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November 06, 1955 - Image 14

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MICHIGAN DAIL ~r 6, 1955
rf0 Beli-eti ver
Fi htng F or 1isKi s'L.3ives
EiiglisliEAVE PwfasrW h educated at Car-
Uniscroity of Chicago and on ti
fi g; 1 c~mpus THe' taught and lectured
Da LIB Jtjzlaa e lI 1 il l It y tmany institutions, among thenm
ichigan State, wvhere for 12 yeas
ByJ\ IAEll":'lDI couise-the oisly reality is wha EI he was in chacge of English in
Dily Aoooi ;rei Lii ' h oungster himself conceivs Enineng
LVNtmsaeePrf sso iad uses and bcomes"." Next semester he'll be on Sab-
ELVE lie abacktofsoi, ical leave, going to California
EBennett Weaver enteris aelass-jT IS his firm hope thoat swhast hse to pirepare some studies on the
coons, rises so ihis full sixIieet-plus Icite el etis tdiiBible,
hisgt, aiid staolts aniothsir housui the case of ei of his 'y'oung'sters' 'a It surprises Isis Bible students
round in5 what Is ralls "s deidly ,.1 oeli'iilso is i tto find th'st thse Weavers aren't
Thisapples specallyto he R-'.members of any loca1 church.
Thi Einglishs departmoent 1p101es- misc tieriod whlen, accoiding to ' Thsey're still affiliated with the
sor is knoswn swidily fr 'a siniqsie the Shselley speciaitist, '"the life of 'ry> Sc Pop'es' Church of East Lansing.
sense of humor, boil on this count the mni aind poetic geisius owere an interdenominational institu-
he isn't kiddtin". the fights for his exemplified most brilliantly: t ion they helped to build,
students' lives thsroiigh foui mcdi But the same period piescuts Politically, he contends "right
ums: the Bible, translated m'istei- piobleiis "It's not easy, foi in- now the Republican party gives
pieces of othecr literatures, Biown- stance, to teach Wordsor01th any more stability," but has committed
ins's works, said the poetiy of the moie: kids today are urbaii They Khimself to no party. Bis paragraph
Roma ntic period, don't have root,, in "Who's Whso in America" lists
Nothing arouises the We'avei iie "Every now and thsen, he gins, many associations, among them
mor'e thin a classroom of 'atro- "on'11 1usd one who may have the local Notary Club, of whirh
pied spirits" - or faccs wittiout been bitten by a mosquito. But riot , he is a past president.
aliveness. This condition, some- very oftein. 'Ihey don't get out andI
times calls' fora dose of' "ood, i'iw tilk, or see, or feel," ,; AUTHOR of several books and
sarcaism"' but Prof. Weaver pie- Be recalls days dedicated to Particles and two volumes of
isr, dcidredly, to gsin studeist mountain climbing andI fishing, poetry, Weaver raises strong oh-
int'iest otherwsise, and still works, wohen time allows jections to Freudian psychology.
in the 'aeden of hi, Heather Way' He much prefers the Sermon on
TE DOESN'T smnile alien he in- home, wehere lie and Isis wife have the Mount to the Freudian dangers
ist 'acatrn livcd for 15 years, of "filth, disease and charlatan-
sfblots "acttreisu kno wedge Ainottier outdoor interest, daiting ''ism" and to the "big, bloated ver-
o belle mittnc isrnts," heduca- froii boyhood, give him a broki'i 4O ow sae oemdripyhlgist
to.To sypaetligosnose. A sasndlot basebaill game ue
o, acthikisofffu yeai's here sas they'd send them to fouiid him catchinsg the baill in the ' ,"His students often disagree with
wrong lace.him, and he's pleased when they
a summer camp, Education isn't do, All he asks is that they think.
anybody's rigti." "H~E STANK modernity of Isis " We thshtpn heeer
Nighits, in the Weaver say of Haven Hall office is softened ' i lnces Isis greatest joy in teaching
thinking, follow self-discitline. He by severoil framed prints, Three "Esvcry now ansd then you'll find one who may have been -that of swatching a student ma-'
can't recaill evei hoavings knoown a ore Holbeins, given him by Alfred bitten by a mosquito." ture from "jejsune inanity and the
mature person who scieaomedi fsr Luint when he was married, otheisnedfrgoparvl"ta,
his'rths.asre portraits of Shelley slid Outside the office there's nearly the New Testament course last independence which gives liters-
Betweens comments on literatuire Browning'. alsesays a stuident waitinig. Possibly semester, and made a tape record- ture-and everything else learned
come remaiks-not alwsays com- And one item glich ailwvays the coed wlso decided "it's not a ing of every lecture, Names and by his students - some tine sig-
plimentary ones-on stuodents hseie. hriings light to the student ey'e faces are quickly linked in Prof, nificance,
""They are," lie clasims, " teribly is a wiheii'ed, shrunken applse, ex- core oii Broowniing-it's a course Weaver's mind; he'd much rather For Weaver's students his ideas
overtsioiht. You know', yoei can't plintied simpsly with the wvarnin': on tile-or Ihis year's couinteir call a student 'John' than Mr. have beein a distinct highlight of'
depend on any 'imaterial' for aiiy "it can't tpossibly be polished," pait of the 'youngstei' who audited Hioswn.' theii foui Ann Arboi yeais
T'1he Awfu Chasm o-f Kn-owin
Tie Aus~r(Ilan, \\ (((ern ess Yich(ls Ud A Documentary of Ma..Spr

