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January 22, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 85) • Page Image 1

…UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. Siesoi ' i EA. ANN ARBOR, MICAI. Till TSDA\, JANUA'Xl'Y 2, 1903 No. 85 YOST HERE Glee Club Concet WISCONSIN'S TROUBLES dat-and it' - ii ns-htslit('ti lbs aniual -snser'Sof th 5' 1 sit r-st7«utel syt is- toi is i s in. v,' tifinisi- tament of His Plans- (f Si iils SluAishic:1 (tilt «-s n 1 iKit g is Comig Dow SWith His Dc- ittis ans w,0 r. it iii bus-- Ge-eri-ttiIS Coisedd That He Will i'yel il n 11iti ii11onIif l tilary...…

February 22, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 104) • Page Image 1

…THlL Iis oi: N. DAILY. 22 1 1903 No. 104 VOL. XI II. ANN ARBOR, ]AIICB., SUN DAY, FEBRUJAIIY FRESHMEN WIN that he isdrifinguIt' i limemory CHORAL UNION PARTY mebrc ioarlv the iiiivilrsiof his N et was Exciting From Beginning last, fll if lthose tiniiis whichr atj A Fine Dancing and Musical Proram toEnd-Freshmen Also Capture first caised himIa o lushi with smiie Given-Occasion Greatly ~~ontro fothl) ei ueyRelay Race-Some Good irfii ii uei olii ...…

March 22, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 128) • Page Image 1

…: " ,_.. . .- : . - r; : . u w 'l r -+ .v t .. J i' .- ' f ~ { r r, j;. ..., .-s ' ..+ ,r+ " y H + M, "" i i f ' j ... " -jy .-. _ - _ 7E " ° , 1' " I 7 ." ,_, r... _ r 7: e 1 " - + f' 'f J +f i. .'! J i v ._. i l.. r: e _t rI cr % r JR f f. r, f, S "r: z f - Y J %. +..+ ,J ° ' w. k-1 ^, , i .+'/ Y..r i ..1 ^^a. M.i . f, , t' "'1' }n. r.! f; 1' t f. _. - M 1 . ., _.. _. j - _ _ :. t w ": '". " «.. % ;: .-. :" ;,, .-' '= W 1. Jrt ._. u _.. ;++ ...…

April 22, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 145) • Page Image 1

…Till OiF N. DAILY. VOL. XIII. ANN ARBOR, MICH., WEDNDSDAY, APRIL 22, 1903 No. 145 WOODROW WILSON hasisgoneitmai. Not Kasls, bit til, settins Vvaryin teeittitenft title Piincton President Spoke to a De- is iihettui1- tt w o srm tktes slos- ii hted Adience in University :InitilforP115th is toughttillpirit Ha11 Last Evein-Subject ;y "Ted. It is te)oldi"pitot Was "Patriotism' A lt-i-v iftt-stiiistime tier tgainlhe ititt ttititi iitititi lii ifeeli...…

May 22, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 171) • Page Image 1

…Till D.Oor N.DIY NO. 1171 VOL. XIII. ANN ARBOR, MICH., FRIDAY, MAY 22, 1903 INTERSCHOLASTIC MEET "Miss Hobbs" Tonight This i-tening the Coateia-tt lut of the te Largest Meet Ever Held Starts Antnt Arbor high school presetts their annual phay. The east w1as given in Taday With 539 Entries y 209 «v dotsdays Daily and is one that Men-Play at Athens and warrats the expetaion of a good Dlance at Gymnasium lerfrniance. The attention of all thtoetles...…

October 22, 1903 (vol. 14, iss. 21) • Page Image 1

…The a al VOL. XIV. ANN ARBOR, ?MICH., THIURSDAY, OCTOBER 22, 1903. No. 21 U64i[ST SCORE SO FAR. STUDNS [R4WI COLONES. Three Points to the Minute Was Yes Twenty-three Spanish-Speakin St- tedays Record- Michgan Made dents in College-Talks With 88 Points Against Ferris In- Porto Ricans. dustrial School-Team Work Improved _________ Twety-hree- Spaishspeaking pe- Ali1(1byill(I he riceelweaher rnii- plc e atl'preset 11in AiiniArir, This ilirl y ...…

