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January 23, 1904 - Image 2

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1904-01-23

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fEntered as second-class matter at the Ann Leonard, a candidate for the Mich-
Published daily (Monday excepted) daring the is trying for the Chicago team.
cleeyaa tE.Wsigsre,(basement floor, side ct'ance) Phone 392t33 A Chicago professor of Political
sa e__.. ___.EII Economy has recently predicted the11MNGINC
SE. OCX' TIIOMASON extinction of the Caucasian race by
BUSINESS MANAGER: the Chinese. In discuoing the law of

Z As we have too large a Ilosc 05 . IUr
stock of facyEDTiOcS: .'Yt
fny IAtteletieo - -EDITOR . ALO
c1es,- - - - - 2J. S. BALnY
SUITINOS AND tlitsord Stees, hey Peebles,
SA. MI. Gracer, Henry P. Erwin
T ROIJSERIN S A. C. Pounod. A. H. Ortmeyer.
}eeJos Y. Kerr, Stoddard S. More.
ffIda M. liroworiag. I. Waite Jayne.
S on hand we will sell Core. A. Osborn. Hiaruold C. Smith.
larry II. An~drews. Alfterd B. Koch.
S them at reduced prices 'Thomses.I Roberts.
j to snake room for our Editor Today-A. B. KOCH.
4 Spring and S it inoer Notubsrliption- TwoeDollars per sear, payable in:
Woolens. Be sore astd advane. If udelinquentl after Nce. 1, 1903, $2.50t
coil in before you piece Office Hoars:--12:30 to 1:30 and 6:30 Is 7:30
*p. m. Daily.
yo::r ortdere.4 . o Address-ROSCOE B. HUST~O, Business SMan- ,444agr31PckdSte.
*Telepshone, d61.
G. HI. WILD & cot - -U1 A1E
A*ioifioi*i~eg~i 0gi**0®g Jantiery 24-Address by C. S. Coper
3 ~ in McMillan Hall.
T 3'II C GEC;AT G A M IJanuary 24-3 p. m. Report of work
at Chicago Commons by Miss Inez
WVeed at Newbery Hell.
Jantiary 24-7:30. Lecture, "'Truth,'
bey President L. Ms. Sniff, at the
________________________ Aetnor ial Chtristiatn chucrch.
S Jenuary 22-S. L. A.. Lecture on
EXCITING 1tU N "Ideals," by Lyman Abbott.
1F 0 K C V 14, C Y cn N E, * Jenuery 27-8 p. m. Illustrated lec-
ture by Professor Rtissell on "The
A Rtorent Volcanic Eruiptios in Mec-
toniglic end St. Vincent," Museusm
lecture room.
pJalnutary 87--Cotirort b~y Farlen, st the
Schl ofMucictl.
IA recetnt instance cf the loeyalty of
Michigan Altmni was witnessedl by
® thle :debating teamton::their retturn
* tfrom~ Minnecapoisi. Processor Trtue-
bloodtile~t on his way to: Minneapolis
steotpput over ittCoer Falls, Iowa to
tillliver a letorure'. Tier Miebiganialumn-
ni oft that city wh~ich enumber abtout
fthir~tee were very interested in the
(ebtlb1ut very dotofu~l as tie the :ot-
comte.lProfessor Truebloodelinsisted
l, / ' (bat the outicomne wold ho favorable
" -,"'teeMichigan, swherteupone thoe altumni
pirioniseodlto he at. the traint if Michi-
ASSRBO, 20 n.Stae tretI state that Michigan was stuccessful
*iiSO*Oi~fiiO*O*Si*O~*O antI that the altumni astoeiation at
tedar Falls trneid nut with: theirl
The Ann Arbor Savings Bank. Mlichigan banners and gave the vie-
Capital tSck, t50,0'0n:SueteesO75,t, teorieous teen: a reoyal reception eduritng
Reseeurces, 62,000.000
S GENERAL. BANKIINGOBSINESS their live nminetes' stay in Cedar Falls.
TRANSACTED. ___________
OgreFS:ns C'hearteleF. Ilisc'ok, Pres.; WIV. . iembeers of the feetball teams 'who~
Hlarrimsan, Vice es: ;S. I. Fritz. iCa:shier. played against Michigan last season
will extend their heartfelt sympathy
0,M.M rtn FUN~ERAIL to the student who collieded with Long-
} DIRECTOR. mnnyesterday.
Office 209 S. 4th Ave. Phone (8. R~esi- And tee thinte that the stuedents at
dence 302 S. 5th Ave. Pleone 314. V>alifornia are heolding singing meet-
Ambulance on call. ings on the Chialel steps these nightst

"The race that will survive longest is
the race best able teemaintain itself
under csnditions of general puberty
and scant food supply. 'That race is
the Chinese."


