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May 21, 1896 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1896-05-21

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t, t

Voi.. VI. No. 119.



We Must Move 11
' The store swesonowouy has11I i cttttt13U hjsssssn isoat Eott
it1 eenssold. We mut seekissne Ill
Si quonters. 151 Point and Beaten 9-1.
IWe lust Close Out 411
It'l 01 Mirhigo1t1 ethas ioin clessither sil-
oW iitOsto t fs ic g odis adt il
} iei( " . t's. oii iri retit s 1c1III1 'lo1'ltj O t'P iIll(togfo. lBloolastg'lt
w111 it ellgood sisow sue iI
somean mt'ytthiiito tboyers t i'.tttOe Oltt 52151in ttoicoit'r'It tllso l tt't'
i a _secssod, Ctattin 11oI-'s ooilt ill
IIit Itll ute o4°lits tonl; in ssort i ll the
1W It yesu e-tt it' thio- is tiIto 1
:iN0 mui oie lei our tites tiss 1 pittointis intt Mci--'itjtt i ai ittttli Avere
1tTHE ANN ARBO, ORGAN CO.,'131t1iresult ltvettoll ot Ott"ondit-1311eit
#II s.MINS'. ~itt tiseC'hica'otseroissJ to 2.
N UYBN-URBCYLE. lilt VW'atkits settillss oeds'l iscst a t
___,11 st rof 'Iicaot's batsment i1to.sstl it;'
tlsilelil w r a e h -',1

{ lilolils <1it1 2ti slltgii' ItMi1Eittli'. GNRiOGAMi' IIT
iitlitei' stilby 1Sisigie, t1 soleit b'so Opening Iof the Sevenith Season
tatu Dzi's lilt.of AMa r Festival C oniceit*.
lit'('i ever totty' ittslittg wsi-tas


'stiltsitof teics' jittithe list'ttrtlisss'
ii- a. aiics. st oii-it se' d;1]i
by Clrk 'lttl(It' set-titicl ists' by astwisis
li),1oelr tsllssss'4l by l Ireisslilt 'tisi:
Chclott suteioti'illlitgt'5 (it 11i0
the fielil andutu tiliat. ('tisigit's llsyi
s at heriis islis- Gtltu sit-Vt-il iitlitis's



l. i'tlIttttI'ittwa rd o ts hisseisi eriustilty ly 210 po l tese l,
s s or d i s t :f 1 -sb t fi v et hi t s f o ri l 1 1 1c t u t i 's sI i' sf l o w kit - - 0 t e s io r
lust'n 'ssi - -- 5 I2 i5 t i
lito iili.ills ti i't I i tl tutu sio i t o: ti i hitii'ss tp iii iis > 0 I1 is
fis on b l' o k 1f )nv5 _ 1 2 0
it 'slis'Iiiit c'liio tli't' l It'tit 3oniiti-i s'C %- ----4 05 02 is ]i i
Collapsible and can be Ot. --ts-t' --ii--0-2- 8 1 1
tatd Mi-ititty lhd iittled-tirt. io' sy -
carried in the vest1ibs ostaliseilaisilWatinsio rie'ilo T ot al -------Clll3t3'A 0 :: 278.
S -ct errtote ofit se nt-i der fom i itiisti All 11 iiil110 A 14
pocket. Just the thingN-hlIL------5a41a1
hloittgstio's litti. lloltisss sss Ilt - ' c___________2 a 0 - 0
for wheeltn m and camp outtb3,- aishurt:lilt t iltchesr asdil0liii' jel,1)-------
r Afdk it itl it i itrl lili.' siI O tin-son b i-----20 0 2 ii 3
Deou -s bsott isiSlt-os- ili4r ts - ie- i'tii0 0i0" 1
soto sun . I l i l iii' f otnlil. till"s latrikelit, tiitt.i-isst l'tntle
irst e' --is i-- lisr'sto Iai0 1 4ta 1 i 1ty .-ik
S.' ahigo .St c r iMS nne b u tt~il-. irds oi l l styte it isan -r1 s 2it 3olsis6se 7lst heissie
Dunsstriin -out nd S ield flyng Uica-o --------__4 t0 it10 o1 0 0isy
Fo rtuve ttoe sor',it. cIntic t h siieto's' as e (ti t 3s- ttiler hits teit i e - Oes -eert
i .Wasingon t. ~r.'st~ebse it-- ltS t. Robe sey-A
______________________ in re'tiing the sid ithllotut a n. bTes. ttutsiteout-By Wtiis 8,sty Clarite
3 Viuld pittt-W st its. lilt ott itse
*ryy p T q mTotildsaded ati hler score ii inte Aliti'-an'ttt10, (lsti-is0 7 i'tsiire-Si's', o
PAR i.10 A 11TI ATT O !$ lilitist'teveosnsd. Timse-'t:10.Atseisslsssoe-205


