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November 24, 1929 - Image 6

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The Michigan Daily, 1929-11-24

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~TJ.TDYNuV7TMDFR,,24. i; 2,

....... . .. ....

Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members
of the University. Copy received by the Assistant to the Presi-
^nt until 3:30 p. m. (11:30 a. mn. Saturday'
VO.XL. SUNDAY, NOVEMBER~ 24, 1929 No. 49
T1o All Who Use Camipus Telephon'es: Do Not use raculty Directory
when looking for Telephone number.
Use Campus Telephone Directory.
To call any number on Campus Telephone System dial the number
In left hand column.
To call Ann Arbor local numbers--dial 9--listen for Dial f'ot, u',id~
therit dial whatever local number is desired.
Ncver dial 4121 when calling from any Camnpus Station.
firljerIt G. "latntis, j-,.sstant Secretary.
(he ', l 1eeital; Palmer Christian. University organist, will give the
following program Wednesday aftcrnoon. at 4:15 o'clock. The general
public is invited. The program is as followrs:
B3izet: Prelude to "L'Arl sienne Suite" No. 1, Debussy; Andante,
(Strong Quartette), Thomas; Gavotte (M 1gnon. Sibelius: "Tone Poem-
Finlandia," I-unwerdinck; Agel Scene (Ilaensel and Gretel), Strawin-
ski; Ronde des Princesses ("L'Oiseau cide Feu"), Wagner; Introduction
to Act III and Bridal Chorus +Lohengriri ), tWagner; TIraume (Tristan1
atnd isolde) , Wagner; March' TIannhauser'>
Charles A. Sink.
t' citty, Colleire of Literature, Sc'enc., aatd tlv't Arts: Mid-semles-
U r report cards are. now being distributed throulh the Campus mes-
;Cn e service.. Instructors are rtique sued to report not later than No-
vcoliber 30, the names of all students whose standing is at this time D
or L. These grades should not indica ;° merely the mark received on the
raid-tenister examination, if su:,h an examination is given. More cards,
if neoded, can be had at my of ,2e. , tev~
T.!hese cards should be used c(,n1; or reports of the \1r ! of students
cnnlt d } ii this Colleg".
111. l:.. i unplircys, A;'stant Dean.
Dean's Advisory Committee, College of Literature, Science and the
Arts: There will be a meeting of the, Dean's Advisory Commnittee at 4'
1). in. Tuesday, N ovember 26, in the Dean's off'ice.
,uohn I:t. lEflinger.
Students, College of Literajture, c i'catid the Arts: Permission
to drop courses without L gr-ads rnnay not be given after Thanksgiving
Day. The fact that cxamin.Ltions are givcn in certain courses after this
date does not affect the operation or Ihis rule. Exceptions will be made
only in cases of extended illness, or bee. utse of similarily serious condi-
tions not under the student's control.
%V. PL u'-niilrc3,s, Assistant Dean.

Zhcsys 'CO Erafst and est Phyrsics Buildng~s: TBa:chzUniversity Key i
expected to bear the special stamp of the University. Most of the Keys,
of the East and West Physics Buildings are not so marked and there-

'November 25, at 8:15 p. in., with the following program: Serenade in. E-r
Flat, Mozart; Little Irish Suite, Sman Hennessy; Quintet in G Minor, ' VU.Y BY PLAY ACCOUHNT
Frank Danz:; Kleine Kainmei'musik. Paul Hindemnith; Suite Miniature,
Pioidowsckv. --

