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January 23, 1900 (vol. 10, iss. 86) • Page Image 1

… '40( O U 4 VOL. X. ANN ARBOR, MICI. TUESDAY, JANUARY 23, 1900 No 86. 21 BIG GAMES. Baseball Team Will Be Kept Busg T H E T A 0 Fine WINTER and SPRING Suitings, Golf Suis, Fancy Vestings. DRESS SUITS A SPECIALTY .We Carry the Largest Stock In the City 108 EAST WASHINGTON ST. T H E on a Hard Schedule. Director Baird returned from Chi cago yesterday where he had been since last Thursday in conference with the western managers. While h...…

January 23, 1901 (vol. 11, iss. 88) • Page Image 1

…V~OL. XI. ALIN Ulf> iu. ANN ARBOR, MICH., WEDN >fb-DAY, JANUARY 23, 1901. No 8 Announcement CHORAL UNION CONCEHI Indoor Football Practice TidCnetothYerTksPae Asonath ndwteexmn-Or special line on Friday Evening - Spiering tions ar-e over, the football team will pCi I of frin ad Quartette of Chicago and leinil indoor sigiial lratice undser the the Of frin ad William A. Howland the direetioii of Keene Fitzatrick. This 73l do etc fbisArtis...…

January 23, 1902 (vol. 1, iss. 85) • Page Image 1

…"t 41 E),AI ~IU~-aYEAR. ANN ARBIOR,. MICII., Tilt R ,DAY, JANUARY 2:3 1902. -No.8 S, L. A. NUMBER WALDRON WINS 0t i0Ridgeway Conceit Company Pilgrim Prize is Awarded-Great In- Tonight--Interesting Proarrain.terest Shown. at aaaaa ala I at111tflli al l~ l(l1 11ih tl' 11( Ii.r il 'ai'aat. etat 1\ it' fi lamialll{-l-a('lI-' li 1'121}l1'at'll 1 t:a"".Ila' for il' Ia' laa'aal aalaa 'a ataaa'a' is 1111 aIl f t' ' Artis s aaiaa l 111o i lta ' iaa aaa...…

January 23, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 86) • Page Image 1

…-. !. ._ ... .... ! T- -. Y ,. _ _. _, _f. 1, 7° r. _. "' -+ 1. '-^, _ _.. r r_'. .._. _ _. 7^ ___ := r -- - " J: r '!-. J: .. , r- , is . r . , I. f "' I: /. _ - r "l; . - _ - ' -- f - - .r _- '!." i _. f. _ P _ M ._.. . ®' .r 1., " - ".. J =: I " i --f i _ : - -- 7 C C i. _ t. - J1 "t. ° ^t - _ .: r _ . .. 't : ? ., u Y i a -r v ~ v I . f ./ f w . rf ,.-. ,.. i 1 T .. M i. . - J _ yr .- ?: .1 _ I. .f _ f r ._ _ / ,! Q C w ; t :.r 1 ,, . ,, "...…

January 23, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 83) • Page Image 1

…ht c ~ nVOc. XIV. ANN ARBOR, MIC., SATURDAY, JANUARY 2, 1904. No. 88 DEBATE~RS SEL[CT[D. KATZ IJURED. TIMEf TRIALS TODAY. , STUDENT FINED. Louis 11. Katz; a freshman law sn- lae'.Iabth uirlwsn Team to -Meet Wisconsin-Orators detfo-afr oo. a noe rack Candidates will be Sent Against (ent who was arrestei a week ago yesterday white playing hlandball -in Chosen at Last Night's Contest.'. the gymnasiomnby colIidng itl .C. Time-Large Number of Men w...…

January 23, 1906 (vol. 16, iss. 83) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan 1.all 'or. XVI. No. 8 3. CONFERENCE RESOLUTIONS CAUSE GREAT INDIGNATION RESOLUTIONS ADOPTED PROFESSOR PATTENGILL BY THE CONFERENCE TELLS OF CONFERENCE tea:and 0to 111tiothe piricet iii forPRESIDENT ANGELL NEW RESOLUTIONS s-sC1ion-- Psile 111t1,ettiff-SCORES FOOTBALL CAUSE INDIGNATION 1111111,all he11111 itiG>uil1111ef Cl(11111 head of Michiga in Letter to Con- Students Demand Retention of Coach 11111 t~sIl ference Tells of Ab...…

January 23, 1907 (vol. 17, iss. 85) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily Vet; VII. ANN ARBOR, MfICIIIiG\N, \VIKII\SIIAY, \.1 ' NY23, MO-*7 N().~ 25. _ _ -- MICHIGANENSIAN TO BE SENT TO HIGH SCHOOLS Regents Nave Appropriated Sum for This Purpse-New System for. Annual's Management. \t thir licinviiigFriday last, Mte bordiiof regents toedallnpy opri atiot "if $;; t teiiiig ii lstit board of controlfirtoe iiipose'ofidiniilig 'and ditributitntg one hundted cppis 0, ast years I tna i coiamtontg.t...…

January 23, 1908 (vol. 18, iss. 85) • Page Image 1

…The NMichiganDay G'ot,. XVIII. :ANN ARBORd, _I ICIGIAN, 'I' lIVRSl).t\Y .\"NCt',_CRY x'23,thu MUSEUM RECEIVES \ilxss I Ciii C C C\xt I xi PR DE~LGAlTflTION AS I"I' CRE URGE:D TO DLLLUMI~l flhFILEEELECTIONS EAIRLY HOPS RIGTEEDDeal Reed urgecsystrongly that ec earist possible nioment. Extra cek Petition Placed Before Constitu- xwiliie in the office the next three days to facilitate things, tint as there are tional Convention Committee abiout...…

January 23, 1909 (vol. 19, iss. 86) • Page Image 1

…TheMichigan Dail y A\ A RBO R. iItCTIIGAX, SATURD)AY, A \M RX 23, 19N. N. No. 86. Vat._. XIX. SHALL MICHIGAN JOIN CONFERENCE Changes in Rules Make That, j~Step Possible, and it Would: Elevate Athletic Standards. Th i ri lh-ispill ink iithe Januiary: \iA~lunnias Justissueat I 111Iatilipthe are that it efc tually prevssnts tiny hack- wairdid tepis. Iititl(licefar casier for onil uiveiyt o leii it downaitthe i-ale-, titan lfor suchIiani sit...…

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