the rabbi did not scent I…

… hates the group. lie may have ivy. Apostates and SIMS of apostates and, although with a great that of contempt or pity but no hate. No have neither helped to solve the Jew. wonderment, the Chasid did so…

… beginning of the nineteenth "Well, drive out the goat and the The waves of religious hysteria which century a number of Jews thought chickens." frequently sweep over whole com- they could solve the problem…

… thy One cannot convince or be convinced. the preservation of Jews as they now soul" means even if lie take thy The emotions involved are too primi- have for Eskimos and Indians. How- soul.—Talmud. tine…

…. Anti-Semitism is a and the Jewish people. For its very 1 !neurosis. It serves a very useful pur- success means that the Jew is to pre- pose to the Christian. Perhaps there vent assimilation. To solve…

… world I COMMUNITY OF DETROIT FOR A HAPPY AND PROSPEROUS toward the Jew is not altogether with- Jewry. It is the soul of Judaism NEW YEAR. out significance and possibly throws seeking the body of its…

June 18, 2009 • Page Image 27

… victory in the address the issue in an open and cou- Iranian elections, Israeli officials and rageous manner;' Urman said. U.S. Jewish organizations called on the The 6,000 Jews forced out of Libya…

… international community to confront were among as many as 850,000 Jews Tehran over its nuclear program. from 10 Arab countries forced to flee "In light of Iran's ongoing [nuclear] their homelands since 1947…

… (888) 376-8346 45001 Northoointe, Utica, MI (888) 212-7845 JEWISH HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF MICHIGAN PRESENTS Tour Historic Jewish Detroit and Visit…

… from Haven 'Home JEWISH LIFE IN AMERICA — Sunday, June 28, 2009 Friday, July 17, 2009 Thursday, August 13, 2009 Join the Jewish Historical Society of Michigan for our award-winning tour of the…

July 18, 1947 • Page Image 15

…Page Fitters DETROIT JEWISH CHRONF LE Friday, Judy IS, 11)47 Chief Rabbi Raps Palestine Regime Deputy Attacks Jews in Polish Parliament Before UN, Rebukes India Delegate World News in Brief a…

… Jewess and a renegade Jew is binding. The Jew who has aban- (Jewish Telegraphic Agency doned Judaism is a Jew in our Correspondent) law, but not a good Jew." Sir Abdur: "Would you there- JERUSALEM…

… — Emphasizing fore consider Christ a Jew in that "the preservation of Judaism religion as lie was in ancestry?" in its religious aspects depends in no small measure on a re- DELICATE 'GROUND Rabbi Herzog: "Sir…

… able to introduce this subject. But a .memorandum to UNSCOP, to of course he was a Jew." Sir Abdur: "Which tribes reduce "the glorious pages of the Bible" dealing with Jewish his- stemmed from Ishmael…

…- man replied that he considered By Calls Them a 'Privileged Element', Repeats All the Familiar Charges WARSAW (WNS)—The familiar charge that "Jews are occupying high positions in government offices…

March 18, 1983 • Page Image 14

… staff Franklin Racquet Club 29350 Northwestern Hwy. Southfield, Michigan Its leader, Aharon Abu Hatzeira, was quoted as saying that the party's decision-making commit- tees would be convened this week…

… Tami to vote for him. Elon, an ordained rabbi, and ultra-observant Jew, may also seem "too Or- thodox," especially to some of the Likud-Liberal MKs. servances, is considered - 1 more liberal. He may…

… synagogue, Cong. Solel in Declaring that American Highland Park, Ill. had Jews "have experienced in- been urged "to participate creasing pressure to create in organizing such groups." Political Action Commit…

Jews judge candidates on the to reject such pressures on basis of that cause," distin- grounds that such commit- guished public servants "all tees "are bad for America too often" have been de- and they…

… are bad for Jews." feated for taking a stand op- The warning was con- posed to that of a particular tained in an article in the PAC. He insisted candi- Winter 1983 issue of Reform dates should be judged…

… Ashkenazic Chief Rabbi Shlomo Goren and Sephardic Chief Rabbi Ovadia Yosef who both served 10-year terms and were barred by law from standing for re-election. `Jews for Jews' Rabbi Hits Tactics of…