fore all Keys to doors in these buildings should be prsntdfo hs ___ otin~ed From Page 3
stamp. This can be done with little inconvenience to the present holders Geology 31: A supplementary examination for those who missed the P ica kickedarduineofbundMicon
on Tuesday, November 26, between 2 p. m. and 3 p. n-. in Room 1074 regular mid-semester will be offered Tuesday, November 2, at 4 oclock I ehgns2-adlnbtMci
East Physics Building.- in Room x,054 N. S. ga was penalized to 1-yard line.
Arthsr XW. Smith. ________ irral kicked from behind his own
Ithetorie 189 (Drama 1) will meet on Tuesday night, November 26 :long pass was i nc o ml e t e
All Seniors: This is the last week to get photographer's receipts instead of Wednesday, 7:15, Room 3227 Angell Hall. goal line to 31-yard line.
and have your picture taken for the Michiganenrsian. The cost. of bothA Haggerty made 7 1-2 yards and
the Picture and insertion is $3.00 payable at the Press Bldg. Your' pi- Forestry 191 and iforesty 194 will not meet. on Monday, November then added two more. Daniels was
ture will riot be accepted for the Meichganensian if arrangements are 25, 1929. s-leubstituteyads for GoingIwpn-
not madxethis week._____ h~dl~yrsb hlig utn
Sarr F. Atkins, Business Manager. litstcrY 111, Section 1, , 0, 9, 15, 17, Assignment for next week:rebl o ihgns 5yr ie
------Pape ripped off 10 yards on the
'ymt.,(hapter VII, Packard, chapter hfL."SaueoLirt"py.H ii
kw1,1c11 ttl ittrwihnto hmave thir Hygiene lecture ittehokS tirity('ll,
1". 0. ,1'. C. Review for President: The R. O. T. C., including Varsity-10interetd liend rtune tepa
1adwllfrma231 p. m. Tuesday, November 2,6.1ublic invited to t h 0yr ie akrsbti
COMING I V[1 rS revicw by President Rthven at 4:00 p. in. intYos t bield Heseer n ;toed fr e f-yr line arkrsu.i
Aa n xi'nartioital Forum in Lane Hall at 4:00) p. in. Mr. Sher Ferry Field, depending on weather. .tuted, rusPo fior Milsgnr~z
Qraishi of India and former president of the Detroit International Club i is ono h 5yr ie
will lead on informal discussion on "New Developments in Relations Electrical Engineering Juniors and Seniors: Unless we already have itsanfirst downonarsthei35yrie
between the East and the West." your pictues from last year or unless it was taken Wednesday, Novem- Rogg e. Pass Tuskowski to Daniels
ber 20, please goa to Room 429 Monday evening to be photographed by tw9go o ad.Bnai
Exhibition of Psters from England, France, Holland, Germany,! Professor Cole, for or' personnel record cards. This time is from wrItstigoodc for Ey.risoBnjamadn
Switzerland. and Italy in large exhibition room, Architectural Building,:7:30-9:60. stoitte o le. Paperisnercee
daily from 9 to 5. The public is cordially invited.- Truskowski's pass and ran to his
Piysis Colloquium: Professor J. M Cork will speak n "The Meas-E own 25-yard line. Mastrogany for
All Men Interested in Arcery will please mnet Dr. Lyman at the, urement of X-ray Wave-Lengths by Ruled Gratings, and the Value ofj Tricky Sansen for Haggerty, Dah-
SField house at 2:30 p. m., An old pair of gloves should be brought along,: the Electronic Charts," in Rom 1041 East Physics Building on Tuesday, lem for Wilson. Jensvld's ps a
- -- -Novemnber 26 at 4:15. All interested are cordially invited to attend,noplt sph aesended
Scalp and BMade Members: Th-e regular Sunday evening supper will
be given in the Union preceded by the usual business meeting at 5 p. in.' Chemical )Engineering Seminar: Mr. John W Schultz will be the Eta Sigma Phi will meet Tuesday,
speaker on Monday, November 25, at 4 o'clock in room 3201 East Engi- November 26, in Room 2013 Angell
J-1Iop Cominnttee Afeeting at the Michigan Union, at 3:15 p. m. neering Building. His subject is, "'Calculation of Latent Heat of Hydro- 111all. Professor W. H. Worrell will
car'bons from Specific Heats."- speak on "Anthropolical Back-
University Loan Committee: The University Loan Committee will --g )n of Greeks and Romans."
meet on Monday, November 25, at 2:00 p. i., in Room 2,.University Hall. Economics Club: Meets Monday, November 25,, at 7:30, in Room 302 All members must be present.

