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January 23, 1908 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1908-01-23

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The NMichiganDay

G'ot,. XVIII.

:ANN ARBORd, _I ICIGIAN, 'I' lIVRSl).t\Y .\"NCt',_CRY x'23,thu

MUSEUM RECEIVES \ilxss I Ciii C C C\xt I xi PR

HOPS RIGTEEDDeal Reed urgecsystrongly that ec
earist possible nioment. Extra cek
Petition Placed Before Constitu- xwiliie in the office the next three days
to facilitate things, tint as there are
tional Convention Committee abioutti Soo to lie ihandeinel anti looked
Is Favorably Received. vr he formality xwili take consider-
ailIimue. Hence the dean advises that
Il imiCii Arboxr irohibiition delegathon studtis attend~ to this mxatter to save
liroigix ijii ii smfix' v.~ if assistants as nmuchx work as possilble.
They stetithei tinsti~itliiioi xiiciietiitDEC ISCIVtC CAM F C WILL
uomiteexil xiliqiior questionsixt ixxxd'ix BF totAC' t)FRIttACY
preisented theipeiions iioiii-xi Cbrix The t nior-soiphomixtiixxore biasketbiall gami,
ciii'iiizesadstiets. Thiieiioiiitee te ifi' tihiof tlivseasoxti ixiichx xi lib
is lheaiisdxibiylRepiresntiativex loorx xiiilayei Friday at 4:3to t.xm.i at hrour
is comiiposifsi eventeen iii iiother d leties. 'ii'iiii n, wiill de i iicidelowmayiouxiixiiire
Wfioi ithus Annx:arior dleiixonx'xp-'oxies xiiilibe lxyedxt andxii rhapthe
1xxii isefore thix.s committe tixiylicfounixdiscxxxsxxxwhicti xxitl comiptetfor thechlam-
t xie imtewel illed ithxrepriieseta-x ioixxx (t-ti fClthlivfxxiiigattis 'lready~
lives if the"wetsi.xiniothis iiierxesiii c lii '.ciithe s xniorsidioiomorcs liii
heSnimentii of the colii ixiitc, l ix nmiiiiiliipti ~iie xwi li ieplayed be-
;~ill,- m lxx xxx x eiii rxi wenitis xxix a;' o be hee xxi xt gaxiii lischexiuied.xxIifxvii
dcclrc, hemslvesforstat-Nvie pr- snior los, threxilx liethreilim-li
hibti~t lt hisida asson its-xx ans inii thi fieilid andxiiwoimioreg iames.
whl iii xix ut thatii ixifsch iaiclauseii xx at x arbii r lxxiii xxi xxxx frxxiii2' tonid
tii I xi liiiiixii sixsiltio xthe ix slxionvexxntx'ionl'xv sda, xxxrthtotoix . xi ll.an
xiii wxs icorporatedxx lixinxhetetofth 2t 4p.m. iii . Ticeixlinep is xx
pawivouildlantagonixzex large s rei lircfxlowxx
igi i iii 'iixand iiihirisxxxid wiiilxint nix ors:lxiiikiets--xsJacoxbix Bucks.
xxxatlt m e i th x i t lxiii xxixixxxxx Sxxtxixiixxiiix baslets--CN liiii flii-
liiiCxiii1 ir dlegaions workecfrl i nxxConkxin.ix Cecxiiirsi Clx xStlox
xix mast partxon his libax sis, reaiz' i xx"iing x'x'x' 'il x Wlixls. iixuardis- Carey iWos
Dr .1.hecxxix xxiixxiiiheidelegates.i'" I CII' tRiCC 'rfCiiiIll ThS CdE
':xi xx'exre'reallys'uirprise'd viii il itO CILLI N( I ititIFTI'lI
the rccimoxxoxxx ourpxxix iitixonsxaxxxiiropo
six xxxiillxx(] xi givn xgoundsxxtoihloxeiforlxxi sit xxeekte xliitiextixxxxxxitnicxciof
liii' Thecomixiteieii'realxxxlx iize httelixiercgi'xe'i' Atlicxiaxsocxiaionx
sonxiic Oifll'ixxi xxisi e iven " toxi ine de idedliito issuexxia formaxli'itc'llige' to
anli lxrxiadvocatesi in tit',,x statexifori xthe Iuniversitixes lnid coll01gesioftthesillee
besides o x' x (iii froxxxex ixix C'.i''.ii and uiersities of tiiieC iitixl Sltesifor
havi xin 0 ixxtrx' At s x it a xxset xxf gams'osbexeldx duii rixng tlix
would prove ximpxilraxciial to advx'ocatix' Ilymplxic gamein''.,ii xxxii
lxtii xxxii by' s ldoig. Ilie :Cxxin Arbor Cixe rixanxxiyCixcuxcomittexexpxtresxsed
delegationxxxwere iledioilxiilii'lxicx'ievlha h ite dexirexofthe'iathletxs xxf tlexU'Clxx
propo it xi iixionxxxild iot xixiago 'zelthesersitiyxxf 'Cihiii i n' o mke'theixteal,,x
'exis whioilhavi or wi ll havexchi ldrenxiinxxx JohniGarinels his-alxea'y'xxxi p'iir'sx'
'CxinnCbr. h iiti xxixtoxx it-r the tu. Cxxxe.
''Tlrix' ori fouri replesentixatixves xl the DullliHeaiihxxiidxoii irs'exxiectedltox
wes pk gixist priohxxlxxxlxxxi i iiin btetr h rlxiinarycomptiiixitixons friomx
thir arxxg'mntsx'iwereix 'altog'eter oxxiie li Cl ixui
dollariand xcen l bais xxiiixlfidrivinig Cixt-, B idasolxdxxi i.Sullixxivnthatx
trcexxitoa ewsal tws xxiii xlhxife ine xxximexxxcomeis, xlie'Ixiunds fon
co nty. sning et eam ii abroaiilx' dii x'xre' lxxii'ill(,
Cxxxii' xxof lithe ixmem iiers ofi ihex comit-i Cnix x'sit' xxiiiuligladly-' x'xxxlxiixxin 'ixhxt-
tee ' sisixexthelii eliiitixoni ithiat txycxver xwas necesxxiiryxto xseii the xxvii to
wouil givex xtineimesunethirxsuxppoixritI1ixoxdxnx

