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November 06, 1955 - Image 15

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Sunday, November +6, 1955 -MHG N AL Pg ifei


Page Fifteer

The Finishing Cohsn,~ tf I'.aqt ouchs
Ic I
th~s IsX

(v Irc n.. 1 lc N': j (i.i It 1
Sh atdapbi eoewil rsn li: ot,,she could express hersel-a ~l 'rdapodus: in h1is' tonin
became a professional artist.
- "In those days," she said, "re- 1~ AIDAM" R ii first: csace to the
spaectble girts didn't so oan the Unte '=,s ittP 147 1lcr-1
sia"e. Tbe oniv pirformedi in :i lure iir.' the i o,1 0 itii5iis t' 5
pivisate. I ti-is the firs t' member,, iins' sit son. 5lit iu neil Ict
oif atn inprtantt famitts to bi is ttii; Inda and signe a : ii t for
a ptofcsston it ist. 5t i icttires.
IaIIIIaj iiie iin ft trn~sl
XITH 'a bckground of ussr 70 tat'tsate coons is Ants Atrlos. Pre-
ftlnss htuncdreds oif st Ie v isty shic hail an aIpaurttent, bit
Peatances incltudii f cin Iou tithr lcui' nit clean it. Yost
ecan rotes, and years ofit~ tc is 'ouil ste tie Niih sas twinm, slit'
she liasit as'as founic (iir getest std I'm tiustlitcissen
ssifct4i on in it h tic hiiIss, "iesr siotn;
"You da net firm tsshin. You a-ttiii hshti st iilii im1
create beaut cIr oistitr15dmiii5 t" it
Puptils to beliesve ini 's t c Thes hit M Zicn sits l ftiais
lsey must tasii Is n stints i fio" r eaii "Iriiibe<
hi,,lher to he~s lp iI 'X1 s's i ten 'I iris scorris tt I -iii' ' l coti
aIlve.. cripaplesi or sstostlsinz Ii I cosutsl
Ift you otnly itoily silaittt exte- techl I feli I awostldilwaIs s
nials you are nut in arist sIt tinc it to toay loie*
doesn't nmatfet how %-til toos-! 's ichinga her pirepare' hisr Isis
l's the hiaty son c"',,<tt' Wts t ils, fis th as''ccompanysingss pitu(,s,
yout do thsat, theip, ills must ac- tli' loive biecomec' s reicy sapr
cetat you." jii e i.Sheatdjiist; thIir itcsaostms
A snmber of 'tsr - 5 iei ESlk- coiits tot Itet in nsaire dialectI
rtd with Alit-i Paviloss, she famid ' -alas insitructingii theis ini the
'flusatin balletrtna: "I tosld ti deicate sta'ces anld Iin stiloit
(list baltet nmtgtt be beaut iftil otiii Illens.
I.le ouutstdc-bt it tsuld capi ess
n.olhin o 01 ait a -is i thus XXJ :' E I awill ci in Ilis fisur
"Thait 'a - by t a's t' b I(tit I dli nt kit," 'i asit.
-itt I nscebsI sinaillini sta i itl Bit I still ali t-s dasisc stid tech cl
toe c's ilxsl si-is i'in io --i dosct's mate 10 lii ici I willt
isuik pith Pavluovi It idiu i iech in iii kbichsen or batilsisisit
alit theii arilst ca' iiiii liis',tiaii l ove it aSrt5
ts-it swinsier rid cied. ''I ie dissisoti shec dtil; is
Sitnce thetn, lith dacei Iias dontis' iici' is onily' equalec l t ie tices-
--,et deal of Incdittni 'il lst su ,cfitn liii pvissti liav fos hei-
the; Intdi'sn sictisise indst-,-t ,ac- ie devio sf isst 'tasiusilt for I
's Ilty 0ne01 the wscortld 'ss'ct"' i sts ci r

IA'SOA i It 'f' ('IOR

BIL Is C 'ARL. 'I, capta in of the hockey team, is.set out
with a number of finishing touches-a comptete tie-ctip "ard-
robe'at one time. dcoser view' of som of these is shown at left.

It's ,Smart to Shop at Balfour's .
OUR NEWLY REMODELED oftecior and exteriot, give Michigan Stu-
dents Ihe best 'hopping ceistar in the canmpus area. Pay ci' a visit soon,
andc ins'pe'Ictsurcomplete Ilineofnmerrcsadi'e
Frateritiy-Sorority Insigia
Party favocs, Progcoms
MMichigon Seal jewelry, gifls and nocvelties.
Rings, chains, keys, pendlants
Personalized beer mugs, Ceramic novelties
Sweats'birtsJacets, Flags and Banners
Hcundred' of quality item's you will wart to see and any
SPECIAL DISCOUNTS for group orders on nearly every item in stoclk.

L. G. Baltour Company
- -n(, 1321 iSutih Uis

P()R CA('f t}n,,\,


'DES bIV5r hs15


------ - ---

tITlO c'c r v itnt'lx

Iseckys Onc ice iiithing aitbing;ouhrltcusitomeis issin
nitot ssatsstony o liu" cr hesmatticlothein sownau bt
isa isieverliave to sharpentt ourci ts ito o bu lsinessisca iithus.
'isa canit pdc ont usii ts h ariipentsusti ecilitiist stii
gi satycoiii[)caliassrizes f irltot I alsitsolttacedIsi
printed lco tton sssattonderflsit, thieis iclst ill lined
withpritedcotonskit hlf Iliedtoi kelip it slipes
''yis r s t 'A srN i
O~lltt' :/? F lly I ic I/,f.rFat

isi ' 1

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