… Proselytizers MIAMI BEACH — Rabbi Rubin R. Dobin of the Jews for Jews organization has warned Jewish groups not to be misled by the "Liber- ated Wailing Wall Singers," a group of proselytizers from "Jews for…

… Jesus" who offer to perform free con- certs for Jewish groups and misuse the invitation to spread their propaganda. Jews for Jews has pub- lished an "Anti-Cult and Missionary Kit" which con- tains…

… information for com- batting proselytizing groups. For a free copy of the kit, send a long, self- addressed stamped envelope to Rabbi Rubin R. Dobin, Jews for Jews, P.O.B. 54-6194, Miami Be- ach, Fla. 33154…

…. "Good service, good coverage, good price .. . that's State Farm car insurance," Car Financing at 11.75% SY WARSHAWSKY, CLU, Agent 6668 Orchard Lake Rd. W. Bloomfield, Michigan 48033 Phone: Off. 626…

October 18, 1918 • Page Image 4

… it must come soon, our cause will stand triumphant and all the • • sulfering that we have endured will then he compensated by the MICHIGAN'S JEWISH 11081E PUBLICATION promise of security and peace…

… welcomes any attempt that may be made to bring about a spirit of better understanding among the Jews of America. Certain it is that these arc not times when internecine strife should be encour- aged…

… the other. The writer of this editorial has no right to speak for any one other than himself and vet he believes that he voices the sentiment of most Reform Jews who call themselves non-Zionists or…

… Anti-Zionists when he makes this statement of opinion in regard to Palestine and the mod- ern Jew. Every effort directed toward the rehabilitation of Palestine so as tion. Until it comes. the .int…

…•rican people will Stand squarely back of the President of the United States, whose sane statesmanship and far - sighted wisdom the whole frond must commend. make it a more desirable habitat for the Jews of…

… traditional customs, if he so cares to do, without being subjected to the ridicule or the malice of those who do not under- stand his spirit. Should Jews settle in Palestine in sufficient numbers to warrant…

… candidates sought election to Parliament on the ground of their tempt to show that the Kaiser is not a Christian in faith, whatever enmity towards Jews. our Id camouflage which even he may be in practice, is a…

… Trotzky or any other religion for this or that brute in human non of the Christian Socialist Party. The Religion of the Kaiser. to make it habitable for those Jews who chose to live there, ought to be…

… form who chooses to call himself by its name. given the unqualified moral and material support of all classes of Jews. The sentimental associations clustering about the land of the fathers Anti…

… eloquence and energy with social influence. eider his tnakficein direction, there began a campaign of abuse and hostility against the Jews, which made their m rights a mere mock- in a public scho o l in a…

May 18, 1973 • Page Image 19

… parents feel more of SOUTH HAVEN,MICHIGAN fact that Hebrew is recog- "Jews live in perilous times," even fear, on the part of comfortable with dictator- nized as a second foreign NEVELE • GROSSINGER'S that…

… imbued with a shtetl PHONE TAWAS CITY, MICH. mentality," said a number of with the Jewish community." But even in Brazil, the Jew- SOUTH HAVEN, MICHIGAN 1-517-362-2626 Plow 131-5111 (At.. 11$) Even in…

… what it meant. in Brazil, where Jews are Many expressed pride in Is- respected a s intellectual rael and noted that Hebrew (Copyright 1973, JTA, Inc.) JERUSALEM (JTA) — Is- made by Israel in the char…

… to the in Brazil, Uruguay, Argentina and Chile. During his visit to Rio Uruguay are marked by ten- or the right—the Jews will this pride in terms of daily decision by UNESCO to ap- instigated by Arab…

… ter-revolutions and sporadic gate and report on changes East Jerusalem. go well," said one Chilean needs of historical develop- leaders, youths, intellectuals and eruptions of civil war and Jew

…,000 of the government to have swirl of ingrown and repeti- French Jews Reported the cabinet when Foreign SCHECHTElt Jews of a total population of Jews in leading positions. If tive activities that so en…

… it was the undue little to us?" Israeli delegation, represent- U.S. In Argentina, Chile and influence of the Jews." One young Jew, a student ing a union of French and According to the sources, Strictl…