All applicants for loans should call at the office of the Dean of Stu-
dents for an appointment with the Committee.
Ann Arbor Art Association: Mr. Forbes Watson, editor of "The
Arts" and prominent New York critic of modern art will give an illus-
trated lecture on "Modern Trends in Art" Tuesday, November 26. at 4
o'clock in the West. Gallcry of Alumni Memorial Hall.
Lews Browne, author of "This elieving World," "That Man Heine,
and othe ° books will speak on "Credulous America" in Natural Science
Auditorium, Tuesday, November 26, at 8:060 p. mn.. under the auspices of
The Hillel Foundation. Admission 50 cents at door.
Industrial Motion Pictures: The School of Business Administra-
tion will present the followinig films in Natural Science Auditorium at
4:05 p. mn. Tuesday, November 26:
Refining and Manufacturing Copper.
The Making of Steel
The Panama Canal.
All persons interested are invited to attend.

:o1 the Union. Dean C. E. Griffin will speak on "The Merger Movement
in the Field of Distribution." Members of the staff's in Economics and
Business Administration and gi'adute students in these departmentIs
are invited to attend.
Rseamrc' Ih u1rbrwimet, in Room 2528 Eas~ht. ipdiopai T BuildiAh-.o-,t

Pi Laiba 'I'heta will meet at th-w
Women's League Tuesday, Noven-
b( ' 26, at 3:00. Please look on bulle-
tin board for the room.


on Wednesday, November 27, at 8 p. n. The followin,, papers will be 'the Play 1deading Section of the
pr esented: Faculty. Women's . Club will meet
"Factors in Maze Learning," by Professor J. F. Shepard.'Tuesday afternoon, November 26.
.The Claims of Paraguay and Bolivia in the Chaco Region," by in the Michigan League Building.
Prof'essor J. S. Reeves. The reading will start promptly at
A meeting of the Council will be held at 4:30 p. m. in Room 3012,. 2:u0; so all members are urged to
Angell Hall. be on time. An official notice on the
bulletin board on the first floor
A.S.C.E. Initiation Banquet at 6:00 p. in. in the Union Monday,: will give the room available.
November 25. ___
Ohio State Alumni and. Lx-
Sigmia Delta Psi: Beginning Dec.,7 tests will be held on Saturday uens Arrangements are be-
riririg from 9-11, in addition to the regular test days now given, which ing' r1n adC e now to obJserveU
ti VO Monday, Tuesday and Thursday 4:30 to 5:30. An individual loving Ohio Si.te Day, Friday, December
ctrl will be given to the one malting the best record in the 12 events. 7i. For inform~ation concerning the
)intramural Department. local meoeting call Mrs. Harry J.
Watson. Tel. 6084, or the under'-
Alpha Nu meets Tuesday, November 26, at 7:45 p. mn. The pledge signed, Tel. 6197.
play y"Justice Thwarted" will be presented at this time. All members E. V. Jotter, Chairman,
and pledg-es are requested to be present.j Ann Arbor Ohio State Group.

Students, School of Education: Permission to drop course without
"E" grades will not be given after W(,:,,nesday, November 27, except
ndter extraordinary circumstances. This rule will be in operation even

in cases where examinations will not be giveni until after the Trhanks-
giving recess. Sigma Delta Chi: Meeting at 4:30 o'clock Monday at the P'ress
No course is considered officially dropped unless it has been reported building. Active members please be present.
in' the office of the Recorder of the School of Education, 105 Tappani
Hall. The Chamber NMusi:c Society of. Ann Arbor will present The Barrere

Elizabeth B. Clark, Recorder.

Ensemble of Wind Instruments at Lydia Mendelssohin Theatre, Monday.


Some Men,
will always be girls, and
agifn We

the appearance of tkie
Michigan Opera. But
all men will sometimes



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The Wise Bird

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* ungry
and for that reason the
R. & S. LUNCH attracts


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meals and everything to
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e ve'ry
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Be sure of your
Appointment for a
Sitting for Michiganctisiai
And Christmas

Women's Lea gu
Inteirchurch UBazaar
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-Courtesy Spedding Studio







The Same Good Music You Have Danced To All The Year






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Evenings at 83



AlltSeats 50C

IENI lvlatluec8K , V EL- 3.L-B

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