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June 05, 1901 - Image 3

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U. of M. Daily, 1901-06-05

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f4 EEEEfc~rc~frfE~i FE E~:E:r-E'.EE:FE.E'gE ~i :EE:'rEE tE e£ FrE-~rrE-F:E'~cE.~rEE frEF: :E£EaE~rf:~i i>tE'E FE'fr :'7E '
A Ba. a... V'
W 'I
a E For Two Fifteen. x* Tae one
_o s home with you x*. IP
Talaapiat i UNIVERITY O AII{ III( AN BAND The .0,Est I is- sANNu
fentalt utssuic for ,ne st,.parties (shC ie es h wi ps
etc. BUJRTON C. POSTON, isn,, t200.
NIAGtARA FALLS ROUTE n atgod w~ s heel 190,51l Church St. Thy te tsa e ft t,,
out o11)1 li t- ,' s -. tcltttr ttttu d i Wdas a eu arsl
ANNARORTO ruIrsiud frtu vioie ('tinyagents tor Ypslanti undeerwear. 114 IVW. Liberty Street Ans Arbor
AN R OR T t t tsn ttttt-1h-nptabuy cit epel OS, lntlit nihtt I - ii tolty'a
OHIOAGO ittti ttitti fliu ytena triot.ado i ts't;Itntt t't' billtithe Dental uod
NEpOR ile ots i ll irtte ttste 'l %'' ie ___________We pay titaEht for old gold an
AND BOSTO N Nrnl :nl he19r2litchinltlhe Ita'hsx'.t'CASf fryort~w ndlt salilvet.
'asih ditret ,conn]ectionsiat hrags fr t.ss e a1 ]]t]se 'tttech, ]']tfl ,1 ~dt o, tatetttt. w nArnoldJeweler
5 i. Kss tss yB, St. Pau dtshI es et. 1I.ooi lo'
ettfin resftisit sitdtrong tti 't, 'siall fisf I __n___ _______
crwit o .W.HS'3, ntAn 'lir h.ttt'atttttt t odt e I 'IIIRFF tEE OTHERS, BUT NONE F jNES
hetnto tettee tt.55'.iHAkEr Atest. sti rbo1 LET ER P .
______________________________________ t its' tttthe h l ttttthale n it
AR A B Royal Tgers, Dc i r: re,5.
RAILROAD t ~aaxz xDt] nI g. ichh peits' t emet We atSCHL RSoosrIN 'I lHE CITY AT
TIME TABLE wn 5' t ml o h aoo it --
TaigErcSunday, May 21, 199. s oe * i I in htot ofl dta. ii, STUDENTS NOTICEtoirisII
Tans ease Ann Abse by Cntest Stand- F iitthtt hatd tia t t 't e tti-andst Te tbesttstndry t is e TedtaLatinI
a-fd Time. W i -'- - . eroitdhsti sNA t toti dry. Try it Wrk cated fr and d- V r
SOUTH NORTH te Notrttinle ictt re iitto et;i.iti- ietret. Leave yasr order sat 121 S PONE 106, 515 E. LIBERTY ST
- --t- no t.the s tii tt h ttt'ttt tttt I iltit Main t.
* o i 6-tt:25 A M N . -.28:5 A. l. tr ahif ts stii tt n l s it hii is tt'l
No i.-11:35 .1M No,5. 74:35 s -t isii is tsP.i ii ati tisatN issiM.stsatii tsa
Eo~~In between SAnnArbor and Tsleds only. steIn uu tl(ores' i tnt tis t.ssie wtstest-i--
Btates daltty exceptSnda. -'i ' tft initis t iith e t'ss-i' i S to f Ro I. sisstt uuto iiiittak y Ale.ii ih s
NV.TWI I.S, Agent. L mt aoelS
nW i BENNETT 0 PA prtet 'lusth t thets iiec isin-itts a iris. itttsI siss
__________________________LE___________ tilais tti eatei ttsi i,' tit ic ssinnte.ttiiit of__
HV 0K I N G VA l. RBI. ehl-i ioisin hich is-thleee fofsithii s ttilii .t Sit'1,.- iustfinlut f