…Y, Kosher Hotel ( Glatt) • Uruguay, Jews are caught in The economic and social at the University of Sao North African olim which Israel's attitude will depend the lava flow of social trans- developments in…

… Argentina, Paulo, stated: "We have very spent four weeks visiting to some extent on the person r$ Entire oceanfront block formations. In Brazil, Jew- Chile and Uruguay are also little in common with our…

Jews. the volcanic eruptions from he is likely to receive a cut . June 19 to Sept. 3 to the past or a distance. But the more per- back in community facilities warmer welcome than some- They reported that…

November 18, 1955 • Page Image 28

… to these questions are important to an understand- ing of the Jew. Referring to a survey taken recently in a Michigan County with a popula- tion of 30,000—of whom 13 were "Jews—the author writes the…

… given :ovations for his excellent rendi- tion of a highly technical pro- - :gram. Mr. Milstein was especially - effective in Bach's Partita in - -•.-'13osition of Jews Excellent Article In Look Magazine…

… • A crystal clear picture of "The Position of the Jews in America Today" is given in the Nov. 29 issue of •Look Magazine under that title. It is written by Look's national affairs editor; a Gentile who…

…, by taking the time to study the Jew in many areas of Am- erican life, came up with a true understanding of Jews in this country. Disagreeing with a statement by the American Council for Judaism that…

… the only thing Jews have in common is their ,religion, the writer, William Att- wood, says, "A Jew- is a member -of a historical community held together by common memories, religious tradition and…

… external pressure." In the article, Attwood dis- cusses such questions as "How Are Jews different than other Americans?" "Can a U.S. Jew support the state of Israel and still be a good American?", "Why…

… ...are there so many Jewish or- -ganizations?", "Is there much -anti-Semitism in the U. S. to- day?" "What makes people anti- 'Semitic?", "Will Jews ever be completely integrated in Amer- ica?" The answers…

… fol- lowing: "Nearly 40 percent of the Gen- tiles had never met a Jew; yet three out of four said Jews must not get 'too much power,' and two out of five were in favor .wr of 'sending them back to Pales…

…- tine'." A pictorial. story of a Flint Jewish family, Mr. and Mrs: Art -Hurand and their five children, is used to illustrate that. Jews participate in business, com- munal affairs, civic matters — almost…

… everything, except the -country-club social life, which the writer describes as the last -barrier remaining to be broken. Also mentioned in the article,. in the section on military ex- ploits of the Jews, is…

September 18, 1936 • Page Image 34

… help to the ■ FACE BRICK — FIRE BRICK to arouse world Jewry to effective settlers. Upon the urgent request relief action or political protests. of a Jewish committee in the 22662 MICHIGAN While the Jews

…- state of hopelessness which ob- ily. The principal centers of Jew- jective observers qualified as ish immigration were Argentina, much worse than that of German Peru, Uruguay, Brazil and Chile. Jewry…

…. While the spotlight of Most of the newcomers were Ger- world public opinion remained man refugees and Polish Jews. focused on Nazi Germany, the There were a number of schemes Polish government…

… Cuba. Among the German Jewish of the Jews and convicted itself refugees were many professional of being either a weak and im- men, scientists and scholars who potent regime or a party to the were given…

… more than any compromise that enabled the Jews other Latin, American country, to continue shechita at the sacri- witnessed the blossoming of a mil- fice of seeing another 10,000 Jews 'tont anti…

… MINING IN BIROBIDJAN 000,- ROSH HASHONAII ... GREETINGS ... Rosh Ilashonah Greetings their existence underground and mass emigration of at least1, continued to harass the Jewish 000,000 Jews; the…

… frantic efforts A floppy and Prosperous community. In Mexico City, where of the Jews to emigrate to Pal- New Year to You All. Jewish business men are gradual- estine, Latin America and Biro- ly adjusting…

… themselves, Jewish Bidjan; the efforts to establish life flourished. The Yiddish news- ghetto regulations in the univer- papers and theaters and the Jew- sities and the railroads; the or- Distributors ish…

