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June 01, 1901 (vol. 11, iss. 182) • Page Image 1

…VOL. XI. i , .j I i >> - .. ; . ... i _- ... r r I ('-" i ANN ARBOR, IMIC.., SATUR)DAY, JUNE 1, 1901 No. 182 .Our Special Line of.... TODAY'S GAME IMPORTANT Comedy Club Plays in Angell Hall MICHIGAN LOOKS STRONG Foreign and Domestic! Cianspi18onship oDepeods Upon Wiscon. Alelt trill rvitrr'eute its Seirt er--; Tbe Wolverines Are Picked as Win- siwas-nssAsec Wl ilerv n. wotCto ners of Western Trark Meet- EAB RICS liitnn- be Felt-No House ...…

June 01, 1901 (vol. 11, iss. 182) • Page Image 2

…i THE UNIVEITY m" v1 IiG AN DAILY. Published Dly Nh ondays e. 811d~durin( THiE UNIVERSITY OF NMICIGAN Argu. Bi'de .Main St.- 338 S.State Street Rthlli'P88.8. 13. New" Sae 'Phone8 182 M1AN-W1.iNO IDiT)R, 88 k. E11838. '1 RISINE~ae .IANAI)881. I .GL!-l~ l ,'18 I 3.11''8 '8881. 1' 8) s.1 .II8'n . '11 h.13.1888888,804 N8. P. I11188 1888 W. A 3,S0tx 0 l .Hc-o- .. 1 l New Way of Beauitg Precnrpais loi. Aiviso iB. Stevells lOf thle 81881 888 p811...…

June 01, 1901 (vol. 11, iss. 182) • Page Image 3

…'IFE UMI ISI* fY OFT i](1tJCAN LDAILs, 3 yet FEE**CsvwfC*fFCCi-*C-Wcw**FCCtFL gL Pr SrF : t F ir g's"E tr3 t F ir r c rr r 3E tr rte 'r t E ri :. Sui't Case.... Twenty-four inch, steel frame top and bottom,good locks and catches, corners reinforcedP \k" "R Dil tie m' M' M' 4' 4' wn M)l 2. 98 4' GOODSPIEED'9S 117 MAIN STRlE T ?:y a: 3s:ra3: 3= ?a a3 ?a ? ssa sZ3 ?==Es r.?.E: michizan Central THE' SHRTLE~lIINE'- ANN ARBOR TO OHIOAG...…

June 01, 1901 (vol. 11, iss. 182) • Page Image 4

…4 THlE UNIVELI.ITY 01' MICHIGAN. DAILY We avethm Ot ll siilSofWe have our most xncellent line of seasonable o sttenl Watilt('1V5 combination of c-oes, alisomake 'WOOL..ENS, SERGES, 'WORSTEDS duting vacation for thec "A. A. them to oriler for class teani~sin and CHEVIOTSIes)svdgalienp.Sol any colors selected, wthi numer- m rvd aoiel~is el als, letters or monogram at Clutb on the sable waiting your inspection. ()ISigh1t. rates. X-z will show y...…

June 02, 1901 (vol. 11, iss. 183) • Page Image 1

…' 'I I I j { ? 4 DAY, JUNE 2. 1901 No.1>,> VOL. XI. AN N ARBiOR, Mica., SUN ..Our Special Line of. Eoreign and Domes FABRICS FOR SPRING has aiiied and i ar ranged for inspection. WVe have the lrget1s. soinent iii the it.11' G. IH. WILD C lob E. Washington Si Appelton's l~edical Books A MtL~I Itt WILDER'S PHARMACY x' JOLLX'S x~ \'FOUTAIN FOlIt THE RIGHT DRINKS~ Strawberry Crash l~c QUARRY'S CAMPUSI DRUGi SroR Enclose An Engraved Card With...…

June 02, 1901 (vol. 11, iss. 183) • Page Image 2

…THE UNIVERSIJTY U(JI MIf CIGADAILY. WISCONSIN WAN EAS1Y P ti si thi 71 ii 2 et".ttkdri ci i t t his-. ('cuii 111 otis tg 1111111iii 011.iIi wher he Silwiie PtA iie ow-, - ..fie viir.ia dEr; } v LI .S a e S r et Ii it ev l'l l.t)ihi111 l 111 ti aAi ii ' il St i.-i.I RAIN OR 4SHINE The '00" $3.00 Shoe is the shoe to wear when the weather ts iuncer- tale. A little rain doesn't hurt itr while it affi s plenty of comfort on - the warnmest of...…

