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May 21, 1896 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1896-05-21

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FIN L CCU XI'MA E. Abiells, bitt only detrineidc to play
+ p etFNA ACUNIM Ifi the best bail they art able to lot up,
JUliuIs Caesar Fund IsS Satisfac- tatd to represent the west it as cied-
Published Daily (Sunday excepted) daring toiilyDide.talmnerspoil.
the Coliese year, at 1)vde- Prof. Stagg anid Capt. Abello wire
secen yesterday before the gamie.
THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. A moeetinig iwas lieuldast nigbttos
Pitcher Nichols. however, was still
tFicFiti Times biling N. lain st., opposite audit thie receipis of thie varioiti, ie'-
post office. fiiriii'ieesofit Julius Coloar. which jeconfidenit after yesterdays defeat.
EDITORS havre beett gfren this year. The gy'.lebeivi hiaorili iifo
- . ,,, ,..,~ (ortiell anid Httrvard itid bave aL fight-

Gents' Special
Colored :Soes 1
MA.Y 22rd and 23r&

J. F. THOMAS, '07. W. W. THASYER, '96L.
E. L GIttooxt, '98 iL F. A1. Litauts, '11S.
0. II. llxoS. '93. IF. S. tooNSs, '9S).
It. C. UNDERWiO, '95. C. 01. UCocos, 'tt.
C. B. lUARRISON, '9t L.
L. C. NtAicoit, '50i.
W. W. l anites, '9i-. S. It. Smtut '96'1 L.
S. Wt. Soith, '97. NV. Y. lttrili, '98.
C. 13. lRce, '8 '55I. LoutixeDodg-e, '99.
it. 0.Moltieany, 5. it. Cotrwit, '00.
Lola . Dicinslon, 'Uli.

Le(agule wtas rpre'sentedi by Maj. Sol,'
01111Prof. Petter andth ie irltiorical
Assotciationi (y Prof. T. {.. Trutebilod
and ,anager 17. hI. Elil1liolls.
Ricotrdls oft tll receipits 0a110 ouc.
its file all expen'itues-were prreent-
iii 11n11well' prontounce'd to bei bso
luttely corect. Iiibrief theiy Ivere as
Rleceipts. hExpense's.
AimArbior . "1....,$339 700$ 7 4ii
Dettriott. . .1i4i75 2010511

ilo cbattce tiaaistYale,1w illhOtle
11011r two taimes elirhely in tdoubt.

Jacksot ......... 717 11 147ii
'150 sabsreiptio. ulrici oflte Daily hs toledlo...... 2(1:)7.i Ol)t.11
heen redacedito 7=cts in advacecfor thie ret
of the year. Leavc ','thcsriptieitx at the after ideduolit(tle1 monottO wichr
Daily o.iler or withl': . CMelye, C. ociA01. 111110 11111 aned iii'he u'a>oriril
Newx Stanod.j lutil I
Editor of todays 11a1er, Ittls ftiiund that lie total amouti c Ii''ti
E. L. tOElSMitl, 'J8 L. (h111for te til'tlililsiuniii 'tlit vas
$172.42, whiit ile he ratorict Assooeht-
'viie Wagner teiueerltfont--htl will
brgin promoptly at 711110 nnloeu., anon ,lltso$57.112.'Tuis 11111 tilly'dils-
Fraunl-infnky is obliged to lake a p1o1s1s lf all rittorts which havie been1
igal triam foleeCincintia. eDoer's
wini hoopen at 11:1111 ircriitl~tllately cel'ii theg lit' lici
Otir best wishes to wiih ltbritot producition of (his 111a0'11as5 ieell a
on (lie easte'rn trill of our rilhs'. See- greait success 011tisticially ' itdliatoic-
ond only iinitrest iii a iripn11110e(lit' t'ly0.

All Genlts' $.t00)Shoes go at $o.:lli
Will Sell Views, All (Grots' (10.50)Slices go lit 74.019.
Blue lprintis of111 '011 thca i t ildlings All Genits' $.00 (1Shoes go It $4.111.
All Genlts' $4.100 Shioes 10 it -$1.49,.
and view's iii'tie ll'vinity if AnnA, l Gns'$I .11's oat- 9
bior ure 0o be 011111,at verraon' abllltl'lei'se r 11 ic iludt'eeylo'rlsed
Iato li ater e1111 littie ll' y11'esival Slice ill the lhouse, il l 11i11,VInc1111
concrerts l(int' oain IHall. Ti'e1110'tanic. i ill itie latest shades antd
t'tids w\ill b i ti' ed' t1'lto tihefifund ftr toes.
till Womiien's Buiiltliig. A inew 'fea-
toire wtill itb 1111blupint lalbumls ('lilt
pitso tfiterest.'W ashington Block.
Rntcr toe Tennis Tournament.
(atalle fr sthf~e rng;eis ol~a
11110'. gi I t t iitr l's wite siti (t'llr
teilht st. _toreiseratonesheen
tilne ee'ist'ilfliity etook 'iwt iii lx Vf o r ph r
'd1y. 01.I entwsroies ewith (alot'
F~riday 'nighti affuair', antd tecided' lice of D)etroit, will numake
h ltone noe ltinlg to warranit suspeli-
sioll.your sittings every
rishdll1et et o w DI oths beiginninlg July 0, excelenit W[ DDN S A TuRI
hlcationi for those desiringtg o keehi 1
boalrinig 10111dlging thoulseduring the AT-
siiurr schuoot. Apiiily 01'addtress 1S
S. University ave., oitp. camnpus. NO. 5 W, LIBERTY ST.
Stuidents who lhtve relies 11ev wisith _____________________
worked upiiniito bindiig crutgt the LS
best and eheapest worn done ait ABthLIe
Argus bindetrOover theiAim irbor UUL , U
Savings banlk. wt ei
Watcb CiharunLot--Mascitic Watehb e gn D ily 502 pounds
Chal s iiiitbetwteen 12 S. Stile 'aid ridte' .
I'arker's IRestaurant. 7inder is iteA
qitested to leavese atl t Purkti's T he A ---e ica
restaurant. 1". P. Ramsey. tt9

