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May 21, 1894 - Image 4

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U. of M. Daily, 1894-05-21

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Don't Ca/Il
Your Lad y iiia 5Gac iilos es
S\he t doo f ouroo tesyo A Ftine Hat for $2.0 . At the Potulr Outitter,
Calkins' Pharmacy. WD S 3 & AW E ON
___________________________________________ AND STATE ST., CORNER OF WILLIAM.
- 1-4-7E A FiTi JZ AB~SORTMET TT OF' ---
WV~nclo the}- offer at prices Guaiainteed to be as Low-,- s caii Ile
ObtainedElisew heie.t.. .. ..
?; N0D Z z WTJiU E TJUREAT Steiniliiir, eiiiireted i
®' ° 26L WabashAveneChicago Aitt tdwitte ao e ach te A Hw, oto. o r etc tpiu lice $1.50
Uin iq e i a.M ut cuzlt tom bes ae 1 ci al ty ioc i ptie tistet ire
q el ia it i t i, in it ok t t c SAMPu o oo I RCUL ARS.cIu vnt a ecial co rcii I N. AR OLD, Jcicctei
tupon u t u AninCAibir0wiefoi seciltoctls
mr5T:E G-EO_ E .s0..PARK EuR ,F'oTTNr'A=Tir PEi_ I WE ARE IN IT
'AuWth u ie Lieot Importdoad
fl. i fFFEEIONG OF THEPINK Iutit-te ihuluc iqualiyiof Gold P iio.It ouiiwanttDotesic
itbetak fouthe iPARKER.IC Ituti tedctoatig fee upunaii at ionuT 0 he Putket Pn
Cu.,tutn-ile, i. Sheehan & Co Etutuuic Aget- iniAn Atrot, ISPIN an A RI
i OJ4 (;.lI o 15 oitSestoo 1100 eo c'ttoi(r eci u r! yu
ine stuilStogie-.IW 5 i vcle 9. 14 Ito
Lii ~ ) y2 ieitte e ~c Ittutu er ii t I-G 4 /L 3
Itmotod a 15e utal utan i t ito. =
Rooyal ]ut. oi ~ ~t a i tu rIt-C, t-I'; IILOS
It the LEADING SCHOOL. OF 0ttrt50. sag. Atto fiteat tug -t-. i tI3 -Ke at Citt tb ,.,.to tot.
nitcett ti ;iineitteacer;eat te dne;oiuot tely Ioy <itrs_ 0 eLONoUZ Et as ingon NEAR
____________________ _____ _____evning_'elV Non " E.-Wash'ngton- -MAIN.
open tit;entuoeyr o m ecial radutt eto le ut:o44 South Mae Street.DE N k AM N V
liing ret e $2.toi52.75ter eeeit i eeuifat iut- AaaArbor Mich. 7 7
.t.CLA.Peo UNIVERSITY NOTES. A Muical Feast.13cjc s
-ANN 4RBOR -- Coutnu1t3fomcg1poes.
p.71 1 )AS Jit N Vv 1lonMond veingy) revers eingofthatrhGrraandgerus's tency of Ihe orctteotratio t BihopFoey hiandhe ochorusobied itIth exelI es~
23t SOUTH FOURTH AVE. cdemy. could only reott in atn excellent
E. S. SsepitvSs, - Matgr, h uteshdue o aodyinterpretatiosn ofthe gret Italian your wheetro n\I du 00 o t sopa
at te A hltcprductiotn. ottltia uu. t Iiyt0~ e iut i es a:; i-uti
no+ rs origotog e thetc field be.sytu otilsui A-t ie ug to otuu i t -
1vEB.STIER'S we 9 n OcadLk a At the opening of the cotcert te- iaoiiite ountyuslt <tytu keututuhnd
INTERNAT~IONA L. tot played on accottnt of raitn. IPrcof. Stney attouuncedt to the X. STAEBLER
Ntouree DICTIIONARY large audietnce tiat the attendancee __________________
etv" °cu t. Oueeooeot Ptrofesor IHinsdale oill begints!f at te fetival thad een uch that - -
"nariuidgeuo"uces vts oa
w A itionari, series oflecttre entitled, t"111otc the scesof the eetwsassurd. S O E
__uGeegraphy, tlca eutt aIltso lpraisedl ittahigh inanstucr
- BSI ietiu, tc. Titgtt eoot ie2 t h le work of Mr. lsnit Molen- S0IG SY E
4jJ etrtB 5tridEdoule Witl theseoclecttres coursee IF, "3'hcuhater, whoassistedl i the cot-
I Abrestothe'rin~?es Hisorry of MCocern Educaioti will dciuo t-tsNoOWsta t~t READY.
y cotnclute. They are given in roomtsceoo eetoststhsbe ELEGAINT
IoD..Brwrsucsflrc tin ta ha bentt u ie tuu , 2ru I at 3 1p.ttt.on T edas Wednes-oil~ S O T E T
tiouuu> e titttuioottuut9accorded this festival," s i ou." A SO T ET
The cue Geuettndardd ftority- days atnd Thtursdays. Satnley,"taso demuontrated the fatIPICES RURxT.
C.NlIIIOIlA.l ctri.~tti~. Thse two coursea in history- it cot- that the p~eople of this city and the
w"iucottei tltouotet. Sciutolitut t ut- nection with tle Summer School sae apeit ahg rd f SEE
Ls-n to rerttuoanenetculitos. will be given by Dr. Webter Cook, musical entertainuent." In tank- OUR LINE OF~
of the Detroit hight school. Dr. 109 the adience for tieir aid, he RAZOR TOES.
PALACE + BARBER +~ SHOP Cook ook Iis degrees at the Ui- assured them that at the net festi-
Ned.t4thtuuueu'. . H. OWEN, to"l"Tl.D mato o aut
Noi q. Eat M z orn -t.itppoiote tuittversity, and is now engaged in teach- val ti se tdmnaios f Fus"
Hio-s. HotLOttCod cnd Sea iatt Baths. tor- O hslr. Cndeaoto fwudbeleetd by rits f
ceutittub. 5ingohistory. Street.eDoworses. ol epeetd byatsso
health have compelled All.. E. W equal merit to tose of this egagee 7S M I T
H !ltp l9CA E E 4ili ik I,.WahntnSrt.D wto relinquish these cuss ment. eo1 .M I I

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