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November 03, 1973 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1973-11-03

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See Editorial Page


Eighty-Three Years of Editorial Freedom


See Today for details

Vol. LXXXIV, No. 51 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Saturday, November 3, 1973 Ten Cents

Eight Pages

Nixon ouster backed
Pilpt program students at Alice Lloyd Hall have voted
overwhelmingly in favor of President Nixon's impeach-
ment. Out of 274 votes cast, 81 percent endorsed the
ouster. Armed with the results of the referendum, the
"pilots" sent two telegrams to Congress, one to Rep.
Marvin Esch (R-Ann Arbor) and another to Peter Rodino
(D-N.J.), head of the House Judiciary Committee, which
is currently looking into grounds for impeachment.
Happenings ..
. . . are topped by today's football game against In-
diana at 1:30 p.m. . . . the Leningrad Philharmonic
performs tonight at 8:30 at Hill Aud. . . . while on the
movie front, the thirst-inducing Lawrence of Arabia
plays at Aud. A, the French Connection at the Nat. Sci.
Aud., Wait Until Dark at the Bursley, and You Can't
Cheat an Honest Man is at Couzens.
Kennedy sees NATO crisis
Sen. Edward Kennedy told the Senate yesterday that
the Nixon administration, in helping solve the Middle
East crisis, "has needlessly created a crisis in the
Atlantic alliance." The Massachusetts Democrat said
the administration's Oct. 25 decision to alert U.S. troops
worldwide without consulting European allies was the
latest step in permitting relations with Europe to de-
U.S. ponders Suez pullback
Israeli Prime Minister Golda Meir has sounded out
President Nixon and Secretary of State Henry Kissinger
on the idea of a pullback of Israeli and Egyptian forces
from opposite banks of the Suez canal, sources said
yesterday. But she has stressed in talks in Washington
that Israel's immediate concerns are an exchange of
prisoners of war and a lifting of the Egyptian blockade
of the Babel Mandeb Strait at the entrance to the Red
GM recalls cars
General Motors Corp. yesterday recalled some of its
brand-new 1974 cars. GM said its Oldsmobile division
was asking owners of about 2,600 Cutlasses with reclining
seats to return the cars to dealers so that a nut and bolt
can be added to the bracket supporting the back of the
seat. The company said some of the brackets were im-
properly welded. GM also said it was asking owners of
6,263 light-duty 1973 trucks to return them to dealers for
replacement of possibly-defective wheel clamps.
Churchill snubbed dukedom
Britain's wartime leader, Sir Winston Churchill, turned
down a royal offer of a dukedom when he retired as
prime minister in 1955, Queen Elizabeth has disclosed.
The Queen, attending a ceremony at which a bronze
statue of Churchill was unveiled Thursday in Parliament
Square, told of the time she had offered him a dukedom
-the highest rank beneath royalty in the British aris-
tocracy. "I thought that when he resigned as prime
minister and would no longer play an active role in
party politics, I might honor his wholly exceptional
achievements by offering him a dukedom," she said.
"But he wanted to spend his last years where he had
passed almost all his adult life-in the House of Com-
mons-and indeed he had no need for distinction greater
than the name of Winston Churchill."
Navy barracks scrapped
Treasure Island, a U.S. Navy base in San Francisco
Bay, has a brand new ruin. After spending more than
350,000 dollars, the Navy has decided it does'not need
the block of barracks it is building. The $2 million project
was halted this week on orders from Washington. Said a
Navy spokesman: "The most recent analysis of personnel
needs did not support completion of the barracks. It
would have been fool-hardy to continue to build just to
save face."
Allende widow speaks
The widow of the late President Salvador Allende of

Chile urged the United Nations and other international
organizations yesterday to condemn the current military
regime. Hortensia Allende told 500 delegates to the
National Congress of the Union of Italian Women in
Rome that the junta which seized power Sept. 11 has
embarked on a reprisal program of "unheard-of ferocity
and cynicism." She said, "Salvador Allende did not die.
His name represents a symbol that must guide those
who fight for a real progress and against fascism."
The gift that says it all
His colleagues on the Texas Constitutional Revision
Commission have given President -Nixon's new Watergate
prosecutor a parting gift. Inside a wrapped package,
Houston lawyer Leon Jaworski found two reels of re-
cording tape.
On the inside ..*.
.., Marnie Heyn discusses the Thailand student move-
ment on the Editorial Page . . . on the Sports Page,
Clarke Cogsdill previews today's Indiana game . . . and

