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January 23, 1904 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1904-01-23

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ht c ~ nVOc. XIV. ANN ARBOR, MIC., SATURDAY, JANUARY 2, 1904. No. 88
Louis 11. Katz; a freshman law sn- lae'.Iabth uirlwsn
Team to -Meet Wisconsin-Orators detfo-afr oo. a noe rack Candidates will be Sent Against (ent who was arrestei a week ago
yesterday white playing hlandball -in
Chosen at Last Night's Contest.'. the gymnasiomnby colIidng itl .C. Time-Large Number of Men wit for stealing books from the riom of
.Longman, the 'Vrsity footall pOaer. Cmpete-Great Interest Man- I. J. Semmer, notter stuiient, plea-
The Inter-department debate lead- Longnman was slrinting on the gym- ifested in Track Work. an t tousti phl lareny himst10dand
ing to the annual Michigan -Wisconsin nasium' floor a d as hie n aredd-the anusieDoyfiei__10 n
iebate, took place in tUniversityflal andball cottrrtK"-te, h Id,]not nott$1 8 costs.
last night. 'The law deparment was 'micefm, 4stepped )it frontu rc ailttswitIaeteto iti y was arrestedt for larceiy of
representeil by C. E: Blanchard, 'ot, thel, big ftulllic..iwkmtlychne ishiwtei'biit hi ftrgotdsleit usvaie of over $2t, which
F. P. Gei~b 'themandDwho.wasltnoon6,whenoTrainer nFithor atrirkcrwiltdis a very seritiisitfftense, lut Prose-
F.~~~~~~ P. eib '0, ni-D.i.rCttn, tO o ,on Iai'Viiher wesdenroledo olian firnal try-out sit the caidi- ciirm ytogtteemgtb
andthelitrar iltiatmet b C.K. im verto hatheoas inaitetodalies for the rins on the gymnasiuinm intiiiityiipoii hs ui
larry, '05, L. C. Antersiin, 't, anid avinil a ollisiont Kaz was knocetrakseiurtrmllunrswl oedffclyirpovn hs n
A. L, Lather, '14. down and his jaw structh the tlor, in- rc.Teqstrml unestilunt-s this atie oultitttielt--atblisht-d
The decision of the judges gave idting a painful nny~' wichi how- dilertwll rapsantertiean the l-tei'case wiitld fll. lt[heet
Blnhr isColton secoind and ver, was not cm~ie rd s riots. Dr ieswlln urtrml dustteropted le granditlarteiycharge anti
lAencrdtrsth ar satr ay rmty t' nli'r aradmiers nine lats. This is Mr.-Ftz-'IHanby tasre-arrestedt on le charge
Amlirstn tird wih Prryas ltg- Iay romtlyatfnfld t- Kte ntipat rick's usual custom antIhis oject i iit-tmtuy
nate. Thlecquestion itt-lited wan "Re- fau:ltthree sttchres i itt lie N smpe agash, stosoveNtt te tissshul(itn- ibtainmd orth,-faii'a itwaiw cat owhhobai teh ase-too malt-natmteia o
qitish the perstonal pritierty tax." Ws- simply an tiiaroitable accident. tisofheralhrenti-rig lis
coutsiti has chosen the affirnative and uwhateer uipton the niake-tptf the in- -________
thi' iebate will take place in March. Y. Mr. C. A. CON R[NC. 'door tractk tesm as that will not te [ARGE PRIZ[ O[F[R[D.
