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October 22, 1903 - Image 3

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1903-10-22

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". Th7e Niagara Falls Route." Y o++ie
THlE SHORT fElMS .;Have YouI *Eio IEI.
CHICAGO (tllee rdClat he s a , yon ans atogs
BUFFALO tlailocat(i)ay mo I o yoexptiprcanh'l
NEW YORK of alltheeoran tl -l h x~svns ffbi n
wihairc eConnec:t1ions t i~t<.: fo St COLLEGE BRAND G~AKMEN'
GEORGE BISCHOFF, an~ jus ri11.Yuwl iote nsze oohrsoe
PL1j5.~Staelbler (i). Wuer 'tb'
l'hpi~t tt ee lnacSt aalMile Ar.SOVTH MAIN STREET.
Ch ~+++++t+,+4-i-*b+ +-DSII f '. --.' .. '.

J.,:~ Others Claimf Them, We +
E .. ItS ider 1>~rigl'lhiilearge .f
,Z4 laa vSa-dain.,all Ith eado
+*+-m-,ceaa.llalo' lDressedl.sod
++4 tirl l ysetwed forelacera.
[TS 'L
.4+4The only strictly First Class Short
+_ 3 Order Dining Room in tht City.
s ,Z4 t lt h ladies.
S Willits, The Caterer. ,
+'" Zlyster By IPhone 4i7'.+
,} , Olaapen rln 6311tll lii idnigid;.
+ 15 S. STATE ST.

o Brll ikTals LETTER FROM HARVARD. ilY lihe'diiieat fGroI M~y h
Ne Bunwik abes lhiilllly is in receipt.(Iofa in- invlentort, IHlrvest is richier by $ luau0,-
91111. s i i lee ftrsttIBaity A. Fr-ainek, 0001
R EID'SF BILLIARD PARLORS, Iliali sto'lktgslga
Fine Cigars and Tobaccos silavwokail lharvard lUiveraity in ASSOCIATE MEMBERSHIP TO
JAS. W51. REID, Prop. 312 Slate Si., S. ( 7iillle1 iiieeiiil li'Cfi AD
na ium 11199, lie iy s: 14'.lora n a na, IC- of tel ii ve'n -a'
"llileliilly is about.1 as bigin its15saly lhaiid, intndllkelia I hl)ia listl o'
line of ma511 Ii in rm a -Ilarboir, siw i ili3 ith ma yasoiatel e ls to 5 thIeli a n 11)n
kh Cigarettes and iiiiilll ois115andilain einormouslilamiountlil'Swhom1 ill lily celllwhler-evet- Ih' illed s
Turkish iaetsadPipes Ill apparaltas, . poorly IChl iti, andlloill li iaayey mporilil-sy oripermlll
Ping Lunches in Connection. san. liha'y'have a1 (yol telam, but1 1I IITohis endl, hei'wold l ii'liket ave
E.elill ial 111(' a hlul ave lly al'lII sill ir live 1ati, anidl ally fellii ,w h siio iian lly, aiiilwiidi
30$ S. Slate S. R .JOLLY. ,lihey are 11111very 'goodand lil1115,Doihs ll IillieIl ll1111e i rglaxi
-h -istrItorlii, cainiot illshow iupas sweli as ieai-aals Fridiay iligli h ii te SIlillll
ROSS GRAN4GER, i -1hall5 iailiserIiou easswiein Iliit,(Thiesie lssoleila'elaemiers as lie.
lila placel. IiI~II thoug 111 wo l ty 111n 1G1ordaii iails Ithentssill lie alilowledlil
Manager of theth.
A4ca.demx-y Orlhestr-m I Iatill ilil llIt it inii Iliii' leytw, e ayrctireai ithvlal' expaiii ncea.i Anyi
Ground Floor. 312 Maynard St. 111 i inc111h19s11widii thlan Ihosy t n ni're sholarl abl~l lapus eir l' All
- -i " O1 1)1 11, to DIei i lllesi' l t iie a s liii eal-i' Coe to lsitIlulilse Il-Il-
Ai iiiii shr 'wll a sailli 511C Illthe'word's champinshiplba sea lliiriley
YOU CAN GET A rsiuua a I liiy 1all'e olill. ill, gyivi ) ni e) lle ollilie wiiirysliiflay'tIhisaIonii-
the1footall they I layii herd5'lwould1p1t:1 reaidysv orliathe11rlheaWrs a l ia i ht
" 110* J. 'atrflr"fl ' au 1111'aniilas 11111 V lelililln-iiwold layit yiheiiani'' 55'lllllt ly.
-V I 1111r1111 haltlthe'riashy fatlfoll:___ ____
ba11 ll iin 1111' We sewthll iani Wasted--A manloii lklc are o5i tf fur-
1111' he lIeall. n - ace' 51Ntu SigmallNii ttiise, 100
j o , , _.c.f e. 511 l ilia i aaCornvalt lPlace.i'.tall btwevenii12
a sus,$3 t I I IioI12 5t(ehka GOSSIP OF THE COLLEGES. antiiiI.it. i-21
UESITY ACADEMY, State Street _____

