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November 24, 1929 - Image 7

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The Michigan Daily, 1929-11-24

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Sect in


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[ Featur

'Merriem-Go-R ound'-he 1929 Union C oxE
Featres Lage Cst f Soloists And Dancers.
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r c o' Pna .,y, - - ~of the production. and is in ('hyus .andl specialy chorus,' .s< s'
lone - with bob Gre, a all dressed in a lavish Span
ong lieutenant at the
post. Sidney Straight, spec., isl. Serdmsca
plays the part of Bob, the nubr r nrdcdby -
hero. botigroutps. am
Wit7lliam Reynolds, '3o, as a 1Ai thur -Smith, '31, as a in cm- Wlpilliamrr Browne,31 as A'rs. *.....
1110mber of the dancing chorus. ber of the specialty chorus, 'with White, wife of the Commander
Reynolds has been in charge of one of the Spanish womten who of the post on the Islanxd of-
the training, of the tryouts for lend atmosphere to the setting of Costa Frio, and the stepmother
the chorus and taught the routine the show. Smtith was in the con- aof Marny, the hlerointe. B rowne
sesbefore Roy M-oyer arrived pany of "Rainbow's End."the twas-"leading lady" in. last year's
lsteas a a en eahn '2 rtutino'teLuorproduction of , Rainbows End"
last 'ea an has bee. tachng 192c pr ducion t te U ion . ad' played opposite S i d i. ey
them since- he left with the Opera, as one of the cowboys oxi Straight, spec., who has the lead
n"Pleasure Bound" cowpany, the dude ranch. again this year.
.Bjr William C. Gentry wo rid two years before, but th ere is still an The progeny of Colonel White and the step- the lead in "Rainbow's End" last year. Hie and F --otimer- Sht
IM A ING"all previous o fferinags, and American garrison on the island, The story re- daughter of Mrs. White has the leding pat of Dalrymple, as Mary, introduce several croonig~ duction, has served
th:isr yters produtiro.thByromDanrymplte'pa-byonc "hotsloveththae wobev e a rouceden i s te easa
sh0 vs, Merrie-Go-Round," the , 9c29 family. y-sosadists
audience theet e nidel nt o lfgnmuscalvAlbsoaound thea mersa co ma de an hsarfthendweftheb Grof t h cmaryis te par r yoihishyehsaro h ve h adtsal.*~o , a d sti
U n io n O p e ra w ill b e p r s n e to a A n A b r J. o h- n W h ite pl y th e a rt a th e m o d e rn co r- h n r .G e y w o c r ieohfe o e e r a fo rm u la tin g a f
audene fr hefirst time December I2. The mander of the army' post whlois interested i oos Sidney Straight, spec., takes the par of An "awkward squad" of soldiers, commanded .bad charge of the
usual superlatives might be used to describe the anann ec nteiln teepne Bob, in love with Mary and the heo of the stoy: by Charles Moyr, '32, provide one of the spe- lcarsing of the cast
scenery, maintainingmpeace ndtneeislandatntheoexpense Villainous, elments are introduced when La calty numbers and a great part ofE the comirc rutne, heselecti
ofcenerycstumtewhusicudanestescandeworke fltigte icpieo isslir a.Sombra, played by Truesdale Mayers, '30, the element. A character number, done by D. 1B3. been rsponsible fo
fittingfily summed up% by saying that the produc- His beautiful an dwould-be-young wife is leader of the naitve forces, plans an attack on the Hempstead, Jr., '31, assisted by the chorus is levrou at
-f T-.' 1 f.the vaios prt
1I' 11I','.1 .-..\ 711... V . - " ..,, - cr 1n lp t..4"..

.ter, the director 'ot the pro-
[ the Mimes uolrgaization f ui
a director wand prod;ueer o4
year experiencing' the results
finished production. He ha..
selection of the book, the re,
, the supervision of the dance
on of the costumes, and has
rtying together the loose ends
s of the show and organizing

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