nalistic duty.
~II4 *I~~I ~~I4~1 The cure for this vicious situa-
Published every morning except Monday tion is not yet clear. The eyes of
+during the University year by the Board initecutyaeattepeettm
Control of Student Pt blcations. the country are at the present time
Member of Western Conference Editorial I focused on our college towns, and it
Association. is not unnatural that news from
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled j these towns, particularly sensation-
to the use for retbli':ation of all newsdis- al news, should be eagerly publish-
patches credited to it ur not otherwise creditedp
n this paper and the local news published ed by papers professionally sensi-
rtive to that vital factor in their
I- n
The Michigan DAILY is in
possession of some facts which
may cause yesterday's game to
be annulled and may also cause
a hemorrhage or two among
the edtoria forces of that
great journalistic publication,
that acme of the pen pushing
profession, the worthy Wash-
tenaw Tribune.
| Music And Drama
Entered at the posto. .ce at Ann Arbor,
Michigan, as second class matter. Special rate
of postage granted by Third Assistant Post-
tuaster General.
Subscription by carrier, $4.00; by mail, $4.50.
Offices: Ann Arbor Press Building, May-
nard Street.
Phones: Editorial, 4925; Business, 21214.
Telephone 4925
Editor ...,...............George C. Tilley
City Editore................ierce Rosenberg
News Editor.............aGeorge E. Simons
Sports Editor......... Edward 11 Warner; Jr.
Womien's Editor...........MT4arjorie Follmner
Telegraph Editor......... Cassani A. Wilson
Music and Drama.William J. Gorman
Literary Editor... .awrence . Klein
Assistant City Editor...... Robert J. Feldman
Night Editors
Fri'ik ECooper Henry J. Merry
William C. Gentry Robert L. Sloss
Charles R. Kaufman Walter W. Wilds
burney miltams
Dertram Askwith Lester May
alen Bare David A. Nichol
Maxwell :Bauer William" Page
Nary L. Behyner [oward H. Peckhan
Benjamin If .Berentsorlfugh Pierce
Allan HI. Berkmnan Victor Rabinowitz
S. :Beach Conger John D. Reindel
Thomas AT. Cooley Jeannie Roberts
John H. Denler Joseph A. Russell
Itelen Domine Joseph Ruiwitch
Margaret I'ckels Wiliam P. Sialzarulo
Katharine Ferrin Ch rtes R. Sprowl
Carl S. Forsythe S. Cadwell Swanson
Sheldon C. Fullerton Jane Thayer
Ruth Geddes Margaret Thompson
Ginevra Ginn Richard L. Tobin
Jack Goldsmith Elizabeth Valentine
Norris Groverman larold 0. Warren, Jr.
]:oss Gsustin Charles. White
Margaret Barris G. Lionel Willens
David B. 1Ifemtistead John E. Willoughby
J. Culcen Kennedy Nathan Wise
clan Levy Barbara Wright
Rssell E. McCracken Vivian Zimit
Dorothy Magee
Telephone 21214
Assistant Manager
profits-reader-interest. It is re-
grettable, however, that these
newspapers must distort the college
situation by giving such undue em-
phasis to the unattractive features
of college life. With a few notable
exceptions they make little effort to
play up such events as scientific
discoveries, achievements in liter-
ary research, games of oratory, or
the promotion of academic effic-
Such things do not readily findl
their way into the regular channels
of news-gathering. Many univer-
sities, among which Michigan is
conspicuous by her absence, have
established press bureaus with the
avowed intention of publicizing
their constructive efforts. These
bureaus offer a valuable service to
papers that wish to be accurate,
truthful, and comprehensive in
their presentation of the news, and
information so distributed should*
be honored more by those respon-
sible for what the public reads.
Michigan should have such a
bureau to offset the unfavorable
publicity she receives through her
erring sons, And to help defeat
that state-wide body of the univer-
sty's detractors who find in the
press a valuable aid to their cam-
paign of imputing moral turpitude
to Ann Arbor students.
Ann Arbor's annual obeisance be-
fore the great God Football ended!
yesterday with no regrets. Michi-
gan's season record is not one of
championship calibre, but there is
a large measure of consolation in
having risen to play three of our
strongest opponents to a standstill.
To Harry Kipke, who built our
game and fighting combination in
the face of defeat and adverse crit-
icism, our hats go off.
It would be monotonous if Mich-
igan always won the Big Ten foot-
ball championship. It would also
be monotonous if Illinois alwaysI
Avon it. It is a novelty, a thrill, andC
a real pleasure to see it go this
year to Purdue-their first cham-
pionship. Such a passing around
of the laurels represents- a healthyj
condition of our great American,
It looks as though all the teams
would be back next year doing
business at the same stands withI
a lively scrap for the championship.
We venture the prediction that the'
competition will be as keen and as
popular as ever, and that Michi-
gan, through Kipke's added exper-
ience, will come out nearer the top.
Here are the facts. If, after read-
ing them, you understand why the
Iowa game should be discounted on
the record books you are just about
five steps ahead of us which is
just what the night editor told me
when I said I had a good news
story about professional at Iowa.
