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May 21, 1898 (vol. 8, iss. 175) • Page Image 1

…VOL. VIII. No. 175. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, MAY 21, 1898 PICE-3 CENTS. At Wild's Spring selections just arrived from the East. Call and inspect our..... Suitings, Trouserings, Top-Coats. NO. 108 E. WASHINGTON ST. NEAR MAIN, i, ORACLE BOARD, The Election To Take Place Next Week. The warring factions of the fresh lit class met yesterday afternoon and agreed to hold the meeting for the elec- tion of the Oracle board Tuesday after- .. ...…

May 21, 1898 (vol. 8, iss. 175) • Page Image 2

…THE UNIVEM~ITY OF MICH[GAN DAILY.X ... :f Published Daily (Sundays excepted) during the College Year an THE UNIVERSITY OF MIHBIAN. OpicE: Times building, 329 S. Main St. Telephone (New State) 19. MSANAGING EDITOR J. F. TisosA, 'S0L.. BUSINESS MANAGER . H. HAN,'00 L. EDITORS B, B. SaotLoMAlo. 8 L, Athletics. E. L. OInSMn,93) L G. D. BIIOTT, 'H T.iR. Wooooow, 598 F. Elop1sAno. 9. F. D. ESOIAt,00 R. S. DAOFOTH, '08 P W30101, 99.' . H LUNs,'00 ...…

May 21, 1898 (vol. 8, iss. 175) • Page Image 3

…TruE UNIVERSITY OF MlICHIGAN DAILY. Novelties in -Spring Clothes YOUNG MEN'S NATTY SCOTCH CHEVIOT AND SERGE SUITS, GOLF SUITS, TENNIS SUITS, BICYCLE, CRASH AND LINE SUITS. All wool serge suits $7.50, $10 and $12; Crash suits* at $6.50; Linen suits at $5; White duck tennis pants at $1.50; White duck golf pants $3.50; All wool bicycle pants $3.50; Youth's all wool fancy suits $10 and $7.50; Men's all wool serge coats $4.50; Mien's alpaca coats $...…

May 21, 1898 (vol. 8, iss. 175) • Page Image 4

…THE UMIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. \ " Millillery! LARGEST SHOWING NEWEST FANCIES "Fiteo et Weareo" We throw in this Latin motto with every pair of our celebrated Cornell Shoes 0FOR LADIES, 3FOR MEN. 119 South Main Street. JOS. W KOLL AUF MeTAILOR Makes a specialty of GraduattIng and Full Dress Suits. W. J. BooTa. Pres. W. ARNoD,1st Vice-pres J. V. SaitzAN, 2d Vice-pres. JOHN C. WALz. Asst. Cashier. ~Sat-Sams - Bank; Transacts a general Bank...…

May 21, 1897 (vol. 7, iss. 175) • Page Image 1

…-daL tt lu t AIL. MW VOL. VII. No. 175. ANN ARBOR, M[CHIGAN, FRIDAY, MAY 21, 1897. Four. PAGES-3 CENTS. Receivedi a full line of Novel- ties for Spring Suits and Trouserings 1 89,-&7 NO. 2 E. WASHINGTON ST, NEAR MAIN. CIGARS TO BUN...# anid' good ones too. We $carry all the leading popu- lar brands and can suit your taste. Cigarettes and 0 Tobaccos, too. 0 j PALMER'S PHARMACY. 465S. STATE ST. College Meni! College Girls! While cltivatinz y...…

May 21, 1897 (vol. 7, iss. 175) • Page Image 2

…THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. f dll~ Communication f EioU.of -M. Daily: KIN( ( -It appers highly probable that the $ 6,)* . 0~ Published Daily (Sundays excepted) during toube in the frshman law class oxe-cchL the botunieglegyear Msars iddle THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. t n etirt ota ned Orion1: Times building, 71 S Main St be tween Liberty and Wiiiam Sts fhe cli-ssneetin at xhichi the ro- an-d MANAGING EDITOR lotion peviously yien in te Dai...…