… opportunities fwis h 310 W. JEFFERSON 14000 WOODROW WILSON professional people —.all these Attacks on Jews, inspired by graphically revealed the desperate RAndolph 9338 TOwnsend 7.9395 Nazi propagandists and…

… native straits of the 3,000,000 Jews of agitators, were frequent in the Poland. newspapers of Peru, Argentina, RUMANIA Brazil and Cuba. In Brazil the Rumanian Jewry lived through anti-Semitic Green Shirts…

May 18, 1973 • Page Image 7

…'s planned appoint- ment appeared in The Jew- ish News April 6.) Keating, 73, served as am- bassador to India from 'May 1, 1969 to Aug. 18, 1972. Pre- viously, he had served 15 years in Congress — as a…

…? From Liberalism Inspires Urgent Warning listen to the warnings of oth- by a rightwing America." Continued from Page 1) These people were as con- Rabbi Polish found that ers. He asked whether Jews are…

… cerned people were as con- "we are experiencing not only ideological dislocation, "truly more sensative ethical- Jews as their Jewish oppon- but psychological trauma," ly than their neighbors," as ents, he…

…- social trends." He noted that people the truth about the hidden antipathies, dogmas some say the Jews have be- extermination plans of the and bigotries of some of us trayed their heritage while Nazis…

…." One claims that "we on's America is good for the —a consciousness of anger, have wedded ourselves to Jews." "We are moh prosperous self-righteousness a n d re- Satan," while others say leased shame…

… ashamed ever," are the arguments Rabbi Polish said that the to be bigoted," he charged, being given. "tough-minded .Jewish non- and asked: "Are these the However, "American pros- Jews whose brothers came…

… liberals claim that the ex- perity is being acquired at clusive concern of Judaism is out of Auschwitz? Are these the expense of an accelerat- the Jews whose fathers fell the Jewish people; that times ing…

… social and political dis- are too stormy to permit oth- sick rolling cigars in dark holes-in-the-wail for $15 a er considerations; that the week? Are these the Jews Jewish ethic is "not encum- who…

… belabored an insensitive bered by the malaise of an world of ignoring the doomed alien world," and, lastly, that "liberalism is harmful to the six millions Jews? Jews." "What happened to the As for whether…

… liberalism moral consciousness of the is good or harmful, Rabbi Po- U.S. Jews? Is it gone with the general moral conscious- lish asked' whether the anti- ness? If so, then it was a frail war and civil rights…

August 18, 1967 • Page Image 1

…•r-r Fabrications • A Weekly Review Editorial Page 4 MIcHIGAIV of Jewish Events Michigan's Only English-Jewish Newspaper — Incorporating The Detroit Jewish Chronicle VOLUME LI — No. 22 17100 W. 7 Mile Rd…

… 3,000,000 Jews of the USSR after Israel's military victory over the Communist-backed Arab states, in a 48-page report published by the Confer- ence on the Status of Soviet Jews. a nonsectarian group…

… "Israel and the Jews in the Soviet Mirror." was edited by Moshe Decter, a Soviet affairs specialist It contains reproductions of 36 recently- published cartoons from leading Soviet newspapers and magazines…

… speeches of Premier Kosygin and Communist Party Secretary Brezhnev and in the output of the entire Soviet propaganda apparatus." Soviet policy threatens the Jews of the USSR with "extinction by attrition…

…." the two spokesmen for the Con- ference on the Status of Soviet Jews charge in their letter. "For many years the tenuous situation of Soviet Jewry has caused deep concern," Bishop Pike and Thomas declare…

…. Gen. Moshe Dayan, as wearing a uniform em- bellished with the dollar sign: accused Israel of segregating Arabs living in Israel: charged that Oriental Jews in Israel are treated as second class citi7ens…

… directed against ".Jewish Among those "op- oppression." pressors." he said, were "those Tiska b'Av Observed in 'Old City': Jew shops in the ghettos. - Rabbinate Decrees Its Continuity Abram declared in his…

Jews throughout the world live under conditions of oppression. The Klan is of white America. observance of the Ninth of Av was in earlier periods a day of pil- grimage to the Western Wall where Jews

