November 06, 1955

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November 06, 1955 • Page Image 1

…BOOKS, FEATURES, FASHIONS, SPORTS ti Mtr toan ty SUNDAY MAGAZINE Sunday, November 6, 1955 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Pg n The University Foreign Student And Integration See Page Nine The Popularity of The String Quartet See Page Six Print Making By The Lithographic Process See Page Seven …

November 06, 1955 • Page Image 2

…Page Two THE MICHIGAN DAILY Sundov, November 6, 1955 Page Two THE MiCHIGAN DAILY Sunday. November ~ 1 C)~ 0 f, welcomes to America *T14 1RILHAIMONIA O1ZCH4ESTlZA under the direction of HE _BE TV ON KA RA JA N ...presents with pride this series of magnificent recordingsA 9.A""oA Concerto for Orchestra ymphonie Fanasique Symphony No. 4 in A minor Angel 35003 Angel 35202 and Tapiola °Lh Angel 35082' stulrrtzdSymphony No. 5 in E flat major Sy...…

November 06, 1955 • Page Image 3

…Sunday, November 6, 1955 TH E !MIC HIGA N D A ILY 0^.P ri.' rage TIhre E Cover Miss Rupa Meta of India dances the "Manipuri," a dance depicting the play of Lord Krishna. The on- stage shot was taken by Robert Kiley with a Hasselblad, f 5.6 1/10 using using TRI-X film. The close-up shot of Prof. Gilbert Ross of the Stanley Quartet was taken during a Quartet rehearsal by John Hirtzel, Daily Chief Photographer. In the lower right-hand column...…

November 06, 1955 • Page Image 4

…Page Four THE MICHIGAN DAILY Sunday. November 6. 15 Fellows of Infinite Jest Political cartoons have plaNed a colorful role in American history . . . ancd histronics. Rising to prominence under the pen of Thomas Nast in the late 1800's. their popularity has persisted to heavily influence the elections of our own time. By PETE ECKSTEIN cartoonist was a man well known an irreverent contrast with Christ's Well might he complain. Tweed NAST'S i...…

November 06, 1955 • Page Image 5

…f-Iu #....___./yfC November ;1 Ir IfI M HI n AN , -IL Pag.II Sunday, November 6, 1955 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page v* And Nothing Is Sacred, antiid fromPageS') iteests. ihe cmost public id - ended wcih the ireealiii ciose Nast was, sometiics uncusty Kind ccgads to Ms Fisiher. Cuel. His 1872 dr aing', of Hoi- Burn this letterc ace Gieeley, as showcn in the The lettercwsnct buried and cigar store Indciicaitson, alligned Demociatic cocwda were abe...…

November 06, 1955 • Page Image 6

…nyu ant 0-lb MICOIIGAN DAILY Sunday, November 6, 1955 rage six I FR T01HE SHEER m"'LtOVE OFMUSI S .. - g ..~f~q (U f I :M $f' of h antl in in cot iiozninto like ourst tatd bcinin' liibht notiteahri- wherei e ociianhitve both poltft anttcal, tltdiidutalitty wtooelootrty lort t- atel and loyatl, LOVE tt lotik at.thie youttg A steint, quartto ttio otolus It oopole itwho comte to the cott- syrnihtiit trititon for four intrrosI See (IIAMIBER,...…

November 06, 1955 • Page Image 7


November 06, 1955 • Page Image 8

…Pag ih THE MICHIGAN DAILY i l i t i '' I I i 11- Pag Eih . -.A4y \ Iunaoy, November 6, 1T955CIG N OAI Greene's New Branch CASH & CARRY : r ,! . .. ac I a NSv1 r r. .1 2-Hour Dry Cleaning Plant 1213 SOUTH UNIVERSITY Khaki Pants 1-DAY Wash Pants Wash and Lab Coats Press COMPLETE LAUNDERETTE SERVICE Shirts Beautifully Laundered Placed in individual cellophane bags packed in cardboard boxes 1-DAY SERVICE ON REQUEST Open 7:30 A.M. ...…

November 06, 1955 • Page Image 9

…Su n ay, THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Ni THE FOREIGN STUDEN He Comes From All Over The World To a Country That He Wants to Understand There are 1300 foreign sudents on campus. They are well-educated, alert individuals, who have come to learn about the country and to take advantage of American facilities. And when they come, somewhat shy and uncertain, they find themselves to a large extent ignored by their fellow American students. Like everybody e...…

November 06, 1955 • Page Image 10

…Page Ten THE MICHIGAN DAILY 5 6 oN'Aopunr - - ..-- v The Problem of Integra By ARLENE LISS How can one explain the fact ed that they were eager to really that the majority of Michigan for- know the people of this country. AMERICANS have lone pictured eign students do not have many, Is the disparity between the wish themselvea aa warm, friendly if indeed any American friends- and the fact the fault of the for- people interested in strangers...…

November 06, 1955 • Page Image 11

…)55 THE MICHIGAN ILge V WneratoIAN DANCE International Artist Teaches Classic Art BY ERNEST THEODOSSIN teacher, singer-but she attributes all of these accomplishments to {NE night when Sumalini Rajam her childhood environment, the was small child put to bed halls of one of India's greatest In her parents' great home in homes. India, she heard the sound of bells "What I have done is nothing and music rising from a party in compared to what oth...…

