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November 01, 1973 (vol. 84, iss. 49) • Page Image 1

…ZONING PLAN UNSOUND See Editorial Page ,1: r e Eighty-Three Years of Editorial Freedom A6F :43 a t I# SHOWERY High-49 Low-30 See Today for detail. Vol. LXXXIV, No. 49 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Thursday, November 1, 1973 Ten Cents Ten Pages rYCU SEENESHPPE CL' County appeals ruling Washtenaw County has begun an appeal of a ruling made earlier -this month by the State Tax Commission that would force all county jurisdictions-including Ann Arbor-...…

November 01, 1973 (vol. 84, iss. 49) • Page Image 2

…Page Two THE MICHIGAN DAILY Thursday, November 1, 1973 PageTwoTHE ICHGAN AIL Thusda, Noembr 1,197 1 1 I I 1 I I A Ia I on Mr. Tony's deici s 2"or 14"" PIZZA! OFFER EXPIRES NOVEMBER 7, 1973 Offer good for pickup, dine-in or FAST!!*FREE DELIVERY!' Offr oodfo 63-0511 I Offer good for Pckup or FREE DEL/VERY at 1327S. University location only. --- _a -O- - Lose 20 Pounds in Two Weeks! FamousL U.S. Women Ski Team Diet During the non-snow off ...…

November 01, 1973 (vol. 84, iss. 49) • Page Image 3

…Thursday, November 1, 1973 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Three Thursday, November 1, 1973 THE MICHIGAN DAILY "U 'I~ 'I ~ W ~ N N~. ~i~Uk S IRA men escape jail Henry Kissinger, .shown here with Ismail Fahn'y, will be on the move once again. The White House announced yesterday that he will be off on a trip to several Mideast nations including Egypt, Jordan, and Saudi Arabia. White House nominates Saxbe to fill in as Attorney General WASHINGTON...…

November 01, 1973 (vol. 84, iss. 49) • Page Image 4

… sL £ICtgan 4ku t Eighty-three years of editorial freedom Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan Student input in LSA decision-making 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, Mi. 48104 News Phone: 764-0552 THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 1, 1973 Zoning proposal unsound THE MOVE TO rezone a portion of the campus area is an unfortunate at- tempt to rush headlong into a decision whose ramifications have not been stu- died by the city. The pr...…

November 01, 1973 (vol. 84, iss. 49) • Page Image 5

…Thursday, November 1, 1973 CULTUR* cALEINIAR FILM-Cinema Guild presents Wilder's Double Indemnity at 7, 9:05 in Arch. Aud.; Ann Arbor Film Co-op shows Cate's I Never Sang for My Father in Aud. A, at 7, 8:45, 10:30; New World Film Co-op presents Lumet's The Seagull at 7:15, Aud. 4, MLB and WR-Mysteries of the Or- ganism in Aud. 3, MLB at 7:30, 9:45; South Quad Film features Mash at 7:30, 9:45 in Dining Rm. 2, South Quad. MUSIC-The Ba...…

November 01, 1973 (vol. 84, iss. 49) • Page Image 6

…Page Six THE MICHIGAN DAILY I hursday, November 1, 197 1 I ME ., ;, \k +s ? 1 l : . 1.. t h': ( I C V I I& get the job done I ELM. rV Ni Mm w SI P- 7 FOR DIRECT CLASSIFIED SERVICE CALL 764-0557-10 A.M.-4 P.M. MONDAY-FRIDAY _1 UNCONTRACTED CLASSIFIED RATES WORDS 1 day 2 days 3 days 4 days 5 days 6 days add. 0-10 1.00 2.00 2.40 3.20 3.90 4.50 .55 11-15 1.15 2.30 2.90 3.90 4.80 5.60 .75 16-20 1.30 2.60 3.60 4.80 5.90 6....…

November 01, 1973 (vol. 84, iss. 49) • Page Image 7

…Thursday, November 1, 1973 T THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Seven Pompidou calls for summit -- # PARIS, Reuter - President Georges Pompidou yesterday pro- posed a Common Market summit meeting before the end of the year to seek a joint European pol- icy for a permanent settlement of the Middle East crisis. In pressing for an emergency meeting of the nine Common Market heads of government, he expressed regret at Europe's absence from the Middle ...…

