See inside
Eighty-Three Years of Editorial Freedom
4 i
See Today for details
Vol, LXXXIV, No, 52
Ann Arbor, Michigan-Sunday, November 4, 1973
Ten Cents
t Pages
i 14 i F
s _
Position clarified
In Friday's Daily we reported that a spokesman
for the Arab Student Association had denounced the ex-
pulsion'of pro-Zionist Jews from a campus forum on the
Middle East War. The spokesman, Hamed Hamud called
our offices yesterday to say the official view of the
Arab Student Association is that the pro-Zionists were
disrupting the meeting and their expulsion was justified.
Happenings . .
... feature a lot of meetings and political events .
Indochina Peace Campaign meets at 7:30 p.m. at 332
S. State . . . the Farah Strike Support Committee of
Attica Brigade meets in the Green Lounge of East Quad
at 7:30 . . . there's a Spaghetti Dinner and Dance be-
ginning at 5 p.m. at Schwaven Hall, 215 S. Ashley.
Donation is $2 per adult and $1 per child with proceeds
to go to Clonlara School . . . Plymouth Outreach is
sponsoring a Seminar on Human Rights for the Mentally
Retarded from 1-5:00 p.m. at Markley Hall, Dining Room
3 . . . "Friends of Folk Music" gathering at the Ark,
an informal get together from 3-5 p.m. . . . Monday pre-
and post-natal child care is the subject of a meeting
in the Community Women's Clinic Health Series - 7:00
p.m. in Rm. 68, East Quad . . . and Attica Brigade meets
at 512 Hill at 7:30 p.m.
News dumps Dick
The Detroit News, perhaps America's most staunch-
ly pro-Nixon newspaper, calls on the President to resign
in this morning's editions. The paper says Nixon's re-
signation is necesary to avoid three more years "of the
doubts, charges and recriminations which have already
destroyed the President's ability to lead." The News
editorial goes on to say that if the President does not
resign, "serious consideration should be given to his
impeachment." Martin Hayden, editor of the News, said
the last straw for Nixon, as far as the News was con-
cerned, was this past week's "missing tapes" incident.
Don't drink the water
Coast Guard - helicopters are patroling the South
Texas gulf coast desperately searching for corroded
barrels of deadly cyanide which have been drifting
northward from an August shipping accident off the
Mexican coast. Two of the barrels - one of them
broken . .. were found Friday 30 miles south of Corpus
Christi Texas. A Coast Guard spokesman said "if, the
barrels are broken open, the cyanide could kill. It
can be ingested through the skin. That's how dangerous
it is."
Israelis capture Russians?
The London Sunday Observer says seven uniformed
Russian soldiers were captured by Israelis on the Syrian
ffront during the first week of the Middle East war. The
paper says the Russians surrendered when Israeli
troops overran their bunker in the first line of Syrian
defenses on the Golan Heights. The Observer says the
Israelis are hushing the affair up because of its diplo-
matic ramifications. Sources for the story were not
Boston plane crash
Three crewman of a Pan American Airways cargo
jetliner were killed yesterdayswhen their plane crashed
in'a fiery explosion as it was, coming in for an emer-
gency landing at Logan Airport in Boston. The plane -
a Boeing 707 - had left New York enroute for Prest-
wick, Scotland when the pilot reported trouble at about
9:05 a.m. and requested an emergency landing at Logan.
The plane was heading for a runway when it plunged to
the ground. There was no official explanation for the
crash but an amateur radio operator said he heard the
captain radio that he was losing power.
Washington cover-up
Wendy Berlowiz, who has traveled across the country
taking off her clothes to support nudity, stripped to the
waist inside the White House yesterday. An officer of
the Executive Protection Service quickly rushed up and
covered her with his jacket while she sang her theme
song, "I'm All Covered in Clothes." Berlowitz pulled
off the stunt while on an official White House tour. She
was not arrested, according to a Secret Service agent,
because she wasn't staging a formal protest. Berlov'itz's
crusade for nudity began in May, 1972, when sh- was
fired from the University of Oklahoma for teaching
a class in the nude.
"Fight! Fight! Fight!"
Julie Nixon Eisenhower, her daddies biggest (and
perhaps only) remaining fan, believes it's time for "all
of us in the administration" who still believe in Nixon
to stand up for the embattled President. Eisenhower said
her "day of decision" was October 26 - the day her
father put the nuclear bombers on alert. When she heard
some people say Nixon had done it to divert attention
from Watergate, she scrawled "Fight. Fight. Fight."
all over her appointments calend'ar, Eisenhower said.