June 02, 1901 (vol. 11, iss. 183) • Page Image 3

…111E ViNIVI-l SITY COFY IICAIN I-I ildlil II I i 00 Ilililli Our Special Case is 24 inches long, is strong and well made, i hllilil ; jl I " I P !Ij !' and covered with the best heavy selected sole leather socK. , 11III nl! Color-russet and tan, with steel frame, heavy bolts, solid ' II brass locKs and catches. Full linen lined,with seL at ment I)l ti!Ill' °in lid for s h irt s. , o a o o o- .a NO . ."_ o 4 ' a I I 'i s 117 MAI'N STII -lT Ilil...…

June 02, 1901 (vol. 11, iss. 183) • Page Image 4

…Jet Ca 4 TBlE U FVE S~IT Y 01 MICIGAN DAILY HIGH ART 1#IY 1~~ CORRECT rseys TAILORING it FIor A TAILORING We av temata intaAT 1PR IES within the reach of ordinary moortais Wehv hmolalntd fcombinationofclsin ak temto frcasstafiiten to order tar cisos teomlsa Your Suit to Your fleasure any colors selocted, snu m tater-n taIrc ht vi ae i rn ala, letters or amonogram at clbA da rc htwl aetifo rates.$5.00 to $15.00 fronm the price charged by the o...…

June 04, 1901 (vol. 11, iss. 184) • Page Image 1

…VOL. XI. ..Oar Special. Line of.... Foreign and Domestic FABRICS FOR SPRING: has arrved and is ar- ranged for inspection. We have the largest as sortmnent in the cit}-, _ of D Ir 4 ANN ARBOR MICli., TUESDAY, JUNE 4 1901 MICHIGAN'S VICTORIES FOR THE YEAR 4:) Wona limit 'vwitlli vii iv t' ivof iivav Ivij-o i "3 WaII isliti' vIttI,'vIi'I 'oncst' (i vnivei. i- Wo Woisvtorii' vii iviv I 'tr"le-:t' ix' iii' u l llol C W o n x I . v' v v t. i vi g...…

June 04, 1901 (vol. 11, iss. 184) • Page Image 2

…THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. IiE UNIVER"SIIY OF MI!CHIGAN Track Men Get Stripes tte nd 1)1iV tt'g itork, (thel l ('f that top man has madet Vhe ' \'r'Vt O,-"V us V1duV Boh'Pi RUN ' Sit LV iie l i ''-1. New( stTc (ihV\OI GNU QitlOR, R Sp,,&*V MANAGER, i l' ISA. 'A'. . t(. Iltt''( t ... (tt'f ((tt' t llIj( Take aChances WHEN BU1Y 1M7'CLOTHES READY-TO-W There iis0111y 0ne sort tliat will never disapl a you in the excellence of te f...…

June 04, 1901 (vol. 11, iss. 184) • Page Image 3

…IFE L -TvT FFQjT1 of ATIR IGAN PAILY,. 3 Our Special Case is 24 inches long, is strong and well made, " II II I ' ! 'IdllilI and covered with the best heavy selected sole leather stccl. Color russet and tan, with steel frame, heavy bolts, :solid brass lochs and catches. Full linen lined,with special art- mne nt in lid for s hirts .io t V.4 17® 47®,p 17. , gp' I'I i .' IIi cap II ii' lxIli 11 M IN ST IlIYVT , IAAPA F;,L!S ROUE i IE IlIltI lI...…

June 04, 1901 (vol. 11, iss. 184) • Page Image 4

…4 THlE UNIVERISITY 01 MICHIGAN DAILY Jerseys c nal id lNO0T ICE Aet et We Itays' ~We have our mosts, xcellent line 1of seasonabile 0 tdnswsttdt vs combination of coors, also soakj WOOLENS, SE RGES, WORSTEDS doring vacation for the -A. A. thern to ootdertts tctass teamts in a d C .V OT tpoe' aot, otis e any colors seteetedi, with niuoet- an H E'I? Im rvd gslielilp. bly als, letters otrsflit ttrnt at cluth on the tabtle waiting your inspection...…

June 05, 1901 (vol. 11, iss. 185) • Page Image 1

…Jh 3 ( , ® I ,- ' \ r Af VOL. XI. ANN ARBOR, MICILi, WEDNES[)AY. JUNE 5 1901 No. 185 .Oar Special Line of.... TAKEN OFF THE TEAM Senior Lits and Engineers Decide en CAUGHT CLIMBING THE POLE Foregn nd on~etic ' Class Memorial roreignand Domstic iVarsity Right Fielder Davies Re- auii t~ rsdn lkse fteFehii imoved By Board of Coitroi- Il( .ete it Cyad 'neil r setakan leei0i the r For F A B RI Cs~ Thought to be a lit- i i. I t a lle'n ot> (ia Ii...…