November 01, 1973 (vol. 84, iss. 49) • Page Image 8

…Page Eight THE MICHIGAN DAILY Thursday, November 1, 1971 Page Eight THE MICHIGAN DAILY Thursday, November 1, 1973 Stanford MBA REPRESENTATIVE COMING TO CAMPUS TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 6 Admissions representatives will be on campus to speak to minority sfudents, primarily, but also with any other students who are interested in the Master of Business Administration Program at Stanford. Appointments may be made through The Office of Career Planning...…

November 01, 1973 (vol. 84, iss. 49) • Page Image 9

…Thursday, November 1, 1973 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Nine y i ^- N q 4 zhnutter eye of Wolverine By BILL STIEG Moell Tom Russell may well be one of the most im- game portant .men in the Michigan football program. watchin Who is he? An unsung but valuable lineman? An are in anonymous yet indispensable assistant coach? No, Meanw neither of those. He's a photographer. and sent For the last three years, Mr. Russell has been seem a bi filming ...…

November 01, 1973 (vol. 84, iss. 49) • Page Image 10

…Page Ten THE MICHIGAN DAILY Thursday, November 1, 1973 Page Ten THE MICHIGAN DAiLY Thursday, November 1, 1973 STRIKE THREE M M .1-1 r Tuition (Continued from Page 1) yesterday. "I honestly don't have any idea (how many students have paid)," Smith told The Daily. But' he added, "As far as I know, we've not noticed any great change in the level of cash flow." SMITH ALSO refused to shed light on another major money question: the admitte...…

November 02, 1973 (vol. 84, iss. 50) • Page Image 1

…MORE TAPE CHICANERY See Editorial Page Y Lie 43au Da3 aj CHILLY High-SO Low--27 See Today for details Eighty-Three Years of Editorial Freedom Vol. LXXXIV, No. 50 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Friday, November 2, 1973 Ten Cents Ten pages' IA & JSEE NEWS HAPPEN CALL X LY Changing tumes The times, as everyone knows, are a changin', but apparently they aren't a changin' very fast over at the University Information Service. Purchasers of the new Unive...…

November 02, 1973 (vol. 84, iss. 50) • Page Image 2

…1I Page Two THE MICHIGAN DAILY I-ru.doy, November Z, l Y 13 Page Two THE MICHIGAN DAILY hr;day,~ November 2, 1913 mmm"W%. HURRY! LAST FEW DAYS! Sign Up for Senior Pix ON DIAG AND MUSIC -SCHOOL (11-3) Photographers already on campus! San Francisco Mime Troupe Wed., Nov. 14 Power Center 8:30 p.m. All Seats $2.50 reserved AVAIL. NOW-, Michigan Union 11-5:30 p.m. " World Hdqtrs. Records " Discount Records on South U i Johnson gives ...…

November 02, 1973 (vol. 84, iss. 50) • Page Image 3

…Friday, November 2, 1973 I HE MICHIGAN DAILY F'age Three I * i Karleton Armstrong jailed for 23 years I IM -MADISON OP) - Karleton Arm- strong, who pleaded g'illv to charges in the 1970 University of Wisconsin bombing that killed a physics researcher, was sentenc- ed yesterday to 23 years in prison. "Long live the revolition," the bearded Armstrong shouted after Circuit Judge William Sachtjen sentenced him on a second-degree murder ch...…

November 02, 1973 (vol. 84, iss. 50) • Page Image 4

… She t cd tan Daily Eighty-three years of editorial freedom Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, Mi. 48104 News Phone: 764-0552 FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 2, 1973 More tape ehicanery PRESIDENT NIXON'S sudden decision to turn over nine Watergate tapes to Federal Judge John Sirica came as some- thing of a surprise to' many observers. The move seemed out of character for a President .who had fought s...…

November 02, 1973 (vol. 84, iss. 50) • Page Image 5

…Friday, November 2, 1573 3 tHE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Five Lawrence of Arabia Cinem 11, Aud. A Fri., S t., 6:45, 10:00 A David Lean film is the think- ing man's epic, an intellectual in- quiry with a cast of thousands. As do his other imnortant films (The Bridge Over the River Kwai, Dr. Zhiv go), Lawrence of Ara- bia explores the nature of loyal- ity. Peter O'Toole (in his first star- ring role) is brilliant as T. E. Lawrence, the young Bri...…

