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~i UiTAt)Y* NOWYW BER 24~ , 1929 A S I AA 1 ]1S 1MVA ]A- ~ - - - -~ w _
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Buffetsuppers after football games Malone, '32, of Beriian. IL . IOf par ticular interest to women A meeting of the athletic
were served for the last time this Phi Sigma gave a charity bridge will be the second concert on the managers will be held at 5
year by several of the sororities last Chamber music series being spon- oclock tlonday afternoon at
{n ( night. The other social activities Agsored by the Chamber Music Socie- Barbour gymnasium. All organ-
ATf the past week have mcluded aty of Ann Arbor.'The concert will
variety of events, ranging from of Betsy Barbour, residents of the Point Players at Hockey be given by the Morgan Trio on sented as well as those inde-
ert pledge dances to initiation in the dormitory gave a dinner on Thurs-le t gfen bo The onen ill zpendett girls who wish to form
Fie Chuhes Will Cotribute sorority houses ndinn te doy nga aBanquet Tomorrow. January 14 in the Lydia Mendels- a basketball team. It is hoped
ive urchesoni dances in the dormitories. How- Martha Cook residents entertain- sohn theatre. that several independent squads
Needlework and Baked Goods ever the general run of social festi- 1 ed their friends at a tea dance in BIELBY WILL PRESIDE This trio is an ensemble of pi- will be formed; Monday's meet- Schec
to Women's League Bazaar. vities this week has been compara- the Blue "room, Friday afternoon. ano, violin and harp, played by ing offers an early opportunity thet
tively light. Miss Margaret Smith and Miss Alta All reservations for the hockey three sisters, the daughters of an for the girls to get a team or- meet A
EAGU TO HAVE CACollegiate Sorosis was one of the Atkinson were the chaperones.ra rase must be masdg by Monday1 eminent Boston musician. Recent-I ganized. poolAYoiatestorss asufet eAk iDelthearun et heyhabeBn muardnris-m .limited
for their football guests last night. party Wednesday evening. Mrs. afternoon, either by buying a ticket London, Cairo. Biarritz and all The final games of the inter- murall
Ice-Cream, Nuts, Stuffed Fruits, On Wednesday evening the organ- Wendell Moore, the house chape- or signing up at the Field house or through the Riviera, and have per- class hockey tournament will inras n
b Sld A d Pln ization entertained at a faculty din- rone, also entertained Miss Alice at Barbour gymnasium. The ban- formed before the King of Swe- be played at 4:15 o'clock tomor- foe ti
to b Sod Acoringto lansj 1at he iel hose.den the King of Denmark, Prin- row. Seniors vs. juniors and be at t
to Le Cominttee.s ner. The guests were Mr. and Mrs. McLennan, Detroit, and Mrs. Ora quet will be at 5:30 o'clock Tuesday, Mary ahd Khg oofethe ro sopo ors vs. freshm n who w
of league Committee. Thomas Cassidy; Mr. and Mrs. Wil- B. Jones, Ottawa, Canada. thh cess Mary and others of the royal sophomores vs. freshmen.
liam McLaughlin, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Hold Faculty Dinner. family at Kensingtn Palace. The
Five churches will participate in V. Moore Miss Adelaide Adams Dr. Henry C. Hutchins. Professor With the end of the hockey sea- three artists dress in lovely crino- All women interested in form- til 10 C
the Women's League and Inter- Miss Margaret Effinger, Miss Isabel O. J. Campbell, Dr. Howard B. Cal- son tomorrow, points will be total- line costumes, and present a de- ing an archery club are invited is ti
church Bazaar which will be given Hubbard, and Mrs. Bruce Donald- derwood, Jr., and Mrs. Calderwood led for the presentation of awards. lightful picture as. well as an un-to attend a meeting at 4 o'clock r iz
so. wee ust o hno t fcuty usual musical program. Tuesday in Barbour gymnasium °rgani
Dec. 6 and 7 in Barbour gymnasium. of h a a Frances Bielby, 30, inter-class The complete series to be given parlors.IHowev
This will include, as it has for Honor New Chapter. dinner given Thursday evening at hockey manager will be toastmis- 1 in the Lydia Mendelssohn thea- __allowed
Kappa Delta also served an in- the Alpha Phi house. An alumnae as this
several years past, the Episcopal, formal supper for their guests after tea was given after the game yes- tress. The sakers will be Mrs. My- tre is. the Barrere Ensemble, to beis
Baptis$ Presbyterian, Unitaian, the game yesterday. Among the terday. ra B. Jordan, Dr. Margaret Bell, hard tomorow Jnight the Meng gls.
chanTrocnhanar.14 te Iewnell University may prevent colds Iplace.