… recited front the Book of "It is tragic that SNICK has Lamentations. This year. hundreds of thousands of Jews made the now adopted the oldest and most pilgrimage to Old Jerusalem. pernicious form of…

… on Pages 8. 9. 10, 11 Reports ,,n `Why HaveYou Forgotten Usr -Tragic Story of Russian Jews First Installment of 'Between Hammer and Sickle' Editor's Note: With this installment, The my mother…

February 18, 1994 • Page Image 102

… owners and customers knew each other by name and going to the corner store was consid- ered a social outing. The history of Jews and Jewish businesses in De- troit dates back to the mid-1800s. At that time…

… demonstrat- ed incredible initiative and hard work to really build a business from the ground up. Some of their stores eventually became major businesses," said Judy Can- tor, editor of Michigan Jewish History…

…. Decades later, beginning in the 1920s, Jews opened small shops in clusters, especially on Hastings Street, a center of the Jewish community. Jewish-owned businesses included: grocery stores, drug stores…

December 18, 1981 • Page Image 19

…, we have good reason to honor one who delivered nd saved somewhere be- ween 20,000 and 100,000 Jews when the pincers of the Nazis of Germany and their depraved comrades, members of the Arrow Cross Party…

… of Hungary, closed in on them. The modern hero, this mighty man of valor, whose herculean efforts to rescue Jews from death have too long gone insufficiently rec- ognized, is, of course, Raoul…

…; and he was graduated in 1935 from the University of Michigan where he studied architec- ture. In that same era, when he worked in a Dutch hank in Haifa, he met German refugees. Fate placed him in…

… Budapest as a special at- tache to the Swedish lega- tion in 1944. In those hours, as Hitler faced defeat, the Nazi tyrant called upon Adolf Eichmann to mount final murderous acts against the 900,000 Jews in…

… cheating death, Raoul Wallenberg distributed 20,000 passports to Jews in Budapest in one re- sponse to the behests of the War Refugee Board. He did much more: he snatched Jews from er RAOUL WALLENBERG…

… Eichmann-inspired death marches, pulled Jews off deportation trains, placed hunted Jews in Budapest houses flying the Swedish flag; he personally brought medical supplies for Jews who were ill and bread for…

… hungry Jews. He even faced Eichmann across the table. Eichmann failed in his attempt to have the brave Swede murdered; but where the Nazi flunked out, the Russians succeeded in ending Wallenberg's mercy…

… information leading to his freedom. Along this thorny road, Congressman Tom Lan- tos of California, and his wife, Annette Tillemen — two of the thousands of Jews saved by Wallen- berg — have led a splen- did…

October 18, 1974 • Page Image 25

… speak 10 a.m. Nov. 11 at the Jewish Center in honor of Sisterhood Day for the Jewish Center's an- nual book fair. Strober, who will speak on "If I Am Not for Myself: the Crisis of the American Jews

…," recently published, "American Jews: Commun- ity in Crisis" which discusses will speak on "Give and Take." Ms. Loeser has aided in the relocation of displaced persons after World War II, and since then…

… Center, spon- sored by the Center Yiddish The Women Lawyer's Asso- ciation of Michigan com- posed of more than 400 women lawyers who have an immense interest in law — not politics— interviewed both Mrs…

… Education Day will feature author Herta Loeser 10 a.m. Nov. 12 at the In 1969 there were 35- Center. The author of "Worn- en, Work and Volunteering," 40,000 Jews in Turkey, nearly all Sephardim, of whom 30…

… congregation went into a decline and was in dan- ger of complete disintegra- tion. According to the Encyclo- paedia Judaica the older gen- eration of Sephardic Jews continue to speak Ladino, but knowledge of…

…. Nevertheless, Jews remain- ed second-class citizens in Turkey, like Greeks and the Armenians. During World War II, to meet wartime needs in neutral Turkey, a capital tax was approved in 1942, and it soon became…

… ap- parent that the taxpayer's as= sessment was based on re- ligion and nationality. In fact, the poorest among the non-Muslims, especially Jews, were- -taxed -at rates JUDITH A. 11 0 L.TZ. FOR…

… Washington Post's New York Bureau, will speak on "The Role of Jews in the Political Arena" 8 p.m. Nov. 12 under the co-sponsorship of Ameri- can Jewish Committee, American Jewish Congress and Anti…