November 02, 1973 (vol. 84, iss. 50) • Page Image 6

…Page Six THE MICHIGAN DAILY hridoy, November 2, '19/3 1. - --- .... _. ___...._ _._.__.__: t >:; l"k I ," , r " 1.._ J ._. . ( I get the job done , .. .. U - _..A %a po 7 MIAN A FOR DIRECT CLASSIFIED SERVICE CALL 764-0557-10 A.M.-4 P.M. MONDAY-FRIDAY - , UNCONTRACTED CLASSIFIED RATES WORDS 1 day 2 days 3 days 4 days 5 days 6 days add. 0.10 1.00 2.00 2.40 3.20 3.90 4.50 .55 11-15 1.15 2.30 2.90 3.90 4.80 5.60 .75 1...…

November 02, 1973 (vol. 84, iss. 50) • Page Image 7

…Friday, November 2, 1973 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Seven Friday, November 2, 1973 THE MICHIGAN DAILY SGC sets up new committee Mideast war renewed (Continued from Page 1) Council a comphehensive final re- port on the committee's findingsl "within the month." Committee member and SGC le-' gal advocate Tom Bentley reported on the investigation of SGC's fian- cial situation, saying that the Coun- Scil's books are so thoroughlymess- confusio...…

November 02, 1973 (vol. 84, iss. 50) • Page Image 8

… Page Eight THE MICHIGAN DAILY Friday, November 2, 1973 Page Eight THE MICHIGAN DAILY Friday, November 2, 1973 ,A M Introduces, THE HEAD. AIR BOOT & Other '74 HEAD Equipment AVAILABLE AT (1 mile S. of Campus) 662-7307 Hrs.: M-Th-Fri. 10-8:30 2455 'S. State Tues.-Wed.-Sat. 10-5:30 BankAmericard * Master Charge " American Express ARMY SURPLUS 1166 Broadway (north of Broadway bridge) 769-9247 open: mon-fri: 10-7 sat: 9-6 "STRAVINI" BULK KN...…

November 02, 1973 (vol. 84, iss. 50) • Page Image 9

… Friday, November 2, 1973 THE MICHIGAN DAILY .vage Nine' Friday, November 2, 1973 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Nine' Hoosiers C .Deedli EY' -Slefll Tom Kettinger . . hivin' on the farm Dan Borus T MUST BE IN THE COLLECTIVE INHERITANCE of most American males that at the age of five they stand with a bat in hand and scour at an imaginary pitcher. Then, after watching the pitcher make his imaginary pitch, they swing and watch the imaginary ...…

November 02, 1973 (vol. 84, iss. 50) • Page Image 10

…Rage Teri THE MICHIGAN DAILY "N''~'.'~ ~~fl4'~N ..rN ~ N' ~ ~.' Fridoy, ~~ No em e N' 'r 1973V 9N "' Poge Ten THE MiCHIGAN DAILY Friday, November Zr 1973 EQUITY CO. FRAUD In su rance execs indicted LOS ANGELES UP) - The three vestigators as the biggest in in-' former top executives of Equity surance industry history. Funding Corp. of America and 19 Equity Funding, a giant financial others were indicted by a federal conglomerate, tumbl...…

November 03, 1973 (vol. 84, iss. 51) • Page Image 1

…SGC STUDY DESERVES CHANCE See Editorial Page C I 4c Eighty-Three Years of Editorial Freedom D~aiI BRRRISK High-47 Low-32 See Today for details Vol. LXXXIV, No. 51 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Saturday, November 3, 1973 Ten Cents FOUND OUT ON SEPT. 29 Eight Pages Nixon ouster backed Pilpt program students at Alice Lloyd Hall have voted overwhelmingly in favor of President Nixon's impeach- ment. Out of 274 votes cast, 81 percent endorsed the ouste...…