November 06, 1955 • Page Image 12

…PTM7MCHIGAN DAILY Oriental About The Thing KICKING up her Chinese skirts -xA in a very American way, Mai Lan Lee dashes down the hall of Martha Cook. An exotic-looking Chinese young lady, Mai Lan has a streak of American deviltry-an imp in Chinese clothing. And this Chinese imp has a beautiful wardrobe in which to xexercise her Chinese charm. Or as Mai Lan puts it, "Let's be Oriental about the whole thing." 4 s "I wouldn'tbe myself in Amer- i...…

November 06, 1955 • Page Image 13

…Sundov_ No I pea", AA T H E n E~ ";j.N.,DA L ti PIP ,)ul luuy, , vuvcr r ivcl %J Pot1VS h ing Finnish Expert (EDITOR'S NOTE: Eeles Landstrom, caught the %ye ff higan's tray- return to Finland upon gradua- American people are interested in In, iiean Nationa pole v nit rea elling track coach Don Canham. tion and go into his father's busi- reports from these countries. pio, is one of the many represents-to n oit i ahr ui tives from foreign...…

November 06, 1955 • Page Image 14

…MICHIGAN DAIL ~r 6, 1955 rf0 Beli-eti ver Fi htng F or 1isKi s'L.3ives EiiglisliEAVE PwfasrW h educated at Car- Uniscroity of Chicago and on ti fi g; 1 c~mpus THe' taught and lectured Da LIB Jtjzlaa e lI 1 il l It y tmany institutions, among thenm ichigan State, wvhere for 12 yeas ByJ\ IAEll":'lDI couise-the oisly reality is wha EI he was in chacge of English in Dily Aoooi ;rei Lii ' h oungster himself conceivs Enineng LVNtmsaeePrf sso iad use...…

November 06, 1955 • Page Image 15

…Sunday, November +6, 1955 -MHG N AL Pg ifei .1 NE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Fifteer The Finishing Cohsn,~ tf I'.aqt ouchs Ic I th~s IsX (v Irc n.. 1 lc N': j (i.i It 1 Sh atdapbi eoewil rsn li: ot,,she could express hersel-a ~l 'rdapodus: in h1is' tonin became a professional artist. - "In those days," she said, "re- 1~ AIDAM" R ii first: csace to the spaectble girts didn't so oan the Unte '=,s ittP 147 1lcr-1 sia"e. Tbe oniv pirformedi in :i lur...…

November 06, 1955 • Page Image 16

…Page Sixteen THE MICHIGAN DAILY -Sunday, November 6, 1'955 Page Sixteen THE MICHIGAN DAILY 'Sunday. November 6. 1955 Football 2. Of fen s( {EDTOR' it 5055 ' i a-ooins i(- (1 a~l n each layb. Hostv, tsar ad of twosarttclest o tW- ie N s in 'eaco sentesit is usually possiblei ,. ssitem. pot' tSocto havte the ball eventually eatr-;ti. iecd by eey member of the back-v" By IERRIl' GREE1N field, and pmrhapa an end. , a In the last aricele we...…

November 06, 1955 • Page Image 17

… Sunday, November 6, 955 Sudy oe,95THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Seventeen The Continental MksaCmbc Mark IllIs An Attempt to Recreate A Classic of The Automobile World By JOEL BERGER model produced for the late Edsel ao a work of art and f or mechani-1 country, the Continentals are erill, both being uaed on the Lin- Ford. cal performance meeting the high- !cherished by car lovers who have coins of that time. ONE OF the finest cars ever pro- While ...…

November 06, 1955 • Page Image 18

…Page Eighteen FOOTBALL SAGAS: Yost, Steger And Grd History (Continued from Page 16) A. Stagg's arch-rival Chicago Ma- roons, was called "The Victors." Distant Journey, made by the Michigan is also the saga of the Czechoslovakian State Film Com- Little Brown Jug, a worthless pany shortly after World War II, piece of crockery that Yost brought by its captain Herb Steger - the up to Minneapolis for his team's Wolverines fought grimly back, water ...…

November 06, 1955 • Page Image 19

… a. Sunday, November 6, 1955 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Nineteen This Novel Will Remain I (Continued from Page 14) shoots Ray, and departs. ThisI scene is on a par, both as to its1 Violation of secrets. Adultery, meaningless and credibility, with violence and murder without ap- the "acte gratuit" of Gide. parent motivation are mirroredt before the reader's eyes.f Yet the reader does not ques- Simple, Unforgettable I tion the validity of the ...…

November 06, 1955 • Page Image 20

…Page Twenty THE MICHIGAN DAILY Sunday, November 6, 19.5 AT A GILANCE f / hp , 4 ~ r Ne YO 0 1 I.1I)IY (C)fl/ niOli 'd^ 'l \ ir rl~ aI 1- I~ 0 o Yu4 uh1. '~COhS DOB IT BURBFR&Y COATS P'fANN ARBOA X~t b& r S ,C ' -. . - '. C: ' ^.J 4 aa' G' li ' ~ Gi ' .Y*G yu".- 1 N ... …

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