-M Uiestntisxsct-til(itt sisit siti -i to Iit'ite Jtisolen lt h ciie ety.
deciion ts arid eoltinte IlayilpF. J GLEN,
The Railroad that takes the NNitatsti tetdlu thei, atits. 'usth mal- Ctr. State asd Wash. st. 4
Business In and Out tier. hel Lt-tlts' siesistis1- tes' ass"t,
of ]Aiciga. tB ii'slit 'ii' rs- tisit t iis tiliriy st N_\ .tili Nlr .Tossft Stitigier i-ill givei
4 SLD VESTIBULE TRAINS tesettr eei ao l e tercoird en pry frte<
DAILY BETWEE pctti " N~isi'ts settiti. t t eitly iitifiitMonditiitei (ntti. Tisis'1I. Alt
4 O E O C * i'. a h i forser tifilitt'Niii'isl athi ititti t} antiidlhigh sholit sdetit
TOLEDO, OLU~l BJS Is'letisiat-I, btailntiiinshdtust si. a-titiviii'esitingt i tidsts-ie invitittdlt I THlE IMERI CAN VEAUTY"
and ATH ENS. htihg -..........1 3d Ra stttd. aRose is lut mreflid0stieate in its e-
W H, Fisher, L. W. Landnman, N sctrid ..........2 1 1 0it)It-2GIqtisite aidor than asa e ituse various
t..P A .Trv tgt i,..1td0w - C SI fo orttwan f~ a a-sihos r iSodas Water, Our Ice Cream
Columnsa, Ohi. Detrit. Mistih it'~.boosti C.I. . 11.5 0th EtL, ,_h(fStioh.na, ue rig lopae
Niseisti. t~itsa. SttiS, wstitut har.W'it l h rry itd lenanwilt refresh
Detroit, Ypsilanti and Ann Ar- S11tlt......Paither., 'isri ttit 'te mot lt jteit sirit an a wtans day.
bor Railway. NN <Stilt-i - tititisteh' tbe S - 'i'Iiiissi oi rt'Isg10.50. C EIIAN0.STFdRFcR'S
Cars eave for Detroit and Ypsilanti l.uitig" ....... Shore tttt .. ('1a itslS ART 1 2)0 E. WNash St 206 S State St
every half hour beginning at 7:a5 a. m. IUitnuns .... Il..... I n StNA itH' - - _
until 9:15 p. m.t After that to Detroit Ct.(Ititiisits.... icandsitit - ItlAlititi 0 t0 0 0 0 0 0+0©0D
at 11:15 p. m Waiting roam corner in laidi .- .Tiesd. . ,ueIipliitt1-ae 0 © Pickwick Billiard Pros
An aiid Main Sts.; Detrit, 111 Ges'-t-ia .. ......lift...... t'itiliilst 0 I[TS FOR1- © eul0 toParlorslr
wtod street, Itigitr . CSenter.- - -...Ftch l 0 10MM INS'EMN'f 0 Meonaarin Sitshttbne'
MONEY LOANED Ssesttt ..Iluti ifsglt0 tL~TlPA 1Ol. 0Ca e.~
en Watches, Diamonds, Wheeia and ther Psi-er 0 .C3 Stri'555RE 0 i i tl y t o id
renal Pespety. Office at reidence,31ttE. Bet $3: hat mae is the Howard..I00Sril pt-ae
Liberey street All bsneaa conidetiali
Bor.s,8to li:t0 a. am. and 1Stoi3:30and7tsos9 Wadlani, yan & Resle, oe agnt. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 707 N. University Ave. Ann Arbor
t.JOSEPH . WATTS_____________
rt20 Different Styles. All Leathers

Uof M Barber fae t EmnOCH DETERL Embalmer and }t3 East William Street __IFn
m aU sca- EOH DEE L Funeral Directrnin'UlVetII 6jutoe-fblodk e t Fn
Bath tIIone b latsteI of a blAlnse w at _
Shop 212t etos.(leln S, Fourth A-eBt 'Phones So Shop of repairing Leatip den-. Randa l Phot
ROOMs 322STATE. J adR. Trniannaskl I E. Lam bert. Photo

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