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January 23, 1901 - Image 1

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U. of M. Daily, 1901-01-23

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No 8

Announcement CHORAL UNION CONCEHI Indoor Football Practice
TidCnetothYerTksPae Asonath ndwteexmn-Or special line on Friday Evening - Spiering tions ar-e over, the football team will pCi
I of frin ad Quartette of Chicago and leinil indoor sigiial lratice undser the the
Of frin ad William A. Howland the direetioii of Keene Fitzatrick. This 73l
do etc fbisArtista adiral rcmangemi the footbiall practceev
dometic fabicscauut fll o b ofgreat benefit to the it
For the Fall and Winter of 1900 has tin tirdl choral U'nion Concert isill flint,- It is ra start toward all-year- tea
arrived and is arranged for inspec-legiitriaevnnanty2,eniii reie.t
bhe Cli licu Quartet if Chicago; lust biefore tihe holidlays there iset h
tion. The same careful attention Theiodore Spiering. 1ot violin: Adolpih iii the gyiniasitli a graduiate romnit- Jic
is gien tothe tylesand inishof1-eitlig, visia: Ottot Itelrltorit 21 sto- tee, togethecr iitl Citie preseint football tc
is gien t thestyls an finshio Itw erman Diestl, violoneello: WJil- leadiers to plilt for next year. TheI
every suit, whether to be ulsed for hawit A. liowtlandt. Ibtritonie. oif this quoestioni o~f ai roach was tot definitely lir
boiesproecr o oldes1(ity). settleid tutd is still in Clii air. Mtagero otf
busnes uross r fr ul des jAt thio rontcert several tntimbers tromt tBaird is rorrespiondsing' with sosn of
occasions. te rich repiertoire written for thits cow the lromin-it cotathes, liut the finit sO
lilit-tioti of instnmento wsill he tier- selisi ut isill titc lie tiraile tie somet
G. H. WILD COU, formeil, aunl Mr. Rtowland isill sitig tutnu. I lttiiiiith lintdltor wtite n-ill lil
1several chtoice groups itt songs. R- lie tlk-t en care oft by Kceete ilaistik t-
ao8 E. Washington St. guarding te tartists cakig part ini this himitself. PT
conterit ws- appuentd the followitng nso- The ivorks siill of etirrsi-he lighti t Or
leres: firstI. Allt the Vtiarity mitt is isell topa
Thatt Chici-rigit his goiod tigs ini the tit sicus, tiill gathie evety iWetites- 1n
ititsittil lite wias sownoi tit Metndels- slay ivittg itt the gytit. attd ru it
solult hall last ev-entitng, when the Spier- Ilirtitgit signsals tatd foirmitttissts. The g
lug Qumrtette tadle ito slebut ini this iles is toi get the -ieligatt foostbllli
r ~ ~ C jij iy tcosistsof ittMessrs. Thteodlore system"it tibist ht. sit tat whlet i
ffILD S SpeinOtto Ctoerhorti, Adlphsl iun (siti-tutes Antut Cliairid wotrk Ce-
Weidig, antd H-ermani Dieotel, an th~en gutls sit tegents' 1il there swill lie ito in
lri-cisonit of atttick ansi unaimsity of tneed tit teaeuthe Clii ith ie ruimiient;tof if
sirt shoswed hat the), msst ats-c Cliavtie atuthlii printciless soi which-li
PHJARA CY laoetl together for years. Thes- playthl ClIiverises 11ay.
bvCefoir- ait autienctie wvhicht swts titlist- Cll Husghs Whte swill tuake his wetn C
siuttie, lint ntot so large asit stotll ittdoors as sooti to the sieatiher lire- I
hasvc bteeti hail the great mterits of te tilts. The tittttler of'Varsity swin tr
