The a al
No. 21
Three Points to the Minute Was Yes Twenty-three Spanish-Speakin St-
tedays Record- Michgan Made dents in College-Talks With
88 Points Against Ferris In- Porto Ricans.
dustrial School-Team
Work Improved
_________ Twety-hree- Spaishspeaking pe-
Ali1(1byill(I he riceelweaher rnii- plc e atl'preset 11in AiiniArir, This
ilirl y hr l 1ihigs leeootall 1team1yes- nie Pricalitns. Ad lthes- Porto
lordaly ttierion oiilledlipRtipoi t s IRiaexprI essed tihenselsemnosie-
tagi.Lie litlRy aggretiion11froli-liphaicialy as opefut(illy inle sIae
lthe lers lililtil IlIShooil,ofIfig Merni,-"Wita-i'Portoic liais sellthal
ltlidsiConideing s-tiri lt-wtigtosanstiit iarIlie eicnits" 111li
r tonitt-lityi-istlsliist t-s icimwo itoiiPort ieoistwoiarei- I ligAiu-iti
11d hard py IlaithatYsst li-wi111010 iit liii on1111 rom Mi ayts, ier, tlwelsftile
w itre tl Iscuethus iiiit e i-Ia wtem tol"a d fn ro a u n
li;t lst ii iof rhlusesnet shisnris a flitf tuiofitheselrelmediestwo areii
ply soe hrslso f te sve l plri s, oti sluin' tlhe Hirh.chlle
lioachi-oftie-i s t fiiwilsdas andi- io, es aslawir"lles y iiiii- it-afso n~is oh tes ii -ille siiMr. i hoe. 'thir siio I ngh
opinon tiat the iil r tsiplaiyedlin iiiwiiorik tsi itiiardsli,,isi
te butom-sthey haveithoithtiis lthe oro i caniiits camdetiiitihi
to sri 1t o tit' liiitwast li-i t a btecias seli s hiviy n'iiiianyii ei-i
lie u-us , lthe few hictih ccuredb-iiI tti i ltsiits lit-ioe. -i-hereief ighi
iis utcklers h o-t silier] ufitritarmlltie ii i i ii Ar Text tills, a d Sp-ishtis i
rnlii- tha es ailndI-ttll tl lt in fnoloweiy to be spoken, Vil andiirls
Michganli t tltithiaI - ltha tt-coudtisoibeIitedias tear t-oawskinofl
be des iet he is tlitr bing atbleitio INorma1lii SchCoo ttl ilt-ill 11011nnot lst i
intrI 1111 tlt 0,roihlt iiitirt blto we5 halei toi lak111 an111off ii ei na01-t
fo h av ls 1s icigani'itu al bl oltil iii-ti ldies hereiiieforeiIei
w al neerlii l ange-si -i nd 0 onts Il soIt cnili-ileth:o -ho e n a
itnti gll hldt otlt ltwns lri lsthe litere tiielearn l t g ihuutispek a ilua is
en irgals. iii higan wit.;;-- tO- lit- lit lit-i-i- nly lre um e o li t -i
Snxu n sga; i l t- i-illoIdihalliiwi- - t-nnA bo ecaseo
i's, ilitiNouclo-s lit- otsed ythscrii- h ribt fel-i l- dit ot l ie, i, 'i h- i-i
su e itnuf withint liihan fiveiyardsiirit I 11of1ourfollows 5rad i-il
1'omthe pae w ee te hl a 1011111111 - dpatrteii 5two yearsii
[)Il- i ly-s giago;iti ill 11OC un medl tiusand estw lit r sw l
hutIl-i lii liiald Cr ti iii1111 51 d11 iyomnsr rd aeth iis utuiarlaiduthe nt uufuuuh-u
lie on offenseii-uoa i suoeus- om Iasret tt ilm1e PoroRicanslwi licuit-
hail ll lSk 1an ItacleuiO ie iuut ituis 'h ht-l eAngu Ii-uers nioixt 001yea iii"