November 22, 1903 (vol. 14, iss. 50) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily VoL. XIV. ANN ARBOR, MICH., SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 22, 1903. No. 50 WITH APATC ED--UPTEA". ***f'Lf f f f f Michigan Rolled Up 42 Points Against + REULTS OF YESTERDAY' GAME. Oberlin in 50 Minutes of Play- Small crowd Witnessed the Last *f Michigan .................N42 Oberlin...n.............. Smllc fth Yaro Frr * Wisconsin.........6 Northwestern.............. 6 * Game of the Year on Ferry Yal..................... 16 Harvard .....…

January 22, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 85) • Page Image 2

…F" NIIC all I(" 'a\ 'a I L N1 1 \ - trous ~r E ilcnrrq k DAIL EW Th U. of a 11, fha 'V l t a . T at Willi le Ia ri~ti.t i ' 1'lI ;Viii I P t*d i ~ t lll'1ti fPa a} ! ; t " la' It t~i 1 i 'S ' t 1 i-I i~" 1 ' I IN 1:; i 1« itt "li' 31. :llt j Text [ t WAH'S I~S~~ 10( ~ ~dll~l~t~lC~La ANN kIBJ - M~lI Naae' la laa- a. N N y y Ia;. t Dr. Newellt Dwgh [lll Ne sbs ribrs 52 50 I . i advance B O OKq"'ta ili yt nS t ila~ linaaa I'rr Na,' 4 J.i r 5 'aaa...…

February 22, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 104) • Page Image 2

…THE UNIVERSITY OF MTIChIIGAN DAILY. I TH E: I T fly rtA n A I1 V ! ; ;It "e;r ;r;f fl > hall, ,1111; ; l Il c;tl ,, , 1 U% gp i ig_ _ __ _ _ ° ~i ~t ctsi(1 l1'tt ll' tlt A Cheapill _________ ______51 ii it .. :I1: i+ YI1 * I 1I 'I'h iii Is111,ioo d ; " 1 I PA I L ltlt'C ( 1.t i{i}'tt1. 11'ttlN .e P itr 'cA 5115 'i'.d {li ii ' ' iit\ Itt r [ 1i~ tt;II ii'ct'tt1I1 ;'' ~tl '1'1:11 I';,}chl 1Ix f r 5E l 1,cf11Ju it tit. lti. Icli 1,ti I i"l ic tli...…

March 22, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 128) • Page Image 2

…E.\Vsi'+ 2 g'('tot1tiit. r t Ci',tliouii igs Ai' over ctin 1gs rfor tis sleaeoo.ll 108 E. Wron ash. St lIt11s llav 'er In en 11 the Prie oof elir lt itIlttosertilitiI ove. N rWThe AN e rB oya t D p lcale: Lov y Mary; .Fith b 1',1 mor te I{ it igPitt ie. ShereH far&tCO bnvr~y Boksl lers 3S.xrestaeStet TIIE UIVEtRSiITY 01 hi" iC ItikN DAILY. ' T141lE.(U. OI'1M. DAILY Ii(1li ~d ':;'iI:l'11i!:'!(IElta; 111i1h(' .11111 I 11IllnII,'i5 11 ((t d t'lNi...…

April 22, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 145) • Page Image 2

…TILE UNIVERSITY OF' MICHIGAN DAILY. Spring r1tt .r; il I m s EL I W 0i 0 ii f N1 .tG1 . W asA.&- S Sp ais Ong 's O ffcil 1 av"l( 1t~i 105E ash.St rPa119 Guide 1903 now ready ISHEEHAN & CO.l University Booksellers, 320 S. State Street. THE U. OF1. D AILY N ii hewih hittii~tt tti EntenA__ox_________________m__tterat__Aln_ Arbor____ 4i iitsit titied ii It iltitc It.. 44i tt f EA 'lE I. Il iT uN. (P ti( P ;t - t li ti'nt i()li' i()lII e o 1*.t b t...…

