tt ~ l ~ jj Prof. Scott Secrs a Fellowship for
s e m tho Univerity ITtaN hne
Publ-hed Daido Moday x teii01laoing
Coileyear. attilePi'IgrimI n Pulihin CaorfBattle IWHENI3BUYING CLOTHES READY-TO-WEAR
th NVRST FNICIGN (e-kniesi -iof v tletailaifelorv- atThere is ony one ort -that will nver disappoint
1ic Lu0 B-Il Si r035 . Slt Sti. (It1111 o 0; novel (halate. it is e- o you in the excellence of the fabric, correctness oh
LotiClhec."13 Nn Sate o ta 11 i . -eil1iiitlin-lii t '. style and igeneral vale-for-price ann that 8sort bearo
- search III Rheto01ielant 11141011 ott- the nanac of
MANA(iNOEDITOR, 1positi)1." 11111 its Ipurpose, 1 tibrii-
0.05.Hx1.5, ii-1011l I et ntiet-e11co
b.Lciiio 0L e n 1lat tit me tot'nhlt ofTHE STEIN-BLOCK CON
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Arr ,'rz ~ rrri. -lts.Its ititi ll i i itieali 1110lechi l We liae sold thisiniale to oi most jparticlar cus-
111.1110 C e1"e 1111 l it~e j toiniers aid lave neer heard anyting htt con-
A.H1 too 0110111 of 1G. Ii.1 5011, 111 "n 0of 1) e or I ilue i e eaes
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05. i on4I. o . c1-.1 i ro 03 ,Ci -lii10h-I CWXe have just received the newest crrsatins in
WACO-c 1, i :, 1I.Hoi 111 t u We01-101 Prof. liii-IolSTED BLOCK'S MO ST FASHIONABLE SPRING
ttLhe--irttun11 c c o te e t101 p l""i~ctI I lrout ii 1 1rat 1 -l 0 StlT
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roorh1( ) p( ~ty ff ean ;ti((lt f . 1111 , t31,1nAn Ideal Walking Pict riFraming
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Thii elll ot h it l it t hits ofite 13("n'teitOClottlA te o"e i
i seilitsliIlt~ltelto tce~b l It t i atn" on, Saginw ft, CaIpeie tMIE1I5 B PTes VEY~ O N W
toa thIl ititct tittes 11111 lotla, ADDII 1E t, up13 0010111 STA e TE sOIIEE iuu e :. ert Ii ;"WICs 0 tlt C(, s~~l A LS
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111~~~~~~~ liiAgienlTso ~t l lo~i- nn I e o ll tdl0 lt~ E- ts WatediT M ONA SUERICuMGC O~I nn ArboSIr, REga
-UpsitvnribityoetentohAl sorb 1111 on CENINE'll t i i'0jIN ECEVE
tO tillsii gs 1of lltOh al, 11111 t o IS sh tO t IO Cesonly. cce.I W 11-
ont etti tiitrUnttelit riiofb .cil 0 -___r_,__ n _______________ - ma's
ace siy f \,(ieil Itic chili whlel- R emnds K.errs& Go,, Ir i
filool rii Ilmaiy ht0-t hallslit00000.aBneS .Eeus0007f
ColeionfMts n outerlst 4 tt tetNwYokbIS'itt IISDRL SOlNOEE
aeii ett T11Sea001111i1 scura to of he4 NheSI dtoe0115eOUT
niiittii 11i1 1 -itl il i o t u lts not5the a-IEott itio cSUinerset.e B STATE
111 exhiitsatiiin tet-it seiwIit I 'Solnitt Re toldeit sasohioa1nd h eraf O-iood h Y O L~hD hd 'TtZ it Ell ii II Jt EET
c fo~utelhtefis n lols AdRSSet 3 SOiUTd" STAE STE Tol s ______________________________________________TABLES, __
11tilt lolleti n w he tie 11 ll m10 ll ito Fisndal Agent fand n egl at thiiiaissuex o .O 7Y AAo pC u C SNlD)" b
piositionililtitS 11llliii-oi lecoriliel ionogltt and told itsReolmDiiEIioD
edwth01 lg e ttld l theseare sloSorit ne on HIGH GRADE
toi lvet lor of11tel1tiiiiib13 Alllil - - - f II S N T R L M I G
UhJ 1d are itilt10111Irrnl in rowbs.areNELRS* 1 11 B~t li oo oClINADSILE
te . a ge tohs, eo i, taet t e ure it 4esralentret, N 101ew t an 27E sigork AISILtre t , FALLISPOIG EVANT cS --o lE
till hest ay sootottin l ittotO10i i LAwg toftACOIIEPANDiENTtn1311oAliAt SND ORA T H
ittoili "t, Titt lie5Co-s t ie them T raact , KeerR 05 COnsie. -SO- -- - - - -T. .
Ir it ind t oa toiitte chlorofeyor att Rcevedeostut jcttodrf. Diveente iOliutS l, tN eveLry tli 310 T15lie0 0103510g o
- Closing OtSale of.... studeties' 000030
phili-eb ill h leot e to COST LAMPS, OtL CANS, PhIOTO RACKS, SHADES
111101. Iti titme the caterpillars bec1Iomle BICYCLES at C S WASTE PAPER BSKETS, CUSPIDORS.
<-oco0110, allo frotit ihio eill ttlt omes 0Our IPrices You WitlAiways Find tile Lowest.-
hie mthsil or ttittet-tlies. It is a lon~g AT1
ptroeestorogectting stleeitieio, tint tile BRO N'S R ' STORE IVARKHAM'S BAZAAR-
Iielct ;jnotify tilesmeans. BO215 ~ St SOUTH MAIN STREETI NEW STATE 'P.H0N462