May 21, 1897 (vol. 7, iss. 175) • Page Image 3

…THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. The Coast Line to MACKINAC -TAKE THEt-' _MACKINAC T 3 DETROIT PETOSKEY The Greatest Perfection yet attained in Boat Construction-Luxurious Equipment. Artistic Furnishing, Decoration and Effic- lent Scrvice, tnsuring the highest degree of COMFORT, SPEED AND SAFETY FOUR TRIPS PER WEEK RBEWEEN Toledo, Detroit and Mackinac PETOSKEY, "THE S00," MARQUETTE AND DULUTH. LOW RATES to Picturesque Mackinac and Return, in...…

May 21, 1897 (vol. 7, iss. 175) • Page Image 4

…s.tiKOLAF & CO Merchant u7 Tilors, 10 E. Washington St - Up Stairs. The Man in the Moon rMay not be thirsty, ut if he weree, he would at...... Parker's Corner Store, STATE ST. AND N. UNIVERSITY AVE ndget aa Ic Cream Soda r ame of hi other Soft Grnas. t'AtIisti is froatiaar every Ball Game ith Fri, Drisks and Peauts. EYES.r THE OPERA HOUSE JEWELER, Cnfurih yea with a Serst-class Fontaln tPoa, Pen and Rin repairing a specialty. --GIVE...…

May 21, 1896 (vol. 6, iss. 169) • Page Image 1

…t, t Voi.. VI. No. 119. ANN ARBOR, MIIGAN, '1IHUTSL)AY. MAY 211,16'[6. FOURc PAGES-,3 ('GENTS. - g ~= ' THIRD GOES TO M ICIIIGIAX.' We Must Move 11 ' The store swesonowouy has11I i cttttt13U hjsssssn isoat Eott it1 eenssold. We mut seekissne Ill Si quonters. 151 Point and Beaten 9-1. IWe lust Close Out 411 It'l 01 Mirhigo1t1 ethas ioin clessither sil- oW iitOsto t fs ic g odis adt il } iei( " . t's. oii iri retit s 1c1III1 'lo1'ltj O t'P ...…

May 21, 1896 (vol. 6, iss. 169) • Page Image 2

…THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. FIN L CCU XI'MA E. Abiells, bitt only detrineidc to play + p etFNA ACUNIM Ifi the best bail they art able to lot up, JUliuIs Caesar Fund IsS Satisfac- tatd to represent the west it as cied- Published Daily (Sunday excepted) daring toiilyDide.talmnerspoil. the Coliese year, at 1)vde- Prof. Stagg anid Capt. Abello wire secen yesterday before the gamie. THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. A moeetinig iwas lieuldast nigb...…

May 21, 1896 (vol. 6, iss. 169) • Page Image 3

…THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. MJGHIGAN CGENTIRA1 Time Table (Revised) March 1, 1896. Mail aed Ex -__3 50 Mail-...... 5.8 N. Y. Special.... 5 00 N. Y. Special_.. 7 0 Eastern Ex-..10 1 N. S. Limited.... 9 25 Atlntic Na-__.7 39 Pacific ENa-__12 15 D. N.Express .... 5 40 Westersnax---2 00 G. R. Epress ..11 0 IChi. Nt. E....10 12 G.REx-....557 0. W. Resson, 0. W. HAYES, i. P. & T. Agt., Chicago. Agt. As Arbor URAILROAD. Time Table im j 1, 196....…

May 21, 1896 (vol. 6, iss. 169) • Page Image 4

…THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. Highest Tribute Ever Paid to a Bicycle! Now York, Marcia 25th, 1896. Mr.W. C. Pawley, Sec. Jersey CityY.M.C.A. The National Board of Trade of Cycle Manfactrero herey sanctions a pbliexn- hibiion of cycles, accessries adsundris, a1 the Y. M. C. A., March 27th and28th. Thin sanction in granted on the axpronssornder- standing thatinehiitin of VICTOR BICYCLES will be permitted. Yons tly, R. L. COLEMAN President. ...…

