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May 22, 1903 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily-News, 1903-05-22

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New Sovenir f ewli ig ne of tSC entsATITIjuAMNGt MiMATn.
SkthsCo. Main and Huron 818. Phone 389 Bings.~ DIRECTOR
Inquire at NROfice 209 S. 4th Ave. Phone 98 Resi-
IVL'S ORN[P STORE Minnesota's Records CALENDAR dete32 , t ave. 'Phone 14. Am-
of the1variy iet at Minnesota wil Fia ndt Saturday, flay-2 and Woolen Sutings
lie of intere.. ~s. It shows that they re 2-atiersiholasti-ti iimeet. Friday, ; The largest stock of WOOLENS in
i~ii i iU UIIY ystlli i tiit erotiing, ut stand little p. fi., trials ifn trck evetts; attttdy, the city, mtade to ttttstre and a pe-
Colui a iiit I shI' ot o Icaipiii idp honor: a.inield i-ents: Saturday,_2 p.ill.,feet FIT GUARANTEED. (No money
1,; ecod; cdnatn, tud.'l'meFriayMay22 -Antnual -(ildlite, Price Albert, lull lDress and Tuxe-
SctI, fI... .. llsntl. Romi 1, asselbilitigitershilstilc does $23 atdtp. Trottserigs $4.50
Y oL jot i~lfie Rtl1ii tariiiisoi, fis;dantec iIi atertiottigytittitislit; Ri-i- atd up. Mcitse n rvnt
Ittilily, sestil.Titte, titi ones r.i-le~ture at I p. i., eittre ost, $1 atd ut. SATISFACTION GUAR-
secittis. Tapipttan111 I1,shig i ool (oiieiy ANTEED.
Offers a three-years course in pivat t ,Highiturls ( ** yari s ti t)i MsIili tAitiTh-F ZER
abd puilic law leaditig to the degree 4liBrdt: Dair.s-esii Tit .ii t ob t.
44(1Yarl I ashTellili. trsI Itai- in.CUSTOM TAtLORING, Over 1st Na-
st LL. B. Metmbership in the school rssi, scioid; trossete. third. Time, Montiday, May 25-ital Blass base- toal Batk, Att Arbor, Mich.
53?, si-od. batll gamii. _____________________________
b restricted to graduates of colleges Hte-Mtittletiti ri-. first; Ba, se-
andh scietntific schools itt good standitigasit;<treaes.tiri l iie. t4io An Original Stunt V
and to persons presentitig satisfactory it:ci Stiltrti scttd;((-st- gthird lihi'sttsolsifthe oetiniocr e-itiDIR- ECTORgBak
pi ciiiwntt ltheUiversity f ItMissuiiiW J Booth Juo V Seehin
cidence of equivalentittraininug, Grad ieeniye. lii 5iiti"Jke tthtuJs.Watd FtFilal h
I ttky lte ot - i-fi ls oft a i t itl e tc li istiit-l uii ltl Jat yier John ubaae
Nay2ud Iyerobleute sleancehe
mates of approved colleges ae admtil'nnititst, i i lit ito.le tsiiui7IOi-lii s cfr c iJo Koeti trsfH S Carhart
1 lt irsi tiiiiit:. n , M iiiptlts, itG ld. i 10 i I in leut t i itt ilee ififileii'Fusek P i ier Chr-tian Martin
ted iwitout eamnautaion. ( sil t-tteo d. Time,2T y.I- itculty -tii intlto iiat isi- tticered.icit.
i s1n- ile -tuu-Io tin iltsi Roinitt'lihe til t icitiilisli-t s-tis ian xit- Thefl fin flraor Savns Ban
For circulars cotitintg full Itfor ni-ol. lr.1-dnithutiy onet-.Aet- t ll iiiittli Capta Stb, nit ito. Strpiti, 50toos.
-looi Pit 'uti cccii.11 I-fee t tinch s iii rsi l Itlli l en eawrck Organied u e-the Generaliaiking Laws
atsion, addrless the Secretary of Cosi t-t e a iulttiki-i doos:ktmiti- of this State.
frt liiirsli t ittionl. :) itiis tjfee-til-tisi-i-i-i ti stl t ittil he, ics 6deposits, b ys ad ses exchange
Ianshhi University, Ness-Yok City t~ait ithi. 71 f t ei-i e.itti-Itta - o i the priciptil cliii o teUnited States,
1,4 nces H rs, ecnd 2 fetv,;a ttiisittit ittindtoit edoes.o, Saety oes to rent.
