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November 25, 1900 - Image 2

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U. of M. Daily, 1900-11-25

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$ . p ~ i. ii t. Loudly Condemned. 'i' RAIN OR SHINE
. ___--.-_______Y___ _-_. (ontmiuid from first page \ 'K The "00" 301 he steso
Publshe Daiy(IouteePt ldseeth ~~~ ~~ ~jj' " 111) /""'' \ \\ to wear when the weather is uncer-
' gy rs it li tl 31 o 1sitlitn an. A little rain doesn't hurt it
THE UNIVERSITY Of MICHIGAI!n 1il , 1 utty 11 soini tyt ti lt- wie tafrs lnyodcmoto
e 1g .. r as ily ptrtlc tis s. hiei ffrspeito om oto
MANOFCuAC FI usci CE n r~l 1 lttreit oft' 'C^ttTl'e 41 the warmest of days. _
Argsslid jMis t. 3.tS StatS ret
Bols'Piost 13. Newu'SttePiucee18illS lit?,:i ht i s only the notlt.of01a" But of course we have light shoes
-- itty t .;iotghleos iitiill's" 111iti for bright days and heavy shoes for
MIANAGING EDITOR, _ ilt n t of tocaiis" rainy days if you prefer.
B. . t S'os itt in IHatuonof hie lieriy .deprtSHO
BUSINESS MANAGER, tilt, sa ,I."Xi' x1iitvI'n itnoto ii GLASS'S HESTORE,
F. soLoAct, 'tO i. cj.-t Ilit: l(sietlo of1stoae Inolet 5 r 0 $.M in re.
llt5ITOR~t Is entire1'0Iysyeud these 1ounds '0e 1OS.Mi tet
ATiOIiS . .Bueus 'rn' look 'sith aDuy deigict'of lsii- 8 P. " M suutlANN ARBOR. IC
AELTC,- G. D.flt3' 51101 00;1neyiupo s ictisgiacefiul aOlaitI' hd 8eafkN MIf
tile otli [ea ns will e seerely datE
A. I.l Mo7oetsAti,'5mL.w. A. xKtsint)1L ,IiS sCri ,vax'01 w ~ i f tderete'. Thelictriy st~in t
Mis e .sasi 0 os loti i hudsialrntn ni'tei.i> n s
A. u sow"" sor'-l3d.s i. isoyessoc, e '03=e Anunity to M ake Money.
B . B SCttotiOT 5 . P. CsSTtiw,'1Ls , d( oda eI'u ll ris. A B
W.A. ______ 3tiI HtsxN,'0 egarding Oilaes-gies lie4.l cd I
_____-e- a n pce se 1.3 no 1"e slt y thiey
tth tie teiolslied and Thus the gretit)1 ur mianntfactuirer ound that thiey 1ud an overi
____________ _______nt~tioi'tisonittmae to cutiieifori'hlie pioduction of hosted-lined undeiwea r, which wae
- - - yaniigftil sits of a fetw."
Sittitlft-tt rto nsri' li t iietsi 0~fhbught tt a low figure, and we will pt on sale
ill talwtiys e is' iitirt'l by o itt.ca u t li is'fatiy iii'grettly ii'tise ve omsnieiihu N ea hat
d'oeitln ' t ils Iewtt crii.'te yeiiltttvry arti-500 SutsReular $100 garments at 85C.UntiicoeiZS3 o4
ft+osbtit is elotitifetil ttut it tosal lt sueli ali afl'air. Te'etire coa~ ie 0t
set totlattt-ii3'ohls'gt'is he"ri il'ist'ntett.si wil, ii woAedtillAlit yoifelf ot' this olportuniity. Every Sit
]paintt" tt is oiltt'ittpt'd or lerli' ii'tAd. t'rt 'ita1 ttit't. Bin theiiprtti'5titiit . giaranteetd uth 50131' moneY ihaok if youn ant
'foe itotitn 'hiltlto who ileiisi'aely oll ti Setis t llt tibe tit Ito'the tis t
uleaisi it'omtir fotito sie esii' l no. e dns to y i tiiii.
elict cii"of le f''rotoft iolwdings Ot thoui'f ii' tittille iklxen a S / Budo1 f(hlneti blldl lut'tvnpt. i y i'(Nttl iii'toites- JIAEB ER211 S. Main St,
th (t'siiitiis islii sd antshould bl i t'.ii'W'ititlts.'lst ctha tll Ann Arbor.
lirrend aid feathered, if etught, andOi efrwI ulls hfis f t'l
1i41ei1 ut f~ujn al a.rai. Thyoa e t'tImietiti loorsttlinned the nffir VN
'ldlei stlt f 'ossii n t ii. hie atoe idtlfeol thI li isgioce ibrotiglt upyon
tto t'Oitemt'i ie''tTit': a 11055t'tlin <a iheit'tolege. It is assii'td tliat s iould
li'i'd vi'oitilunity. T-its41"is alioactft' guillty Itities he foundlthey 'sill
tf cat]it'isintat aught ave beten b lotai'seutstl as stll as expelled fos'N S T EA R