On the inside .. .
faculty to
purity motion
Monday, the Governing Faculty of the literary
college (LSA) will consider a proposal which, if
approved, would drastically alter its structure by pro-
viding for the equal representation of the college's
Although the proposal is given little chance of adop-
tion, its presentation to the faculty highlights a quiet
movement by a small but active group of reform
advocates who are working to reverse the current
faculty domination of academic decision-making in
THE PRIORITY goal of this movement is parity-
equal representation of students and faculty in college
governing units. Once attained, parity would facilitate
a whole series of liberalizations in college academic
At present, the faculty is invested with the main
governing authority in LSA.
Technically, all LSA faculty members are voting
members of the governing faculty-a body which
meets once a month under ,the chairmanship of LSA
Dean Frank Rhodes.
CRITICS OF this system charge that professors who
show up for Governing Faculty meetings are not
necessarily representative of the diverse interests of
the college. community as a whole or even of the
faculty itself.
Further, they contend that the body's unwieldy
size, infrequent meetings and difficulties in raising a
quorum renders it incapable of dealing quickly with
important issues. Often, they point out, it takes six
months or longer for definitive action to be taken by
the faculty.
Officers of the LSA Student Government-a 15 mem-
ber representative body elected by LSA students-are
leading the drive to reform the Governing Faculty.
THEIR PROPOSAL, sponsored by LSA Student
Government Vice President Chuck Barquist and Prof.
Marvin Felheim, chairman of the American studies
department, would replace the present set-up with a
representative assembly composed of fifty faculty
members and fifty students.
Under the proposal, faculty representatives would
be elected from their departments. Representation
would be proportional to the size of the department's
Student representatives wo'ld be elected from five
divisions randomly assigned at registration.
AT PRESENT, LSA Student Government spokesmen
point out, students have no vote in the college's top
legislative body. "Meaningf l representation for all
See LSA, Page 2
z -
Running attack, shines
Lee Corso knew he would have days like yesterday when
he assumed the head coaching reins at Indiana. What he
didn't know was that it could be so bad in just one half.
That's all it tools for the Wolverines to officially welcome
the energetic Corso to Michigan Stadium as the Maize and
Blue piled up 42 points in the first half and then played
lackluster football to the 49-13 conclusion.
DISPLAYING A DAZZLING running attack and a crisp, though
infrequent, passing game, the Wolverines looked like the number one
team in the land as they cooly dismantled the charged-up Hoosiers
early. Big gainers seemed the order of the day as three Michigan
scores came from more than twenty-five yards out.
The anno'inced crowd of 76,432 had plenty of reason to rise to its
feet this perfect football day as Chuck Heater, Cordon Bell, and Dennis
Franklin scampered through the pursuitless Hoosier defense.
For a while it looked like the Wolverines -would find themselves on
the low end of the score for the first time this season. On a first and
ten at the Indiana 47, Ed Shuttlesworth, Michigan's powerhouse fullback,
fumbled the pigskin in the air and Indiana's Bill Atkinson nabbed the
ball and raced to the Michigan 22 before Keith Johnson made a
desperation tackle.
The no-nonsense Michigan defensive unit took the field and put an'
end to any dreams of upset. Three plays netted the Hoosiers minus
rips into an unsuspecting official
yesterday who had the unmiti-
gated gall to call one against the
home -team.
Daily Photo by ROLFE TESSEM
INDIANA RECEIVER Trent Smock, 81, hears the footsteps of approaching Michigan defender Craig Much
as he leaps high to snare a pass. The little offense the hapless Hoosiers were able to generate came
through the air.
Is-raelis chargeArabs'
two yards and a Willie Jones pass
down fell incomplete.
AN EXCHANGE of punts, includ-
ing a 56 yarder by Michigan's
Barry Dotzauer, gave Michigan the
ball at its own 44, where the Maize
and Blue settled down to the busi-
ness at hand.
Quarterback Dennis Franklin
dropped back behind good pass
blocking and lofted the ball towards
wingback Clint Haslerig. After an
excellent move, Haslerig made a
fine grab, turning around to nab
the over-the-head toss at the In-
diana 28 yard-line.
A couple of jabs at the line and
an Indiana personal foul placed
the pigskin at the 11. With second
and eight at the Indiana nine,
Chuck Heater took a Franklin pitch
off the option and raced unmolest-
ed and uncontested for the first
TD. No one wearing Indiana white
and red was close as the Michigan
front line sealed off the running
THE SCORE must have had its
psychological effect on Indiana.