…-Defamation League of Bnai Brith. The lecture is open to the public without charge. For information on book fair ac- tivities or reservations, call the Center, 341-4200, .ext. 235. Life of Turkish Jews Uneasy wildly…

… beyond their ability to pay. Through the spring and summer of 1943 continuing arrests,. seizures, and deporta- tions were almost all non- w Muslims, the majority of whom were Jews. With the decline of…

January 18, 2007 • Page Image 44

… Arbor News American Jew!, Christian Zionists, . and Special Writer 011 M 11 ‘ t Exploratiem of the Weird and Wonderfulitideo--Fvangelital Alliance bar & grill nch: 11:30 am-3:00 pm, Mon…

…. Between Middlebelt & 14 Mile Farmington Hills MICH The Detroit News voted "Best Thai Food" In a new book, former Michigander examines the ever-changing relationship between Jews and evangelical…

… Heaven: American Jews, Christian Zionists and One Man's Exploration of the Weird and Wonderful Judeo-Evangelical Alliance (HarperCollins; $24.95), the Pontiac, Mich., native explores American Christian…

… evangelicals and their relationship to Israel and Jews. As the new book's title and subtitle make clear, Chafets is in favor of the relationship. He will speak about the book 7 p.m. Thursday, Jan. 25, at Temple…

… Beth El in Bloomfield Hills. "I hope the book will inform peo- ple, in some small way, that now is not the right time for Jews to engage in political warfare against evan- gelical churches:' says…

… University of Michigan graduate, moved to Israel in 1967. Following his army service, he headed the government press office for five years under Prime Minister Menachem Begin. He was a founding editor of the…

… Israeli army. Chafets claims no particular affini- ty for evangelical Christianity, no ani- mosity toward Islam or Arabs and no alignment with a political platform. "I see this problem as a Jew," says…

November 18, 1988 • Page Image 61

… Rises New York (JTA) — October's figures for Jewish emigration from the Soviet Union showed a slight increase from the previous month. A total of 2,068 Jews left the Soviet Union in October, of whom 192…

…, or 9.3 percent, went to Israel, according to the Na- tional Conference on Soviet Jewry. The total number of Jews who have left the Soviet Union this year to date is 13,306, the highest number since…

… LUXURIOUS FURS Compare our Prices to any Furrier in Canada or Michigan. You'll find that for: Quality Price Service You can count on: BRICKER•TUNIS F U R R I E R ORCHARD MALL • 6335 ORCHARD LAKE…

February 18, 2021 (vol. , iss. 1) • Page Image 6

… Detroit Jewish News (USPS 275-520) is published every Thursday at 29200 Northwestern Highway, #110, Southfield, Michigan. Periodical postage paid at Southfield, Michigan, and additional mailing…

… about 50,000 Jews living in Salonica (or Thessaloniki), the largest Jewish community in Greece. Between March and August 1943, the Germans deport- ed more than 45,000 Jews to the Auschwitz…

… Jewish history. But a few Jews managed to survive the massacre. Two of those survivors gave birth to a man, Albert Bourla, who is now at the center of the biggest public health crisis of modern times…

… Holocaust survivors has helped provide the vaccine that will save countless lives, not just around the world but also in the country of Jewish refuge, Israel. There was no ref- uge for the 6 million Jews

… who perished in the Holocaust, nor for Bourla’s fellow Greek Jews who were gassed at Auschwitz. Today there is. Consider the speed with which Israel is getting its people vaccinated. We know that…

Jews survived. I hope you’ll agree there’s something remarkable about all of this. ” There is, indeed. The very sequence of the Holocaust followed by the birth of Israel is haunting. Within a few…

… years, Jews went from the lowest to the highest, the dark- est to the brightest, the pits of despair to the heights of hope. They went from the verdict of death to the promise of life. A vaccine is…

… the antidote to death. A Greek Jew who hails from a community of death is now spreading the hope of life. Eight decades after the massa- cre of Salonica, Albert Bourla stands as an enduring…

… testament to the power of resiliency — for Jews and for humanity. David Suissa is editor-in-chief and pub- lisher of Tribe Media Corp and Jewish Journal. He can be reached at davids@ jewishjournal…