November 03, 1973 (vol. 84, iss. 51) • Page Image 2

…Page Two THE MICHIGAN DAILY Saturday, November 3, 1973 Page Two THE MICHIGAN DAILY Saturday,.... Novembe.. ,r 3 1 ThursdaysFriday- Saturday Nov 1.2.3 LOU DONALDO COMING Nov 8-910 STANLEY TURRENTINE Employes claim U, What Is It? { Mts dthem on htke How Can It Help You? 4 (Continued from Page 1) fice may be less conscientious in cording to another unit manager. awarding a merit increase to MEDIT TE T ANSC NDEN ALLYWe could see what they w...…

November 03, 1973 (vol. 84, iss. 51) • Page Image 3

…Saturdoy, November 3,'19,73 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Three Saturday, November 3, 1973 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Three ... Russian press shows concern Vietnamese revere Diem overW MOSCOW, (Reuter) -- The So- viet Union yesterday showed glowing uneasiness over the po- litical future of . President Nixon and for the first time in Moscow an influential foreign affairs weekly spelled out what im- peachment would mean for the president. The Sovi...…

November 03, 1973 (vol. 84, iss. 51) • Page Image 4

… I Eighty-three years of editorial freedom Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan Success story: Thai student power 4 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, Mi. 48104 News Phone: 764-0552 By MARNIE HEYN MANY AMERICANS were astonished when, early in October, the prime min- ister of Thailand and two other high gov- ernment officials were removed from of- fice after Thai students led demonstrations that grew into street battles...…

November 03, 1973 (vol. 84, iss. 51) • Page Image 5

…Saturday, November 3, 1973 I1HE MICHIUAN LDAILY .Page Five Soph show misses By ALVIN CHARLES KATZ In what was certainly one of the great theatrical disasters of recent memory, Wonderful Town, this year's Soph Show, opened Thursday night at the Power Center. The production had all the makings of, a flop - b a d acting, crummy sets, poor tech- nical work, sloppy choreography, and raunchy orchestra work - and flop it did. Word must have l...…

November 03, 1973 (vol. 84, iss. 51) • Page Image 6

…Page Six THE MICHIGAN DAILY Saturday, November 3, 1973 L _____ ____ ____________ - __-__i I I AOVW--'I. 00 0 0-1. -Vyg v I i 1 tw (4 1 ( V I if Crate jol) (lone-so ! F _ . _ _ ,. FOR DIRECT CLASSIFIED SERVICE CALL 764-0557-10 A.M.-4 P.M. MONDAY-FRIDAY I i _ ._._ -__-_._.____ -_ ___.__._____..__.-.___.-- _-_._____T-..._.._- _. _ __ ______.._ -i UNCONTRACTED CLASSIFIED. RATES WORDS I day 2 days 3 days 4 days 5 days 6 da...…

November 03, 1973 (vol. 84, iss. 51) • Page Image 7

…Saturday, November 3, 1973 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Seven Blue By CLARKE COGSDILL Boone's Farm distributors pre- pared for a massive last-minute rush as students stocked up for today's Michigan-Indiana game, scheduled for a 1:30 kickoff in the Stadium. Last y e a r, remembering the 61-7 slaughter the Wolverines gave to the Hoosiers in 1971, most people didn't give the Michigan-Indiana clash a second thought. Those few who did lis- ten to th...…

November 03, 1973 (vol. 84, iss. 51) • Page Image 8

…Page Eight THE MICHIGAN DAILY 4Z.-,4-. !) I t*t*7:) ueuray, iNovember 3, 1973 3 E~WfiW~h !1JWW~I1~IiL1JN1IT1iIE~ffl II~ W H I~hII~t~lI~t1 ~*1E ..fl.!.UI....l.L. . I . - . . - - . - - I '1' I I 1 A 1LIh~~~m ThhNI LOTS OF FREE PARKING ALL DAY in the Maynard Street Parking Structure and on William and Maynard Street BIVOUAC 518 E. William 761-6207 ARMY-NA VY SURPLUS Lee Jeans, Flannel and Corduroy Shirts Down Jackets, Air F...…

November 04, 1973 (vol. 84, iss. 52) • Page Image 1

…SUNDAY MAGAZINE See inside Y Eighty-Three Years of Editorial Freedom 4 i High--40 Low-29 See Today for details Vol, LXXXIV, No, 52 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Sunday, November 4, 1973 Ten Cents Einh t Pages i 14 i F If YOU SEE NEWSAPPCALL ALY s _ Position clarified In Friday's Daily we reported that a spokesman for the Arab Student Association had denounced the ex- pulsion'of pro-Zionist Jews from a campus forum on the Middle East War. ...…