lui lit-ier iiuyuis g idtoihyiuuuc i t-umv utulheigyvhilament o ot imtuiuu es
the inew 11r1lis ut ow iic rl iltttu aclsull i li shohu t0if11h1o11euuwh o ilsea ho
isel ttitlor tifii mi - ie. T eI i soc tute ertitai mulsI alCilwho
li tletanduhalflu-ixfrhange i l iii otiumlipain a ou lii leainatiiton.T weiity uiu
thut- bi s; rusi 11men still lius hdsfil l iii iii- ie othtetseu-u 111 I hut 1101fiS are ul a1
straiii ucsi- ss-i ral ee Aorsud 1v11estibehsitint Slits~tudsl d iiersutii
ruinsi Th illgl 01 tIiispa lefeIlt ys-tug tixcef-u-houf tgvenmittiwhus
Ira hilts lusil fuilthit-d gomisin thegis fu tehu Yiisi rio seInt niginhlhu-. utIft;
coiny 1111111is;iuoiTughe is telt, studtlusug s hsiosilglisi li iamt is
tiint psal ti -Il ur Iw inur sstit s, pari ilhhtililaly ubi h ilust10co 111e1sion is-
hei ll'hut-os, Outs s rnf8 ii-ius0 retheul m11ehatilwhrs-uimih xt ended. s clt
DOsuont- e ed al . h au(iuuoul taIkesess rtiMtifteuyis h egg nlyusuu arsip i
quuu-t ls sf11 iiisui poitlion i tsiiflhi ill utllw ii h 1st llustprenIts hism suwi u-h
hed11w1asithisfehus f lthelfrse galisin e fhit- si l lie tiluepchooiinm las-i
liat S anditheaklesrnettry is inhpate wimsfitrtefromuesiiolle o
shape, huht.otoiaouidt etuanesof uhf ieldht-hitihe ether.
acidet, he hrwith in alt proibaiity hue As aansssof hearhitug ite nnto
ketloutl fof the Drate gamo" Sash- chargeiwstltsforce, ousat he-same
ronk is anoithetr as-ccienf victim,1as iusftsntly, the titan is a sucicess, anti
the star tackttlu asa v0eCt-sosre knee.flue aidvantiages resuitfinugli-tm its uset
flit ganie can thius: will inu all probthabtilitylie in eviidence
(Conutinuiedloni Page fwoe) in the remaining games.
Professor Sanley Wilt Lead Singing- s'tis aftruinon aIsI:5luheirt reg
Prize Foe Best Song-Prof. True- uar tiulitltiof lihe 17 LIls wiltaohs
blood May Lead Yells tuplace ii romuiiC,, hruteroily Iaslt This
__________uuumeetihg is vey impourataumutIeery
Eveiryonue wo Iis vetideplt-oreduthec memnberl of lihe treslhanLiterary
slkioi'go11111111n1tig 11andosigitga clss souildii ib I1s--thee heu uuunia-
I hut rgamus sit fusitus s-uson wuis- lt ionsiforslalhss null ut-s wilthb-eumusue
glusd t ouarnthi thus AtleticheAssou tty and t hut- otuioil tiiwletl
s-Itio 11 as arraged or1a ing i-hilss 10suneces-sry This pr-limuiary
us-il lg liiteu butt luish hust yarl ull-'.huglste,:ioui-it ondluctidtte-
lg a1111 thet-stpi iutuifesed t hiututghi 1a111oit. thbIlis atllrioonuuualhl the
ou hiltseason.1 Stu -cs ns usgils slihoul li)cupresit, -thu, 11s 1hir
hut uuu t h r potiui 111f110 thei i bl u-utos art h.stke asS wlli-ti sotsi
ut-so-enuutoulearcii thut sonlgs 111111ahuh f 11(1 bouy.
