f-Iu #....___./yfC November ;1 Ir IfI M HI n AN , -IL Pag.II
Sunday, November 6, 1955
Page v*
And Nothing
Is Sacred,
antiid fromPageS') iteests. ihe cmost public id
- ended wcih the ireealiii ciose
Nast was, sometiics uncusty Kind ccgads to Ms Fisiher.
Cuel. His 1872 dr aing', of Hoi- Burn this letterc
ace Gieeley, as showcn in the The lettercwsnct buried and
cigar store Indciicaitson, alligned Demociatic cocwda were abeto
the erratic Democratic candidate counter by cha ntin the tellingcr;
with sordid eleme'nts rangicng rom quoation. The revelationicaboutme cv °
Boss Tweed to Johnc Wilkes Booth. Blane's career are dracia ized
with the accompanyin artoon,
pUT CRUELTY was not new "The Tattooed Man," which shocw-
with Thoma Nat, nor did it1 ed Blane without his pnme.
stop with himn. Many cartonits Eeh eulc csno io
had bitterly dramatized Acdrewmaoenate'sReshakenandoparot st,
ImsNs a hkn n at .Jackson's pignaciispat. One la
ca mp'aign lithograph show', "Old 'rBsueCnlieplie
Hickory vigorusly huccIn" ,, isfailure ts campaigni for Blaice
man, an allusion to some of his yru l omnig " ontegge hcic crimina1lractice." x
strict martial justice durinthe
Semicnole War.
Jackson's skillful and frequent BUT i sas last oinue blunders
duelingswass represenited by a car- that actually cost Blaice the
toon of a omber line of black election. When a Reerend Burh- --Harcd De-N.Y. mistocalsiSaciey
coffins, ecdseres.entinig a less ard, speakingc on the same pt- " NWH HRTO AFLO FIFNT ET..Weeb orjbsnw"ak
fortunate opponent. form with Blamne, assailed the "HaKeWinh orAIo-emcatFELLOoFeINFllnTE JveST .whereibcour iboesdwh"asd
Zachary Taylor'a military back- Democrats for "rum, Romarism 1miiShfomoDeortcn iee cllan sh vew Lnon'dsmbidha.
ground was attacked by sue car- and rebllion," the candidate fail- "Little Ma" and his supporters were often critical of the Prsidentssense of humor, but the
toon showing the 1848 Whig can- ed to repudiate the remark, and joke was on them when the bllots were counted in 1864. Curiously, possible Democratic nominee
didate. scepter in hand, enthroned' the Catholic vote was alienated, Adlai Stevenson has been asailed both as a vacillating Hamlet and as a "fellow of infinite jest"
stop a mountain of skulls, While cartbonists were quick to cancdidate William Jeninga Hry-
Lncoln was not only held up comment, depictin an injured an as one of their favorites. His
to the cartoonists' ridicule a. an elephant lamenting the unfortun- broadly brimmed h t and broadly ' F m
awkward backwood. r, ilsplittec ate remark, they had a field day grining mouth wre seemingly de-G t
colu's sense of humor was held Be naively atended a banquet Some pictured Bryan aiha
stainst himn (see cartooci), acd hea~t Delmoricos gicen in hi, honor bllos, filling the a ir wih c-S o i t
'as decribed ,as laug'hingcat Un- by sineof the oeclhist moin in fusicigcatelplrsea like "16 to S o c ie tye. -h ato.Th BoleBn or. Aohrdrwte Get
Acd dcccin" the campacgn of r cet"cc'cwas morta lzed in a5oaii Coninone" 's a political fSvn'-
1814, cicicuc ictici cnecactce cair-,oocn by Mi'Dgi"'clan'cciiiOacy cec- gali desiosclyattemptihng to liyp-
oon picedcic sicn xaocmpie)ccecc off which'showuced BHinice t the niotiz Unccle Sanc.ccarinco oe tic
miadec isorrCeelac'ncd ' cocciltabe wchicmcnilcccce Vancdecrhl acd icctccuc'ltingsic upstcim, ciiccink,
fccu cii c cccisreiviciwic Marlica'HaflGould crelingcdelcacccvscchile Iccheicclv ctthliceaccdr.
pii, 'a 'cccccc'' ffc'o ic do'.icc'deprissoncw'ry'fImilyciniriics ick H1nnaccc ilecic''cccc'i
lccckcdcinsic nricly.c Icciml c acccc' ofctecc c ictured cccc
TN F,=t. I 84'cacs ccc ccof thet ~hfli Fat Fc fIc cicilsc'il'c":cc cccnc"iccccict cic d ccc ith c c
1 ci c c cccagsinAmiciineccvacd thcc lMocey ciii c ccc>} doaiccl'c'c'cc 0,' cccrtonict de-
ciil hc .tcic bi'ccnlc tor ccch- ic ccccccic ccint s cusad bcilboarcdis cc ciic imcs cc c ccci cc'cicicnigclc
bea'cr'cc'ctirice rue alusonsto c elc'lcccd DUmcrat'.c ccis iihactcyciunc" Ticdcyc RoccevelctI
\ir. rcalicici's cciil ccas cchcyimcccii- Hilaccielost Necw YcckcSteccwit caccccept in cclinci
edl thrcucihc ci ciccicysres catu>,' ccclrgi'IIish-Ctholliucutisci IfT H" cc catcccist'iascaucli
"Ma, Mac, where's cccPac"isGoccurtuionhby 1,149 votsyandc clw ithihedc. 5His Iheavyccmcstchie, Roughi-
is the White ouse, hi, fc, hac"dclctiocn. Carsons Ihad played=Ricicgpat ofti scmboized by
tCrtonis'ts gouted their pecs dcceip 11hcir rcle-caddlicg humcor if not; a hobby hore, expreion like'
'ito he Achilles heel of "Grover9 dignity to the ccmucpai. "Bully" or "I feel stron a a bull
he Good." mioose," batmsot of ali his igior-'
By way of cocnra.st thic ReuiINJ THE icst pcrt of the nine- i su.wacy of exempifying"hi
an candidate, JamesG0 Blanejieunthi cectury newsp'aper took ,strenuous life" aeI the artit to
hiad an impeccable pcicate life, ser from lic eaecklies both their iling volums ih his likene.