VALU ABLE GIFT 1lc cg t5 ftitlxnxrivxfAii:-
Rare Musical Instruments Added iiDecii
to Already Large Stearns Col- ixisi hest ilt x cl t x i iii arci x fxlxxxiii'
lection. xThelxxi ox xhs e xx 'xt n x'o i il ra_ te!
W ordii ias r'cix' dx frontx Iliilet x'ss- lxxx' icannotix i x'xxtii ' xxit] .'x'i'xx'xi'ii xxil. W I
terdayix'hitix an xiimpoatxxxixx ift oinxx six'xl lthe xxoners ox l t land heyloxixi liiI'i'r~
xxxSxxtxx' ixII isis t.I xilxx Ciid frontxx- lx' i C x xss''iuiiw'x ji
Freerick imbix ll. Stears'axdxxi's lxix I A l '-I-11,"- ,,.'-"A-.- J-'--"'-- ii
Calliixi lxx lix "iitS nx Ix xlli thixiIx xi lxI ii 'ii-i-d - 1111
r.ft picx l i nstxxrum ntioi alnaio s.iii itrv is xiracticalli xxi I xx bxgln
Prof.i tKelseyi-,i xlii gofteieiiv xiiiy lcKais s ~
ihenixisi Ser ns ~ied -a d ,thr xxr.sats h ttilnn esa lIh
six xxxxxxls xx hu h lxisiome somexx x l ti is ainixto divex II .d rls h fr h i
fill andxix rare l pi me soiiscli- id lt }fte tim c-l t (>ilctra, hs t
th igi na h'i eeriscki xxi ixK i 'xxx xx''' ivc"-T of oitI xxx I x ii I hx ArcslIii
Stearns,''5 iiiixi xxi hilsi),h ; io ci ed ou :;xiie r. I xxxiiiiald R piian',ih c
lxxxixather's ii xdteinsru ensixixxxi anlixx iiii~i In msibkil
Cae hen pceda] hi pped to thei ifw-ixix ix xd i more. iiis
lxi irsixix Thwx Nlx be anxaxi i iono" icre yu> o t
d 'e't'ix'x'hx'l' iixixili fICntii187C iioi- i Cl
1876. 1 Ic wt-:' the'donorixfx thexx li lxxIx ii Iixej lrta iii i o 1ls. W illnt Iii ixhv;
lecioll ofixixxiii xlxii iix mu ilhcxi o e tInii x xr~cn"1(t f ;;c ii xxx iii
a reserve rom in the lhra~rv. "Slx Cx fr ixxixuxi, h ph\ xiii\il
- f~~~lexxx ii t xxc C )e th l- ide h"" s t
dxii i. huh ii i " x i ' r Yit lx ftlt V na < I~a n ,lcI) , o

orations, ILights, Music. and
rogramsx Receive Sp ecial Alt-
lili c' . ii xii-r i xxxmarc
n lxiii;r5 ie ' l xiii' ix 'iiilws i xxxiit
l ii" i fo r l usx 'sj'is ' t- wil
lixa (7xh' x i{' 'll xx i
xi~t t ii l i irlxi inr ti rlii :11
xl' lxxii w i ha lx'iii'i xxxi'' ii
trit' th lu t i xxxkiii 1<t>5'xiii
xiii lxiii av- "l rc o
txl aii i tc tr l lr i; w a t
xxI'ltcc1 r .~ ill't t W1NI
:ic hi l i iw l'krti g; i s lix ii
xx n lii hI r(I - l a ,cc
tlxx4c <; r ;III(I h +n(' t IiIn t

I I':lxi C'SII.:Cli 11111CY
wdii he.ii'xxiiix i lxiii by WEJamcs I'.
is iied o atend
uxiii's''iis i'll he pii'jw n Thurxisday after-
thi seiesi ltakeis ptiloxix' ''itie xx'. lFii

ar'li ( '"i isixtaIxtp~ 1l
'''dxx ixixi'. xo lliii w-xxx' 'six,
Mxr;. 1Ioixiisuxxxxi 'x'sx'i'ixiu"''xiii


