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December 07, 1900 (vol. 11, iss. 62) • Page Image 1

…Vo_ fXt ANN ARiBORII 1CI1., FRIDAY, DECEMBER 7, 1900, No. 62 Announcement y I HALF MILLION A YEAR TO RUN UNIVERSITY Great Musical Orgnization. V Our specils uteSALARY 1LIT1IS$35,OO- RIIIPIS FROM 1SIUDIN'S F[S I1 $185,00-RE- Inne cmes here vith his I'ad i seil(IPIS FROM QUARILR MILL TAX IS $8,000- Thursday evening, De. 1. Manyin of foreign and - ______oresing stories can be o ialeabt tiss domestic fabrics The reoert of the treasurer of the Unve...…

December 07, 1901 (vol. 1, iss. 60) • Page Image 1

…ANN ARBOR , MICII., SzTUVIDAY DEs'E\IBEI( i 90. N IIll";i1~ lofII;I1 iTO THE WEST. Tii 'sveired for iof vtiw '''xx 'ii' 1c 114 )iti s i Michii'e n's GL nit 'team Will Play IxIitixx rin Won K1iS r wloli I s 1111 xlv Irxinixi ;II l - Stanford If the' haid at Conal lrixid o;11 1. 5 nmIIxi' 5 W . 'n'x'. s1 lc inI iiiCitiiiaitee Caisettc :itor 'lr~i Ir E ':rri 11:rI t (ii' . Cloi rl$st YEAR. EBEN WILS Wi The Stncky Gnard Wlia Per! T hrae Yearn and ...…

December 07, 1902 (vol. 2, iss. 61) • Page Image 1

…UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. SECOND YEAR. ANN ARBLOR, MICH., SUNDAY, DECEMBER i, 1902 No. 6 1 THE FOOTBALL BANQUET Promises to be a Rousing Affair Fine Program of Toasts-Covers for One Hundred and Thirty-Five Plrepaatiions for tecoipitoo-itr banet to0l1w tendered Itv te o-it isine-etmenl o Ann Arbi t the , v-i-triitn-. fixi~bltea mlare riitVttc going forward uindt(r the ethiietnan- ame.ofte ecommiiittee 'ii liirget fT-eiiovviiiiie.w8s tarted lat i-...…

December 07, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 57) • Page Image 1

…TheMi*chigan Daily I vN.5 XV. ~ANN ARBOR, MICH., WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 7, 1904. N.5 NO ACTION. I DEBATERS OUT. ( EASTERN TOURNAMENT. TO VISIT ANN ARBOR. o~r f Control Adjourned With- Wisconsin Challenges Michigan to Fencing Club May Arrange One- Blackfrars Comic Opera Club, of out Voting on Freshman Eligibility Debate on Primary Reform-So- Prospects Excellent for Strong' Chicago University, Is Planning o UeldBaseball Coach to be An- ciety Prelim...…

December 07, 1905 (vol. 16, iss. 58) • Page Image 1

…The M"ichigan Daily ANN ARBOR, MICHIGA\Nliii) I' 0I1 >1,,11 ;. M05. l~lt \o,. XVI. No. 5ff. JORDAN IS A LIAR SAYS TOnl BIRD Former Michigan Captain Denies Charges of Professionalism and Playing Under Assumed Name- Will Finish Law Course. wei'rliy adili tiinal proof reuirel of thet'maliciousn fasitto fterecenti cha~rgestmade iagaiist tMic hiani'iatlete lie -'reniil "Jordat he'iii wig et terfrn lomirdliiwitonldt e conl uie "i~lfitor icigao...…

December 07, 1906 (vol. 17, iss. 59) • Page Image 1

…The Mlichigan Daily \N ARBOR, \1K Ii I( N il 1I ) 1906. x- ~i VOL,. X VII. SOPHOMORES WIN FIRST UITVTTM7IREDTH BASKETBALL GAME VEY INili IS RADYFOR TEBIG Freshmen Lose First Champions hipI ANNUAL MICHIGAN ContesthbyScore of 4=2-l'earn fUNION DINNER via au- I av -A, aalIAWork Was Ragged. --- General Commite Completes Final i altrlarge nd xxiii xixiixx iciiv p Arrangements for Feed- -Impera- cxigatheiredi last tvvvvitvg xin Ixixiv live That ...…

December 07, 1907 (vol. 18, iss. 60) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily XNNARBOR, \IIC1IIIGX\S\ T I I) 1Y;I)ECEtlfP, 7,1907. Vol- XVIII. INo. 60i. -------- - - - STUDENTS HOLD MEETING TODAY Discussion of Athletic Ass'n Problem Continues -- Rheins- child and Pearce Give Opinions. The -x5lion for a special mieeting to consider the proposed samtedment to the constittion of the Athletic assoiatioi will be presented to P)resident Hill to- say. The (ate asked for the meeting is iMonsay. uDe. if, a...…

December 07, 1909 (vol. 20, iss. 52) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily \or,. XX. ALUMNI SMOKE ON FRIDAY Detroit (brads Ask Students to Join in Celebration. "ichigant Night' kill l'clbae hy Deatrusit alnniitn and Citivcrsitc of Michigan sttudents neti Ftrida-nighti with it big ninoker to lbe hel-d in lDetroit. pirobal in'it Hatrmic hell. ITe vatr- city fototblilitt ttl t ilm and l th ieevs wiill lie the guests of honor.s All adiral list of speakr hi as i i ben choen, jutdge Jattic \l Iii li p p...…

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