May 21, 1895 (vol. 5, iss. 164) • Page Image 1

…je . o AL VOL. V.. No. 164. UNIVERSITY OF M.ICHIGAN, TUESDAY, MAY 21, 189. PRICE-THRlEE CENTS. AINNUAL FIELD DAY 'It- Stuart, 'Pit; .. 1.' It; 1-.IF. ____C_(ary, '(08; L. M-artiu, (Pw L; I.t.ll. THIS AFTERNOON PROMPTLY IltultilTS011, '1) AM. AT THREE O'CLOCK. Shot putatH. Maulha~l, W. H. 'T'Il i on's1, 'd .Itutrhli.:'lau, 'P37; .1. Entries for the Various Events- : LoI' thy; J. . Ilap<1, ' I' P Officers of the Meet-Cold andt Silver Medals...…

May 21, 1895 (vol. 5, iss. 164) • Page Image 2

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. Published Daily -(Sunday excepted) during the olleg year, at THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN Orroce Times building N. Mule s., pposite Post Oice. EDITORS. J. A. LOYo, '156, Managing Editor. A. W. Snoy, Special, Assistant. XW. A. Seitm,'S6 L, Assistant. E. It. S DEon.nis.s, '6, Assistant. H. COLu ,9'1, Atleic Editor. G. B. ilsoussoN, '51 L, Business Mlanaer. .S. Pcciii,,'50 L, Assistant L. R. IlAssnon, Assistant. Associate Edit...…

May 21, 1895 (vol. 5, iss. 164) • Page Image 3

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. X1GHIGAN GN Time Table :Reviaed) Nov. 18, 1894. EAST. WEST. :Mail and Ex-_3950 Mail-______8 43 N. Y. Special.... 5 15 N. Y. Special...- 7 30 Eastern Ex---10 25 N. S. Limited.._- 9 25 A. M. Pacific Ea---12 15 Atlantic Ex.___7 47 P. a D1. N. Express.... 5 40 WesternEx Na.-2 i2 G. R. Expreass.__1 05 Chi. Nt. Ex-.----12 l.REx__s.___5 57 0. W. RUGOGLES, 11. W. HAYES, G. P. & T. Agt., Chicago. Agt., Ann Arbor. T., A. A. & N. M. ...…

May 21, 1895 (vol. 5, iss. 164) • Page Image 4

…THE U. OF M. 'DAILY. I T H TAI "OR, Chicago. Has arrived. Now at Room 9, Cook House. 1,000 Patterns of the Latest and Nobbiest SUITINGS and PANTINGS ever shown. Imp orted Clay Worsted Suit to order, Sack or' Cutaway, $91).00. WLL FT. THE IOE0COL AtvID C ,P A AhetcSupis. WAAAKRtalrs2 mlsSfcot Ardy.H Al, Atlti uples ANMKE aios 0mie o 10hpe ay e boW T at enorit I~o It av ~l fliotil ooil the iii t. of --AT- GASEALLLAWN TENNIS, the Wvhl'el (l...…

May 21, 1894 (vol. 4, iss. 167) • Page Image 1

…c . a , . ai n, VOL. IV.-No. 16T. OBERLIN'S OUTRAGE. She Faces Us to Play in the Rain ana Jeers Us on the Field,-A Mob at the Train. It was a very solemn crowd that stood around the DAILY office Satur- day afternoon and watched the re- turns come in. From the very first inning things looked blue, and by the end of the fourth all hopes of victory had fled. As a rule excuses are sought, but the score of 17 to 3 could not be accounted for, an...…

