November 24, 1929

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November 24, 1929 (vol. 40, iss. 49) • Page Image 1

…E.STABLISHED 1890 >? IiAiia -- N MEMBER ASSOCIATED PRESS VOL. XL, NO. 49. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SUN~DAY NOVEMBER 24: l92.q TEN PAGES PRICE FIVTE CENTS -,. , . War I oJ9dmlkL TO D EASE Clemenceau, Premier, 'TIGR O FRNGE~For~uic~ooI UNION ANNOUNCES Two Blocked Kicks Sngnhlfl LSErnh1: 5 Classes Will Ballot Give Harvard 10-( LOE UhbU~ Tomorrow, Tuesday OTiLSFRSL VictoryOverY SuetCouncil, Will Supervise l ll iV T 68,000 Pack Harvard ...…

November 24, 1929 (vol. 40, iss. 49) • Page Image 2

…PACE TWO - pr OiIHE MICHTGAN DATEY SUILIDAY', NOVEMBER 24, N, ) PAE WO~TE ICIGN A_. IYA. OVM.._24_12 MICHIGAN, IOWA CONCLUDE SEASON N I lhIfl~ Invitations-F. R. Wiklar, ESPECIALLY warm attractive IN HARD-FOUGHT, SCORELESS TILT' R orM IR Storms. Steam heat, also garage. Dial -Cn-u--rmPg-1.-pacdtebllo E LE TO Sp~ Picture-V. D. Tan Cate c&air- 8544. 422 E. Washington. 3456 (CniudFo ae1 downs whcIlcdte alo a man; George Dixon and J. Wise'.- --...…

November 24, 1929 (vol. 40, iss. 49) • Page Image 3

… THR MTr Rlr.A N 1fU v FAUIR TIRR'"'. SUNDA---,-"N1OVYMG V1 I !241,Al21J1V L [y V P 1-: LT X 4 * 1-4 VI PLAY BY PLA Y ACCOUNT OF MICHIGAN-lOWA GAME HAKEYSOTAI HWKI[ UG OLVERINE ELEVENi Statistics of Contest Give Wide Margin to Visitors in Closen t ilt. SIMRALL LEADS PUNTERS F First Downs,. Michigan by rushing, passing, 2; by penalty, 1. 8. 5> by Total GRIDDERS WHO PLAYED LAST GAME YESTERDAY y * water, likewise did the referee. ...…

November 24, 1929 (vol. 40, iss. 49) • Page Image 4

…1AGE OUR - nalistic duty. ~II4 *I~~I ~~I4~1 The cure for this vicious situa- Published every morning except Monday tion is not yet clear. The eyes of +during the University year by the Board initecutyaeattepeettm Control of Student Pt blcations. the country are at the present time Member of Western Conference Editorial I focused on our college towns, and it Association. is not unnatural that news from The Associated Press is exclusively entitl...…

November 24, 1929 (vol. 40, iss. 49) • Page Image 5

…T.HF M-f'lviCH IG ~A N F) M L-Y s .I P1A s , V 7 't4Y'f A'tr% A V 1 TntsYt ri A !"fT1Yf n A 4 "ft i ~i UiTAt)Y* NOWYW BER 24~ , 1929 A S I AA 1 ]1S 1MVA ]A- ~ - - - -~ w _ I VAN m Q S' I .; FOOTBALL FESTIVITIES ARE CLOSED MORGAN TRIO TO CHURCHES TO H9 ITHIS WEEKEND FOR YEAR 'OF 1929 B LDs IHUI'JJ PRESENT CONCERT NOTICES Buffetsuppers after football games Malone, '32, of Beriian. IL . IOf par ticular interest to women A meeting of t...…

November 24, 1929 (vol. 40, iss. 49) • Page Image 6

…rPACIrIm TIHE, MICHIGAN DAILY ~TJ.TDYNuV7TMDFR,,24. i; 2, ....... . .. .... DALY FFICIAL B ULLETINHI Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University. Copy received by the Assistant to the Presi- ^nt until 3:30 p. m. (11:30 a. mn. Saturday' VO.XL. SUNDAY, NOVEMBER~ 24, 1929 No. 49 NOTICES T1o All Who Use Camipus Telephon'es: Do Not use raculty Directory when looking for Telephone number. Use Campus Telep...…

November 24, 1929 (vol. 40, iss. 49) • Page Image 7

…Sect in i - - Li t '0a 4 augA&Ab [ Featur Sectio VOL..'L, NO. 49 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 24, 1929 'Merriem-Go-R ound'-he 1929 Union C oxE Featres Lage Cst f Soloists And Dancers. 94 'Q.' ;., y. .s:' 'Ln . f% Z - "e - ,ow' a.°a - P\ . " ff \ d~ FA \> C a } Y t rt , ,:zS'+p'* L:fr n; S.a -. ,j ?$,.~r m: c " .,, >c a; 'Faj. @ vf ^ ,7 :N . . . . . . . . '5.:<\,k +Ml y i+; ...3. 'l a c +,. ' oH00 n.f;..4 t ; .£ n.. . . . . ;r45...…

November 24, 1929 (vol. 40, iss. 49) • Page Image 8

… ~opo SHOW TOIsChairman COSTIMRST OPAWLL LY 3TfrIr NFOUR COACHES' f-__ STUDENT CAS 9 'Mi1aaR( eevn enWilAcc ~iay FoExpene Spyed isMaking I LEVEN'CITIE ShUIfLIUVUL 4 ~ t ietMechanical lRMri.oI6ii FIaiites Hethipstead Ainiinced Work of Production. Specacuar. Mimes Show to be Presented "AsWtteroo'nres pyr -tofMihigan Theater of A~ Writers of Lykics Post Four Pullman ears and a special LtCLdkonzay .4errie-Go-=Rotind." baggage car will be required ...…

November 24, 1929 (vol. 40, iss. 49) • Page Image 9

… !- dl4N "itn reduc on Haines Is Named as 3TRADITWlN 154a :"u Union Op'eraAuthor I ORHTANT I4TO SH UTER PRODUCES UNIN OPERAS2 Fbi'cctor ?f Production Caime t Mimes i 1919 Bringing 4- 4 i 2 E. Mortimer Shuter Directs Union Opera Professional Revues Should Notl be Standard of Judgment ' Says Author TELLS OF "MICHIGENDA" By Donal Hamilton Iaines. No mere librettist is supposed to have any opinions touching the merits or possible succes...…

November 24, 1929 (vol. 40, iss. 49) • Page Image 10

… "OF A I I anichigfa th l~atre e:boy 12,1i3, 14 .411v ~ 1; "~' matinee, december 14, r ~ $. 1* N. ,-: it . . M1. . . . a... .. ..*C «. -.. e. .m . 34 A!": oncento emimes and the __._chiga union are presenting the Annual opera tQ the students of the university. and thean arborthar goers t the Michigan theatr. december 12 through I4 witha matinee on eebe 14. this Year's show after three moaths o f cocen- trated effort ox the part of...…

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