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November 25, 1900 (vol. 11, iss. 56) • Page Image 1

…Vol~ l.J ANN ARBOR, MICH., SUINDAY, NOVEMBER 25, 1900. N 56 Ann un em nt EIHErSCRE tIiuakin tohi alredy bag list YESTERDlAY'S FOOTBALL GAMES - low s etinfor' hi-s gocd work, 4+ 4 - 4 But Mchign Outlaye Thei Op is n ng tls ltikoit'and Iyge .. . V u pca ieponents. erksspgsl hesnl ens Michigan 0 Ohio 0~ Mwgans____ S ue a n.mix san sign-s I of foreign :adw nIedre i o nestand f lr .t Yale 28 Harvard 0O lies' ense. hil wasi invadeidly sits 21 Ilino ...…

November 25, 1900 (vol. 11, iss. 56) • Page Image 2

…THE UNIVERSITY OFl MICHIGAN DAILY $ . p ~ i. ii t. Loudly Condemned. 'i' RAIN OR SHINE . ___--.-_______Y___ _-_. (ontmiuid from first page \ 'K The "00" 301 he steso Publshe Daiy(IouteePt ldseeth ~~~ ~~ ~jj' " 111) /""'' \ \\ to wear when the weather is uncer- ' gy rs it li tl 31 o 1sitlitn an. A little rain doesn't hurt it THE UNIVERSITY Of MICHIGAI!n 1il , 1 utty 11 soini tyt ti lt- wie tafrs lnyodcmoto e 1g .. r as ily ptrtlc tis s. hiei ff...…

November 25, 1900 (vol. 11, iss. 56) • Page Image 3

…THEUMY1"EES1T! OF MCHIGAN DAILY. 3 611 itA BANGIi=UP f? Good Suit Case for Two Fifteen---Take k ' one home with you. '7 :terOODSPEED'S 17MAIN ST S MICHGAN CENRAL 0'00' + 0B Q! "BELL BRAND" Muc:GARCNTPL f '},' You t1.i Mnolin Ou tnta 5 S1og. ct)s -TheINiagar falls INut. i - ' L you no)more tht infers eror ones CENTR1A1L 'TANDANR JIM l Now on the floor a lSI'TiIN Taekingeffect September so, 190079N.UIERIY j~U 350~ igh e ........... 5 . ehaeo1ort...…

November 25, 1900 (vol. 11, iss. 56) • Page Image 4

…THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY .4 i NEW BOOKS WORTH READING The Cardinal's snuff-box, Henry Harlad On the Wing of Occtsions, Awl tttiaiiei'IA i't The lanrts iti :'slr Mary H& Wils The Lane that had cno Turning, Giilaiiet Parker taf re Fables, Gesrg Aiie Alice of Old Vinscenn es, Mautric'e Thompi~son In the Palace at the King, IV. 31Ha rl~ lasno Songs at the lmning, Edet Ptitiiitl The Isle ot Unrest, f ryit lat mMee'mean A Ricy cia ef Cath...…

November 25, 1902 (vol. 2, iss. 55) • Page Image 1

…ANN \ ii TT - al N )\ LVaAl BE 1 LAST NIGHT S PRACTICE SINGINGI-EEL-. MINSTAHT_ Iet I, t~I , f ,.;. Coln. "ill. :: tliiir li;. : Itt ilt-r 11 I2}i , li t l ]1 I. I - t Ii 2 ( 1 I ': i)Ittt- Ill( ii 1'til I ltil fin- tot- 1" t'lltii- i i i ---tlii ; I -"IlE1 . l \' 1rt-t 't3 : t I ~l t o- llil"'ttl1 t a t i ii+ [[001 f>tO-l t. ~ ~,ttt ~i ~ rill i -tI IIi'tllt rl- i~ l tli. '1t1" I I I t + I " :lit 1 11 1 :i it'11t: his :11141 1 I hh, :t 1111 It...…

November 25, 1902 (vol. 2, iss. 55) • Page Image 2

…C t . crop-, trs T1,, 1': r , IOCI Iit A. tlrtt " D AlIL) EWS 'fie E.', of Al. DA!1.1, 3t t; ',;,. It 'lie 'VAW;ITY NE'W ;, 2.1 Latest Books64 :titt' . a too. :illa ETERLE .HOUST1ON, '',: :';Ih o lI)I 10016etics BUSINESS IANAGFI6, '101 \X' o ..(l' d 1'0 It 6.l 'rhill.4'6 t OL E JB. IIC ON, '041L EDITORS, Athletics 1,orr .AT GJENERAL NEWS 14ao6~h 1. Mary, '. Murk 1 , ',. RIW ILD coo a'aolludty, .kr'f, (6 u. s A Ir H n,' I,;. 1166,116606 11 11.1...…