U. or M. Antiseptic Barber Shop
J. R. TROJ.ANOWSKI, Proprietor.
Face Massage a Specialty.
does It BENJAMIN") mean the
same as "Correct Clothes for
Men "? This famous mark
jfred benjamin &
answers: Because the aim of
BENJAMIN tailoring is "correct-
ness." BENJAMIN Fall Suits
and Top Coats, for example.
3,000 salaried experts, sup-
plied with abundant air and
light, each tailor producing
but one portion of the gar-
ment, are the chief factors in
attaining this ideal. That
BENJAMIN Suits and Overcoats
are correct is attested by thou-
sands of correct dressers wear-
ing them season after season.
The peice is eight. Your money
back if anythinsg goes wrong.
We arc Sole Distrihutors here.
j 109-I11 East Washington St.
'lylll' riiitlyllllI siitii . wailer 5.
\N illia. i1247uwiluh it d.

Of ire l I-Arrsal 55 lliian 91t. lusiiu' lili.
Wiork 'ulli-uforland liiv-lerodilropetily
Cracker Jack,Creain Chewing Candy,j
Peanuts, Buttered Pop Corn
.l'lI"Hl'CilIAl'R 1113111-.
301 S.St St 1roof.
$5.00 IN GOLD
To be 1iii 11111yWednesday, November 25,
10:00 p. m., I ll
Pickwick Billiard Parlor and
Bowling Alley
tall a esii.. 7075N, UnivAve.
We staid yaourfGrandfather goads
andt lid lilariepairinig shen Ite atfend-
etd schaal here. We wauatito belt it
hal and do yours. Hailer's Jewelry

reIilly- Pl''lusIits'lass 1111n1iia-i. leii'
bechisill ( l ai ii'of a itnue C'
Tl71ii lrsil y of Illielagli aill dlvi'
t'ii hopalare' i eta 'very Itwvo
wes d theli 'liviesity tif Iliis
unje hte itsicesffiilaie'iig 1111 sisv
ltha litivila'isi'tf Lttlil9igIhesa' haps:
hia-officea-aofthe re- 'iginietalWiten ahia
her alof tlila'ntal'tfacultiy, till-lwho111
have 'r'a'itlsihl il lila' uiversai'ta y it in-
I ei-itiii'ia a' ie deba's. asdhosetiiaa lihlea
tliaiiu'tily lf«giaiait.
A ideiiar isl if f engiinerinh tasj
littisyvattia.Thhlutiluhi a r e towt1
ill Itihe tilt' ass of caldlic1tlind11 ia'
dii5ltidlitotccommoateli' GOO' 11)1 ll
aet. lFrainklin 'ielidhits aio h11u
twnt a t'l htiiiaaiiilpeopilea'.tla siC
tiaw CymniIimittis partsvay ill). !

KOLLAUF, The Tailoe,
hi10hhturon SI. 11.
Yoihr eyes examntedi by an
eaperttlchieani. All the. hat-
eaf approedllaphliansanatiih ehiodhs
knawnto fo he prof essin are emphtloyed.,
Nesw eye glasaes iteid, leniseasIduplil-
rail', fraese reptaied. Hailer's Jew-
ery Shore.
KOLLAUF, The Tailor,
111111 tetI. 1.
Fresh Lcowney's, Ailegreellia, Spiar-
rows antd Huyleras ChocoltscatifCitsht
lngs Pharmsacy.
Biath Suplies of all kints ata all
tiricesaat CuhshingastPharnhacy.
Slain SI. S. Phonte 281.
RooltsOrcehstea, Shone 832. Strelel-
ly uto-datandsoirist-chaas. Any corn-
binhationioaf insftrments deeedl.Traits
and song hits a specialty.

WAGNE & CMPANY Imprtin Tailrs ' DOWN TOWN.rct

--- ----



Bheerios Diamnds have laeen wortt foe years by aliffi leatltt luhius of file dipltiustic corps fromiul11112S alili Amieicani Cotuttries.
These mhagniicent stonles have Iseets the adiniratiotn ands wonder of asociety wherever titey were shownh.
B~arrios Diamolnds have 111llte flree life atdiluIstreof genu~inte stoneIs iand in apeaane psitively cannotllil i istiguisihed froml
thella It is a wantotn waste of mloney~ to invest $75.0o to $150 itia real diamuond that maiy he lost froul its seitinlg an~yImomihetit. Yon
eats wear the idenitical piece in appearancee set with a Barrios Diamntd
AT r1-woo Tfl[ ECOtST
These goods representt all of the latest most popular styles and adesigns. They lhave thte distintive features osf jeswelry worth
matny timeas thseir cost and froamwichl they cannoot he distingtuished evetn by the mlost critical
We abso'luttely guaratntee these goods to lbe as represented and will replace atny stotne that loscs its origillal ibrillianucy withott
one cent of expense to the purchtaser. Monsey retunled without questioist l case of dissatisfactiont.
'rTe Barrios Diamnda is lacyonott h ut tlhe fittest, miostI pefect imlitatioil ever diseovered and aul y ie wornaisywhere with
perfect con~fidenlce. All tlhe eaty of a genluine tiamnhd at a fractiotn of its cost.


I 206 Sobilc ndfaif rantrea

Barrios Diamiond Co.


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