Thle udebate proved an interesting determinetd until after the 'Varsity in
tine antI brought out an iunusally RepeettvsFo OteMihgndrmetwchcuson ach5
large audtience. The presiding officer reetivsro OteMihgndtrnetwchcustnMah1 Hart, Shafnec & Mars of Chicago, Of-
ofteeeigwas Regent Arthur Colleges to be Present-Mr. Coop- Thers- will tdoubtess e a large ntim- fo$2ttorEsyin cnn-
iS, the evtng ro n e.Arhr e ilSek talteSs her ofaspirants Str track honorsain
Hil, f An m-burandRe. Athr r WllSpek t al he es te trials aas alt the odi men, besides i55 - Professor Adams An-
Beach tf Ypsilanti, John Kirks of Yp- sions. the many newe canuidates, expet to nounces Conditions
sitauti, Dr. Kinyon of Anti Arbor andrtn Thehabenitapcaue
1I-. H. Emnmons tf Detroit actetd as 'ftoday there occurs at McMilan decrease in numbers tf the trackr cat- In te leturtbeftre te class in
judges. Senator Charles Simons of Hal one of the mst imtportan con- didaes and never before have there Social Retorms yustertay, Prufeso
Detroit was unable to be present ow- ferences ever hel itsconectitn with heti so many at this time of the ya tan noic-tls ii r t
ing tt sickness and Dr. Kinyon acted the works of of the tUniersity Youngaso at nresett. B-art, Saffner & Mbar tf thicago,
in his place. Al the cose of the de- Men's Christian Associationu. Its iig- -'Mther" Halat's cotreitt insruc- has oferedu rewartd frrize-i-etsays
bate Presiding Officer Hilt was called
on tfr a speech ut modes ty refused. portance- is made greater because tof tou Str half mile runners seems ts e its ecntuomics. The urttuse mu girimg
Mr munhwvr epnht nithe attendance of over tweny-tvel exceetdingy poptilar, for by actual these rewards is "itt ortr tt artuse
Mr. Emonshowevr, reponde andmen frtm the other Michigan cilleges, cotnt, there wre fortyftour men rn v hrtumalu-n imutem-estpub-iithtt-stuity oftoptics ri-ata-
c-ae shur t~lsou te vlu it lmi)-who have come to harticitate itt the'niing in the hatt mitt' squaTh'hursay iuingto ouerc- smdtintusiry,asmutoIt
ic speakitng. meetings. The presence itt Mr. Clay- afternoon. sinuate altexmintatiounsof t- aue
The Michigan-WViscontsin duetate with tot S-S.Coter itt New Yrk, Mr. L. E.tuculg-triimgtrhtuieunei"
takte placc in Anti Arbor this year. Bsell. State Secretary of Michigan PROFESSOR WILGUS SELECTED, Thuefirm itself sates it a practice
andMr C.DHureyof ecmse, t is the custotm each year itS the of emloying cutlege gradluates iio sell
MEMBERSHIP OF S. C. A. Intenational Secretary for the Mid- semitur class of the Lat ephetartmemit themrgods, bleieing tt luy are
Te quatery meeting itt the btoarthdti West also mates the Conference libaetepcur toenelettetr ited t adjlust ttuuusss-vus to
sit directors sit Newbery Halt tookt an impotant one. chomuaveu met titcttin otuwsomi-tismtea
place Tuesay evening. There were The immeudiate purpose of the tCon- fuS the LaweFacultyopaiteut unit hung
present at the meeting Professor E. ference is to discumsn methodsofsi As- This yebarye entu class hameeu 'b'rimi-itusaralri.itit
C. Goddltarud,tiresiuent ifth~e bouaru, sociatioin worki.estecialy Is cs-e-dPPyathseircssaselt Te
situ the tuilowing directors: Profes- ence to Bible Studty. M. tCoopter wilt ed Ptroessor Horace L Wilgus. Later lassAmulI.CutAtttisit
sorsW. W. Bemnams. A. B. Prescott, M. stueak at all thu. sessioins ndi is i the year befotre graduation Pnufes- l -uuhv eeretabcutu' e
sor Wig'usowlt adrtess the seniou re fruitsaoutAmeris-n olsulesg since
L. DOoge, Drs. W. J. Herdman, W. ecaseoft his speaking and valuable class. l80.Th flit-lzestferedin t this class
H. Waite. J. J. Goodyear anti M. K. suggestions that the conference takses ae oetthotutsandutudollrs Str thu iisca
Edwards, presiudent of the S. C. A. on sit impouotant a nature. He is aprzadfvhuredolsfrte
M. i. R. Thompson, general sec- graduate of Bown University where LECTURE POSTPONED. pie nItehturu ttlr o h
retryof heS. . ., reentd is e as ersecontul tuie. Class I c-onmpriss alt
netny itthu S.C.A.,prseneulhishewasvey prominent in the unier- Prfessor Vanm Tyne, wthut tas toltet--uwhiare unduer-graulate stuent when
quarterly report, which tendril to graduate life, beimg a memberitS the tre this evening befutre the Alpha Nut thur essays are handtueu i.T'eflu irsi
show the excellent condition in whiN Delta U'psiloun Fraternity and ore- Society, is oo ill toifi11 his engage- hurie io this class wiltlietreeim u-
the Assciation nouw fhndisits affairs: mst in alt channes itt ctllege life. tmt asmutthe lecture tits ticen lutst- uredul lars.smut thu seondttprie.