May 22, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 171) • Page Image 2

…THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. Spring The~ reest tant most conmplete litneof YOOLEN~ in Ann Arb~or twill b~e foundo at G.. I. Wild c- Co.'s, 108 E. Washington 5t. Great pains have bern taken ini the selection of all suit- I ings, tronserings &r over- coatings for this season. Go HAVILD cog 108 E. WashingtonSt. THE U, OF M. DAILY En terd a wnt-ctt mater atAnn Artr Pet (titer. Pube/lished ily (inMondayexncepted), during the eer cer at the Unv...…

October 22, 1903 (vol. 14, iss. 21) • Page Image 2

… THlE MICHIGAN DAILY. 11 ~~THE MICHIGAN DAILY BGETSOES A. * * 4 IFall' nL Lite LL (Continued From Page Oine) ~ Yu nieNesi FaiArbor Posfice. Redden icked off to Hammond, ~~ ~~ca n Putl~hddiiy(~ nd Iayt''. '"ted'diiLitl who returned the hall 1) yanrds A nn unc m en , , t t~ie tioerityof lihigtl. baknetfor a loos n, o tethird dw Alllf ellft. MANAGING EDITOR': were forced to bunt. On rturinig alUv S. l'ML)IY '1'lltt1dASON tine pont the halt was n ...…

November 22, 1903 (vol. 14, iss. 50) • Page Image 2

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY. a11 TlEMICHIGAN DAILY Enteredas secodclasscr.statthe Ann I Arbor Yost Office. Announceffellt.. The Largest and Most ,Complete, Line of... WOO LENS in Ann Arbor will be found at G. H. Wild & Co's, 108 East Washington St. Great pains have been talten in the selection of all suitings, tiouserings & overcoatings for this season. G.eI WILD CO.1 108 E. Wash. St. Stewart Edward White Author ef "Cojurers Houise," -The Blae'rail...…

January 22, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 85) • Page Image 3

…e 1ij, hI1t'1-IIGAN DAILY--NIrN ' i lip FA NC7c' J r.6 i ti xF r 4 If you ewant to know T c-is v ti VA T UT~ what smarttv dressedi OU in vitt 1 wear this s -, II' vl I : r7 1)- Il,-^ V ' _i " .' 0 NC OT IN ( s&IIAT 3 for $ i ( >r. i «A tlii t i :rwith1-a rusht PA 4 Y J,1 ,1U Z.,ewia .E A IL 2 A&I Base Bal!.I , I. a a vc Official 1 Athletic Iota; l ent, Lawno Ten i, (jolt. 0 1 IIIt;1.1 yt W ;i l .l l NIX t I a The School 1-4rDa:tciaa 1irv...…

February 22, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 104) • Page Image 3

…THE T'-IVFI,-",TTY OF1' ICIII(x.N I I 01 YA lam ' tt I'ssF:-Niv. \'agner &oo RA MROE +r -. ( ~There is no better corpany when boning "hard o' nights r ' tha0n a good cigarette. MOGULS are the pleasantest kind of comrpanions. Open up your think valves, and at tan name timloeave mem'ries of a ohoioceasmoke. {( w/ Ten for t5c. Plain and Cork Tip. BURCHFIELD'S FINE TAILORING TRADE. + aswe1 lv( ' hIcrlla'sed d'l wtil' Illl1lblt'of 00111lkin1111. A,...…

March 22, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 128) • Page Image 3

…THE PNLVI fSITY OF \Mt( lilt SNDAILY TE CIG ., &, b . i t~ y . I laras, CL- x jt,( RACKET ~BRAND - \age &CO-.WA B S ~r-1,. 4d 1.6J~ 6 s4_4The dyes lf1life cveet Isalt let 1 ii . ~ . 1W; . II lt Isre'it miii ts ri eothe god old 14 col ged Cy. MOGUL Cgar- BURCHFIELD S FINE TAILORING TRADE. / etes figure largely in rtro- spection. They leave aweet We I r ar l his "a-o le et ii ii rc ii( iii if. mem'ries of a smoke. Ah!astn h IV" lra el lu ii umbr...…

April 22, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 145) • Page Image 3