November 04, 1973 (vol. 84, iss. 52) • Page Image 2

…Page Two THE MICHIGAN DAILY Sunday, November 4, 1973 Page Two THE MICHIGAN DAILY STUDENT POWER Cease-fire violated Chicago '7' acquitted I4 LSA govt. to vote on parity (Continued from Page ) "important step dealing with all pending humanitarian problems." (Continued from Page 1) members of the University is es- sential for democratic decision! making," they argue. According to Ned Dougherty, as- sistant to Rhodes, LSA Student1 G...…

November 04, 1973 (vol. 84, iss. 52) • Page Image 3

…magazine editors: marty porter tony schwartz contributing editor: laura herman Sundoy mcigctzine inside: hooks-pages 4 & 5 profiles-page 5 perspective-page 6 week in review-page 6 Number 8 Page Three November 4, 1973 0 FEATURES ABBOTT'S The world's largest magic fa c to:ry: magiciai By. Laura Berman COLON, Michigan SKELETONS PAINTED on the black ex- terior of the world's largest magic fac- tory conjure images of the whirl of activit...…

November 04, 1973 (vol. 84, iss. 52) • Page Image 4

…1 Page Four THE MICHIGAN DAILY Sunday, November 4, 1973 Page Four THE MICHIGAN DAILY mm BOOKS KEMPTON & ARLEN After Panthermania: Revising stereotypes FOUR DEATHS Recalling Kent State: Nightmarish injustice I THE BRIAR PATCH by Murray Kempton. E. P. Dutton Co., New York; 282 pages, $7.95. AN AMERICAN VERDICT by Michael J. Arlen. Doubleday & Co., New York; 196 pages, $6.95. By CHARLES STORCH THE BLACK Panthers always had the stuff of ...…

November 04, 1973 (vol. 84, iss. 52) • Page Image 5

…Sunday, November 4, 1973 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Five Sunday, November 4, 1973 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Five PROF ILES ISRAELI ART EXHIBIT II' H. Auden a Reflec tiom By JEFF SORENSEN AN ESSENTIALLY p r i v a t e man, W. H. Auden had a small circle of friends who knew him well. Certainly he didn't ac- tively seek a favorable public image. As a result, it's not widely known that Auden, the great Eng- lish poet who died in Vienna at 66 l...…

November 04, 1973 (vol. 84, iss. 52) • Page Image 6

…. Wage Six THE MICHIGAN DAILY Sunday, November 4, 1 973 Page Six THEIIIIIIIIIIM ICH IG ANIII I DAILYI I PERSPECTIVE RELAX scapng the colege rut t OWN pmaw .mm - nw- =mPRESENT THIS COUPON* -m - - - mm m Lr=BEEF-N-CHEDDAR DESSERT LARGE COKE j COMPLETE MEAL ONLY $1.75 PLUS TAX EGOOD ONLY AT ARBY'S OF MD I;ANN ARBOR YPSILANTI 'WASHTENAW AVE. WASHTENAW AVE. 1 / mile west of Arborland Across from K-Mart near Golfside Rm.mmmm.mmmOFFER EXPIRES N...…

November 04, 1973 (vol. 84, iss. 52) • Page Image 7

…Sunday, November 4, 1973 I HE MICHIGAN DAILY rage Jeven FOR DIRECT CLASSIFIED SE RVICE CALL 764-0557 - 10 A.M.-4 P.M. /Monday-Friday PERSONAL THE NEW All-Americans: Harold, Dave, Chet, and Jay. U-M Barbers andE Stylists. Michigan Union. cF52 MINNESOTA FATS IS COMING TO THE UNION BILLIARD ROOM cF004 Bowl With ' FOR RENT FOR RENT ROOM FOR RENT in shared house: TWO BEDROOM APT. Unfurnished, $60/mo., no lease. 662-4201. 82C008 close to ca...…