May 21, 1894 (vol. 4, iss. 167) • Page Image 2

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. -J ..c S of j" Trb(. control will meet and decide to seve " all athletic connection with a col lege whose students have shownvo s Publshed Daily (Sndays exeepted during few gentlemanly instincts and whc ua{Cll liew) ar, by THE U. OF M. INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION reward hospitality y personal at- tack. 'Varsity Field Day -- Entries for the 'Varsity springl OwixoG to the crowded cosdition feld (ay to be held next Saturday of ou...…

May 21, 1894 (vol. 4, iss. 167) • Page Image 3

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. THE CHEQUAMEGON ORCHESTRA. LEW H. CLEMENT, 5196 1AS. MlST. irector and Manager. MIGHIGAN GCiNTF Time Table (Revised) Feb. 1 th, 1894. EAST. WEST. AM. A. M. Atlantic Express. 1110SMail & Exp...80 D. & J. Express.. 7335 Chc. Stil.....7 05 G.R. Exp...1105 N. S. Limite.i.. 1030 P. M. Y. . Mail and Ep..418 Fast Xest'a Ep. 155 Fast Eas's Hp.. 928 G. R. E........ 5a N. S. Limited..1 33 Paciic Express... 55 OW. RUGGL.ES, H. W. HAe...…

May 21, 1894 (vol. 4, iss. 167) • Page Image 4

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. Don't Ca/Il Your Lad y iiia 5Gac iilos es S\he t doo f ouroo tesyo A Ftine Hat for $2.0 . At the Potulr Outitter, Calkins' Pharmacy. WD S 3 & AW E ON EOOIEJ=? -'EJ6ZWM&r j= NO. 6 SOUTH MAIN STREET ___________________________________________ AND STATE ST., CORNER OF WILLIAM. - 1-4-7E A FiTi JZ AB~SORTMET TT OF' --- TENNIS, BSASE BALL AND SPORTING GOODS WV~nclo the}- offer at prices Guaiainteed to be as Low-,- s caii Ile O...…

May 21, 1892 (vol. 2, iss. 165) • Page Image 1

…uf ltl* vo. 1.-Na. 16. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, TMAY 21, 18S92. THE PROHIBITION CONVENTION. Forty Michigan College Men in At- tendance. U. of M. Annual Field Day. University Minstrels. Th'le following are the 'Warsity FieldIl Mlay a2l. ... I ''hle _11 ihalum Inter -(Colleg iteo ,~s~ P'rahilsitiin cnvntonbenits ses ic ioowrillash. sions at Newhoiry Iliii, yesteriayiv 20 afternoonan't 330, wtiii'inad rss j_1.t of welcis yA V.A...…

May 21, 1892 (vol. 2, iss. 165) • Page Image 2

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. c , L .. Iiiighanm, a guest of H. D. Je- 01 sell for a few dlays, represents tbe enterprise in Ann Arbsir. pablislied Daily (Sundays excepted) during Thbe valuable collection of books, she Collect t-ear, by preseintedl some- time ago by Mri. THE U. OF M. INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATIONI Duffieldl, of D~etroit, to the Presby- Oa~cejtltsipeceP255lie ca, ~taea~~'terian rtiurcb of Ann ;Arbor, is nosy iads-ant','singicocpica a.3rcnts. ...…

May 21, 1892 (vol. 2, iss. 165) • Page Image 3

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. STIFF)- HAT -. SALE. Spring Suitings. Choice of any Stiff Hti the house (Yonmans and Knox excepted in Sx.O0 and $5.00 quality) forI LARG CE LINE Latest Styles of Hats. ±OF TRUNKS AND VALISES. This includes all Hlats that sol for ;;2.50, 'S,3.00 indtl$'5. ( 3 Days Only. Friday, Saturday and Monday. May 20, 21 and 2:3. Coot early iand~ get your size. NOliltSLINiEtFNE CEWEAR, EW. ETc ., AT THE J. T. JACOBS COMPANY, ~EI~ ~...…

