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November 24, 1929 - Image 8

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The Michigan Daily, 1929-11-24

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9 'Mi1aaR( eevn enWilAcc ~iay FoExpene Spyed isMaking I LEVEN'CITIE
ShUIfLIUVUL 4 ~ t ietMechanical lRMri.oI6ii
FIaiites Hethipstead Ainiinced Work of Production. Specacuar. Mimes Show to be Presented
"AsWtteroo'nres pyr -tofMihigan Theater
of A~ Writers of Lykics Post Four Pullman ears and a special LtCLdkonzay
.4errie-Go-=Rotind." baggage car will be required to ac-] costumer, waynae osprie
u,. co...Jat a.art o apr_____. ,the des ig :n manufacturig, ,and '
commodae alpaty of aproxi-fitting of the entire wardrobe for ISN 1N tlCD
G it"II icx #R RV ISmately 100 students of the iniver- "ttri-oRun,~ h wny
aS ifcinal el rte mscity who will tour the East and fouerieh annunion Oerawhih Whn"nrt-o-ony-ae
end lyrics wilEepin lywll feature thee scores of Middle West this year in the ~cor- wl{pa as1 iie hr'ho hfounnartutdrng C rit a
,h;4hnulMihgnUno: an f"eri-o!on, heIcutry during.Christmas vac- vaation eleen cities in the East
.,era, production, Merre-G- tety-fourth annuiai Mitchigan an iddeWs ilb iie
Ro n hc el nA nA b rtin. The comfpany sent ia cor- a d Mdl etwl evstd c
plete staff or artists, cutters, and
At the Mich an theatre on Decem-Uno Opera, which will open at 'd 1 Bl eea
of i.Ron, hihoesinAnAbo no fitters to Ann, Arbor to direct the corng to au ucey, gnra
ber 12 and continues thro'ugh De e ihigan theaire December 12. costuming. manager of the Union, and treas-
^emiber 1. The size of the troupe and the bulk Shoes-approximately 475 pairs- I urer of the production.
The music for the scores was jof . the elaborate stage properties have been designed and made up -The Opera will open in Ann Ar-
3omtposed byLgwell. Love of Ind necessitate; the special .arrange- by Grossman and Co., of Chicago, bor Dec. 12 at the Michigan theatre,
ia4~~5 iIhd., Wlliuam eyolds~ iiwtt of every detaili' of their jour- 3Ilong recognized as utstanding n ilcoeStraDc 4
Lain Pens and Pencils of Crystal Fails, Mich., Trusedale nc' o eleven cities of thecoluty.' specialists i theatrical foot-wear. following both an aternoon and
Mayers, of Poland, Ohio, and Rich- Slidnt committees composed of Outtfitting the whole cast with evening performance. The cast and
-A-Day Diaries ard Watkins, of Hastings, Mich. 11 men are included in the. Cor- I things of only the highest quality, choruses will be given a rest the
Love, who Is the assistant director pany to direct the 'mechanicali Robert W irnss: no expense has been spared to following week before the show
rod n a om f thb orchestra, has spent a large 'work' of the production. In addi Gnrlcar~ f"ereO- make "Merrie-Go-Round" the mostgosnthrad
amountof tm in work with mill- tion, they supervise the properties Iiaoa cleepouto o h on pn nCiao
tary~bltnds; and is well qualified to including hundreds of costumes Rud production activities, who lbrt olg rdcino h pn nCiao
e SEtS and Acf ssories ,haidle the Inartial music necessary and a carload of stage-settings, ap- has spent several months at theie,rvin sh r fea m ant rThl e opedinpeforaceofte
xote iitr tmsheeofteply ,make-up, publish programs, Mimes theatre supervising the ar- Sprlesina2hob f igftl ad tour Ciw i e en iaoec.h
ddess Bt*ks, stop;, . Mayers, Reynolds and Wat- handle publicity, and do numerous jous tasks under his lurisdicti o a~ tpne fof bl Ryrxour Stu-; net ight the show will proceed to
'nswere all'members of last year's' other tasks. A permanent staff of
Thilrns aid have had experience inspcaitinery hseo and directing the eonmittees 4:dips of Chteagg °O,, o . o;the out- Kalamazo and play in the High
' li thline f dance music. Oeapouto smitie which are responsible for the de- sandig artist photogrape& .of S oQI auditorium '
Niil> ers May be Popular. the year 'round, making prepara- itails of the show. Mans 'was s tageaeioAl eArl ian. n> *. ,,ca> emesote c ast hrss
l'~ Sh tk 7"te lyics were written by Donal tions for the next year's show as manager of last year's production,' the ,senes. and poses of the cast . wand .dapids on Sunday, Dec. 22,
'aiiton iRaines, of the journal- soon as the current one returns "Rainbow's End." mad chtorutses .an opnteflwig ihtt
~ Im e~ati~et--ndD- B.Hep--ro-is-tip--Lester; Ltd~, desgne: l tha Gor the Re gent Theatre. Lansing will.
} Mead, Jr., of Salt Lake City. Haines '______________ P ilp A si ~~ plates which are ;on display in;'the :e the next move of the troupe
#di as author of this year's and three Un1l frolwhihAthIcotumswhere "Merrie-Go-Round" will be
i 3~~~~~~~ther toperas, and Hempstead as co- Other numbers which promisetoP se ri s AVnnlwremdpset