Department Managers
Advertising............. 1iollister 1abley
Advertising. ....Kasper 1.l-ialverson
Advertising ........herwood A. Ujpton
Service. .............. George A. Spater
Circulation. ............. ..J. Vernor Davis
Accounts.. . ...John R. Rose
Publhcations...,............Geore Hamilton
Byrne M. iBadenoch Marvin Kobacker
James E. Cartwright Lawrence Lucey
Robert Crawford Thomas Muir
haarry B. Culver George Patterson '
Thomas li. Davis Charles Sanford !
Norman Eliezer Lee Slayton
Jaines Hoffer Joseph Van Riper
Norris Johnson Robert Williamson
Charles Kline William R. WorboysI
Business Secretary-Mary Chase
Laura Codling Alice McCully_
Agnes Davis Sylvia Miller
liernice Glaser Hlelen E. Alusszlivhitej
Hortense Gooding Eleanor alkinshawi
Dorothea Waterman
There is more rejoicing in a
newspaper office over one college
student in jail than ninety and
nine jailbirds who never tried to
educate themselves. It is a pecul-
iar fact about modern metropolitan
journalism that a collegian whose
irresponsibility gets him in the
toils of the law is worth more and
better space, and bigger and better
headlines, than the most atrocious
crimes of our toughest criminals.
The Fletcher hall episode, for in-
stance, made front page on most of
the state papers whereas the seiz-
ure of a similar quantity of liquor
from an extra-mural bootlegger I
would hardly have gotten into lead
outside of Ann Arbor. The same is
manifestly true of the Illinois fra-
ternity house seizure and resultant
dismissals. Few murders, in fact,
have been as thoroughly publicized
as the confiscation of some dozen
gallons of liquor that happened to
be in the possession of Illinois col-
lege students.
These instances could be multi-3
plied ad nauseam if any further
proof were needed that college stu-
dents are being victimized by the
newspapers. Their names are be-
ing publicly blackened and their
right to an equal start in life jeo-
pardized, partly because they of-.
fend the law momentarily, and
mostly because they are guilty of
being college students. Dr. John-
son's whimsical reference to the
atrocious crime of being a young
man" has been taken out of its
context by the current species of
city editor, and the irresponsibility
of youth has been made a penal of-
fense by the great court of the
This subversion of justice, of
which the great body of the press
is guilty, would not be of such vital
concern did it not indirectly de-
fame all college students categori-
cally, and the universities which{
+i Avo H++anl - Unfnrtinatny the
The above picture shows Mr.
Gahne Nicholas Dunnitt at the
age of three, a most remarka-
ble child to say the least. Evenj
ait this tender milestone Mr.
Dunnitt showedscrooked ten-
dencies which is not what Mr.
Fielding (Himself) Yost dikes
as Mr. Yost is an ardent backer
of sportsmanship at all times
and if you don't believe sameI
just ask Wieman. Dunnitt's
first professional appearance in
the world of sport will be here-
inafter described as the nightI
editor completely ignored thef
facts and refused to run the
story but what should I care
and should I leave them outI
just for a night-editor which
is a f--l? No, a thousand times
times no!
As we have stated above, Mr.
Dunnitt's first appearance on the
professional athletic field occurred
shortly after this picture was taken
which probably accounts for the
mustache. Picture to yourself the
crowd which lines the croquet
ground, with its banners, its color,
its yells-Oh! those yells, how they
send one back! Picture, if you
can, I can't, Mr. Dunnitt as he
stands there, brazen creature that
he is. Little does he know that
his present deeds will be his down-
fall. Fearless and cool he awaits
the opening whistle which will set
the croquet match all aglow. TheI
whistle shreaks, hoarsely. The bat-
tle of the century, not to say of all
time, is on. Strike after strike he
lays upon the opposing team which
is composed of his sister. In five
minutes she is out cold. Drunk.
Dead drunk.
ber Music Society of Ann Arbor pre-
sents the Barrere Ensemble of New
York in the first of its series of
concerts, beginning at 8:15 o'c'ock!
in the Mendelssohn theatre.
A Review by William J. Gorman
Vladimir Horowitz' second ap-
pearance with the Detroit Symph-
ony, this time with the Tschaikow-
sky First Concerto, was again an
occasion for wild enthusiasm. He
was appearing as co-guest with
Alexandre Glazounov, the last of
the great Russians, whose visit was
glamorous enough from extra-mu-
sical considerations but quite un-
important musically, as his con-
ducting was not even subtle enough
to conceal the fact that the orches-
tra was imagining the Gabrilo-
witsch of the rehearsal as conduc-
tor and doing it rather lamely. It
was Horowitz that made Friday's
concert a brilliant one.