May 18, 1990 • Page Image 5

… October 1991, the University of Michigan will mark the 500th an- niversary of the expulsion with a series of concerts, discussions, exhibits and lec- tures. Called "Jews and the Encounter with the New World…

… desecration of five Jewish cemeteries in little more than a week has united much of France against bigotry and anti-Semitism while increas- ing the tension between Arabs and Jews in Haifa. Between 100,000 and…

… 250,000 people, including French President Francois Mitterrand and Prime Min- ister Michel Rocard, march- ed through the center of Paris Monday in solidarity with French Jews. About 1,000 people had…

… Haifa, after more than 300 headstones in two cemeteries were defaced with slogans calling for the destruction of the Jews and the establishment of a Pales- tinian state, local leaders pleaded for…

… residents to refrain from retaliation. "We will not allow this barbaric act to harm the good and harmonious rela- tions that exist between Jews and Arabs in Haifa," said Aryeh Gurel, the city's mayor. But…

… Rehavam Ze'evi, The slogans on the Haifa headstones written in perfect Hebrew urged Arabs to "burn, kill and exterminate the Jews." leader of the far right-wing Moledet faction, said the an- swer to the…

… desecration in Carpentras . should be the immigration of all French Jews to Israel. And the an- swer to the Haifa desecra- tions should be the expulsion of all Arabs from Israel. In Israel, a deranged Or…

…- thodox Jew and his mentally aberrant friend were detain- ed for the May 12 assaults on the Hof Carmel and Kfar Samir cemeteries in Haifa. But on Tuesday, several gravestones in the ancient Jewish cemetery…

… the headstones written in perfect Hebrew urged Arabs, including President Hosni Mubarak of Egypt and Pres- ident Hafez Assad of Syria, to "burn, kill and exter- minate the Jews." Police suggested that…

… sending more than 140,000 Jews to their deaths." Ann Arbor — Ardis Publishers of Aim Arbor has published in the original Russian a previously unknown collection of works by Soviet Jewish author Isaac Babel…

April 18, 1947 • Page Image 5

…: Dexter and Davison. QUESTION: Do you approve of the growing tendency among Jews to spread throughout the city rather than settle in defi- nite Jewish neighborhoods? ofiei MRS. BERNARD ROTIISTEIN, 19311…

… Cherrylawn avenue, house- wife. Although I enjoy living in a def- inite ,Jewish neighborhood, I do not see any harm in Jews spread- ing throughout the city. I am inclined to feel that it is not good for any…

…'s largest prison last week ,with Rabbi Joshua Sperka of Bind David, Jewish chaplain, and Warden Ralph Ben son as hosts. Rabbi Sperka and his committee traveled to the Michigan State Prison of Southern…

Michigan in Jacksoji to give the Jewish in- mates there a brief taste of home at a Seder service. Rabbi Sperka conducted the cere- monies just as he would have in his own synagogue. Laughter greeted his…

… 111111 11111111 111111 11111111 111U JACK KOFENDER, 2985 Hazel- wood avenue, salesman. This is not a question that should be confined to Jews alone but to all peoples. Each person should d et e r- mine…

… not necessary for • Jews to settle in one section of the city in order to maintain a Jewish community. All humans have the same ba- sic desires—to be healthy and happy. Ghetto-like neighborhoods create…

… great deal of anti-Semitism has stemmed from just this thing. Jews are often mistrusted solely on the grounds that they stick to- gether so much. This should not be the case but persons who do not know…

… each other are vulnerable targets for all kinds of lies. SAM SALIKOWITZ, 3809 Glen- dale avenue, real estate dealer. I think that increased contact between Jew and non-Jew would help build goodwill…

November 18, 1983 • Page Image 85

…-America, Times and Philadelphia In- quirer.) NEW YORK — The Rev. Jesse Jackson has thrown his hat into the presidential ring and thus presented the American Jews with some- thing that has become familiar to them…

… through all these years — a dilemma. Not one dilemma but a double one: They cannot support a man whose hostil- ity to Israel is well- documented, although he now denies this is so; and Jews who oppose his…

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