November 25, 1902 (vol. 2, iss. 55) • Page Image 3

…PALACE AND PARISIANI s Tilt t} ~ c N-I rex t 1 tI. F, BOWLER, Agt. 7liese S1)5. thu C, 402 NlaynarJ St. p d:ill s ()ii 1 t'Fe1itluall Supplies 1 111 ,ltit e R X -'12t' t: , U~iltt'icd I ti Mr.loll 1lc i: i..t A tpadg r-,t inrof' ~ t! tX 11:2 v:2 cl te ttn. it 1i it? litt' hever invent- i t l icI int ilutio cont i 338tS. StateSpot al- liiiid 2 Spld l ing Bros, N e d grk clatro, i [l..1 r ': U5' cn it. f 3iitr. '~ i1 It S VLN[SUSE l11E NMl(lIGAN...…

November 25, 1902 (vol. 2, iss. 55) • Page Image 4

…A.. Bros0- 7 - rt.',4 ,,1 .. 1 / <I> . ? 1 -011 15.)l" L L / M _ L. .i4.0 ;UrO:p 24 i , h s 1 I:t:' I I SI:1. 41 'i i 1:i \( I01 Iti iw~I'II,! " iI ..~''I .1I Y at r C o o \ I t :I217 4 4"' ci \i tl TtI 1 t 11(I' L I } }' I2l ( 4 LLL' 2(II . oi'iii '"i i 'Itl°ii o 4! I I nt 11.442I 'I 4 nt221:,71211<(YI "L iILLL1 III ( t lli ( ii {i .'ii i oh i i t i4 {"I 4111 SLO fI',I ii , i l i ;I44 1 ' iL 4 I I~ill A > II L LILWi-I %oI - - - -----i i ___-_...…

November 25, 1905 (vol. 16, iss. 53) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily Vot.. XVI. ANN' ARBOR, MICHIGAN, 8511CANVt O V C1 ~R 2ji oo5. No. 33. OBERLIN TODAY IN LAST H-OME GAME Varsity Will Appear in Last' Home Game of Season Today- Substitute Backs will be Used. 'oa, for thr fifth and( latsttime dihr, yea, icig n il lines Il) aganst foallstil rntfromts (hio. This tnei is the 01berlinitrtteandthe itoiii v it- Ioranc o f todiay'sgaims is that it is igat tottihineioni Fer iersld. iTiheOhio te...…

November 25, 1905 (vol. 16, iss. 53) • Page Image 2

…tP IdICHIGAN t AiL _ co. Leading MERCHANT TAILORS The largest stock in the City of exclusive styles in Woolens for Gentlemen wear. Of high-class fabrics and special style for stu- dents. Gw. H. Wild Co. 311 S. ytate St. Mottoes and Passepartout Pictures We have just received a fine lot of mottoes handsomely printed in colors and mounted on glass. In additin there are several water colors, Gibson and Chrity heads and bits of scenery, mounted ...…

November 25, 1905 (vol. 16, iss. 53) • Page Image 3

…-~ SPA[DIfNG'S oFFICIA' AHLEITIC ALMANAC FOR 1906 diltef by JAMES E. SULLIVAN PRICE 10 CENTS A. t}. SIALDING C&BROS. see lYork ClitloO Phladelphia Ia ,.vr. itotao Cicinnat i Ivu ao~s City Qant Francisco tO 00 ittolorg Wastimgto l~ otMotrel. Cn. Lodoti, Eg. "dn m ilir c t free to a n y a d d re ss. TOBACCOS i tUSTON BROTHERS zsosto A .W. REED, 312 S. Stt CTE SAVINGS BANK ioh Jtm V. Sheehan N"Modd Dr. V.~ C. Vaugha * t. 'I ado 1E F. Milo ..1. Ky...…

November 25, 1905 (vol. 16, iss. 53) • Page Image 4

…TrI-INMICHIGAN fDAfLY Hockillg Valley Ry. CONTINUES ITS EXCELLENT TRAIN SERVlE' You will fired Four Trains Daily From Toledo Carrying Parlor Cars on Day Trains Sleeping Cars on NightI Trains Union Depots in Toledo and Co- lorobos S. B. CLARK, 32 Campus Martius Detroit, Mich. z I -- . - MWA / -N Magnets that attract PATRONAGE ARE Quality and Price The quality of our Suits arnd Overcoats is, we think, well enough known to require no comment...…