(cane illuchwithusuhi a ii-uuiish .1 Al i ruthitminarymeeting log hst
otherbilt-ittdurinig theiy01r.1Thouuselected i-, 001111luso- iicom sitttofills
woh av11111ast tndeleIlthese iecin115et s hoAuhuave111conisu-ladi'W1111
luist ye--rs 11111e111ntaritby coehaytut 15015ll5ad av daw u
feligthth isblo fthut lreshmanuut itulasrhs, o1
blhe half ltbi iuuhaits been
welli stb Ehver-yone wocalel ushoutuli thatsh ini111licominguieletions10nlii o1n1
1111 sitiuuuiu- ub nu-cb uu hutocntpo veuIli 111111 Ihuimslfa Icc-h Li
ucome oIutbiandbusbmake1111tuss meting ht-tsil- ibheowl-ibealowed tut. The comitul-
1sf-euhave- alsou sc-urdUnbhirsuiy Ialat
Il-IlProufessor Stanley hus agectufolute Iteleuiton, audiifrnayhe cut-
tla itheiiu-singbng111111iis potssibletitheeuthtisihilt0 I tOhtltasoisto uw
tha Pus riuosoruTfuebloodii Iwill ]hiatt"
t it yells Suhil-lcredtbis ue thuhohui fuby ipretased furtieinb iteuogaitta
fuor beittereuust. thy 111101showill(Lio11111
ite suucessofbtist5"son ss"- andh FOR MI1NNSOA TRIP.
orteptiiil ways5 iic luhithety
havet demonsituihras td i.
huo t imiiuateteuirst. illthut corn Drectr 8aird Disusses Rates and
posintg tof newuon uugs tuu Duby tofero Pans-Unlikely That Better Rate
a yeurs suibscriptiontutubhuhhbiuI ill~dIhb- Thin $2 Round Trip Can Be
and1'I'lhut- Dailo stllouany115addreiss)I Secured.
frth e, hut btsiit tblsongi piaced-iluupon;
Ih Dlyiho111111 mi I'uselrus Chug Srt Bauth ost utullyin tsaking
Csloe it-l ock:uiuuhtuigitte tbtttu Iru-hitdt-t ies;to thelinn Siuueota
wrdussobe llsittolialiy oweliuunown'ugmeitsatedubthutits 00t.the ilroadiiist
h-tilladsteitutiut 1111takenhiui lul
U. OF M. STUDOIES. uuitit-u- uihiit-e. Wshernuuassuegur
hut1902 thut-enteitofiiiliei Ilniuusl-1y1Associton, whtbih cotlsllhtuhe 111ates
f btiu-iigtuu quappo it t I iniiiloo oub '', theI bu--usisht-I 1011 Chiagoi usiu
I tuiv l ttibhbnhi11111110 d11consisting f OMil iiixih1115hihI fsullowing 111a-si-ti-
Iroessrsi),gu.,usaughaniii ti-uuuutuu ust elfohr htbetweentuluAnn1Aboru 1nd1
\\uuiu r uamtbCanieblii. Thistiiututi h" lt inuuuu-uuis:
ill I anthus itietis inliannountiii~c bilt lbhttu1, buter hol s a ut I'lirhbb~tytruee cnt's
t heuta muuuuiuuuuIuuuiCtomop sulytuioirl u $ eeh ent ih 11for buttyut-uof s
mi Octberuu thu lursth uuu f.thuiihhu:ou huhfo tll; $1 itutrLoo.lThe
"uiuu'isiOtul of1Michigan uudhuuis-Ht-uailuuoads uihi itbilig tue \511,tmu
uuauuuisiics Cuu bs uowicuhiouibwi t~siub t1'ass-tuusAsociaitbionmust-ilotei i11111
i-tlbittibilliin the hilolobubgicalb and t ti tub lu-heI fatts ch-illguteuh -
phloopiel eprt Ins. it-e vol --bi s ohetutuo notiicatiunuof ihe ieu-tc
utu sill bei-sold iniuiul -liilu-tuba10htuiionof tlh iltssocitionb111husreuuhed
beiing iintrge if a. stnteiautiirior O trtilBa itd. uuut-uuu ut-ss hss comue
tiuu- lash uil hullithiaill uhatiithelpropositiuti htu
utill hut-edtihted by tHenryOA. Ctilitbhl0 gb theuu ut hutils-s 5astshy0u-tim(1$7)
'.Thyhu ab11ouibut lititibItOlillu- hhutull sib 01111 1a1ye1a011ago the
ry A, Ctdsuiuus hlit-oyf St iii- rats tftom C bui-tiutui to inneapouls
