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June 06, 1901 - Image 3

Resource type:
U. of M. Daily, 1901-06-06

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J u SU'4,
Twenty-four inch, steel frame
U toap and bottom good locks and
i'iijitcatches, corners reinforced4 ,
L117 MA iN11TI q
- 'Iliz -d " ' ° a ' 'I~i - ---I- - - - --I- - 'Y

m ic K s', flTollIl'll . I~ts l o il d( art- ' ;: elslls tdn, l(,to \ it11EtlilstAo ii nd~ A la F i
(l i f e r lFA L L SRO U T E e y o f lte t t o - a lt t l l c l i l t r e e t a li t cl e r o f et h e i
1st Il tlo c st he m(, ollo te si tte l I11 th t }( r '7 1 1 (m ll -ex
IlttI.II lte vty Uttio- I ya. oJICHAfi
ANN ARBOR 1TO t e ,eral 1i ettl es If tha tlllle tPFiees o otto reio ti ea,2061
OHIGAGO st-.elti. tlooks aft le1114, haul '.ttttttt A.-k Ct LIiN$.
for ihe cities tintd offtes l''(-(oel elt-itt _____
BUFFAL.O sointito Ithe llt 1111 ufts e > el t1t~intottt ttitthototbei by Allen, over Den
NEW YORK 1ieei ttejtt-et0 tt&Site--- We sell i~clt a
ectitoff -We1lay ea"101
A DBOSTO N Buy yourt toiter Chipsandttl Paying j10fteitentofoi al suits ad trot-
Catrds at SCHALIER'S Bookstore, j-ers tintil lose 15. Fittest lute of silv er.
T i 1i t is t it. at if thewt . r1 ____ ootien- 11 tieecetly. W m , r
.riormat-on itrum tikets-alt ,titt O IIF. J. GLEN,
i-N it o1. .H TS , s t, AimA br re un =,I1 il ia' liiil Cot Sitte atd gs h.lt Sts.
ANN ARBOR ti ho l it I _>he- ' '_-- FINE
(l i~a d 1l j 11 :it_' . el.. lil1 ''l , d 1 Ir 1.it Iel i 1' (, i_ ee ,j t f t o -+
RAI LROAD (.)tii I f(1'it t kital s tel'al O '<''i a
TIME TABLE Cee 'site it I Cit itit riise ii Coits:r i n. of ;fcKtiteI
Taing Effct, Sos isy,'5 5 1.5891 purposes tin l eiortii liianit ig. hg (i.t siim()i fr ~tilt
Tas itlease Ants Arbor by Central Stad- tieed, at SCit if f I'll'S, donli w n. \-itt1tt.vit to ii H otm
"-:25ttA. M. NIo. 1 - i . t. t"tu1 tid t it ,
'. i-p rte. s. Nof1iltir.si
No 4.-8:5cr"it INo.3.-Ott4: 56 . -t --- _____71____l it11.
*Ru b oet e ts nnAraoc iand Tote( ny 1h ;e.Il( ledli a it inf'111n Cotttileehlie 'Adlee"' iti(t o voer-
All trsiailiexecept Sunday.
i7 I tLs.Agest. \t'ile etat iit isf o ts at 5 ut titisIhyatt & Iletile.
W 11. BENNE TG.P. A nti -e eln p olrd fril sf.(
Ma e.i I . lt(II\St)iN I i- -it ettl£ rs.1.} rli~ee wili l iii
HY hi alilliryfrCi JCKING VA LLEY R . e(:i _el. ' ~itoiti_ ttttl\I>i~ly v~l~, :liii7.il.
The Railroad that takes the \voek, .i-ct tie, ('handler ilt t (£itt i att eni d.ii
Business In and Out erii 1 iss iiiG(oole of I aitt-til illthei _____FR__
of lM lchigan.Cii i t l f I;Tunii iii a tue I tie tour aw ad Seial
SOLID VESTIBULE TAIS oos.t' i.lk if'iifi;l,. ittS o 1
4 DAILY BETWEEN 4 E P.1O'erya Iformiie.1 uothre I liii 'oo lor
TOLDO COLUMBU131S i ieitiot climt I itfor lliiw£ittll
and PATifiNSrailroad. Vilieediritiltths .- testlout.- t teti ornstitt aitt $is. t u1iitE Alit
anitHES. ovek IA-ticCALK INiS. 0LS i ti i
W. 11.Ftsher, LiSV.Landtma, ______
G. PA. G. Trar. Agi. 'AITT. lOI "1tiiitit tioortirti
Columbus, Otis. SDetroit. Mit. 10 iter ceeit if lonitll stilts aidtiiroii- SC ifpaS0)1K ty A yi-ttiy el- flavorsilli Sodla
sets titil imet 135. Fittest line of luca(eu- ei-tcei.s . sI . _ . _ ltI IiisStllie is the tirest.
wtoolenit iiIlie city. .-f., Chi itit o, IlWisld Clierirya
Detroit, Ypsilanti and Ann Ar- F. J. (liN, itemoust Jadled
bor Railway. Coir. Stte tand tVaii. ty i. Best $31 lit iiade is the Howard. I N
Cars leave for Deiroit and Ypsilanti ;W1adhasis, Ryati & Reule, sole agesnts. 200 E. Wash. 5
every half hour beginning at 7:15 a. m. If youi stit ltiillustrailtti if thii _______
until 9:15 p am.;tAfter that to IDetroitVeiue if ala itr see li tt itttheoi, O3O303©3O3 303O303
at 1:135.5p.in. XWaiting roomO cornert Cities aitupiecetrtis i tli ttttiidts O O Pickwick
Ann anid Main Sts.; Detroit, 11.1 Gria' of:buttArkoettitefush (iCo., 'iktiitl Q t3 iiI I '1' I Ot
sodsre.itret. 3 CifGIi. AI I-t ~Regutlationtit lo
MONEY LOANED c3 Iik ..IIS vryth iag
os wates, iDiamons,t Wels and otter iP or- Ck.OI fir youir Ltiwi an iti Stuil 0 3 .1ENVI%. I'I fh.. O
tsonal Property. Office at retidience, liii E. hoos. (. T'. 1 I''l~l 1 .:,2:t't' Sit 3O
liberty sireet. All business csafidentita
Hoors. its 110 a.mat.and1liol3:30anil7 tsoti) Slteiseeondtilooiti. 3 ©3Q3 3 3O3 O f0303 707 N. Univel