and Congregatioal churches. guests at the house this week-end Alpha Xi Delta annuonces the Miss Laurie Campbell, Miss Dorothy York String Quartette, on Febru b side st
Each church will have a separate are Miss Hilda Felske, and Miss pledging of Florence E. Wolff, '31, Colby. and Miss Editha Barthel. ary 19, andheElshucoTrio on by registering for ultra-violet ray I25ard
booth at the bazaar, with individu- Mary Alice Foley, of Detroit. On Mishwaka,'Ind. , Tickets are one dollar and may March 24. Season tickets are priced (treatments in the university's new relay,
al contributions, emphasizing in Friday evening the chapter held a Pi Beta Phi entertained Profes- be purchased by seniors and jun- at a dollar and a half for students. solarium. will be
general needle-work and baked service in honor of the installation sor Arthur Cross, Professor O. J. for from Helen Wilson, '31, junior _ _-.
goods. The Presbyterian church of a new chapter at the University Campbell. Professor Alfred E. Lee. team manager, amd by sophomoresi 1IIIII1II 1IIg1i11IIIilIIIIi1111111111111111111111111
will sell fruit cake, Christmas cook- of New Hampshire. Mrs. F. B. Olney Dean G. Carl Huber and Mrs. Hu- and freshmen from Annette Cum-
ies, and toy dogs. The Unitarian of Ludington, and Miss Dorothy ber, and Professor Frederick Ald- mings, '33, freshman team mana-
clurch will present fancy work, McGuffie were dinner guests Thurs- rich and Mrs. Aldrich at a faculty ger. Those women who are not able
second-hand books, and baked day night. dinner Wednesday night. Yesterday to get in touch with either of the
goods. Articles offered by the Bap- Kappa Kappa Gamma gave a the sorority held open house after managers may buy their tickets at
tist church will inc~lude crystallized pledge formal Friday night. The the game for all alumnae and the door, provided they have made
fruit and fancy work, while he chaperones for the dance were guests. reservations by signing up.
Episcopal church will have plum Mrs. Kate Mason, Miss Lucile .-
pudding and fancy work. The Con- j Brockett, Mr. and Mrs. Eugene a
gregational church will again hold l Powers, and Mr. and Mrs. John t am ona B eauty Sp
a bake sale this year at their booth. Bradfield. Week-end guests at the
In addition to the eatables which house are Miss Margaret Rice, Ro-. is giving a facial FREE, including Witch=_
the churches will offer, the Wom- meo; Miss Marion Keysen, Pontiac; Hazel Steam and Violet Ray
en's League plans to have several and Miss Irene Field, Detroit. T -
varieties of home-made candy, ice- Mrs. Phyllis Reynolds poured a Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday
cream in the form of frost-bites, a pledge tea given at the Delta with a
nuts, and stuffed dates, Marguerite Gamma house Tuesday afternoon. Shampoo and Marcel $1.00, or
Henry, S. M. 31, chairman of the! To Entertain Faculty.Sn
eats committee for the League an- Delta Zeta announces the pledg- Shampoo and Finger Wave$1.00
nounced yesterday.ngT FrsBurke '31, Dowagiac. Open Evenings Call 21478 625 E. Liberty Street
The members of the sorority will Upstairs over Flower Shop
MICHIGAN ALUMNA hold a faculty tea this afternoo_ -__ -__-=-'-
with the house- chaperone, Miss __________________________________
PUBLISHES NOVEL I ernice Honnan, pouring. Miss Ma-
By Betty Bradshaw, '31. tinon MFClench, president the Na- Personal Christm as Cards
Florence E. McClinchey, a Michi- was a dinner guest at the house
gan graduate, is the author of the Wednesday night. Printed and Engraved
novel chosen as their Christmas I Mrs. W. Harold Dalgleish of Phil-
book by the Book League of Amer- adelphia, Pa., council delegate of
ica. The work, "Joe Pete," has as Alpha Chi Omega, has been a 2 0 bscounteonfalleforderseplacedbefore -I
its setting Sugar Island, a part of house guest of the local chapter Nov. 30
the country with which Miss M- this week. Thursday evening a for- _ =
Clinchey is very familiar since she mat dinner was given honoring the Our stock is one of the hest in years
calls her log cabin on the island her anniversary of the founding of the
home and spends as much time as Michigan chapter in 1898. Mrs.
possibleinresince the Ojib- Dalgleish, Mrs. Leonard Miller, Mrs..f
Her characteriation of the OiHarry Nicols, Miss Flos Spence, and
way Indian, Joe Pete, his haI Miss Lydia Cidon were guests of 34 South State Street
brother and sister, and his mother, h yewie S ttinr tr
Mabel, shows a sympathetic under- honor. The Typewriter and Stationery Store
standing of his people which is pre- Dr. and Mrs. F. A. Collier and
sented in a very readable style. She D. and Mrs. M. M. Peeg werCrina
sem ohv eertdbnahtertained at an informal faculty IOpen Evenings Until Christmas=
seems tohave penetrated beneath dne ie- yApa pslnIt
the surface of Indian character as dinner given by Alpha Epsilon Iota
few whites have succeeded in do- Thursday evening. _________________________
ing. Alumnae Attend Game.