…for 2-ic THE UNIVERiSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. Spri gTHE RIGHT THINGSAND ENOUGH OF THEN T Suits, 0vercoats, Hats, Cap- anridaal tih7 Exciusive Patterns in new~est Men's Furnisig ~ [ Madras, Cheviot, It-siu. xclxx- -ini x s 4Il d -' 111) of justi 211 11'. Linen and Percale. I i -IvoI-- t hwci'r W agbon er & Coot A M RYi RLE <r ~ P [0LEOFF101AL [or 1903 Conxtainxs xa (compilete listiof Aie-- pieeList iofixChaxmpins.. Over13 itn-ofpmlwtAe- canxixdxf...…

May 22, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 171) • Page Image 3

…THIC UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. -d +FURNESSIA: spring THE RIGHT THINGSAND ENOUGH OF THEM Si rt1's I c ep hs;oei ls touch with the young men of the unixersity. Our exhiit of Suits, Overcoats, Hats, Caps, and all the - Exclusive Patterns in newest Men's Furnishingj Madrs, hevotIs xions and interesting and i n de up of just those thinsf Linen and Percale. tha twixe toie to tihe wearer BRANJ Men xxlo like to he wll diessed RACKr BAND , t mu h i...…

October 22, 1903 (vol. 14, iss. 21) • Page Image 3

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY. ". Th7e Niagara Falls Route." Y o++ie THlE SHORT fElMS .;Have YouI *Eio IEI. ,ANN ARBOR to CHICAGO (tllee rdClat he s a , yon ans atogs BUFFALO tlailocat(i)ay mo I o yoexptiprcanh'l NEW YORK of alltheeoran tl -l h x~svns ffbi n AND BOSTON pat i wihairc eConnec:t1ions t i~t<.: fo St COLLEGE BRAND G~AKMEN' GEORGE BISCHOFF, an~ jus ri11.Yuwl iote nsze oohrsoe PL1j5.~Staelbler (i). Wuer 'tb' CHOICE CUT rL0WrIZ5 & PLANITS l'hpi~...…

November 22, 1903 (vol. 14, iss. 50) • Page Image 3

…T~HE MICHIGAN4 DAILt. Look for tbe IH. S. H~. Label 1In your coat. It's the greatest security bond ever issued. We I 1have Hart. Schafner &'Mamrx suits and Overcoats X iFOM iIUIIJ1T S$12.00 to $25.00 "The Clothier, In endless variety 207 SOUTH MAIN STREET IRANDALL, THE JHOTO6RAPHER 121 E. Washington St. ..,~i ~I 445i<V 'O 0I Soecial f fer aq& ini fren's Ifurnishinq& $6.00 All Wool, Fancy B4th Rtobes, price d at $3.98 $1,50 Adler's Street a...…

January 22, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 85) • Page Image 4

…NI I ( 'f I i I (-, -A '--s D, \ 1 1, Y - . -N E \ - ari:.[. w- .... ..__ .. do~sIw I I &.wt _ w .'' a. f~sl ._W. a [ r 1 i :A_ J -W+.I~.Y~1 M~u~.Aw l J .:.A ~' ri~ LE~flEg FO L44NQ~H r Our tyle areExclsiv SeO ur WindowsaefoExcBuinge PURKiI fN StiO[ 6O 11II_& M IN IR[[J 1 ICll~'F t A"tTI l Ill 151 (X Estimates cheerfully giv- WVesell 11-( lt ' RI I :ot. AT i N i;t nlS.1;,: en for framing all kinds B ickenste«er.ILi~it al itilti*wl Iisof Pictur...…

February 22, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 104) • Page Image 4

…THlE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN rDA4ILY. .,rJCX "Y.V\IMiF pecial Sale in "Strictly all W ool Custom M ade Trousers $3.50, $4.00, $5.oo and $6.oo AT ONE-.QUARTER OFF. Look at Window Display. Cutt ing, Reyer & Co. WAISIS, G[OV[S, JIltS, fI(. 'ItENTSCHLDR, ARTIS Tic FRAMING 0 .MARTIN.. Claeda HOTOGRAPHER AT RENTSCHLER'S. FUNERAL Clae tCor. Main and Huron Ss. Phone 389, 3 rings. DIRECTOR LOVELL'SI Ofice 209 S 4th Ave. 'Phone 98. Re- C NE STR. MICHIGAN...…