November 25, 1906 (vol. 17, iss. 54) • Page Image 1

…it Y , . , I "'t !', f :f: r r, ,,, r, , , h" . Q ti' "" . rt " " .. r" K tV ..-. - N .- v t r .-. v -+- w " % s , , .^ r l: , 1: J: ,_, I . n -- r u f V V !q .r r , , -- Jam. :: .y rw 1. 1 7 .- r" l 1 -- J ,._,. . ' J. i r r^ J. 7= f, _ 'J; ., f-, -" . . _. , . " s - . ; _ r , 1711 0- i I 'li . -;N r, s' . Iy .,, r ' v -S 'J. R (p i 4 r y ,,,. iJ tf 't ! Z " } P1 i^ y V / "_ (/ - -. *, _i. r '' m~(/ (/2 , -I1 4 r- JZ Ic r r - ...…

November 25, 1906 (vol. 17, iss. 54) • Page Image 2

…i i i i iii r r- 40 ^ c7 r} v _ a _u V f4 -'x r-- w { r r ff; (Y7 :3 (T il% U: "0 y C 0 - oat f f 17 _ r. _ ^, . -- r. a .. r f: : r ^.. .. -- w " f r s. ,- ; s = .. - r-,.. ,, a r _,' Tit V sr-// {/ 1 _ +-r .. =+ _ a e.H .4= C')i . t1 r -- n A c.- -C - R . s T, 'l. :1: U A' -n . -~ ~-'2 5~~D 00 ~'2 (2 ~ - -~ - ~~-tico - 0 ~' ~t~2ct 2 w Y. _ .+' vC A: C ~ _:z 7 P- d - ( D owe POO yz Z ti o o 0-3 * ON 01 - 0 V co z o c Pl*0 o a- ...…

November 25, 1906 (vol. 17, iss. 54) • Page Image 3

…'ti 14 ItC14IAN DAILY i Samf Burchfield's Fine Tailorinlg Trade Can Deliver the Goods SAM BURCHFIELD & CO. 106 EAST HURON STREET 11 MACK'S TEA ROOM i i i Ifis ile V tiii o luiii ii i mf rt ltic- i n,t 1)1lc Mack (q Co. Itl TilE FARMER1S AND MECHIANICS BANK MAIN AND)ilt OS STilitTS ICapital, $50,000, Surplus and Profits, $65,000 tDoes a Gittatl BankintgitBtusnes ail a 3 ettet taetnTime hurandtat-int Ike posits. :sfety itDetposti...…

November 25, 1906 (vol. 17, iss. 54) • Page Image 4

…[OAG'S cor. Mi 't t oi 1V.ohnc FOR 10 CENTS 2 C1,' 71 I LL PANUTSV ROASTED DAILY ,,! I t. )1 1 It III r11 Y'; 1 111 1 h 1171 121'isl One Pound Packoages, 10 cents,. Blanched Salted Peanuts,, I c pei lb., 2 lbs, for 25c. Hickory Nuts 10c. pei Quart. 3 Quarts for 25c. DEAM ea. CO., Ltd., 214 S. Main St. NII IST OICS 1' 1 for. 1 on 1 f ..1271. ANN()UANCJEMJENT j Ilonrini Ifromn te i nt1111po0 ts Nature, is nWit n i l. We'll1 exterIII to1our...…

November 25, 1908 (vol. 19, iss. 50) • Page Image 1

…4 mor to Nt an ic.L ANN VICHICAN, NOVI"'MI"I"N. -,;, 1 oo8. NO. 50, NOL_. XTX. B.kSKETBALL MEN PRACTICE DAILY Fifty Candidates Out For rTeam; Scarcity of Centers, Plenty of Forwards and Guards. hccii enough to 1 C oa mHa o i idaato the tel -hue 10 rito ') a great mal il-iti ()f thei ca ddae for( thehas- kc hal tem, hanh v~tit lo 00I I-t il tt l( ill M k h 0c11. A o1 0 ) l tra o e a the oc itc m c () wh \\l he ava ahle and 10 110 1 lil ()t ...…

November 25, 1908 (vol. 19, iss. 50) • Page Image 2

…mom N os LIr o -maw -IIV 0 xa r~ 0 0 ti J , _ C r, 1 _ J v _ 01* t td :1. corn s n cc tr: ... w c c ,, n = rc COOD 4a7 r, 'J', .; 'f .-+ _ r <-- r -' -+ ('.. r. .--r i , .. .f. . r ,7 f. r J. r v 1 " r r fJ r ' , r .r r " v V z r O) c' x 0 PO x 0 z r D Q r CD - vC CC tt - .c z rn; U V. a '? ~ _. '/J I -. -- i, = 1 i !- f ' !'- ' 'l r. C c--: ,.. v _ - V 'J; f'- ~r . i CJ .r G' G. . f ._ _ J r .. (, N cr. n l Q a -to I r...…