Kids meet
animals at
Mott clinic
Llamas and donkeys and ele-
phants! Oh my!r
The circus came to town yester-
day, or more specifically, to the
eighth floor of Mott Hospital, the
childrens' unit of University Hos-
SOME 60 "children of all ages"
gathered in the large playroom to
watch the antics of Nellie the Baby
Elephant, Jenny the Donkey, Win-
kie the Clown, and Brownie the
The entourage, which also in-
cluded a shy baby cougar, a slimy
boa contrictor and several furry
bunny rabbits, was provided by The
Wonderful W o r I d of Animals,
which is currently booked at the
national guard armory here.
The mini-circus is part of a con-
tinuing program of entertainment
for hospitalized children, sponsor-
ed by the hospital school and ac-
tivities department. Other visitors
to the eighth floor have ranged
from rock and roll bands to Dr.
Marcus Welby (Robert Young).
SIGNS dotted the large room,
warning the many adults present,
"This is a children's show. Do not
stand in front of them."
The patients, several in wheel-
chairs and others in moveable beds
waited eagerly for Nellie and her
friends to disembark from the hos-
pital elevator. Nellie, although just
a little tyke as far as elephants go,
still needed an entire elevator to
"I like the llama best,"bubbled
five-year-old Jeffrey as the shag-
gy South American beast ambled
past. Unperturbed by the chaotic
atmosphere around him, Brownie
calmly thrust his soulful-eyed
brown and white head into the face
of a nearby hospital worker.
"Watch out," someone warned.
"He spits." The llama, that, is.
WINKIE, a myopic middle-aged
man dressed in a baggy, striped BR(
clown suit, asked the excited group Hos
See KIDS, Page 2 a vi





Prosecution still not
hiappy with rationale.
By AP and Reuter
WASHINGTON-President" Nixon knew two subpoenaed
Watergate tapes were missing more than a month before the
White House acknowledged in open court that they didn't
exist, a presidential aide testified yesterday.
After two days of a federal court hearing,.the Watergate
prosecution force still was not satisfied that it knows all the
circumstances surrounding the phantom tapes and the hearing
was scheduled to resume Tuesday with White House aide
Stephen Bull still on the stand.
Prosecutors suggested yesterday that it would be helpful if the
White House supplied a tape from June 4, when Nixon played back a
number of his own recorded conversations during a 12 hour session in

his bugged hideaway in the Execu-
tive Office Building.
They wanted to determine if the
June 4 tape contained a playback
by Nixon of one of the phantom
recordings. But the June 4 tape is
not among those ordered disclosed
by a federal appeals court, and a
White House lawyer objected to
turning it over. The judge sus-
tained him.
On Monday, another chapter in
the Watergate affair will resume
in the same courtroom when U.S.
District Court Judge John Sirica
hears the motions of five Water-
gate defendants to withdraw their
guilty pleas and a motion for a new
trial by James McCord Jr., who
was convicted in the case.
Bull told the court yesterday that
he was reviewing a batch of White
House tape recordings at Nixon's
request at Camp David, Md., on
Sept. 29 and found that conversa-
tions of June 20, 1972 and April 15,
19'3 were not in the tapes.
Not until last Wednesday did the
White House publicly acknowledge
that the two recordings were non-
existent. A week before, White
House lawyers had said in court
they would comply with an order
that called for the productin of.
nine Watergate-related presidential
Meanwhile, the White House said
yesterday Nixon would make avail-
able to the federal courts a memo-
randum he made of his conversa-
tions with former White House
counsel John Dean III on April
15, 1973.
Presidential spokesman Gerald
Warren said Nixon dictated a
memorandum of his frecollections
of the meeting shortly after the
See NIXON, Page 2

UN sends
new force
to Mideast
The U. N. Security Council last
night authorized the dispatch of
troops- from Canada, Poland and
five other countries to the new
Middle East peacekeeping force.
The approval broke a weeklong
U. S.-Soviet deadlock over East-
West balance on ,the force. In se-
lecting Canada, a member of NA-
TO, and Poland, a Warsaw Pact
country, the council specified that
each would provide logistic and
supply soldiers, rather than front-
line observation troops.
The other five countries approv-
ed were Panama, Peru, Nepal, In-
donesia and Ghana.
The 15-nation council acted with-
out a formal vote following days of
negotiations in private meetings.
China declared it was disassociat-
ing itself from the decision.
AmDassador Huang ffua of China
said the peace force represented
"further intervention in the Middle
East, with the superpowers acting
as bosses behind the scenes."
In Washington, Foreign Secre-
tary Mitchell Sharp of Canada said
yesterday after meeting with
Egyptian Foreign Minister Ismail
Fahmy that Fahmy has no objec
tions to a Canadian peacekeeping

OWNIE THE LLAMA has a friendly chat yesterday with Chris Myer, a patient in Mott Children's
pital. Brownie and some of her circus friends, including Nellie the Elephant (in the background), paid
sit to their youthful fans in University Hospital's childrens' section.