but a dubious public oneEv-cuirculctins and many of their
dence hat "The Plumed Knight" catoonists oon no paper of rUhSPITE widepread ccse of can-'
had taken bribes from the Rock consequence could afford o be 1J did newspaper photographs
Island Railroad were injected its ithout its. san staff cartonist. caroning continued to flourish.,
he campaign in the focnm o1 his i The new genera tionc soon found Some innovators even expressed
hdiscreet letter: to Messrs.Muil a nuniber of pec'socnalities it could their political ideas modeing clay
ligan and Fisher of he railcrsad .sink its teeh into ed enal "satuettes, which aere photo-
gcaphed and printed, However,
S the practice never became wide-
j I'1~ sread, perhaps because the at-
tiacvss of the cartoon was
ual usually sacrificed to the third-di- A still fronm"Lat in Sdn," to be showns by Gothic
A mecninal effect. with "The Baker's Wife" on Jan, 23
But in either clay or pn and ink
Herbert Hoover's tiff collar and THERE IS no Cine ama and no Beau teste which will be hown
" y a sif fer phyionomy, Franklin 1" stereophonic sound, only a 11 Nov. 2, is the famous film about
r Roosevelt's tilted cigarete holder, millimeter flimt projetor and a the French Foreign Legion, It aa
toothy smile and even his "little loudspeaker. And at some meet- a curiosity value as a starring e-
= r dog Fala," and Wendell Wilkie's igs of the Gothic Film Society ie for such actors as Ronald
,,,~, ~drooping forelock all delightd the even the loudspeaker isn't used, Colman and Victor MLaglan
- , artoni t an hi pubic. if hie evening's feature is one of when they were Young and virile.
1 Harry Truman's loud Hawaiian the alen movie lsa is from the But it also aa historical si-
spors sirt, hs enrgeic utilim library of the Museum of nilance as the prototype for the
folksy ways, his stcubiborn our- Modern Art. "adventure in foreign lands"
1 T . r " Fe ? a; Thoma Dewey' black mus- It is not a love of the antique or fim Fom Beau Geste came the
t, ", tachie, mechanic'l mn snims the quaint that motivates he formula which is now being run
(aee cartoon and "Me Too" ib- members of the Gothic Film So- into a cliche by the current oat
..i- . eralism: Henry Wallace's flowing ciety, but an interest in the his- of soldier of fortune stars,
a ,,~~'l 'ry hair, prominent ahite teeth torical and aesthetic aspects of Ailn lmtaisethic-
A '"'* , andshockigly pink poitis; Joe the movies that cannot be satis- ly important in the develomen
., Mc r thys heavy be.rd, unlikely bied in Sbe neon-lighted palaces of the Ohlm cs The Last Laugh, a
- blusteicgs and im po'sihe urden of Ann Arbor,
German movie starrin EiS Jan-
of proof' Doula' MacArthur's The revolt ataint the pop-corn Pings icc one of his typical pattet-
.rcorc cohtpie, reuctantl "fad"and covie culmincated in a aithcdraal it roles, Produced in 1925. i t
- I shatt retrn" eaii-all see Is the Rackham Amphitheater, regarded by filcm criics as the
ccaturacl" forreentcciavionsit,;, uchee sic hic traditisnal Monday muastepiece of the silent ern.
hi v cicus idma de us lul. hutcacrI-,nGht hici hasehown overcitne Te plot is developed w ithout
c ci cccii' cc cicic.yeas, silic uacclccvnccc thce lice s of iords either truguh
To Idccy. ccmulictitudefic'scc'scii' d cuchuded imporcctcnt fil"c"icci' d from,,0 a11-,Si
.ccvtheuW)c'.U'lLclrici '''1C"" 1' ca~tl
L ccv cccv lu' ni acc icti'c''aicl ec c cuicci h:ttolc cii's undccerstacndingc oi chicactionc
is kn r '_M. ou d lecceuci',solely iuoc the dircamaic
sciic i in ci ccicicuc iccoc
( cccii ccc ic'ccltm ii 'i cc 'iii l int jIN AUtDlIIOSN o cient filimns.
Scuimiliea i mamuil ahe'''mumci 'si ';jfire cm Ii': t~~ a wll c'jg Ith 3PH i'-ltcic c > c
cicici ii'Ar 4i iccicfcuc cccD .m aIliccic Ilicisis ci tt~lishereT1fc, bo(gtit
smucile 'Shin thiufir 1',cumrct'ihmcouicd '5'hce ('coucucicci l ehree',4i-
ciis c'dii c ' mtum 'im cr', cc 5he s c ' cci ci ccii c lc''l
lmmmc'" i;.l]ci l' t'ciicni'cc ,c'c' i'cinchiulcmte II cur s' il4cul l i e mc dccii i ] 'ccc . i ---'<clctici 'i I ., ' .I . il i;c! i' ccii .'cuc0cci iiccc i ie cc i s cci i c ii c .icccc cc ccciii'a
j .z1'lcci i p cccg. l'c. .dl.li'l1idcly. i c I s- X i 5a1'HTmo , Ingl II I