Miss McClinchey is of English Alpha Gamma Delta alumnae re- I
and Irish parentage but she feels turning for the game yesterday RESERVE A SEAT IN
that the friendships she has made were honored by their chapter sis- -
on the island will be those she ters at a breakfast this morning.
cherishes most. In a letter to her This afternoon the sorority is giv-;e'I 0
publisher she declared, "My friends ing a rushing tea. f 2 H R
tell me that I am hard to get ac- Dean Joseph A. Bursley and Mrs. 200 CHAIRS
quainted with and that I am too Bursley, Mr. and Mrs. Frederick'
reserved. But I believe that it was Jordan, Dean Wilbur Humphries, 803 East Washingto~
these two qualities which enabled and Miss Grace Richards were
me to become.friends with the In- guests at a formal faculty dinner One Block North from Hill Auditorium
dians and learn much of their old given Wednesday evening by Alpha,
legends and tales. I belong in the Omicron Pi
woods and feel more naturalthere Zeta Tau Alpha announces the Breakfast Lunch and Diuner -
than in any other place. I am an initiation of Grace Mamilton, '31;
expert in a canoe, and know how to Charlotte Munch, '30; Donna Mc- $8.00 per week
manage a launch in a heavy sea. Caughna, '31; Genevieve Tinsen! U-r
Those two accomplishments are he '32; Doroty aLincoln, '32; and hD , T HEo'
onyones about whiich I can boast." Elizabeth Valentine, '31. ILun11 c and i11incr, $6. v p e e Ck- J~ 1
"Joe Pete's" author has livedI Theta Phi Alpha announces he i
Participants to Two Events
in Intramural Meet
on Dec. 12.
duled for 7 o'clock Dcc. 12,
nual intramural swimming
ill take place in the Union
s the entries in the meet are
to two events, the intra-
board wishes women to get
auch practice as possible be-
e tourney. Instructors will
he Union pool to assist any
ish attention every Tuesday
ursday nights from 7:30 un-
his is an all-campus affair,
soped thataevery house and
ation will be represented.
er, each participant will be
3 to enter- only two events,
restriction will insure more
having an opportunity to
The races are to include a
roke, 25 yards, breast stroke,
is, free style, 25 yards, and a
100 yards. A diving contest
the final event.
4 i -
most of ther life, hlowever, in Satilt pledging of Patricia .Hill, Spec., of ________________________________________ _
Ste. Marie, her birthplace. After _- _------- -.. - ._ _- ___.-- --- - --- - --- ---- --W II l C HJT
she attended the normal school inW ITCH RI
Ypsilanti. Upon finishing there, she
taught in the Soo until her parents
died, when she entered the Uni- -
versity of Michigan, leaving it withRe aod f I For the Argosy of Christmas Joy has swept t
a Master of Arts degree. i Rd-R
fine Gifts into our home for you to s
EC!There is no complete transformation of the store-
pretend to have completely changed our building, our s
CLEANERS ad DYERS A new evening fashion that makes one personnel. All these things go on, as always, functioning
charming as well as chic! In the season's so that you aren't conscious of it. But you ure conscious,
new collection there is something more than a pervading excitement, intensity, quicker tempo-an alert
Once then Always smartness . and that is charm. It is ness, a willingness and a cordiality among clerks and custom
apparent in the lines of the gowns . just a bit of a miracle because nothing that we do is the c
Cal and ask longe- * "oi"ng - .-. softe - nothing that we might do could stop it. If you have not
longer . . . the hemnes often touchg
for our two for the floor all around. It is also evident in the this year to observe this really remarkable scene, to see t
one Special. fabrics . . . satin, chiffon, velvet, and the richness of the world's wares, need we urge you to do
flat crepes that mold themselves into so- We think that urging is hardly necessary in a case like th
phisticated silhouettes. Smart colors are egg fact of Christmas at Mack's is all we need to remind you o
Monday, Tuesday shell and black.
and Wednesday ,
he world's
for we do not
ervice or o ur
noothly, easily, -
as we are, of
iess, an eager-
ers alike. It is
ause of it, and
yet been here
he people and
so very soon? r
is! The mere