June 05, 1901 (vol. 11, iss. 185) • Page Image 2

…THE UNIVERSITY OF MIC'HIGAN DAILY. Pblished Diit(MondaysI excepted) during Colle'g e er, at THE UNVERSITY OF MICHIGAN MAOt-Dot t . 1RAtCo OFFICE Aagoltgus W ,t'.oo St. 330 S.SttetoStreet. 1MANAGING EDITOR, 0. 11. ttt'o, '01 BUJSINEtSS MANAGER, EDITORS: Mtso L. K. S. tot '031 f''. A. KNItt,tt It. W. A. lHr.1or!:, 'o3 1'I.HUTN for the t'olttot Iytt' ott'It artt tlt rdett 'try tio Ir uIt, 10.a itt lit, It 11 tte tttttYothe111 before ptl., or011 ...…

June 05, 1901 (vol. 11, iss. 185) • Page Image 3

…IETE UNIY VTSITY' OF Md1CIEGAIN DAILY. 3 f4 EEEEfc~rc~frfE~i FE E~:E:r-E'.EE:FE.E'gE ~i :EE:'rEE tE e£ FrE-~rrE-F:E'~cE.~rEE frEF: :E£EaE~rf:~i i>tE'E FE'fr :'7E ' 'p A Ba. a... V' W 'I IOOD SUIT CASE a E For Two Fifteen. x* Tae one _o s home with you x*. IP it 4' 1171MAIN STREETq Talaapiat i UNIVERITY O AII{ III( AN BAND The .0,Est I is- sANNu ___ANiRHETAMANDLIN 1s GUITARS fentalt utssuic for ,ne st,.parties (shC ie es h wi ps etc. BUJRTON ...…

June 05, 1901 (vol. 11, iss. 185) • Page Image 4

…TEE.UNIVERSITY ,Ol MICHIGAN DAILY 4 HIGH ART U° -. CORRECT ijerseysTAILORING Pit or Prince TAILORING We have thermo all kintds of AT PRICES within the ieach ot ordinary inortals them to order for class teams in ou S tt Your fe sr any colors seted, with numer-Anatapiehtwllaeyofrt als, letters or monogram at club Ada rc htwl aeyufo rates. $5.00 tO $I5.oo from the price charged by the ordinary merchant tailor. Caps Wilt you investigate? We wil...…

June 06, 1901 (vol. 11, iss. 186) • Page Image 1

… j ( i i Y 1 lur I VO.XI. .ANN ARBOR, MICH., THIURSDJAY, JUNE 6 1901 No. 186 .Our Special Line of.... THE PENNANT IN SIGHT Torn Conlon a Benedict COMMENCEMENT EXERCISES Foreign and Domestic Michigan's Title to ttie Western Chaos- too:t eveningat Miltood Ii honia, Program of Commencement Wfee:- pionsleto Will Be Undioputed if Colon .0 OlI ..b:11(1 It()-e ~o1eo. Prof.Aler BHart WiltlD FABRICS .tonywtlofc i h aotc letB e Shte Defeats Chicaos if...…

June 06, 1901 (vol. 11, iss. 186) • Page Image 2

…THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. tt ~ l ~ jj Prof. Scott Secrs a Fellowship for s e m tho Univerity ITtaN hne Publ-hed Daido Moday x teii01laoing Coileyear. attilePi'IgrimI n Pulihin CaorfBattle IWHENI3BUYING CLOTHES READY-TO-WEAR th NVRST FNICIGN (e-kniesi -iof v tletailaifelorv- atThere is ony one ort -that will nver disappoint 1ic Lu0 B-Il Si r035 . Slt Sti. (It1111 o 0; novel (halate. it is e- o you in the excellence of the fabric, cor...…

June 06, 1901 (vol. 11, iss. 186) • Page Image 3

…11EE ULM'JSITX OF 7M1(HIGAN IAJLYI, P J u SU'4, u41 Twenty-four inch, steel frame U toap and bottom good locks and i'iijitcatches, corners reinforced4 , L117 MA iN11TI q - 'Iliz -d " ' ° a ' 'I~i - ---I- - - - --I- - 'Y m ic K s', flTollIl'll . I~ts l o il d( art- ' ;: elslls tdn, l(,to \ it11EtlilstAo ii nd~ A la F i (l i f e r lFA L L SRO U T E e y o f lte t t o - a lt t l l c l i l t r e e t a li t cl e r o f et h e i 1st Il tlo c st he m(...…

June 06, 1901 (vol. 11, iss. 186) • Page Image 4

…THE UNIVERSITY flI MICHIGAN DAILY Jerseys NOTICE Wehv te n il e have our most ?xcelleot line of seasonable 100 students wainted to c a..'as combination of colors, alsoonake WOOL.ENS, SERGES, WVORSTEDS doriry vacation for the "<A. A. themt order for ciass teams in adCEIT ijrne'aoiolms el any colors selected, with numer- n H V C mrvd aoielms el als, letters or monogram at club on she table wasting your inspection. oil Sight. rates. We will sho...…

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