i-hub tests knioswt before hatnd.l-- ss-hts iwill reettn is quitei large. Stnowi,
Ness York Esetnitng PosC. While, Siveeley, OResdein. Weekts wiill di
_________________________________ Mrl. SHiislands sitigitig si-is itt ai high bie bitiek, but Ilele grauiates thnis year 0i
YOU KNOW whee to get ~ tiner of wsorthi ini reguardt libothi s-i- tatd expsects o goito Coubitia or a
eutNWWhr oge... cliott unid itCerpretatiti. Ois Hotsoniit for a wtititig etgiteeritig
A GOOD LUNCH stismoothi, tr ge, andi resotnatnt batss soice cour'se. r
ANAis uedt by huts swithlt askill tat shioss -tI
ADhotinhorongh hais bteen Ils rutittiig in Free Lunch Causes the Trouble. e
S MOKIE iitillitirtible sehosol.-Bhostott iHerald._____i
It. Ei. Jolly, 308 S. State Street. Thie 'programu is to followsivaoyl: ~ ledu . f'NI
Qurtt n Mjo O. 8 tta ati siho spectt a year t thne
___________________________d___ - - - - . Choei ltesoP Cowntioi huts isrittet its
llegro: Ananltthc otito artic-le ott 'T-e Saltoton ii Chiis-ugo,
NOTHING Allegro; Presto. siiitilteisi hcttiur itue
LIKE TH~f I s (a) VZittoritn oittoria' (ChUMa) .... it
- - - - - - - - - - - -Cutrisitf Iithe mercts uunalof w ith loeey ot
rfr~~wbridge (ti) Who ~ ~ ~ I is Dr.it - csutur haglly lcnsy Cdeal vurhtets atbsir
tous phas-ceu-ti ttsalo Ouptrbs- ans
(bt toMeIstns.
Chlatb~deiis -1st Ci ilt huti Sxohrbest (-utit
hugeriMilysutsmendsstheitarioittsuiutututesucce)sHittaChic uolkthtuushs ofrbust
luolth Cttlhte rtitCsuruts ht hic eett ciuatsdtoti sriil tut y
40antcerl.t 1-elt - TttttiutsIuhoiseitus- ssos u euh
Sotu ftout liutiush------on--(honitoil Ciobars
Choolte pS Trs t -HRsebd' Al Melet(, firesseos Clue efis cCt
itt tht uiftyr Drateruttu soite ittE ORouIut
I.sette------------(Vuhs-uin int-i Cluec evil otutheucutcos of thu-
___________________________________ ite Chttts---------Qutet-teusliyisuoueuut ttiati sv
Ce.t tutulb ii lit ..l ti-cg -------su they the gprsnt hcit willtreou.
I1c Sri-------hebhstes weslst abluse lug oluse soeibyth iu isitug
iT~ - Ra S exit istiv andtu Tits-he - "i
Ste. SlD . f fty fra ernleuscu se thtee r dt f r i ha t r ls eat-
CAPU DRUGrtc liST-ORElutit (Itt turutm httthe uliune s ofse a
- --- -- IIIu--uuuss-.- - - - - - hsosl shoutsd lutcti ~ssso le -l. s
. pd.q~g"3L B~" ">d" d~i3'F tee 1Tun (Caprh)cet Moheses isa n fCo sevens the sealyeist. possibiltes
Shu i tutii. Tu-tesruts reral nugli hosso fthrciy Dtutul si
'I' ~thse it gie uo erterhgCt turetrue-
IAa (,)i 7 H Elects Ofiese ustu1onisoslnf se
BveOllisp ofs rthe resprttile, o icathre-
(bC luke n last .... re le us eetg cttn wot.doei by hu rch seo it ties - efo rtg
AeleR'hS { i D ier tiry oit the Rubinesie i uiittrttuest irsteidoI
(dfleersh Ire beed usuter ... Shle~ i-eth founHoeere overtnie
Sretil1 l~ott op. 9at(limo tawsmthslie
e l ie-Prsideit--t' rd Dsey. Ther isnodt aussei on e cthe ant-l
{ perg(qatet. efetry-th Iluur innetonb. pius.b Thas issttier th dvsotage at
th reteisu as rs Foot ite. ~ oIe exp-rigni Studet an sithe sra Ch
Firstnuenber f Excutie Co omit gingitl huies pla ith e squirrelads,
t tnto h e i pnsilouu. t s m teta itus i no t chrgerisn doa ine tin tu
.C thi a seng of Oruti-f B-er Hmn g theut.i Ainusmoepeutasfuren isedin eea
peop..... ~ W li. 'ishteli n ths b o untoless se ndd st

