®aI~1~ i Chemistry Laboratory Notes ( , RAIN OR SHINE
~ 'Arrngements heave been insde in the %,.. The "00' $300 Shoe is the hoe
Pubished Daily (Modays ecpted)daeg chemical laboratories to manufacture to wear when the weather iso ucer
Collegevarat oxygen, which will be stored ini tasnks , tan. A little rain doesn't hurt t
TH NVRIY0'MC~iNant, after being condesed in the while it affords pet of comfort on
TH NVRIYO IHGNliquid ir macisine, will be stored away thpwr estofdy
MAN OFICE BsANCH OFICE for use in calciunm lights, combustion -thewreof urs.ehv ih he
Areas Bid, Mats St. 336. Statstreet ec-Buoforswehvlitsos
Boti hoess13. Nete Stats 'Phase 182.ork, frbetc.as evysoe o
An sapparatus lisa beens slaed itmfrbightdashadeeayshefo
- MANAGING EDITOR. chenitral laboratory foe the manufac-I- rainy days if you prefer.
. aS, '55 fure of sulpiated hydrogen. t is ceen- GLASS'S SHOE STORE,
BUSINESS MANAGER, traliy located and distributes the gas \\ai Sret.
F. ENZossnAss, 'SirL to le different hoods in the laboratory, 1 90 Mi tre.
EDITORS: thus avoiding all the accidents which UP"en tingIs until ANN ARBOR, MICA
ATB5,ETICS, G . . HBUses', ' gipreviosmly occurred when the gas wvas 8 P. M.
- ismde directly in the hoods.
A. .McDOtIAaLL,OS E. w,. A. KNInon, 01Lh're University has purchased forIN E T R S L
te pharmacetical laboratory a BoM D o-
Miss L, K. SINuE 03 Cxss. nvssA'o a rdom drug mill, which, by 30anDAYS
f.H ono,0 w.P HNY'1Litrhnebegidnpltsisc-W. A. BENS-sTesass03 E. 5. nocaSe, 0 pabe of grininbg anything from small
seeds to Irons ore. Only the blades for
grinding softer substansces have been Our entire stock of all new Clothing at greatly
obtained. This sill is he very best reduced prices during month of January prior to
It i evden tht th iierae -one made and the professors are veryinocg. AlStsadOeotstlsstn
It i evdenttha theaveageMichi- iroud of their acqusiation.inocg.AlStsadOeotstlssha
gall studest bathes. The shower bathis Manfacturrs price during this sale. Avail your
at both the Watrman aiid Barbour_ Calendar self of this opportunity and save money.
gymnaisiumiis have beeiioin one comtion-_-__
al sputrt sncli theccnatlionlays are Friday, Jan. 20, 5S1p. ms.-Third Choral All Underwear. and Shirts at reduced
ove. tAore compilaint has beeii miaieUiioncnicert, Ssieriiig Quartet aid p e. Eeytignw
iboiut lthe Isils at tih' gymls aviiin m. ASowvssd. rcs vrytignw
beei'n closed o thii'Studnts lians that Saturday. Jan. 2l6-Senior Lit Smiogos
ccess o lt'e ltisiwaswit riilited. This at ltttiso iins Sall. A
chduat. thaiie itisat ti'gnsMci itr-eaiei eaeiniaesIidli'students 11att to be Sturday, Jai. 20i, 8 p. m.-Peinsy- A B E f
love itiuli to titi with mntiiutaiminglt'e Thursday, Jan. 31, 8 p. in-Booker AE L RND WRT
geneial good heathiorliii stuidenit T. Washington; Good Gsvernmnt
botly is a fat tht is to lit admiitted. lint. onl "Race- tProblems," Itniver- BEGINNING C I
Only tne death has liteun recorded this sit 11ii.j1"iA th ens Theatre (
yacotut of Slit',cat arimy of persotis riday, Feb. 1, 8 p. i., Choral UnioniTi ' I
that stork away liintee camiitu. Many S-it's Pinio SRecital-Erinst Dolinsanyi,I
Ins-itlits iiay have' stoked together titrersity Sall. EvertNiIGtT
o keep up51tieeleth lllmar, hult et its Wcdmesday. Febi. 0, S p.si.-Facuty'E e. IG T
gi'esocr0111edtiit to tilgnbt' 'lht. Concert, School of :Music. A .22I T RD Y M TI ing r
Friday, Fel. -Junior H-op Watet- JAN 2S T R A A I E g r
Fresih Laws Expect to Eiat Too ihalm Gymn. ,I
Friday, Feb. 8Sand Saturday, Feb - -...J .