November 25, 1908 (vol. 19, iss. 50) • Page Image 3

…Sam l r hf Ild's Canj BRIA rI a0. rf M R tE IIO FF BR )~F I AR IN I NF Ani 1 r00 , tin t. , ii - 'iI I" Fy": i ; ', 'T 11E 1 I ' IFGA ) I ) .A.F11I LF Il F 1'Ill ) I a d 11C - Ft IHE J( 1 ) Ftl1"t rt ' ' I. ' F:.'~i" Fi\'". F l ;.IF F tIFF. (;I'T: 1)115 ll :t'ttCi'(t- ti '1" ' " i)'J1it F'' a r llF :irt i r F ul 'I ' w' F Might.F'The 1FAlpha c_."lF ll' ( ' c, I F 'tll dF(. 1' d theF Kapp F ' INN t ;tllcsr' o r F IFF'. JW S, flFF ll l,? "'...…

November 25, 1908 (vol. 19, iss. 50) • Page Image 4

…TPHE MICHIGAN DAILY Steer Straight Nvl.r 7 1 ideri . OaIL or You' 7 I't l 111111iW otirt'(rie n111 and iL 111 k' 7~(7 ' I Smart 1 I11 s -L 1114er c NI' t~ P lloI's I1 alo Iiai. W'lmk "'' 'tI of aiL iL asLVolt l WlllLL. Lwithout over1 LI Irics. Yn:1 ordr. hen you ,near our r l ve Drop 11 in. just tolook "round. The ILLw . tit 0 ,I t; I o ';7 I1 LL, UNIVERSITY NOTICES IC LL IM111 Itiside fromI ('111 r1 1'' LI 11' 3 Ill. LI Nickels' 1111. i...…

November 25, 1909 (vol. 20, iss. 45) • Page Image 1

…Ing. XX. NteRORrl.1I A II Nl 5 \ \ Lt-0 Vol'. Xx. N.45. "FITZ" PRESENTED WITH TESTIMONIAL Track Men Past and Present Do Honor to Michigan's Fa- moos Trainer. Slontolok wh 101>. \\-(r ll er" 1I1 as< etill)(M 1of1 (10110f~tn an apciioul for'.1 ('.' oo the w r ehsdn Eltiocronot () 0 shg~. ''( prese11ta- tion to .111.ill" a1111 reg la I 111epec o 0001110117 nd01 h p(Sltti speech was11)1111 b I to no 1'1heath. [h0gf ind0111 tt})sprrt re11111 i ...…

November 25, 1909 (vol. 20, iss. 45) • Page Image 2

…_ _ j No °' I THE MICHIGAN DAILY. G. HI Wild Compally MERCHANT TAILORS : We have complete lines of fine Woolens for Suit- irgs, Overcoats and Trou- sers, Fancy Vestings for 1909 and 1910. We rnake Fuzll Dress Swauts a Specialty CALL AND SEE VTS Managing fEditor CLARENCE E. ELDRIDGEt Business Manager CARL. H. 0.ADAM. Address: MICHIGAN Di) oct ,Press Bds., Mayna~itrd Street. Office Hours: Mantainlg Editor, 8-11 p. mi. Bttsitess M;Vanager, ...…

November 25, 1909 (vol. 20, iss. 45) • Page Image 3

…G CLASSIFIED A[ G $. For Rt Ni--Modern llt. dacei heat, ight n s -ns 4'ZPv' ' roo'm:iilight, ha Pr 'c0---ice sntiltt For sale. at QUARRY' Shhac\Co Money Loaned s C'!Iel vr l Uii WatciesiiamIondi s. LawBok. Iaiiinl' 0)F ootken'persotniatpr'ope'rtiy. /-III, tttr ltntni i i Watches attd Jewelry repaired. -gi is. lsln inii t Bargain, in Watchesn& Diamonds }'i N Livnl," 00tF. Office at, resident'e 331 E. LibryS Ann Arbor. tirty t tftttt-l I>n iittt...…

November 25, 1909 (vol. 20, iss. 45) • Page Image 4

…TH4E MICHIGAN DAILY Ipraise of our $20,00 Over- coats. You can't imagine what swell cloth we are show- ing at $20.00 and You hear loud talk they've got the wool in them too. They're simply the best for $20.00.I UJNVERI~STY NOTICES ii t f radi dii t ditheiohl am lii ii f i!t 1 i il itc \tM~li i Itlm hllh i iiuiiii111:iit i iil in a "l h i1i11i iii itrci l ' t id A ll 111ilher :rc ti itc I i i tNew Whitzney Theft 118 East Liberty JI KARL MAL...…

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