President Hadley of Tale Universi-
ty in a recent aedresese pun "Opepor-
tunities for Political Influence" heore
Harvard students, said: "Politics is
a game anel muet he Iplayed ouet by de-
finite rules. No man should he an ex-'
tremest, either ineen'dent eor parti-
san. He sould strike a happy me-
diem, hut should noet enter the peoliti-
eat' fiel at all unless rich, foer if he
dues ho will have tee yielsoner eor
later to the wreong influeenee, eec else'
get, out and starve."
The students of Ohio Wesleyan Uni-
versity recently heldl a "swap" party.
andl among the many woenderfuol andEl
surprising exchanges sees recoerded
the swapping of a clothes plin for a
live mud turtle.
Owing to the large number andevaye
riety of "prep" emblems worn otn the
campus at Leland Stanford the ath-


Shtir to, Sateotars 1': Ii eleeve
los, ole: , itett&y stilte10cM
hir c tact esol,,cd,3 full ah-
jou ,each IS--- * 1!
Pant V hite or hck iei
Supres mad of et otn
Spad i' 100. 1c upote wt
C teet "El i o i telete: nolt Pk-
Il: oots'eeoher'. let:-estine115 25h
Vest t01erstltehe s oce $
tt tl l l
Wlirs oo Soe

letie committee adoepted (le following ®*@,®***@* Ac )*A@*@*S*64s0
Resolved, That it is cuntrary to the D 0 T Q' 0 '
sentiment of the stuedent hbody andl $
contrary to the pruper observance of
the meaning of a 'VarsitN emble' t ua t i"3 rgla rlvr
that nmen svil::hhve nsleearned1he've. eR (>t llw 4
'Varsity symbul at; Stanford ear n 4 4..,t0, :
tpubllie the emblesm of any poarato 5{ -\ 1 stee. 1 tn e :r:ofi'ee:
sehetol;S i ': 1 uc :1 ::.te:lt
'T'hat this resolutticon eedo 0"es o pl p ire t ~out .s:'.. ieee. "'::::.r-
to a man who has woen the Varsity 3he t:e' et
emblem at any college oft Univesety1 :iil,'vtreet. i::i:4%t: eeo
if an equ~al standing witho Stanfordtet 1)teroftie::.!':it,bor;:iicon
Tlhat the etpper-elassen oiiitht ti sns33 a :s ititdo oc
versity shall insist that the sleeit. antId ipic ''utntesu nw 3.(, pc
totter of these restolutioens letstrin-
getly :recardled. ( WO D O L LAP. S q
Athletic Conomitter.. eI
Cx-tCaptain('. ft. Redldens, ittthe 1103O"
Michigans footballoam, has-rectuved9
an tifer leo c'oach th~eUivesity cii
Cta feceteal eese net t ' Ma'rshall nn Private Corpora-
Utah institu~tiotnis tine itt t aret tos.tae' : i mect
in 1: theoestand has a strun fotal b ,iectt:::rtt to. 1h'tthe :ot.
Coreatai edd nis eonsideingthet'\tl-us ase.Oettvlumee
"Mary of Magdala," ino which NMce. c E.B TH L ±
Fiske will appear at the Athens the:a-4
ron Monday evenling, is te' largest* LAW AND MEDIC At BOOKS 9
as swell as the most beau:tifuel proeduc- 326 S. State S1, Second Floor.;
lion that this distingtuished. actress ANNI ARBOR, RICH. *®
has made. Four massive soil magnifi- p ®®~~~ff®~fC®

they picture with absolute verity theI
Jerusoalenm of Pilate's day. 'to hendle
these scenes a stage force of forty
men is required. As a dozen ment can
hanodle msost of the productions on
tousr, the magnitude itt the mounting
of the Hleyse play is evident. Nearly
one hundred people appeear in some of
the scenes of the drama. The inci-
dental antI entr'acte museie. all slic.
ially coemposedl or selectedl, calls for
an atugmented orchestra.

You ouc it to your
face to tuse Williamls'
Shaving Stick.

±N " s s+ eo +r o eov . a . s N NNN 11 1 1 N N oo oe H w s s® o

Lym9a1 en Abbott
"1ondrn [veninq, J'an. 25
S Single Admission, 50c. Season Tickets, - $1.00

Mrs. Fiske
(Englsh Adoption by Win. Winter)
PRCS oBalcony,$1.0
Gallery, 50c


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