The first year men from the lain Emtrance examinatioss.
Biuilding are not the stly thingas5on Friday, Feb. , 5 p. in-Mary E. Mc- i
the latter have gone to work and select- Chiicago S. O.A.ectre Course New- i pr
et he i-v cuing of Feb. 8 for holdisag betry Hal.
therntlultal banquet. A phrograil hl5 Iomday, Febiary 11-Secotnd semes-
been prepared but neither the location ter begins.C op n________
or menu his beemi entirely decided PrettGirsRE ERTO RE__
tpn. A committee is now canvasing Prty Grs, RPRTO'
the class mciisacing tickets so as to NOTICE FRESSIMENI! Te. "ADP A
estimate the extest of the spread. Al candidate's for Freshmami track Te. ,ADPSA
acim ticket purchaser is presented tt'sii shouldl begin traiing with 'Var- Funny V' Wed. - "THE 1IASCOT"
sithi a bamquet button advertising the ity squadl t otce. Every afternoons Comedians Thur. "-TWO VAGABONDS" 2O
esentImin this wsy every p t Gttym. Turni out and show yourFr.OLVIE "'
f'eshm law is labeled. At a class meet- Class spirit. Fi LVTE
inghel lst al, wenthebaque 1A. D. VERDSESI. '04 Track Mgr. Elegant xv Sat. Mtinee,
wits considered, a warm contest wasaW r r b BHMA IL
pulld off as to whether the toast- FEHA EL Sat. Night I
master or president should manage tie Ther Freshimami Yell comittee re- Great Cast ,RIPVANWINKLE"
event. During a particularly motable quests each member of the Freshman
speech by this toastmaster the meeting class to iol upni a yell aid send it in
became so animated that Prof. Knowl- before Jat. 30, 101. Up-to-date PRICES: 10, 20, 30C Q
tom itterruptted long enough to forbid A.IENG1LISS, Chairman, Specialties Seat Sale Mlonday C s
any miore cass meetimgs bring he 512 S. State t.y
ten HS l-elnhwvr a -""all disaphpearetd anhit comnuitee are Chef d)'oeuvre de EVERYTHING NEW EXCEPT THE NAME
uetimig withua harty resptouse. 'Xp~sfOfl VnA ivseI e - AT--
Inter-department Debate For Pehnnsy W BoY~gladChipe
The pulisers ofetits vvork received the
--Grand Prizeaned Gld Medal at the Paris Ex- -
Nxt Saturday atght, it: 7liccrsiu r tositien er its ecelence. Ai teeks sld n1 O SY
IHall, the winners of t iuicm.stcity ttserittistt niy.
cot,mit' ee.utctitinit mer-epder-eu 1~~
tba".this iltter tdbate will deter-
minme-svwh isto nuthld MichxeluislBANee S IL LIA D P R L R
hum inthie debate wuithu deimnyvaitmt, 45 WallStes New York B A L R
w111occurs sometime'in alrch.
Sdou. extr M Pery f Dtrot hts rasseta gnerl hshig tsinst.HIG GRDE IGAS ICCO AND CIGARETTES
htcseuetoatas this presiding Receive deps is sbjectsodat. Dividendt O T
oficer Of the eveniiig. Mr. tFrry isca AetsSe ndnDsiANDsltso
also the donor of thes following testi- railroads, street railways, gas companes etc. OT TE
menials, whichs'will be givemn tie win- MTer[A Yr chns 'I
ters: First honor, $70; second, $0;
The question to be discussed is that HIGH-GRA[ INVESTMENT SECURITIES. F C U ,EETI OSTUTO N UPISP
of the advisabilityof. choosingUnited List of current soffring-s- ty=1 h~pestamn, S)jlTlELECR AN STWCTERN AND ~rrl+,-
States senators by direct vote, and the PHILADELPBIACOREEESPONDIENTS. 207 E. Washington Sreet. ARTISSIC GAS AND EE.CTEIC FixvUREe
following gentlemen will judge of the GRAHAM, KERR & CO. HIGH GRADE MANTELS AND RATES.
relative naerits and demerits of the
debate. - " _ _"_ Judge W. W. Chapin, Detroit;W
Ho.C. E. Townsend, Jakais tr., o atBytm.
sari B.bat, Detroit; Prof. E. A. Strong, Y uCnByte..
"speeI Adler" fll5u Mnrc h PttLeather Shoe $3.5 JHQ1AHR
Coplte ne ofas fall. s itsn.....That Won't Break Through 218 S. MAIN ST.