tootaotiti'din i'thefiiilt' Agi's visiliott tina-il' ilfslstrit tii of 'iise'sv A THjx"wJ i
tsnniuiittiitb ut it is all net litii Iiwil bitt
k1s'lt' snnst'io~to'o dt-. 'tt' mti'hovi-i.DOtN k'(lO ASTRAY, JBUT SMOKE
tis of ilit' nirersity ot' rig'htfutly iRoyal T'ales, I0e; 'iget'te, 5e.
liotsi0. n the ltilt' iliots e i
(auight. it sill beis'l sa ,Btitid. iy fot':a iou-t'ictf eit cniti'iees in 'fat t
te lloo 5i 'atitl Wsill is'- ttmadt' of nei'e's'ity. 'Itr 'Aia, X-to' us' IC. aAIfi"
iltels'foo' nmiry a. ty. 'he otis'--
tltiiit.of this (It't'iwoeritt hisikitl p-t-dae Sationey arSeB Eu s S INNER K ~
lit ltt'ttnss'Iyts. It is 'te itosay alat i1a'ts 'eS .1 I LI I -t's '-
le lte1utyli'n' itilit ''itith it it Is'as FllY. IIN
t]notth 71 h itt Iss stivitts :111di,,eias- -
" tilt' tt etlnttiir'lt. 'li ~ii i l~ nnls fnzn lI "PR IN C E O T T O "
lit it "ta ii iiyro l [lit tiii a w II,~'I KIllIuIl
of lhest' land:ilt. itiiwill it.tleast IWL.LI .U~IIILLJ
$150,;4tl rd tti a tsi i et t ot i dtio T1 h le lpopullr 10110utet ('lur go,j
''lxtiiir itedttittttidt'nit. onii' Ott itit cii . 5fLtis,]faintas (its, Spring I
itit te gt'tttiil tttaislie Iltis Itt li. field, Decahor, Danville, antl all C.4L Y f'KIt,' . l ~l; -.t'M
atidot retty tiaid tttihtriiiiitih Consult ticket Agents. ENJOY THE GENTLEM AN'S GA VIE
arty~ ifoistiina ttithtley 1 tittv re t itt TIlinediute (Connection fit B i an tA-
isill leadtoul Bod itthiito' ilt' -ti1i'. If with Continental Limoitetd. ___ BILLIAR
fttit.m l id, te DittihyWill ita uettu i l ft . S. U ( iN t'lt0t, ILM . .A ' A
Ixup' lnitytt thei OE oe l'5tlt'ii urt {PARLORS
t i) 1I1'OSES ite c toi.1he 'liii 'l . Pinted lectures for alltdeiart-i Yd ' CA S ICOUR ft)llh
___nents of the Univesity. Type-j
Boxes Gonle for the Chicago Gamo writing and Mineographing. , 111411 CLASS LUNCHES
'i itiot A S "a ttit li ttins tttotstlirtt.iCIGA~lS, TO13AC co, 1GA RETTE5
« 1.II K1 1t'k" -li, ttirg Redmond Kerr & C 'MAME 0111 BRAND) Wle EIL If.
iloedtillt itio n t d t'il a ndl took 1 " l1 t t 'ing T' ]lamue, A (,-")ol Limchiotnt0 . I F ie Cuig tit
till'an slt'rtstIhii t in iiion lie liltu -ith.BANKERS, R S Y S~
4t art this gatie i t- e~ t lbwsolt til 41 Wall Steet, New York , R SE ' ILLIARD PARLO
se. li'.it tgg daluily rito ii't ti-ts-I P R O
ts ii t1 iii,-'. into ltitti' uttxnINiThit - 'l'i'ntuietae n e tl bnuking busiesi. S (r(FSSOB5 QIOUTH
tally. , ,y 11 l1 t 1tt ecehodeitnils sulueotisdraft. Dieleudo IU''/ uu f jf
an5t i tt tslti i'ft' d interestteolleced otd iatendtthel. a uT
Ihotit is 11ttu i t-be t ltmitutullitlitFisetl Agenots foe and segoiate tleiAeisueof E AN DS TAET
cn st ,slyal i 1u Ital riirutsds, streetaiias, gus oipaisret. ' ResNHt 1.
t'ttitt5l Sllt til's i sellig li hISeuriiesboughtond sold oaits ttion.t YN L R E
e utit'tt'lItlg mrtt. All 'i it' boxi's tiro' M ltueri Nets "YorkttExhatnge. '- ~ -
crtyd il b emt tliligel s EA I _SANITARY PLUMBING.
Ltotic (urenlt offerings set o applieatio, 9 "tUAiI AND HOT ATa-oitIIEI'rs-,
'T'e i'leiitg prortam'li otf ' hititts-"" H~Ti'i'ff'aI).LIA CORRESPONDENTS. 207 E. Washinton Street AaiTISSIC GAS AND ELECs'ultFiSTx'rsiit
giviing ninth' will hi- given tttflehit ln- GRAHAM, KERR & CO. iluM OGRADE MANE1S AND GRlATES.

'lsriuoti°i ('hrtluils iiiotriitg:
(organ. I,i t~e iiin 1).. .... Bib _--111 1V11z
O'~u to, :I'ale l gr " . ..\1atson I
'sOilty "i'ia Iis f weet - 1.01ttII 4 .
Mii(lawat'uy D ug as Shoes aTE.nEA
bardlt e, Ast'e i Tl'ihl.tl Buckil218 S. MAIN ST.

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