It was shown that 157 new members Since graduationm he has been mich pnedl to a future date. Profestur Van lue undreuansmitily dolilrs. Any
were receivedl since the opening tof interestd ittAsoiciatitimiwtrk fit thlb.'Tyne hissmttteems utle t at-mitthis fiiiclass It mat- ctmpeutu iiclass A,
college, this being an increase itS 57 colleges andmunumiersitissoitthe East classes sums- last Moday. A htavy bittnmumbteurs tt clut A cannoiut cmu-
over the same tinie last year. Of this antI West. I-J was the puromtersit atacks it thur grip hiss contneduhin t he in class i.
numbe: 112 are men antI 45 woumen. the famouus "Coopte tlass" in L~ynntoItle houus.
The active membeship is noiw 457, of Mass.. which turhaps moe' taniany __________'he essays are toi he sunit t any
wthich 132 are nien amd 125womem. tther groupmoittmen its thur Es idliitIin etuor-Junu- I.till5
At this meeting the board conitueted mich tt gain thu wr wking slasses t SC.ARE PTO.Acmiteffvehsbns-
arrangements Str the seriesusutlectures anl interest ittsiia antichurmchiwost-tr, -At the iformmiulhThutrsuay ate'rnoutonuicctecutbIttheufrmui, tprupousu-subjcts
whih illbedelveedher i Mach Thre il beprset a tis ot ta-pataytt Newbherry IfatMrs. tar- shihi say hut' ustd-il.oiii-cmmuitteet
by ProifessoruShaer Matthews of Chi- ferenc eolmnm thle Detroit Med-hatdresdnauiceocleg isepsnaivofuesslmnft
ca geolUnivesity, Professotr Mathe-wsicat'olege, four Scum Arian Cut - girls out a sujec, itersting tt si, thein-in twtives; mnesi seuname
Ms. Alicreertmoani Palmer. Mrs. art- sri-Itnownuti odauuy. Irufissou
willteRmanspesent i tothe sy studyeitt f Johnuandandgefh epr estucmetnuni AlbionsColg. Carharts tlath was umntirly intuucm tah; Atants, hinsl, iuuont'uu the u mbte.
theHuasiIutis-esiteunead ntatmuives frum Hilsdale.'
the first from Maccit12-It antI the anti Alta oltlegs anti turtbuabuy a-inavr meelmguittuu-ug 'l-rminutesiuiuuisstu-
second from iMach 18-a2.anThe lec- amazuo, CoveiHouie and Michiganwysedspokmanttwhoevlier ittdth d oe ssoiutut. Laghwin
t~tres with e given in Tappan Hal. Agriculurat Colleges. The men Scom renownutwmon hievrgauan't Ptusir. .IattitiCaco,
these cuitegs wil the ii-guests sit the froim hetlUniersity. ; iivert y itt thic-agot;, Proufussorn.
PRESIDENT SNIFF TO LECTURE. University Associatitun being quarter- After thur talk an informa recepttiotnmI. Clank, ClumiauUnitstivestly; Pro-
Preshiden L. M. Sniff, of the Tri ed in the houses itt uiffeent Michi- aas eit,smithRusint tea was servedu. fessorI-. Aams, Uiversity itt Mi-
State Normal College itt Angola, In- an undr-graiuats. igai; Hrac- Wht, IEs., Nwt-Yur
diana, with speak under the auspices The nmetings itt the conferemce wilt MRS. JORDAN RECOVERED. City; IHon. Carol P. Wright, Nationm-
mit the IT. of M. Disciple's Clib at the not ie penmIto he ubluic. the ses- Mrs. Jordan is reoruted entirely re- a Cmmisinr of Lbour.
