Sunday, November 6, 1955
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Miss Rupa Meta of India dances the "Manipuri," a dance depicting the play of Lord Krishna. The on-
stage shot was taken by Robert Kiley with a Hasselblad, f 5.6 1/10 using using TRI-X film.
The close-up shot of Prof. Gilbert Ross of the Stanley Quartet was taken during a Quartet rehearsal
by John Hirtzel, Daily Chief Photographer.
In the lower right-hand columnn, an artist is shown inking the finished lithograph stone preparatory to
krinting. Daily photo by Chuck Kelsey.
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Quaint Quilts for
Your Leisure Hours
Designed to snake you beautiful and comfortable while lounging . . . these
cloud-soft quilted robes And very happily, they're practical too, because
they are both hand-washable. Long wrap-around style is all acetate in two
tones of blue or coral with pale pink. Sizes 10 to 18, The waltz-length
'luster is 100% nylon in a dainty floral print, rose or blue on white ground.
Sizes S-M-L
From Belshazzar Blaine
To The Mechanical Man
"I don't care what they write about me, but why can't they sP
those horrible cartoons?" Boss Tweed is reported as saying In
reaction to Thomas Nast's savage representations. Pete Eckstein,
Daily staff writer, traces the history of American political eartoons
and brings out some interesting 1955 counterparts. See Page .
Pop-Corn Movie Revolt
The Gothic Film Society makes available to its members out-
standing films from al over the world. With the emphasis this
year on the sound movie, Gothic will show "Distant Journey,"
the story of a Jewish family and its interment in a Nazi concen-
tration camp, on Nov. 7. See Page 5.
The Phenomenon
Of The String Quartet
Prof. Ross Lee Finney, noted composer of chamber music, wrtes
about the "anachronism" of the string quartet. 'Chief Photo-
grapher John Hirtzel has caught the Intensity of a Stanley
Quartet rehearsal in pictures which accompany the article o4
Page 6.
80 Pound Slabs
Of Bavarian Limestone
heavy limestone slabs are the first item In the process of litho,
graphy. A printing process now primarily in the domain of the
artist, lithography involves sevseral complicated steps. Louisg
Tyor, Daily Associate Editor, and Chuck Kelsey, Daily Photo,
grapher, provide a closer view of the process on page 7.
The International Group
On Campus
The University of Michigan has one of the largest groups of foreign
students of any large American university. And yet the average
American here is largely unaware of the potentialities of this
international population. In a five-page feature, the Magazine
Section presents the background of the foreign student at Michi-
gan and introduces several interesting personalities. See Pages
9 through 13.
Weaver & His Students
Jane Howard, Daily Associate Editor, does a lively profile of the
English professor who intersperses courses on Bible, world master-
pieces, Browning and romantic poetry with a forthright philoso-
phy. See Page 14.
The Loneliness Of Man
In A Wilderness
"The Tree of Man" by Patrick White is in the opinion of our
reviewer Roy Akers a book which "will find its niche in literature
and remain." White's skill of characterization is discussed in this
review on Pages 14 and 19.
The Finishing Touch
The human male has had to sacrifice his plumage to the female,
but men's jewelry gives him an opportunity to re-capture the
stage. See Page 15.
For The Football Fans
Phil Douglis, Daily Sports Editor, and Meritt Green, captain of the
1952 football team, present two views of the sport-explanation
and tradition. See Page 16.
A Classic Revival
The "long, low and beautiful" lines of the original Continental, a
car which was exhibited at the Museum of Modern Art, are being
revived in Ford Motor's new Mark It See Page 17,