employes charge


misled them on wage hik

Discontent is b r e w i n g among
many University employes who
c 1 a i m the administration misled
them into thinking they would re-
ceive a wage increase.
Despitewan average University
wage hike of 5.5 per cent, which
went into effect Sept. 1, some em-
ployes may actually receive the
same salary they did last year.
WHILE ALL employes are slated
to receive a 2.5 per cent cost-of-
living pay raise plus an average
"merit" hike of 3 per cent-for a
total of 5.5 per cent-some workers
may in fact take a small pay cut
or receive the same salary.
The possible loss of a pay hike

for some workers results from
complex financial numbers game.
In the past, professional and ad-
ministrative employes could re-
ceive as much as a 10 per cent
hike on a merit basis, with a max-
imum merit raise of 7 per cent for
office and technical workers.
The amount of the merit raise
depends on the work habits of the
employe, according to University
THIS YEAR, however, the max-
imum merit hike is 5.5 per cent
in all categories, with an average
hike of only 3 per cent.
Hence, a worker receiving base
pay last year of $10,000-plus a
merit hike of 7 per cent, or $700-

may now take a merit hike of only
3-5.5 per cent, plus the guaranteed
2.5 per cent cost-of-living raise.'
This, on top of the same $10,000
base figure, could amount to the
same or less total salary than last
While last year a worker could
top his or her base pay with a
merit hike of 7 or 10 per cent, this
year the same worker, with the
same base pay, can receive an
absolute maximum raise of 8 per
cent -2.5 cost-of-living plus 5.5
merit hike.
IN THE PAST, "any satisfac-
tory employe received the maxi-
mum merit hike so actually there
will be little or no change in the

e pledge
salaries," according to one em-
"If all my people do outstanding
work, I have no way to reward
them all," said a University unit
manager. "Because the wage in-
creases must average 5.5 per cent,
if one person gets the maximum
merit hike and receives an 8 per
cent increase, another deserving
person may only get the 2.5 per
cent cost-of-living increase," she
Although the new policy allows
individual raises above 5.5 per
cent, "all units are urged to ob-
serve the 5.5 per cent average for
each of the groups of staff," ac-
cording to Chief Financial Officer
Wilbur Pierpont.
PHASE IV economic controls,
which went into effect Aug. 12,
allow an average wage increase of
no more than 5.5 per cent.
"We are only given so much
money and we must abide by the
Phase IV guidelines," said a
spokesman from the University's
compensation office.
'We were as upset about this as
everyone else," the spokesman
added, "but we had no choice."
University employes say they are
aware of the Phase IV guidelines
but maintain that their normal
merit hike was disguised as a-
salary increase.
ONE EMPLOYE said everyone
in her unit felt the' University's
actions constituted "a real injus-
tice to all of us."

Desert merchants
thrive despite war
AP Special Correspondent
BEERSHEBA, Israel - For the first time since war erupted
Oct. 6 the Bedouin market has resumed in this capital of the
Negev desert.
Tribal traders came across the sand Thursday from the Gaza
Strip with goats and turkeys and crates of vegetables loaded on
their Land Rovers and Mercedes-Benz taxicabs for the colorful
weekly market.
SINCE ROMAN TIMES, Beersheba has been the scene of a
thriving camel market, with caravans coming out of Africa across
the Sinai and, in the other direction, from Syria and Iraq across
the Jordan River.
Camels were in short supply this time. Only two showed up
on the dusty plain where the desert sheiks spread their wares
on blankets and gunny sacks in the sparse shade of a few trees.
"May be next week camels come some more," prophesied a
date and fig dealer, Sami Ali Fassoud, who weighed his wares on
an antique set of balance scales. "Camel traders wait for all war
to end in the desert before setting out."
TOURISTS also were in short supply, as Ali and other traders
lamented, but thousands of Jews and Arabs haggled and bar-
tered noisily over the piles of nuts, eggplant, onions, hot peppers
and bananas, as if a war had never taken place a few days and r
a few hundred dunes away.
Sephardic Jews in black frock coats and beaver hats moved
> among veiled Arab ladies jingling with jewelry, bearded Druses
in baggy bloomer pants and Bedouin tribesmen in flowing kaffi-
yahs and jeweled daggers right out of Lawrence of Arabia.
"Please," pleaded a brassmonger pushing a beak-necked coffee
pot, "fifty Israeli pounds is my absolute last price. All this ar-
guing is very distasteful'to me."
THE FIRST RAIN of the season falling out of a thunderhead
piled desert sky dampened the arguments but 'not the ardor of the
merchants, happily back at their stalls after a month's absence.
Some food items were still scarce, especially chickens and
eggs, but even without the buses full of tourists business was

Airline stewardesses find city
nice place for s lort stopover

Ann Arbor doesn't compare with Paris or Rome in
terms of excitement, but for the Delta airlines flight
.crews that stop over here, it's a nice change of pace.
"They used to send us to Detroit for long stopovers,
but that was too dangerous, so now they send us
here," said Renee Manger, 24, a stewardess. "Be-
sides, we like that college girl image," she added
with a grin.
DELTA RENTS a ninth floor suite at the Campus
Inn to accommodate flying crews - from Detroit's
Metropolitan Airport on longer stopovers.
n- ...o.1.-- ......-,..... . - 7 lnr -n.t~in. 1~

Carol Flannery, also a stewardess, agrees. "It's a
college town and has a different aspect on things. We
even got invited to a frat party."
The stewardesses say that the city's prime at-
tractions are its restaurants, the peaceful atmos-
phere, and being able to deal with college kids for
a cbhnge.
PERHAPS the biggest plus though, is security. "It's
s, nice to be able to walk around at night and feel
s-f4." s-id Flannery.
Although the stewardesses like'the campus life, they
are h-prv with their own lifestyles. "Flying is a great

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