May 21, 1892 (vol. 2, iss. 165) • Page Image 4

…THE U. OF M. DAIL Y. WE. ARE THE PEOPLE. ANN ARBOR ORGAN~ COMPANY. New WarerPO 0110s,(Co111r1of Alain , 111(1 Liberty'vStreets. I \aill -obel i fle 1Ba111''1)y3pacig1 afiee soc1f5uiar11s l~ 1 0111, lilI joy, et. RRICES THAT WILL ASTONISH YOU- Find 7 =zs ' Mv27c nwonm 2,5 Sou~th FourtlhAN-ell e, City. YOUR GIRL 'Albany Law School requliredl. '11111) , 1 epteniber, 1111111000 111111Marcel. Fin C hacolateS ENTRANC:E AT ANY TERM. 51 Ful ors f Ins...…

May 21, 1891 (vol. 1, iss. 162) • Page Image 1

…e 4& 1,44k . of , nl. Wa Ip. ViO..-N i; i2. The Eastern Trip. The base-ball team will leave Ann Arbor in their special car, for the ]'ast, on Frisday eveiningp. Their car will be alttallced to the 9 :30 P. Inl. North Shore limitedl. flier reachli Eticas-.Vat1 'lc Saturdlayosorii.i In thle atr noon they wsill plassti II sHaiistoin Collegetins. sevsoon swillI psoba- (lii Mlsiiasyisthe 2tlithels iils isill Ilay15ths.ttam5o11tsitlt-ns 1 iiiy of c ...…

May 21, 1891 (vol. 1, iss. 162) • Page Image 2

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. : . f it. htr e THE U UOF 2M. NDEPE DTASSCIL ONY'r Aoo A~b2 ~ Stitt' U 1'.. ii ls uF2.s i 2 i. .t''l -w. ii Sl1. 't :. t .i t he.fll. 1 m lm 21.1 I2'' l t 'f't ('2. 25 1 .21.}i L'. of .\l. nine will go ofl its east- trim t it I } ciital, tit<' tl 'I11 })v V:cI'. t l:lt t i i? t' !(iii l}'. pr(ecede(1by'a repulttion Mati -dirty gall- it A ll Vin- i allt als theThen whocon 'ntcn e V.111 ,1 1n I :_l ii c f V te r oi. a- J W N ...…

May 21, 1891 (vol. 1, iss. 162) • Page Image 3

…THE U. OF M1. DAILY OUTING OR NEGLIGEE 8HIRTS. Yoo are nI l lh o11intrt ed ll( the oalm,' o re 10 ,11 We VOliao madele 101 1 Slc altn110, Siv'o11 o ld cu tll and l - wa'' 00 we ~~5,0 Vi~ i''V 1'laO olliW \''l ' I 11. No~l1'1(' 1,1 Ci1 Old Ut. of ..Should have a University of Michigan Guitar. lPrices''o owetOO''. t .l Ii ,I I . St . o'aor o I <d VIV (11-V l the radc. Violin a iloaltati 0'i 10 t 5 i.; Ilanjoandawl lal to ohio "11ilI-s. etS.10. ;...…

May 21, 1891 (vol. 1, iss. 162) • Page Image 4

…ZTlrlLL §t1013.t & f y. TILFIZ SOAPS ixi x _! x'i'_.._,'x U _iai i. 1 "i '~i r l; E ti Ab F 'i xxxxx' i'x xx ts xxx xi l IhaS N '\x.llttxi x 1"tIZ~ ,x', .' ' .i 'I' .1i li tt 1+.;> ., . . x1lti. Aixxt' 'ai. xi.ifx t'ctz ti lac. 'a 'xM v' I~ x ixxx ' 1 1ttxm' letx': ai xx ix.l t ix'x'l~t, isI the1 ihos t for ll illw;1"- ses xtfxi illvv', lIf it B. F. ei.LftR,(K, M anager I"I. 1a ,,.J, xx6.U-5 , xx"xkiill IxaxixiG l'xxxts iiAT'i'.x N xxIonxourt ...…

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