eas1t to' our 010-it ta~i, whlich was
impotssible of lrrihlgrhlurit this 0year
coie~lis thait which, 1is11011'takenl 11y
(:'hicago. 'tile gamtes will it osetlyI
watlched'iby thill'nilirel west. 'Teschied-'
uile'is mit w~liehl is far fromlleasy), but
til douti thiiiagii still leav'e a record of
wuhichb siheItill 111151' 110reasoni to tie
At the request of the Daily'Captaiti
Ilohiles furiished a short article oil
thit('hicato gile for yeisterday'~stia
per', in i illlihe saidl:
"Whehuer' etwill or lost 1 certainily
1h0111'theltclegt' 1will nottlost cioti-
decer as tll must know'tilt spirit
withi which -Michigain's teamsoplaly,
aid that the players tvill not considerr
thitseries lest ho Chiago utitil thit
lootmnis10retiredl ixithue inthiinting
of the dtecidinug guite."
This voices thittiehing of the entire
trai ndiilit shuolul herrciptrocaltetdby
the studeiut bully'i(nevery wayvoy ss0i-
tle for the rest of thet season, A
large rrowd at 'varirty practice wiil
he but a iproiuer recognition of the
showving the team is making. It io
dlue the 'varsity that moire interest be
taken in their -worm than mere at-
tendance at the imiportant home
On account of the coniert the Uini-
versity Schieel of Dancing will not
begin until 9:30 Saturday evening.
Dancing until 12.
There will be a program of dances
at Granger's Academy after the con-
eert Satnrday evening.

I - I


Chicago's Eastern Trip.
Ther thiltago htthi left Auiu Arbor
lust tnighit for thetir lurst eastrn trip,
out w-hiicb h tey 1wil uimeet C'ornell,
Oralige Athiletic Ctutb, 1 tilersity of
PennslvhIaia.i, ali'and t'rincetoni.
The 'wtork of tile' team w11illbhit'calhie't
wtthi a gr'eattdrahliof interest ihroutt,1i-
(ait thue vest.
C'oauch Stagg ill atinitteru icw- on thie
triti said y'ister'dluy afternioon: "1
h'uve'not way to estimaute (hue Cii-
hparuativet strntg of('hicago antO leu'
adveroarieo, as ('hicuago 00 ao yet mlet
Ito teani tha~t hil lpayerd inithit cost
tis seaoon.tW ehopte to Iuw illoe
out the poor work of theutetamis ye
mset thatiautothinug else, butt Chicago
expects to out-bt thue average eastern
cellege leant. We feel confident that
if this trout 'ivutto meet anty ef the
eastent eamxs inl a srries on nieutruil
groundsul, Chicago coutld vin, but in
the conting trip I caineot teretellthit
Air. Stagg would n10t say that hut
expected the teani to soitt a niajority
of tilt ganeoen01 the schedule, buit in
his opinion tile team ought to do so.
"We donit expect much," lie said, "bitt
we do hope a good deah,'
Captain Abell's said be censideredO
the Pennsylvania ganme the hardest
and Harvard the easiest. Ilie alsos
thought that thiey had a fighting
chance of winning a majority of the
games. "The team does not start out
!Confident of the series," said Air.

Lost-A' Kapita Kappa Ganimtu Sor-
ority' key',settwithi tearls, ownerit's
ntamte ona}buickt. Fituerrturno to Ste-
ward's officet and receive rvard.t
Have your bicycle repaired at Nrit-
ger's reptair shop. iteasonable prices.
S N. Fouirthl ave.
Lost-A Liddell aiid Scott's Greek
Lerxicon. Finder hpleause return to
Steward's office.
LOST-A Zta Psi monogram charm.
with owners name on back, Finder
please return to Zeta Is! House.
Wanted-To exchlange a typewriter
in first-class conditien for a bicycle.
Inquire at Daily office. t
Gentlemen-If you huave any second-
hland shoes or clothes you wish to sell,
call at 31 N. Main st 176
If you are in need of anything in
the line of spoiling goods and want It
cheap, call at the Daily office.
Swan Linen-envelopes to match.
Ripans Tahules cure headache.

To introduce this miagnificent
wheol, 1Ixii make a very
liberal discount fromi list price.
It is the handsomest you have
seen, it is.-a beauty.
Repairs all kinds of Gold Pins,
Rings, etc. Call and see.
flflfl26 S. STATE
Call as them for
Fine Lunches,
Fine Chocolates,
and Baked Goods.
Try Ourx Lunches.

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