Kuhi olatyr'production, are be very poua r O sadPse oietWne eemd.peetd at the Strand Theatre.
p-pla.ar O Isan 'hritmas night the show will be
; ~.iy' quialified to take care of writ- Moon Guide..jrve On", a Venetion Phillip Austin, 32, was awarded On'of the mnfst salient feat s given at Flint.
in~g the lyrics. naelody, " T1he Major's Song," a tiller ithpoercnetor f"lerle~-on~ ,sIssrk orNgt nDtot
Ifirst prize i h otrCnetfr fM l -on sis - Fu ihsi eri
Igfibtoh'ic h iso h show osblty 'lanTe1ihn HPol ieanil-Merrie-GoRouind," and Lee Bas- ;ing ori~irnllty, for, 4t is$AId,ta,;e The Opera will stop in Saginaw
aretP'the, lactfoot Stomp, "."je bert ah.d. Sullivan comic numer, a er, 31, received the. second award. tole uical hwee r poei ~y FQhri d payatte.A27,teprduion c
oven ad u~t Rhythm ""Te p. sh"W r n," and IAsin's design embodies a huge cleemsclso vrpoue.~ rdy e.2,tepout~
V' ~~fr~. ~~am, an "IfYduO~ioel f th Intanty."moon which silhouettes tropical a etewrdi 9~,atr'rifraforngtrn lsn
i m p l e s , i s t a g o t o m r e t e d y ~ y a n g a i n o f G o v - i s a n c n g o w a d h m . h e e t t r -gi n eo f t h e r i e o - Ro; n 9", a r e Fr om Df o oen t r o ic h ec man y w l
?~ ee aPrehns. Th firt, ~ e oyangetra Willofei-p aim trees, In the foreground is a :war ha§ been outawe-; ihoseK are there by ushering out the old year
beexcuted ' by a sp'ecial ers~ille, N. Y., who conducted it soldier kneeling anda a Spanish girl the conditions on. wlwch the situa.- on Dec. 31
rie' lois "WIe move to. Cleveland as ucesfl a-' s anig oar im Telwhereon o lri'-othe firrosttoi hecmpn wl
Rhlythtm"is a ad rhythm nuui- ner. Thte orchestration of" the no~m- igo h einacrigt .built.moetClvanwhrtefrs
ber, perforiraed by the cobi ned bhers has been ;done by a prfes-' iotmr SpefmacsfthNwYaril
choruses. I avid' HI stead lain-i nal, T ciy 1: Alford, of Chicago, MotmrSuter, director f the aj-dp Many laugbxwill be povided: in be given in the New Music Hall on
tive barit e'in "T a ° n' woi~roted in music circles: fori Opera, was one of the factors which "Merre- aRBattn"by a tle :"Aws- Jan. 1. The following night the
S, M 'bids fair to r~vv1 'Al Jo!l h ecelent Vitaphone orchestra- contributed to the choie'of the pos- ward .uad" The irez pr tatIon4 of opera.; will play at the Consitory'
', tIotlS. 'hs einia be sn oxttemely diffiult routines can not at Buffalo.
eon's, whilt e d uet of thaved. y B d ro _ _ __ _ __ _ __ ut amuse. Performances will be given at
ftd eroi ie, . p a e y y I; th e en graver in etroit, and c opies_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _T o e o n Ja . 3 at heiv l
a'itht "~ndBylopD~alrympe, in, Mrlie-4-R ouna" \vil have 'a:M-: Tld nJn ,a h iai
gy ~o~f~Ieei raz~, ilbe pihe of its own in, the history ofwl.b sdinaloto o n n l ftematial atmshere of Theatre and the last' showing n
riO jlocal publicity. ~g rj o g e n e b de n C n i n t n J n . S v rl d y
n u' ot.tanding number of thesiro- Iion Opera In as much as it isagrso t;enttbddinCcnaionJn4.Svalay
'ducton. Straight's ich baritorne mounted as a play-with-music' dif- Tthe prizes for the contest were the Opera. nu 1, <1 numbers of rest will be given the cast before
_____ _____________won' him ouch applause in '"Rain- feing somewhat from the operettaj gold and silver medallions, suitably which ,were composed by Lowell classes are scheduled to start Jan.
bsow's End" last year, 'while .'Dl- tnd mu~sical comedy. 'This type of engraved. Loe,'0L.~
rY C A S F E S rymple's tenor lids"been acclaimed show has bc m ut -_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
r L T SI 1, as one of' h best -' the "oera si e tey appearanceof"Ninma
" ~for years. rRo," n etroit. i'InI qf~ (T/f ( v /j
w~"' ...-- : ... y f ____________F O
The imeHasCometoGo lacc NtY RSS, i1 e~f an
a~dWarBatiu veigC~te dh4( h Co~oae
Th,,ES R S S§pr
t rtpe s n we k o
ear-tin, sa tlin
"Bpeau P zIC
dai~cs . .righ
1 fte aepnern -
4 S' nwhtt wa. } I tV }4,J

y'. " I * ' . ' ' -..thsotnmAny has 4nd~rwken numnber-
; .f f otirot ~ t LO n ti he
now or tixa h oua
i w { toiT the matter of investtets tat thisistu
g I a
rI 1I 1 on eLos
/ Ii -;Among some of the recent issues fianced
x1/atTh'. . r y j 4r Y a $("I
~~-%'/, '111 1suiccetssriiy are the ew feat rnlty homres-
'"/ - // 'F' _ -iofi .
Mal r f
47 ([ Alpha Tau Omega
-W e Sugg es-_ hese Psih
TheseBonds pay 6% seniannuially anA
Slipersdye to atc yor gon - - "we do not hesitate to recommend them for
jA velvet wrap, fur trimmed or plain Where Washington Street your purchase.
--$39.50 to $65- Crosses Mai Street- '
A seed Vi M1 evening bagdPon:oRb
$3.7hon$10.00Wrte orParticulars.
The inew slihbtette cornette-
$5.00 to $15.00 ~-
The new silhoutte frock NATIONAL COMPAN
$25 to $5 OF i~N A R O
$.25 to $5.9
khtfii 18 teorpearljew elry IF R S-AT OA L BN

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