November 04, 1973 (vol. 84, iss. 52) • Page Image 8

…Page Eight THE MICHIGAN DAILY Sunday, November 4, 1973 Page Eight THE MICHIGAN DAILY Sunday, November 4, 1973 o verines steamro Hoosiers Indiana forces ripped by Michigan offensive TORmenting chuck bloom Corso: an image of victory .. a reality of defeat HAT LITTLE JUMPING jack on the visitors' sidelines yes- terday is going to be a hell of a Big Ten coach someday. In his first year as Hoosier mentor, Lee Corso has brought an ener- geti...…

November 06, 1973 (vol. 84, iss. 53) • Page Image 1

…1 THE POLITICS OF RESIGNATION See Editorial Page Yppr L itr4O ~IaitJ,4 FROZEN High-35 i Low--23 See Today for details Eighty-Three Years of Editorial Freedom Vol. LXXXIV, No. 53 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Tuesday, November 6, 1973 Ten Cents Eight Pages Al i, CcIFYU SEE NEEXSKAPEN CALLYD6lY Resources dean quits James McFadden, dean of the natural resources school, will resign as of July, 1974, it was announced yesterday. The dean' plans to r...…

November 06, 1973 (vol. 84, iss. 53) • Page Image 2

…Page Two t) THE MICHIGAN DAILY Tuesday, November 6, 1973 PaeToTH IHGAiAL r. 1 WANTED: Persons who are addicted to Methaqualone (Sopor, Quaalude, Optimil and Parest) to participate in an in-hospital treatment-research program at the Uni- versity of Michigan neuropsychiatric institute. The pro- gram will involve complete withdrawal from the drug under medical supervision. PATIENTS WILL BE PAID INCOME (SO FAR) OF DAVID'S BOOKS 209 ...…

November 06, 1973 (vol. 84, iss. 53) • Page Image 3

…Tuesday, November 6, 1973 THE MICHIGAN DAILY rage Three THE ICHIAN DILY age hre Nation hit by strikes in essential services By The Associated Press Walkouts by workers is key services - among them f i r e protection, newspapers, hmspiral care and air travel - hit a num- ber of American cities yester- day. A strike deadline by New York City firemen was reset for 8:30 a.m. today as contract negotia- tions continued under court or- der. B...…

November 06, 1973 (vol. 84, iss. 53) • Page Image 4

… I stif Sfr4tgan4 + Eighty-three years of editorial freedom Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan OEO legal help program faces attacks k] Al 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, Mi. 48104 News Phone: 764-0552 TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 6, 1973 The polities of resignation WHILE IMPEACHMENT efforts progress slowly in the House of Representa- tives, there is increased discussion of an- other solution to the present national leader...…

November 06, 1973 (vol. 84, iss. 53) • Page Image 5

…s Tuesday, November. 6, 1973 FHE MICHIGAN DAILY FQge Five Tuesday, November 6, 1973 IHE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Five I1 I Mu sic By BOB SEIDENSTEIN In Ann Arbor a lot of musi- cians must literally pay their dues if they want to sing the blues. x The dues go to local 625 of the American Federation of Mu- sicians headquartered on the sec- ond floor of Nickels Arcade. Union bylaws say that the pur- pose of the federation is "to ad- vance the...…

November 06, 1973 (vol. 84, iss. 53) • Page Image 6

…Tuesday, November 6, 1973 Page Six THE MICHIGAN DAILY FOR DIRECT CLASSIFIED SERVICE CALL 764-0557 - 10 A.M.-4 P.M. Monday-Friday : ti UNCONTRACTED CLASSIFIED RATES WORDS 1 day 2 davs 3 days 4 days 5 days 6 days add. 0-10 1.00 2.00 2.40 3.20 3.90 4.50 .55 11-15 1.15 2.30 2.90 3.90 4.80 5.60 .75 16-20 1.30 2.60 3.60 4.80 5.90 6.80 .85 21-25 1.55 "3.10 4.30 5.70 7.00 8.10 1.05 26-30 1.80 3.60 5.00 6.60 8.10 9.40 1.20 31-35 2.05 4.10 5.65 7...…

November 06, 1973 (vol. 84, iss. 53) • Page Image 7

…Tuesday, November 6, 1973 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Seven kh illnOs: No pushover for By BILL STIEG It took five games, but the cream has finally iisen to the top. As expected, there are now only two unbeaten teams in the Big Ten-Michigan and Ohio State. While the Wolverines were powering past In- diana, Ohio State was in Champaign to play sur- prising Illinois which was tied for first with a 4-0 conference record. THE BUCKEYES took th...…