He revealed the same poise and
restraint in the Tschaikowsky Con-
certo as last year in the Rachman-
inoff. He possesses, of course, an
amazing technique-a phenomenal
ability to achieve facile octave-
work and dynamic nuances at an
intense pitch of vibratory power,1
to extract fortissimo without using
brute force, to chisel fine incisive
rhythms with the temper of steel
springs, to maintain proportion of
emphasis between hands. But all
thin Horowitz uses strictly as equi-
ment; never for exhibition. In fact,
the peculiar merit and novelty of
Horowitz's approach to the two
concertos (neither of them very re-
markable music) is the absence of
personal exhibition. His tempo in
the first movement was not start-
lingly brilliant as that of Leonid
Kreutzer and Rudolf Ganz, both of
whom have used the Tschaikowsky
Concerto in Detroit appearances
for a pretentious display of pyro-
technics; it was modest and com-
For Horowitz' style is far re-
moved from that of the hirsute
thunderers who roll concertos into
our ears to keep them ringing there
for a week. His manner is cold and
external and simple, and above all,
honest. His is no opulent, satiny,
linering touch seeking to stretch
little moments out to eternity.
Well-related forms issue in perfect
definition, with no personal yearn-
ings dripping from them. His mel-
odic lines are all straight; there is
no stopping for maundering pret-
tinesses; the lines may lose some-
thing in detail but as wholes they
are effective. Horowitz gives an
intellectual performance. His clar-
ity and dignity and detachment
forms in my mind the perfect type
of artist. He uses the piano con-
sciously, and strictly as an instru-
ment; there is no attempt at merg-
ing himself with the piano by the
ecstasy of the moment of perfor-
Music, good or bad, is crushed out
of recognition by pianists with
heavy hands and no intellects, sur-
face effects losing their charm by
the insistence and stress in the
style of brainless pianists, and the
deeper movements never appear-
ing. Horowitz has the intellectual
grasp of his duty and consistently
gives a lucid exposition of the writ-
ing. His style represents a vitality
that has its source in genuine feel-
ing for the music but is organized
by the intellect and perfectly and
completely translated into terms of
conscious piano-playing. When the
music is mediocre (as I think in the
case of both concertos) our reaction
is curious, alert and reflective ra-
ther than sensational. His recital
in Ann Arbor this year, when un-
doubtedly he will play good music,
should be the most interesting one
I in the series.
Wilson: Eugene O'Neill's "Think-
ing Drama" in nine acts begins a
return engagement with Pauline
Lord still heading the cast. Be-
I cause of the difficulties in produc-
tion that would almost fatally mil-
itate against amateur performance,
this may be the last time in some
years that the Pulitzer Prize play
will be available for local audi-
Cass: "Animal Cracker" opens
tonight with the four Marx broth-
ers. George S. Koumann, that clev-
er journalist of the stage, has fur-
nished the Marx Brothers with
their finest medium so far. While
I comedy Dredominates. Sam Harris
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Sunday After-9noon, November 4, 1929
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With the Michigan Seal for cover decoration and twelve pages of Michi-
gan Buildings and Campus Scenes in Photogravue. Put up in a heavy
art envelope for mailing-Limited edition-75c.
__ .. ,
_. _
Editorial Con ment
(Chattanooga News)I
At the University of Michigan, an
interesting rule has been imposed
upon the members of the student
body. It is that no student can
own or have an automobile at the
university, without the express per-
mission of the authorities, a per-
mission but rarely accorded.
It is said that the rule has had
a very beneficial effect upon scho-
lastic standings at Ann Arbor. In
fact, we understand that the aver-
age standing of the students for
the first year in which "tin lizzies"
were under the ban was 7 per cent
more than for the previous joy-
riding year.
This brings up an interesting
question. What is the effect of
automobiles on student life? We{
wonder if it is true that collegesI
where cars are as common as text-
books have a lower average grade1
than those where they are taboo?
This brings up a further question.
Do students go to college to get an
education or do they attend be-
cause it is the accepted thing to
Many American universities arej
much upset about this question. In'
some, the suggestion has been made
that we should have a three-ply,
higher educational system; a coun-
try club for those who like the at-
mosphere; professional schools for
those who want to learn how to
use the tools of trade, and last of
all, a university, where knowledge
is sought for wisdom's sake by
r ~ ~
The picture shows little
Gahne's father who has just
come in from a flat-rat hunt.
He is stewed to the gi's. He
gives Gahne a'clip on the chin.
Gahne retaliates with a right
to the midsection, kicking out
his father's three teeth. His
mother is inside slapping the
baby. She gives him a penny
for having kicked out his fath-
ther's teeth. He slaps her face.
She hits him over the head
with the baby. What a family
they are!
These are the facts. If anyone
wishes to dispute them he might
do so but it won't do him no good
I as your truly is leaving town to-
night on a big stew with ETAOIN
SHRDLU and Hobbs. At any rate
the reader will have the honor of
those who really have inquiring I having been in Ann Arbor on the
minds as to the philosophy of life's day when professionalism was rout-
scheme of things. ed. What a story that will make
Michigan has put a ban on auto-, for your children and your grand-
mobiles. Other schools have turn-Ichildren! If they are anything likeI
ad thumbns nn n fraternities .1mine t~ sh-vilvo _ "Nwmen ovno'I