The' cie'of l~uii ed hb'y t hers the'nesoyor00the1siersonuof Amy Victoria Fibbens,
bss oos o o shs nov0el osillfind Iis oroot , I d g"ltraised by a ath-
I ii ik l tb , so sit 'so ibltroil ir(ns' oremsaiin. s'e1 0'aisnept ouicle and aun t.
lii' kiit 1 coNess Yoirk. Ais oks o in-
1015o1ookng1ora5hmJJ Hirf'to the N_ iltii'ies toss o so. t to tikesbrad, coon be
110 isOY i, -Sshoasd l set, itfinot enjoyed, can
STA' S faoil.or.Nod Parker, soas iat leo c!c ote asoutuality in ti
fjSl"-L 0 sia conottloins lbouot a so eli sis 'dounkardI sld too sesowieoeaIrn the crumbs.
t lsisl' --'the oiuma' iIsanorte, b riiiiihoo found saslv'ationuAisd St~oin his louind a likely mate,
j1 th0,itI bhoth the houmain r;ice il lootlio iii Itoo' goriomNod of Ansy, too, is oine of those people
sond instior00,1irs Ihiso'ftileod ito th ePSopitetsanod the raing flaome wnho loss neser fouined a part of her-
ire ctoso n. Bolut ticr is stln of thoe forte. The iimothoer, as Miss self to share swithi others, Stall
hooos'bsicItope of ho i aoooale-ogi- Noosbefuore herir sriaoge, bo'- bri's the orphaon girl to his"
u'of a mron, a0,100000001 sol i coameo a schsooltteasctoorslid retired maskeshioft home and it is the wil-
liecre 1' laud - liat, foi sloserii Iso herself as so protective barrier dei'iess - list themselves- thaf
"randeur, those pseotptenoostep(11t agaoinstteinosensitivity of the they share.
at thor scence of geonery have tither. Out of this piretense at The haunting search of Stans
ever fatted to equal, matrimony Stonoiinfssly enmerges oand Amy for a mutuality, always
It in, so the Bible aind the poet as a youingiiaii becoming, upon elusive, and this search focused
Mottois tell gis, the kieod of paora- the death of his fattier and mother, against the raw screen of the wit-
rdosr Adami and Evechost utons ee- the heir to a tiere of lansd ini the dernsess, is what gives "The Tree
partliglioms theor dein. swilderioess. of Man" its awsesome magnitude.
Al dit s, ii ne eiie, ith It is Stain's entrance into the For these two people have to be
sorbh theme that Patrick White wilderness with a cart, horse and either wills each otlier-or alone.
osisin lois latest hook "'The 'lre nameless dogt;that makes up the It is no coincidence, the reader,
Of Mulln." F7or this is a novch oh 1ong, lirotracted opensing of Mn. feels, that their dog doesii't have
us widerness anid a mian and so White's book, For the reader is a iname.
'on . aio Thorwldsnoeh00 s~s is in New bingu intruoduced noat only to Stan
Sil hW:h,I:,Austr'alia., Sot one 'and lots post, bolt to the asesome Delicacy of a CErftsmnn
ioe s o. ho'I t toot th or lraiou tatasso the lad ssel,e Tee Of Mali" spans a
tu.of S, asnod Amus'Poolser 'IThetlountoiness is loot only in lifetime sith delicacy, It is
jovootl have b(.ois 110ole the samne this'l1nd.aFor Stan is oine of those to the author's credit that time
ini anmy osotlot moe. s o ataltosot ay poedwo useninemier quote irearls is accomplioshead iiithe imagery of,
tote. ''hebor s ory is uairsal. ot oiioosillf and vtrbatie hits ii-onients ived, as an accumula-
{\aod, for thoat ireaosn, it ha motatlo- tliiui ts, tHe is loot tanly moor- lion of extperieisce. Mr. White
wso a pariitcuilarly prtty onme. tiecolate, hut viioholt y emotionoally' wos severi years in setting this
Mr. Whole vitews his chaoractes imobootile.Olia leoclingus are boiried. novel. They nmust have bein sevein
solicroscaapic cee Suit tha' thinsw hoich fe senses wvithl won- yeaors of love and devotion.
ii,'10hent ovea'sll beauty of, der hbit cenoto ucssiltshlae- Few writers are capable of us-'
'hei fie 01Moon" is delrtoed ception., tug sonic of the techniques evident
froii an artist's and n101 a journal- It is no aiccident, then, that af- in this book. Tears are attained
ist's hand, If this is meporting tcr constructing a crude hut Stan without the ripple of hours.'
(Mr. White is himself a farmer) eventually takes to looking around Dreams are laid bare without the
it is of a calibre not usually hawk- for a wife. Be finds her in the See TIS, Page 19

41T lE '5 111l1, 00" H aX's" is a 1ifetme is;'1hdcjl4is ay.l ime 3is
aitl=( s s~din 1,hM. ins g':"o vs miminis lived, as aa2osissi-
Oless ofi'exosrience .. . A Years arc attained woithosut the rippile of
Sisisr, llr °anos are laid bare without She violation of secrets, For
hills issnore thanm writing. It is literature. And in t he strange
hinterlaind lbetween iruth and fiction, there is always the god-
ase ful a sosf knowing."

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