November 06, 1973 (vol. 84, iss. 53) • Page Image 8

…Page Eight THE MICHIGAN DAILY Tuesday, November 6, 1973 Page Eight THE MICHIGAN DAILY Tuesday, November 6, 1973 CSJ HEARING COMING Suit filed against Gill (Continued from Page 1) Gill had just returned to the city In a related development, anony- Complainant and SGC represent- at press time and maintained that mous leaflets bearing the title ative David Faye terms th alleged he didn't know enough about the "Cover-up" and charging that Gi...…

November 07, 1973 (vol. 84, iss. 54) • Page Image 1

…INPUT PUT OUT IN THE COLD See Editorial Page C I 4c gilt DIaitV POLAR Ifigh-4 s Low.-25 See Today for Details Eighty-Three Years of Editorial Freedom Vol. LXXXV, No. 54 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Wednesday, November 7, 1973 Ten Cents Ten Pages NEW MAYOR s 4 r IF ICU SE N~WS [~PP ALL6-D4JtY TF decision today University President Robben Fleming will release a statement sometime today which informed sources say could head off an impending strike...…

November 07, 1973 (vol. 84, iss. 54) • Page Image 2

… Po g e Two t i HE MICHIGAN DAILY Wednesday, November 7, 19 lj PageTwoIHE ICHGAN AIL .Wed,.e.d_... Novembe... ,....r 7.. 91 I I WOMEN'S CAREER OPPORTUITIES SPONSORED BY CA RE E R Lunch Hour Discussions. The third in a series of informal group sessions. Come hear representatives from various employers and graduate/professional schools discuss their oppor- tunities for women. All women welcome. Feed free to bring your lunch. Wed., Nov....…

November 07, 1973 (vol. 84, iss. 54) • Page Image 3

…Wednesday, November 7, 1973 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Pace Three ~ Wednesday, November 7, 1973 THE MKHIGAN DAILY r COURT INTERVENES: N.Y. fireman strike ends By The Associated Press New York fire fighters aban- doned their picket lines yesterday and returned to duty after a five- hour strike that officials said placed the city "in a condition of immediate peril." The first strike in the 108-year history of the New York City Fire Department be...…

November 07, 1973 (vol. 84, iss. 54) • Page Image 4

…N; iffe 4i ia ea* t Eighty-three years of editorial freedorn Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan Politics threatens legal aid program 420 Maynard St., Ann'Arbor, Mi. 48104 News Phone: 764-0552 WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 7, 1973 Real input put out in the cold TJHE LSA FACULTY has once again smashed a proposal which would have allowed students a significant voice in college affairs. It is hardly surprising: periodically...…

November 07, 1973 (vol. 84, iss. 54) • Page Image 5

…Wednesdoy, November 7, 1973 IHE MICHIGAN DAILY Racge FHve V q - By SARA RIMER "Irnmendons!" It seems appro- priate to borrow one of Ameri- can artist Hans Hofmann's own, unique words to describe the Uni- versity Museum of Art's current exhibition entitled "Hans Hof- mann: 52 Works on Paper." About 150 people gathered in the museum last Wednesday night to hear Prof. of Art, Albert Mullen's lecture, "An Apprecia- tion of Hans Hofmann." A f...…

November 07, 1973 (vol. 84, iss. 54) • Page Image 6

…Page Six THE MICHIGAN DAILY Wednsda, Noembr 7,197 Wedn... s..,....,, v.; 1973 I r- ? w 4 U °E . J w 'roof I' ( get the j(I)done £, i 4 m _ IwftMop 77777 , . : .": FOR DIRECT CLASSIFIED SERVICE CALL 764-0557-10 A.M.-4 P.M. MONDAY-FRIDAY F- UNCONTRACTED CLASSIFIED RATES WORDS l day 2 days 3 days 4 days 5 days 6 days add. 0-10 1.00 2.00 2.40 3.20 3.90 4.50 .55 11-15 1.15 2.30 2.90 3.90 4.80 5.60 .75 16-20...…

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