Punter Jim Wenzel, under little-
pressure from Michigan's rushers,
squibbed the ball off his right foot.
When the ball stopped, it was first
and ten at the Indiana 33.
Five plays later, it was 13-0
Michigan with Ed Shuttlesworth
on the score. During the brief
drive, the home crowd got another
President toughs it
out in Fla. retreat
to flanker Rodney Harris on fourth
wi0th ceasef ire. i
By AP and Reuter THE SKIRMISHES came as in-
Egyptian Third Army soldiers tensive diplomatic activity con-
threw a footbridge across the Suez tinued in several capitals in big-
Canal and tried to break through power efforts to bring the Arabs
Israeli encirclement yesterday but and Israelis toward a peace settle-
were shoved back in a sporadic ment and solidify the still-fragile
three-hour b a t t 1 e, T e 1 A v i v cease-fire.
The Israeli military spokesman, Israeli Premier Golda Meir con-
Col. Nachman Karni, said other ferred in Washington until 2 a.m.
Egyptian troops on the east bank yesterday with Secretary of State
of the canal tried to improve their Henry Kissinger. Theirgtalks fol-
positions "here and there" near the lowed similar meetings Friday
Giddi Pass in the Sinpi peninsula. among Kissinger, Syrian Deputy
He said they also were repulsed. Foreign Minister Mohammed Za-
Jws protest Soviet
concert at Hill And.
viola tion
karia Ismail and Egyptian Foreign
Minister Ismail Fahmy.
Meir's h a s t i 1 y arranged late
night session with Kissinger at
Blair House caused her to post-
pone her departure for home.
first with Egyptian Foreign Min-
ister Ismail Fahmy and is keeping
President Nixon informed of the
discussions by telephone, said Ro-
bert McCloskey, State Department
Kissinger's main topics of dis-
cussion with Meir and with Fahmy
apparently are the prisoner of war
situation, the Egyptian blockade at
the entrance to the Red Sea and
the status of Egyptian forces on
the East Bank of the Suez Canal.
In another development yester-
day, U.S. officials said Joseph
Sisco, the assistant secretary of
state for the Near East, probably
will go to Damascus later this
month for t a I k s with Syrian
for Cairo and other Arab capitals.
He altered hisschedule to add
Tijnisia as a stop.
Meanwhile, the Soviet first
deputy foreign minister, Vassili
KEY BISCAYNE, Florida (Reu-
ter)-President Nixon worked 'and
relaxed at his home here yester-
day, apparently turning his atten-
tion from the Watergate affair to
concentrate on the Middle East
and afuel shortage in the United
Nixon left Washington abruptly
on Thursday, leaving behind a city
seething with talk about the bomb-
shell disclosure that the taped rec-
ord of the President's conversa-
tions about Watergate was incom-
SPECIFICALLY key Nixon con-
versations with former aides John
Mitchell and John Dean were said
never to have been recorded as a
result of technical problems in the
taping system.
Observers believed Nixon wanted
to get away, from Washington to.
assess the tumultuous develop-
ments of'the past two weeks, which
have led to serious talk in Congress
of moves to force him from office.
But, according to White House
officials,. the President is busying
himself here dealing with other
matters of national importance.
NIXON WAS IN the study of his
bayside villa at 8:00 yesterday
morning, conferring by telephone
with Secretary of State Henry Kis-
singer on diplomatic efforts to
bring peace to the Middle East, the
White House said.
Nixon also concentrated on pos-
sible actions to deal with a worsen-
ing fuel shortage.
Officials said he was expected to
announce actions next week to con-
serve oil and petroleum products,
possibly including mandatoryhal-
locations to refiners and whole-
salers coupled with an appeal to
the American people voluntarily to
cut down motoring and use less
energy in heating their homes.
WHITE HOUSE officials sought
Nearly a hundred people picket-
ed and passed out leaflets outside
the performance of the Leningrad
Philharmonic at Hill Auditorium
last night, protesting the treatment
of Jews in the Soviet Union.
The demonstration was sponsored
by the Committee for Soviet Jew-
curity guards were stationed in-
side the building, but no trouble
was reported. The unusual secur-
ity measures may have been
prompted by a near-fracas at the
Union Thursday night, which oc-
cured when pro-Arab sponsors of
a Mideast forum forcibly expelled
eight Jews from the meeting for
. . .Sunday Magazine features a story about
ica's only magic factory in Colon, Michigan . .
Michigan's drubbing of another hapless opponent
. and
is the