March 22, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 128) • Page Image 4

…TIlE U NIVF 'ITY OF "MICHIGAN DAILY. W KI~NO W V I ~t(t ,n tul i u -t , t , 1 ,a ii .u rt 11 ])l=ti t t n lt I> ,t q ' 11 $ p [y n I 1 I - 2(i'1 . a : I i tlt Gi I 1 i\ ? ^' :i l C -,2l l l i?1.,8 r . }7 'iI ~ ''<lCl )701 II -,.1:7<141 -. G. J. B~USS, Ilgr. 109-111 1: ST WASHINGTON ST. Uiersity Tea Rooms Ild~scll 1:11 AI lScIl(AllING 0. M. Mer AosT N.. AT lPI1olii X jl1. AT iENT lyIILI I ~i FUNERAL LOVI3LL_'S CI r. 1 Nina ndl HlroniSi. I Phone...…

April 22, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 145) • Page Image 4

…'IIHE I' I1 i'i;,iTry 01r' ii'1lIIA N ii ILY' ^ ° . f ,;f one (i the hes and-,. t pe." ' ° nr r ftc.. v £i t t .JCstrxn . '¢ / TRA M,.Y , , r lade lo;^ ; .s i ts tWe ha"^ a' 4. "..+ e a :°.sor tment lo _ 9. . .J. f . ., , J ^1, i ,-,., "r, R e ty iI ~' tS .'+fO d 131., Ch yt /', Aves from 'my , L a . ,J r "".d '!''. $. L OOy ' r . ,, ,. ft $ . 5 0 . r, r1 * ,-~V'' .'T _ 'ZIO .8/A AD CU \G ~I2J~W~& i~ anr'- J' e . 0 rL.. + Y" ! ,s k,6 ...…

May 22, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 171) • Page Image 4

…THlE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. FOR MENWAND~WOME 111S. AIN STREET. New Sovenir f ewli ig ne of tSC entsATITIjuAMNGt MiMATn. University Views and PHOTOGRAPHER. AT RENTSCLEW'S. FUNERAL SkthsCo. Main and Huron 818. Phone 389 Bings.~ DIRECTOR Inquire at NROfice 209 S. 4th Ave. Phone 98 Resi- IVL'S ORN[P STORE Minnesota's Records CALENDAR dete32 , t ave. 'Phone 14. Am- of the1variy iet at Minnesota wil Fia ndt Saturday, flay-2 and Woolen Sutings...…

October 22, 1903 (vol. 14, iss. 21) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY. wt.+a0t+j+f«f+~sf*+,+++°++c"C7" :6:. . a4f:p r #sa a+{ ,s *~i' +5PD+## #yffs~ wfi +4 #+ ++,y ,s . +*..4+ 4 + + 44+ ~ ~oh6~ * + +~*I i- ,+w.eoc &AOUR MIEN AND WO 1[N _ Before Buy~ing See our New [Fall Styles and you wilt Look no Further. _1 NONE ~BETTER 4l Al ANY PRICE+ .4 " Ill South Hrain Street, Ann Arbor, Miichigan 4 : }2f ++}+ t:4+i ,* Y, ,f}{tt4+#t# r~.+#{44x,+f # #H~f+H'2 t4}+}f*f4}rt4*}f#{ #*,Hf*{+oi4}fa#*,f f+,{d{ #...…

November 22, 1903 (vol. 14, iss. 50) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY. +4........ +"THE ANN ARBOR RAILROADR 4. AND STEAMSHIP LINES. OUR TAILORIN Trais leave Ann Arbor by Central Standar m ~ E A T E T ..SOUTH NORTHA.. No. I-11:3 A. m. No. 5-12:0 P. m. is gaining in popularity, Conte ond see itsle- No. 4- 8:25 . . No. 3- 453 P. m. Td/ t fore placing your order. Trains No. 5 and ii rn between Ann Arbor/ N 4 ad Toledo only. Prm ,3 5 , al xetSna ,I Fee eairarso No. T Ld ,41Agent.0 .i-' ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~...…

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