'50e to $1.00. Fine
iiloig a Specialty.
Alais Saouth.
tal Gold
al goldl aindlsoldeit
,for old gold an
'nold, Jeweler
es Livery
='.ktC1N 1BEAUTY"
le tielieateitii is61-
ittit ire our various
tWter. Our Iee Cream
tie Orange Phosphate,
rii Tituwill refresh
saint otta a trmnday.
t. tictit. Slate St.
Billiard Parlors,
Mosu, rtitCushions'
Net aid
Stictly Up-to-Date.
-rly Ate. Ann Arbor

r~yi ttltLltttJ tf~1JPtJtJ ULiM nrt vulrtuauuuergrzru rur fua~su ruu nnrucnunr r~tr nnn ia~___ n ia~ru
20 Different Styles. All Leathers
. FFaesteaming ad nrr Embalmer ad613 Eat Willlom Street
0.. o Y', Barber msae seia-VENOCH D ETE 5uea 4ietr nvriyj~ uehl lc etFn
ShpadBah tdoss by latesU ersi ft wbidn. lid
Shnp aPaat ~ ris 00 212 S Fourth AveBoth Poe ! eSreho ci.lassbit rtio . lPhasotoin
Pcoma, 555 STATE. Jaad.Carla 190 I Ok am ert

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