?l< '
xI x

il la il ~ l ay x Ix
cait1 lc m osdii sl
xt l iii by tici t
Ciiixxiiii iii a r~tli
c xf x f tlcIII ;I t- l

lxxxi Ofiti i xxxi
tlc tc I )I I k
'xli)i'eln1 %- r
iii li xxx l c~lxx'



x1 fxxii, lxii vxery litl xoptptositin, anid
pri'o''edingis' as x'epoirtedl in thei Dtrl'iit
papersi', Dr.' I'ren'ch' saixth "T wox'uld iks'
to usux cotaictx tiosestai temeunts wichixt api-
peaxrcdxi lxl t xhe xeriii Frie Prs andi xiu
Cxxxi Arbrixx Ncxxs- 'Cgus ivhich xverei
tiuriortexd 's havixngi been xmadii luy is.
Inx ail ouur 'argumtieis sunr delegationx
wierxi careful xxxii in xxix xxay, to huxrt
thex Uiversits reptuxtation nvor txx exag-
g'caexx conitliosit here is sucht a maudix-
lini statex as xxas rexitixed."
,Nxu'xnine'xxx m uix hav regiusteed fur this
Northexrn COratorial prxeliminaxxries at the
Cixlerstiy of Chticago.

tih COlmilxc xxxix x Nxillxopenxillxxthec
stadiitumt iii[sinilsxioxixJulyt .TiC 'Iex
otheur open'inxxgs axrex''.x olwslh:xx lfs
Juneixi,''iaixl ' ; xxiio, xxxiii2intoi2i
shiooiting' 3 xix', C Ian'xxxii t xBisley
rowxxig.July s2x8,xat lHenley;ya viclxi
Juily 27.28ill 2,situ ye;'ssocitio
lfooitxall, oikiey xxxiiaIrensueOctxobexr.
I'llth _(I OIC At SOCfIEt IC
ProfnSuCcxxi ixll addrssthue Pilologi-
cal societyixatx8 o'clocik this eeninxg in
Rdooxix21tCext I- lii His sixtjeCt xiii
lxe "Thei Gecnesis olfCixeech." 'This xxi-
dress, dlelixvered Chrnistmais at Coluxmbuxs,
aroused lxxvorablexcxmenxxxxt thsroughutx
thex country.

"Ii 'Th ar all ii555' 'it xe.a l~ll l ix' iM
sun ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ l xtii uxiusl u xtitiler'est511nI x Ilxii
Th., Cliitixxun xxixaculxxiiituriiihlxi IC l l illCCrCniinthe C i ICi acix
xii Ilxxi uitCii C I I IT l\II i F DI'?'i
lav l a" be ilstrted. ithertbit
the'u sxx'x'x'Ii OIo htoxxxx x'i xxssgps and xTxxx
CxIxeiii s xiThe pai as o ptedx by th s ft he Cxxiixx xiiin ,i1a etir deted
1-,ClI1t'1It.sCCor1111 xxxIx i 01Ilxisux toi th
P lpplĀ° I'iux'iari"i heu S idt lx'
lxx' mis xxi iii xxiii hoStandaI tl i had () afi rsi 11dl d
x' x sxx xii u 'F N' iii ttus lxl x i xxxwat ix V i) SiCC xxiivclk"
iiilxxiii llxday'. lxx lxSt. valenine", whih mkeschaactr itse
xxx lneeolisitics bruixn' all the'lfseniorxxx i bih 5th re Is but ut11111- xt
cilxxiii ethers atuaxtuxs'ithei hi chl canxx eI do--'oxs' eetx''xfacxi't.xxxsthex ua
ap iipropr x xisn x xx liiiiateyleleraedlilt1 xix olc ight ixhansas'm'l's touS' ell x
uxuxtuli l xxllxscxh xii lxxxffix ri xi i i iinx axxxosilI T e In oii
chare i co posd o th ls lxxi xxxctraizi xi IxS asurd. It 'i" u uy
hex'l ai'nki-un mbeIrunix txxxiCiliite r ox A eialm restoP iipieitl

Ci I iiik 1a 4 :t Cor.i lt n I
S~w ia a~cltc~l il h ics
lxiii 55W. 0;. Sh w 111
assciaio stted e ' rl i
th'lo i hoohsx x c lyxx ink
Ti s is' onl ' 5 of lw ma
xi1so l( 11111 ~11i )

1w~ i Its
l ix xiii't~'
xix.' 5ttc

A.Ca I " linn xgiii5 s s i\ - xuies Ii
i s'atii'alexhasl"i in xxlxxxylr g i
''55been marinndxin theii xi's' r
class, nti ab ut-it'esame u'tienxigi'
bor itei rehm n cas, 5 xym in xivateiii

Comedy "The Rec'ruziing Officeer" FRIDAY
Club____0 JANUARY 24
Presents New Whitney Theatre 8 P. M. j

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