Stagg Gives Them Calitheics
Csetenishus be ;id n'tfeturC o i--T tyets-tl clture t
ue Univrsicy ot Chtiu-tg- this a-u-ue
lore- s-u t it-u-,,-tutron..Thus 811tuf
loe atCthes-plrese-ut timeuc is
I te ututranig of ict ra-
tttmi lirto-Cte Stagg hi. - taklen
is- masueiu ht ndtuttimeluef. tntudsit-ths
to classes s let used to do its the I.
1.C. .A. gvttuttsisuuefheoe he camuei
1-tultimttsautiseels hit-vetueancoache
tes ti hus _2 cantdidats.-a1uiCle floor
fthu- gyite tutu sets thusem, i atugwi-nri
flexitg tighso." lrani-iiup andussu
.sown.tryinig ttouchs hiuneus to
her chestus tutu swiniggtheir tens
ikesemaptulhortecosutil si- more slendse
thuhte tirei-reaulvto ideoptu. Sueiiex-
rieutss useu-gtssuu turths-th-i-lopment
f heibak.-iduthhsuiuai tuuuilsb aud
it-u genieally ueghei-iled iniividulsu
oit.. Prof. Stagg has us theorye tChate
lis tutu-ti flft o themssees.soueld
ive tll theirutettcusiu to hiceeeop-
si-ofthtIetuessus. tutudle otjcts o
,ts-oh atuhlts.
liiieOsatme sli-y is hueing ucariedl sit
tratining thnee sanudidates fus e tt:Csitu.
its" foouthatll ti-tut.eWrestig is at-
thr fi-aturetoriipreuplaratory fotball
raeieuu.InitheCss enhruce sitHornace
huttuusuuehuwhosisi hl liaselhia out
is vacuautn luu. thltttt Bende is taun-
tg th~estes-u.
The Uniuersityauthoriis are it-
eas-utelg tos discosrage stuesicu onste
ttenduitng ts ucatssife." tt tutisf-
ieee uof this tpokey 'thurboarsd ofphuhysi-
ohl riehinriansi athletic has tpassed au
tle reuissringtll ucassifidlsusets
to atutentiuchapel tuiducrtain other x-
erissfroitwiuch they hai bhein x-
tse hiheto.
Base-Ball Prospects
-Capt.SMciunis is hopeful f or Mich-
igaunssbhoer hail team this season, and,
is frt matters seem much bighe
tais they dlid at this time last year.
anty of te oldmunutare bach: aud ti
sesusbr of Cle new ones come with
goodrercoeds feoun other colleges or
ighs schools. Thus pitchers poitions is
lte mstoCimportant atns for that there
is -Jery"Ute aidCting. among
thur us-u astpiratnts sag be meutiosaed
Webter, Tacy ischer anhismgindal,
all si-til re-torsds to pont to. Outadis-
tious tosthse, tere asre somthitg lie
twentsy cainsidates foe he plac ansd
someusot those ieay5befoudusinn-iuters
Twso ol ettchers tre ack, Whiteys
ands Beneusst. Out first we laeCou-
don; siteseconts, hleucor: outhttid,
Flesisre lattess, siho ias Not-
iestern's best shortstop last yer. is
its colge anduuwillihptrobbhly il thats
poitinottuthis ysear'sine. Ceter
fiehl illil]olMc~innislsatud lft Sow.
Daieis is bctulo splay right field.
C sight chanmge is o be mae thus
year its imdoor patie. Thur pichers
situ catchers swil be givene exclsise
possesionu of thee tet for Cle first tio
is-eks. Cue this way it is thought ots
siderable time and energy wirll be
sue-ilands more accrate hatsling of
thee bal leveoped
Forestry Commissitin Bill
Prof. Spalding luts returnedu froms
Lanusinegtutd retorts tier substancue of
Cle bill for Cle torestry ouuission,
which hissbhens presented to the legis-
lature as follows:"Tier waste landfs
lyinegtnorthe of the middle of Clur rout-
ty ivitie hyebenttaken by te state
through the failure of the otiers o
pay le taxes thereoun, are to be used
for forestry purposesTin ounmis-
sinswiciu s Isto lhave entire conutol
oser thitl lausd, is to set ,about Cle prs-
ersatioun andi planting of tres re en-
tious of fires, etc."

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