Memorial Christian church, Sunday. ions with be attenuded by coimmittee covereud fcum the dipththeia. 'fle I is inerrsting tnte ghat Iliuace
Januay 24, at 7:30 p. in. Subject- men of he Association and members quaanine' lauti-c-t remouved frScm Wit, twht hegan witckupuotn te (hI-
'Truths.'itt the Associatitn, excepit the night hurmtne, ant, as soon as thrweather' cagou Tribtuneu, reporttedh thu amotus
sessions antite Sunuay sessitns nimoves, se wilthe able tohut cme LincltDugla debats foutu-that pa-
INCREASED COST OF LIVING. .which with be open to al. her dities as Wmian's Dean. The ter.
A statement of the relative cost itt The insst importnt meeting of the lUniversity studuents, whou have been The subjets which iis committee
iving in Chicago duruing the first six series with be that f Sunay at :30 sick with dihthercia, are repotedulas srtlectd are as folloiws:
months of 1901 and an equal period in when Mr. Coper wiltscalt at an much imprioved Miss Isabel Parnell, . (autss smit extmt of the recent
1898, has been prepared by the Kin-spen meeting in McMillan Halt to hOe vice-presiudent of the class itt '5is indusutria prorss in fGt-many.
poyr's Asociation, of Chicago, tnder men of the University. T1h Associa- again able tot be arounduu, lusavig re- 2. T u-lut itnrecuni gowt sof
the direction of the secretary, Freder- tion Quartette with sing several se- cverer] entirety. AmnerictanicmelIitin i inuaretsa of
ick W Job, a graduate of the Unit-er- lections, and the meeting with begin - ________ Europe tt le attribtdiyoMchgnn185woha adedontie ThsW1asob COD INOFH KNS 3. henfuen c-f nustiacm
turen a practicing lawyer of Chicago the cosing meeting itt the cnmfe- Howard Hawkins, tr '17 Lit slur hinatlimi uuupn he cntiohtns itt thur
for oven fifteen years. According to ence. tdcnt whit has emn seriuslmuy ill with Amrican Laboruer.
these figures a family that in 198 diphtheria is imnproving slowly but is 4 Ecnoinc nravntagsi nit isad-
spent 51,000, in 1903 would have to FARLAND'S CONCERT. not as yet entirely tush of anger, vantages ittprsen coitnia posses-

spend for an equal iving $1,168.10h. Mn. A. A. Farland, the banjoist, who Hawksins' countditin which was 'sin- shuns to mouthur country.
There has been an increase of 20 per appears at the School of Music Wed-isums trim [huefirst, was matte woirsr 5. faustes ittPasic ot 101.;.
cent in rnt, 20 pc-n crnt in furl, 5 per nesday night, has just retunnedlScum hby a fire scare twou days ago. As a ti What turms ofrituucaiiuun shouuul
cent in groceries, 34 pen cent in meats, a phenominally succesful tour through result the youth lapseud into a dangen- hr audvisedi Str the,,,irlvation sit thur
20 pen cent in mills, 40 pen cent in England. Most flattening press no- tius state yesterdhay, when his life was wage earners Scum 'a luteenrht a high-
sundries, and a 3 pen cent decrease in tices have everywhere been given this almoist udespaired of. Last night hoiw- en industrial slatuis in the tUnited
clothing of alt sorts, making a total great American artist: and even the even, great improiveinens was noted States.
increase, when the amounts spent on English experts concede him to hr the in his conuition antI a stieedy recor- 7. What methods sit ruuctaiss is
the various items are considered, Of King of Banjoists. mry is lostked ton. lest stuitedt ton men entring upon
16.8 pen cent. Reserved seats can be securned at -trad______ nie-in commernce.
I_________ Meyer's News Stand on at the Ass NOTICE. The comnaithee suggests that coin-
The Obserlin Glee Club took .a six-F Arbor Music Cos Mbonday morning, Menmers of thin 1904 Lit, Football petittuns use god English, antI do not
teen days' trip during the holidays. It is hoped that no lover of music will Team meeI at Randall's studilo Satur- expuandltto fully in their essays.
during which time they traveled 2,310 miss this rare opportunity to hear an day morning at 10:41. This is the tirot contest of the kind,
miles. artist of international reputation, COB, Manager. (Continued on pae 3.)

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