lit'e s-tll sooolo yCosrissaii ii Iiissl
I'issi os-rie's wsill its'gist-t lilli lt
Iiii'it sitg i11,111,' t sii 't( W l. ' .'ts oi-il
its'lim',siiot tesot. tut lii sills
si thest 1' t isilt aitlit'he sil 52t'
sopnisso; hiss G(li tush'lsts' Sumll
1Mi-. Bis'ts lrolit-i-ithu teillor,'stsdI -1r.
(xsrtslits''i. isitiostlists-~s. 'is' C'horatl
1-11ii'Isis800 oiess ndithseli Boiison
I scstls'stl ttt'tlleti'-- oftt it' ti llis. s lOit
lilwis s ol -sstsshss cyitill ,lsicil
'il'sll flsslstg rlttititti is-ll Ito
1 ohu- in A(4 'ii's NlI.: itissi
I tilste-ist. i'Al -- Issilsd;i lssolil
sitd Tesi' l'sssis, Ii. ls'ltt't'i
iltto.Tlt,. silts sit.C('lts tatd
I'.01' I I.
' 'leistintutud lsosldes: 1t) Ito'-
(i),Iostons' Llt'ti'sll lie-sits sss'
(b) sIs I'. 1 to Ills'Wtlss-itologe-
Feslstil tio-li'sli-tt. I5isgog: st)
'I'tttuu'stt; l(b) Selsili-ill M; iss
Shtn . ie ll'Meisltersinger: log-
n's desi-- ,tli'-Mli. Ilinli-i; Viii-
siul.Botioniti Ii'clil tit'u'itsltt.
'98-'99 Track Meet,
bte ns-thtlo t-as.s I.1,T. I hold,
1E. BI. Canikins aod ..T'l' stiisl-
senttedl '98; andtl (. ('. Aillnt, It.I.
The list's- will iocoe ott Iliosittly,
Jiun- 1,at 4:1.3 tatd isill ilt-lidttl he
tfolliow'intge-is-ils: 100) yatrdls dasl, 221
yardsO idishi,otne-fourslthimilernt, tilt-
isslt hum i-ito.ntils'ns.120 yard'is
hturle,- 220 ytairdsliusrtlt-, high ;jlpl,
iruiniingitroadiljumt~, plull-viulst, cshot
puitit ndlhait ersts hrowt-s.
'The Captaoisof (lie teas'turllg- sll
cainidaltsfoti helit- as-tsto ireport at
the atlestic fieldi (i's-y' sfternoonn.
Thter-havte lies- ittse a mitisotift'9t9il
iss-sn otfor lpraltice, hut sthe '9u-isis
didttts hase slot shtownt sp as well.
The pbtioograph~ of tlie 'II i'ireity
ball toastsireitntly taken ity lahdalsll
is on- of the best group pictores ever
takeen in Aoo Arbor.'

The Leading Tailor,
anddonly direct Importer in the city,
has jush received isis entire stock of
Foreign aod Domestic Woolens for
;Spriog, and Summer '96, at
Is oil Dress Suits a Specialty.

thsird. After reatrhil; igrstelonl a' fly'
into right he N-scfornced to scossoI

Webster Program.

by a bose oii balls, inatde a plret lty '0 l'ebstser Society -ii'lllprsensit
cile astol tub hued, assilthint aestheliiftolloinsg plisouiii tits istcisi
It-oe ons-Mc~inneys lil to In ten. ltmoronsiight: 5Musc, 1-. A. Sorrel;
It wssint hess-fouthl, hoiever,thasst(dtelamtioniiss, :. 11'. Lawssler; oratiout, 0.
the Mlichigantmcin battledlthrousghslie T.1'. Xlhuiglt; iimpromtus,1E.IR. Shot--
lint antdlscored foot-rns. Lown'ieyesraft, I'. S. OCarney issidAX.Os it. ie-
rachedflrst oin a shsort lilt toltin],lite, "Resolved, Thasst thepatry ('tai-
tolt seconidonta siwiidtrois-ainilslobleuidttssfor ormiiation lshoisul public-
thirsd. I he 1meant555ime5 Blooinug-sltonly ieelsuse itemselvssot t heis-miport-

-touok hIis Oase oni oalssandit lmesht ant suishestionts andulissues of thle ca-ut
S 'nini~i1 S ale took flurston a fielders clinics-.Shiltiuis hailtK" taffirmtivie, Mr. Blleniht and
mtadhe a ht ilt ichtstored Lsownsey, but nr. \W'aver,'in, gasI'u-. Mr. Myers sod
B~loominugstoin sias casughut at ths- tlate.MrWhes
Baseball Supplies, Lawn Mlceistzie sacriflesd and Abells tutu Memorial Fund Raised.
Tennis Rackets, Lawn Tennis Adkinson trieud to cats-h Shields be-
Supples. Sortig Goos ~tween first and second, alloiwinug '-1bhessenior Isasi'classisis-hyestersday
Hlmues to steatillo bases anid score,toIk-trlsreisistle alr
every description, besides giving Shields seconud ho this-uhaeiec.susu'sl Ini esi i
SEE OR STCK AN PRI ensoi. Thirseboors- hills buy Hollister,tics's-ht the repot~r ofth comte
S'E OU STCKANDPRIESDeauns and MecIibiney broughit inon secuuriusg ausartiostud th-esotract
Shields and Hollister, atd WatkinsDwtll. wre oPecyIeo
"V l] kH S enided thehagoiny by goiiig out front lons- than, o 2 10 lhavesehe suserils-
shortto irss-d and extra subscripstion; wir's re-
tip Tows, Slows Tows. Michigan added another to her score s-iyed after the bieting. 'The work
Unsiversity Boostore, Opposite Court Housewilbcotpst
20OS. State St. 4 N. Male St. in the seventh by a threebagger by wlbecmetd about Justs 20.

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