rull were-uc-u-uryo hitighAsoa.reation huuashut-oi
2TheuMveesI t'thhu ho01110 f 111II111 r~iio- irt" 01was made.i tu tat:
Wal hut- Irisn iveu-u Couu-uubiuu- io 511th itrai laisarelot i il051101sth
gall. - iiuu-uuu hliu ohO ii S iuti- utliii -ti hto heake spaia ul I ii -i t-turn sl
ut-u-lu thu-u I but tiutPatt I1iteuliaIforuuiaus-uu unmu
uuttiiitu, b it Glor1111 e111uuuuSitiauuuut If liiiropotiuuon he reii mfulsdt-uh1e
Mt. 1HolyokehtCoullegebut t-irbmst-thu-b -ututu ( batutloot lifiris
hu, ishtubartf Ilhs iiiuib itutub11111$ ohhliilcyl 111and ttreturn f i a hpatiy
woas publiishedu-t uhet Amiericansmi111111tubf1200, uatd01 frominicaui~gou toMim-
tutu f XA-uchaeuuolugy. neaoluis hanl return1 -a ttlrut$21
4. -Thi--Aituuuhofiio thiuu itistie-iuu iuuuiis ti sight possibiityhoweu~vsr,
si-il-hi sliiguoihiiC uruces, by0 tu ae. uttll((ef thut roadt s itt-bwemIChicag,
ReedStiCuur, I uiut-sihy f Milcuhin-an tiub 55 tti ls may o guio-lula11110t5
5Thet-Lshtui 111 i s 5 of 110 bythu ecrIt--hh uof the luasenger Asso-
lemy A.C111111l0illatinatu u ivuehiucedlruteos
tioc lhibtbia, by tuosuphi1I. Dratstc LEAGUE WOMANS RECEPTION
tubves-sib ofohMihiiganu. The reguar-uuiriimg recet in iii
7. 'I'tltft-mbntiuion s lineeundientbthut Sfuuuuuuus Ldaguit f (ilit I ur-
tuiiiullhlllbiiby f(t-timge 11 Aiensilosoill ut-uus- ii huuparlorhhs oif hur-
thlii5ofit Ihe AlliiiianlScshuubhoo t of bolrllltlsli this 11f1ternooni1frmm
Cs~i- ica tdiesint'mulies 4itoI6 o'clock.iuAlt omoru f thu t t-
thuc-volumesswith conusinmiaoutl 11011 osi~y sit inuvibtiito1atuendtthusrm-
octavuo p ares.Iwith hnet-tssry lto chpli 11111 eident1fbAgll sil gie
knouhw imuitelyh h solarge- 1ain i 11dti-taniaddres itolthe omen ati this ise
btishuuhlitbetprinu td. f1ltose asmith itus is thethly utceasin uon
whit outtulbe iileasedhitoli lauea chly owicthu ts tubohuewholeidepthlmimesht,
of the volume hidly ilot hutbsem bl Thue leagelexpctl t gil, t1er11-lit
tion formuus smnd malit 11odce, ither to but l thany lires1party5someilti Ime is
Chuaiman osu f liieCSenate u mIsitibIll Novembuuer anduthiiosiltl b t- firt
Proifesoir Matrii L. 15fugi 11 unuveing Ifunct inmuof the ya rinuer
\Vtsbtbhiuhw aoeueusAmtmiArbourSith, 1 thsuerisioofutuhehiseague
ori o Pruofesusuor eramds W. K1-lsy 2116______________
ITappanustsret, AnamiArboru HARD GAME FOR ALL-FRESH
____________________- CoahchuJohunson luls ben 111putig the
CLASS TEAMS Al-Freshl tani trugi a oeveredrill
n-tasI toni muist reourtlto Trainesr 11110 fur the St A. C.gomoineoh Lansinug
Fitzpathlricku at the (Gynsiimmedteihuily thu Agriculturmists
hoc physical examinoatin.IThbois iiin- srivery ohtrong this year, anud thue
llliuamlt -as no, mmsn withlhue aloed int seu-uing Itieuiefort Caturmuday will
toi plauy munuuty gname ummiit ouch eu-b lltheduth Chiusduwork sfoir thusfeam.
amiastlin has been smadh leiachJoihnisonmisudevotimg huis ener-
HIARRY M. WIER,. rids to impurovinug the teams-workh anud
Interclass Foothall Mngc, speend of his pupiuls.