5,i itilit.; ltust. sstitit it t t li lii- it utuSi' irricest Chale i. Hicoe. Prstt W.D
Inchi- t e ilitg.ltatu:titilfttiitgtheli-ion Htrrian, Vie-Pre. i. J. Ptitz, Caher.
D ist-is Throw vItifiu, its, 104"losra e terbrnupoth A& R.SadrdTm
)SIZES Pfit 4 ittihts; Ii spt - st-tttil)S fet; hightst pt~it tof li ileiuttle. 200tfetitD,..A+ . Y.SadadTm
EMA xatove itherontd. Thei-elihiattwts For Detroit half hourly from 635 a.
* ~rowItuus-tingtud aic tfet. m--~-~-i. until 615 p. in- Then hourly until
72-U fr tiiI(tshi Vuirtoflst; Red- itt tsttiitittttti 11:15. For Ypsilatit only, at 2:15 a.
-~~~ c ~~tpt-id wliithu -tingditt-l-iti-l.. gttg in. and 1245 a. i. For Jackson hourly
titi, scnti;dis otithli. fiut woi sirkmens trtmoel it the tnxt tmotn- front 615 a. in. until 715 p. in. Thea
I'ol e F ut J.etsotn, fist,t9 fietI3Iing.at 915 p. in-and 11:15 p. n.
WithticholI oellkit Inhes;I'ror,;eend,9 fet.Waiing room Huron St., W. of Main,
High Jttttti-Twhut, first, a fet S hCC'ANABRRIRA
Ittcs; tLaftts, asectitil:71fete 4 Iths. Lost-(oll crest ritg it ttiritiu ~tti rs E irs . ella- L9lE4
Humtttter Throiw t(16-Isotnd hititiner gymtntisitmi, Widneistay. Finltter will Tra asAnAbry(eraBsO
__________________________ -attsot, liii fet; 'fhotrpe, 10I) feet. ret-ie liwrl reward; 52121 E. Jefer- ardsih.,s, 6rary~nroSt
su street. Effective Ot. 26, ta02L
AFTER THlE PLAY All kinds of Artiss and Piatog- SOTNOT
oirp In and get Oyters in any style and ralphers' supplies. Cshing's Phant- Ann Arbor, Ohio Central, Hocking 8IT OT
Lunches of all kinds. ay. alley atd Chicago, Milwaukee & St. IN. 6.- 1:20 A. t4 N. 1.- 9:0A.M.L
UsHrnS. Na nF n t aSPaul transportation at 15 per ent Na. 2-11:83 A. x N. 6.-2:3th.i. N
2%E.Hurn St Net toF. nd K Bak N. 4.- 51:2 P. x. N. .- 4:tIS P.M.L
One block rin the Athen. Eye glasses repaired. new lenses at discount. Inquire at 3331 Packard ________________
PROCHINOW & SCHIAIBLE. HALLER'S JEWELRY STORE. sret. 75 Trains N. 5 and 6 r. between Ann Abos
and Tleoe only.
Tran, 1,,, 4,6and 6daly eept Sunday
Lunch & Dining Room Prizes given each day. 707 N. Unversity Ave. J.,. KIRBY, G .A
24 . State S. e25 Liberty St. ____________________________________
Try our Seeeal stea, 26. Open all getN EN R
W1XSON & SAMSON, Proprietors, ak or"Thre Jmgara OFllRenat."
D A.iry . & 2.Ypsiaiting atheplo ksaniJ wery THE SHOT LINE-
D.YA.A.L&n.psllng nopete a c e ,C o ksa d J w lyANN ARBOR TO
ti itt.**** .*.-. "*E*btREPIRE ONSTAE SREE.CHICAGO
Moderni Job Printing Engraving a specialty. Work Guaranteed. Call in and exaiine NEW YORK
our U. of M. Pins. Souvenir Spoons and Banners. AND BOSTON
The Kind Yin are Leking For Wih direct connections a Chitag for 8
Il R D E D 4 .SaeS. oms o. Kansn CItySt. Pul and the c West.
ox ,K a ad ihrugh ticketelsanse
Phon 2812x, 215 . Min S, Fwrte to5W. W. CASE. Agent Ann Aches
Single admission 50c, $1.00 Anessential part of your college equipment is a Tickets, entire course $1.00
Students'LectueAscato IKt
The Association sells tickets, not to "make money,' hat to he able to huing to the Watch this space for S. L. A. an-
University :,f Michigan the greatest orators, lecturers and entertainers of the world, All nucm nsaddts
money is returned to the student in the form of lectures. nucmnsaddts
MLvvA ;D9 Spring of 'o3eWoolens have arrived contain
ing prettiest line of Ilome=Spuns ever shown

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